The Huron Expositor, 1958-08-22, Page 85 EX- OSITsit, SEAFORTI.is ONT., AUGUST 23.,, 198 itutlem Atuutlituutummuutin We SPOIalize 11,1 - ill Lines -of 1IRANCE IN 'COMPOSITE :DWELLING .PODICV. and liability_ _eriver, -,110*..1,0% below, regular rates to OW,Ors. •Faf ifi)Itinferinatioit; ask Us:. WATSON • & REID General Insurance Phone- 214 : Seafoktk Church Notices 7:-oet p,ria,, and TueSday at. 8. pm, Kendriels.Paster., ;St. "irhoiluiSzsiAnglicani Chfirch.-- Kerning, .,Frayer, 11 a.m.:: Holy coliarnianioas the first' .Sunday Of the monthat 11 'WM., and the third Sunday...of the sursith :at 9 a.m.; .Sianday p0,1001 everrSunday morn- Reeter. •,•:i • ' Egniqudyine J:' seirow_ginigteft .Tikk , Hain - Mond, ...(trganisfiGhpir ',Leader:: :11 Siihject, ,,"The Trouble : with Pr; .s6:ii*e. will be preaehing;;SO narks:The Church „ 27:r One sersice a, ,a „- will be taken by Mr, Herlaert .August .10: Services :resumed -at usual hornsvill „ _1:tev. W. 11. ,SUnmerei1,Mthster. Egmonde Group ,StOdy The regular meeting nf Egnind Atte WA and WIriS. waSheId inthe Sunday. Schoolroom of the church on WednesdaY with a good attend- ance. Miss Frannes Hou-StinOtlae VSMS president, tank thesehair. Tbe devotional topic was • "Time Refreshing." Mrs, E, Stephenson teok the scripture; Miss Rena Mc - _Kenzie took the topic and closed with prayer. • - - • Mrs. As Boyes took the for the WA business. It was decided to ,ake notIter quilt for the bazaar andl sell the one that is finisbed. A thakyou note was read -by Mrs. KriiSe. Miss Houston tank the_cliair for the WS meeting. A quartette, • Agent; tCvan,11.Service of Barbara' Nott, Lois JOHN A. CARDNO • FOR SAL 100 Acres a gent/ loamy :soil. Baru _S_Sx6Ss ,Wsell painted stable 40 head of cattle), Drive s e 720T 65. Henhouse holds 100 Twb- ear•garage, and good 9 -room baize. buildings and feades are in a 'good state nif repair., Pried to sell, with haw:down payment to 'right party. in Village O1 Dublin. 1.1,,,room Frame, suitable for dwelling end store. Priced to sell. - : • • Phone 458 `. , ANNOUNCEMENTS' • " , r..; and MrS. James Dwg Sea tenth, '.arinouncettie :engagernent.Of theirSdaughter,.. -Catherine Eleanors. Fyndafl,Marilyn IVIiller; and :Anita Hifitnan„. Sgave-s-a. minutes ofthe .last meeting were 'read followed by theroll ;call.' ' Friendship "-Secretary. .Me - Lachlan 'gaVe 'her-, repert; IVIrS, .Houston, ,supPIY7: -seeretary; gave he report; and, tbp'.treaSurer!s, re= -port. was givenslasSMrs: R. Gerald 131ucks son of 11/1r;• very. "ably. ,,.took the, :Study' beolc arSi,MrsReben Bunek Brodliag-: "Facing.' To,•:-naorrow.7 - • • ers' the. wedding,to .,take• -place • Sep-, She 'meritiOned, that' in Japan, ene tembeir 5,, 1958; .in St.:Peter's Luth out o 'e-ijey- 106 people are chris- eran.Chnrch, Brodhagen....:,taTey Mi s and Mrs s: Den JzIallahan,,„:‘'Of a43'(' kelp' they •gdf. She also :mentioned., that Blytbs Ont.S.annotincSStlie engage,- they,. are ""disowned b. their oWn, went of .their ,elder •Sangliter,. Mary people 'for -being, ',Christians: A so Louise. to -Mr. IsleYd cial halfhour Was spent, •Withltinch. . ot; apcli,•Mrs...-Alex A. tibia, "Sif 'din-0as the,-marriage...