HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-10-31, Page 8J: F . MW ON 'NEWS- OF. BRODUAGEN V., -BRif F � VA 0 -0 k/ tE R LT 4-i-,ri 10CAL IEW N It W! D Mr.� and Mrs., Ken, Ritchie ti`� Mrs, Mi, arnochainj of Wayne, In,, 'afte ' eral, 1P MKTG d, "Iff USED LUMB RJOR''MALL Mi6hig. tiling Se� CAM BELL AT Larry and Mrs,. Greta Aljcl,eo� ii, Ch kh, Noi I r 'pon"r;pmr.`Rus,� tendcol the, �nliiver_ ces - weeks with heit broth, Sary services� sell,, Coleman,,.. Walton United, Church On, Sun, arke_-Sea� T irst LANS, ARLY START Tuckersmitli, and ANNUAL',A0. -1 -AAME -1EADERS I 3M, hethel, C OF T sister, Mrs. Ephri4fii C1 U N, ON 4ecf-ViSitied with nds. a.n, K'Sump 'Cha forth, is refurr 15 -he C . ampbell - reu Ilion w -R,.,;,K.eN -2-o14,p.lA,_R6Y,, W. erell; 'The "mem 6r5 of the, 'r*of Bee] ding � to her home -in, -a h d, -ported ori tha Septem er'lineeting, I I I 5, e �es, Q d Irg'. RESIBYTERIAN b mbe ��r - oii"LOII ek a -Stuart P rill be ai�6oxnp nied I Commerce bdve been busy round- end ''with Mr, .and Mrs. Mi . Ill hwalton, ;Communiity Hall 'on and read the correspondence A Windsor k Minister. Mon Wa�ne. She: .:and, Mr�. an A Milton Stewart. -and 'Mrs, October 17, *itb about 50..prpse t County'Hom � - 0. ing up material to start'building by , Mrs, A , trip to the e . af -.blin- N,-1Ceyes - of ri, ia , were wee St. Th"W Anglican Church.7- Ali" % ai int'jif playing ith"Mrs'. Gordon end, vsiiors'Wh4-th0ii Inotherit. CHURCH -'eommmilit --The- 'have; _rl. Mr� an&,Mrs­, Sim -Doig, oU d Sheri, 19giiiionolville, progressive -euchre. The prizes. M M ' tawlielide 'Ryan,, bro- se�, , .�,, The.evening,'was sp'c ton, Was-'l)lanned w. Mot= Prayer, U a. Holy the ty all,t77 y cGavili, Its. Mrs-. Nelson'Koyes', and their Mir _�x lb vA,_Lon_ _wet Reta­iOrr­-and� Mr y of p' I -and �rien - _Affts communion the 'first. Sunda urciased two large tractor. -frailer forth,",with Mir. Mrs7 Reuben, Mrs. 11 .0 the-mopth­ . ...... - �77-11 . 4Y­Mrs� -and-fx' Vjt`s:.Nelsbn Reid�and-'- -sAAmesAh0r,_xr�4V1 -Ar-w 7-- -L- eme don,.atd Mrs, Ida Jd�kson Hen- program. __1t ' Sunday 6f the month at 9,'4.m -t ­Loudon..,, " . il --first''and' la in charge of, the' Keye Rev. P Mr.'and Mrs,'Db Nc Turnbull,, �witi the X46 Ii nald Stanek and Sall, motored - It . Laura 11t:Millall, Of Toron- ery Mrs. Jt R.' Cr e. Minister td'r Godertci� with Mr' Miss 1� tchener; and- Mr. and lone hands by s,j�elsqn,'Reid:� All a; e requested to bring c4rd sundiy, School Saday morn- Relatives received word of the family 'of ois London, to -at- , '�: . 'and to, -who spent 'thie.'wieekend at her' death. -of'--mrs. '',E and:Bobby P , rye i tables cards to, tlie.- Novenii � I , , I -EMy$TI3 a as visited on, Satur- H' A. N ing at 10... am. -Rev. J, 11. James, d., . Wemberg Mrs: - 61iff W6odwaitd, and . family, tend the funier.. j Oi their -aunt Mrs ier ineetiiigj.'.wluich will- be family ert - Queren- Foliowing"tte cards, -Neil Turtir, I home here, w Organist and Choir Leadk .1 Afer), Toititlio, -with Mrs. Aib h Rector. aI .1, da Toronto, The c re. pat, Y. w James, Shultz., S e, was ormerly, ano, nigh(,& progressive; eu, h t' � day by,. hot sister and. brother in �,ernacle.