HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-10-17, Page 1• • • - ninetyeIslinth 'Year Whole Number 4732, • SEA.FOTET; ONTAB,16; FRXDAY, OcTOT3.E-17., 1958 Single Copies, 5 Cents $2.50 a Year in Advanee, . A' ribbeti,Cutting,•cereniony Wed -1 'and Vic..I.,e62,' ----, esefity- afternoon marked the offt• 'fIn concluding the short prograna, cial opening'. ofthe rrewly,named Reeve FofSyth, expressed, apprect,•• Ginbings'bridge and of the ree.ent-• 'Anon to all tvho had by their Co- _... sly____c ompletedt ,pav:ernent_fr.oin.::No., 'operation; made ilie_•_.:constrtiction, 8 Highway to RCAF Station,, Clins .p.o'ssible,„: 1-1? mentioned Engineer -' ton. ' '. ' - :. •". . . - - Burns: RosS,- •.and the. contractors, Carried -Put ,,ini perfect' fall. ss ea ., ._.,l'Itueir.01,-.1-1:,,,C, ,hvyrhisotei:iii:ieli:ie,capii,din. c.Fh,r,eg.. d,,. flier, tinder the ::chairmanship - 10;30 a itn;e_DiS.T:..... Wednesday ..n.e....ss :is_ Rica te deaf .the:in.,:terSection,,,,_ I storekeeper, .,w1-ip:sn - place,- of •Iiiisi,- - af, the; intersection of No.. 4 Ilig,h-' He, :along with his v:if_e_and,..1 Tuckers/1'1'1th .Reeve" Ivan -Forsyth, --uf, construetionc--.: .. .., • way "aid: -the county. 'ti. "O'ad ',at. il:C..l1).- 'itiff-.13::.t.atheatImeo6rUnriinekrs,m\t•raeure-whiiiispy,,ishtiert3,-7 ,.. , .. . , . .. - l'irA.YOlit'.13.,' F•feffitiOr...i[E a:nd MrS.-- Christie celebrated their. , 25th •--, weddmig anniversary :at . . .. ::.• :fti •speaking -.before- the bridge. •Val,,T4 .• ° : - S !n D_,IStric't."::. cident, but•Mt..Somei'ville- Was, tee:- aifil-r.moke'', ItIr.' Diekert.- no' direct' eyewitneSses of „the ac-. ,door ...they Saw, ".nothing,,:but •tiltist':' . , ,According to pollee- :there , were - heard the .cra.sh. On•ruslaing to the -e, . . ...-trhheairriipSfoanr,lionig LivSfoot.--rli6efiirte jed:-.,-tlivi:thiso-,•wecett-e'-Vsii-ait.---tht,iera-.:eeireebr'iNatsci--L•ct4afp61-1.e;:aS 5) 115 ;g-rlk, laji-`-iii•-nai-vnedr-sdVla,r7....' J. Ihril"., bah- been .. declaredoPenecl' Reeve. --::::! RaoN E ora th 'said the,bridge, :which -in, .' ' • • '.:,. ..l : --s------;---, -.-- ..,. • • L liatied to liaVe.been:trOVell.ingett:eSt-•••vXhen-•-the-- dust 'Cleared, :they -saW";'•: . ;lie .p3'a§-t -had been, Ifint\i'vn. ,as' the 1' .'111-01arliling. distriCh'a•r°1-ilid 'he•re --L--on- the- -county road .' towards : - the the- Sonierville'• 17:ellicle across the .' - :-Th6mpson,--88;,,is a former 'Warden- ,of Wgoilington 'Connty and has been -_active in' Masonte and• , . s , provMcial Iiighw.ay.-,IES" ' vehicle, 'road,' against the curb.: ..- .• : • : ,. Orange. •••.Orders. Mrs. Thenips"On. 'is 84 and„ both • are- in exenllent health. • Vi' -bile- the • a6tifab annii' i ' 'edall.idhf'0°-radjiab'briiiC-,1,-;51:1ki,-,1:..eebetenn--hbreniintailidi'l 11.°t?'luciL.d't'oP,';?esenttheljertetaeerti°onff otfhaSn. ' : and a .viehicle: -being.„:-',-,driven, by- , -'::"Aecorkling•-tP-C7'0.1.1.t.able Vi*C71(S,,,',. llinESgi.Villg:.,Day,. "(ExpOsitol:, :photo by .Phillips). , . , . . . . . . : , . ' had :prayed a. ,prominent part in rP...-1Ilee4.k;•:.is-rice 'eS(1).1-.1113:1e,;:C:.1:1aU • . • ., - . ,--Banton -W. Spurrell ' .44-- London two Goderich •.ladies passed- the \-,•thich was proceeding neith tin No. scene justsecongs before, the,crash , versarY,•dateS are ;on October 16 and 17, the :occasions, were marked ;by a-• family , gathering , here . : -• ; a Pioneer family •Whiclt shine -1.881 ' . . . . . „ , . . , , . . • - . ; , . ..., ' - , '4 highway were. in- collision : at -arid 'the driver saitv 'the .aecident ha ..ew ecor 5 'the .. bridge, ilow • own'ed by , Bert; Mr. and M:1"S- M'onlk, who now Th • :.: . • .