The Huron Expositor, 1958-09-05, Page 1NinetY -Ninth Year Whole Number 4726 .AwardBursaries 500 to a ue SEAFORTA ONTARIO SEPTE1VIBER 5, 1958 • Single "Copies, 5 Oen .50 a 'Year m Advan -'- Dominion= Provmend bursariese valued at $2,500; have been' award, - ed pupils of Seaforth District High School, it ' was announced this week _hy-Princinal L. P. Piture Heading those receiving busar- • leg' are four graduates who will at- • tend Uniieraity .cif -,.-Western- -On- tario. The four -Charles F. 1Vlac- Gregor, Marilyn A. Riley, Ken- ' meth R.ThoniPson, and•Joan F. • Dalton -each receive --8500. A teachers' college bursary, va- lued at $250, was awarded Clem Steffler, while •'secondary , school bursaries of $100, each go to •Roy • Durigey, Howard W. James and J. Douglas Jamieson. , - Proposal to provide Street lights in Harpeirhey• Was abandon, - ed Tuesday night by Tuekersmith Council, _ when eoundir,learned '18 -tepayer.4-veretnriTI6sb:itri7-a5LIZIlin.;- pared. to six • who Were in -f or Of the project. ' en • Miss :Pat Leyell pretty '17-Year- aeld „Kippengirt,shwas "herOwned. `.'Misssh'GrandeBenclannila_y. She. was '• Chosen :.frOrii 15'','eontest-. ,g ore ea crew of eensewho,„ Casino for the annual:,Labor Day. celebrations. , , The- program, usually held- or the , beach, was forded :,:inSiele bY inclement: Weather. and Cold- tem.= perattirese The mean temperature• --fer the da -y, a 1.OW- 55.5 degrees, ' :was the loWest„fOr.Labor-Day,since1951.. Thedford;as unner-up- and Miss Sharon :Swartz,. WarrenMich., was.. third: gam the right to enter" the Miss'.0iitario beauty contestain :Windsor this Week-. .2.: • The firSt, 10 -Prize , Winners were Presented With .bathing suits First, Seeend, and third prizes were 50, • $2.51,,Arid-.05.ie-and-htliehnexterseyen- ..competitdra 'received The Grand Bend Chamber of Comnierce and . Grand Bend Mete 'CliantS• sponsbred the affair. • -. • _.:HospitalAuxiliary -Plans -Fa. Meet First:fallhneeting of the Women's -Hospital- Auxiliary will held ----Tuesday evening: -The-meeting: will •-get underway at $:15 in the nurs;...- es' residence. The executive hope. for a good -turnout for this, open- ' ing..meeting of the. fall. season. The inStallatieri, .requested by a petition filed with ,council earlier was not -favored by :a•,'InajoritY ;of the rafepayere .affeeted2-aecording :,f6:-=sbtikes-men-4or whb attended the meeting._ , _ , ,Clerk E. P. Chesney ,told the 'meeting ,oaterio Hydre, had esti- mated installation of 13 enclosed b directional type.' lights 0uicost V to e -$1,540 and said this would' raise ' -.1 '•the tax rate of ratePayers concern • ed by 13.1 mills. In addition --main- row Pieaser u , ,. , , ,. year. Radial hwahe tYpe lights. tenancee wetild - dost - 1.5-hmillsh a '' would" _cost $1,250,• or 10.5 "'mills, Wrestling at its best can be se:Cu , and I Annual maintenance would ,be - in , Se afortli 'Arena next Wednesday' additional, --,,H," .. . ,,-, . ., , .., • night. e-Seaforth ComibunitY een- Coun,cil,agreed to abide with the sire_ Board, 'along with Harnilion, ratepayers",decision. A number :of preffrotea,_ Jack, Wentworth:. have Harpurhey ratepayers attended the lined op aiTexeelleill Card for , the meeting. a night. There willbe, feel.' matches. Tuclersmith municipai council . The main bent, best. two Out of -- in the, Tbage• Hall, Seaforth, ' • , bring.',Itegether -anernherShWere,present --Attendance-at ,the-SeafortfiLLions - P70:Iort: r _11-Pitar,119,e0,t,h1riot:_in.;:tvehet:rsievi,euini:keb:d dt_thnhal-: ing the peat summer as ;as' .cortMar., ed for the season •on Monday:, ed to, pre:vious year. The pool dos- ed was open,- asearding to- records maintained by -ROD Ennis, pool supervisor,• and his staff., The highest attendance was on :Mon- day;_July 