HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-10-31, Page 7KIPPE uests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd tell • on Sunday were . Mr. and rs, Alex Pauphan and Mr: arid. rs. William McNeiiage, • o£ pb- Mr. and : Mrs. M H. Harkness and family moved on ' Saturday ;from. the manse to the, ROAFSta- tion at Clinton. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Wahl, of Lis- :ANNOtINEE PR��� WINNERS . FOL�,OWING ST. COLUMBAN fET� A large, crowd -attended the nual bazaar. held in St. Columban parish hill an;- Wednesday after- noon. On Thursday evening the 'bingo m°connection with the bazaar was towel, spent the weekend with Mr. held with the following' : winners: sad : Mrs. Norman flicked.,Wilfred Chesney, Mitchell, and After 17 ,years serving the, people of Win- throp and district, we're disposing of' our interest hi the` _ INTH DON HOR( festive January We .want to express' our appreciation to all .. .. ria dswho'have`been.s� our customers ;and f n b o kind to .us during. thepast 17 'years, 'and t� ,o Ito ' of -our successor ; Don1 n -seek-en-behalf.. e continuation of that co-operation ancL pa trona e. Mrs. Glen Pepper,, tied; • Helen. Maloney; Mrs, Emmett Malbne and Leona Krauskopf, tied; Mrs. Joseph Ryan; Jeseph •Ryan; Mrs. Barman, Seaforth, 'and ?red .Eck- ert, ' Dublin, tied; Jerry Gleason, Dublin;' Gordon Moylan; Mrs. Wil- liam Flanagan, Mrs. Jim __Ditch- arme and Mrs; Clarence Maloney, tied; Ors, Betty Koehler; Auguste Dt eharme; Mrs. John Walsh. Special ,games were won by Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Dublin, and Mrs.' Thomas Morris, tied; Donald Moy- lan and'Fraijk Bowman.. ° Winners of other prizes were: quilt,MVtrs. Ted Melady,; lace table- cloth,' John. L. - Malone; television horse, Michael Murray; doll, Mrs. J M 1VIcMillan, Seaforth. The five door -prizes ""''went to Mrs. John. Shea, Jr,, t1VIrs. Betty. Koehler, Donald 'Moylan, John A. Murphy and -Jerry Gleason.' A kangaroo visited` a`psychiatrist: `.`What's ,; wrong?" asked the 'dos for , don't know;, replied the kap garoo, "I „dust 'don't feel iunipY SBORN -� HIBEER7 MUTUAL ' :FIRE • INSURANCE CO HEAD. OFFICE , ExeterOnt, President:'; 1;. Clayton Col uhoun , , Science Hill •1 , `Vice-Preride in . Alex J. Rohde. RRT-3 DIRECTORS `-Martt-F eeMnietY,; 11: R.' R. 2, Dublin;.,Robert G Gardiner; R.R. 1, Cromarty• Milton McCurdy : R 1;'. 1 lrkton . Timothy' B •{R.R. 3, Lucan: AGENTS -Harry Coates : R.R. 1, entralia, Clayton Harris she`ll; Stanley, '.Hocking;:. Mitchell. • SOLIC);TOR W. G:' Cochrane,: Exeter. Er, HASE Seafojth ..` 1 otive • To- Queen's 'Post Rev Eraest G Clarke was' iii- stalled ,as professor 'of; Hebrew and • OIrl Testament criticism at Queen's • Theologies'—College, Kingston, Wed- nesday night. He was. installed by Rev. George' A. Brown, chairman of the •college's board _of' manage - Ment in:.:tivhat..va&.' the ; principle. ceremony at, the 66th aimual_ c,on�_ ference of';the Queen's Theological Alumni Association Prof: 'Clarke obtairied.bls• master of arts degree in oriental lan'guages J at the...University, of Toronto, and later did •'post•graduate study at the University -of Chieago< and the University of Leiden, Holland, .,The :chair' became ,vacant three years ago with the ,resignation of,, Prof. Douglas Tushingbani.• ,Rev., Clarke is;:the -son of Mr. and Mrs. M., E. Clarke, Seaforth. • :Open Chapel"' .Tfianks to the " voluntary' .effort ofa- targe crew of personnel and their ',dependants,- RCAF Station, Centralia, has virtually a w Pro- testant chapel Thereli hour build completely ',transformed'— and renovated _.was reopened;_ Sunday during a special service which a1= so ! featured the depositing of ,the station's flags, made` at :Centralia 'over a decade ago and •valued-' at• over $1 000. ' Donations ,'of"thou- sands• of dollars' worth of: voluntary laborbY... :personnel eof, all ranks over a 'five-month.. period made possible,'the redecoration, accord- ing. to'SIL; E W.;S__G lbext, sta- tion 'chaplain; who _lauded. the pro- jest as a 'wonderful effort', on the part of a dedicated -group."