-­Sunday q on on - it t r as. held: flier" bull ent6rU &d VAh �two pi, Stanley G Mrs, Robert. Thompstih, Solos kis's Dfalme, Ttirnbull gave for Monday. eve)iingi;., law; 1V d � -s. ray, p6mti tr It ki, - I . . :.� . I , , ii, Alvin, '11�_has returned, ned all .0 X.M. Scl�ool-;�A, a.m.*a and Sher M J� �1-orning Worsh! da�. Mr.nalph Hick rea'di d' g, a solo. , Mrs. 'ttee' ja,,aild 'son Bob of Stratford..: P' d Mrs'. lew,lli . eks visited, in rs. ames a ng-.an� *ith,l the .161lowing commi School arid Youth.. Fel- 11 a�ffi., b inioh', 'Sunday.; Vv-, Members' of United, .1utfieran..'­rY ali home,. fj�6m Simeoe after -having. Church Ethel H-ickwell gaye, a, hunioious li:cllargel ;Mrs.,. E..Steviens, Mrs,. H; P Mr,'aAol MM- Russell Errat, 0 esday,' 8 'Church ,Women -.of St',. 'Peter."�S,, Oren'', 9 With ,ail `*Craig' Mrs: 1E, Douga4 and., Mrs.'Sif�rll y visl or's -t low.ship. p.m..; TV T to, over. the wbekefid spehit -three week. d 6yj were goinda 1�ill W �L` Qu�r6i`g*6s'ser--is. a re4diug� other,., Mrs. David 0 A.M. pm, Bike �.Stuo].Y; TbursdaY, 8 Lutheran Church-,here,went bY bus- � IV I's Iv, the i"�tterls in the' h0nie..,,d'h�r' �.sonj. ':ffidward i6jojl(5��ing, Officers. were -ap- Y.P,.S, -to . Rev a con TI p.in. -PAS r ;,Hi;. Ken-. on Wedu6solity to atte d v� Mr and My;,..- tiarnes F.' Scott T e roll c�ll ,va&.a'uswe_ie4 wi stephefisdn; ;SERMON -"The Man Who" Left Quj�:teng6Ser.aud Iqrs: eekerid at Harbour- pr�sident� Elgin 1lo at HanoVejr,,, of Ahe '.United. . §p Jhe' 'w poiut4lor'195 drick Mitcheil;'f, few weeks- 11,91hat I 'most,, r0rn_,- learn­ idio,�,d -Mi,, and. Ar,�'L(�rne an, Chureh,�Women% h' Liv- cl�in ey -5ecretar�. - treasurer k' Qod Out" I . . , . n ar,� M, , I ni ed Chiiircht;-­10�.00 Luthc� Mr.� � and � Mrs .,Beach;�!Mjc 1. an.. , . , :., , te evision. or reading Mt, d��ti Falls; sp, end music 'Lavern. Wo e Mrs. Nelson., Reid�, program;j Mrs" I S.; T.- Nia _.. i Ch School; 11:0 4enibers o'f' the ' 6 , ji4 i the, na bandas "repor and Mks. Sqine a�, who:, rd 0 a..m;, Lutber League -the fi ' acial with Mt. Let Me L�*e na) 4, -' . 'Lo--.-',. —, _.-grej, 6: 'Don �dttefided the- �sh6wdrii fg�r. Mr� James Turnbull Mrs . Rae Hous- ted ANTHEM sermon' the enjoyed � a I Ha n Social' in. th e, standing, 'Mrs. Harold Bolger., t iag, llowete, then , retu- to ith,,bpr and eturne4with them to N r, MO -Ore) oriiing-- Worship Pie, 'Apd- Mrs Jack- Herald-' a,'ella ton,,'Geotge Wa6i�- luh, h," Les 9 M�E SoLio�-'.'Now­l Belong To, JeWs" P newlyweds" at, Cirple,j ;.! Clarelice Martin, cb-cofiven- a visi chureh'-ba'sethent on Mo day eve-, daughter Mrs. G. appin. p.m., :. Evening Dodg': Fraser Mr%.W� "ift. up-' 7-00 Mr., and Mrs.. J. 'D. Baker,� Huron Pryce, Mrs., ers of Education, took charge' ofi.,- -Miss�- Fr4hces, Houston ha's pe Boeir". Vi i�churchi�'�choGjroom;,fea on mri ay, venipg a -Hack�well, Road ave � I . C.�' f '�isit, with_c6ushls, -----F, -rd 7& - - returhed-iroin it)ip Of the meeting'. turned -rom. a i turing Bible.,study'by- the rhihigter,; -A shower. was held'ifor jj&r. ,iid-Mrs: Johas Dittiner vis - Motor trip to" the'Eastern;:V6itod Ins -a jo in' Toron o. �rittil, Minfst6r. MsGias,Hqrbeit, ric-wl�4eols; ati tituW Plans. Visit A TV and. r d' '.survey wa,�� filled and fi ited in Buffal<j.