HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-09-12, Page 8THE:1-LORONEXPORTOR SEAFORTII ONT St -'T:12 1953 'PREsay-TERJA CHgRCR t t Rey. D:,7:Leslie- Elder. Minister • H. A. KEmpsygo. , Organist and ChirLeader t 10:00 A.M.' • • CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "What is God Like?". • NEWS OF DUBLIN Church Notives(WI, HEARS:, OF 'LOURDES 1.Q.C,Tilctl.i . : 7:30 P.m., -and Tuesda.y .at _P•m- ! • • ' LL 'Kendrick, •Pastor. McKillop" harge.--,-Sun ay, ep 14: United service.' ,at Bethel,11 a speaker, lr. piln Fingland, Winghain, . ' • St Themes' Anglican Church -r •orning7Prayet7-!-It.--aln:;- Coinniuniomthe first Sunday of 1,,,C)C17 ' (EtRIEF Mi. -and .Mrs.,- I: Dugan, Coluni; bus, Ohiq,, `visited withMiselen BOltOrf,--, - 7. ' . '. „ ' '''' . ', . - • ' • Mr.a. 'HarrY' SwinkeIs,nuither 43,f Peter. Swinkels -left -fo•r Hollan on Lourdes is a town ..a. almost, . ........., ,,, „ ,-... Tuesday, . after Spe'ndhig----M-it 18,000. populiWati, with -600-hOte/S------171-r7--ancr--ilars. 741frecr-DUff-Y-- and 500- slips. Mr_s\ A. M, Looby' Donnie and Yvonne, of wo:olstoelc: uljvt°n'etshssr's415:TGCeainthac1757, .League, meeting ..Morida3r, night. and - Mary ' lqargaret„ - SOaforth,' efid .witu............ and.,,Tack McCowan spent the week and "Eric . Eaten. told Dublin "Catholic' • Women's and Ir and Mra. •James''.1C-e111,y . Mr. Larry .Eatorr, of To - The Dublin lady told the group of With MrS.• Lonis Dillen 'arid -Dora- ---- her-terent-trip--ta-Eurepe.,----t------.thr::- - , to --and 4o- attended the QN.E. An .accenint • et her visit ' to, the q...Visitors ' at flie- Tioine ',)f 'Iiiir. •and :::__IV.1,1:i?i'V..15,4.. ‘1,1"ile'sl. VW:1st Hewnedreor.oinn the rnonth.at 11 'am., and the third shrme• at, Lourdes' during her Ent-. Mrs. Jelin -P. MiirPhY we,re: Torii a4" Owen Sound over the we-ekend .vis., .' SuridaY of - the menth •at. 9 .a.M.; opean,, trip. was :,'. enjoyed by the Murphy, Elima; 'Mike Ki.pari, cTO:.•.,itine relatives, .:. • ... . - . . , . Sunday Scheel ,every Sunday'. Morn- league ,.mern,bera, She described ronto, . and Mr. ,, and Mrs.- R, • -I ' .. 1 ' 'Mrs..' • jeaaette. Fraiser, . ansI Mg. at ..10' „a.M.-‘-Rev., ji." Il Janes, the '.,pilgrimage to LoUrdes;'` where Gaffney, . and, _obi ,dro , S ,a . Rector_ .. ' ' „ •''''.. . - :'''.'.•-•'.-_-_,. --• .., - ,t-Kowaidds,-of.pilgrirris frOM:,:almost ., ''-..- .., . . . , ., , ..mi.oha,g 0, Rourke month„,,„,,,...,,,:::',.,Ceeelia, ,..i.,7hiosvite...ivritebturivintnd jirittpx,:i.a.... Egmondville 'United. ,Cinirci.i•Dr..... every country in the world .were i . J.- Semple Minister; 1 a• sal-, „ esent.., . . • __,: . . deWatVdoWf was .rneetIvVeed•-• ,' h. erlVte-''Icif the Ajallna.es. .'.°•1111(Kild-hY. .. ill. : .t1411...P.11-„airr' ject;2"The Intention of. Jeeds-in.„„the : .;The- 'shrine_ is liallt, in -,a grotto:, town.5hip, , Michael . O' Rourke; . in: ' Mr. „Stuart y Keyes , • Hillcrest Mo- yR:tisiiiirgre, ci;teoieli;',"sC7ti..'ni3Q0n;;P:ixli.:6:?..,a:rtn"., ,,t5ofe..s,rindeek iatnd .6,., ,Tahre$veerh_laliliineta'.i.as.p.hrliiint ;Nels'on;. B.C., 'hillowing. a lingering--thes,-Torente,...sfierit_lasLweek lioli-, illness. Deceased went to Minneso- •Clayin'g.:-. at Ilia' home ' on the Milt The . Chnreh ' School., • Minister's flows nearby,, and is. • visited.' at 411 •,t;:.13 -..S., about.,54 years.. -ago? -where Reach. ” ' . '.." • • .' - . .. 'Bible -Class;. 11 - Mm., Nursery .seasons.of. theYear.. The sPring i,s his wife. „ predeceased_lune .I -le • Rev. and Mrs. A. W.: Gardiner, 'Cfa.-r.