HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-09-26, Page 41,:-H-TRON EXPOSITOR; SEAFORTH, ONT„, SEPT 1958 1958 , etitior) Large ,tntries,- Feature' Seciforth Poultry Show ADULT POULTRY 2ntl, S.- Henry, A. "Baeon,' Nfc- • ' sow, over 2. Years- , W. New liamPShirei .(e) Clifford E. ,and Mrs,. Edmund Oesch.' eft, with, them ler a week's vacs.- . _ - ew days at Paris, Ont., tioin.- 'wit* M. and Mrs. Lee Oesch,'j Mr. John, McBride visited. with • Mrs; Kenneth Breakey and Miss -IVIr. Harold. FinlaY and family. ElheG bI o1Ziitih spent an - Mr. Jerry-Oesch of Paris spent eveuing ,with Mr. *Harold Finlay w few claYs with, his relatives in. an&faintly. •"" di tr' t ' • , a.ttd Mrs. Martin and family, Sif the T.4istowel district, Spent Sun- -44Y With the former' s parents, Mr. - and Mrs, Menno Steckle and fain. Miss Itebecca Steckle return- HORSES • T. W. Brock & Son,' Wiri. Boyd, 'Clydesdales -Brood mare with 4th and 5th; -dry cew, any age; W.. his • • Boyd W Brock & Son, 2nd and • • foal, ar e Y, 'I'urnbull, 1st and 3rd, S., rienrY,. rePPer; (h)0. F: Pepper and 2nd; Born -To Mr. and', Mrs.' Robert Toll; foal of 1958, C. Halliday, A. 1.3rd; R.,' Marshall,' 4th and 5th; A. Bacon; sow over 18 • months' (er), F. Pepper, and 2nd; (P) Graham, 44 Talent Crescent, To- Toll;' filly or gelding, years old, ;heifer, 2 Years old, ll• Marshall, and under years; W. -lurribull, C. Pepper and 2nd. ronto„.15,•a daughter, Kathryn ,A, 11.st and, 4th, R: Carter, W. Brock. 1.st an,d 4th, R. Malillan, S. Hen, Rhode Island Marie,: on August. 27; a sister for pereheron or Beigien-..-rmy or & Son, -Will, 130Yr1; heifer, Yearling, rY; sow under 16' months, - W. CrichPePPer;(cr(n) M, F. Pep - avid. C. Crich, CF.' FePPer, , 'gelding, '2 years old, Alvin Lax, ll, Marshall, Brock & Turnbull, S. Henry,. A. Bacon, -.4 ; ) . anue, lst and 2nd; filly or gelding, Son Wm Boyd, T. Hern; -heifer, Turnbull; sow born before March per; (P) C. F. Repper I,i Crili " 1 year-old, J. L. Dunsmore. • Yearliug, junior, w• Brock 84. S411, ist, Ken PaPPle, W. ThrnbuR, 2tiel- 'Barred .Plyineuth Rocls: (c) Wagon. ciass,,_,Brood mare. With' T' Hem, R. Marshall, W.. Boyd;, and 4thk, S. Henry, Mac Stewart; Crich, C-:' F• Pepper, (h) C. F. foal, Allan Nill; foal (4.-1958, A. 1 heifer -calf; seniPr, W. Boi'd, Edith sow born after . March 1st, W4- FePPer, M. Crich; (pr) M Crick mil, Russell maiasum, 2nd ad3rd Boyd, T Hri W rock & Son,, Powell W.' Turnbull,. Dong-,Htgill, "C. F. Pepper, • (p)F.- Pepper, filly or gelding,, 3 -years old, Allan, a'. 'CoYne; heifer calf, _junior•,' R. S. Henry; senior herd, 1 'boar and M. Crich. It's a Disinfectant cind White Paint ail in one Why JiRensi_. mo_ney_ and labor On, two ,,- se circle•' tronblesome .expensive jobs when Carbola DOES THREE ,NECESSARY 4,1iD_BS"' more completely, anci-witl—iirmiger lasting effectiveness, In _ ONE EASY LOWER COST' 0:1PIRATION- , (1) KILLS .FLIES (2) KILLS. DISEASE GERMS (3) GIVES WHITE WALLS " Kills spiders, 90% less cobwebs for ff to 10 months: Better sanitatkin. Lower, baCteria. We also Clean Barnslif-Require Alipply. to — 'N111;'-' filly or gelding,.."2' years old:I:Marshall> W -M;:." BOYd,"•. Bruilns_Mai.-2,Sovit -0.Ver41. Year, W.'