HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-09-12, Page 6_ THE trunoN EXFQ 1,rcolt,. SE A:ECIDTH;;-ONT, SEPT. 12, 195,8. iunnumuwunill"mmunw"mst Toronto Couple Married 50 Years N1E'S Clinton. Ontario Featittiag the Largee Wide Screen ,in Huron County •Tw__q_Shows,„NightlY, nr. Box Office Open at 8 P.m, First Show at Dusk- • C...hildren Under 12 in Cars Free • ,Titursday and . Friday • - Septembe.r 11 and. 12 "SEVEN YEAR ITCH (Adult ,Entertainment). (Colour)• (Cfne.mascop.e) • 77- MariFyT17-Mbh-toe- -and-Torn'Ewell (One Cartoon). • -, Saturday, and Monday • September 13 and 15 " 3:10 TO YUMIt''•N', •: Glenn Ford and Van Heflin; 3 STODGE CD1HED . (One Cartoon) 'A reception was held in TOronto „ , for 'M.rand „Mrs- William Charles-, , worth by their family (na the .ocea- skin of their fiftieth wedding ani.." versarY: Many relatives and; friends, attended. .• • Oaf-of:townguest§' were Mr. Leo Charlesworth, o Strathroy; and Mrsi Miltoit.SteWart- and •Mr8-: Beatrice, Theeliald,-,ef,„^Seaferth-..;':"' . and, MrS.. Charlesworth are WeU lmown Seafoi'M as -both:, were born- and raiSed, here, Mrs.; Charlesworth t he former, Vic- toria ,Were%niarried by the late Rev.:., Mr. Shaw, of Eg- Monclyille. -Lery....,Charle$Werth, ... cueSt at the wedding, proposed the toast to .the bl'Ide-r--alid- groom, • , 'All members' of Abe. family at- • telided: Their; family' include:. Mr, • and • -Mrs, Harold - Ireland. (Kay), Mr,. and_ Mrs., --Edward' Dodds • (1.1e17, en) Mr and,''IVIrs •Tames Cbx Doroth : '; And...Mrs, Grant Charlesworth ; all of Toronto and earth ..she, saidvv.,11.A.,s.. ifieio•et Mrand Mrs Wijiiam Charles should s'honla, :he: ',-Well.r,t-foitned of on Worth; xrd'Ssiobl:: t ti nations-,:„.ito‘ep.7:th eldest Son,: Stewart was kille".":-19 nrilY: ;control : in . all 1114 . we 'do an accident :and Jack ,was .s-o-rneffi-4,6-s-iye-ai:e fon. bound,lip.,i overseas.._ ourselves,'..„-Leus. stey'talking th needof prayer and pra. get a,w,a Are you read Y to rent '70.11r spare • Of the, world an robin? A claSsified; adVertisement havea ...quiet, time With God, Rea • Tuesday and Wednesday September 16 and 17 • "WOMAN OF THE • (Colotir) (Adult Entertainment) Sophia Loren and .0-erard Oury (One Cartoon) • Hensall per Meeting The.: m m ers of the Women'S Missionary Society_ of • Ilensall United' -Church columeifeed the autamn-winter season with .a sup- per :Meeting iu the church school reoni en Thursday evening. High- light of• the evening was an ad- dress by the guest speaker, Mrs. •Harold,. __Parker,. Lof _Chiselhurst,- whom the week .pFervious had' at- tended the -24th annual:Leaders? Training School at, Alma College, St.' Thomas; the theme being, "Christ, the Only„WaY." -Mrs, Parker gaVe a very, Vivid description of the -varied program at the training 'school where 300 wornen -and girls' attended. APPli- cations -had' been s� nurrierous, that 100 more' could not be accommo- dated, 'Which 'goes to show the pop- •rdarity of the „sehool. • • The speaker., conntented . on "Making Our Faith Read To the World." .We iriust do ,something. BUT IT W.4550 EXPENSIVE 1?neSORY i±.ErpRO SO HiGH,PRic,E0/- . f NORTHSIDE GROUPS CONVENE phoned to The, Huron 'ExpoSitor, the parable of the ten virgins iiimmiiiimiklinplinimminimilmu 141 'or 142 Will' bring. a' tenant. .. Mrs',. %Parker ' streSSed . the' .need p. • - . .uniting, in home :.church and corn ........