7, when 613 bather Wpre in the pool. The Pool opened June 14, and was .open: total' of 4911/2' hOurs. during the I season, -as col -n- il -lied' to ' 3631/2 hours ,cluring the preceeding year. During the ' swimming ", sea on a Series of ciaSses was held for be- ginners - - _ ginners which, more than 200 chil- dren -received 'instruction. In addi- 'tiOn to thiS,-dtiring July.a class, for adult beginners waheld two eve- nings -each week, witti-18..enrelled. ,During the slimmer 429 ehildren eld season's tickets. --At the. -same time -the, pool vvas creating...newrecords • interest in the park continued at a high leve17 Plehics 'from a wide area nsecl the MISS -GikET,As'IlToOMP'SON;' 'for mere the:Tr ,fifty . Years Sea -a- Tennessee- wrestler- and, a Prince and, ReeVe Ivan: -.„-„tyTeT§Wed: „forth Librarian; "retired'. this week because - 'of ill 'health: She is 'Edward' Island inat-; -math:-. Frank 1Jer Stanlekh and Schoeaals,. being ,Suededded•-by Mrs. • G.- 'A. Wright. Miss ThOrnpSoti -'Scotty" ,Thonipsort, . a t' g the Clinton Coinirturi- .e nine in an a4v,is.ory capacity. pori-cethr -the wrestling btisineSs- --u&-o_utlined-their:eteeda,- er ..from', Kingsport, Tenn., is. no:t_iiy Pooh attende -d the • having - been in the game for 12 With regard td,cempletion of the .,years. --Scotty. haSheome.tbabe',ea13- ' „ ed -the ,hWindinill"' hTliehFlYinelj$.2-4)!h,odp Se,eferth librarian for more than 50 years, ',Miss Greta- Thompson: retired- from -•-that- Post_thls week.. Her resignation - made necessary by _ :healthr-lwaS '..aceepted,With.- regret by the 'board of Carnegie ,Library, at a Meeting_ Tuesdaf .right: She: will continue :,-serve in an, 'advisory 'capaCitYIL - Named to stteceedeMiss Thnhipe .13n; WaS' Mrs: G. A; 'Wright -Mrs. Wright=-,lias. been as.sisting in the "library 'for.' some -morithe:- Miss-Therepson became librarian' September 17, 1907, -following in the lootSteria el:Other,: who had eeetiPied7tlieh' Pbsition-htintil , his d.eath; During her Career es -lib- rarian,: the 'present. .Carriegie'fib- ,r1.-ik:WaSthereateda--..:,-Ts-..e.-,-- e: . The board disetissecl Jiability hte, surance., at ;length and passed a. metier' .-have,, this hisurance -brouglif:into effect. At the sarne tiMe; -secretary etee a s tirer :. Mrs.. Joseph .,111cCoanell-"wai instructed: to". apply to the Workmen's: Coin.: pertsation Board for coverage on, - ' cor s wim Thirteen records were broken at _ the recent swimming meet at Sea - forth Lions Pool. The Lrecords . were set over the • previous two ' , Reciire:hoIders in the three years the new pool ha S been op- erating -follow:: - Beginners • 'Thirty feet free style,. Larry Me- , 0:10,1, seconds; "1957: Twenty feet 'back stroke,' Larry /vIctlwain, 0:6.1, seconds, 1957. ' Forty-five. feet - walking race, Mary Eckert, 0i1.1.4-econds, 1957. .Jelly " fish float, Cheryl Moore, .0:15.7 seconds, 1956. Jimior "Girls Forty-five feet' free style, Ked: ' &a Moore, 0:11,8 seconds, 1957. Cheryl Moore, ` feet back stroke, Cheryl Moore, 0:13.7 seconds, 1957. One - hundred feet free style, Kendra Moore, - 0:32.2 4, seconds, Walking backward race, 45 ieet, Kendra Moore„, 13:3 seconds, Forty-five feet kickboard raee, Kendra Moore, 0:17.6 , seconds, , 'Junior Boys , . • , . Forty-five feet free .style; Benny Maier, 0:90. seconds,4956, ' Forty-five _feet,baak,streke,, Ben- liy.,Akker, 0:11.0 seconds; , .1956. • . FOrty-five.,_ feet - Walking hack, :wards race Ken ;Devereaux,; 0:12.1 . seconds, 1957, • Forty-five , feet ,kickboard hrace, --Benny Akker, 0:11.8 seconds, 1956., One hundred feelaree 'style; Ken Devereaux, 0:28.3 seconds, 1957. , „ . Intermediate Girls - One hundred feet': trie----stYle, Joan 030.0 seconds, 1958. One, hundred feet back stroke, Phyllis Bryans, 0:33.3 seconds, One hundred feet breast 'stroke, Phyllis 13ryans, .0:88,5 setonds, 1957. Forty-five feet butterfly breast stroke, Corinne Smith, '0:11.4 sec- 6ncTs; 1956:7 One hundred and thirty-five feet medley, Pearn McLean,- 6:52.2 sec- onds, 1956. Plunge for distance, Elaine Eck- ert,. 