..TUrnbtill; . , 'White BoCks:,.,(c),,M. Crich; (h)• A, , Nei; , filly : or:. geldi4m,i ..1,, , year ;17., Crozier," R. :Storey; chamPiOn 1St; and 3rd : '.8:..-Heury, .., A. -3a013; Dir,' Crich.,' (er and r-1.)' IVI..Orleb' old., , 4. ,sm.., ._...,.. .,. ..,r.... . ,,, „. : 1 friialo,..; ,R, Marshall, .., berd.„ ..bullnnior vherd, .1 boar and 2 sows, . White • LegliorIls," S''.c.: (c), .Geo. . Harne'ss ..:Classes .,-,....'Lignt ' draft and :three ,• females, 1. KMarsliall,' nnder-1: year; .W, Turnbull i lst and • Douglas, Earl Becker ;• (h) E. Beck-• team iii'llarneas..1 C. HallidaY; A• 1 Wr* Brock &' Soil;'-'besi group of 2u(1;1::S.-,Henry.;,... , :..,,-1.4..,,,t . ........;... . er and 2nd ; (Cr and ii) Q. Douglas, Toll,' ' Peter Graham, C. 4-Iallidy3, i three , Holitein.•, CowS,..• R. 'Marshall. . Tainwe'rth-Boar; 2 yyears and -Earl Becker: wa .n. team ,in,:harnese, Bert ,me,..1 AyiShiresBitll,.. 2 : years and ov, Over, Dong Leary lst and 3rd :rim- ' 'iriglit'"'SnsSe).C1,. (C)",''C, F. Pepper; .Brido,.... °Ilia „Fit, ,., Ryer Raufter_.rerE ,, Howatt ; . bull÷.4, '. year, :n14.-11.art;, r hoar;,..,...t,_„year,_a4cLini., cr, • and' :P)1 c.... --,FY Pepper and Toan,, :Allan Nill;' 'Berelieron :loam Ervin. 'Schatis,,.,N1r, •4,.,:,1-iarn.§.,....E.;,:i yeafs, jiin .-Hart Bert Ftencli.,..D.,'.2nd.',,•r'. „ • - • ,.:,, . . , _• . 0; 2n,c14---,-Belgian jeatn...m.„barriess,.. ,..E. ., . ., • .•4 . Caninbell, . 'O. Santierinan,' Zinn". B4tede;;'!X: --EebbV",?.:'E-: -.'00*.aft.l, Pritchard,-'14IVin,;-Darantie.,.......heayyeliarnPion. rriale,.;R,,',S.eliatts;•..-,•to*-•,;- 'A°.aTfteltle:aPlii:leteinr.Gillta4heaskCJa' ClIka'Filidte.a117:;:1C3Iretal, :°:W.Id'::ani.dli?a•VrIeln'''Ijig,11.'!"..T-fRov7aTstttf. fop..ijoig6;,;f4jad'tm;,11.,itehed-,,,t.', 1.141,1 E. ',Seilaus',',.M. Lobb dry cOV,1;-'•anY'- '..lidaY,., R.; .'0... Bestard,.A.1tibre-y '; TOIL 1. 4ge,', W 111-• n'ariles:,' 11-'learteri" WI- 4t1r Bert '1VfelAr-idel and Allan ,•••Nill; .Li.:iblzi . E.. Sehaus_Lheife'r, .. years 5th; Alvin .Lararilie and Ed. camp- .0 , •',LObli,' ,E. Spha.uS. W.•• 0: linWatt;'• 4th' and, efh; aild 4th, ID. 'Leary; sow born after F. PePPPr; J. Becker.,": (er) . . . belt', Gthi. Oliver 'Bannerman and ; T3arnes„ E.-:. heifer. Yearling; ••••-•.senior,. w... . ii. march, 1st, J. Eart,,,,D.. bearY.,1:B.,, Pepper arid 2nd (p), c: F. PePPer;, _and ,:Elnio,,,Pritchaid.; ' :... -. ,, ., . - Barnes, 'E. NeWatt; NE ,,o)-.:1?:,_..N.v..;_,_Pretieli,".!._3rci, and.4th;:,-senior herd,::::Ken.,R.yam:_,;, • .' -1-. 1' - _ • • . ' ',Mel& Fitch;; ..711.1.,',.0. Bannerman, • •Specials.-Township,.,SPeciaf,':heit,VC?BaTrtea;.'E„;'HOWatf;',:heifer year 1.boar and 2 sows, oVer .1.,:',-Y,ear'D.1; '4.PrSeY:' Gin0;. .A.Y .: (e) C. F. 0-1-1-e4,67.;•t•ors.s,,....c....."-ffalliday, 0......_.Bes-.1i1Ing.i.,,-,:iimiur.-- -,--4-',,T.-Lobb*:',- -mr.--AL--..4.,eary4;:-.1-:.,11art,pronCli;,_juni,oi..!',Vepper,,2C,s,,:-,'.--Dotiglas;-,(11-).-G:-1-.)Ottg, tard3-7'1)..-;,-..Toll;....Peter ' Granath,- ,, beitLH'Earrie§;;;i-..R;,_4iter.,:,,E,.-,•11.Owaft-;'.'"R. herd; fl:-,"b(iarTaild-Y'S-OWS;.•' under .1 LS, C.- F.'. Pelmet ; ,(cr) G.- Deng; 'handled!'eelt,--ItusSell,manSon:•_Riis .u,atter;.7-11eifertealf7t7Senier-7.:..-7,ET.:.-YeariAly-41ait.