-11-..:30-:-.111.17dOrtehurcli7-ise•Pt-lHeliseved-to-ii,i,ve been-the-Seene--of ; moved - to Dawson----c„reek, B-0.„, of-Aini,koom-ealled on -friends -here 21 . 123rd . ranniversary ., services -; MailY:tniracles,--.-Mrs. Looby _de-. I where- be -resided for several years ; -laitweeklon-their waY hannefrorn guest, miniSters, nioraing, 'Dr., H.. , Scrthect.,V1p, .tereli.preeessier when ' ' . but has .been, • an _invalid In a .'NeF • a :Meter . trip . to . the IVIaritimes• . . -H-.;MCCorinelL New york;.--evening;77,tliiklikda‘,,:,:earrieri lighted „candles .. son B C ' Hespitall" for about - lime': •MeSsrs ' Bob-. McCow.ape, and:' Torn •Dr.MenrinigP4Tit.ts,---:.NTaliv. 1 e,... elm.' and recite'' ie..' it• *... . . • , _years:- '... .. „.. . - • : ,, .- --' • Broorne-spent-eturday-Lat4the"--TO-7 'Mtisie7,tlie. Stratford -1Yraie:•Choru§-..s. :LA VOte, 4:Ifi-,_thasik.S. Was :ekten.ded••4‘fit,....o,R6„ilie.•i,--as a„janYthor -0e-,-toAtO, Exbibitio6„ . - • • ' „.. • . '•"-te."M-rs•-•-La°13SP•''.1t:ev•-••Dr4f°01.1i-4.2,Patriek' 0'.Relirke and ,Mrs: ,Cath,,..: Mr:, 'and Mrs. ,Harold Shera were --"'ANNOLTNCEMENTS--,-.....,:-, ' also addreaseditheegathering.: Held. - -- s'erine „_Krauskopf, ' and ' Was in Ids- in. • Palmerston on . Friday .. attend- . Mrs,' "R..:..-MacDona ,,....Ge erie ._, in: the "Continnatien.;;;Seliool, al!: 8.7th.,Year: 'The, funeral tOok_place.ing 'the : •furierel..ofMr,' •Shera's „Wishes • to :- amioinite .'„ the '`.-engagerl,, ,30."Catlidlie'VWrieli."`s ,:LA .ft en e-nie -- ----”- T - in Nelson,. R.C..,: on Tuesday -,morn- aunt; Mrs Adam ' Deny who Was nfent of only. daughter, _Glenda; hers were .p , . , ,.. d.: • 8 d ,mg, .. ep.ena ,er , , . , - in her ,90th- year , , - . • ,to, -Gerald, Hoelschei, %son 6-. r. '''':Atrangern„ent,s-,:-. were '. ISFils e . ..:, .. ., ' ' . . 1, My.' .ati.d '•11...s...: !I s,Adams ' Mr ''..)" W • Hoelscher, Sea-. ler .,..h. 'aiding a oenny,•., sale, In: . the' ...,,,, .i, .,.. , __ .,, - celehrate their- 4.E7'1.li e, wt. eco.IiliaVii-n.r 1 ' '''' ' Septeriaber..2o- at the Presr imeresting:.reading-F,`iThe 'BnirtbdaY ,': . - :._ __, CIZCICIIr.,,p.: c .,-_,pd '- ,, ..1.,,s, , .. r , •versary en. Friday, Sept,his .. .11 f%13:!th.. 'T.s.h.'',..yveddine.' Will .:.. take. parish hall on SePtember 23. An ' 13 was given; ..,,, . . _.Lays„. ,..: ,I. ,..,„, ,, Adams ' Will c..e‘,1ebrat:- I.3.7s ..:h.t IVI' Belle Ctimmings; ..of Qt- Pbyateeeria9nrii: Clitireh„:' Go , - ' -the Blessed ,...,. n . derich. . . of ._, , ., CWI.' .' P °tit ,birtladaY ..en Sunday, ,Sep ., . 14 . Mother” , • Mr. •and ' Mrs.. Frank,FoWler, R. by •Mns. Lorne,.Crom • no. „ , .,.... , ,„aagernent . et ' their ‘dangliter, .-Alu-ni., ' . ' '' T. ..4h0OL, .. •••,-,•. '. •The regnlar mon. ,./4ine Start. o : ... „ ., ., , ' " ' ihlY7.nieeting. of .. tawa, .rs . spending d Mrs: ,, 3..dttil R. • 2,. Seaforth announce , the., en;" • June, -thMr... Donald 'Winston Mc:. - Dubliir'S.eptie School ,',60:bi,11g°,ih'heeldC.,IVI'atilti:°41iCy',W.,'ev,°e111-nierigs:'iilltahgeoll::chwOaosl. tChueinirrioifiingeSf.. -a1.1. .: Clineh-e son" 'of. 1`..:--and:4-MTS;,, en:.Tuesday,..-Sent. -2, has . an.enraoom.