-.r St rovine'es. Jbilril, 7.0V' M - 5 .' ' ates and'the Maritime P Ouf � by:: M�s Iton, . , - o . I -OcOrit y, ris: bella`16mi If Vnite4l Chure -Dr. Hiiii's'llall on ri ay evc lrrOis,and While.,in Sydiiey reton',Is .- Frank Walters. Aair4- the Harold. Bblger,. iafterl, I - 11 1 1 . 'ting'� with. M ia,;,., een... visi eniple; Minis er; Mr 'and Mr-Wilire& _�vhiidh C. Mrti'li gave the, �hf b S SERMON -"A i 't' 't 4]yle i,Mirfi- They -were piieSentea'with..a'ilamjj Isons Cfiarles Afirbnsi ',and Mr ol 0 f" �Cho . M, .', I Lead6r-i- 11 arid chair. r. and Tifrs.'�Hejrbert On o.- A. G, Routlddigle_ Irs. E. IStIe ki; Durst and -in "'T"o-r-on-to M usic:� mot rgarn8: May Dittiffer.� land- ` tli6f-irisitod, with Rv :and in'�'Walton ConfrilurfatY "One� who'.ceases tula,rn iSOLO-1'1VIy Task" (Ashford) In, �,Tjlihc :�, , . . ts."Jiggh'i' ja�ck, %fto sent Idndest ceases -to � live."t A;repp 'Ir and IT a agdom haiv`e. moved- to Pef�ib'oro 'h Rail!, On: 'Thu -'r -s -d -i ihg�' The r .. ph e Sunday en' s in,Sciaforth. even. andaiiniN4rsary tf6td,, has d' t d" "The becii, gine, on, o -was- 'giv n, Mr.: Orn -C ue. p, X P .,I in:, I ay . � !_ .,, . - S j � bab­�­'Son rQturned home from Scott'� h lid" in ..at MdinoTial-at ion on Sun ay an vis c wi is, el, eY' _ d --- Hi� -endr 6k7 :r'LMiSS Car4le Elder' �-Rev A E HOE Missancy M6gh iStra d regar&_to'. d ari nsecrietai �'__Mrs �:Mdcfedth gudst'mm, the b 'Hall" -'0 ��visitedFrl y evening at A G" I 'Mrs, ujitlg- parents, VI Yoor That Flowdred",(a, must -for Lalyr,�n664":Aloss6r-*�-,Vic,.,_ffibxki,�i.Eos'pital, Seaf6rih. WORS, W-ELC te, , eq-� Schmidt ar IIi Mrs. Doug of Mrs� 1,�s' Vninis MAtkin: Tw6�ty-fi�e Ld Defrol No ring- e socia peri a witli, Mr. an Pop, cOP,eS a_ proV�-Spill'.: rai Sun - 'G cei�_�arid Pau an v 1' an �slsf'wit -the d j7 Ben -a'. t adDu* ool every -Chris iai OMit, Loiine--Dittmer, Toronto� family nd Mrg'', E d li6r - kis. Mary Ditt- S, , I is, mo M J�Mfs­ taii Hil son 11 t t A, --Rdad si*evant very dntertaifting _'th'- poet in., -C ry e,c hur6h Mr. 'E Ti With their ell 1 �School; 11: 30, Mission, 15.anq:- 'k�? -Roy and. Kenn athe--lade— _4g: a- Jyj Howard, and, eSpecialize when'-' mar-i&�praqtice- a b 'TO- could aford.-a inaid. NoWad4y§,: Travis,'MrS S. H�ini- a r- t W nin -fghte Mr mpa Mr. Stepfiebsoi e Toto on on 'ay. P4. A.- Pfeffer acco vere, Mrs at �of" ep erg� t' a out- everyone. can, phries, � an.., and Mrs.* Clarence feffet Air ­ iid:, Mrs. ris; edn- robt R_�,,m6bonald; 'Mrs lette �Mi`6�9 WS: b his mother M A however, us 11 Unes­df� r. b 6 e s eLiW ek d )Ian giii .-',Point -Clat �e�� - and 'Mrs- oy., e er to 6- t'' ve, alservall Pf I .; . -Lb " ' ti-natu�ial, gas., Use am - es Nc Roy: Moim; hd� weeken vis a r R if M usa, Street;'i. h'a�s -ve � and I The 'm6nthjy mi�etjn-g M7,, Tho' ffi mo ern, vitb ier E G M ON D V IIELLILX, - E Mo'gh": who� hia's'.: en on -Monday�-to: :att�n& the.. "er . , , , a p ianc- Mr , dwi .,t I rs. JiBhl; LJL as Vation INS4U R. A RC Y b 60�fi�ede to; Stii" a 1 1' . * ' h s.,pan presei Wya t: t-,, 1 r, son - The, t�m61jdv.jIl6.' Ouq., e ple's 0f� Mrs*,., d We§eri erg.CL visiting. Witi! �t e Qs, lihitural ga 0r0thy. -Kathy 6 ittle -.