HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-09-26, Page 7SETA;fli,j11.14,1'S ll3th NNLYAL FALL-FAIrt,Hwas OfAcially, oPefr:
.ed. by Charles S:lVfaeNaughion, 'Exeter,' 11/iP15.41.i.' Huron. Mac:'
Potatoes: edc
Record -
• •:Kin.g.zsiT10- 'potatoes ,,,,peutInue,.-74077.7
• the- Se afoxth
• week' ago 'the tOP potato Was
One Wejghipg ,2 pounds 4 ounces-
"-Lan&r.which.,- measured,_21.7;,1-"inelies':
bdt , within,a day'
‘-'Goinet-:-Stacicwell•-;',-;---OP.-Toprfote. -
•:Weeds ‘Lirliftc.l. • produced a- Sanifile
"it , urhe-d,.. the samec7.
• measured. --1-8F• ,--irieber-brr471-firEE:7
;reeord' :fell.. in 'a hurrY cinc, .
• Mondav,-.'When 'an.; Odlibil prOduc-
-ed by Earl EinsMan, of Cromarty,
reached-' the
Mr; -Potgtig.:
Mrs, Vera ,1V1cKay, Mr.. and Mrs„
JohnE.Murray, Mr. .and -1Vf,rai
jobri Nagle aiid M. ,Billie Dant4er
'attended. the finteral-of,-f-the-T06-.
Nit. Ray elle t Kitdbener:.' •
• .Mrs, Lennie Gaffney, Kitchener,
with -Mr. Carl Stapleton. .
and Mrs. -Toni. Coyne: and
Mrs., E. Brincer
Mr....,and Mrs; William ,Stewart,
Kitchener With „friends,.
dren, . Tborold, With. Mrs. Lor-
etta Mr. Kenneth .'Stapleton and Mr,
Glenn Butters ..•are .attending.Ryer,•
., Mr. VerViri .13enninger,Thas en-
at St l'etefs4-Senninary,., in.
John "Nagle
tended-, the-Wedditeef_2111LTJoan.,
'Kenny ., of Mitehell on Saturday:
Mrs." Eugene -Giroux; of , Thorold„
'tvith1VIr.. -and -1VfiS.i•pan CoStella,
M. and 1VIrsGeorge Coyne:in
TOthntoand Burlington. '
1V1r and. MiStnpheEckezt','
Tiiiunihs,,with Mrs. Theresa Eck,
and • mr:-.
Tergus, ti.glifLof St.:Jere-in
, and Mrs.. Keith •Kellk;,
Mr. a pd.:Mfg.., jee -GornileyT1).6.-7'
,troit and :'Mr. 'TOm.,McCarthy Of
. .,
maior And Robert Wt.7•Campnell; president of Senforth Toronto ; .liattended , the ..f un.eral ot
;;•' Agricultural Society, ,The fair; described as the best yet,- was a ttendi the late -Friel G.orMley,..
ed b O-VOi. 4 OW' personS. Expectations of fair...officials', Were far
eieneded•hy"the-reeor&ntiridier.PL entrinsAn all sectiens.. ' 'Jordan
' • - •SeafcTiili-,7On Monday- SenteMber-15--
DDLI_N_GS.was_held-f-rein, the ..Burke •Funeral
. „
lIIImtJi,iit,,uji1unjiupujiuuift PatrlclF s Church, Dublin at 1O
O'Cleek;.!. ReqbieinTH1gh.:;'1Vf a sa'• *44-
' sting Rev. Ffoulkes •
A crtilet wedding -.Wok place at St MQXtEignor J Feeney London and
R.C.!'-chtireh, .Parkhill
Saturda when Wilusam Arthur th,e Sanctuary Mrs Wifliam Lane
Atid.'erstut...4nOna-stasia-LEilie-sen •Presidell:-.••al".-AhLOrgania'cLIrifla• was
length.; white,.gewri.-witn' full and Gerald. Braxer.:: 10.:Ok
This Week At the Seaforlit District High School
skirt, empire liy-ponit
sleeves ot lact.. A. headdress,: .of,.
pearls and seqdi.ns held :her:. finger,'
• tip ' She „Carried:a, white ,satin
'prayer bat*: ,
'plac'e ,in. St. -Patrick's ' cemetery; .