-',.' - GROK p. 1,. WA: . the meeting,' .."The ' Stewardship Of 0000 000'11.10•00-011.1,1".01"...,11:41.ws.wiw w -IP -1".:7-w-7-' '4,:,.11R----C.--II-•-:Parkiel and Jilpi.. gten.P L.,....GrOup , one , Of- -NOrthside. United /,'Y°InfolIbw ... . ..... gheadlngsThe A - ---di"'-...'ef . the inspiring ,de,votioriar. service „ Mrs.' . W:-. Ball oPeried...,:the•.'reneting, A, were.. in -charge of ....proceedings. Cattli.ed.a.hhoenlid their„j.rits.p,-,t.-1,1 ' 'Z' '' Mrs : ',.-Vcr. R-: ,Stephenson had Charge aigosnt.41;.:.r1:,;ifil'7111,I.osp...t:liii.itivi. S,_,:t.iwid- di- i Which had .been:.pfepared. b-.st. ,Nrs. by; reading 'a.: p.Oem,..‘-"InfluenCe.r; E'9'ad..,1;].,:;111,7p_LOr_t_IV,i.ro,_r;tr._f_Sre;tviriall4Ighaeeirsecr,cint'a111?e,:' iii- . E: Rowe.- MisS...:.,Grefa:,': -Larnmie. ).--WentY,-•eight: r4.e.in-..be.s. ::. at.§Ait.,ereo... Y Tii'ogerAr!.;:..nt,p,'. •-• - I -favored ' lWith.'•,"''''617.::Isifiaa'n:-.:'g"-ele..Oti'nil, the ,Toll. call by • tellirig,s.-.Where Ihe..y, iird'.'s_ii.iIis..t.i,17•ZIIII. .(_1!1, P___Se °I stew ,,, e- . ' 1.01fith-'Wk.':iiiii-da.--4.AjtOd::'•,::::'Xrs,” spent `.tlieif SMilitier-,Vatationr., Mrs.. . • ,..-,e14::".14aYne....•:".:sang...;_a.-•.-IoViai-w„,:,.soln.,..+B.all. „,j-tidlicted.,..ti..i.,...,,b.,cisii..i.e.5.s................,..., ...%___,Social_. half. haiir.-.--„, was.. .spent '.4.' .''. Thee Lovely ThirigS.'.! s' ' •.....';',', ' :. '._,Mr.... 'E..,1-1. Close: -,:toot charge .of ':''th''..a b°thltifurl:tinch .balag''''---1#6....". •( It ' decided to Make'. a 'free- ..the • devotibusl,.:..pefied, , ..igrs, .:, c. ;'.iderl' liy Mrs'. S., Scett- andr.',:Mrs:- f'41..•.:' .'.v.i..11..'..,',,..0.:,f,fe)ii-ig.. toward,s,:„.tlie nienier- • - 0 •' : • :,_. Alberta.. Mrs Stanley Mitchell and , •,. Allis._ Close read an, article on The - The .SePieraber ,ineetieg of Group b4)Priling:c.1.1"ii-r11-1.-liedrs:a.T.7". 'Tbe-..w.1.1.oil:-84.,7i . 0/.:; :Mr.g..,..,Grace. Varpole Will •_fOr_nt....the„ -01.i'' ' vidtiTi-rcoihmittee - for SenteMber, tion ,, .; miss „I/11th ,cl.p.cf...sa4g .. hiireh : was held at .the. home of :,.,,_chris.,:t,,,,43,. e::le.ai'lad;s...-thP.le....,:a',H:y.3::speerr';p1;_,7ati.iYirde;ti.::tirairl:ralIir:1'1::Co'tartthe:w.Az:f -,.',N.' ci:.'irtli:' sTi•cle,.:T3:nitecl.,7„,i. Iasirt.;6,4e.:rni.y.din7g(42),..a7pfe, trilf;itx..e, 00‘,;:et.i.,,o.., r7t.7.. - 1 ,---T-----GROUP-,-;-1.11.;:,-,AVA:t.:-.--‘.7 ,.,]ior:i,.,4ftehi-t.l:iite6._.'i.vlat.ee'.61Vfl.(3:Tsi:„'Gk.e.losptWhea,b,l.eii :_e_..7.1aal„,r)11-1.1.30ebnine11:1.i:rds O ' • • ''. 'and •Oetobeis : - • ' .:::.:. - • ..., ' . ,:- '. i . c)1.6..,, wlii'qb riwas, , very ,muc , ... . , 1I,.8 ..CYril .KAirbkb..wisth : 2:5:: in', atdtent. hueallt. taht;..D.briilricsefosrdr.itoUtneirtedw4Oehurch. 