�nd,�B:Guridary,,graul,"' 0 food, heat NEW COMPOSITE' DWELLING UniollL eve 6r: §6 ' e lime,'. al�o with an'Dihl's acing oll t� Otta and,"ligh-'_ -teik `clathes� di��piose o, 3,0up,-DuEs drdori�,�and avi, in wa dry, your ited - Chiir6h Ivi, held., at,' POLICY 'garet ood dol� charge .of the 'Mts.,A Rose., S, � 1�, arfii;i.. wpddipg. of,,'h �grabdi% krs,�, Thoin i0a "of for,. the, er arbage: an �c Pera- tne ome bULsind� �art o .. the mee iii -full fif� arid liability co_,�.e f. m gplar r4t.4S,:"tQL eL_Of7, jfj,:! J'j daug tie ati of, your All-�adtojnat1'c--'Ii Williams'dn ith' 2� me offers r MissL eage. S Mann, �to Jot in c arg dairghter. of age,at belo evu Ion ya h PV& in Francis Brewin;L Son _Rs.'b6na�oi Bu�han L an bome 6wribits. W 'IQ YtL ge -o for,example., u. 'I',Cha lie rs- For full information, ask'us.-, ure r s op6n6d, with P Weddin'W:�! ofAndreWL n Take-Ahe f 'th')": �tjna I.; r crip W t Skes ��rith Don' Trerhe6r.y6Ad_`the a itip" a Vlor h, t ev,Q� acLial - eL' r -Clark I -exdio'g--PSaLj-m-.'_j' u pre REH -D�rotb �oy�� took th,e't6pic difficult' di SON'L & C a _W T Y, E I ro no rou e The tp b1ir-ner It wa;s dec -ff- Oki ff George in- - C3 eraI Insura ptay , 0 wn to win 6r ided to do nee k ,all ',your Pots� p. erinbstal .-has inci sed froin" Reeve - Ivan - Forsyth E. jhe.LUnitaiiarii,S6rvice Cdmmitte'e. Jack �Tlia&ildk Muhlro. 214 aforth �.CONSTANCE-LTztll standaids of and. pans automatic and the- oven n:.ar 'Mrs- J)an eue --t Da e Area. o more t1fan 0:,900 rsmith, Re �e -Mrs, Thomas d Y'. 6�4 that it Ill bazaar, yas., held arid Bai ligibi, iX,h d'b' h Chesney of Tutike e is so IIi , con,troll �A successi an , ronze, c r . t li h il'the' served b ;i __VTsj _aSf rmanzi� and- Clerk J. M. was acres. Of. th e'four' 6, ridfii�g :.rown tt miplefe -me lun�ch thernums,forine :se, ing,in-the will:,cook a r your, -or S­ in'.OntaribL-�kenate�: Teriftesee ffi-' Unit I ed Chure'Ir,'Unden; on-, Saitur"'' Eckert, 'Of: KcKillopo, Rieee R.: t, Mrs. -Jah� rs Geor­­we6k with tbe.f mex. JOHN k. CARDNQ Y Whi e,ILYOU anVliei,L. H _astj t Jewitt,: I H. entire are on i's ison-.26nly Ahe P._ Rulltt" �day,;, October 11, a 3:30 'or, 6it'reay as,-y6tt Williamson ngS" hopping, and. H�' -name is ­. eing. reebmin ri W were in E thel n, 0, t 't' ., 'L '"' " . - .! I I ' j ' , . 4 ; soil 0 -hour , spa n S, I -,; R. Elizabeth, in, �the4 ront 'door. 'L' �: ' ' , L�l L half , . Hainsonj and , 0 la 5''t d �nd M�s�� Jim- Wil rb C.6ombs is 6 t t e� marriage Walk 6i6l NeWS 6d �at,. 66,.presen I ime. d,�ujht6r; of M'r',.', and; Mrs�: meeting' of the The': gas,'�tekr�96'rator is designedL a Lt. 1is bed hrough sic.knes u son" is 'a,, six TOL A d rm�h exan er., a dulity'i bfficer;g, rt8 William Walsh,.'and Sh'a n erd ASSO'cla-fiti, uen Or8 Vill _e 'd en LEMONIFS' TAX[ rie. Schoanderwo Awned sirong- barley that ylbr�.,' d i; n lia Hage e,. -were V; eken I ) L W4 y ed - U oStS., �at Cbrn`el� niv wMr. and Mrs ardS to ;was devel6j� 3y it will give many, any,yea.s Mr. Thorald Christensen, is leov Wiliam eldest s6n7of I e ou, �ar Mr an Mr's, W-1, -towns Ip Hu, phrie's'arid d Ste 'SE E, We week' by� d Ii 3 for sale,:1h "Canada Whyte : Rulleif 'h' ind PARCEL ity an censei ing MofitrealbyL boat -to ref oftroubi y. All Pmsengers imaured -le er, Poissomi, in like . most ple,i-and, continually after Oerid, he-'LR.ev.' Mr' L ae'Donald fjil"tie.ice, rays,, Mike I -arly. and R(4, for art Hninphries.