„, :G-ibbings, formed a Pertipn: of the IJ:ive :in: Ed1-11611 tell, :are- visiting , his Fair Was an .Plitstarldj.ng... success,..1i. _itilh 'vehicle's Were-1.completely. --C_on.dition '.,of „the__Leinfloft driver_ directors e decided , at 'a " Meeting; \\Tecked,. vrith. da,1--na:ge-§- of :$2,500 was -desetrbed,--s-, satisfactory by acres at one :time held "byLtlie ; sl.Stek-T lldri.• 'David rapple, and Mr. Ransford family; ---_:::', ' : .i, ',, _- - .1F.'aPPle. Tite3,_. went , out '. west,'" 42 ThursdaY night. -Attendance,' - they 1:estimated- li.tr. the investigating, Of- ,I-il; "O'Oddard,-; He' suffered' a ,,brok- -- Recalling .the nerotiations,.;whieh 1 years ago, 4ed,lived ,in moose. 4.aw• felt, y.as a -t an a4_:time, laigh this ificer; .-FreVincial - Constable Qih_ en -leg, ,broken' ribs;--dther-clieSt in - had 1,0n e on 'for ,tsorne time , pre_ 1 for 38 years .-: They , ha d net been Year.... ; - : , , , ' . . .. . I Dbo'rkis ij,. eGf:-tGlaeod'datefit,er.iredlietaaif,-h,Treenatt:...i,:r jr,e,.§,...,..,:ss.noilni" seerrvimonesfliasC.,/ruativoivild.. 1;back to • Seaforth? since they: first - PriZe 15.1> 5,5 earned totalled: 35 - , ed the injured Men at 'the - acene, his \t,7;ife •thef,former Dora Scott, to • woo/al-he was rnarried on. MaY 23'. ' - - -- •--- •' 1 . ,,,. ; _ , . _.,,,.,-..is,Ti,.,,, IVIonk-recal,led-,-lae--ba-d-lived,:-'-ly---$3-800--ca-it-b-, 6ounted•••.--tow:artis-------.--------,-----------:.------ - project --had lideri •rna e .possible . . , - .. . . - Seaforth sewer ;committee will lised later. in 'the' northwest corner ,go to, Toronto at theLearliest_op-. 0 ; own died R. Somerve, Seaforth, an onthron arnbula,tice,, Iiensall,' ... noma. Inhhis 75th ;ear ',the Mc4.1.--1,-- Wipplifnanlei'PLIiirarnidelbi'llita°7c871; ' jF0xseetP:e111; Ili3sk: c.ar.cras at Kipomissliortly befcire - - ' ' ' '5° ' OIL id..Lec_luitWofedninieursdiaeys" rafecteeirvneodonft.i. aas:twthoe: rmueshrneocirlMr.H., 08spoinitalrvislelea'fotrotabgs Saciaoun,t_at lop native suceumbed less than six Impact 'of the'-'cr Se- t th - • - e hours after the fatal erash that Somerville vehicle:: also injure a London man. : a curb1"11 front, ef -d'W-atsOn ' . .,Mr. Sorner.ville suffered a Tarok-- Hall' On the ii est , corner, ..en arm, lacerations about the head while the -London chi came to -test and ,one hand, 'and concussion a on the shoulder of .the ,road On the the brain, aecording .to Dr: E. A. southeast coiner. of the. intersee-'' MclVlaster, Seaforth; -who attend- tion.. ,_-_ _ .....---L------.---7---` ' e"d-bina- at the-s•hosPitaL • He'-dirdre ---Ti"nTe' Of ilie- accident was ,placed regain consci.ousness• after the at about 10:30 a.m.:,:loy 'corn -law - crash, Dr. McMaster„ said, . . - Dibkert,. lOppen postmaster and - , 'The accident -oecurrecl" about - _the.._ceremony brought -Into use ---- toWnShip; road improvements. -cost- A 42-Y' ing 4/19'000 W4:11 ears WllhanL Sonlerville ,ruecision the district. The ,farm' 113th . annual Seaforth Fall the intersection-, • the rear view mirror. - • ceeduag,. e, actual -start ofe con- •• . . .a(.ruetiorr, .Reeye. Fer.syth. said, _the., went' ,vest. • 490.. of•.tins: •amouel, aPProikimate- - , . , , thrbugh the co-ouera_tion of, the On the former TIalltd-aY farm. He Class B ' eligibili. y -This. ensures tive. - Smitlf--1\-liis,--Ralph---Nfel\il h I fl --- the presen sewer sys em arid ents. He r call 4 the Federal - .4. fc d th t ma Y et been met. -In: lio ,11 19a/ and 19a6, '.Mrs. Ross Driscoll, McKillop and steps' already -taken by the town Government' had' contributed $12,- his friends no 10r1,ger are here'. over .$3,000 was- paid out' to the .. 1P, ,rDeusbultenti.,___it nItstru.• 1,i--ct,/-_. , Mrs. Ilelen Kirkby Windsor.' Also to have a comprehensive plan.pre---0•00 following rePresentatlons frorn--di,s-frik.'e.p 'adri?