0 ' After' enJoiYIng.-.1_.a., bountiful pot . ... • , , . . . . .„ ancelViiss 0 "AD..... luck ...s4i3tTr,:,the''nieln particis•; .vith.,p aye .. . .,t, ' .. ' - g in eetingrf, with '; 'a poeni;......!.`Fight' It .00Silk '-'nrdanza.'Sheatf),:.:.yyi-Rj„::.n#to,. 4v..; pated in a ''contest with the ',Winner • . --m...T.A...: 13 ail and Nir,,,,4.,..4-.0.h.n.y?n. Out... ., . :•-• ' ', 1: '' • ,... ,',..:;:'. ...•,.... ,. ing':.illune n e .essoyms and . :corsage 0 0 0 O ,,..,I.PHOpe o TO:..order--,C•ell..Sratir•tele h ono ..., , ,..,,,, tow._ .,„. . Db..: a...i:rinigel ...ivigi„sr.....egip..,lisms,?:.tiii,itatri.ixie,:c:.:A•fr., tr4. ,laurisi6siit,4:...:,:,:,,,,,,,i",;.,.h(,),t,..e.:7.,:,,,,,,,,7,...:,.se.7„g,..,...:-,:,,,,iy-s„...B.: F: Christie' :condneted the*of •:ioilik, sweetheart. - rnSes, : • e: „ . *".." • . speaker an.d. -.:ailt-,---,:those., L.... ''''': '.':;::'''-r.•11%.1-1-slactS':-.WereTpreserited.,". • A :letter Sarnia assisted wearing jade; glhit o_es_s f•Alle'' .,nieeting,..„NariOns::.grodea's ..siSter......',..IYI:r:S..:',:Oleiri, geff,:,of, '-.:. '' .,,,SsiSted.'• .with' .the ::,.pregrani... • arid ' :' ' ' ..... ' .G.iork.Tr '4....”:yy:A..2';':.::-... ' .,,...,;',..,.0.11thr,atik.l' fr.:yin Mrs., ..'H. ,Snell i- was. silk_shantring,Sbeith with Nadir ac,- ,i'T, ''..(-111&- ' liF, '' •supPer. ' -President-. Mrs: • George , - "The September mooting of Group readi. ;yelping.; her ,appreciatiOri 'Of' eesseries .and. a 'Yege-!*:;:swe.entirTt 0 ,i'.....memo. .,. °P cali t& • b6sine,ss 9ffiCe,:. X'. ' 'ArmstrOng., nreSicled:-fer . ,e h ,S, .if ,:of„„t . e ytTA . of nN:pythsn. e ,,. fedfne....,giftifpresented. ,to - her Y; rose...corsage '46-- ite.s., ' • ..:.: ' .... • ' '''''• '' ' '''." :- ''' "`-- :- alinioli. was held '-at--the-heine::-of, '-..2-fourti • on....lier.z.l.departUre for.!-Gode---- For -travell'ing;::'the bride, donned. 0 0 . ' - ' ' . "..'.....:- . '' ' ' vair, be 'irSert.'atAlie..bete--': ee The.: neW.. study 'book :on.. North'. hialt.s.,•Bci.i:';2731...a,l.t.i.;2::witelitAiii. a..tileriped-..„r-,_eli.....The hest wishes of',.tte grnni?, 'n• WhIte...and..V9e:Sheath.,(YOM :1Equ9' 1. h_,_ ri with, her to.., h'''.:, : ": . :. : :Ccessories,and-tors-age-of .red ros,- 'They will live on the groom ..,s • • TAKE IT EA,SY • with step saving tension • ex • • • phones • - - • • miinnimintinmaininataninnum "eiklIAJSTER,-PATTERSON Dnusford Church, setting for a lovely wedding air Saturday, August 23, at -2;30 p.m., when • Shirley- Doreen Patterson and Willlarn James Ian IVICAllister exchanged niarfiage VOWs _in, a double -ring ceremony before the Rev., J. Griffith, arnid_a_...setting of - fern and white _gladioli. The .bride is -tbe • daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. Roy' E. Patterson, RM. 9, LindS'ay, and -tlie groom iS 'the' sou, of•-•.Tarnes 1VIcA11ister; of R.R. 1, Ziitieh, and: the late. Ms. McAllister. , , ' Given in marriage by lier father; the bride ehase, a gown'of -white silk: organza embroidered- •.ivith, dainty •bliie ,Cernflowers, :fashioned' -With- a. fitted„bodic,e,;:and high:neck- line,: which .dipped to a in the back. The full skirt' Wag-, ateented with a flounce -in • the back' which, ended:: in a • chapel train.' The Metering -pillbox headdresS, held a. douhreH-Veil;,-airtf7sheteariterr a, cascade Of white 'roses, and. steph, MisS'AndreY-Pa•iterioni T -And; say,. -attended.