HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-10-17, Page 2otione
-$inge lad° &ming ilte Cthnotunity Fir$t
'rublished at SEAFORTII ONTARIO every Thursday morning by Member of
•'McLean l3ros. -Publishers • • Canadi4n-WCe1.4Y
ANDREW Y. mcLEAN, Editor Association
Canada (in advance)*$2.50 a Year
'United States (in i.dvanCe) $3.50 a Year
Autlior4ecl'as Second ClassMail, Post Office Department, Ottdwii,
COW '1,kt,•1
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,: OCT013tR 17*,_1958:
tit"IlianSTW9rthVirhilleSe 00$
4 •
l'uckerstnith, School Area Board is- View, • and, when -talinicipal: councils
'undertaking ••a• *worthwhile' task in- are elected to office, the meetings.oan--
atranging , a sries'•-•''O'f .meetings to do nitich to create an -eldighte-fied
. electorate There can result an inter-
•dikuSs the ineehanies Of dethoer acY •• eS;t, that' may 'well, be refleeteu in an
Wliat is voters'does.thcreasing Atir-wiq :Ofqualified- peo, ,
a School obtain its-reTeit.tial'-.W6-tis• pie., offering-2.them.1.*.P.LfOr :office, In .
an assessment ,all matters any ,eVent, there Cannot help bi&b-e:-.7.
about. which the average 'citizen iS ...a more inforined cliscUssion Of
Ltomiple_tely. ignorant 'natters if -there' is-,7,a--,-knoWledgei.:
Wit fv.14
Seyeral. of ,the Towne -hip Federa-
tions of _Agrieulture are planning
the dates for their annual, Meet-
ings, I hope :they keefi
mind the datesjor the OFA annual
which is .being. held Noyeinber 10,
11 and 12 in Toronto, is a busy
time and with only one man on
so many 'farms, it is difficult to
attend the three;day Provinelai.
iCis, an important
meeting and' each township..sheuld._
send- at least one. -;..rePre*Sentative:
The County, Annualia being plan-
ned for November, ;25*,, and will fol-
low the, same program 'as in yecent
years. • .. • • .
- The meeting lo-Fthe orgaria,alion•
•As I as driving ;along the high-
waY-On the road home the other
day was struek by.,the one sure
sign or autumn. Ther'e were a 16f
of roadside stands on the rout e I
was taking and they looked; most
inviting, .laden as they 'were with
tbe bountiful fruits of he,: Ontario;
harvest, There Were big,, firm cab-.
bages, -bags'., of clearr-looldng pota-
toes' ^whiCh appeared •as -'11 they
wOUld go through, 'the •‚winter 'And
be just as firm and „clean next
sPring. There were aPPlea, •in :has-
kintOshes as' yet;;'. but What. ,makes
�f TV lcl Aubu.
last Thursday eVening, showed con-
siderable interest and' prospect
for "a.. rm./1113'er of, groups is -good. ,
You are urged to take 'part in this
: project; even thongli.It may not
be. too '-'contenient : at times:- -This'
'- as -peciaftest-project-for-all:Gait-
,,aocl,'_whether, this proves to
;;.,,he';;Whatis •ileeded .or not,' it is
portant- thati:there is enough *par:
,tipipatiOn af,tlefinite
' Mrs. Aclith Storr, secretary for
Ontai Parni Forum, attended
time, they are matters pp:Which :Oil: r ' ::-of,.. the procedures under Which'. a
ideln9cracy to great extent ls.hased-L. .•m,iiiiicipality operates: ' , • '
- The announcenient . of . thefirstIn'planning-the program :of the bpi,
' meeting reCo-gl eS ' that Government -, ening meeting, .recognition : i',1H,S. been
is not simple, -.It: is 4in:0ex and re- ..-' :'given to the -fact 'that local govern- *. Toliiri. colitin;ciut -1.Qs!le'Llite"nding ..an-
Txtres experte,'!-"-the-t,'antioUrreerneuf •'-: ,mentis. e governmenteloseStto-theL..-
. . . inVitationo-*:Queeti" Elizabeth and'
-,,- --.,.. -. -prince 'Philip to: viSit ...-Gederieli
-saysi :hut the ... basic:' principles of ' . people, and therefore that detail' t
s o - when .they Sail-uP,the Great L.Otes.
