The Huron Expositor, 1958-09-19, Page 9«Trigger and Better Than. Ever"
SET*'MBIR 20 sand 22
.Feature Attraction:
All-Star Wrestling; Show in the Zurich:. Arena
on Saturday. Night, Sept.- 20th, at 9 p.m:.
Special Event;
Horse Show in the Zurich'Arena,_;
on:Monday- Night - 7p m:
Featuring: the )Largest Selection of Horses- ever shown in, Zurich!„
Tory,Gregg;. Master of Ceremonies
Dashivood :Bali I wil lead the Monster Parade •.Monday_,A€teritoon ,_
`See: the School Children Parade; the Numerous Business and:
-Commercial -Floats--'-Prizes: Business--:or-Commercial, Float" -
$10, $5; School. Floats and Parade, $5.00,; $3.00, :$2.00, $1;00, • $1:00
acade starts ail p.m -1 tonday at tit Ztuich Sch et-Groun ls-
Charles S. MacNaU hton M P.P: f
gor Huron
will : officiallyopen the Fair
See the Ilogs,,,Sheep and;, Poultry
"Peter March Ntidviray Will be operating on
Saturday -and ` Monday.
Games and Rides for Young -and Old °
1Q .--1130 - DANCTNG
1GTiisic. by Desjarditie Orchestra;
WANT ADS •S ING RESULTS - Phone .141 ` or• '142
READ HE ADV�ItTIS'E1V�ENTS : It s a ProAtablePastime
Members `, of 'Brodhageri Chain-.,
ber:of Coxw ierce and their wives
enjoyed a chiek'en barbecue last
Thursday ',evening .at the;. church
sheds ' with:over 60 attending. The.
chickens were -prepared on a op-
en air barbecue by Mr. John Man
ning,-fieldman_fprthis district for
Purina feeds. • The regular "buss
ness meeting followed,, with Wm.
S. Riehl president, in charge
Two bouquets of white :.ebrysan-:
theniums adorned the altar of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church for the
centennial *services ,on
methoxy of the late L. G, ' Reek,
who was laid to rest- Bye' .years`
ago on Sunday, • They were placed
by,bxs 'wife.' and-, family.•
Visitors with MrsW. L. Quer
engesser were Mrs • Tdora Diegek:
Mitchell; •Mr. and' Mrs Ed.- F.resS
ler -and "Cherry Mrs. J. C'. Diegel,
Stratford; Mrs. " Nelson Anderson
and .Donnie, of Windsor; and •Miss
Christine LaPensee, of Essex.
Mrs, Elwood • S,mart, ° Windsor,
and Mrs- Peter Kraus, Ruthven,-
visited' their. parents; Mr. and Mrs.
John ;L, Bennewies. ,
Mr. and•SMrs. Albert Smith,' San-
dra and Arthur; of Orangeville,
with 1Vfr and Mrs: Ed. Smith • and
Mr. and Mrs." Haroldurde1l ,
Mrs. _Charles .Querengesser, an
Mrs. ,Freeman;. Spencer, of. Detroit;
with relatives; this Week:
.Mrs:•Harold. Grove; of Detroit,
A,; donation :was With her mother, Mrs. L..G;':Rock._
ivardS2 the organ' fund from Mr: for .thee eekend .
nasicrdgrns' aMroyrfs_ohiTre'airFtroi3di-Hi
5atyhweepodr td.:tin
;1h2ge. oacnrica<
- o.nlieice,roand
Jnited Lutheran°Church women'N.Y., e.dsftxceelrsa;!,
'with Rev. .and ;Ml's.. •E J,
held their -monthly neeting wzt11; Fx$cher.,
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, Mrs: Toledo Mr. and _ , xs: Fxanl>liigsen,
Beuermann: and Mrs.: Lew :Hicks Hamilton, and; Mrs. John Miller;• of
in charge df 'devotions: The topic Guelph; with ,Mr. . and Mrs Ed
Was "The Canadian Scene." Dur Scherbarth..°•
ing the business 'period plans were Mr, 'and-4Mrs Alvin. -Rose, Sarnia,
,n1ade•for the church' centennial.: with Mr" and MrsChris, W Leon
Mr. and. Mrs_.George Eickmierhardt:._
attended the Heipel-Neeb-wedding-I Mr:Taid�1VIrs Doug Aitcheson,
at Erbsville on' Saturday: - F Niagara : Falls,a ;--Miss ' Gwen
Mrs, Russell. Sholdice, :Mrs. W.. Rock;_. Reg,N,,, `London, with Mr..