-.07„.talse Place Michael's " rolilinrch; BlythTon'September 6.: • IVIr......:7an4• Mrs.:,Edgar l3alfer;.' of •Kitcheue-arelounte'th engagernent „ • of -• their daughter•,: 'Margaret Angela .te • Mr46SePh• _ a-rtr-Laudenba_ch.S.Orc LoniS'Iratide,„nbachTgaieritlaS,' the- marriage :: trftf- take place Sep- Iernber'.1.2, at 11: rnSt Louis' C;_hurp_li Waterloo: :.1 Mr. -V4-cild7Porterfield77--Milton-5,- an_nOiMces... the enga.gemeat ,of bis daughter, Patricia Nfarie-•Scott,'-to Stuart :Robert` Wigg, 'Son of Mrs. edesiole.1.,W,,Wisg,...S..e.afartla,"and :the late. Mr, 'Wigg, the . Wedding- ta take place 'in, .IttiosSpresbyterian .Ch).irch, :Walkerthh, in Mid Septeni-: LEMON'S ,and. PARCEL SERVICE All Passengers Insured PHONES: 676 ..imommonniumengswilgelk_ DAVE ALL imps • of . INSURANCE VV. E. SOUTHGATE Phone .334--s-Ites.-540- MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH ":. .„.. mailimmiimimuitintwilmollot. WEDD ENG „ 111111-11111.111H11111111111111111111111111111111 . , • - ANDREWSSHWATSQN .Egmondvilie United Church, ,dec- orated With;:i.irliite-gladiciliSand feta and-eandelahraSSisasstheSietting..orr. gifigsay, atterimourA1i1.n3r.16;at JOesthe„ sSeddingsof: Alice: ElizabethsWatson,--daughterof,-1VIrs.„. John, S.' 'Watson,. and .theslate .1„Ohn 'Ss Watson's -and Denald'EdwintAndre-vvs, 'sew of Mr.', and -3A,rs..,,P..„-W,,...Araire*.s, _The...1doidile-it*,"eereinony was condfreted•-byslis.,../... ',Semple. M. MS ,a,...tennie, Seaferthsaceornpan; iitisthe soloist,. Mr. -.William An- dreWs, Toronto,. Who 'Sang, .".The Lard's Prayer". and "This-,Ilallovy- sid and FtEL :m. M. Har Plialfe---784ss Seaforth. DAN ?avilion • Sponsored by the 1.0.0,y, and Rebekahs SeafOrifi- " Thursday, Aug. 28 1958 • . Admission: 50 cents ea,ch Everybody Weleomel . serSed. byMrs. Brown s.;group.-, JAMES. C. . (pty0:50McKIBBON - The cleath,,Ocenite_dinl,Westnitn-, sterl7Hospita1-,--Landon Jai flc'wy.....tK4hbnn.-- , A -veteran ef the ..First: and , Seo - on{ ."Werld Wars', iVr. McKibben hatiheerrin pcor-healtW-foic-a_mum- ber of years. ' He , had been:, in WeStroinster, ' Hospital for. •Seven ,W1-1 year, lie was,•,•hOrn • • • MR..' AND 91-11. S. ARTHUR, -MOCALL.s. .who.liere married at , St: Peter's •Lutheran Chnrch 'manse;•.7Zurich, will T maketheir hoine in Hensel". The bride iS the former ,Joan Koehler, 'thrush.: : ;ter' of •Mr: and ,Mrs...Bruce Koehler,- .ansl the .grOom IS, '. 'the ,son of «Mr. -and Mrs. Noble McCallum, Seaforth. (Photo by, CAL BRIEFS Mrs. 'Harold' Dale :left la:st-, week returned home :after viSiting 'with :Week at-Heney „Harbor relatives:In:Bitiningliain, and Dear - with Mr., ain1L-Mrs: Del ,Kran.els.Of..borri, MiPItigan,;'::'While.,On Vacation, I „ L- she;ace•Iiinpaiiied,,Mr., and•Mrs:Lon, Mis Yvonne,.Bolton isTS-Petidintlanner-y'ron.lins_',•teur.. a. nuisPri, a.' week' at ,Port -Stanley. , land StratiOnt7- - Mrs. -E.--Esingsy ,and Sandra:were: The,' tour' :Was.:Spensored by the recent: visitors - in --Kileti"311tH-S. Pe -.40 'qrs. Dinigey,!,s ,nePlieW,:"-,Wilid_LwaS,.«IVIichigart..StaterthiiversityLand in- hadlY-littrned in a -13,.1:«C; elndecI';a.iident• horticulture and MiSs'Nettie:Seett, of Paisley; is a' initseryinen.Aenaldiehigan. an Niagsra.Faliss.Onts;-and in 1921 guest,' of ,Mfs. James,: HAL Dr and Mrs ; 'Fraser.' Oliver and -wa's-1"..inarrtes„ , 1,T01•0nto, .th Ata$tet.::(1.e9rgo.; _had DOiiald;.:of-M,acDoriald MacDonald,wim. survives; together 'Inisforttine to While playing on bsese-; are :Spending asfew r.days With .a etWe. clatighters; -a 'log -and badly clislOCatedhiS'. Oliver ...Tbeshridesigivensininarriageby- her ;fitalther-ni-TaWs.