„--;i...D.,*:LearY.:.,',„B.,. Fr,DielL 0 s.:, ,;(1?) a..., pougIas. ...' • , : . , Berkshilre•Bdar-,7OVerTI9.141nOiithS1':-MinerOSJ'''ANT11(-.C.,11.111.aIldT-131)t "gell7TrallidaY,-Jlin'Loft:;^beSt heaVy.:$:cPalis;.; 'V. I6Ph,, -.V..' It: Barnes., liarSe.,-,...Charlie, Ilalliday, ,.. • , • .-' I Ivit'''.'1,AAA);',i'IN:: qIi•• ' Barnes; heifer and Under' t Year, ,-B':• fronel'i; , boar ,C.,, 7.. I). 'epp er and ' 2nd ;.: (err .0, F•. .,. 'Judge* -W: J,,..*, Dale. i ' - -.-,:' - . • •••• l'ealf,junier, M. Lobb;).E.: 'Howatt, urider--.6mOritha,--an§s'• ;9-iiss77-13ert: Pepper, ...,.----, ....„.,,,,,....T.r.„.....,„+„4„..„...,.:.,......,:_:..,...:..,..:, w,--.:W...E.a.:_rhes-MF.•;-,-Lebli,...::E.,:HOwC.--'Frene.k.;,- 4.-,,,C-.....11614...43rd.,:::.and.;4th-,., ...i,Penkin. Diteks.,.:,..L-...„.,(drake,,...i deck; . , .u.':','''..-..7'...,!--!..-.!-''',.-,. . '-1.-att---.-Champidit-_,,feiiiale,.:TI:- .Carter; : aoW, 11. years and over, R,. Gray,: Yonne? duck, .young..:drakq, George, , 3 r.,z,,,,,Dtiblin. . Dual Purpose -SherthornsBest,::.nerd,,latilf. and...3,..feinales,, .,'N.; -.K. ,L, ,C.;. Bell ow, ," ...,31 -Tea' -1-d') --d- ::un er ' DOuglas. - -"--------- '.' -:----,-.---- - ' : , . '• ceWlit'ni'ilk,'.:-SOhli.---Edys,,-.1:st,'and,11Baines.;,',.M.,,. Lobli.,:Ei,--::-FlOwatt;E:: .2" ear, - R. 'Gray,Ist, and .2ii.d, . ,J. •-' . . :-., UtiiiitY.PenS.':•..' 2nd; -neat.»,:dr.t. coW.,..to.:calve,...in 8.'„.Sclions;: beSt' art:luta' of S 'bows,'W-.4,-C....1-.BelL•r,.3rdand..4t11;1-teW,'born -- - '' " ' ,.,. • ' ' • • in harness. R. o- kestard t -nd 'HOWatt-''btill-calf'•Under.1 year 'W Leary . J j•Hart .' boar Mier' OrpingtonS,.-: . • .• (c and h) C • Barnes• Schaus ..1.- It' and under 1year, J1, Hart, lst Pepper ' • 2nd' Fr.ench• ..boar 'tinder (C and rP) -111-011thS-,741: .•-flart„.„1„,s.t.L#L.Lidr4th';''H.,•,, Pepper, .1..st ,and •,,:, :- Preholi7z-H.-'Learr; —S012V;7Y:7-ie akg*--W-hite Wyandettes; cr) and 'over,' _D.,: Leary, • B. French, M: Crieh;...(P)YM. cricif:' and.: 2rid.. 2nd , and. ,3rd;' .year and 117, I BrOwn,LeghornS: .:(e) Beck, der 2..years,..11:,:-Leary, lst •and 3rd.; ,,er,; ,(k,and-4P),..LEarl Becker -and H: French.; sew. born -before March ,2nd;' (cr.)1'.Earl: Becker: ; ist.. ,.Hart :,Bert arid -h) tr, BRODHAGE • Phone 602T 2, Mitchell ROWCLIFFE .MOTO' 1956 Dodge Four -Datil - 1956 ,Plyniouth Four -Door: 1955 'Dodge Four-Dpor 1953 Dodge Sedan 1949 DeSoto Four -Door 1949 Dodge Sedan TAIKICS 1955 'Ford One-Ton---Stake.139cly, Rowcliffe- • DODGE* - DE SOTO,' CAgg: ,DODGE TRUOIS CASE FARM MACHINERY Phone 267 - old, • J-.' Keys, lst'. and 2nd; . bull 1 .• . . , . - .gRtii.' , Cli-,iy..:J ,' C:. Bell ' 3rd and 4th- sow F. Pepper. 'Rhode Island •Red: -(c) .New Hampshire: "(c. and h) 0.. Weeks, ..3'.;..:Keys; : heifer-, ,. 2.. years H., tames., .:. ., . . , . ' before, 'March lst . t 't., .. ch R. year o i .. , „.herd , consisting $hropshiredowns,.- Emhe, 'Bros. born ;after . March 1st,' 'B. Frelieh, Mel '.- Crill- • ' aqed PlY'll'uth - , . , . . of 3..females,: 1 bull,•:, J.'. Keys; ...,spe- -.- .t„bii,-.411 prizes .in this class: ; . ' • lst aid 2nd, 11..' Gray,. J'q.U. 'Bell; ' KOoks-i--4-c-'-antl--b) C. F• PePPer.. eial- for Winner of ,m9St, Pelnts, .,T-. " SautlidoWnsAged . ram, .Errilte juniorherd, boar and ;2 •seWS -un -• White, RdaS: (c andli.) C, F: hPep- Keys '.'1 • '' •.