L. Querengesser,, `Mrs. Albert _and Mrs, EdwinRock
• Querengesser, 'Mrs. Ed. Smith and Miss ,Lee ,I-farrock;:and?Mr. Dan
Mrs 'Howard Querengesser, of Ahrens Ham-ilton,. with Mr. • and
Mitehell,.- attended--a--trousseau tea M'dha
rs rles'i`Ahfens,
at the home of Mr and'Mrs..Law;r Mrs';and;,Mrs Aaron Riehl and.
ence • Querengesser, Stratford, in Mr. and Mrs.. Art Heckman, Strat
honor of,their daughter„ Miss Mil--, ford,, and Mr. ,-Norman Harvey and
fired •Querengesser: I Mr. '.George • Flood, -of Monkton,
Quite a r number: from . here •' 'at- !With' Mr. and :Mrs Lavern • Wolfe,
tended %••trousseai tea- torn MissI Mr. Howard Elligsen of •Iiamzl
Doreen •Siemon on Saturday at the ton called on ifrierids here ini Sat'
hoine'of her parents, Mr.:and Mrs. urday ;y, -
John E..Siemon. Rev:' and Mrs John Arbuckle and,
sons, og Resne2err, with her int ex;
Mrs. Albert" Querengesser:`
Mr; and Mrs, George Rose and.
children, Fort Erie, with relative*
and friends: .
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Buuek-re-
turned from their nhorleymoon trip
•ko northern .points.::
Mrs, -Elizabeth: Morenz,.:of Kit
chener with J. F. Prueter. and
Mrs .IVIary Dittmei',
Mr; and Mrs, Henry Bode and
Bi11y, of Fort Erie,. and Mrs. Robt,,;
Dalrymple of:,.Egmondville, -with
Nlr. -and. Mrs. 1 ariuel.'Reuerniai ,
Mrs.'Leuise Hillebrecht of Kit-
chener, with Mr. and' Mrs. -Ed:-
•Visitors Oat the, home- of Mr. and
Mrs, Dalton Hinz `on the occasion
of their '35th wedding anniversary
,were their_famiI.y:, Mr,• and.Mrs.
Kenneth Tiinz, St; ,Catharines; : Mr:
and -Mia.--Darreli-=Adamsx •-d brie
1VIar`k;and Randall, td Mitchell; Mr.
"and Mrs. Glen Wickman and ;Bar-
ry, , of Brampton, also Mr.. and
illi I- award Goodrich, -Linda an&
=Robert',of Goderich
Mr..and Mrs; l enzie and
fainil`y, of St. : Thoinas, visited on
Sunday,with his. parents. Mr. Mc-
Kenzie has not:. been well lately
and was removed to ,Clinton';Hos-
pital "on' -Monday for' tTeatinent.
Mr, Mac Aikehhead,. of Landon,
visited with. his Sister,. Mrs.: T::R
Baird,° Ton Saturday, and -attended
the .funeral of his cousin, the late
James Aikenhead -;
Master John Ham, who has-been
visiting with his -grandmother,: Mrs:
C. Ham) returned to his home with
his parents, Mr.. an& Mrs. Wesley,
Ham, of Chatham.
Re .inter NOW' Be, pRaTECTW® next January 1st.
: ` situ is `ONTARIO
H��PlTAl6 bMgU�tArtlO� ®ivis�®t� v�i��s
Telehopo: WAtniat 4-:� 3,0i,• F .