R p ,. , ..,s :ou ..., e t•es,,:,pown, . •, ...iii, the..Royal yacht,. Britan.nia.; _next.
emockatic governMent 'reinain: ther• ' -its-. o eration.• h ld b I, I- I -z -
year...,, The matter ,'.:was ,introcluep&
satrie.' *You ShOult1 know ..eviewing..the,.adiniUiStratiOn;Of,j.
JUS- at :Friday's council meeting by
1ViuniCipal sGoverninent• Works', how face. at the local level will be Jude Councillor 410Ohey,
yourSchools .operate,,.and,
*bilities in aiding the acTraini-
I F -S-yth speak
1r, , laws opetir ,eptititry asik it%Iredelert_ imY•porThtaniSt poiicy,
and .:gay6 out organizational ,
terial. She pointed' out :that TV
.greims should :be. snialler • than
radio groups, since everyone needs
to vievV.: the Will:
The letter -follows The Board .shorten the distances to. be trays.
'of.' tbe elled and will ..also relieve ..the
Society at, ,in mind :Problem of small children. Groups
institutem,-.4nivate s 611001 :where. representing_ I four ", to- fa mines
the parents... haye the opportunity should •he ,cptite„ satiSfactol'37,- •
torteach their children ' actording 'The first diseussion.-telii,c, .'What
to 'the' .Prineiples',.we find' in the Price Freedom," needs .,..seriouS'
Word, Of 'God, so that ,theY.. conSideration. Most -of .ou i11
.corne ,,good Christians , and., f 'good remember the, "tiOg Less , -Of
tizens of Canada. We know to freetloin. was one of..the..hig,isSites..
19, suggested- in a, recenteditorial_an 7...each this,goal,means a heavy bur- Do co-operatives reduce. freedom?
11 d" the •
discus's church - in schoolsSignal-Star.--Gaderich Signal, deA,, -WTI-ere we" haVe to',,PaY' for the Just'where , we balance' "free--
- education ,of our cliSolren tsc.. the dorn„," agbeafluig on' ,the - ainst,' "economic
1 government.' Davidson Well nr els .
a io
your re- Frank -England% while _Dr J Sem 1 Str
.`°tiP9lits-i`n'of justice. You should know - Reeve: van, Drill ForWater
ow -to preven rn
111 - win you kp,
the world do people- do with•theni ,•e•
these days? .
The only thing a pumpkin has
been used for in my house 'for'
many, many years now is to make
a jack -o -lantern for lIallowe'en.,
That, of course, is a pretty im-
portant thing M itself; and although
it is' many years since was a kid,
essed uo and going from door --
t *)--door for ' a • shell -out, still'
ouldn't feel thap it -was Hallovve;en
if ididn't have a pumpkin to hol-
low out' and 'carve a funny face On.
the time comes that there isn't
k -o -lantern in rny windovv '
a more cheerful showing than a jac
basket of rosy -red Mackintosh- aO- Hallowe'en. ;
fko,,inr7:10pttihe:.e7re,otfhi.. IuI -aell'
garped-en, as.4'nelainsbanr tY,Peg of ,rosoerandebebrf.' and, t pumplsin piss Itaastte'strange e;
And there Were-Ate---pulnpldrts in..the country ,
Maybe, -just happened to notice,' ieing (air friends,. • Or ,at -15W'
them this Year, but it seethed' to .perS:' thick Slabs of pie, rang,,-: ' • •
me that I have riot Spen..so m'anY- ing' in. color 'from golden brown to:,
pumpltins;in years -They were dis- deli", almost:as -dark, -.