„ : with :21:members.. present:' Mr: ' and MrS-R• J: SPittal drOYe. _ 1111111111111111111111M11111( --7--We-Specialize in All Lines':Of 'INSURANCE, NEW COMPOSITE DELLING POLICY' offers full fire and liability 'cover- age at 10% below regular rates to home owners. ' For full information, asit. us. • WATSON & REII) , General Insutrance. - Phone 21.4, :" •.SeafOr.th ' Agent; JOILN. A. CARDNO 1111111.11911111111191Wiliillniliiiitipiliti SUPPER PLAN I ED LION E-COMMI TEE -TOR- PRO6 . The 4.vv-ivls„,,,L.Thoeting l)uff's ''alSO-rnentioned the Presbyterial to :United Church, Waltott,` was held be held at" Varna 011 October 9. -in- theeinirch basement Thursday „Word was. received' about, the.bale afternoon. Call---taT-WorshiP--vvas ' sent to Toronto in connection' With taken from -Psalm 24:1, 'The overseas „missions, ' earth is- the Lord's and .the fullrieSs ' A series of scriptures were read thereof,, the world" and- tkose. Wird .15S' MrS, ,W. Broadfooti: Mrs, T. dwell therehi." Mrs. n. Watson Dundas, Mrs. N. "Marks, IVIrs; opened the meeting- vvith a hymn Bennett and Mrs, Ken McDonald, 'with- J delt Rtyan-s-----at-the-The•-•-topic, for the day, , "Know piano, followed •by the prayer of ,your Neighbors," Was taken by the .approoell... Eighth -of 11forris And 16th - Group. The roll Call was answered "by Mrs C. Martin acted as', leader, favorite verse of - scriPtureiviand, rpresn.,erilblviurrs T JurnmhuelD1,nnMeirda. ininutes readby Mrs. B. McMich- • J. , ael, and l'ArS.„-"R: -Achilles gaVe the Manrds.311,;:s.0,wlikter.am-17rus•rn331;nll,Jarisas ta°8n: financial -report The members .of the. group accepted invitation tistantS,, eVening`meeting will to. ,Burns'' WMS on September ' 25, llarlegi,arwrnaringelad, Mise, Nithoen04,,itobriert,ficleeieet-- gate to Alma College, will. give her report. ' • The-sv_A rneeting.:f011owed with the therne, ,!:Loye One Another,7 M. ' Bennett% gave the ,Secre- thry'.s repOrt, while -Mrs: A. Centts reported-en--the-funde, A diScus- sion followed, on placing-, new car- pets -in -the '.elfoir loft and veStry; also Various„staineases furnished with matehing runners.- It was :de- .cided 'th '30:new choir, gown for the choir' in 'their chosen -color. "-Turkeys are to be. ,ordered for the .fovn supper, , by the supper committee, which is ,to be held „Qctober 15. Doorkeepers appoint-. ed -were Wm. Bennett, Jack His- lop, Barry 'Marshall' „a -rid 'Herb Travis. . Jack l3ryaris and Bert Johnston are to call out the num- bers'. A:program eonimittee is to •consisf-Of-Mrs: Jack•Bxyans, Mrs. Herb Travis and Mrs. ,Harvey 13rown 'as -Convener The program ,cori,sist of „locai,numhers • SeafOrth- tesS ;t� 'the Seaferth., Women's Stitutel for 'their - September. 'meet= . _ ing on Thursday evening: 711firs. Harold', vice -pr -pre-,. sicted, OVving the. illnes 4)f . the -president, : Mrs. R. J. Doig. Thd 'reit ,call:-Wastanswered by' 'bringing, a'"; tea, towel, suitable for the boOthat .the fall, fair. p.praitt .Bapple..read minutes , and ctirresPornience: • , A thatik-you"card was read from Mrs: j.,Aikerihead and :an-. in. appredia, tiOn,, Card, frOin. the 'farnily of- the Iate'"Jehn.,K;Gordon: -Mrs, Lorne Carter •gd'iTe. the treastirer's'repOrt.' Gaitte,t,,--MCClinCheeafortir, the merit of, 65.. ':',Mether "esH.Thet.president;,.,..mrsi;: Etue, „eny to, .1(ingSton. this weelt.' Th training ':seliool for.. club .lead" ter' !Adeliiie.,,:in,:;,4be.',.,lower roanr,, Pra3reri..± iThei- secretary's report fa -Royal Militat ',•be the, 7SOIEIT:ICaOt.,-Petef i:Spittat, rethrired held .in.:Clinton". on Oct. • wedding ',ta...:,,take ,Prinellial.,.11-0, „l sti•OP1s,' aTici 'ened-tthe Ineeting 2-11,:at with 35 Was giVen by IVIiss M. ,Fortene- ' were aceoinpanied -by Wm. Scott,, VVINTHR 'esn'oarlekce was'read Mrs Mrs Whit:. T-rapnell; Niiieginners, started la Greda ey_,:are;• -YVonne -Delanerr'Ll'-t • ..PR PERTY 'SALE . .b6°11' a 'Patient_ rin Memerial Marjonid 'the.:.her hoMe this-. *eek • Hospital,' .was.'