•• .'-‘:, ..•'-. .. • Bros.1st and Srd, .Jas . -..c; Bell; 2nd; der 1 year, B..French,..• lst and 3rd,.,per.' , Light Sussex, (c an BiitchersCattle-Steer pr heifer,d )• C. Shear/ing' ram,' Emke BrOg,,-; let Ross .Gray2nd., • ' -- , . . • F. , Pepper, , White, Leghorns: (e. ever i I year, G,.. Wallis -:. Barry Men- ary_;,_,L...W Strop -gr. -7A,-- Kic -er.--H,:-1-riri ' ' and"'":31W-i.sTascDe :. ,... ll.' 2nd - ram : "Landrace ',, Boar 2 : ear ' and and ` 13T:under - 'Year, J -. C. Jell over; J.77-PoWell7E....:../..qhret, rb)...OF ...-.--I'epper-CrosS.-Breeds., , _ -HodginS & Sons_;•. baby .1 year lst and: 4th Emke .,Bros,., 2nd and Orr; boat,. 1 . ,..ear-- mid „.ux.i4et Breed Lighten .K„Ryan„1: li-t7-7--i--Hea-v-y---11111-s,.- A_,- -jainieson;,--Cross„ and under'N. Hodgins & Son, Ron: aricl; ewe having .14mb:ed. in 1958 Years., J.., Ort; hoar; over 6. menths ' ... '. ., ....,'Rigii,•,Sclie61 poultry . O'Shea, (S..: Sons.-_ • • ,•: •' .-41',"!" ' .,• Bell; :Shearlirig,;. ewe, • Emke Bres.,, 2nd,':•• R..: M.' .Spott;.. oar, , under t. year, 4'.'Orr, 1 -it. and ' -'' TJt'lft '-.PenS-...--; 1,10-iite . • Plymouth Jackson, .,. c,„. O'Shea .13: Yeo,... Jas. Entire' Bros lst 1st .. and -2nd„. Jas p. and . under R b H DoaneCa cl, over R." ,,,. -.mpell,- „Jas .., O .' Bell ; „lst . and-,--2-ricl,- Emke JS . "..„.itter,:. J,....12,1:iisow2 years and ; ; „ .L.- h_. • , . .. „_, .„ .. , .1.gt-a-nd- 2nd; 'J... C. Bell; ' ewe .lanih; n'innthsR. ,*emillari,..'ip,t and 2nd ROP.ICs;. Wm, Mdlsou'; . Ilea.vy• Wm: 1VIiliserr' Cross ,Bred an .3rd; R:: Dein,. 4th; champion bull ..:•.pincol,iisA. rD. Steeper 'took ..all fore March 1stJ, Orr, lst . and, Cross re , - -Aberdeen- '..Arigii„S'Hkull,• 7 2- years John R,irin; bull ; calf,, senior,: H. -Bros.; ,pen, yarn .and. 3 ewes,..Ernke over, ',L. ;,(1).fr,,, 1st and ,2nd, ,E.,:,,A1-- t Win '-.Millson. Ken Ryan- . . . , , Ca.niPhell; lst and 2ncl;-, btill" Calf, Bros..; best evie,-Emke 'Bros,. -,..heSt brecht; sow; ; I. year and ,ulitler .-2- junior, -H,,'GamPbell„, lst,.- 2nd. and "rain, .Einke-, Bros:: - .,, . . . ,, . ydars, R. .MeMillan; sew': berm: be, itf Doan; .c.6w, ,3, , ye ars-, Old, J..Itinii,' 2nd, •E: 'Albreehtt. sOw. born 'after ell, R.. ':McIVIillan,,:j, Orr ;', !Senior: 'march- Ist;-R-:-...-11/1cMillany -.J.',PoW, herd, 'boar :and, 2,2sows, over 1„ year; ,J. .Orr;.junior; -herd, -boar and-, 2 sows under 1._Year,-. J... :Orr,' R':.:Me.:' 'Earl'"B:eck•,' 'lKen Will.t17-11)re' C1'°ss Bred- heavy,. .Earl )3ecker,:-Leo-n7 Millan, E. Albrecht: 'pen' of..5•bacen. lalrad.iicy.,..,j,a,.frn,owielson,,oi_Bmryuarni.y.,MeclaadrolY.-- A: ., Wallace, -.., _11. . ' .',:Judge -m. A... Fraser, ' Walton.' ' 1st and 2nd, Al. ,Campbell; heifer,. `Leidesthrs--Aged„ `Wni:-.-R:7 2 Tpara. old, R. ,D,oam.'ist and 2ed, Pepper,. Ellike, • Bros.; shearling ' Campbell 3 Rinh heifer; 1 .ram W R..PepPer' & Som Enike year, old; IL Campbell, lst and'ird;' Bros 2nd and.ard; ram Iamb nit -Dean; 2nd-; 4th:= heifer der 1--year„-W,.-. R.- pepper- Se Son, ealf, seino 3 Rmri R Doan IT lst -and 3rd, Smite Bros.;. ewe hay-, Campbell; heifer ,ealf,.junior,. H. inglaMbed-in. 1958 Emke ;Ares., „Campbell; lst and 2nd, 3 Rinxi 3rd 1st. and 3rd W R Pepper • & Son; ' and 5th, R Doan, 4th champion sliearling ' ewe, Emke Bros., lst , female; R. Doan.; 1 male andland Atli; W; 'R, Pepper & Son, 2nd 3 females; R. .I)oan....H. 