35' 3P, 1958. , 'Torty-five feet kickboard race, Margaret Maloney, 14. seconds, 6x45. feet retrieving Medley, Bon- tiie 1:49.0 setoprls, 1950. lntermediate Boys " One hundred feet free Style, Ben. , ,- ny ,Akker, '.0:20.4 seconds, 1958. . : One hundred. feet beck atrOke„, Bob Dinsmore, • 0:26.8. Secends, , One hundred, feet breast stroke, Benny ,Alder, 0:31.5 ,seconds, 1955; ' Torty=five, feet '. butterfly. breast strokes Bob- eDinsineree -0 :108.- • sec-?- ' 3ic45 feet 'rnedleY,:e'To1n. 'Dick,` 0:39.6 ,seconds, , 1956, , - Plunge for. distance, Bob Dins - Mere; 36'' 1957. ;' • Forty-five feet ,.kickboarcl 'race; Hob., Dinsmore, . 042.5 : seconds,' library employees. lVfeefing was ehaired by Miss M. E. Turnbull, altraadhof the, beard • • _ unior Farmers Plan H4Jron Events For 1 tYectr A specLl meeting of the Flueon County Junior Farmers executive; to dealwith., plans for •the., tenth anniverSary, was heldin' the.-agri- cultiiral office board roonis;Clid- ton Approximately ,1500. invita- tions willbehSentrouttosinvite.past and present Members. to the -Oct. 4th and 5th event. h -The.celebration gets , underway with :chicken :barbecue. from '5 to 8 p.m. at. the Seaferth -agricul- : tural grounds., eit October 4. Tick- ets .go *on sale ,..early in 'September and rnay be purchased from anY Junior . Fernier Member in the- connty. A -VarietYprograiii-is-sche. Aided froni 8 p.m. to 9. p,rin-'• fol- -lowed.bYTdareineir the.-Seafo,rth Ginn -turd y Centre.- . - On Sunday ,everiing' Octebet ,,5 . 6x45 feet retrieving race, 13enny Akker, 1:37.4 seconds, 1958. Senior Ghia "e • • ' Two hundred feet free stYle, Mar- ion -MeLlwaill;'1-,.0.2 seconds, 1956. One •,hundred . feet" free 'sty -le,' Cathie _Eckert (first year), 031.5 'seconds,- 1958. One. hundred feet back' stroke, Judy .Crich, 0:30.4 seconds, 1957. - One hundred _feet breast stroke, Marion 1VIeLlwain, 0:33.6 seconds, One hundred feet bUtterfly breast' Stroke, Marion 'McLlweiri, 0:32.1 (Continued on Page '8) ' .a .,church serViee is to be hold in Ontario• Street United ;Church, "Clinton; with Padre :Young, of the 0.e t a rio Agricultural ,College, G.u.e.ph,t, as geeSt ,speaker, 'A .fire- side service; held after:the-.7chui-eh service, will bring the anniversary: celebrations to a cloSe. , Miss MarilYn Marshall, editor:of the_ Tenth_AnniVeisary,Year..Book, reported -the material is now be ing,:edited and. 10 going' to presah The baoke, eovering the history bf' the- six c1ifb in the county, varieus- Cuddy; events ,and, containing pic- tures,should make, it well worth a dollar.. • • ,Se:otclainati7. 'Ile: lie's to',..play -"it 1 The , reeve and elee.,-mkere auth- Straight, ,:and - above -board,' but ' if he has. to -, he .can a throw .o Pretty' erized to, apply",±01-240,tiiiti subsidy he exPenditeres;.frcon.., Jan.. ;fair . left hook, -'• and haS-:,one: of fhe 1; to August 31,195.„ , _Ilianin0ay. 4raes,,t`':7411,b.:6.1,.:P*a.4.!,,,,111:-'the .,:'' .mat .Countell-(.PasSeti- •''a:.,:by'law Meer- ,' i)orating. the. 13ilieefield Fire.. Dee, ' Ile will fade- :"Logger" '-'1VIelflorie partmeriteinto i.,,a,-,.nitinihipal,,fire de - ale.,,.. "Logger",h:at.:215.-pOtind,Sals partinenta %he,,, -ownership- of ,.wiiieh _all Mae -••,:yak tall.„0"...:.3.t..., grappler _he will . he jointly ; Vested, in the: Tewn- . is' "juSti,what you,.. Wciiild , expect to Ships . or Stariley:"....andhaTtgkeis.mi'the, NEWS OF WALTON' 0 HURON 14E14 NEWS (3y- Dan Rose) Harvesting is about 85, per cent completed throughout -the countY, and excellent yields have teed ree corded. 