ST 1ErEIt!S-L1J'rIKERAN'CI£CTR I, Brodhag,'`''celebrated'
its 100th anniversary this wTo:
eek. then
e right is the present, pas-
tor; Rev': E J.Fisehe ; who,condnete-d_.t1w servic_es,-agsisteri. hy,
:several guest ministers. ,
St. , Peter's Lutheran', Church following year -First 1 utheran;:join-
Brodhagen,•,'will 'celebrate its• 100th. -ed theLutheran -Synod of Canada.
anniversary on Sunday. Special Pastor Gerndt also served' the
services-- throughout next week- will- -Luther-ans of ;; Mitchell, .Egmond-
marrk the occasion.,:Young, and old. ville ,.and Mclillop -As more, `and
alike have been taken into consid- more 'people settled --in the area
eration in th'e planning of` activi--,served.: by School Section :No. 4,
ties! _ the ,school was soon too small to
Two services will be cond; sceommt;people, A m
on Sunday :with Dr A. Jacobiucted,; er groupodaattended servicessall ra
Kitchener, as guest;speaker in the 'Soho N 3
morning aid R'ev. G .--Alberti, .ofThe _clwrch.,counci1;had to: deal
Rochester, New Y{;rk, in the eve-: with •the need for . a_ permanent
ning: The" morning speaker is chureb- building Tt was decided,.
•dire-si lt-..ofw•the--,Evangelrcal L .to eau. : a njeeting_,oi_the_congrega -
eran Synod, of Canada, while the !tion•° on December 5; •' 1865 This
evening guest as, the son, of a for meeting recognized the need for a.I
mer St Peters pastor church; but could not decide, where both spiritually and materially.
Igonday :evening`• a fellowship to .,build Besides nzany of theRei H. Weigand accepted a call
serviee;,is planned.: with': Rev. W," families tylia were dealing with thei-±0,
to the congregation ' in 1895,
895 coni -
Becker London, •arid Rev: , J ,Ar Canada, Land'• Company' did not yet ! lug to Brodhagen from: I'hiladel-
buckle, Hespeler, as guest, minis- ow'1 a their farms pima. IIe ":i emai Yed 'long :enough ;at _
tern: Ladies' Tright : will be Wed Finally in ;1867 First -Lutheran Brodhageir to .lay a, solid founda-
n,esdayand Young; -Peoples night g g i tion tor the:future Through the
� . con re anon , cYecided : to d1vlde 1n
will, be held on .Friday. 3 -ears he leas' -highly respecied-as
Organization', in Ontario pastor and teacher° In :1891 The
One�liundred years ago immigra-
tion to Canada was: heavy --:People:
to two • separate congregations; el
ect tw r church councils and': build
' churches, The section which
met an,choo1-Ne, .3.-con8istel.of,
30 families arid those' m etin in
School No, 4 represented;Tia fain
rhes, The records reveal than the
larger group, agreed to.have -the
congregation built -the present par
soilage of white ;brick -at,-a=cost <>t� :•
lir-Europe-;were seeking °opportuiii- Meeting
~2 000.00, This•,wa3 paid for in two
ties in the,new :world, Kt the same , . years: . The -present -pipe organ
time they":wanted: to get away' tris bought at•Woodstockat a _cost
from the wars of ,Europe.: :: Ten: of 81,000.00 in '1903
Lutli'eran' congregations were.0.L.,.smaller group' retain,' the _ •name During:the ministry of Pastor
ganized':in `.Ontario • between 1850; "First' Lutllerair�y Cottgiegation' . ,SVeigand the congregation was out.
and •1859. There` Kis a :small` group 111 Mc . growing, its facilities Aot,wa meet-
Between'.1845 and 1850,•. twenty.IS117op.': township; known as. St ing an 1920 it was decided to build
Lutheran families••• took up •landMin; Peter's; and- this was t .&-n-eme', a new church .:The buil ng. com
gn ani c icon townstisps:;'opted-by tri �gz•oup-moet r: . • mi, tee eie`aFT. ,as composed. of
The. nest ten year,$: 75 more fain- School' No 4: the followin ' Merit,. Geor_e Leen-
_ ....:.