_.i.P:tetbteY ph•Pro°s.dpelioull:-,s,•• :1ClaraltpYbeelli-eRe.1$1. , 'pared- -goes on to- discuss re- A. SYS r, -.1m., >,r IVI.P., -and portunitv to donsult with the e same ,lime as e ,com- OW1qC `and Municipal Heard. con- mittee was 'meeting with its en- cerriing sewer plans for the -town. gineers, discussions -ware -gOing on Council .instructed 'chairman John with the OWRC, Dr. Turnbull said, . 0. • Turnlitill to 'press , for the 'plan, The commission' had -carried out a -which was . considered_to„ he the The of pointion in Seaforth and _4nOst,,advantageous...jec the town. . re_collarnended.inikpediate action' to " Dr. Turnbull -.told, •council the provide service to. the hosPital.-Hie Matter had.•eome• to a' 'head be- new factory, the .DHS and 'Sea. - -cause- of -requirements -for-sewer foith Creamery.. his could ly service at the Seaforth shoe plant. be achieved by adhering ,to the service .Was 'not provided the orrgmal plan Thd' OW110 :was , pr - town must arrange 'alternative dis- Pared, to recommend the entire •.• plan to the 'Municipal..Board and „In an 'effort to encourage a fast- was confident•approval for tlie•, ex, • er coriSideratien'by the. OWRc, thp, PendltUre, could bp. ohtained'. The conimitte'e. had asked Its engineers ,Coinmission•.was not sympathetic, for- a proposal to -serve 'only the to -the: Short factory attd hospital and abutting " DiscuSsimi the 'propesal, council 1.906, -and tw- o sciris etici four diugli- ters: :Walter, Archie., ,MrS. Gilbert • .• The-coNgIG-report-afteiHr.evieWingT.TEederalte-and----PrOvhreialr.---GOVernF; sal ewfilE 'a cglia int- that the-41-edod---feflkiircineills `la2t4,- rt -a ." •G. t 1.10 -skid; ed'the secret-rY to 'apPlY4or the.: m.uirernects under the heading, the Pr°vInela 91169--'-'n-rnen hadgranis•itained. farms ancl,c'bundings in the rating. . • • "Sani,tarY Conditions in the mon. contributed .1-thrOtigia'road $27,000. The.; township, had paid 't'owns...- '‘Farrniag'' is a' 1.°t better A ccordi'lli"t?•:§0'reiii, 11: Jamies , •sewere-ront-e_ re-eorumended tn'e reniaining'-'-$10;i)00. Reeve.•Fer,-, now than it Was iv,hen w •" a n ; g as _ere sv 1,1 t. e 1.) 13:a to said this ,a1T101-illt 0111a be ' in the indoor displays' 'and. were bY the consulting engineer has' d • b t three b (mtlegh lisigher in the iiv&stockylaeld, loeweningsedicuelltite°s:witrh tw:nt.hine afjcor• covered in a' years Yfnr the are grants. hi. lieu of taxes' Which .q.°V ' `,1 V 'towns11p has going ou.. this-ite-ekand prtivate,•,.;swage l'fthroem' ec,116,srreercoemiYo-ilogt , r- I-lurrv money is a d -to.serve a new industrial build- • c ing, in the. - since.1,9 2, and which OverS'hous- . • • , BecomMendations', and • ••sugges- Lurs.es, • Residence • hospital highways • •ri as u ertioVing, theirfge-Nes from plasg- -ta-rS imprwements- :le- -a-kr municipal- engineer Ali- rooms in tests conducted aS. a ,fea- in future years. The ‘'difectors -tan Neilson, of,_Stratford, cell-, Lure. .of fire preven,tion week, ac- were ,also advised that four.„--bi•-e-ed- P- S tt. assoc'tations were _lb:two:fed-. in ' 'Scott ''IVIertlori / :•,/{ pi/a at. ',RCAF_Station.;.-Chriton. y'Seaferth.„,pupilS„,„,inade_good time torts' were:'-.adVanced. by the. dires,, a oS anu The. - blio* e b district, t ti' f and .riutses' 'reside'nce are located. at the ,northweSt' corner of, Wi.lson, and ,JameS., treets. Aceom o a- -1--e'SideliCes:' It was. suggested:a-line ,W,oridered-Jh-y:the department Was: tionisiproyided_in-this hesnital for along, Centre'and'•Wegt.:William---.St.- no.W.7edfideriniitig•-.ait some 54- patients and the staff' con- ' would •serve-"this.purpose. It would had aPProved • four .years. ago. : sists 'of, six- to eight residentsand " .be inimped :into the_ exi,sting:,line, ,ilibicirkl,fa•Vered 20,• to :25"non residents - noW terminating .on • deri ,ta n n app OV r the holt,plan, The private. septic Loll, sys ; near • ibe although . he agreed that to carry oat Stalled .for :the disposal . Said- ' The ,diunipingr- Statieii Wasneeessary. ,the proposal WoOld, .be .tary: and jandry-, wastes - beeauSe..:Of the difference:410614s. :cheaPest.in:the. long. run. It would ' tiSTe 'and 'Space is ,inadequate'..for -•:•Tlie..ccist. estimated -13Y: tliet..engiii...alsiaber,'"S.Pread,'-o7,1,er. a longer Per- ,suitable extension., At • the Present ders,at $79,000•WaS•tonsidered high: iod:' '.