. -
Attending.. the. funeral erthe late
Ryan , jordaa ' Were... -,MiSs,---:Mar,ry
Jord4/12,-: -/VIrs',24iiii.':Jordati-;-, ...Mrs,
on 'Weighed. 3, ' Pounds- .7..otinces',- !--•777--.., , Frank Hutchins Mr Tom ,1VIcIv.er,
B')'• : HAT' OLD' EEIVD-RICK -.. se-h-ridr.-on--Thorsd:ay-and_..FridaY •Of. -. The hridesmaid,, Mrs','. .Keni, gq- Mr.., Frank'. Ciminiings,`. Toronto;.
measnied . 22.. ineheS • by 17 ' ' '. '• - '''''. - • • - • ' ' - • ' • - 'this Week.. 'ards-of-P-arkhii1swreasIrimp'' IVIis-.:.-gjimr_ard' jordari,and Mrs.; Leo
„Inches.. .1,:' ..,, , „.: A .. ..,... , - ,..., ;,.. I - There were more .,interests Plac- 'A.- nieeting of the •Students'..00IIII- •iirL://lPri',gopwrik7j,g,thr•,...,iTiat,,,..P\h,jii::. g , fea..th-er'. Bilyo6e,11-,.,!,,i,r,'"e'd_' ‘tori:rrr---21/1-d,- ,•-mieh:r-,-smr.Vrt41.,,liantild::,
'',... ' ':',.::.. . ' '''-' ' • • - ' ' - .....j ea .upoii', spotip this., ,Nvek ,:as, sey-' ' ell, was held' on 'Tuesday At •this •
a.tand id
ii•-NiVic,11:),FillENTTS• ,:: , er--0- sPhedules -:w.-ere, started- -The,:xneetink mr, , Ferguson 'of. the. bir- ---Mr. • Joe Anderson :.Of Sfra'.tfbr.d, MiS: • • Jen . Jordan,: '..Mr.. ,John JOT
r.- and:, .Mrs. . John Aleiarider girls'''ralleyball teams. have been-trs-.•-Dis-tributin',„b corlipny, ex, plain, -:, was best 'rnank' .,The .• ushers were 'clan .and -Mis,,Mary.:Margaret RY-..,
. TaYIor,.. Minden'Wish to, ' announce ,practising. unclei..-,the steady: gind- ,•ed,"in great detail, the. magazine. 1,(4-1-,E.dwarrds, , Parkhill. '_, )._td,. John ia,h,, .Kitc_hRe.nern.L,... ivioisliseosn..:...i..A15.1: .,.;aaring
..the engagement of 'their. daughter, • ance -:- of :DP's:- IX- Bannan, They 'earnt,alghLW,tiich.:Wil,theja-„eld,-_-48,1-1•7.,_Udeiso4,':20'.:Seatqt-h1-••'' -,;?,,,,, • ' Theresa. Ye' ., L. (I
•••••;- 4,attrkabetto-.-jolirr'141felgil----. , - •-• ' rewt--tlis-a1-7and7-fhi-Oetolorer.•3-----.The • objeetives; this • • ". A.. weddin,g,,dinner ;Was, served a ,
- .- Jan Whyte 'eldest • son .of ,, AO% .,arArd: havare '.g.i.41‘Parg",e.dr.e'adaig.' fol.' ."thP':;-,gir-1-,s:,' 7•---e--.a'r'ls'S.2,00..o: .',./faily....Valuab).e prlz7- -•ArMstrofig's,.: Exeter. Gu'e'f,s'ts' were and Mds....M.Tr'ritP.11;apt•t•;4'aP4latir6;;:i'veZ:,.'
1Vfrs. .W. --Ii; WhYte, Hullet,t.- Temp- .,velleYhall" purnaroent,-.,-wmm.i. wul ,es,,ww .13e g].ven aWay, to':_t_hpae,WhP received - by-MrS.: Clair, Dehningtoti, 11Piss'.'lle.ren .Kennedy, .14n146a;' Mr':
. ;ship.' The inarriage. w 1 take place .,, ,. on October
,29- sell the Most. Some • of the . prizea, wearing : turquoise' with",,'Wlit,.te.,fea-, man_rds.,_MrcaS.-,:tfihtFrtirMe„.1,.alloied,,,w41-Ted'a.M,...Rbuyragn!::,
at the 'Cnited Chnrell'''.:1V1-i•nden,.'br.1.. Teams 'fr971.--'--YPTI:ghai;•P•Pd°1.1c":af':':-:',4'.,-,rnoyie ; camera, . a ' luggage - th,„0-• hdt, and ,IYIlss Isabel -Ander- .. , . _ . - ,
--,:october'41, ).958.,..at`-3"f30., 0' CIOCk.' j CB-tad:4 and • S,efart_/1;; y]. .be . e.o.m.:: sot,.• a ..fe'ur-speed: record playeti,:-.a.• sOn.,;- Seaforth, in --teal, hind' N.Vith and ' Mr! •• and 'Mrs-. ' Gary,-...Ce.44Y,...