'I'he white bean harvest is commencing and several -Edda have been combined in the area along Lake Huron. Some blight is appearing on the pods of the beans, although -it r' is not too serious as yet. Rust is also appearing:- r • Man' farmers are taking off second -cut hay; however, most of the crop Is quite short , •see-hcciiningeuteot a-"notth.el•if .log- ging • camp This big -fellow likes the going roughehet_whenit denies' to wrestling ..he can -match 'holds with the best.For a bigarrien,.gc-:. Donald ineves With the speed, and , gility: sir a cat and has the,jetirinirtg', df a fdik."The fans are aIWaYs_stire_: of iplenty Of :torrid actiOnhThelog,- ger- ,00rnes. -.home". Charlettetewria. Prince. Ed:Ward:Island.. Payment will be called on October 15; 1958, on Reetunulated repairs , to the Wallace DraM. ' Accounts passed included: dump,' foX bounty,- $1;. hospitaliza- tion, $101.12-,- advertising atrd- sup- plies, $118.87; fire protection,. $144; postage. $5; Salary- and allowance, $234.48; income tax, $7.15; supple., _rnentary allowance, $25; roads, $-2,..,546.57; grants; $50; -rebate bond ' Other features- of-: the-- big„ night cheques, $300: membership fees, of grunt .afia ',groan c an.•be .found $60. in an advertiseinent' on Page 8 ol Council- adjourned to meet Oct. - • _ this issue. ' ' , 7, at 8 p.m. NEWS OF' CON'STANCE rv ourt Constantine , The -1-,aiiif:Orifit__Colistantine of .dclE,-will_lie...hoste_s_Shtte all inern- bets -.61 the Canadian Order of Per - resters of this district ata choreh service held. at Constance United Church on Sunday Sept 7 at 2:30 with ROv. Hussar, -of 'Chaplain -of High , Court COY; as special: speaker, _All. members. will. Meet At the • Forre:Sters' Hall at 2:15, to file, inorder tel,th,e.chtteeh, headedby special:music and bainenerS: 'Several Member's, of the held office,. Braritfordh_will' be in. at „tend Mice dria a.,,geo.Vittendahee:10 .antioipateck ' ' „ MrandMrS, 'Wald .lewitt. and -faMilY: visited -Sunday., WithhMis.- Wynne,, of -.Forest, and With. "Mr-, jeWitt'.a. mother. , - Mr. ,And- Mrs, William Dale and Laurel. attended the. Canadian -Na-, tionalaExhibition at Toronto. h School has, ,opened„'ancl. the 'fel,- lowing' teachers fram:"Ifere, have: ,gone to their respective schools:. Miss ' Muriel Dale; to -13rampten;' yoinsse-iMmaraychWG1heygtoer„toiQF G.it, eloOrlic4•MielhsS; Mr, DbiiglAS tO ostwpod, ,Pear Woodstock., ' . Mr. arid Mrs.!, Earl Lawson ,re- tuthed home after ,spending • holi- dayS" at .Niagara ,Falls ancl Buffalo, •attd,„ Mrs. .Ken .-PreszCatOr a lid family...spent. the weekend. with Mr.' and '1VIrg., Of ,Crediton, Mrs.. Whiternalse is at - Present visiting with friends in,LoMion. , Miss Beulah Woods, who 13115 been -Visiting with Mr. anct. _Clarence.Mentgorder:y-, ,left for her horne.in Anderson, Indiana. Miss Joy Montgomery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Montgomery, left for Anderson, Indiana, -along with Miss Woods, -where She is goingto at- tend Anderson College, and Theel- ,ogy, Sernieary in 'a -four-year course , in Science. We /Wish joy every success in her new. Course 'of studies. Mrs. E. F. Warren, Lynda And ef London, returned- home afteresPending the past week holi- daying' at the home of her par- etits, Mr. and Ms. 'EAT' Lawson: Visitors. on. _Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszcator and fare- IlY; .Werer Mr .and mr.a•-• EPletl- Pfa'ff• arid ' family, Mr:. and Mrs. Charles Glamville, all of Crediton. Master, Wayne Glanville, _ who was spending holidays, returned home. with his parents: " Mr.., and Nil's. Rey Lawson, of Seaforth, and • Mr. and Mrs. Nor: Kiniat,criteWy isCitaeral Orf.. 