•her sister AS. •thaid -oft, honor,. .wearing, Waltz -length white a, finely gath -and. Whicb . extended- frani-the-neeldnie. at the baek..-16.' the: hemline.' Her bouquet consisted ef2bliie earna- dons, and "white porn7pOms.. • Miss Elaine.„PatterSOft,-'sister' of the bride„.,. •as • bridesmaid, was gowned in 'waltz -length Povvder blue .e.liif,fon • Styled with „a 'finely. ga.th •,pred :bodice-4nd, a' floating -panel, which-'eXtendech trOin the neckline at the 'back to the. heinline:: She 'eared--blue7ca-rnationsancl.- white Pem-froins..:.:,•,., _Jim -..Duffin; : of 'Thernd'ale,• atL. tended the groom,- and ,"Morris Freeman,. of ',,Lakefield,:' 'and :Glen -Goff, of. R. C. Chani-hei•S.;-,ei' -•"()Sh:- aWa,;„ was organist and-..accompair.-: 0-0-0411. 04 0* . her meeting. - • was. in charge of Mrs. • • Tile devotional Part of the Meet- ..es. - • • '-d farm. at n r, Lurie ge•••••46•41.0****11,..S.e..!•ing 'opened- with the- singinir'of a c:g 'was 'oPened with a hymn an ....._ The giooni is a 'graduate of On- - SAVE $20,000— • .after-::whieli -S•4 son lcd in'prayer. After the4r0.711 W Bridsliaw rea4 Psalm 2th, for which Was .ansWeresiLlaY de- th '''c t r M Si cl andilhe: bride,* gradu ate': iir Horne- A E N HAVE Get In On faficT-A-grieill Ccillege; S:nr.i.hirg' 'Enrne • .plate 'LT of,„•-••i,nterest,:vOest,k?eaker alictIer:•Sidaleo:t was,.' 'E eenorrucs...„,fron:•Ma cdonald ..Instl- vrIliiSnit.,;:ds;,,rionfri:trihgei:,tishat.i.h.70.pionoi ilyg.;,.;....7q..thi:::..,.:1,,aropprihlyz,-,:,Aer-mulla... with Margaret ttitei- ,GuelPhi-ig-, Herne Economist ,„ , „. . _ read: and.. adopted '''.'''' • ;” ''' ' , ' . talk with '''b4eeaUtaifelielP.x1;1.cipolaohrleedd:'slhideer :71; .-1;11...ror.L. 'County: 'peTrth41.',t2lesa0s1.17-r3erhi-dilrbge.'eSni.ogrei.jeC'',O'llictilre:ra:11-611-a-cl-t4ke'n7an th-e-totit'l ''OAnctclittOr10..w0.erYeakrnsoNagc.:.1:as MTaailsr°ads ter r -i,' the. ,auXiliary . treasurer to'.. : date: Ts. ris le •",nieve a vo e o . of ,,'Vransportation , .. • • ' • •• Miss. . .---- -.--- reported :. , thanks'AO: the SPealcet and to the . . - • ,gardingLWork-done _ at__the.. p argon- . re . hoess< , 999 was' S9rv9d 1?3'h. t -P - Was '.decided not :to tali -67 s°g'al: . IGGEST • Held n- i*eritOry: Just -PRICE O HESE UNITS eSpecia s Sti Is) 0 1957 PLYMOUTH SAVOY TWO-DO.OE:White Walls; 1956 BUICK 'CENTURY CONVERTIBLE—Equipped 'with full power, radio, 'electrip. windows Sold Sold new' at $2895 6,606. Only . . /954 PONTIAC PATIIPINDER SEDAN 1953 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN-1-Auto:mati drive, radio, loaded •with, aceesSories ; . 1953 cnEvRotivr-Tw,o,Desog:HARDTOqui ped with new' mot TT".' ' WE WILLO'T 95- 4A. 1195 BE tr.N.D,EjltSOLD ARE US AN OFFER , . 