played": on„Pvery stand; 'ranging as chocolate and . always, always -
size'frona' one the 'proportion of a toned by. at. least 'half an inch of
he d t o hi h
Only,a . giant could carry urider 'his
, . Right'n.ow,, .,as. write. this,, ray
the -saine 'in the *fie'lds, yliih6ePrteh, nisevlevrafw.13-raiSn.gacdB..6t3her°e4'nbe;e.YrY;1'
"it seemed that everywhere T -look: wilP.he" 'anything' (mite:as good
ed saw more and more and moyq homemade plimpkin-"pie, with gen-.
pumplthas! • , uine whipped ,crearn fop!
• And this' sight set ',me to wonder-- . But I • am. told. that today- verY-,-
ing. bridf -hu.ys his pumpkin for pies in
•-a_ canS.. _That it -is outmoded --an .1-, olcl-L
very warm spot in his heart for. ,fashioned; M make yourownpuinp-,
,fPaull111.,"Pfici..ennsjOyTr.linleroeisthnoanstghhet-li.rnigthilte, and 11 if: that is :true,
bright ',orange 'of the pumpkin. '•To, 'I'M sorry. .,But I.. still want to :know:,
me at .any. rate it is 'as rntich a what happened those, pump -
[doll's a o giea m nsters w c real whipped ereain.
.•.part 'the:autumn.' landse'ape'as
• the.ilorY of , the Maple..t&aves,
But all these punipkins-what in used t6,make'jack,o-lanterns.
savv' for sale Orf the roadside
stands...,..They 'can't ' all- haVe 'heel"
9 llh ea very
13:04iv the tax ra-te property . rt:tral. municipa gov
. •standmg-that w , doni mean to PfeVcfthetopicsrYfa:.rnr'Opresentt,h
is struck, and something about the All in all, the meeting:Promise to *ham-thhave their rigof set '1113 at' Pc instit e a Dute:'School 'but that rest o
- a • great a challenge to rural ',people.
YegIllati011$ whigh. affedtfYollr VaY of be infej„mative and 1.n..ere4..ng noreast corner. :the Bowling. • e
Green park on Havelock St., where ge h.nur 1,`1, ;m2Yt rea If you want a share 'in that'. deci-
ai1-Niews' y
life?. • • .. - - first in a series which it can be honed they are drilling in search of viTa-
Record siOn invite ourneighbors in for
, ; • - ter for ' the •thunicipality,- ; ' ' ' . farm:- forum November 3 fo di • *'
COming.-at petiod7bie: .11....'•-ireceive'' gellerai suPPort of. - tion 10110ws. a. water'SIIPPIY oeeit•2:17--- 44ET§t,104--car NoVerither '4" for Tv, •
:When the muniCipal year is reL the eglilinunItY' erl 'that tile' Yillag "Perie,neled. ,' Having xe,ceived a drain Petitien • ; • • , •
flax mill "conked. out'I. the ratepayers : on lots 24-• and, 25, ", of • . • •
ficuit To
Municipalatles, Receave 0--- to-a-slangerously -concession- 1, Play -,'I‘ovyns*dhiPt",0,
, in mid-June, when. the *No." 3 well,, from -William Rowcliffe, Mtirdock •
W d P
south of Anderson Flax Products- Stewart and Stewart- Bell, all ee est
idemn Ottawa -
- low -level as- the anxiliary wells cluesting to have their ;land drairi- ,
• .R.• succession -du-' ;hot -meet 'the water, cOnsuirip- thPan's. of a
, • - _
Repreeentatives of .municipalifies 50 Ter -cent-
Which had. anticipated relieffr tico paid by Ontario a
some of their.,finarieial ti oubleitaS a
result of their visit to Ottawa. Some
days ago have been.