., De - ,spite the: extent • ofthe• renovation', which -included construction of :a a iew__eiitrance, • elevation of the chancel and sanctuary anti Chang ..,./ r `... .♦ ,;: T--or6 tin:2 . 14�t%. AND MRS. -GERALD ALBERT CARDIFF are shown fol W o lowing their weddirig,.in Duff's United ,Church, alt n. The ri e b d s`J the'lorrner $ ,boraJean -Patterson; is the daughter of Mrs bFeriae Patterson,'Walton, and the late RobertPatterson--and"the groom's parents are Mr..and ,Mrs. Albert Cardiff, R.R.R,R.; i . Ethel.., On their return from a weddingtrito the United' State and St Lawrence Seaway,' the couplg will reside in Kitchener. (Photo' by Russell). • mg' of partitions to create a larger auditorium:; it cost only :$6193 in .' actual cash, -Exeter Times -Advo ea e. •ss•• -••S•• •.I••••• •••• • • • •• • •••••••••••• 'r? `N,; • • • s • • `• • • •• • 1 1 1 • •.i• • • • • • +i'• • • • • • • ., � •sf i"• r•s , .. ' 1t.- i '�electric,water"eaterssoetic�entt it costs only ..few cents ,a day to. operate. With the 'proper::size anld_-. Ilea ting capacity you can depend on plenty of hot water for .allour: household'needs. An -electric, water heater :• is safe,,cleal , and economical. It's th - is . • ern. choice of fan -rhes` who,`'live; better` electrically” ONTARIO YDR. • • costs so 'itt 1e With a fear of ratites in Huron; Aldir, medical officer of health, is attempting;- an informa- tion , program to further, 'educate the county residents on the subject of rabies, and what to do iii case of a rabid,,bite. Dr. Aldis, writing to The. Expositorsays While no : rabies :• has been'con- firmed at the time.: of writing in. Huron County, you will be concern-_ ed -with" the .iroximity, to--us-of :an epidemic`in the red fox' which has been Chiefly' centred in Grey 'Conn- ty Rabies or hydrophobia is a virus infection which- attacks the. nervous "system It is spread-'to-$'umans• and. warm-blooded animals .,by •the introdjiction' into tt>e.;-body-.oi.tiie_ rabies virus,•: and this:;is usually by the, bite. of '; a rabid...• animal;: 'On rare .occasions it, :has developed: from;the--corataet of..-tfie .saliva' of such•"an animal with:; a 'scratch or other break iii tfie skin•'of the Vic- tim. Because of various` factors such as`'theintervention of clothing, the severity • and',: position• of the • bite, rabies:does not necessarily; develop. following an attack:by an: infected aninial some authorities-•statethat Dilly- five 'ta 7: --per=cent of :persons bitten::'by'rabid dogs, anduntreat- ed; actually: develop the disease. " The.incubati'mi period varies with the site and severity`;bf•.the..wound and 'May ,be'two to •: six weeks or • longer. Once the .,;symptoms of rabies- appear in man or'animal, death: follows., in two, to six 'days. dogs the,-earlysy'mp ares change of disposition,, restlessness, less:df° appetite tendena •••to hide: Soon the appetite ' becomes abxior- • mal. and 'the animal tray try to, eat glass,. shines, etc; •Lgter. it may rush: about iii' a 'staggering `'way, falling.down from tithe to' airae. At :this time; snapping and,.,biting, • tend'eti:cies, • are common; .`''saliva flours.' "out of ,the mouth, .and the bark is harsher. The final, stage,.is one of paralysis,' -with the „lower. tjaw;and hind: limbs- first- affected. Though the : animal ntay. by this tim. -'be unable to : stand, it, can often 'stili bite. Death "occurs af- tet a few days' 111ness. Certain variations•:m;ay Odour in, the illness, and. the.;taaralytio, • pton�i.s_ may• be:more prominent; with la Tittle of the ;`.