- h , I I . -Ing ve Mon . s Breadfoot. -is visi�' In yie 'T th daugh- DAVE two b our YCS`le &s CECIL. 'Varle ies name Id, inter l Nlrs,� W t' Cbatfiam. -','They e,ri Ing . " I ' s S, On . . TL ' ingin orionto wit T, and' Mrs; is. Use aim 'Oj,� iss ris, eusen,, o 67&' El e - r, nseh' h' no ikei4 an&tither �refa quar ers ex,-" pkeep iqi�. c A �e Intel den� perfrnled..Is t e dbubl Cb'fi§t6 plained'tb� pilirpose* of'YC9 _Mrs n 4eatu-r-6­whiich'� " `1 - ' Ch lo -se o I a e'r a Fred erley� whiiii fio6l and_igav&_som­d�-ek- ftompani ed the 15rov! es a-, constant supp y of onle: winter -ley d, �fdr ed 1ei father here; keturne.d b t M 9 lCeL C effo' t� on, 'YoUrL 'am no r ubes� ples,.bf �Wiijrk'dohe bft s r air. previousl :-,A ;�7eod i ' 6r:'groinl an Y. t'.L 'I , L� , il. andspar..­ Later,, they.,liad, a. discuss w�o sang "Thelord's.Pra,�er'.' D_ b�i�s Ovthe� YCS"s6etions, Jamily er 4 fa, early, every am bu h' f te r N r as� MaeDona4 f eyleh,' 0 13ain, -ft., _:Lspent On-.' allyi�' gallons, of na4 -w ICe _goV�L afi6.,L,,Wh6rd it is a ted it r, 'the bride a7" h]i ojOjjL _iead , clucs I :-more I d"' d 'th f; Orville Ok&.:� -day�� With gas wa�ter #e rs.�E Jord plaining-, -to - the�: 'Go YC&orgaflizat I es i e I it � Itib . 1111 i Ita Ian imported J, S' -en s.,per_aeire� fl, 6s� -oat Air -Doug as ewar an L."an'd be Part of. diteryofiel lif d is e a�_,mall;_ol t U: ea wti ]I- hi&_ii ou ca aL S, d pent'L, the - than a r 'Wh rnyou, _qa-' &E t ey e - Like Wh' t' Wih r ail, jents;. Mr. differe e a ,S­�,U R; A R -C bodice'fea § ffidetched with edand 'Mrs A:: Stewart at" two, Best,� Ads; te�� softly neck-li -d tueg.� And whe M. S Y�L 'V � to, §61 E 'OR hav d 011�, rounded �'t '- 6St: yolijuS�,,_can't THE 'Y' hosp a vIr Will Scott of, ill& Uni- reulate _s. L6retta, Schmidt in trat d rls aud­jil'�p6jlIt..jsje N' 'e If Tcroilto,-was a�weekelid, t W it comes, o be �ay'lhat rno�t of.the,studbIrts.W06 Care I ;".-,.�-��,�Tllo,.�b�lowing'-sldtt--featuted-a�de"ep, versi y CL' �h t their� good clothes th -eaper faster, more Mrs..Dilck. wo i E for to I g . ell b ee* all s e IS. guest' With,�his, parents,' Mr a lid, fin& a b unning am an e, reaso 'insert at: th� front, ,.:and '' I W1 ., ! venient; way to of Toronto and -Mr.; and, rs. Scott.. h at that Atialvidual pictures to,�, cause lodging this was b6w­at�'the: me whiefi:iArs- ldbep ail one, o as Leonard: t I 'of L"On on, W libmei from Ki were: bein . g- a i:en and �`everyi6ne is d ATE. The . drop 1 ted. tibOiI6. Rev airid,"Mrs. H.' -V Worknun) f the' handiest of th&� g Lbach�" and �ch dren, tS­to f0ndenc6 ave re lied dry6i! 'a:*ee'k'ear Whi64t'p, gn Ing, the clothes:' SO,UTHG w b ),jr�pfie usion, hen. ein photo d, M�an French lll!est at ended, t e -6nipletey ignors t -ce pas?,: f her� they�� he eeney;.. Phone 33if Res. 540 look their best helol­bY acoronet �style ince, e Alumni C'O ch was is, 'Mr LOS er H an 5WEITORV wet.' barley: is �seldom' at- liferenee whi itherm�n�And- ast,,Ima, 49: t ,ayn6s.Si_mcoe, w held ki hea rsq, We; 'MAIN ST. d �tLlwitft 'Seed: pearL, St.. acloth6s� pegs_reP� kt.'