1951 CHEVROLET 150 SERIES:SEDA 1949 DODGE STATION WAGON 1941 PLYMOUTH 1947 DQDGECOACH 4, .RUCK •WE WILL NOT BE UN.DERSOLV! 4,1-7 Drop in -L=.-1ilake,iis, an offer 1951 DODGE 1.4on:Si‘AKE • BODY. .1> 41,090- miles - Like ne*--,check. ()lir price otors !amide "The Largest Stock of Cars in Huron County" --PtION:E4Ul1eff 78 COLLEC-T Asp -wwLb-pomE A snow-Yor.rrng CAR OP YOUR, CHOICE ZURICH and EXETER 'LOTS 20,000 47, CARS LEFT SAVE $20,0 kh.3 0 • :RE71?"0..A.LIZEP. an any more big proiects for ±ho present; continue 'with,' the penides.::.-;_-,-It- Was, -alSe;-• decided to: RL sale of baking.. at:. the-Inext.''.--Burns„, ‘.,44by Band andMisxn .rneeting.;,. ,-. • spok. .p and, .ther,abers 'Were' 'guests .Of the w.ms at ,the AageS.:t'ineetitig;held every& y SS, No.• School.', -•:.•Mrs., jelin, .slYligenEWaninrags:a411„bdy111.4._d• LiceSoi, .Beerid,•;•'.w-Meirse • -- Leeming as 'the topic: or in eharge.,:and 'opened': the meeting L• , singing -a hymn r and. Prayer. Logan Accepts ;7:twee Roe gave Meicanae'.•'-reci- • 14 -Al' .ri II • ;The:children „g SSeSS, ITrer l:K011i ing,Lprogtain; Consisting of-Sorag, .'-Lagan Meeting With, all z inernbers PrgsPnt,'her trinthtengli."Sonie'OPthe Sonth-1br-n,-and/WesteniL. States::', :, accounts tbtalling.7$10;861,65,' and nuscellaneons-accounts'.4mounting- to..,$2,171,39 were • Ordered, •-paid; $40r,059,81, havidg been.,!spent', toWnShip.roads from Januark to. August 3.1,1.., The. reeve", 'and -Clerk K. ,, j.-Rearloy were authorized signf.the 'neeesSary-- Papetg, and -,the interird Subsidy,. . • , The report Of the Jarmutli muni- i'ii',,,i drain w'as •read arid adepted is 13-e1tet 'Phan Evar-at— uchanan Cleaners - IVIOUNT FOREST More Spots and Stains Renioved Garments stay-clearr longer - Will- wear longer. PHONE 669 r 2 - SEAFORTH • ANDY CALDER-:- Agent MON. and TIIIJRS. 'MORNINGS . Certificates -Were' presented .'to those graduating' .to the Missiori Band_ The singing.of a, by,nul,estrt-. eluded this part of the.• Meeting, after Which the children retired M the _playground:: The -president,. Mrs. W. Roe, condneted the busi- ness period. • • • • -The, 5eptember meeting being - the annual thankoffering,- it was decided to 'entertain someof the tenders' to be balled for the Oct, 6 neighboring, sametieS., .with 1VIrS. , Ineeting,-,silbject to co -art of revi- sion.. Council . having _received petition that the Mogk drain was out of repair„,,,,instructed the clerk to notify Taine..s A Howe;•:ci-J-.,,s;--Pr,aYe-A-. - to. examine sarne and' report:ha& to council. - ,Plan Surve gdss;e-sshsoinweinntilla°1.1;:tacil iatssv4smieelictePetf--. .ria toWflsiiip CQuflCH, 1S sliit The assessor „presented", the .1956 , u g the location of its -Office, sg,127,7,2,0 and 0pu11tio1I e1..?„3,32, now,1 Situated on the allowance of drain .wag awarded ' fo Robert Clarke, for Ane sum cif $00Tite8day, night aod. decided to ent. .00, the tenderS • being hed. nu: .the conk 1:‘ Corbett, Luca'," engineer, drain due to- .amappeal Hibbert to survey property on which town - township, . The rates ,„ by4aw, for ship hall ,standS to: see if there is 1958 was finally passed, Showing a total tax roll of., $128;3.35.52. A pe- tition for seven new ,street; lights Monkton 'was: ;received and the clerk instructed tiriiiitify the .11.,K, P.C. 