`furious"" be haviaux : , li;veii" in, : animals with none.:of th'e'. ciassica•1 &yin tornsi- -� the �Iitboi,atory� has--�stabhshed: _ diagnosis .of rabies The Uob Tax anTlve Stock J'ro • teetion Act ''provides`; for bylaws to be passed:` by local muficipali • ties for the ,licensing of dogs and the ,corltrol• of,anv running at large. Rabies vaccination is:;advisable' for •dogs,.espeeinll5 if they. are allow ed to. run on' a faun or are used. fol ;hugting.:The .animal vaecine for rabies is' safe 'and m'ay be se- eured;at, nominal cost iroin,a prat= tieing, veterinarian, Net only dogs, but ;eats,:', foxes,. ganger r� animals .may Barry ra}ies. Live- stock May become .infected by' `'at tacks from • rabid ' animals, and 'should _'therefer'e, be: 'vac'cmated when epidemic 'threatens There are special people in your area who can help when rabies threatens. For example • in ::the. case ,Of '.illness ; in pets_ and live stock a ;' Veterinarian-. can �•ad:vise the owner in the,' case of wil life, -a--convaioli: officer : the.=On ta-o; serDepatrtment of Lands " a'n Forests.;is_ ready to assist wherde" stray dogs or cats- show strange behaviour, the dogcatcher or police; should be notified Then final authority; however, with `regard -to:':rabies an 'animals, iS the Health of Animals livislon f the" Canada :Department: of-:Agr riculturs','m The 13ealth -of, Animals; :office••for this county is situated in, ;t'he Post Office, building;,, Sea - forth; •telephonel`372, .Notify' them, Of,. all cases 6f `:animal rabies. ':. • Should :a human he : bitten by: 'rabid,:";or .suspect- rabid,: animal; wash the -wound promptly- with, soap and„water `and place the pat..` ient tinder the care: of a physician.' Notify •. the Medical • Officer::' of Health .DO NOT S,HQOT_OR ;DE- STROY THE DOG OR: ANIMAL WHICII:ATTI�CKED :Tlie aminal bowever,'.should be: confined in...a Safe place under veterinary :Super vision for at least 14.; days.- The 'premature killing •of the animal. might prevent ',accurate diagnosis Of rabies: Siiice`rabies 'vaccination of.huniaiis is still -a• serious prose • and not ;without eemplica: Hous; phi sician-s -d. trdceesreal. d with',it ' unless the danger i ' - If . it is impossible impossible to 'safely ,:con- fine a • suspect 'animal .which'• has attacked: orinjured,. a human, ;de= struction:`',o'f the animal becomes' necessary,Under these circuity stances; ,the':ani al should .not:`s be shot ,through. ,the, head This datn- ages the -brain ::and makes ,labora tory confirmation difficult or- int, possibld.. Do not' hairdle- a suspect ;aniinel, alive or dead,, .except with 'great, care. Avoid rtibbing its sal ivy or blood into any 'break:in the skin Children should ,beware of stray animaIS( 'even though friendly and should be'•eadtioned. against Mand ling 'any carcass which they might happen to discover, e •e THE HON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORT Q 7 ISE CREAM DAIRY A Y BAR sEAFORT .-9 T 58 EI .. H.Z-CSL SDE ,AIR I R BEL R C G.A .T. 'Radio_ 1957S .OLDS M BILE P 0 L ER -Radio 195.3.; METEOR:SEDAN=Automatic I953: PO•NTIAC:' SEDAN 1953; DODGE SEDAN -8 cylinder -autolna tin t ausnllb:;nQ72 1953 'PONTIAC`CO:ACH ,: =9530R11 RA°NOH:–WAG(}N—wih,T: ALSO 1949 CHEV:,' PICI tJP •1 NEW VAUXHALL :SEDAN 'EA FO'RTH. MOTORS,: SEAFORTH MITCHELL •Phone 186 Phone 541 Fol xeter 1 MONUMENT ; W OPEN DAILY Pryde' &. Son' ALL TVFES'OF.