��nd'Mrs� Joe Dill.' The LITTLE,�'S OR tacked byitli� r gXdat� clothes IiAes �and T E wit the'Btq�,,, Jast..*e0ki:at�'Queen's �Th Vi� t6 rIS Or-a; _fL 1 0 ryer f vdr- ice Dillion an be cascade 'of, yel-;�. 'b6y� aISC;, Mj e 'd d 'an an tephani Ics,�O diia an .... ....... oldf thpjlk�ffe�' dat OIS an, IS L L Ar a en-, b lColl ge� d ad� EW. low "' a there are some G, utonidtic tirnihg oil, 'atL to e S 0 1 mp R, d h- I Jcj- �-'§oln 0, -m- e s one a Brig. ton .,assliire t e 1VIrs;; Sylves er. �an an daugh In t at - ey, -bo r rs., Of, 11 rate bL,a ut.., to :�,bijsbbls o Was- ma ton of of nd -Mary. argaret, td the npn est and t the,. actual- rill. 6to�to- Miss 'Poroth d have he t -here wiu - be f, M "lid M for typeS. f i' :Silielaiv, avies�, d Aft s. X A"C — L: �H�: eig��6fi jiglij Cou'ditibliS, 8ebriAgville Mr, all TEI I t hontiri, for 16k siS- Samesi"Xelly­-a' M F . T, Stn1th7 L clothing., With a' gas ryer,- every i a pri�e 0111 WithL.alj1._ day,� Mr. and' Mrs; 114r- ashda-y. StL g6wil6d i4�'aLorangedce crys- rd'Mr. an4 Mrs W .be decorated l Ssro s ith',.seed Sbaftirth ilfrid d,'v ry size; and is a DU �PS. 6tting,shoul lip woz: fiallty',­ free Oi -old iight;.,Anne �a lugging. eavY gat - PRO CLTS h d 'nL from �beards. and tal.�atln heat tivbidrape nd.'Sfeoh6i�, of If .'.you JpLath� h' Duff�,: Dimnii� and Yv.on 'te sil' org, wi iinza; Shp'wbr un ay 'ling date. oran I ger-sau . orboy",h' 4liff Winter'barley usual of k on a�nd. 51KAT a .Hensill; spent 'S oll to' th Stre6t-' the stock, iu�as Flynn bage pa s 'on amP at; , wit : , hi of the W' ki re did realners and' matchmg �16.Ves and Mrsi� � Th6 h' you. can' ge a, , ping, ee rL L 61itariio� Jit dtm-'a­'gaS' mcine ator Avajlablc'wffil� Miss oreen -Looby, St, osep, 7 _ 4 1 SouthWeStern d carri .�a%j cascade rs, Minnie, 'Weidb '-of to ond -with 'Mrs'. -.A-. t "rings,., ed 'L OrIi -7 etty, 96 the, fw after 8 Summer _df,__W_fflte 'and :1) 'L e. clarysafitH c cont Ho$pAd' �se� �aiid, Shoes, an RTH Farm Deliveries ospd� Teniple', VranL th", E ronz all alil s -::ear y;"SU 0; _ an a;L dombli L rj , es wee ell a oron C IR61. BROADCAST Morris, ejL I and_ MrS� .7 as. silage for grain.*, e uring,: nMiss, P -DannY.Cos iaidg,; Vm,-- atricia and OM cl 'Of, gal , - t op`thaGis- harvested I 6h 9tal: sse eitato disposes , �bdge` 40a L66b t Walde' n ums wee i't e stibleArash. safely and. com- Mr. �Gordnn cos P -11o, T Its. en 'shuts- 'itself 'Off' It nfatuting Soy Itby,:and Miss 'Uaiy, e of' sin, r Mr. M sweet early Hour 'I fa pldtely,, and' London' wi 'T1 -'atc - B6&ausq jly":-; 'also: The; blue -flame -elinimates� ; both tello t ea t w §.t smok6i: Skdfi:6"­9-1VERY' Dean," varieties it, 6 tore gowns yl- -and: , ell,'v e n -s the oste t hich Ila lto#dfoot PjUjsdayL�Evcnings in:L the S, e, maid -of honor. Dan'�d -W in, &� , ad Itly MrLS-, Howeek� g ahead of -other- rdinsi;t 6 R incieiat r Call be-conv6nier from 9 - 10' on ia c a-gue t -fa'vdrs'�1`n,` iiiItdr-.46edied lid and Mrs. Nott. an at6d iri thb U ij -:or base- with Mrt. aMrs. 'Louis Lane. CULO C. Phone 686-W Seaf ort4b' y ',or wag, es,- a .:a the, u!