rhes. arrivett ,those first years., In-1867^tlrn Lutiieran�p'aristi-cos rardt,. John 1i.o'gk, •'Jaeob Gloor,
must have`: been •"difficult years,sisted ;of the• follovtiing congrega henry Bennewzes:and Henry Itleb
filled with -hard or clearing the tions >: First `. Lutheran, , 'jG'ogan er; Sr ",Later,, ;Henry Bennewies
1and. incl erectinghomes,-_ A fai,I-,_ township, St Peter. s,; Logan town resigned ,and Tienry Rock topk liis .:, `;
are" of crops m 1858 resulted in' ship,,,: race -'"Ludic an, MIteTe11,• place. The coznmittee• 'was later
oneµthrrd of the farriers 1n'.;the two Oiit, the Lutherans, of Grey :town- 'enlarged. with•the addition of two '
townships receiving relief 'from pi* '�1Ip,of} he e,Cob t do sbrook)e I-niore members. • Louis •-Bennewies, ,
provincial ,;government- .before the Sr; and., ;Rudolph Jarniouth, Zit
nein' Drop co ld be -'harvested served lry Rev,' Gerndit, who' rival 1929 Pastor Weigand resigned -be-
That sa =ear,' `1858, the Loth, 'in 'a log house• near School No• 3, cause af, faihng • health .a':nd anoved .
ran's decided--to.arg ,die a eQn- lei 23„ eoncessioh 7 T to'. Texas.
gregation It is to their credit •drat - Ii17-Jauudiy, 4 1..T. chool--1 0.
before theywere ,¢oriiforta�bly -set- was, destroyed by fire��and � that
fled they built .schools• for their. winter, both sclatlol.and,c ureli, :ser- '
children. sand,• inade; a`rran'gements viceswere held. in a.woodshed..on 732
for 'the •.ministry of the' Wordeof 1the school grounds, •This•made. the
God and Brayer Thi first servrc; building of -a-church pan imlitethate
Alberti began. Itis .Min-
istry . At Brodhagen - November•,•
'1920, At :, the annual meeting in
921, the Dian for 'the "new, church
was approved at: a cost.:0± ;$45,000..... •
BY -Easter, all, the • •art; -window&
es- `were held in- seheel ,.bundings.:nec ssity St. Peter's congregation had been. bought a5 `memniials.
After such k -i service
on November; bought acreof land from.Carl young people purchased a.
I7y3cd, light :plaii:t, ` at a cost . of
$1,500:00. •
8,' 1858, ameeting :vas held, pre-
sided, over."by Pa§tor I. A •Hen-
gerer, with -Mr, Christopher' Rode:
appointed• As secretary ' Thirty=,
eight families were represented.
Rock and received•5'0 acres of land
from: the:'Canada Land ,Corr: :any.;
`The. cornerstone ler ; the first St.
Peter's Ltrtheran Church :was : laid
May 5, and th'e'church was• dedi-
They decided to or`ganize1tatni' Evan- sated August, 25, 1811, A chozr:.bad
gelical Lutheran, co>agregation• im:- been organied: under' the: •leader -
der:; the name of First • Lutheran ship of Carl Bicatiron. odhagen °Pastors and:.ang
for tlie-dettGesrndt
and .11dogerercpreached, both in
German and Englisl>a .
Pastor Gerndt accepted a call -to
Webster; N Y; in August,, 1872,
• Progress Slow •
The nert'25 years br'oiight a var-
iety of'.eiperiences. for the 'people
0 Logan an c i' op:. a ors
.t tiers ` tdid:no
hausen.and i:I Rouke elders Bud -
wig HiIlebrecht and, August Ah-.
rens;,; ,councillors, Gottlieb lfenniek
and"H. Jacob.
January', 1859,, the congregaw
tion -adopted. a° constiution : recent-
mended by -the Cariada,,Conference,
o . the• Rittsburg Ltheran . Synod.
is' constitutii :1st • signed 'by 6&
members: Se vice; were • to .be
conducted •in School No.• 3 and
School, No. 4, 'one ' in the Morning •
and .tile , other in the afternoon
The First Years '' -
-'The first ten yeat$ lit the,,life' of
a congregation are somewhat erit4
real. ft takes time • until a church
building is ;erected and governing
policies are.: established. The • Lath
erans• in Logan were first "served
by, pd fors ' from the Canada Con-
fer'en,c of the Pittsburg° Synod,,. In;
Jidyt, • 1859, the congregation re
ceiv`ed its_first.Rastek.,the-R:ev.-ti:
Hoehn. After one year in Logan
he followed .a • ea11'. to the :United
States: In. 1861 the Evangelical
Lutheran a idodl of le Chide, was
s was .Clerk 18a0 -02.t, 'Mr, Denier `'stat dthere Is +going td be a;sht i'p
organized acid .thesam year 'one.