. „Mrs., ,Ferne .,Pattprien.'„Walten.,: et.n ..'• - _ - -.' mantle radio a - flash ',caMera'.•, e.114 :black aceessories. . . .
P Anotherig, V011eYbalr' - S OR e dil ler French'' 'Poodles' ''.••- : ' ' - .; ' .." ----POT 'tiayell'irig the bride Stratford jrrd,!.".aMnii:1•I‘a.finT.&,::1\411.;forhsn •JEor.,1.-1,,,'
Wishes 7 .,to': announce the engage ,
inent-;pf her ofily.daughtet.; swung...lio.r...,,..,, IbtoLa6tforC'n. TIlesdaY'. as --.QUestitin. of, the week: Hey, Cor- mosg, gfe.eri wooLdrqss with Wirioat*e.' a. Costello ,,..Scr,aa.'ilWins ;:..1:1..,•L°-rii:i',: Mr' anCl''
bare ..'Jean„ 'Ito Mr. . Gerald..Alhert' the , boys', house ',.,leagUe'•• started..." rine.- who is Bob'? ,' - . . , IV,I.,rss:...-.2.1.d..
• ' Cardiffp, son -•of •IvIr: and:Mrs'..g a -London:Vir.'-rI4
' Cardiff, Ethel,..Ont, - The ineArrlia.get--• diriectioriof ..F: ','Godin.• '
-.twill •••take'''Pla,c.' e- m draffs ' United7Wi.., Irpla,y. :Mon a „, r .Y . ,
Albert . Th'S'' volleyball'..league as iiTiihdeeri)-6tyhes; , liill' ;1•41.'..iiii;i' or it'iiii ij.iiiiii 11,1111 II i iL.z.,..1 1'1'1 If_ tii''cirio'grrxr.,;faefheethy7oefr•willrielda_i.t. '1''',.sidobsti$:::..atbe..14:dtht;.k.i,leaill jrpef:. :1•,ndo„s,rtetTite.-nee_j_7)1.1..Thijr.,..„.,..i_tssef..;.ifi:s7ah--_,
'Church •Walton on October ilth... .1 eiy.: ot;h. pr.: 'Wedn'es„day, 'f,roIn. '12, 0, .- , :- . , iiiiii,1,4,.1.1,41.1.1iiiii ,, goli,,scitER"--__,maep„„m;,„-:,, .., lone , Winnipeg; ..Mr.;', and , Mrs'. ,.1)...
t - TO THETEDITORt ' - ' " ' - i,,, ii
... . ... ,.
''.'' ' ' • ' ,. i - - -'•• - Aim'',
"..,..4e 7oti ready.'to; rent your spare 'Weather ..„ ermitting on MondaY,,. .... ., -,,, r• ,.• d:aari:.10,NsaettlIde".ti; 4ng'd., mGrs's,s'eepil'tiiMeiras'COseterilnloet..hanligr,dnfinsi.
'--"° '. ' ' s. ' II . . E ositor day ill-lie,--liel&-•• This. year. it; will .,t -', - ,' . -''Pentic on, . .,..,
- • Di' 1 . A classified, advertisement:. the . annual f SDI -1:$. --track., • and: field], ; , ', .. ,i'll".1:111.11.11Villa.ililileY1H Ai.ielW. Lliedg.e.i' e6;al.‘elidallrd'raiage VOWS :' ail :. SatnidaY,
' ‘- - ' t' B c , ---- Costello,. all ..of . Loncleil;., Ger on
1:13:4-1-11:4*'0.6.rct'rl'itt26,-'..'w-Tihlle±hrinugr°11a-'t-enxaPnt• -?.'ibe-'hweld . on the - scheePs' ,property.i, ,. ...-.--• :.., ..,september,,16,..1,9„,,..0::: .. •''SePt'l 20 't'''.3 ll'irl:' :at' Knox Pre-. C.CtRoy'eMliotir 'Phijr°r:t3.Pilotoriiiarriq'id4he.1;.' JMLsli.
tblree, Rrie4'il:.7--RC.411GlicIIMra-caMlidllearitict;fticwilatth:.' Gastelle's' ' Niagara
Falls; Witlam
N Exv rron, svArcarni,
Delime Tailoring Newest Fabiles
1100Se Your tiTit
,-Ii'd-TWeedrni-Td7da-hardines, in
•-• -
..-shOWing Of :niediuur weiglit,win- •
ter . coat's.. in, a Wide. chOice . of •
. •
hest colors ni smooth. English
'..doeskin.. fabrics:
.'17±1fiatever, the weight ' you
... Want, We. have it bere' Ior :your
choosingand at.±,prices' 'you'll ,.