-Albert -.Clarks ts_Osntsslooked lovely -in ..a floor-lengt.h. gown 61 white - silksor- ganza, wi,,th-scooped. necklme, short sleeves, ' fiaidLsIcirt 'with ehapel The„skirtand rieck*ere ap- plicitied. with 'Gni* •lace :flowers. The headdress Was of pure French. Silk illusion: --vtlitla' finagerftip ---veil- with kpillboxtrimmed withpearls. She wore shaft: gloves,, mad'carried s Crested. with a yellow- tri'ro ".wh.i.te.' : • - Ntis jean Watson, Toronto,: sis- ter of tlie• bride, :was• Maid of hon- or and thehridesinaida were Miss Ethater. liScCattney., Brueefield, and MiSs. Doris:Pullnien,.. Sealer*: 'The bridal attendants wore slim-, tar ceektail.length:gowns of silver- gre.en 'cryStal -eh-arm-with:a bouf- fant skirt, drop .Weistline -with a princess, line'front: and pleated top With, sniall Matching pleated, hats,: They carried' wiliter. NeW- Testa,' •„ments atested witli'white roses:- . .Williain • StS ..}Searn, . Clinten, nt- tended-- the :grooms. . andS Warden. Slaney, Seafortts and Fred Gib-sors' Clinton; ushered. • The, reeeption was 'held * the SundaY. SchOol auclitoritun ;Of MOndville: •.• 'Gaited Chureh, "-Which was, decorated_ in pink and' winte, The•hride's mother received the gtieSts-In .celatesuaial 'dress With widte accessories and, a corsage Of White, rolablidi.: The groom's intither-svore ditstY rose 'crePe dress witItSwhite:Aceessories andsa, corsage Of White ioSelaudg.• The• bride donned a 'navy „blue Franc p , iraVy - arid White aecessories and a Mr- and Mrs. Harry- Elliot and, White orchid corsage fcir the: weds daughter, returned t� Wind"' dlifs -trip tn:Northern- Ontario • and_snr. • - ritiebee. The counie -will reside .in Olive',$peare has returned_ Masons , lime from. a weeks vaeatten 1.vith • ' relatives *in Rramptan , and Toro:a- l:hie-Vain:net anotherssaWhy, ria, to. She -was: adeompaniedby her I -ilidukstell anyene-r. didn't 'know ,sister.,..Mrs.,,E. MacDOthild,:lnf • • . chell: Newo of Dublin ,arty Honors Mrs. L. Cronin, Dublin Newlyweds A Post -nuptial reception in honer. Idr, and Mrs, Louie Cronin, re- cent newlyweds, WAS held in Seas forth Community Centre on, FridaY night, A. large number of friends and neighbors attended to •extend good wishes' to the suests of honor. ; A congratulatory address 1 vas read and presentation made of a substantial.pure. The bridegroom responded 'gratefully on behalf of his bride. -Music, for dancing Was Provided,by the Rainbow orches tra.,' A delicious lunch was served. Mr.--and-s1VIrs. Cronin -are residing - in Dublin. - Mr: 'Greg Zonate -S-0* a ; With , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shea.:' - Mr: and Mrs. Raymerid Sunnis - ant and children, of ,Montreal, with Mr. an Mrs. JohnLavoie. -Mr.- and 'Ma.S.---466---Carbert- .P .waYs-. • - , family, Royal , Qak Mich with were se•• fire' Mr. -anct•Mrs. George Holland: -Mr. and -Mrs. Billie Feeney are with her sisterc-Miss -Flerence th h Ph some '5,9- feet ai,vay vacationing at. Grarid_Bend,-, _ • , Mr. -arid MrS. Ton ‘ButterS 111-r. and Mrs:. Dale Hayter-and- amily are :sPending two weeks at children, of Webberville, Michigan, Point Clarke.,• , visited' on Saturday With the form- Mrs.- Jim. NewCOmbe.