7 67- •
than one-seventh of :the.,.personal_
The 'high-sotifiding ele'Ctign-preligeST'
e6nie tax and less than One;fifth 4
of the Deiferibaker GOVertinent tO;
the corporation taxes paid by On --
provide positive did to Canadian; .
municipalities have been exposed as tano taxpayers"
• ,.. Until such. titne.,as higher levels of -
*haVirig no substance. government , Toronto. and '.
e Conference, which -Went ,on for
tawa detide there is a :responsibility
,. Ot-
several. days, produced little new by
way ormunicipal-aid: ,The,Seven-Cab- to carry out the spilit-/*as-wa:4$ the
letter ,of 'promises wl*hhaye:teen
inet ministers wh-o atterided_,,showed taxpayers
little.knovy-ledcre of the finaricial made' "Qqal c" ekPeetilit-
tle- by_....way' of A loWered.
dons faCiPg Municipalities, -/„..Nor rate: 7
there -even ',*--symPathetie--2ConSidera-
ton Of the probleins., .
All this is --a far, cry ire:M:411e *oft
repeated promisesrnade by _-the
Prime Miniset,'„ to ease the load - car-.
ti:e1 by the-horneowners. Those who
heard his election oratoryaan beex-
'cused perhaps for. ha,kini,' thov-aht
• , _
tha,t a new. deal- was. et hand for
_ .
-rowrishi ,
Under the present fisdal-ar,ran 6 A, Lornbittla-Construction. Coni- Plans fer tile same: Mee
-A,o-Pic,.. F:AL FLYING 4 pcfl aaftke_._11. hilya 7a_ao_ft,r aaar_scpaaii.., srin;satIsf...:_ „
Canadian farmers are taking to to ..1,61,0_6te...f.n.tni e a ,and.,_ even
the air to lieep.lface with the timeS.
;•-t•O mak' a.
tinick trip tovin,, for, implement
parts:1, • " • _'
Yet- the -first flight' fer agricul-
tural. ,Purpeses was.:,made just 38
years:, ago at ,,Lake. TirdiSkaieg,
Ont. the sarne-,Vear 'as the''first
cher2.--Weed-or-L.Faitithr $ ' Gra .
-"' struct their engineer to g he d
yer„ a --a - h 8 been 'called " heweedtharbas
taken poSsession of farms 'and
driven their owners to* --the poor:.
house." - This is not far froM the
truth or is such „ a ..danbero
pany, ot wiutigo,t• hag beet1 mlynciseeyssi,eartftleiirntahoen,TOtliivne
'w ttt ments, the province reeives e§ th t t or the 'built -1111g O.T
. . no-uncd- members ,,inade p atts t ,
.ztati jeinatdy::;,,tiviheil'llincittni,crog ff.., oife.e...tthsr Al;s:Iliorgiri:ii„dweerpl,•h%h,ate,ajt,ii,, „ha4aas ,,,bseej.,.,-4.126isc§tedt;..81,/,,,,,:
.ation,,,..W.Ilieli WO be held:* in ' Ethel' .q)rehillited ;.Noxicitia; ; Weett.!!! .,Thi,.-
,eqiineil'• decided•-tb. try! prria:-teb:,),'-
.9#.; Wednesday; *;;Odtobet '22.,- :The .,,..[C16a.gtrif.„..isei.iaitiiii; L:ii-nie,:eeiaan.its ••411a,bt,e, n.porte:Onnet.