` Drop in right ,todaY and -,look
over the new Fall suits with
. their distinct change to 'neat
sbadow . stripes, cluster stripes„
• subdued checks and eVer popu-
lar jilain-shildes.
This season's shades again
• featitre greys and charcoals
with a distinct leaning to browns
• and charcoal and brown WOWS
that are realiY different,
Of - course- single - breasted
• styles are tops in two or three -
button models, and we have the
• • .
Tilts wgi(,.1S.
Regular 2.69, to
To dedri$L98
,„4,argam c. '
• ,--schow:' -Taken 'dme_._
-a-a7istrGagese-s7ferns, drIP•at
swea from
ter* now
tock, rd patterns, -1,es ,
s iacqua front st'Y
- • p'Or ; sizes
in P MIN' ZIP out.
uw, rallS c1
,,nd a , clear
12' and I-4
gladly 'pay, m she -on, raglan .or
balmacaan styles. •
The _
_ . ,
..-CA11,-.Y-C-'0.-Ar •
Car, Goats proMise---tirte-a-
smash hit this winter seaSon.-
This fine waterproof ,
cloth •-with lim
ings and 'stylish "Side.',vetits '
will catch the ,fancy of every,'
•, b oy. Popular.: sapd, shade.--
Sizes -8 1o18 „.,' • .
D 15
xitchel:j: trattpict ,,,,.,.Dit..A.• T'' ',..''' .. 'MR ANDITC'0,,,T., ,iiiiti$7 ., STM,fterrss.,.'-',Bi:Upeel:-.(-P1Ka-a2Te.Y-1,)):..--s'a----- ix,S, t..i.a,,,,,ffa,);,:sCteeallaffopr:bV‘tihese,.11‘1,T1:-Virt've:hineCI:;;'Tt'-.1.:::::::::71-1-c.'.•.MdT7ailinh.,iliegii,;..r,:' '
. . .. ivi, .1.,:''. . w.'ScottinjiAa:re8,:6esSk, 9 In, a-,rioefarv,„ it' iv libi e.: et s was 'd. c,' do'aedn:' ewCr,oerri der:VIsrbart,en, r.kivS:. e:l.aciG0Mothertoh: ja ..;13:citi.C7.;::auz 'e(.1:"..i‘ the do
l'uill -t',..._ ');. sgreata;ttor Sons Frank
-evj 11 'ige:r1 lad1ciriahcali. l'ad7..Ercie:c ii tiu" tt:.. (,:a -r nr,I;IPM:, -1s). 1;11; ... Bs and four
."' ..'..,.'
SU • , - .
ri,.::::::::,,mritshr.e:;,11' funeralirjsdh9ilm:_m_ r.,,,_L.. arns:a..„ ..., ., .R0i3,ER. 1,,,Falistit ,‘ . ,
mvviv ri C id
ver Maher
-. ' •J;Fh41-1'; ire:, arr6snsn,mr. .z. i;,1B. t;ut fot t, and nei. a; .1. '.1 . Meagher
V ifh.; M:. ,e s4.1.r.,4, .: . ,I. ,Er, g.' aine,oefdlirr, ' ,?.r, ,r‘O,,.1v1Mrsi1,,0Erid,....:.'. :-..., . ,i, l.f3,i.:.tw,:., i , i rsipae. t. ett, aowci:nw.:::dtriilnbdehi .h. e.. il v il .rsp, .$, ass ,f, s,flivs.a.se, .1113-, °, ga's orn iNitesoi Isr. .. pit. I.:, ,,.a, nScott,,Dakota,,,Grtsk in., , ,. t h. . et' aote; , , ).1, .i.. mfr7o.ftes irTeatti cntchshi Mitchell
, . aer lull. f if:ia:fran. • , •alBei erod. ya?, 1, off iFewd... Bursalt Iva1i was
At. w.r,iu.ao al 'ntgns,' Ha : • m.. , °rx i a:1;j: ainensili 1; s Seaater ar sd, : ,, . ..:: uf, um"; 0-0iFa:mn:1:117t.' ' ,eeti . nhridit- bl V 1,,,'G' °' S eri: va, ti: v 1-a., a. At:: .117,1,n8,2eaWhitneyt..5..Street
''''' w''.. Mili,,,r-....s, e:F7-1,0_. f- no- li. isher t ii,,e ir a fv, eci
foMo , ri .Hearnt ha,n,, da,. n I ‘i id r. t s1V1' . rj. a- • c ka nlg. aMn J.: is . ,..• I.vi. , ,
llii,11°' l'Inaa'il: and family
erlY .0f.. Mblil°.1)*. ,' . ' , _ ,- ., .