'and Mrs, 'Lorne Lawson. ,Mr. and -Mrs.. Borden. Brown; ,Joyee and Elaine attended: the trown,'Watson and 'Moore'reunion, at the Durham Park 'on.StindaY. ' . Mr. and- Mrs, W. Q. McMillan, of London, visited - on Sunday With. Mr. -and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and. Mr,: and lOari Lawsoxl.' :B�-wEto: park-famlitesreaecording-to---the 'S-uPorintendent, Roy MeGonigle, So great was the demand for pie Mc space, that on several occa- sions it was necessary to defer reservations until latef dates, in -order-thartmtliceIlinte'r-Jsfed-gl'oups, could leceive proper accommoda- tion. A_ new -system for table reserva- tions, introduced this year for the first time, wOrked well, represent- atives of picnic groups said. Pay- -ments:ofea -small-rental-ensured that groups had the table accornmoda- tion`they required. , During • the ,season the pool - was iu charge of „Ron Ennis, while the pavilion-, And grounds, came,under Mrs..4. Min was ii chargcof, tit booth; . and .assisting - on the „stag were Murray NirkbY, 'Mrs. N. ,S111.5,, Tern Dick, .Joan 'Dick; ,Gene Nix - 00, Alice Nixon,• Corrinne Smith er young Crornart area motiter vvas:,;.hiatently killed earlY".Wednes- day -affernoOti When "7.the Car • she was driving rimmed into a _tree, , '•,eMrS, Ross, of h RR 1:,'- '-rtiiiiartYf'died---iyhhere-late maftel :eat 7Wherhjl bleW a tire ',while. she Was driving' on loose 'gravel and ,hit tree' ThehaeCidenth-heettrked :aboutone-mile east or - deceased's -dne-7-32",car---6-14d, 'daughter; 'ph'eryla'was-selferelly in lured in.the ,aceident;,- She Was-rid- onors. 11. .r r,'t:&eai seat of the :oar -.Mrs. Riley. was the former Grace Forrest, and worked; in the '-'Sea: 'forth :.area : for some 'time. before' her rearriarge. She was the •datigh- terh:of Mt, and eire, -Ward Fortest, Stratford Hay township - :, . p.70.',1. il'oanfhtetlet tr.ci i ilb the gng- ladY dead on.his.,,Iarff4k-Ttle.body 'Was ' remOVed--:th Stratford,- Where, apsl mortem will be-perforneed. Vhe ecident .,w.a. s --investigated-by: OPP Officers from the Selaringyille force. e. Fserviceswill be held at Funerallie Bo thrgp .„. sHen- a11., ,Arrangemetrtse are not yetT0 Blame- completed. •, Lawoi•hoWlers.'.from-' many-. West-, ern °Marie cliiliS;;toeli,•patt,',Iii the, doubles tonrnainenteateGedericlieen Wednesday.: ..Lorne and Den Dale, :•Of Seal'orth, with three Wins. and a. . ,plau_Shaile27-ehteekhreph-prizehrietheh event. ,e., •-, -• -Other; WienerS, were "-P. .BisSett. :and pr. 11 y ljugthes, Archie- TownsInd-' ,and , Barry - and B Orey;Clintine G0dkricliRinks Win .. Tourney Goderich rinks Were stmeessfull invitation tourriaMent Wednesday. Held:. at. theeSeatforth:greens,-- the tourna- ment was l7.5Yolt§i5fea' the Ladies Lawu Bowling Club. Tbe. wirmi4g,,; rink was skipped by Mrs. Wheeler and eo imposed of Mrs. Harris and Maa a_en. h score was, 3 wins_ plus 18.. Second, IzeaCe was ----ion- by -an- other Goderich s -roup skipped by Mrs-.....Townserida_a_Playing en- _this rink was Mrs. Cutt and Mrs. Serimegour., Their score was 2 winS' Plus' 17. , -• , With a score of 2 wins plos 14„ another ;Goderich team took third place. Mrs. Argyle ..was the skip, and -other inernbers were ' 1111,rs:' Baet'h-1ei- and 111rs.Hunter. , Fourth spot was, won by Mrs. w-oWts, --team-;; '-frore;; Goderich; Their' score was 2 ihns---Plifs 13. Other :members were Mrs. Holland' and Mrs. MeLean. . - Other 'rinks ,particip'ating were skipped by Mrs. moEwan, ‘GocW" rich;:- Mrs. „Reyes, Clinton,, ; and Mrs.. E. Larone, " Miss • Derothy Parke, Mrs. E. PI; Close and,Mrs. Tony Phillips, Seafortin SUpedest Station tinges Hands neW' inc en haS.taken!OVer. the. SiiimrfeSt ServiCe Station, on the eerner" of GoderiCh and North -Main f Streets., Jun Break 'rnoYed to Seaferth this Week: tp operate: the local Station. Mr.,'BrO,dk , siiceeeds William, Wil - be, whoha*., turythe' station Inc the past year., ;The neW.