an :agreeniee1 withihe'fire, depart-: ia am,..ked off6tdd f9T.sale jil: Caii,.,
ments o'f•Ziviricin'llensall and' Dash- :
wood In 'regards' to, 'the., answering •!1;. Leafy' ,s_pti.ge. is ,a ,,,,3,0fi.ggiod,.,
•freaininge ;thoetiiiis'e401-3,11sobuyth,21:17Sattkreipete,,i,. 7aPp4v:,,,fitcl%f4:tien. tellaall,',0;ta�d-g'hifir..t,fith.ettd'vt•nresii-lepti:.• fdreorinp..,r;paet.._,:daptedreriti.uniaael;iWohoiiielrilcigr°94
!Deice. recently.;the Zu. riCh iire' de- Stalks-. The, root system extends
the land there 'Will:, a.lsd' be ,used. in
,r,,:„(..,itMPrt' ,as.gOn,oiit,to fire into t.h:es°.lfo,de:-th.: ei.tw,).. f.e 9t
cOr71ti;n.Wfth.hPai::,buJci7;suahas;thi:Ator;inaryJire:pallS ir:iore.T e tens.gr6fion
white'. Sap- '.When,
-dloun0f.redel.Ved :.ra.jetterelf• re but • they,.,don',1,:.fo...they,...sheUld.„.lirpicp,,,,,,•Tlie flowets,,..wiiicit.i)lopm
quest ,ori ' l'tiesd•ay.., evening fi,•bra.,..bii...."...tO., payfpr.fOr. ,•51iieorie's Car fo,11.„ ,,.; June - to .. ,8eptemb.o.,,,, . a:re.,
the .Beard,.. of the CalVin:.christian ibUitirig Who „cloesti.'t even..reside in
Droughts Defeated?
(Financial Pest)
klaS. the Western ,grain grower
-learned how 'fb----6-Vercomf droughts?
Will the wide* eale crop-devstatin
of the 'thirties evei: be repeated?,
hard-pressed 'municipal taxpayers„ This graiii-growing season sas...,-
,No 'wonder then that, Prenifer.
Frost, openitig a -municiPal ten- 'ak'eile:wa was not "0,nlY drier than
the driest in the 'thirties but; 'it is be-
tre in the •Torontor area in Septem- beveg to be the dries sinc.e grain,
,ber, demanded 'an increase in federal
ants to the province, Me realizes rg;Pnwfienlgl bj,2eetgwal4.1.insteheacitini);71&nhtrijveessst
that while provin6al..- grants 'to the l- this year than in 1937; the worst Year
of the great, . drought, yet- from,, a
smaller acreage-farrners are- harvest-. -
ing over 180 million bushels of wheat
against only 36 million in 1937 •
Why the big improvement?
ile,total- rainfall was scarify-,
townships, towns. and villages have
increa,sed :during,recent yearS,. they
" have fallen far Shp:rt.:of 'keeping up
With the increased cost:facing the
local officials, He, kilo,* municipal
*demands nmst met. arid.having.ac
cepted the Diefenbaker . election
promises at their face value. is now there Was came at, ithe righ
calling on the Federal Conservatives and-iliere was less of the high, *
'to produce. • . hot *incils* of 29 years ago.
Asking for a new -tax Split, Pre -1 , lima, More importance were.
mier Frost indicated there should be . these factors: better know-howchief-
2n arraligeffient--that would give* On•-•*.".' ly ii,. handling soil to mois-
tario an additional 88(006,00g; .• -tare, and fibre, better Seed varieties
He would 1%0 _tO see. Ontario and betteTx', faster machinery which
15 per; qent of' personal incorne ., permitted fanners to get'eropsInte,
15 pef.ti.fit of corPoration tax, and, fore theSPring moisture was all gone:
tbeqtiartr milhort,
Woolworth &tore onthe Square
WorkIs ;sehednled start] on: IVI,en
day on. eXcavatiOns and;PreParing
the,site',Of the'old British, Exchange
Hetet for';footing. for, r. the new
bunding.Which lie One of the
smartest of ,its We'StPrh,
Ontario., The farther .Art.Aporge.