..,table.:,,ta: rettirn'i.to spent 'With:her ger, Pauline ents- Mr -atid. Mrs, '73'4.1_111_1n. to be Senator' . •Geldin'g';'•11.a' s7. -•••re-•• h gyp t bis home from Ottawa The Modern dwelling. of the n!sissmgpsfooragmnprgiggefauffmsPetertiirried, late C. M. Smith, Goderieh West, has now been_priced_fer„ quick sale: FOR INFORMATION, 'con•tact: Cereal' Shelf; and,elub leaders are undecided for Seaforth .town; ,Mrs. J. •Keys;. arid. MrS. Gordan Papple wf°i.h.';VIte.1°11',a/td1:42":.14raliqi:rjaeliliciii'll3rLaWdrf bLot, for ' Seaforth. 'district. '. .. • " , . ,. , •, . The, ;delegates • for.- the London am.. ga‘,.e a reading entitled, , Mrs. Gilen..i;che§neY .`and daligh- Cenvention thia_, fall are .L.eoni F,UMER AI'S:- .. Mr Louis •14-6Grath- in -0'dkviller.-" -a-tiVallabif Day Means -Ta 11.1ett'- ter; -Bnrbara,-aret.yiSit1ng:i„Mr_and ard.Strong-end 1VITS:.GrahainiKerm. wizsgetomporiggtvisirotwiszont land ,,.,, ., ,. , , ., . , .- .mrs. V: Bannon .gave a• Very in Mrs Frank Kling , , ...,, 'alternative,- yrs.-, Gorden...Elliott.. . . „, . resume o her irip to , Mr: and Mr§.. .11ussell, SProat. at , The cornititttees. for the booth. at, wIRS....„1[1,E1,1 S)417.4, ER,:fr '.''. In1/111''v,' and n.. ::M Toronto r S ; t. l6171: . S t4i), 1 'e t a I I al:16.;'Seht'th‘n.'a."-:;'-'11, er.'itik -was.' "e0-31ved ttm-ded the ...Vaii.,--Vg. Y.ek-.----,-G4i1-, wed- the 'fall "fair ..are::•as..fellows:', ice. ...mrs,: tilen. ' slattei:i, of-, ,,,imai..1‘; . -,.....k . - , „, very .much -,by everyonei , Mrs. J. ding in, Fergus on Saturday. cream': . Wg... 'Ta--iii-e-K-eyy,-a:-ffOfitg-: Mr. and Mrs. Fran ...PVans .anci Maloney ',moved a vdte of thanks. . Miss .Don.elda Adamshas resnin- Eldon 'Icierr; soft,.drinlis::'.Mrs,, Jno; Mettler of JanieS. L.:,' Slattery:. Sea-. forth, 'paSsect.:.-away; .s.nnday., :,,she„.7._mrs.-• -.Joe., 'Ivielady'.,ti-n '' chIPPawa to, MI-S.•.-Baninon' or her epioys.ile: ed her duties. teaching „at, the -J. -A.. mcLeair, :Mrs: '.1•HoVVOrd... Wilson; with .Mt.• and,„Mr,s. Bali Evans• • 'account. ...- . • : , „ „ D. McCurdie School, RCAF. Sta-• 'pies,:',. Mrs: 'R. `M....Stott,',MrS.:.• Gor,' was 85.. Mrs...„Slattery had lived" at: ; .• Mrs. . John. Praillpier. .aiii;d7,.StIs-;. "The mystery prize Was on by ' tion,,, Centralia.' ', . ' -L. . • - ' . . 'den 'Elliett;:: fa.,.c6ffe: and 'dish Annan for the 62 years - :.Sfie .leaves to. meurn her pasSirii;\ 'alilie, ""q' montreat . with Mr; • an.Ct- Mrs.. J.,. Maloney, . . I - Mr. ' Ronald Williams, 'Icitehner; waslitag: *Mrs.. Graham. Kerr Mrs • _:.'.' ''' ' spent the . weekend .. at ,his5,:home GOrdon 'McKenzie. Mrs. JasDeig. Watson & Reid Office Leen, on the ,staff of Seaforth D. Mrs. Catherine Feeney and Mr. ` Mrs. Jack Kerr, Mrs. Earl Pap= our sons, Joseph, at-home; ;Tames '• nd Sound, arid John, Toronto; and one •\.\eck-end at Midland. " • er, spent the weekend with lier fectionery: ,Mrs. e h Margaret 'meiver, Kitchen- Pie; Mrs. • Robert, McLachlan; c n- trice- High School; Clem"; Owen s. Fran Malone) spent the Lo ge Has upper Plan CPT DColman Mrs Toro'uto Mr. and Mr8. BYrae, Tren- rive , Parents, Mr. and .Mra. Peter Mc- Alex h , Strong, rs. ordan Papple -Mrs gs Mrs El Lenard at St. Michael's- Raman Catholic Marlene and LarrY m'ith Miss Mn, A well -attended po-t-lueEI '"a"Up-i'per IsctIVerfr. and Airs. Joe 1 ' -ther' Caineron Mrs: P110111,e 214 : , Seaforth „ . • -Lon mica and Mrs Peter D'll Imaggesatousigeigt.ingm„ LEMON'S TAXI - and PARCEL SERVICE A11 Paiteggs Ln s u red CECIL ,AuvE 676 675 „siggaoxw,z-yfzNwpaz.iwswosqrptxg*_ blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Champicin Stove and Furnace oe DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 138 ..,,.A.,,m2#2,.;,-„,....