-teriant arid. his family -two -boys; -,-:Jhrn..e. and DenniS--rneved into the. aPartigenf above . the fOrnier. Daly Motors, nreviously occupied by Edmund The ' ;couple 'Carrie. to Seaforth from New, Brunswick; having SpOnt three , Years in the Maritimes: They are originally,Iram Eastern Ontarid:In -the OttaW'n 'Valley • re- , AS' well as the garage, the COU- ple have also taken over the sneak ,.bar in• Conjunction with the sta., tone, Until the .present,. this • busi- ness harp been looked :after by Mrs. . garnet McClinchey: , when' the mishap occurred.. An -inquest into thedeath hfMrs. Charles 'Gianvilie,.37; 'of' KB 1, Hens all w as field 'at thil Hall; Exeter, or Thursday nietth Mrs Glanville died _audderily:in St-- Jes- epihrs -Hospital, Lonilon .Siniday, T 0 the Editor rviiic rucefieldQuer August Her death ,.waS-.canSed.`by.- injure iers receive -4 ,-.,000.0t,. Which 'dee itried Friday,•, -,'August • 8;: . at., the corner oleeneession 4:- and, .thea,sidela'eacth Miles north l'Of 83 highway, ifihthsbOriiehtown-Shiph.The- ,deeeasedWas- a,: passeng,erain a car -drive/revs telly-- Geralits 1.6e00.the .sidereaTlhd wasan. 4ision...With,.. _car .ctriVenhitertherly --concession,4 'by -1 AC. George Lefebvre, RC \F Clinlon. ,Thc coroners jurY after:deliber-, 131 a Me . ea Cle uf :the drivers.; ,init ':Might in the fol-. 1,t,re.. find:that; ,the, 'view of boti 1.drivers " Was obstructed by a' c'0 ;field arid 'brush, alorig,the fence • but despite,:these obstruCtienS,-'40 "dr„iyer,----shotiltr,liaVe7seeriTtliecitif,e rearlieratharie-they',"Illth" feeeita a program, munici- pal cotMcils..-.aed 'farm orgeniza,a tiolaS, .be 'constituted -to Idiecbtrage, planting Of high growing crOps,IiiI4 fieldS-.at Miersections a- Maimer! Constitlitin,g, obstritctionhte ibe view of :rnotorists.., ' :"" - • .hh: h "We hsugge Firstly, that the corner ,of:CropS"at; intersections o'behr'ounded,-,:leayine reaSenahly-,'Clear-,:vieWieseCondly;'-, .that • a'loW greWing: grain %prep:, be 4)larited".on the perimeter'. of the cern ..crep • . the -s6.#1:0:'Iesmta . Dr. S. C. Goddard. ". coroner,. ,of -Hensallh-iiiresidech' an :-.CroWn At- OrneY `Trielie.exaniineif•the were, Fred.' -Dawson" (forerrian),: -Rdylente:,-.Westeett„ Wme•-,Thempe son,' Oscar -,TilekeY and: Verii'e..pin-, conabe. 240 Park St , Lapeer, Michigan. - Editor, The 'I-Itiron -Expositor: *- ' wesley:. Ham dropped'in.tosee us, on his way; to the -Canadian, Soo. to pick up his -wife"- and dreneand -move- to-Chatha rrie: -Last time r ,saw" Wes he was attending' high - sehool at' Clinten, We had qiiitea lon.g visit. Among other subjects 'disciisaed was the -ques- ,tion".as to whether the '"Doeter's holise". aseceiglymoved was the first "modern . residende in Bruce- field--or fikst "modern building" of any nature • there. • I 1- told Wes that my impression ,..was that.,either cow House", or the 'residence arid taller shqp of, "Tailor" .Cameron, ate • of ;these were ,firSt, but I couldn't; be sure of It. We ,decid- ed that either ,Mrs. , Thomas Baird, Sr„ , or ',Jack ',Kaiser, • Sr would 'know. Maybe Jack •Mac would know --or his sister, Maude, Furthermore, , there was a little house on the southwest corner!' ef• the '-street-,Mill Road and back street -wasn't. that one .dne. of. the first ever in Bre.4efieItl? Bythe way, Cecil,. Simpson 'might know. None of these were born yet when the ,first ",modern building", was erected in Brucefield but, recall- ing. conversa.tons -of ,long ago, with. pioneers, probably memory still exists as to t‘wijat is wade, Wes told me that , the present owner, a the John McQueen