FlanaOU'l ' Were; "'MT' ' d
ra rd ' :,t,.ag tit c°1111° They, were.
Mr,'scOtt , wa
ri -with. ,a train on
jeoFlindylo:s;eacro.•-iabreetta,err:resi.Kawe.ladrer'sr,lieatgkWuac.:ilien ht,ill..,laRe,molipe,Alihrt..-.116hffic7tir;„ ...g... Interme.,,,,nt's...wi:_ri ,f.t. 0, .. , , ,
Haiiiiltian .._:_gegillalci- - 1Y1.4n. - - ereH,t rist to Pull up ie' ti?e .,c)-1,,Fi? ang
a cenietei'Y., - ' . - . .ade ' ,in . on Saturday at . '' with licisi'
p aiiciii:::_tMtea!ipotlanucclebnian:.7:rma,eri:,,y:t ..e,., ., , .., ,
- .m. su' merell., -
vrs..,,teo..,Keuny, a:u. (du ,:pi.,,srt..,-.--sa.::::' '.-t7h.e'---.dieg.t.h.,.ai.heel, isit.ntre.a.efiedivew:.sh feroeninhof'. 'f_taAn' elim'ahrilly,'-A, ,:ter°dfie.. ni , PH 0..ggarthh. L'orne 7134)1',..6,11-9,edeolii.I'l,'tilirtidve!rrStlilidez'F4lisi;:•'..9',i- • ,-,_
Leo- Itraiiskopf Mr. •an . . r . R bert F win_ipetosrniepeti,, 6t,?es,ei.f.:i tiii.o:t1 ,....___nd-Dwwilvillia_ri.,:tiosla.1-vvlboeTra;:r..:1:..,Y. 'e,r,..the. Motorist Preteifed,...„,...;;,_::.,
''-- ha venrdblie-alrYttiille'Wraoli.g.„, ..s0,, ..,_
•• . ' ., .. ._ : - • All c as es - re gettinggoo
outS, to 'get. in Shape: for, the meet -Editor,1 The Buren., Expositor: . , .
, .
f mg --The, bride is the, daughter..,ef, CoStello,, Bernard ..Sullivan,_.,P1Vkl.
.; ..... JOIN 13UNY:AN'S-1 . • !This:. year there" is tO'be.iiiore ccun- - :' , 1.. , , ..: .-,..:. .. , . Pest 2and , Pat! and John . McGrath,
•-.1 .. , ... - - 0 i... ..1'..- . /,, 'Petition in every class, /flaking the'.4. Jtst, au fetinlw:ees;-,tferriemeeasn': old: 'Mrs'. Ida .IVIadDe . ld,.`,•..Ged:erich;
. . (*hall ,`'•.- . - •
., The,. great',. snirited ' and. aehing-TOf Nfolcillop, and, to. the Old. seheol, ..,_e r_i.,
hipsei.p fOotball. team have., been, Section 'No._ •P,..Where the: grand laY• ivii.' .KarI.:Gooditig, :uncle of the
- ttirning Out for ve 37,.'Str /I - Old Hiiron Cotirity .maple.trees I. bricie,, of GuelPh.' wearing - a..gewn.
'Tlititksday..-Nig t -Sept '.25 ....r.
. .,•-srayt,••that •Ihis s..Year.s -team ..is. -bet- old well, cribbedup with stenesris .