• ; • • time the, condition relieved by The advantages Were that tWo'clig-,..„ COUneillor-BraclY recalled all had an overflow to a"'drainage...ditch on .n. P4al -PrObleinS 'Would. be solved, been in favor' last .Stiminer..". If the -a,. nearby ;farlu,' northWest'' of the b Victoria B:C and. 20 grancichil: The on of the -toile Mr. and Mrs, - S " u dents of McKillopi• Seafortb.,- Arehie Somerville, pioneer rest:. ., Mr: Somerville was horn in Mc - A 'prominent Seaforth business' Killop Following his marriage "he Man for 25 year§ Clinten E. Smith and his wife. homesteaded at Day - died _suddenly' Thursday idson Sask until 1919 --when the irig. 41,e was 77: , .„. returned to 'IVicKillop. They, farm- --1111 S *th had ,„s tt ed on the sa f••• 111enierial HosPitai., for a _few' days til retiring to 'Seaforth- in October,' Ifelr''"4.--routine-r-cbeci:---llis-passing.'_1_957. He was a, member of Cavan ca'rne as al-gieat '-'seirprise to a wtde.:,:Unifed--'Clin-feh,, Wintlirooi- arid. was. . circle 'of. -friends and associates, -. • a trustee: of that chin:dr. - --Active in 'the Collin-funity since A post morteni 'ekamination• was -- . consing 'l- he s+'"bIished-- a 'shoe carried out Wednesday evering by business which lie continued to op- Dr.. Ai,instrong, St, Mar, s flospi- erates•successfully,_He \vas a• past ta;-1,' Kitchener. Funeral, arrange- _prbgident of 'the, Seaforth Lions ments are being. made_ 1),y: the: -G. 'Pres- -A. -.Whitney. Funeral:Hs-nil:6, Sea, .byteriam-Cliiireff He was a mem- •,f'orth: but tvere not complete at. ber" of Britannia -Lodge and Scot- press time Wednesday night. As ' tish-.11ite, and recently .was pres- Ye*, no ate as- been'set for an , ented with, -a- 50 -year- aWard.. I -Ie --" gratulated the townshiP fOr. hiving cerding tO Fire Chiet John , co initiated such an excellent project. St James' Separate School was holding theii. shows in •conjun,cann, '.E1StOn Cardiff, Huroo MP., 'also va-cated in 43 Seconds; there are with the Seaforth al next, y ar, cengratulatecr theliffibials On -their -t163 -pupils. Seaforth, Public School Jif :suitable ancomnioclatioh can be 'foresight.' He recalled he, had at- pupils, 322; and the Ve4forth Dis-larratig_ed, This. -matter was left to tempted this year..to obtain an ad- trict High School, 330;-- each ,va- a -future ineeting-rof--the,-, orgain2a_ ditional federal grant towards the cated the elassroonis„-in.45 seconds.'; tion - • - • work, buthad, not been .sticeessful-, ' ,"Otheis- who spoke briefly were SenatorW.„11, Goldina Chas. Mac- ro a en Naughton., Huron IVILbA., was also a Phst 'president of, the Hanover-Seaforth Cars Collide Lean, Hurbn Engineer Tames Brit - men's club df 111 chnrch, BaMn'ell... Exeter, Bs45 rine tahned sehdettnedbtietscliniensiiSiinni eP°ec'tehre-Tileil:(1)1ri sp6riie°tIlriset illExSe'tfetr-hisa, and there was a possibility, work Mimicipal Board will approve, why 'hospital: " , v eel -Ad be ' proceeded • with more stop rt0ty? 'Councillor 13, aldWine, and: ''.Seaforth. •Disil'ict -Iiiiil'T§iii.0.-41,, ,..,I) quickly':..than if the Plan agreed to Bali and •Reeve. Seoins agreed. If '4. ..i.his .School-is1rocated. On the "east. „K in -the.. ,'stinainier-: Was underVakext..,,J.trWas not-PosiSibleAo1-preeedd with 'side- of Chalk fSt:;-;'near -',Ira,41f1-11'f:,' • ',There would, be ;little ' Joss is the :the original'''..prOPOSal, • then•:. the St.. Accommedatintt is provided .'„fer*. 