••.,.. ..„. r. ., ' ., . n . :Ica 13Yrath e. . • , , " - and e-exehange of' Sunshine _Pal. ehener, vig.lted- Sunday' withMrs.' "Ro-7-Gordon, Mrs Harold Hugill chuteh;. -,-„t•--,. --- • : -..--..-.2,--- Mr. and-MTs2 Lor..i1,6. Cronin ';ank,giffs', . preee'cled Monday ' night's' de'an Fortpne. ' ' . ' , • .- ' . "di}l . nners:.' Mrs:- .aroi.d.:Hugill, '1)/fr.S:, TKOVAS ' SWAN, SMITH ' " Mrs 'Edward' Hallinan Detrtilt.' ti" --"'t."---i'id-Fc ' Rebekali `Mr and. Mrs Michael Williams Gordan PapPle • -Mrs- Jas Key's' - Thomas _ Swan 'Sinith,-;,Seaforth, With Mrs. Elizabeth -Cronin. ' . , Endge, In the absence:throngti ill- spent the : weekend.-Wifh relativeS. treasurers :-Mrs-:- Af .'.Crozier, ' Mrs:, died Siiriday."'"at 'the.-Muir.,N1.1.1tIII. . :Mrs:, Kathleen ''fieerieY in Unidon neSS,,of..;-,Noble... Grand "Airs, 'Hugh :in Welland and Niagara 'Falls. . • James F.''.S.eott., , Heine follOwing...'a.....,1engtlik=:ilinesa; witli Mr. and Mrs. Lolii4i'il Steil:1H' ThaMpsen,.......1Y1fs. ;Ed.,: Andrews,.' Mrs.- Alex' Bethune - SPerit •a• Week', ' The 'matto,'", 'Patience:is 'a.flOWer• . Mi.; SMith- Was anAis -9.1stryear.-..-He. 'bade- ' , . .'" , „ • ...„ ' . - 1./,'G;..preswed„., '' . • ' ' • . , at the home of. her 'daughter, Mrs.. that .-does not grow in every :gar... ' was born ,in.',Scotland arid .came.to ' :Mr. 'aita urs, Vern Britton of Peakiin,=,-, for ther CPT ,,coinnait-- Rolle, and.. Mr, Holie; §t• Jacobs7 'cleo" was taken by "Mrs... 'Gordon, 'this district before_ the First Werld..EillarneY,':'Manifoba;'•-• called ' on toe, .'Mrs. Williani'DalrynipIe. ask- : '. -. • ' .. -.-. , .. ' ' „McKenzie.' Misa • k -B. Sinclair, . -of -Smith was :wiciely:,:kriOwn'through- •"''Nfr'. ,•and MrS.• John Kipan, and meeting pennies saved for 'it he Pen-. ,' War. HisWifedied ' ': ,; in 1951 Ymr,rs•-.'friends . in .thevillage. . . . ,ed members' to,,bling. to. the -next . , , BLAKE' r - ghdgs of her :trip to 'Bermuda' last ' Seaforth ':showed lovely edlered- .. , , ., . " • • . . - Out the area • where:..: he , p,urchased',..daugl?fer;. StePhanie,' ' wh° ' have'! nY ' drive 'in 'aid Of. the .fuudi:. A. re- , - April. 'with Margaret 'Brophy • of .horses- for many ars He had '.'sPent• the 'past ''two • weeks.' with"porf ,•of ' the district ' meeting, held aftivierrns4.,,Y,:c.,te-ir'f;.-6.311',:gse.,''ki'dii:;,;.,,,spn6diltt'r,'abP::. CBITN. ,'. :•IAT' Mg. h.ar4, ''Sh.a.ran- ..Strong .cress-ed.--rthe-reocan More than. -',00:-. Mns•,. „kinalfs--',Pb:r6ritSit,",..1Var. ' 'mitt in,LE, 'eter,,,,was given by , Mrs , „Dal- n ivr.i.,__Etvm__m_a_rtin,..•.:_who_ fio,beci.: _S.illan.g_.2.Luils,cohle1;1„,awsilsiechtvAvedas-t;yentjhoyelt,Ind by:ch tinreS'; : The::: rennin's ... rested. at the . ;MI'S.' John,:.E. ,MurPhy,, _belie re, Ty mple, , . , ..,. , , ,. ,..., ....., - . Box Funeral Herne...I Funeral ..' Ser-,," thrrie.d ' to " their' home in „` Eamon- , ManY. Messages of thanks '..We4ne: --en-gal'ge-d-i-T''Blble.:Schmf":te'a'eliffig. 'Coniniittee: Mrs'.- A: 'CrezierV,Thel•- yice Was lieldlneSida at. 1:30, p.m:., i ." • ., ,.. ., .. '• .,.. , • " . - „ ' • red dov'.eards,.f.fiuit ,and. flowers rd...:-Siite:/ULeT:11:S.' 'Mj•,!s97.ii•.',"h--• as 6.til,r.1:,..: .011.'Elkie, ,lYkr8; W..-091-1ins-and MrS-. in ..the. funeraI,_;chaPeiwith.", "his F_;, . ' ' ' .':---' ' ' '" ' '' ''seiit' to 'beeav"eci":'sick """an'a 'shut- ' ' 'M' ' 'cl Mrs-' Williain 'Oeseh, of 'Alex 'Pepper; Th. nis.,..Was the Agri- .. , ing. .Interment'-folloWeil. in...1Vfait, ' -Mr. ;,:.