'ereenksli and borne., in 'flat-topped
Schdol. Soeiety Clinten_,Per.,.,..,"tbwnshiP;-"They-Will -meet-With tprT-:
:inissio,n • to busi 1 or rel'iNrIte i .thb; Village. 1P-1stee:Thur5day rnght bfacts at the base of each .4tOste.t,-
lutilding,„ in toW,I.Y.-fer, usa aS a and .diSetiSs the situation -Zurich The deeproot system 'makes.. it
privato school -for their childreri Citizens News very, hard ;to hill either by "buiti-,
vation :Or -Chemieals. Small patch',
es slund,c1;e treated With '• cherni-
cals-becauSe • cultivatioa may drag
root' to, nther-Patts of the field,
thifs sPfeallhig-theinfeStation,-aS:a.,,
half-inelr.Seetion of root i$ capable'
-ofProdueing a new Plaht. •Patebe$,
be treated Withsoil. sterile:Tits
Sueh D13. 'Granular :(a_ mixture
of boron and .2kD), • Mianuroni,.or
mixtures of Soclinm ChlOrate,•;ap-
OP SetsfortIi,
II Dresses — Sixes 2-1,
e ig--Coidi- Plaids Cottons
From The IlaiOn• Expositor ,
• October -20, 1933,,
-A large throrrg'of citizens of Sea-
forth:and neighboring municipali-
ties gathered in town on Wednes-
day afternoon to honor. the visit of
the..Earl and ,Cquatess cf Begghor-
eugh. They were each presented
with a boucniet.of roses.,
"Mr. '3'. •M IVIcMillan was elected
president of the •Badminton• Club.
• The annual -field and track meet,
of the Huron Amateur Athletic As-
sociation, represanting the Colleg-
Seaforth, _Clinton, .Goderich,
Mitchell a.nd, EXeter, was held en
F Way.' Leda Nott won the:junior.
foonrAlityhs 7P. g6rrtelotaut • Will!n:o:ri Ptg6 ve.la°1111e I les 0N l'tfm's-Snie'llia::
ed.,on TueSday -when-.Miss L•uella
Thompson. arid Mr. Keverley F.
Christie. -exchanged wedding vows.
-Tames Schtt• was elected; presi-'
dent -of the -Young' PeOple's. Tinian
of First ,Presbyterian Churoh. r • .
Mr. 'Leo Stephenson spent Sifh-
day ,at the home of Mr.,"and- ran,
wimara Logan, Myth.
Mrs., Grace Ross has leased the
residence of Mr. It, L. Thompson
an 'John Street. '
• Mr. And Mrs. M. Mel -Cellar spent
-the weekend ;with Stratford friends.
lVfiss Margaret B. Govenlock was
united in marriage to,Mr. Samuel
L. ;Phillips on ,:Saturday. •
Mr. •Williarn• A. Chapthan, North
Bay, Paid •gl short visit last week
to pis_father„Mr. W. E., Chapman.
. .
at Girls' Lin-erl ans
Sizes 4 - 6 - 8 -
Front The Huron Expositor
Oetober 16, 1908
Perched hear.the ton of a 20-fOOt
ladder, Mr. IVIithael Downey,, St.
Columb&n, vvas: 'filling a bag of
apples. Bliddeniy, the ladder top-
pled ever and he fell to the ground.
Michael is still' bruised- and; sort-;
Mr. John Beattie, WhO -has -been
conducting a' successful grocery
bitsiness here fer 'hilmber of
years' tinder the firm . Of beattie
Bros.,,has disposed of ,hi g business
to Mt. Thenhas Blue, of Granton.
Mr. 8. Cooper,is rushing the new
church at Brucefield la a finish
anti :Wilt have his (,ontraet com-
Interesting items gleaned -11.0m
The iluron.pmositor of 25,; 50
anti 75 years ago.
Mrs: Limisden, Mrs,. Campbell
arid -Miss -Fergus CaroPb'elt-left on
Thursday afternoon for; Boy/it:in,
Florida;- where they will spend
the winter.- .
Stafhrth Collegiate Insfittitd. pup-
ils held their atintial snortsdos' 011
plied, a,ccording the.„manufac-
turerrs. directions.'t.