$hers,,-were t tity-room. -.Mr, and' Mrs, :Janes`Achroyd 10i7a e' or oron an 'Toronto,. an POSL 'ikosl ; _ _ -offers 'th 't Mi: and: tS. an Ment. l. 'Young". L, -Ni paswr6 cr6p, and als,6 Fii&y �dht �short S� if Y011: ay�.Iookjr Sell that unnecessary piece L Of sibilitY d Gary family -visited with, Mr L and. _Mt ig"fo'r a O'Rourke' �Harrbh, E sinore. winte�� furniture through a Huron ExposI7 �r of �rops_ squ Harvey N6tt,' Hamilton, on h ary k6tatibnS,. X mimb6 Sun fiel.to -heat, Your L home in rohtp; wIQ Mrs. inner. =rved The, -wedding, rlon the ay. 16�a ' ' L � urna e .no inson and-.Xiss d "" C S for Classified Ad. Phone 141 or 142 is' 6 rly-niattiring soy'b6ans- a and cool it in sixminer, the'natutal' 'h' C a d .'fvlr.,�'Cleive, Coombs is in L Lou on' gas is the answer. Gas� f, rs. L with ffeld'b ns: Ina �pla IdeIg mother, receive wearm OTourke, o. tl y b h pink of Mirs, L ClaY ton. Loo Y. Y;. br 9 fidin�- a sc&�f bein� ebmeoift t� 356 --- a blue, -dr6p�- gb.-wn vit to Sjj b' Adults Sttf e � of ' sh�pes; 'Pearl LLIS DUND Ag' i -American 0 and types ev*8r,y1o,�, Mr. an e P fle conducted b�, British fl t e r 11i.Cha�nraft , ve And F4rnaCeL:Oj ori6s and -a t6isage of -pink tve� ating Mks. Jim Newcomb ind.J`unio_rj-.' y,,he ee, tarmitiGhs. e, groom mother ME.'and :Mi. And;, Mr;s pr' bl A, �'gas fufnace --Denifis Of FOR SALE DUNVAS. tL­& "LONEY'' rh Mrs. 'Little of Queb � 'Harold 0 P -M, issures of Port'L dndif,�, wh--or ore' a cliampagn'e: organza sheath 190 'here. '�IS7 or -oil 0 ere week6nd .L clean; Mrs. _qi3arter'. ei itin�'her Sister, . I. gth MIM1111111111111 IIONV:, Mr- g� V Russell Spri ACPIES-Well fenced; new Phone, 573 13V spent . the weeend -McQuaig ith matching three N6 ' il and Rich. ftirdar steel barn, Low.dd'wn payment- jack,et and a -corsage of ye rs, tgarLair canditi�ildr,,��hich op School,. I(itchet,�r, �iiid Miss Janet Wil$orj, te� eh'a t g" Ite and �broze chrY�Santfl6mums. aMrs Camilla RYall visitin�, erateg almost Jerome�s, High PnTE-�obii HOME - On Ord e I a a su 'q �PSL Of 86 -forth' The Ladies' Aid Socie y. of!� the' Mr. and Mrs. Fr�nk xiall, of,.Riv' your efitlre,,home rprisin ag a n, M -mall down *iu, ��k 4, �'. . , L d, L ; - ., 11 1 - Mr afid Mrs 'Patrick F etside,': Ont, ly low'coiSQ, A46 for; the.-ultirdat6, Street. S ayment 2 o 3:30:1j.M. chure in*�,ke4k.i, kitchener, with ndle _t, e' ',..to the East'.oa ha N ow' 6ta.bje e'w�oundtarid -h or rave Ing e Hunt and. fami y t dr lid Std&a�s 10c' S- are ava�lWe iffli, Michi�_ ingif6r, Atlantic Salmon, and kiiglind States, tfi& bIride heating You Chil a o to gh ure firlost:angl 'W. of ery mov ' ed to � Pfyfmo s 25CL -ACRE FARM in' Trick- t repeated ''1 .1 . I . _,,Ot gr6e�n �lild ELSEA­ -the temPerat have . SEVEN i li answer ki me �hose� 0cei INCH e 6 the-yr'witLidide, in fa - In with house' from, visitors residents,,a de- \�here"� 71 at, the ay,: tur , eL sale. WJ ew" �Mrs'. Elson- ers ith, cumfort�ble, 6�r�ed` ,Xith,' br6we and, and, and small barn., Priced for quick Se�f6rth,` showing ear - .1 1 1 .. I .. . ­ . tailed m�p of' green accb§soiie's,':,,an4,,.'a".cor.�Qkd' Cliir of the �"y - ; �Mrs,. Catherine Ry''airi, ton, 'Cliir many SATUI of yell()Nv �S� M i* eg So L'V. 1 S 'fi, I . n strgot. )f the town, as Well isros r -d,- Mrs, Pr6g,byte were to a Natural gai� h;milles'-so" 1DAY 8 to. 10 a� mpletbij,.