•and, 'Mrs_ Ress. :Leonhartit ing, 'Past. OifOtaS .catib, as to ..me.et •-.'" tR-- '6'g-4u:re ' , and -Canadian IndustrieS •rninister, Rey. D. :Leslie Elder,. Of - • BR HA - , ,...im,,,,-,--Etzti.„1,L, ,iv,i -t.b.e.,,„.0.,,,...., ot., yffa..r.ta.i.z.ns,p_ent-an -toori.,A;1_,: First Presbyterian 'Church offi0' at -2 ' ' . ' ' : ' ' '. r" . '''' ' . ' ' ' :, ' , lices.'W11.17-beheld---at-the' next .meet- oy Oeseh.. ...• , .. ;. ' .' ; . •meetind,. convened "by', Mrs:: Harold ' tended the State .Fair ,tbere .., , „. (21 t,-. s .te bet.. g 5 . , , F. 1,,n/lia,„ y., a 1;ci 7 f a m. Lily, , .... : .: .. . ,.. . , . . ::..,,. "Irthlieg-i:ileearibiatiat-V;Less!'- j"t'va9s-4:4.-e-M---iC,sa'..1.2_,"t„weirivi..ai,heffd landbank--Cenieferk;:„the ' Palll?ear-' Iviitt-4-; in.,'Detroit-T.e'con11.4. and. atT, . at ',',:tlie hbline:i-of,t•Mrs: .Leslie ' m'e).- DL,.‘,.I.V1_,:r',',..i,..,,.,Mv!_timr't9weist‘r ,. ,N1Dir.o7r.n.tillaa:'i%nida,, , ers 'bein m. " g, . - Coleman.:: • '' ".'" '"' ' I,Kellat; • 0. :RbsWell, ” AZ Wright . . ''igi--•-;IDOtia10' Wolfe is -attending '.• ' .".'. ,-,- ---:-. , ' • . tP.;-.I.--Dorsey.-ano:A"....Y....111feLean::':' Teachers!, ..College„, .Strat ord. __.'fs,• . . :,,_,' Menrt:..-nI-itraroelvdeni.FiV,Y,..i.r;,n,‘I.a;rn,.,n4.,.,:illivtlit,i_ie_IttliTywileli,:alliii..1,!1:,il.1,1iiii_11B:11111111R. . ._ -ivig,s.:-.11,ESSIE: ..E,..CAENTEY ', ''' Miss Gwen Rock -Peg 1-4Q.n"' 1:1011S . Plan, ..F.pl . . ... .. • , v . .... ... mr,,,. Bessie., -.,..k..,, datue • . kl of,--,c104,...visite.d her parents, Fall; .Activiti.es',. rs.-Jaines ...Dinsmore.... . , ,.. . 201 Niel:ter '„Street„., Dotroit, „passed 'etid., ..: .,.,:n . • . -.. ,.. ,'. ' ' • '----' - -.'-' '---.7: ,.- . '. 'of - ThilSgreeri,:.:vi.s_iteM1:.ivithi..._ .*r.,, 'In. regards to ... . . ... , Y,' Mrs...Edwin- "-RO-ck, over the Week- . Mr.iiand.. Mrs.- Charles „Robinson, Gommunit.y: .'Hos.pital,...where she, Seaforth f''... 'Lion's' ileid.,..tife'ri-,.thati, , ' ta:IVIr, Finlay andiarnilY.'...... - W R •TS. anct Diane',- of Toronto, Visited her gural,' Mee ting • for the season. - ShFenleieedrallivgitirinin'Desuraidesinneeied 1s90a7t;• ,,',, mr, alid.: Mrs : ' Wilfred Thidciltill''. 'NE, 'Hart.15reeiClea.' ' ' .. '1'1F1' .1 ejl-rkes '1111-iteti 'ellintillini:M17eara•plaadr; -: arold Finlay and 1 arnily , . • .,, .. '-hed4Oen 4--Patient4orA4eek.-„s: : . ,• i 4 Pri7-, -thld-iVET:3C Sr. iii0C-S,1-d--Y eirmiitg'..--'-Presidcnt,clect - attended ...Sunday",:elitiretr s.P.X_V•ie-es, . ors:lay . niot:ning. , ,frol.n, ,,;st..„ Mary Arid .Carol, of• Lerid.on,tviSitect. •With, ',""The . /fleeting heard,repu).ntsrratifngtehde ,,‘-mmRifsl;-,e,.ay,n.T.,,.a.e and, . tmer'rY•9.i!sAi.btioevrdinn'o7,9 draW, '; IRUBB T -Catholic ,c,h.4rch , with, the Msgr. mr, and ;Mrs.; Lavern' .Welfe re ..setiririarrinepret.:,,,C•sehrencliiVaalri,.ci..ainudr.,key Sharon; all Of RiPley;sbdonrd4.qlistl.' oilE.,JUPS.t ...Ad‘ A''e .N.Y.Q.kil-: ficiatia,g.:, Burial.. WaS ' 111 „ gr..e.11'1' Di‘;`," claat..E.,dwgiethwOhode'r. .Csa. onIn.'P, 9 Ea,idenill; -fall fair :' . ' ' . Edgie-Farrelit:OrKihearffile-: - ...,, . , ' ''' ' '•''..'Not.' Printed .! Edward Flanagan, of ' 'Flint,: and ts. Willie III , Diegel is' Spending-.tp , be held in conjunetien.'"vWthe„.., the Rey. Father grArtlf..4.....Eayot-:.. ..m, ii,004 :cOrnetery,,. Vernon:- :. -' • . ,.,:mills.... ..• • ,,,,„ ::, -. -J ..- . .- -, , • - Mrs. ,. Carney was -born at •'Sea, f,.. Perry ilehil,'•infaet 'soe forth, , May 2, 1:8784 the •daughter enVit arid Mrs, Rudy Hehn (Dora-...'