• Large. finfestationS are." costly to
eradicate With -Chemicals, but may
be -kept under control Witli a.! 50,:$0
'Mixture , and •
('Irtishkill) at , a rate or one Or
Friday- " afterntion. Archie.. ci soca: tWo pounds of acid per..aere, 11
won the • senior boys' " 'champion- p0ssible, two -treatineritS :Should:be-
ship , and 'Gordon' •Gauld *On the 'given 'hi Alie 'first season, ono, in
junior. boys: The •girlst. champion- Mid-June,ancl anhther in late Aug-,,
stip was. won y..RenarHolrnan.• ust. Further treat/nerds.. may -• be
Miss'Mary,..PLPeattie' exchanged necessary io.,the. second :season.
tharriagO "vows , With Mr. Carl Eradidation of large. infestation&.
supply , them:, with meals ,by an„..
The3f, can ..fly'rtb-:meetings, of faiin
Or-gatifti-atibffs__-tlia_Lm_e.y_i_o_nslv'.- they-
didn't .'haVe... time to-. attend And,
. ,
they. ta'rr go hunting-• fishin g, visit
some areaspartiCularly in
ter when -readS 'are blocked,' Senie...
farnt„,machinery,_,salesmen:". make., ..,
.plane '..flew,..frOM: • liabfax to Van-.
the rounds bk. air ,E:vep elergy-*-;;
ca'n(iiiieberea.ilie9(120i;pa' jeC' uli'at'a‘ flying has ' iarns,iheeetlins. adan:ntddo, jOrrii,V,cieusisititionaries s r uursaei--...pt ha par
, . •
year 203 . ctaft lOgged: Icital. of In,thePrairie.Provinees last.year
15,435 hours; according; to 'a 'study •
899,1:48_ heres, !of, gra,in were. spray --
conducted. by
""' ed -.dusted • fo.r control of weeds
the.,Economics',DiviSioni..Nrarleting 'buck. brush and . insects.,
, .
In ;-Ontario-,-,- 22,800 acres.. of to-
bacco. sprayed..and. '1,050 acxes iciUltzed, 2200 ani es .-;
acre' of
.8nrttee..frPes Sprayedz.rhany Chrigtt; .
trd:aaus''atrapes 15,47ai,r1tiaztiTio:_siipsia%11,1ate
trOlof ;flies;•and•inoscfnitoes•i:. -
l.New'Brunswick,.:3,300 ,hcres
Were sprayed -fel' bush ,contrel.
,Tlie.,'D'eparttnent, of''Agrieultitrel. •
rePort; of . its ;kind;. :;•ShOwed'*;
r$Oehtier ;on "Virednesday. ' • , • bY dultivation usually reqiiire -non,
SanTes Cum/fling, has, sold -his -Willow field operations fOr at least
fearrsinmitaila tothem7rtb itconatcoemissieocirly,. Tuck-, tsstvi6./1 gseuarylvtl:.• '.}1A0.1Yd,13.thaetnellebse
ed,•with chemicals as recointhend-
ec, a ove,
Leafy Splieg6 litay also be con-
trolled by gtazing it with sheep
whose close -grazing 'habit will
weaken the plants -and prevent
them,froth prodticing,‘seid. •
Mrs. o•eorge 1\lott, of .,the west
end of 'Tlicker$thith, left Tuesday
trip'to the West. .
vrim, Tho otirolt;Expositor
Ontoher 19, 1883 •
One night last week Ur; josepli
Allinson, of Clinton; lost ',a • -good
horse.' It had, been' out 'to.
grass, *hen soine 'dogs chased it,
and it -.slipped; breaking its :thigh
and liad to he! shot. '
Mr. William Iteihl, seedsman of
thiS town, had a fine 'display of
seed grains' at the Western Fair,
London; and 'was awarded ,tWalfirst
prizes for, fell wheat alid.,,One first
pets for 'barley, • ; ;
-'1V1r.. John Beattie ,reurried home
'from Manitoba on Saturday, -
"-Last Metaday-.-evening.,•eanie.„--1-
disposed..persons entered Carclno's,
all_OcL,broke Open Otte of the
Commander Cheyne's 'btoces and
ed away several ,valaable
- Ole. D. WilSbn!s !egg- teams
ran aWay ri :Tuesday; *demolish-,
in :the, Wagon 'and Making a, Ser,
ions failing in•eggs. The,diiver and
horses es„Cated
Segforth crefimerY closed
Tilopeersadrs foD, this , season last
Mr. Kemp 15 :thing to abandon
the use- of wood sin ;the. big. thin'
and is procuring a conSignnient of
coal for fuel, •
Mr. Villiain FinlaySoin Tucker -
smith, nobid' .of excellent
heavy • dr,aught hprtes, recently
pleted m a few weekS, It is going sold a yeariltig 'filly: to an Anierf•
to'he, -vry neat church, can buyer, foi, the sum of $200.