1' ....pinup' setup., sinee ..this cOuld:-. he Smell Plan., was . the,...next• alterna- smile.: 365 -, students :in 14 - class- P ell, Burns Bess,: engineer- ort the ridge project; :Peter. Chriitenseri„ ho built :the bridge, -Bert ings,, former, reeve I ja Doig. oad siiperintendent Andrew, Ilotisft-,•A'hall, 4.6 leet,-lay .100 (3t4.forrrier-eouncilloet,Bert Gaftet, Soini-",be;.,,A-reAlity, .Brodha-geri7 oad Contraeter :George LaVis, land At the•regidat, Monthly ...Meeting ..of. resent ,,ceinieillorS. Art Vatle; the Brodhagen.".and District rank Valponer; Thompson her of -Commerce Thursday night, thb building .comMittee ,wore given ;sant:I/brit to ..go. aheaa.,01i..plans. OLII1C1 n e ive rs '..,r - Seaforth -Council adjoirriled ,Tues.- processing' plant being prOvided, in ` day,..evening without reaching any - Seaforth. At the Moment and fol.- •• leWing 'the recent Sale of, 1Vlaple decision as to RS. attitude towards' . . • . . , - - . Leaf Dairy, 'milk' sold here is pr - Je orts. t obtala a _s_eg.42114...1a1.1k •cessed in,Exeter.--The matter of a ff o ' ' • y' " '. 9 :distributing. license inSeaf6rth. ' lieense is' Semethinef over wh* hp . . , s The tour -long discussion -arose council -has no control, 'being is- . from, the aPpearance before coun- 'Sued by ;the. Milk -Industry Board tcbi . cit. •of R. L. -cotisins, of join's, of Ontario. It indicated, 'how- -Dairy, asking- that con cil - ndi- eVer, that if a distributor "did pro; , .• ' cate to the Mille Board its a ' ude vide .processing, facili,ties a lieense towards a second distributor in would folIOW atitornatically. . ' . toWn, Mr. Oonsins had indicated. The cousins' letter follows:. at a' pfevious meeting of c'ouncil ' "At the last, . meeting of your • that he intended to process milk COuncil .at. which 1 --attended,' it in Seaforth,' if • hefwas able to ob—Was my •understanding, that you tain a license, And , at that time desired that I pla,cebefore you in lie -Was -fold in bring in his pro- writing my planS' eanOrritrig .futui'e ''. POSal4 in writing. . - : OPerations in, Seaforth. I am now .'':" Along -.With his proPesal which -pleased to communicate such plans , indicated processing would not be to you. ', • - (Ione 'here -Until. sales reached -700 "For your enlightment," I 'now quarts aday,. and 4-•:, suitable site hive in .any possession a petition ' was:obtahied., Mr.*Cousins present- signed by 257 persone Whom r he. '---,,ed-a; petition bearing' 257 names. ' neve, are all residents,. if ,not rate - *The meeting.. also, considered- a' PaYerss-1-01... the _Tovvns of Seaforth, letter from A. P. Clark, secretary addreased to The -.Milk Industry •of the Ililk Industry 'Board of •On - Board of OntatiO. This petition '1'e - :tariff,' Wilteh' indicated that Conn- quests that a Milk, distributor's '''•cillor ,Baldwin; mhenhe appeared lkerise be ggarded- to 11..,‘ B. Cons- ' before,....t.he.., board ' on behalf o,f, ins I.,imitecl, ;Winch is A 'porpany . ' council in August,,nad been- Com,- controlled 'hs rfie. •. • ... • . Pletely impartial in :his attitude.' It "It is,tiny intentiOn to present 'bad_ been suggested at an.'earlier ,meeting :that he .had supported a- ' particular application, arid as a result the -board :had been asked - to indipate 'What had been .Said. The. board's. letter . follows l'.. "Further t(1' year recent teIephOne :conversation rinay ,say ,the Board has been • consulted regarding the • $lihrniSsions made by you at the ' abOve - hearing. The,. Board's ne- er& reveal that you indicated you 'were present at the reqUest a room 8. Similar' difficulty has been ex- perienced With the sewage dispos- a system which consists of -a cess- pool and a _septic tank. There is resulting -pollution. of Silver Creek which receives the diseharge from the Coleman St. storm- sewer near the intersection With Crombie St. c ,Seaforth Shoes Limited—the con- h Struction of a new faetory And of - flee building for Seaforth Shoes. Limited is underWay, on An eight- c acre site west of William' St. and m '.Mr. • and. Mrs,. )3inick •and _ :„ ; „ night accicl. ht southof tren- . , dattglitecs, ,df - Rostock; • . and: 1,, RshaerioNi.v76±7; Mrs. ,Norman Perguseii, Exeter; Sri tdr: 't•fMOrrsel. Lanrdue Wis6slf e• a4etilitlddi It.N.eiLyrae, 7ciaT§bh3,ei,a caf le" ser, ae drs OaaPf foerir..theti: MC°rIse:';:LliaVuestsnel2clig"loeffe-w.i.I'h • "•":Tharik-sdivitig -and flarvest'IfOrne)'6.6Ftru..d..e. B. A timed hip in the. cf." a'S h. 