.. of Mr •MrS.' Ned.,.Devereatlx,, She was . married., to: Dr thy' Fischer) , was baptized diking. .E'. the Sunday rnerning SerViees: .at ALL KINDS . of - NS-URANCE W. E. SPUTFIGATE Phone 334 - Res. 540 -MAIN ST. : SEAFOR.TH away „ WednesclaY,' AngO•st,'.1.3, at ivir. 'and Mrs Newton urcin farm News (By A, S. Bolton) Cold wet vveather dUring the past weelt, has made it impossible to harvest:White beans' and other crops_lLet. to be harvested. harvest",cultivation and ploWing are the order of the day on many farms. Although we have Ito- re- ports of ,corn silage being made, some farmers indicate that they plan to start Silage -malting opera- tions „during the -next week or , pasture is expected to be - adequate on Most farms"; Apprexi- mately one-third of the fall wheat has been sown during the past ' at Seafet-th Fair-Groun FRIDAY & 'SATURDAY Sept, 12th and 13th or rebuilding cattle barn. -THE DIRECI'OES arld 1)AIVICE :SEAFORTH COMMUNI'LY CENTRE Friday, Oitolzoer 1 at 8 30 p m. :Noitois ORCIIESTRA I , . • ^.- •, G E N HEATRE RT Thursday, .1Friday. and Saturday • , . 15110* White aftd--tht.Severi-Dwarifs' • A VValt DiSney, fantasy,. heading straight to heart -one ." of the all-time greats -to thrill yoti again with -mirth, melody, - beautyl --- • • • , , ONE SHOW 8 P.m.: TEXACO . i.•g.on , oris,ors GEORGE, S. (Scottie), iAllit .. . . . C1 ie ' Party e: rGseeoarter"triS. r(eS:si:cdoetntite,.), Barr forth f:lxv73.., , 1 P RO D -U C T S ' suddenly in Toronto, Western Hos- Prompt , . caineY'in-1008--'"He passed Away in st, peter's,-Lutheran 'Church. Mr. IVIernbers of Seaforth Lpeg?ny Pital on Monday' Sept.: 8-'llia wife 1943. Mre. 'Carney Was a member . a ..Edwa d Fischer were the -sponsored a, wall attended , is Htehefsff)srurmveitedClabrya-hGisi'lliWilifell;a1Tio4 . • , . , afl Mrs of St. Mary Catholic Church and - spepsors, along With the. parents. • < d , danceB yfielcl pavilion son, drew; two b others„ n - Farm Deliveries ,.. was 2a :registered nurse, receiving Quitanurnber romhueat Tuesday eteningThe occasion drew Barr Galveston,Texasand Walden & - her trahlin, at $t Mary gosPitah , tended the 'wedding: re coptyon of was arranged by, the draw. Com- John Barr,' Brooklyrr, N.Y ,,," and a e . f, - - ' ; . '' , Dttroft: , , , • ., • _ • Mr, and Mrs. 'Gerald•B'nUck, at Cilr:::,t Nraiietthzis,oinAcianiadincgaIti,silai3noeyx: 4.111.,raen... Nsleatwer;seMrsresi.Agnes , Kidd,. RahwaY, he is ‘.1-1rii•ived bY' tIVii d'augh- cle '13' Friday eveaing• Brondho - . e ters., VIM Warren (Marguerite) lvf.r. and /yin. Lavern Wolfe vis...eeeds were oi the Legion, building zhpeeihoo,p,,.,..ecteoudg:alithaellt.c3sit,r I MarellssaultJ 'of, New X-nrk CifY, ited„her mother, Mrs, 'Sohn I_Iinz, fund. -".. ' ' - " -, - , - ,4'' , • ,, ,' , - and Mia, Arttlur- .(winona) 'mar- Sr. Sebringville, on Snnday. ., Phone 686-W — Seaforth elms -satin; "of Cincinnati, °hie; one -.1 . ZION. Ltd., Torontds, Funeral service was Ion, Edward . 3 „Carney, sr: of, he 100th • anniversary of St being, celebrated 011 SePtenther 14 -Mr., and Mr's: Vern Britten. from , interment in Holy, Cross Cemetery, held Wednesday ' afternoon, with Are you ready to rent your spare Detroit, and 12 grandehildr-on:.'Sho Peter's Lutheran . Church here ie.. . room? A classified advertisement is an 'anht of N,Irs•-'W • 3. Cleary to 49 to which everyone .,is invit-„, phoned to The Huron Expositor, and Mr,' Arthur 1)evereaux,, .pf ed. ' - •,, ,_ „...,..... . , the West, are „visiting with" ,his brother and sister-in-law,. Mr.. 