'Campbell ; ';and •3rd.;.- ewe lamb, •W,,,R...Pepper:, nd'. and.. 3rd, J.. Rinn; 3 . ammals t son,.lst and 3rd; '..Emke.-Bros.„; oget of One sire it Doan, H. Camp l 2nd and 4th; ,pen; ram:and 3 ewes, bell 2rid • and 3rdJ.'. Rinn; R. , R. PeMper & Son,- Emke _Brost; Doan- ------------------best ewe; Einke Bros,r; hest rana, ahd W., R. Pepper & Son. over, Roy , Pepper; hull, 1 , year Oxir.rds-Aged rain; Emke BroS old. A:. Gaunt,'.....1.;., Peck, 7., 1st -and'2nd Don Dearing;sheai , Pepper; Rey' ,Pepper; bull calf, .ling ram; Emke Bros., 1st and senior4 (A./ Gaunt, E, Wightinam.'2nd; Don Dearing; ram lamb tin - O W.11,1-Peloper; E. Wightman, 3. der 1. --year, Smith Bros., ist and Peck bull calf, umo, B„oy, Pep- 2nd, Den -Dearing; • .3rd and .4th; per E.: Wightman, 4.. Gaunt, . W,.., ove having lambed in 1258, Emke. R. Pepper, 4th, and 5th; champion Bros., lst .and".3rd,„ 'Don Dearing; 'A . -Gaunt; Years, old, 'silearling-- ewe: Enike. Bros.lst • J. Peck,, A, Gaii4t, W. R. Pepper,4,ancl..3rd; Don Dearing;.. ewe lamb, .3. Peck,' E. WiglItirian:' heifers, .2 Emke BrOs., 1st, and ..2nd, , Don • Years. Old,' A. ..Gaunt,.,.W.: • R Pep. 'Dearingi*.n,4:ZP`M • as, „Wiglatrrian, 3: Peck:. heifer, Errike-13,1-435.., Don ---Dear; hest 1 year old,,W. R: Pepper, A. 'Gaunt ewe, Enike Bros.; best:ram, .Einke 'Ind and 3rd )?t Wightrnati, .V. R. 'Bras. , • Pepper; heifer ...calf, senior,- It, [ 'Dorset Herned-LP.., E,,,. Dearing Pepper, lst,.and 2nd; A. Gaunt. E, teok all' prizes in thiS:Tlass. ' Wightrnan,, l'epper; heifer Cheviot -.=Aged ram, ;Vance Day, calf, junior, S. Wightman, .1st a'nd ..Robert Browa,.20d"and 3rd; shear - ,4th, W. R. Pepper, 2nd and 3rd: ling .ram; It. Brown, lst and 3rd, champion fenialey A:- Gaunt; nerd, V. -Day; -ram lamb under 1..year, maleand 3 females, A., Gaunt, R. 'Brown, 1sf. and , 4th, V. Day, »R.PePper, J. Peck, W,.. R. Pepper,- 1. 2nd and- 3rd; having -1aMbed IS. Wightrean; .3 animalsget of in 1953, V..Day, lst, 2nd and 4th; 4 ene• site; Wightniam J. Peck; W. R. FepPer. Day, it and 3rd; 'R.rown, Judge -W. 0. P: Oestricher, . ewe lamb;R: Brown, lst and .3rd; . • DAVI CATLLE. .• V.- Day; pen; •rarii and 3 ewes, R. ernse3ts..-43u11 egg, under. 1 13.roWni y: Day; best ewe, V. Day; year, Wm; Daler best 'cow,' Wm. .beSt-ram, 'K. Day. •• '• •Dale,' lst, 2nd and..3rd; heifer, twe Saffolk=laines C: 13ell -took .all„ Years old, W. Dale; -yearling heif tizes in . this class: er' Harold Hugill, W. Dalec"lieifer Sbeelni-TlireeTtifalita Taliibs, "37 calf„ serrin W.Dale, .1st and. 2hd, C. Bell, Einke Bros.-',. ..y. H. Htrgill, Clifford Addison, 4th and Corriedale--Enike .pros.., took , all 5th.-,--lidifer- calf, junior, VT; Dale, prizes in 'this. : • lst -and 5th,' Linda ' Papple, jean Hailipshire---:-Einke Bres. thok all Addison, champion fe,- prizes in this claSs, ' rale', W. Dale;1 . and 3 Judge-Ephriani Snell.' feinales, W. Dale; • best' group ef, thiee cows, Wm: Dale. . Yorksilire--l3oar - ty wo ears arid Holsteins --Bull, 2 years arid 9v- over, • Si d W. - Turn -- Wass:. : Marshall, Wellington bull, 2nd and 31d; bear, overl, year Btiick & Son; bull.