' . • . • ..., ter tharilist:.yeaes hedanse ,-"HOw ..still_there I...believe.. 1 .have been hodiee, was :styled , with a boat
-Many- back 'on.e ,n :X. years, and. • that, neckline with a....11 --back an : shor.t
05.0-..---,--.....- ,- :-. .- ..„. - • a boiiffent' skirt..worn qv-,
' r- lage „crinoline --and-t:a. -beep,: -4,
,11Ci ,
Mg. Dobson,-_.Mr..:Neiliger,. Mr. left. there iti,q884, there were -ten 4eld.: hbr S.PkOnTdei-lengt4 '101 ..ef
'.Godin-and-Donc-Iliek-S4-(-St, Jehn's ' OtTUS--ill•-bur--family-,F-We-lingyed 'Silki:L-811eer-e--e-elhemgenith...]-ilY-1--
.point2 lade. .mitts. to match! .the
pro), Put the .team ,through..:maPY. :to, GreYHtOwnShiP, Where we -spent
dress, and. carried. a White Bible
hard drills._ ..„. __ ,-. , .. .. '._ , ,. ,,. .IiVe years', , 'then we rnoVed‘West
topped•with Tect-Toses„„ ..' • .`
' The. story - will. come . to an :ea -0..rividoie -TaW, Sas .' There ate-nii: '
. Thursday, -when -the Seaford/. ly 'ilaree left .of ten-five,girls and • Maid of. honor' Was, Miss Shir-
den Berg-tahe en"Winghaol i'n-:,five ,hnYa.. • We 'Spent eight years .1°Y 14°Y, of ' G°deribil,' *bathing a
Waltil.ength dress of liIae ..: nylon
thd,,ppening;gaine of :the. sdliedule.-, at -MooSe-: .Iow, 'then Inoved,,•-to 'Gig
. :VoOtbalt :scheme :- . ', .bert ,P,lairlS.; Manitoba, in 1897. 1, taffeta with -.a ,hougobt iif ,yellow„
. seo,...26-seafertil 'at - Wing xyl Was, mar d that --fall .:-and' inV m,.. rrotniwninn'wa's- xe' n 1,4,--,,,,Ipqprk,
' Oct. 22-,'Goderich f,at ,eafortli . , honeymoon trip was 30G miles- by
_,,,eavereclNvgen,,,...,,iye tax.fried__60_ SeafOrth ' and 'ushers %were:Bill:El-.
'.•Oct...I.5--Cliriton at Seaferth . ':' i, years •on.-0,ilbert .Plains. My ,father
.06,t.-28L-Seaforth'at Goddrich4 and mother died -there, also- -My
, :Oct. 30HAVinthOln I At,. Seafortli.',...;Wife, in 194
bosy •Pl'anning • for the luxt-Nwhich • now ' living at, Valley View. Lodge,
dIatle ,NinerS! AS initiation draws good- health fof which, J do thank'
nOarer„, the 'Students' --Council is God -not , a 'Pain or an ache. 'I- am.
This'' IS 'the big weak for the . . I• ' an 87 years ol.d.. and 'am 'irt
rCrythstg',.;. IllenaiirDenaninthP.e.:' E.121,0:-tsblric!e,s.ls: '14
as; , r. and..Mrs...Andrew bantzer,
nd. family,',Nerth. Bay; Mr. .aiiir
argiktret ..RoSe Ailtirray,' .St. ,T oin
is, to, ‘ilie had.:01 ...,id.ay nigpic , A a,,,j,,Arg toorniTig ..lickise, .for,_ _old lsrriu°e• 'erribroidered,z, ., sheath'. , , ...
with ink 'accessories, '.:.'o,no .a,. ,ci,h)r K.,..rauskopf, Tillsen-
dance Will log heltt.'after-Ahe,initia-folki, one of •the largest and best 8,4ke.., „,,,,Of ., pia, ...carnabons,. _
tion cer,eitionieS • are eernPleted, "equippedin.."B.o.,,. With 80 roomers • n; bu1.1 7g, Frank
rooni'S.".;.. mother , Were ` --a, mi. it.
at, -„i. in., thro , p:,vv.g of ....pafito.ii. , 'frown lir orlon sheath dress with. V,V,..11.,b.r. :T -ell's-..•
Everyone in..t.OWit slibuld,bewatdh at present there.: ..n., is .nicely-• sitte,
fot.„..the gayly , deeorated Grade
matehing.' accessories , and a . 'dor-
mers , as theY., go' to -and- froin
.. . . _ . . . . ,. ' t,Sin.derelybyeurs,.• . sage of. yellow: earnationsi ' .. id., il., eriS,. alt. 'Feat:
' •
• • ogresS day More• -interesting .y back and the late -Mr Gordon MacDon
. - iti g , . , the early 'Years -of 'my' life that The .g,roont.'is' the •.sen of Air.;
3 Films.. • ' • ,, • • • , • ;wer srient. 9n: the 14th eonee4ien and-MasJohn- sealo,rth.
I 'cle' was in., marriage
- ous workouts. "Coach some,F. . Dobson eltPeet, are still standing and ihe oofvefwawithzitleensghtihn;re'emerbihrogidsearteind lace
• .8-7P-111. ,
EVERYBODY WELCOME! . could it be iny Worse!",.