'at Mitchel' •to. Install same. MoVittief, Blyth, as ,speaker. 'The 'group leaders gave .4 very encouer aging -report of the copper dentest. Mrs. 'Roe closed the meeting with.: The contract .frthe McD°ugall 'heZuniriovhe r-Yaatd.censCCliudnecrila'bldeiscllitetissgli discussed QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1,,Which were`the' two largest ra- cialgroups in Canada at the time of Confedetationr- • 2, What iS panada78 ma>drnturi north -south dimension? 3. The provincial .gaVernments lect how much per year in gaso- - lint taxes? • 4. Of • Canada's 4,055,000 house- tolds',-- what -percentage are ser- , viced. with electricity.?-, , . 5. What hat been the maxi/num •-number of seats won. by • the in" a federal • election? ;What Was the Mirnber won by the' in 'the most rec'ent, election?, room for the. office there. A grant of $100 to the Zurich Agricultural Society' was. approved and the , • council' will pay $4.00 towards ize- money, for .gach exhibitor of the calf dub front Hay township., -Eketer Times-AtIVocat,e.' ANSWERS'. 5. The ,C.C.F....Won 29 seats in7the 1945 election, seats: lit tbe Maifck g1;-. 1958; -61e&- t4ou,,-4.:•Last .Year,,--the-prOinc collepted $325 million in gasaline, faxeS. • 1, In' 1697 Canadians . ,of French origin ratiked• first in -nun- bet, Canadians of Irish origin tanked, second., 96 ries cent. ,2, From Middle 'Island Erie to Cape. C�l ia On Ellesmere IslandOlie-fartliest rierth%point-Of land, dist4nce is about 2,800 .miles,. ST. COLUMBAN NEWS OF tHE WEEK M. and Mrs. John' krpan, Ed- poonton, and Tom MOOS', Elmira, are visiting Mr. and Mrs- J. F. Murphy. , " Demir, Fort WilliaM; Miss Marlon Mcfver, De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Tom McIver, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kelly, Stratford,- visited Mr, and Mrs. William McIver. Mary Cronin, 'Miss Rose- inary- Lane arid Miss' Mary.:Shen afe'attendia-g- Stratford. Teachers' College, ', , • • 'Jack' McIver ,isin Scott Mem-, Mini Hospital, Seaforth,Csufferin from _a back -injury received whew he fell from'a scaffold while Work- ing on -a house in Dtiblin.. . Mrs. 'John' Cr,ordn, Joseph Cron- in, Mrs. Edward Hallihan, Mr. end 1VIrs, ,Lerne Cronin .and Mrs. John Williams, Detroit; Mr.' and 1Virs. Mioxall-Land familLondon,-and Mr:- and,,Mrs-Henry Foley and family, Stratford, and Mrs. Dennis Downey,Chicago, were here at- tending the funeral of Mrs. John •Downey .:` Mks. Emmett Marone, Mrs.. Jas.' O'Connor and; Miss ',Rosemary, Lae were nd . JwaereinivirLsomndona.rtin Purcell and . Maxine, „Kitchener, visited, with ',Mr: 'and'Mrs. •Jack 'McIver and., and Mrs, Thpma,s Pur - dMrs. Wiiliam e�f „:,aSnlpodea Detroit, is. visiting Misses Anne and Agues Lynch. . Fimeral of Mrs. J. Flannigan iTlie-ireral 'tor L.Nfrs. Joseph' Flannigan was, held Satnrday morning "tvith Requi.ena