„ 1 year old, and under .2 years, W. Turnbull, Thomas -Hern; bul1ca1f, 'under 1 Albert Bacon., R. 'Millson; bear, year, WellingtomBrock &Son, Ross over. 6 months, and under 1 year, Marshall; ehampion male, Ross» W. Turnbull, 1st and. 3rd; Sid Hen - Marshall; cow, 3 years. old and ov:, zy, 2nd, E. Howatt, 4th;. boar -lin- er ixi milk, R.? Marshall, lst and, rler ,6 month; W. Turnbull, 1st .and takes Ieiike oriara. hitchard... White:Leghorns,_ W. . ".:Elethentary School Poultry ., - _ • Utility ' Peps -New -6I-tarnpshires, Gerald 0 ToWnsend. Rhode • Island Reds; .1V1e1.- Crich., Jr., Earl Beck 'er.. Light S. uSsei,Earl "'Becker. White Trynioutli Roeks, Earl, Beck- Leghorns,' Leis TYhdall, OK, FOLKS - hogs ,,tinder ,100. Das:, .R.-1VreMillan, S;„' „Bert. French, • -Dotig Leary Special--Best,..bacon...type.°.•,boar, W,..Turnbull. 8P '» [ • Dublin High, School New py Marie SchoonderWoerd).--, We bad a very thrilling experi- elide • on. Wednesday, •,afternoon When we saw » the Shakespearean production of...Henry IV; Rey., Pr. Ffoulkes' explainotr the play to us before, and eight, cars -and a sta. tion wagon' provided', transporta: lion for teachers-randtstiidentstwit the 'only mishap; a flat tire., •., Monday miming found :some of the older students looking eagerly into Grade X'S room, admiring the new desks: I even. heard some one remarking. they wouldn't -mind be- ing.in Grade X- again. • • . • • " We „are-..p,rivileged_tn haVe :Mr. Hardy Withus again, supervising our music classes. There•are rumors going» about that, the boys might be ,starting a mouth -organ band,' so, boys, try yotir beg,' and - we hope te hear.it .play soon. The Grade °XII and Grade r girls' are going to ,be playing vol- leyball, this- year.. The -team-cap- tains are NancY-Itelly and7mYself. To all, Volleyball players- --- level -head's ,and- strdng arms.. Two more •appointments' have been made. 0 first; Theresa Dueli.; arrne has been appointed' by ac- clamation as mission representa- tive far Grade XII; secondly, 'Cath- erine Ryan has been appointed librarian. 41111111111~1111111 RE:VITALIZED CLEANING • IS Better Ran Ever at Buchanan Cleaners MOUNT FOREST , 'More Spots and Stains Reinoved • Garments stay clean longer Will Wear longer. » •, PHONE 669. e 2 - SEAFORTH ANDY .CALDER... Agent MON. a.nd 'MRS. MORNINGS Golf Legion TOurnairent .Legion Members of district zones -attended the Legion Zone goll tournament held on Sunday at the Municipal Golf Course,. Strat- ford. There • were approximatery 23 • teams entered:. The first ten teams have, the Privilege to re - Present their branch in the Pro- vincial tournament being held this year in 'Windsor, on Saturday; Oct. "4. • -- 1„ Those from Seaforth 13ranch placed ninth, arid the team was composed of John Ldigstaff, 'An- gus MacLean, Archie Dobson and Ken Powell. WINTHROP.. i-MrS..--Williant Alexander has re- turned, from 'Sty Joseph's Hospital, 'Londoii;'where,-.she Spent a. Week. In the past "ten years ,about'300,:. 000 persons have emigrated fpam _Canada to_the United, States. FOR Martin -genowt PAINTS • Super Kent -Tone. Itet' Wood:Finis:he's= • - Seaforth • Lumber _ LTD. - PHONE, 47 SEAFORTti N E Exeter 41 Pryde & Son ALI, TYPES OF • ctmErEfilt MENIORIALS Inquiries are invited. l'elephone Numbers:-.