• us'cles ere strengthened this was in 1
wrneek whey& foiir men: started te The" old Iielgatty;'farin lies 'Stist "e
and ...Oil& out WRY
It Pc1-:,,fo .0u
Your foolyireoe
Values! '
sequiner trini,med .lace , x
ear. own on the team. . The men,' ..across from the . school. When we
-607C,o6:::1701saakvill4;:..loiViser;s1i...0j7:nlres:--yyd:11,TIE:r.oefA711t_if to:r;th-rie:C.41,;(1Pi:en°Wwe.n!s,tht. 0*, ,
nicraanuaskgapprif:) :IL:. n,adiloan. ;ivi*, rgIVI:PslAFnaensaT, . hijkil i ,, w thei for
, 6f.,Fmdwi6Kiin iiropuetto,wlnosohlp,t,,iindieedreastidtehnet eac„'Nefui; ly,huIt thYeol:toghwt eyreeu dinrirgh,t7t. ,
nor, Torento;I:.:Mr. and, Mrs Frank Ye , 8
Flanagan; Mr. and_.,Mrs. „Fergus He:far e , .,
1:1.13;e3t;irmi. wriasnsii . ,1 irt:97:71, Len
irti t,e, a an .Fkiir r,emnoeyay: well
;:dlsrietFhxvi.ei Fraser,
s.reegdrre ,rtit 1,w.. eyr9;di ,,Lt 6o thatt;:,:tt e, James'j n: ': .aHe .: • :2t1 19'elr,nci- peti°0;nore.;ensabIseiliistm:c;a.4a:mr'9°5;enFt hhrtW.e:yil Ic.eidc'r Ilea, suhdtlaeot:: hlalao. adt: , ,-'. --:1!:.r hl friends,"
a rsy, ,tio;r7, eel i:a ee. drive's,e,,Aai, was,i;'f ei r ken "therei tis1 i lit i*. n" , g' i.31rH'
aIngdall-Ck '17'iliTMaur;:ay,, all of Kitchen- 'EasthoPel ty-otIlie,ieotnfararjal,tNti,nrtsh_ "he been
-II there fir but a 'Iiria:iith.r. - ''' ' '. .. iallniailing lifs' 11°ek" on
'Iji4-;. .
in d'iier'Rinica.ith,'-kaii.,.'
084. • Hc was Married- to_the. form-- no-7,buying, or. Selling •in-Ifeaveiv.."-S--
•waterloo.,_,I,A4:. ,,,w_ILLtishopviractro,:c.lr-rkil,bui,",t,,_cti147;a-4. dadild'n';i1___07siipsi.A1 bilier'r::911b.71 er 'Helena Moxley, who lk"edee;a5*-. ' Vg&reuPou a man. who sat In '
hott:-.GO eri , and Philip Herbst,
.,.. 7 pa ,,. Murray , n • . ,..„. .,ed • kiln September '291 1950; Ile. the hack seat Was heard. to g
Gier.t, ilat4c,it, the. seloist was ,7: l'it ."!'''''°arni;otion; Mr ,and L Bell, h and m a Was a allember of D'uff' -14'XIit° IgeT': '"That's .not
''''illere• busille4
Tr and Miss Fraser, SeafOrtn. , : church: . •• - . ' - - ' ' ghas-gOne- anYwy!” -
A .reception. was, hid at the
Guests Were Present,
` GEORGE DEL'OATTV '• mira, xitehenet., sea h,
fort. r°1r.orindon
and Hamilton,•
Hi the year ending March 31, The bride's travelling • costume.
1955, the universal old age,pension was a pinksheathdress •_theets..,
cost $478.9 millil
ons; n the year re-' light bl,te d, str,andp.,
eeipts from the speeial taxes ear- sories, with: arsagae or red tog -
marked for the fundtotalledonly es :The ecuole p,leew?ill reside in Gude-
$371.5 million.. , ne,,
1/Ritilitta1.40 n'tfla
immagit",,:ozte .--)st is: ;
11k 'II '1‘ 4lUI1
ev% fr lir", ;P.,' • I ).41
Stores in Seoforth will dose
it 9 p.m. on Saturdaye_t_nig
or the Winter mgcntils.
' _In a reeent- column, ' "Bdgi: and
Creel;'.', by Harpy Eisen, in the
London Er,ee Press, mention was
made- -of -a 'catch- by a Heiman
angler, Tom Sherritt.
, , .