'and 141 or 142, will bring a tenant. -".,1 Seaforth. • ... • Those attending 1V/itchell. and 1VIrs. Herb Britton, and in Mitehell with Mr: and Mrs, Xing Salton. and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keyes. ' ' Mr..and Mrs, Albert Roney:with Air.- and Mrs. -Andrew Park While Mr. and Mrs. ,tharles Roney" ar'e on' holidays: , r ' • - Mr, -and, Mrs_ Ross Pepper and Mr. and Mrs- W„.. Annis ' spent last Tuesday at Toronto Exhibition; ' Mr. and Mrs., Lorne Aikens and Ann left last Tuesday fora trip ,to -the West, They were aceomnailled by her 'parents, Mr. and MrS.;- 11- District' High School from the yll- liege are; Ray and Elaine Benne- 'wies, Clayton and Robert Ahrens, Warren ,Sholdice, Arthur Diegel and Gerald Hinz. and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth , - 1957 DODGWS'EDAN * -1957 CHEV. COACH - 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 DODGE 'SEDAN -T-8 cylinder tic transinisSion 1953 PONTIAC, COAC _ _ 1953 CHV. SEDAN Automatic trans- mission 5, NEW CHEV. SEDANS — Special Priee FORTH All.01142S ITCHELL sgAi‘Oirlit Phone 541 - hone 186 atleoma- , FOR SALE gomoNDVIIIE Mr. Leo Bristow left for his home in Miami, ;Florida, after Ivisiting Hundreds of 'all -wool sarn-y his 'sister, Miss T, Bristow, in, Eg- pies in Stripes, 'Checks and , Mr. -W, Brist6W, -of-PlaMaterials.7-.4-6-.--ch Sarnia, is visiting his sister, Miss from. - T. Bristow, for We, weeks. „ Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Gardiner, of Alvinstom have returned from a holiday trip to the east coast.' 100 ACRES --Well fenced; enneW They called on friends in-Egnioncl- steel barn. Low down. PaYili vifillveistoincogantiti_trdnaz •wefzr::,21.d. r y liotiZs6tmone sa_R;(3761,4-- and 4'33.rsci„ "Lpslie Bell; oath Ann ville. Priced right and Leslie Franeis, gra: Madeline Smoathers, Pat Ansi Carol, all of Detroit, and Mi. ..and MrS, 3`."1flo,„ lop; of Walton. „ lVfrs. Norman MacLean, Ann arid Billy, accompanied by Mrs. Itarry Weiland, spent Saturday...iii_Taren- IVIrs: Elinore Stephenson and Phone 58 Grace visited with 11,61r/A. E and . - Mrs,. 'Mel°nzie 'anci• NEW FALL:SAMPLES New -Fall Santples hist Arrived for • MADE -40 -MEASURE Ladies'. and en's 'SUITS TORE., Th LITThE ri‘Oity• with the. EIG' AtirATAXs .7„.'7VVEDNESDAY'M0RNING, 1 lflftIjIIuhlIIuilultu, • . "MISSOURI - TRAVELLE 1956 Plymouth'Four-Door 1955 Dodge Four-IDoor .-1953;.Dtidge:Sedan 7'719491--j.:765-051057-raili'-Delfir 19b, W.0 1 OD.GE, , .DE-SOTO, .CARS DODGE -TRIICKS,. CASE :FARM: MACHINERY Seakorth. MEN'S AND LADIES',„' Topcoats, Skirts, TrOusers,'Slacks by the • House of Stone. FIVE -ROOM HOME - On Ord Street, Small doWn payment Will handle * • stills priced frun $48 to $4' COnie inatit'see tbn NeW Styles •for Fail, and_let. us; help ' you choose! Mr and Mrs. HOELSCHER AGENTS Residence -1 biock of Library PhOne "8-0--aforth---36T-W- • Per Eirening'Aiipointnienta. You -RAD AN EXCELLENT. CROP TIIIS YEAR' SO DON'T WASTE yilIs GRAIN • , Brink it Into Topnotch and ha,ve it Ground or Rolled and mixed \vial- a._ Top Quality, Proven Tonnotch Concentrate, to. make , „ . . , Balanced Ration for your Livestock or Poultry., , 13y the 109 , By 1•Ton lLots, Bulk" E.O.E, MILL 170.13, MILL' Topnotch. 36% Poultry Concentrate $5.10 $.?).1 00 Topnotch 84% H.Dk Concentrate , :5.05 . Topnotch 20% Steer Fattener. .... 4.05 77.00 l'opribtch 32% Be86.00, ef Concentrate.: '-4,50 „Topnotch 24% Cow Supplement. , 3.75 71.00 ;Concentrate,.425 8100 - All Other Concentrates Are Available At Special Prices WE ifAVE FERTILIZER,,WIRE AND METAL PRODUCTS IN STOCK AT SPECIAL PRICES We arebuyers of and Grain .44 um e :"The -Most Value POT the Farmer's Dollar" 'PHONE 775 SEAFORTH