'Th o soo'forth eider, mill wift be -gr. Richard. Wight retUrned
run On Tuesdays,' Thursdays and home last Week after having spent
Saturdays pf. each.4kek for'a short 18 biennia in Manitoba, working at
while, e: his trade as a earPenter
Erad Anderati
Service, Canada Department of
Agriculture. -
Maittly the airplane was used for
sWYin,g and dustlhg. But the
story goes. further -Much further.
• - .Guard.•AgainstlFrOst"... ,
ine•loW- NII-teraX„
ether .spepial.erepS,', raisingthe
dawn lemperatures.,40' th'at' frost.
wOuld not: darriage. the, crops. •
Vrorn Abe .air,f.strayed .ancl injur-;
eedaiticeattelfem, nwi;,eerd.e.:.sapnodtteclrouannodedothdepr;
that indiecIlYWorld INar IIspur-,
TenCes,..windmills and .other'faeill, agrictilturall„ -as young
. ; . ,
hes--kere''Cliecked• and-xerraired f airmen le.ftllre-R,CAF,•to sw.ell -the
needecl; and.Salt blacks draped for' rauka cq.11314,ig formerS;
grazing ]ivetoek Too the- report . gave credit ta•
A • cheek 'Was' made. on . water, the Department: 'of Transport *for
sheds, run-off conditions,. flooded allo ,greater . scope 10 fariners
area and dralnage, and irrigation who :•.6Wribd private . aircraft' and
sYstems. ; ' •i'thus gi,,Irrig: the mushrooming ,busi•r•
- Weed and crop growth, crop dam'- ness'a 'further shot lin the. ann. •
age,'paSture Condi; ions, •orten -ion • • - •
of field layouL. and general field. .
Conditions, inehidirrg .the :dine for, It was Moriday:rifortring and the
s e.e ding and • surninerfaltowing- "miniSter - was greatly .
cameunder surNity, , 'stocked. when he unexpectedly
• , Aunt' C6yotes
• Other "purposes- included bunting,
•Ca-Yotes4oxes an4 other predatory
genie; timber • ernising, suryeying
farth'•:- land • -before-- ' purchasing,
watching.' for . and taldng
phofogra..R.s, • . „• .
• Many :farmers new use the. air -
;came. -opeli his , wife • with her, hand •-•
in the coins g-athered. .during • the'
'SundaY., 01.iii,04,:••C011jection„ • •
.."Msihtha,..What are you
46,:exelaimed.;' • „
ao you think -I'm doing?7-
she• retdied, ; annoyed.. ralook-
fOr a. butten'to. ,SeW. -on•;'Your
An -Amy -PAIR A'S
, izxf,A,Fi-lif5 Jr
Concealed_ vcrult-for personal papers and otlier•vcilucibjes
(only YOU know fhediol cOnibination). Also: two Valt-bear,i
ing letter illesf two iiide,5 drawers for 8i6, ei4x6 -cards (6400 '
capacity), or for caieelfed checks; Iwo adjustable 'sfordede •
ompartments tinder tock mid key. Not tobe confused.with
• Imitations itaVing toy-ized locks. Sizes 371/2" high, 01,12"
17"deeli:Green or Cole b-rcebalced enamel finish....
With plunger -type lock which autord.atically
locks, all drawers, No. 1418P1.4.,.....H. ... ,,,, 95 , •
Phone 141 or