'Ord' y minor' • , Th'e; building 'Planned -',Wilt be -"a. Serviee 11.vas-ab,serVed.at•St- Pe,ter's e t: Pre ce. ease mjuries were IcTiived hivi the two A8SUMt.S. • IDUt. At D hdal ' " " fe' 14171 in 19'35. T .11 e orey. struc re, Chairman, Butheran.:Chu el ins resteo, at. the G, ricol-arepletel- w'recked When if:-slani- , drivers:. he i le. was ' • • U: . • Oeorge.:.•Eickmeir,"--alohg with' ''his. sPite the shortage of flowers due. rem o tfos er ' ' ;corn:nutted, 'have loeeh looking' at to the t an. was,. eau-. ).7"-d*ciTeY *lu.7e1:al .hgrne, James A. Murray; -since 1048 ao- other buildings and building plans ountant at the Bank of Commerce, to trY and rettch a decision on ere, left Wednesday' for ;Dundalk,' what would suit the purpose of the 'here he becomes manager. village., I • • His suceeslor in Seaforth; is 4, At the snne meeting .a decision . A,. Meedurt, of 1VIldland. 'Mr, was reached to hold a turkey raf• cCourt hiS wife and .two (le this fall.. The -meeting, held in • , , ,(Continued on • Page 4), • d )cci e u tio r01, are: expected 'he!!e"•-•,shortly„ '•Peter's• Church basernent, Vas. of the T.Triited't utheran Church wo.; 'Eaten ••1-401ihardt,'* Dean:. Smith' .* I •.e eam- catered to by the 13roclhAgen' group dt taerbucio9iya, t decorated.anld.,grain w•Ferruietsu, s•I'Vegien-his ,m'in')11'> >5)07 57010 OIJLLULIULCS( .7 ister„ Bev. , • on. Sunday. aftormion. Interment follOwed.'in Little Lalte •aerneters-, Chi,Itli'dn of -T..-the kitidergarten: lision with the:German •mciclel "car ". driven by the Itanover.girl: • crasb At Dublin. • or'tRedo01,1-car crashin4O0alljrtrin7i;luahc1..1: • . lin .Village.' 'Tuesday:afternoon? .The..... ..iniurecl;man...was 'treated. at Sea..• • .tici-:4,s0:6tfate'telise;',•attipTilecias3;'.giS7acPilettl car- Pete'boro. on": :12 Pallbearers • at . SIFaforth And; flsWers; ti1i..the 'Chancel at the and Pete001'0 • wei.e. '11'0s ' sePtt, opotduig of -5.110 Theifillie.‘4,,,:., Clare Reith, Ebriet, Laroodi,, A. ing Children eartteth storr Fisther,'.SteW.art;;William R.:,• Smith •aa.(I 1 • • tse,$snie e. Up'family, of Seajorth, with Mrs. of charge. Mileage firing • the Linde Rillebrecht," and:, -4:ther month totalled 1,607., and operating' , • , cbsts were 841.84. The police were • Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Bricknian obtaining 17.6 miles per gallon. and 13arry, .of BramptOn, with het During the month. the force • had parents, Mr. and, 'Mrs. Dalton carried -6n instritction work lo- Hinz. • , Seaforth population.hicreased td _ • 2 202 during the past year, figures presented by town assessor .W. southgate to council TuescraY 1)uring the "'same period ,there was an increase in assess-- ,,inent of $29,820, representing the main new construction. Total taxable assessment is now $1 475 - B39, Mr. Southgate said:, - In tion; there is further new construeti(5n of about $26,000 to be added d before the end of the year, as_well a as Union Gastrarisrnissiori arid diS- !nal_ .• - • , Marren 'Voting, 'Jeanne °*.farinuth, Mrs. Norman Bede', Of Detroit, Nita Rapien, Warren_.ROolt;* Way,ne visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ahrens'. Marg: Elligsen, 'Janice Ed." Priietet. Dietz. 