-at �ayf vhth� M. c u ma and MK,: N shawil: ay, has. eaino&­itS dtle" Silent ratrick7'Md16hey: h of -,public , bluildin�sj, has� eld' hiofi�eh6ld,,:chor iell L that' -it M WEV Y g to 10 19c tio Whyte in 0 Th ''i Tfie Huron . x on Thurs 6 PQt iGupsts,: attended 'thq wedding, I iV�Iit, h hE ledge I romi . - 1 1. . ". . I . I .. 11 1. 1 Gerald 'Hein and se It is olllolirke� and' Mrs., Printed ''o ait�y T M , rne, an M truly A happy corr T" Xy-ftilable 'Deanery, Pract). I ore, WhithyJt sons .:Of Wh-ale were visitors on binadbii of rfi ce juie aturd6i�r even L d hand rnan,. ing,: #i`th`Mr, and the',CWL' At wig CS 0 KE pa �per, the- map -iS, �V, e at 50 1 Lofidoh; Toronto aid utler, NhOuSP_- jde�,Shqa afwayS at meeting Phbli�, 458 crits a Copy, bmenie"ei Seafdrth� �,Oa_kyille and fmkeeper, an. o '. N�edn6sday._ mis. Vwyfi Nerslake aM your: service. n FEIZE Alllston.,,' '-'iiid�y- visitors 'with Mr.:; 'a�d Mr. Clarke. wee:, Mr& aPred Dobbs, of Exeter; n YoUr e ,�By. Mrs-.- Gladys I Uldrisonj of 111can.,. Off icees" Nam" d. rs. 13jeivM6rgan, -of t and. TVTr_. and M Homsall. CHECK.,XMIS, PRICE Wintnr6o'CGIT'' Mr. and :Mrs,.. Jack Wjcks'�`and YQ mily; of Str, iiMlid, and'-MissVil- sTlia'Oetobdr meeting of�Winth;ro, a "Walters,, of- Lomdori ' visited Mr. and r Wijite 'Rote. C' GIT "�'as ii�vjtjj llino rhemlyers Ficia -Valt6rs. .'and d au" t� s-, present; are' as, president, Georg ce.. r titij6. _Vj 19 gthleeri.Horh% of London ent' the pr6sident, Sharon. Sbmervffle, see- Sp 'treasurer, ell r. anl,,�Irs. kend with her Elaine Beattie - F -aye Little;'� 1 ileen: Smith - p er, EE -H T S ...... . ... 'First AnftU;ijL S eetings will'be held Thursday have -follow -t We, in Secqiforih -he trIagic allo a a evenings at 8:00 p,in , AL Hallowe!en . " .� :.. ght events -of rocent day� -in, Sprihkhll in whidh Th -ay' party will be' held: oil ursd R KI P, j)RESSIESi SK church CHICKEN 1 TS -Ve8 were- lost- 'evening, October 30,, ati-thd' ANTS -SO' iiia�i S Initiation � and TUNT BXGS-, o e 00 oii'26c Gal at­-iP`,0L0r - -v ni . �: 1' WSUIT& INO -�nk. we h'�m 'can do­�'about Thet8, i�- nothi e Eileen Smith have , the, Bible' and i�, on'16vembor 6.',JL alien afi4: iRICE e af 29c - S XS- Reg.: 0'9�L: the IN6s_ that 'WeL BAR MISSi6ft 'St'u8y for the, neXt liftep thing to aid the,,shatt&'64 1OV­_ EF 010 The lurich coftimittedlor th 25C," ing. e. Spon sSoted y ed illat 116W are alone the 'M6f46r M SOCKS' . ',,tyear� are,tilobn Smith,"Pa'ye Lit- AU OTHE '41 le; Fraces' Bla' tchard and -tliffie anin OTHER omervi e Ity''Ce COMMU11, Pit 9TORu. RARY , CARDIGANW-, h and BARGAIN an OtS ans6uld assist' ith donat, . I � " 1[� AT W�i Ions BanX.' Th4i' Way be �ft, at any S�ajojth Mi PRI "Pd�,Og will, -be for -S or Incorne-lax pur Frid6y,­i N eg. Re�eipt f 98% 4 �O .j I M R t6i b 42- 98L rdbd., y Serving ft pert �,P dreii.`2`56 la -1 e*il to b. ho omm6rte A E r4 Mp_gh M a T YPU g P b mn "A d d, 0 r you ison B w tgt rry M e t UP7 able n n n Mu L C ciforth, Ch East End White Rose idkets-�6ni.,Tle, at ALLOWS' �do: 3 81119 M. SEA NO;tt Th: A 'r-, 'Kad ies, Leo 11aan treasurer, �retary 0 'TAR10,