• Mr. Eisen had this to say in his
'coltunir .• "Bags -fishing in the
3'1f -hit -land River this year has been
reported as poor, from time . to
time. But vou can't prove' that by
: Toni Sherritt,4'ofIletisgli. Sherritt,
his grandson and a friend, • Earl of that church, and theilWomen s
Rowe, spent a day fishing.the 1Vtait. Institute. '., •• ' " .• -
land around. Auburn ,and . between .Phe body, Is at the 0:' A, Whit;
them took .17, .niee„sinallmonths, neY Funeral- Flomei Seaforth,
ranging from 10 to frifielies-; - "Where a-tifirefariefvace- wilt lie
ith., with Rev.'
The bass were in goal -shape'
held Thursday At 2 P . ' }3ritton - officiating .. Burial
Sherritf writes, `apparently the 1- C
wormy stage is ,about.over and they will be Tnad.e IA VreTaggqrrs cern-
were clean,' . .z. • , etfrY; Ush6r0 township,
, "13iit here is the untisiial,,,part - .. ' , ' 4 -
• ...- .. . MRS ALVIN-, II WORDEN '
..Dt ef, -.14The'0t/ 1:: sr ni 37fir'71-c4awste'illisiln4g Sila SenIrr'ailltl' .......The funeral.
S'atla'fi°,:;-w.M.11ro:s-die.AL-dv4Thit' uT,S' "--
spinning size, fiatfisb,' no sooner,idoado_,I,yh
had the plug, hit the water there.
iWtaeeiriToldffke-41:11.1' hlie;y4;a i:)fntil,:iii:t1;Hi°01;nb'i‘TbSe7tud4",aitiliti4ddWil- ymsMsr,lirtisiPs.:,:wm:.Wiaitorisacl;int:keAdab:fuoligrx_ithMatett_.
on ,,getting him near- .shore • r ,
covered. I had not one, bait' two
'.g.--- 1.10.6.-inehe ,0,1srneaaellhintoruetblilse- Iih0000kk?.5, v solid' i.,1., ts<mh6,' 'grwtr: „a-. "atYn): erribeT, Of •staii-a•'
•-•-• United Clinrch; aetive in the NIT1VIS
'--and WA, and was a.feacher, inihe
,The Wood Dna, brightest color- Sunday Sehoel. • • '' "
ed duck 'found. in Cartada„ nests, in l3esides her -husband and par -
hollow tree8 and stumps, Even °I'm' enta,. she, JiS , survived by . three:
ithoiogists are unstire ;how the datighters,',1_11,gSanna„Ramon'
y ung birds, before they can fly; -Anne, and a son,"Williani, alt.at
t out of-the...high nests and down )
, onrie; five sisters, :- agrs.., Nefson
to the pondand strearris Whiere-' Elizabeth), • Ilunkin,- `13ehnore ;
thebre reared, • ' - •, I gra.. •difton (Margaret). .Miller,,
• Funeral service was held at
l3inscarth*,United Church.- '
. ,
.MR. TuomAs D.. WREN
Mrs. Thanas D. Wren, former
well-known Bibbed. township resi-
dent andrecently of Seaforth, died
Monday in 'St • Joseph's ,l-rospital;
London, _after ,a lengthy ilhiess, ,in
her. 7d year. ' • • '
Mrs. Wren, the former Grace
•Chaliners, :was born and attended
school in Perth,. Scetland, cerding
to this country in 1937:- In 19531811e
married -Mr, Wren,. 'of Hibbert, •,
Following the death of her husband, .,
•in 1955, Mrs. Wren .moved' to Sear
.= She is survived by. a • brother.
Robert lialnierS,.. Scotland, IVIrs.
Wren was a member of Northside
United Church, the' WA and W1V1S
•• B,ASi*t.,JRANTilplg' Much ,easier • to empty thec�iMt
of -it tittsiliel"itlxittom /4(.0.4 .
leather r- 430apv--gte
to.-,.in4ttirizill Twist'ia
In bitilige'inikkedi it: •
*aster, to t4sort ,
No, 147a
ConealedvqWtfor persoiicil pctpers und other vaiebli
the•didt-6Onibinotion).Also two bali bear.
droWersfor3i5t,Oi74;(6.pords (6400
or-SfOt,hen--itt" acituifgrbie stord$0...
'-edni-Oerrtniebff-ondee,-.10tVelin.irNof t kie cofifused with. -
imitatiohs Haying:Joy:sized 16cks. 'Sites 37/2" !'high ; 301/24
Q•ide, 17" deep, Green or tole gra.), boked Ontmiel fliiish
• With 'plunger -type lock. which aiitOniaticaliV
leeksall dtawers, •
hone 141 or 142