farm, where I grey up,andwhose barn '(Continued on Page 5), " A. bus trip to London, arranged by Mrs. Russell BarroAis and Mrs, James. McDonald, of the:Walton Women's Institute, was ,enjoyed by 40 ladies cm Thursday. Leaving Walton at 8 a.m.,' West= -erreal.T.niversity_awas -the first stop, where the group were shown through. a number of buildings by Dean Raskin and Dr. Neal, Dean of Women. slih'clin there they pro- ceeded. t the Kelloggia plant; then to the Iroquois Hotel- for diener. The first step after ,dinner was the Coco ' Cola plant, then to Tweedsmuir Hill, the Institute for the Blind. The group separated for two hours' shopping and refreshments before. boarding the htis at 6 p.m; At Springbank Park they toured Story Book Gardens, Mr. and Mrs, O'Rourke and. farri- ily, of Ottawa, and Sgt. Dirrante,, of StitainerSitle, P-F,L, ,Were re- cent guests at the home of dpi. and Mrs. IL Stack. ' Miss' l‘ifond Clark attended the annttal sc,hool,for leaciersa Conduct- ed- by the, Churelfs Wbreedri 1/118- • SidnarY Society .at Alma College, Si. Thomas, last week and spent the • weekend with Mr, and Mrs. V. Barnett, Sarnia., ' ' Recent visitors with Mr: and. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot were Mrs. Roy- Lawson, Mr -S. Ethel Stephen- son, Mr. P. Lindsay and. Mrs. WilliaTeteenting, of-Seaforth. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Travis and Linda spent a few days in -Toronto Mr, 'and Mrs. Thomas Reid, of Toronto, ,and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Sharined and Kathy, Sarnia;' were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Shannon. , Miss Joan Shortreed left Tues- day for Wingliarn, where .the will train as a 'nurses' aesistant. Recent visitors at the horne of Mr. and Mrs, Itoy Bennett were Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rutledge and family, of Ottawa; -Mr. - and 1VIrs. Leslie Rutledge and family, of Streetsville, .and Mr: and Mrs. Wesley Lane, of T,ordnto. Bev. and Mrs. W. M. Thomas left, on Friday on a month's vaca- tion. They Will spend one week at Halibiirton, after Whieh they Will visit with their son and daughter- in-law, ,Mr, and -Mrs. lan Thomas, Ottawa, . and' IVIrs. ' Gordon-Lyddiatt and family, of Barrie, were week- end visitors, with Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Ritchie. - 'Mr. and Mrs. Janies Drummond and fan -illy, of -Kippen, visited With Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas ,on Sunday-,,: , Everyone is reminded of the variety .auction on, FriclaY 'eVening -at 7 p.M. -in' Gordon MeGavin's shed, opposite' Duff's .United Church. Household itenia, farm' prodtfe-e and•nome baking Will be auctioned by.. Frank Kirkby ,and Walter Bewley. Rev. H. V. Workinan, of, Sea.: forth, will, conduct the serviee'next Sunday morning- at It „o'clock in Duffstriitect Church, when Mone crieff congregation will join' Wal - ten in worship. 4 Mr: 'ram Somerville left on Sat- urday for ;Bing Inlet, Northern On- tario, where he will leach for „the.. coming year...Other teacher,0 leaV-- ing, the cornmUnity to resume, teaching ditties are: -Miss Mary Dennis, Londrin; Miss Rosemarie BOlger and Miss Marjorie Boyd to Milton; Miss Audrey, Haekwell, Brodhagen; Misses Elizabeth Mc - Gavin, Olene Dundas; Lois. Anne Somerville and Lois Roc, to Kit-, chener; .Miss . Norma -Leeming; naniilton; Murray Kirkby, Tavia Stock; and Gerald Dressel, 'Village Gardener Has, Giant Potato,,- , o A giant potato was grown in an Egniondville garden this year, Roddy MaeLean-brought the gigan- tie sp.eeinian into The -Expositor Office 'Friday afthrrioori: - When placed on the seges the potato- weighed twb pounds one ,6ance. The long, vegetable Mee-. sured 16 inches around the length and 12 inches around the