'Donald Campbell Kim een Mrs. Edith -Retierreann arid Mr. hard4; Wendy Wolfe, •Donria.Lcon- • g •g a • Joyce' VOcIt;', Elitabeth .Elligseu, Ralph 'Poschelbeig and.' N:eir Bettor:. th.enn, • • , Mr. and :Koaueth wtou. and Diane and- Mrs,' tell, of To- ronto. with 'Mr." and Mrs. Lew, and Ralph flicks for the .weekend • and cat schools.',' • MiSs Lee .11ariiteks and Mi... Don theY' also attended -the 60th wed - and Mrs. Alfred Beuermarm and bardt, james aue Dou I SITock, Councillor' William Ball:- -told- Ahrens, of Hamilton, with Mr. and ding, anniversary of Mr, and Mis. council the Conference .on Indus- Mrs, Charles Ahrens. • " Andrew Hicks, Centralia, • • - try he hati,attended in Torento was Mr, and, Mrs. George' Jarmuth L-• Querenge'sser - and Ot- and Mr. and Mrs. -Floyd 'Wassman Mrs. John C. Piegel accompansecl Council. aPprOved redolninen4....at. Salilt' Ste. Marie for the week- Mr- ,and Mrs,. Harold DiegeI, 05 ation ' finance eommittee end, • Mitchell, to .1•Voodsteek..on, rid appcied E. Southgate in- Mr. Gars Sholdice. holidays visiting Mr. and 'Mrs.. Dori Markle. trance -)Poker. from the Canadian. Bank- of Coin- Ars. Lena. tIliesen -with Mrs. Novem )er.11 will be observed ineree, Dublin, and spent the week Alma Pusehelber; Listowei. public holiday, tor:melt clocided, end ih Detroit: f••• tribiition lines., - There are 153,dogs registered M a this petitiont'to The Milk Industry tewn, 13 of which have not yet a Iloard of Ontario -in-the near fu --I bought their 1958 licens'es; There ,ft ttire, aloilg-71th a remiest for have been no appeals*so far -against th rehearing of,an application by my ; assessments. g Company for a diStributor's', lic Reporting for the street ,commit- s tense. ff such a license is granted, !tee; Couneiher Hihkirk said the th fily very definite plant are as fol.: staff in the main had been.employ- lows: . • ed on street work, in the new fac- ti "(1) To purchase all milk Sold torY area. Work was progressing -a by Me or the Company in Seaforth ,satiSfaotorily . bo the 0onstructipti-13 and district from' local inn pro- of streets and storm 'sowers, .and r-clucers. felt the. work would be done for' (2) To commence processing in about' $7,00o, a saving of abut w Council and riot taking sides, but, Seaforth-AlI milk sold'in the- §ea- 89,000 from .the origin -al estirnath. t "t waS''the iviSh of CounellAhat forffr area as soon As my volume.. TWnlve-inch tile had been laid on w fter it had heard, nepresentations Many from here attended the -orn Arch'Dobson, on behalf of 'hooting match held in 1VIonkton e. -Legion, Councillor 'Brady sug- en Monday, _ ested the Chamber of ..Commerce Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks and Mr. houlq act in such matters, Since and Mrs. Ralph Hicks: Alvin; and canerchants were affected, Coun- Sherry attended the celebration.of Nor Baldwin urged that some- the GOth wedding ..anniversary of, iing.be done to encourage greater the fdrrrier's -aunt and uncle. Mr: ttencianee at the Remembrance and Mrs, Andrew Hicks, Centralia. ay service,Flowers adorned the altar of, St. COmPletion Of alterations, in ihe 'Peter's Lutheran Church on Sun - own Hall. will be, delayed until clay from the 'wedding on Satur-- Inter. „Comicillor Baldwin said day of- Miss Beatrice Siemon and he work could better be done then Mr. Murray Dawson. The couple, hen. outside work was not pas --Also made- a clonation.to the"O(5i - the new franchise was,granted; the reaches 700 quarts per do, and as . iiiilk would be Purchased from the 'soon • as proper, quarters can ,be Meal' producers, ahd procased in obtained for the purpose. , ,---.Seafor•th,1-04.4.40-4ntunatea 'that- •.,`,'(4) .,engage ,,a11,-resitionts of • Council had "net reeeiveel OffiCial Seafotth and immediate area When • * -complaints regarding the 'quality labor is required and is availahlo - of milk being Supplied,- arid that here. • ,, - the; toads in tire , area were fre. "(4..