of its pastors was called to Logan. Beuermann is::reevQ''of .'McKillop ',increase. in. hospital rates after the -
the Rev. C. R, °'Gerndt, Who served By, ,the turn. of the century, St ;first, of the year_ When the Hospital
the ; congrenatioii for 12 Years. The g.,l' ahs takes effect,
.Peters tiongregatiorr was . growm 1
congregation in. Logan,township,
This :eongregatioh'. wa f, to ;cpnsist
of • all- Lutherans in Logan town-
ship, but .services were to: be held.
in . two :school buildings because.
neither .school was big" enough to
hold the ,entire congregation.
Qne church' council was elected,
consisting of the following men:
trustees: William Eisler D 1VtueitI
The. cornerstone for the neW
ehnrch was laid,' May '22 1021,
about 2.000 people Attending.- The
fell5iving winter,: services • were., -
held in the basement; -'-The new
chureh"was dedicated July 2, 1922
Members had centributed-,liberal-
1y and the'result. was one of the " -
most be<atitiful acid- best equipped
churches in ,rural Ontario. St
Peter's Lutheran Church :was. novo
ready -to serve' the church .and the
•community to -the best of its abil
Of d M Ii Ii P st };ed. J: • Alberti remained until
carne but t the end of 'March 1982 'when he °`
stay very long.` Seven ',pastors and farrowed ;a call: •to>Jpbnstown; ..1;‘.a.';"7:0 -
a student served the .congregation Since ,lien four pastors have sero
durrng,tthis •period There were a'1 ed St, Peter's. Rev, . S. 'F"riedrieh;
ro years of sorrow. .hick left their 'spa 10$2:41, now 0± Windsor, •Ont.;'
effect• on many families. Purin ; eV Wallram 'Sekiulz;' 194149 de -
Rev. Gerndttspastorates pin 1870, ersed;.'Re Walter Becker,. 1949',:''
there was si epidemic which re- 55; now of London, Ont,; Rev. E.
surfed in the.death-ef 24 people in J. Fischer, the present p'astox.
otic year Another epidemic: of St, Poter's•.congregati0n has al-°:
diphtheria in 1881-82: ; caused the so. give , a. few 'young hien to the
death _of. 15 peopleL, mostly chil ...,n ilisti Ttev. •Robert Rock, Dart
dren. '; ,
Month, N:S.; -Reit. Paul Bechter,
The Luthe"rains assumed respoxisi ',p¢ as Bev. Johii Arbuckle, Hes
bilities'toward localrgoveinment as..peler hlree young,inen°from the
soon as they were ;established 11Y arsonage: • who' atten'decl_ the _,Sun
Canada: Mr•. Zachar all ^Eiligsen aay School. of `St:' Peter s;'`'aiso Lir
served on the' Logan`' council m ler 6, the Gospel' ministry. Rev
1$58: •Ho was soon ;foltowed. by G,tjdfrey Alberti, Xtev.'Patti Alberti
other rnen• on the council.' T`•heifol anti Itev; Eric Schub.-.
lowing ,na1Th1s 'appear;., on thew re ,
cords' of the Logan council: •henry:
I enoke; Georgea' ,R0ek,Francis]
Jacob,: Charles:Querengesser;' Wm.
fatier,: JAin tt tz,' .:Iaoiiis.eeke ,.
and J..:Rudolph Tohn flennewies.
Served as reeve:in 1$96; °George
Rock -as, deputy -reeve: in 1880, 'and
John ,Ritz 1895-6, Francis Jacob
Tlie monthly meeting, :of the.
farmers' :i)'nion was 'held in . the
ton--- 1ia11, , Seaforthi ._ Tuesday ..
night, ,:'request• from the O.F.U,
head office asked the local to ap,
paint a. voting,delegate'ler the can-
• ei9tron • in 'Guelph. 'Tho president