` Inquiries :are :invited: `. Telephone Numbers: Clinton 1624 • Seaforth 573' S• DR: M• W. STAPLETON • Physician and Surgeon • ' Phone 90 Seaforth If no?answer, call 59 JOHN A. '.GORWILL,. B.A.; Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth • JOHN ::'.i. GODDARD,°„?.L.D. Physician and ,Surgeon one 110 Hensall old Sotto ” Foxboro School Over ,70 people from the Roxboro section enjoyea.. a Social evening in Roxboro School` on rriday night. James M. Scott showed pictures on l'%fopa Scotia, Alaska" and unusual animals: The pupils sangseveral songs. -Lunch' was serf ed after a. few games of cards.' A silver .collection, amounting to over $7.40, Was ,tak- wolves :and :other warm-blooded en for the Junior Red_ Cross: 1146; B9 6, ME OF tan Ni'`Ai2 ;L'1r'1Wke:N'_ _ -' ONEIDA'Amt? SggflA cc -Hoots • cicri 0 ,¢ACtig ro L.......1 nr'sMyltldlr CTr'A RJN4j W,a4li' 00 0la/1t2 Botrowor TO' PIi6+%N6°LL eguuat• sp: �'tsRAigTibu? �1�A4'(,gy' N„D N{11y�. GOT ?i1 ONLY Co l�veN? $'11$ "CM' %,,µi • SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 : A • •McMASTER, ,B.A., M.D. Internest. 1.. Telephone 27 , P. L. BRADY, .M.D. Surgeon' Telephone 55 • DR, E. MALKUS Telephone 15 E'V'ENINGS: -"Tuesday, Thursday;' and Saturday only;; 7-9 pm Appointments may be made. .F A. Ni. HARPER Chartered Accountant • 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 ,Licensed. Municipal Auditor.. G A. WEBB L D C.* .bottor of yebiropractic .µ 438 Main Street • Exeter. ` X -Ray • rand Laboratory Facilities' Open Each Weekday Except - Wednesday ' Tues. and .Thurs. Evenings 7;9 For Appointment - . Phone 606 DON,, tr. DENNIS Auctioneer Graduate. of Reisch American School of Auctioneering.- :Licensed in Huron, and Perth. Capable Of handling all types of sales and ad- vertising, • , ' DON : DENIS, Walton Phone . Seaforth 843 r 11 . SEFORTIL: VETERT AEY: CLINTC-: J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M. V.S. W It :-Btyais; D V.M.; V,S• . W.. G. Drennan, • D.V.M`., vs. Phone 105' ' ' Seaforth; 1'R C T E OR .' SILLERY_;, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones Office 173, Residence 781 SEA>'`0f,TH ; ` •; - ._ ONTARIO : '_; McCONNELL & STEWART, Barristers; Solicitors, Etc. • -P, D.'1{icCONNELL • -I). 1.. ,STEWART • SEAFORTH, . ONT Telephone 174: D. H.''MCINNES Chiropractic. Eliot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL • Monday', Thursday = 1 to 8 p m J013N E: LttNGSTAFF 0 �1?totnetris 'Phone 791 Seaforth Eyes examined Glasses' Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH • Office.'Hon`r's 'Seaforth :daily, ,eircept Monday, 9 a.)11.....9:39 ' Wednesday; 9 a in;:-12i30Lpm ,• 'Thursday evenings by appointment,,, only: . Clinton. 'Monday, 9 a m -5.3Q p.m. (Above ;Hawkins' Hardware.) rib `M KILLOP MUTUAL -..;FIRE' • INSURANCE CO. HEAD :OrntE--SEAF.OW111,. Ont. OFFICERS • President Robert. •Archibald, Sea . forth , Vice,President-Allister Bxoadfoot, Seaforth Manager and Sec,-Treas. Mita • Norma•, Jeffery, Seaforth DIRECTORS E. J'. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. .Lean hardt, Bornholm; Robert • Archi- bald Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth;' William S. Alexander,: Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller; Goderich, J. E:- Pepper, ':Brucefiejd; : Allister, Broadfoet, -Se AGENTS: William Leiper; Jr., „ Londes... boyo; .L 1'. Prueter; Bradhageiy; .:.,: Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth, OCOOOOoo 99Q0 0.: '. 0 W. J. CLEAEY o 0 • . Seaforth, .Ont, b., O i IiCENSFD; EMBALMER. •O O ; 'anti 1K'TUNEB AL:D1RELTOlt 0 O Night or Day Calls -.335 ea G 0000000000 a-6000'b;0000G?... 0 O 0., BOk 0 uneral Service, R. s.OX O • O O Prompt and dargful attention,' 'O 0 ` ' ' Hospital; Bed- : O O FLOWERS FOR ALL tX'`0 0 - ASIf1NS -- 0 ones, o „ 0 0 - Res.°595-W "--",'Store '43 0 •49®�OO• 00,4r00 1Gic eased' , *Winter • 0000OO.O,0O00 0 J• Ai BURKE ~''" , O Funeral'Director 0<,. z7 and Antlulance Service 0" 1>t1BLIN < - ONT. 0 O '. ,.Night or Day Calls;. O 0' Phone 43 r 1,9. O . OO<J` O.O<>-.9 .99 ;00000aaao*-0 0 ,® G. A.. WfflTNEY 0 uneraJ home O O otlerich ; St. W., Seaforth, <? BW A iC%; SERVICE 0 00 Adjustable hospital beds '0 0 • :tor rent Q O FI.4WEftS, tolt :EVtIW oceASION' 0 Telephone: Dayorl ight.l]9- 0 4f 0 O 0-0 0 O 0 d 0 d