* To':•Continue to ,supply -the: -quently. blocked ;' in the winter Seaforth residents with the high Mile:" , _,', ' ' standard of '*dairy products* which .' In,•• considering the C,ousins' re- I believe r ha' e supplied, during queg. Council was anxious to do'Nmy term of Operation here: anything' that would result in a ' ,((!ontinued on. Page 4) ' , a time and:material basis for $1.6/ a foot. Which was- substantial saving over a contract price, li,eavo-,,,Scoins, Chairman of the relief committee, said there had been ,one new case. There was. nothing', to report from the fire and water. committee, Councillor Rivers said. • , The police report indicated there had been 65 occurrences in Sea- forth.A, defective 'motor' in the police car had been „replaced free , , • Ma,s7.6r: Christie •said,• •,ankwer to. Councgtor, Ball,. there- had".not :been ,aii-.-.0pportunifk-AZY loolt' into the,'CenfeterY question, ''since• the solititor' had been too- busy.. ' Cduneit deferred -action concern, mg. a-. request: from the Library Beard for a $500 grant...The pro- vincial grant had been: reduced and unexpectedexpenses liatt ri en, theboatot Saidl• Council •adieurned to.,nieet neXt. Week, October .2G.. A donation Whs :alio -giVerr' to -,the Organ Ptind by Mrs, john. Veck. And. fax -Oily, in therlierY of jOhn- who ..waS laid to rest two 7.Years .ago, Oeteher alrm and. Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann, of Harnilten, witIO her mother, Mts. August Hillehrecht, • Rev, arid.'Mrs, .Reffee, of till:0, accompanied Rev: and. Mrs. riseher, to ;Pert' Elgin .-StinclaY. and 1st eizen irt OYS ,Mrs.* Angus. Brown will Celebrate her 2rirl birthday on Friday, at the ••••liontr'fir ,son, ;Cars„ driven by • Mr,.. O'Rourke. . and Mrs,. Heleu MUsselniari,:'of gitebener4, wero' p;:tensively dans- aged in in the -r,actures Atm --Ted Wilbee, 8, son .,of .1ilr. and " Mrs. William ,Wilbee, 0.00trge St. East, suffered- a fradtured arm Fridar:,,,evening when he fell fro/A a..tree heLwas..playing.,. On. the-Seeond concession of Tuck- ." mrs. Brown. the former Sernima Expee Hockey ersniith. ?Cpcpert Kippen,'is still active . • and enjoys reading the paper. She ere' ThiS Year is also -able, to help with small ,'•;.•• •. • If .;the. 'enihiisiasin Of a handful Of local ..hoelthy players spreads to spectators. and players who have. ,noti'llearcl of ,local intentions, Sea - forth •should able 'in ice ari..•,-In---,,*;2• terrhediate hockey team this year. • ; group met. Tuesday *night to make plans f,or an entry in thedrit termediate grouping.' To find out libyr many are interested. jOin-, ing a team. the -group have rented tlie ice surface.for practice.- tice commence., at 7 o'clock urstlaY, ;and, playerS, in the interrilediiqd bracket are• asked to he on *hand. tasks aroiincl the Brown, heuse- ho, d., John Beattie, John St., Seafortli, will inark• his Yist , birthday.' on Tuesday., Air.- Beattie is, a well- kno-Wn •poet, and •cv,as a long-time' Seaforth merchant .SEArattim • DIsirnicT• Irmo SCHOOL named athletic ehara., ,,pions at „a recent field meet at school.. The winning -athletes are 'pictured' above, front' tow, left to ,:right,. Joan Bach, sentior-, "ItIargaret, Elliott, intermediate, and ' Eileen 'Dclinage. Sublet; row.- Bela CMVenlocklr.sertior; .Jerry Achilles, intOmediate, and B114 Campbell, -junior. , • vri.caiiens ForPost , The •HtirOn''' Count-T.7.s warden 1,Conftniftee thet 111 "COderich On! Wedne'Srla' to narrow dOWn. field- of,. 22' applicants for .tho, of. **(lennty. clerk -treasurer. *Bea& Alie applications .Was,Tues- tLdi,AYO''oaOltCde Inn.r.`,°'9nt'rn JO' 'ha • Port:it' '''fclerk4reasurer,:lhe oontroltteo tineet .again next week to, make' a recommendatititt I wilt he.;forWarderi;t6..the',11evenib0 .11Z:session 44:0,W pouncip.,,,,:'