middle. , Mr, MacLean said, there was an- othCr one, almost ,as. big, on th ie sanie plant, -The potato s of the Irish Cobbler varlets', popular variety among gard,en fanciers. Seaforth Horse ins At oderich Miss J. E. .Hall, Owned -"birJake Broome, Ssafortbtook a double - heat decision in the z2:28 class at Goderich races on Labr Day,„„The Broome horse has shown great trig, Or thia, year and ilea -been-entered In many area races: It has also been entered, in The races at this - year's Setforth Fall Fair, the.first entry for 'the Sept. 19th, ' Goderich owned standard' breds • . captured the two top events 00 the harness rade program. Valuable,: jerey Lee, owned- by Reg McGee and Solis, swept to a twin -heat tri- umph in the.2:20:g:'23 class,trot or pace„ whiln Pad dY Ann, owned by B4OY- Meriam, duplicated the feat in the three-year-old pace. Dave Pinkney, Stratford, took the -2:25 class hotiorS With hit MiSs Marion Crrattan, winning the sed - end heat, while placing second in the first heat, Bud Castleten, own- ed by tr.. Sates, .,Leridoru, took ,a double -heat deeision .in the 2:30 class event," • r Plcins Thurs. ..Se6fertli,'S-113th 'annual Fall Fair -is' only two weeks away., .Final plans: will :be laid. for the fair at a Meeting of •the,dirgetors'.'in the ToWnItal Thursday ;night, , '• '; Girls belonging, to 4-11 Clubs are, reminded of the- section'7.sponsored by: the. Se aforth' WeinentS. The hoinerniaking' entriesthis year will consist 01 'a ;skirt' tor one.; en•,'• try, and .a jumper' for the ;other.: -The- c1asse-wffl consist bf a junior' and Senior- class. , ",.`The Club GirhStands Guard" will be the -theme .of exhibits ,Of the. "Seafottli -club. , Equals prize money Will he. paide,to ;girls 'Patting in • a" display -of • their :record' .boOks,;• chartsyand: first-aid kitS. - Balloon Found Here Places in Third' In iniefolY Robert' Crevenlock, MeKillop,, .tonnd -a bailor:Cr; in a fibld on his Lathe/4.S farm; north' of Seaforth. The balloon' was -part 1,of a'..eonteat'irr:Oak Park; 'Iinois; I and had been-releaSedy. a•young- Oak Park resident. The ;lock- 'lad returned. the ballogrt•-•to ;the playground at 'Oak Park, and endlosed. :a letter aaking Inc the resultsof: the -contest, ,, This week he received Word that the balloon had, placed third; in the contest for letigth• of travel.. The first -place balloon travelled 10 far mast as. Ottawa; d distance. of close to. 1,00 miles,..from its place; of relead, • . ' .In .amireeiation of the rettiin' ef the balloon, :the 1(10 ani Club- at ePraeltsf,taertheAta9v-elp1.110aeykgrboctilny::1;: jacket Plan �ny New Events Por the Second Consecutive ear the IVIdKillop'-School Fair will- be held. at 8,S. 1 \ 16, Menillethe' Winthrop School. Last Year's. fair was held at Winthrop -and the suc- cess of thefair at -this location ,led the -directors to their deeisiori to hold it at that school again this year.- • , As in past Years,,,,the- exhibition of the ,lVfelcillop school children will feature not only products of the farm and of their gardens but livestock as Well. A particular fea- ture is the display Of articles which students in the -various schoola have made during the year: The afternoon 'program; arrang- ed by President Gordan Papple and Secretary William Dennis, willhe varied and inelude.d num- ber of interesting presentations. A highlight will be. a baby show and a beauty - contest Inc- . McKillOp beauties. trodhagen Band will be in attendance. - An everting feature will bt a dance. The dance last year was a good drawing .,card and another "one is planned Inc this year's, fair. In, case of inclement weather the dance will be held -in Winthrop Hall. , The program will get -ander way at 1 p.m., with a parade, led by the tro hagen truisicianS.,