High Masg being sung_ hi St. Columban Church by the pastor,' Rev.,. I. McCowell. Rev. Thomas McQuaid; S.F.)1/1., Toronto, 4nd Rev. Dr, 10111.1ceS./ Dubilutice in the sane - The _oallbearets Were Wilfred O'Reurke, John Murray„ James SIoan;( Clarence Ryan, John.Moy- lan and Frank Nolan. Burial was in St. Columben cernetellr. recent Years ' investment in'. nefiiirants • and equipment in the Canadianc mainidacturing industry has avera'ged nearly three-quarters of .a billion 'dollars annually.; -Martin -Senour. _AIMS SuperoodKe.111;inih Tosne Wes ea orth Lumber LTD. PHONE 47 SEAFORTH tit , 10' init'eall._,... _;.., . -------it'biickeithe-ow .,,,.. :i.„,...d.s,i'g,i)Eii,d',1:ti;i;Cal,.toi,l,i()O-'3'ee 'die nor* foli-oi,the ddl"...., -so al bekac!ft'e.--frOni the--;-, , ._p•:iv•----!---kiiineys‘to remOve-exceSsAvastes and 'di -' „. . • . , -iislem.:Rodd's' Kidney. Pills siirMilate tie:. , ,Iiiiiiiey-sin thii. function and 'so may bring you L__;:;;„,, i4e*elcojii.iy-relferfroiii:bjik'aihe,tber IFIsT • ManY..Mii-00.:-.Try*t- 3-aclii3c.,yoiir. can'elepend:. • , rt:Riinddri'"41iiitlitbine box with ithe red bandV-64: ^ . . , 'WS aDititifip:cfont White' Paint all one Why . spend Money and 'labor' 'On. 'two. .Separate troublesome' 'exPensotne,, CarliSonla DOES THREE RY'..10B S.' more completely, and with longerlasting effectiveness, in E (I) OfSIEAO_ GERMS • (3), GIVES WFIITE WAI,L1; spiders,' 90 0./.,.qlesS- cdbWebs. for: 8 ,t0-.1.0 -moutbs.: ', Better, sanitation.' , • ealso,;Cleairi-BarnS2if,Required....,- .77771r,t0. A • EitOD.,ItA,OEN • Phone' 602 r 2;-Mitcheli- - r 25, Dub n: egrance Time is Getting Short! Our Stock Will Not Last Much •Longer ! , • - it's -BARGAINS -You Want, We Have Thera at a Great -Saving -to Youl, I AN IC 1.00 SALE WHILE THEY .UTe COOKIES Asserted and Plain and Filled Bags- for $1.00 ',Tooth Paste Deal ' Giant Tubes .-41,00 3 Large,- 1 Tooth Brush • , I for ,. $1.00 FLY 'BON1138 'REG. 986 'for . : ...... , ... , . 83c REG 89e for • 53c NOTICE! No Phone or Delivery Orders after Saturday . : SEPTEMBER 13-4. 1958 • ' MANI( as..ANKS , Savoy' Canned' Sausage • Home style corn beef hash' 16 -oz. Tins- :3 for $1.00 Southern cros TUNA' FISH 5. Tins' : . $L00 • Sheriff's` or Jello PUDDING POWDERS and Jelly PoWders 12 for :. , . .. $1.00 FREE FREE ! FREg 7, Free Shopping Bag of Groceries to• the first 25 Cust,oiners on FRIDAV $10.00 Orders or Over. • INSTANT COVFEE • ,.:Large 6 -,..az. Jar • Special -• 85c Liquid FLOOR WAN Pint Tins for $L00 .110,Wt4CRVitr 9 Pkgs. C • $1.00 TO/LET SOAP is Bars fGsrooti Quality $1.00 15 Bars for ..... .. - . $1.00 -WHILE IT LASTS! error Foo ar A TA a N TAP.I o ".• 'Application forms for indiVidual Tay -Direct' enrolmenfavallable,afibanks and hospitals. In commtlnit(es without a bank, the forrn. may be obtained from the°-,pcist office, indivi- duals must register by September 30 to have-profection effective January' 1 1959. - 1MPbR4±4Tt• Do riot register as ag individatai irf y�si registl-through d Group:' " . • . ONTARIO sotRiTkl: SERVICES ccimmisstott TORONTO viA, 4.3301