--- - Clinton 1620 Seaforth -- Open To AIL-Flg Producefs---21/2 dozen commercial eggs,. -B b Broadfoot, Wilfred Coleman, Bruce Coleman, Red Coleman; brown eggs, Mrs.- Jelin Broadfoot, Earl Papplwhite„ eggs,. Bob ,Broad - foot, Bruce Coleman, Mrs. James Carter, Wilfred COlernan. - Special -Best tray in adult sec, ton, Bob 13roadfoot. ';• O High School Section -21/i dozen commercial eggs-, Jack Broadfoot, John Scott, »Margaret Wood, Mar- jorie Papple; brown eggs. -Mary Se -oft, Douglas Eyre, Marjorie ?ap- ple, Jean Mien; 'white' eggs, Mar- garet. Wood_Mary, Scott, John, SrEft7,,-Nrck-VVeyte,., Jr: Special -Pest tray, High School ,SectiOn, Margaret Wood. Elementary • Schoel Section -21/2 dozen commercial - eggs, George Wood, Dorothy Jainieson, James Papple, Tom Papple; brown eggs, Judy 'llo,arbye, Torben Hoarbye, -KlaasC.Bruinsina, lames Papple; \vhite eggs,June Williamson, Lir- da -MacDonald, George Wood, •Nell eilne-slitrteiPt jray,_' iiblic0 School seetion -Judy. Hoarbye;. best tray, all classes competing, 1VI argaret • WW1 • ' •-lett -that unnectisary 0jiede Of furpiture through a. Huron Exposi- for Classified A Pliene 141 or 142 USBORNE. & HIIIBER1 • MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE,.— Exeter, Ont. President: •, Clayton. •Colquliotin, . R.11., 1, • Science 11111 0; Vice -President: Alex J". Rohde, 1.t.R. 3, ,Mitchell• , DIRECTORS -Martin. Feeney, R. B. 2, Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner, R.R. 1, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, PLR, 1,» Xirkton ; » Timothy 33, Toohey, L,ucan. O AGENTS-Ilarry Coats, R.R. 1, Centralia; .Claytori 'Harris, Mit- chell; Stanley Mitchell. SOLICITOR - W. G. Cochrane Exeter. . S S " M. W. STAPLETON d surgeon Physician an. 573 Seaforth Phone jffilsi A' "WWII eon pIhfynsiocaiannslavnedr, Surgeon .. L l3.A:,-1V1,1)...., ------PhYiteinralifl-gu'Ffe'. °' 11 -1 -- phones: Office 5-W es 5-J - JOHN 'C. GODDARD; m•D• -,Seaforth ' Phone 1.10 • : - - Ilensall . Telephone 26 __. - SEAF010111 CLINIC. • E. A. NIcMASTER, 13:A., Itl. - Internest Telephone 27 . . P. LT. e.BsieuRpr:glitoeneYne, 5M5 .D. ..,,,E.,,, MALEUS • . l'elePhone 15 ' .:- EVENINGS: Tiles ay, Thursday and Saturday only, .7-9, p.m. • , Appointments may be made. [, - Cr: A. WEI3B, 1).C.* qq:soCtOr -of Chiropractio 438 Main Street • - .'Exeter X.Ray; and •Laboratory' Facilities --Open EachWeekday Except . • Wednesday -0, __Ines'. and ThursEvenings 7-9 •Phone'•606 , . • Seaforth Branch CANADIAN CANCER SOCLE JOHN W. 'T-ALBOT President' " MRS. N. IVIacLEAN O Service Convener - . ;11/eI1N-NES Chiropractic, Fnot ,Correetion, COMMERCIAL, IfOTSL Nfonday,,Thiirsday - 1 to' a p:m. ' - • , Chartered Accountant 55 South, 'St. Telephone; COderich, .2 343 • " Licensed Municipal DNS. DENNIS -Auctioneer' » ' • Graduate of Relsch, American school. Of Auctieneering. Licensed ha, Huron, and Perth. Capable of handling all types of sales and ad- vertising• " DON DENNIS, Walton P hone ',Se aforth 843 “r 11 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF .Optometrist Phone- : Seaforth • Eyes. examined - Glasses Fitted' ,...MALIc OFFICE,' SEAFORTH Offiee Hours: Seaforth 'daily,. eXcept Monday,- 9 a.ni. - 5:30 P.m.; Wedifesday, 12:30 P-ni--; Thursday evenings by appointment Clinton: Moay, 9 75: p.m (Above nd Ve Hawkins' Hardware.) A. W. SILL Y oarjster0 0So1ieitor,Ete,_.. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH : ONTARIO, '8z STEWART . - Banisters, Solicitors, Etc. - P. D. McCONNELL , D. I. STEWART SEAFOR'I'll, ONT. Telephone 174 SEAF:ORTTI TERINARY CLINIC 3., 0,TTurniiii11,...D.V:M., VS., 'W. „ R. Bryans, ,y4s O -141;:•.G.-"Diennat1, , Phone, 105 • :' • Seaforth The 31e1(II,L013 • TITAL FIRE U4ANCE CO. -HEAD OFFICESEAFORTH, Ont., OFFICERS: President --Robert Archibald, Sea- • ice-foPrrthesident--Alliste; Broadfoot th, Manager and ifee.-Treas., - Miss Norma 'Je ery Seaforth -- hard:,--'13o1Yrn7:1meT; °RRo8b:e—rt Arebi- . S, Trewartha, Winton; J. L. IVIalone, Seaforth; .- Chris. Leon - bald, Seaforth; John H. 'McEwing,' Blyth; WiJi n8, Alexander,'Val- BEtoino;a•PdIfeiociParptVe,erYSe'afFBullorlirthecreifie61316.d''erAiellill;strl- William •Leiper Jr., 0 Luil es uro 3 F. Proeter, Brodhagen; SelwynBaker, Brussels; Erie - Munro e, Se aforth.1 • O a .0 oo o .""' O W. J...CLE_AY • 0• 'Seattirth, out; . 0 , LICENSE)) 'EMBALMER 0 ,O. and FUNERALDIRECTOR 0 Night or. Day Calls - 385' 0 o -o o o 0 .0 0 .* .. J... A. BURKE Directer 0 0. and Ambulance Service 0 DUBLIN : ON'I'. 0 Night or Day Calls; ' Phbrie 43 r 10. o o 0:o 000000 0,0 BOX. • .furrereil Service 0 R. S. BOX .0. - Licensed Embalmer '0' Promg and careful attention a Illospital Bed , 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 0 " OCCAS/ONS ,Phones:: 0 Res. 595-W '•Store 43 040 0 40 40.0 0-0 00 G000:Go* »G.: A.' WHI'TNEY Furtral Home .Godericb,St. W., S.tafOx:th -.AMBULANCE SERVICE 0,', 0. Adjustable hospital- beds' ' for rent 0 FLOWERS FOR EVERY, * OCCASION ' Telephonerpa-yor Night' * 0-.0 0 0 .0 ,0 ' ....to giv'e you 0 good telephone Ierp?ce , Your ielephone depends'Upon' a vast systhm of . , complex- and imutlerful2eq-tiipnient...2gtit it takes peopie- like SOrulta Pritchard to make •g-6(3.47-• aervice posib1e. . 56ndra is 6rie of mady SerVice Representa*es..• This girl,' or .sanie 'daier friend1y-pos(5n like her; is in charge of 37-ozir This Xneans that whenever you have a"-Serviee irequeSe.yeti Can call ;with, the assurance that thete,,is ' a friendly., cchirteous„petsprOile SOildra Pritehaid • -WIna Will-beglacl to. help yon: ,this assnratice is one pf tharnanyb .little thinas that ,,*ate; Your telephone Service such a truly, goodvafue. THE lEtELL,TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 013 11 TaalgTowN :Atti TI-I,E LOd.A.L ..1O1E4Ws Vdt/3;?:. • 0°.11g1\.!'17. IT' ;5' rITIE MARKET -MACE V\71a4r0E'Vbt_TP IviElzeiTANTSVSPrik TnE/n..0ocaV 441/15---sPrzVidER \ T.ii;140/..DS' tFEE5OMQP fillE•142 44D IT dON$y OUP flitell • .E.E'DO 7.,i7 • ,re.oe,r rool,ito TAM° HOSPITAL .114**RANog::: Th4 CANADIAN' WEEKLY NEM/SP/541R WEEK 1104 10-6 os.t. rrq • Application forms for in divi dua h'Pay-Direct en rel ment avaitable at banks 'and bospit*. In communities without a bank, the forms may be obtained from the post office:. I ndivi- 'duals:must register by September 30 to ,have .protection effectivn January 1, 1959; c. • IMPoiTAN't: not,rogistr as a# igdivietaat if yorParo regisiered ithrough a Grold.a, .ONTARIO SERVItES.COMNOSSION TORONTO 7 • .111A,1 -4 -*1 '