- and Jim- er's, grandmother, Mrs, James Fin• ,. mie, of Port Credit with Mr. and lakson. Mrs. William Stapleten. ' Week -end - Visitors , With, misS ,Mr. and 1VIrs.'ALfred, MacSougall Laura ,McMillan. were Miss • Vera and children London, With Mr. and Palmer, of Toronto, and. Mr, and -Mrs. Jee 'Jordan."' .- ,Mrs:Stailley-Grav of Stratford. •' The3i• look better 'front BRODHAGEN BARN .BLAZE-. CAUSES 30,000 LOSS FRIDAY. MORN • Damage was estfmated by fires Cause of the fire is unknown,. men at about .$30,Q00, when fire de, ......When ' firemen :arrived on the stroyed 1-00-fnotharn near Brod, seene they saw an explosion of hagen early Friday x01111/10. - flames shoothig from -the 'roof. The barn, on' the farrn of Mrs. lIffi., and -Mrs. I:avert-1 Wolfe with Charles Pushelberg, just north of Mr. and 'Mrs, Austin Wheeler; 'MAX' iBarleedshnaigehrla,ye,DanbotatltedseTiegl.gioSar,a1f,000f WliviOnlir,tOanDifiOivillnsSti. DwdilaYu.am magel and hammermiliss A4 was bit: s Hicks to Niagara Falls on.Sunday. threahing machine,. wagon and . a con -wanted_ .mr, and M,rs. Lew lop; eirsh. a_Y-1:u$701:ai::: seofn,gra:;0>y a, __ _Arthur_it aad' Mr. ' Geo:go::: letigieflu;cor- 'said that on.rising -about 6:45 he 111111/1 LORIDIDOIM , I saw that e arn, was. nn M Of S f rth shortly'saw an .eXpl0sioni,; He turn- Maps ea o , ed'fa the ala,rin'to tbe AiiiStant , fire chief ',Norm Walt In anSwer ,to repeated requests . responded tathe call with five men. frim yiSitOrs' 'and residents; a de - The barn was a complete .loss, tailed ,-man of _Seatarth,_ showing but the Walls and frame of 'a 'near- streets of ti town, as well as the: by _shed were saved, The roof -4 ideation of publie buildings, has the shed:: was lost as, heat. thrown, been published:lay The Huron Ex-, from the blazing barn was so in- loositor? Printed on heavy ledger' sense that sections of a fence 'on paper, the Map..is iaVailable at' 50, eentS- Copy. - • " • mommommuummomontimoni LADIES ee` the NE C TIES 0„. ti1e derlai'tnient.ft VY . Jack Kelly, of Kit- Miss Franpes Houston- is a guest- -- er.v an, ie. dlienelf,', with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus: -of Mrs. (Dr, James) Semple, at _ ._ Mr. „and Mrs John 'Meagher and Dr. James Semple is conducting Alphonsiner•Seaforth,, with Mr and the boys' camp at Goderich :this Mrs.:, Harold Meagher. - week. • Miss. Karen and Billie Dill ' in. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark, of Flint, Mich.,' with Mr. and Mrs. -Muirldrk attended the Watson -An - Burgess. , ' drews wedding, on Saturday. ,Mr. illie 'Cook, :Long Branch._ MrS.,NorMan MacLean aria fain - with -Mr. 'and Mrs. George Coyhe.' ily and Mrs. E. Stephenson and .of Detroitt.' with Mrs: 'Elizabeth Lean summercottage , Harold Finnigan -Mrs -GTis„:-Denname._. and Miss, ambhabe- are ,Visiting.,TWEthlhe.for- horeithy RObinSek, 'Harrillton; with 'iner's,ParentS,•Mr.'.and,MrS, W. 4: Mr. and ,Mrs, ClaytonLooby.,- . Finegan: ' The-LITTLE-s-S1'0ItE .with ' Values• 1.-1-l'IM:1.1"11,Will'Ailtr$S711'1$5113661:1E8111r'°1111111111;°;:irtVBN11:1;N:II:GIlE'lStl':t'!'i•- :Mrs.' 'Mary :Feeney inHam1ton' WitE7Mrs. -SabkiHribites,,and-alt. -and'IVIrs. Fred Civerdulye. . Mr. ,and. Mr. , Patrick WoodS, of Shirley, Mrs. J. MacFarlane,. Pet- 'bOW. . • • • Mr. 'anii,IVIrs..,,George, Ceyne. and. Georgetown,, visited with "Mr., and erborough'D ,, and oreen, 'Mrs.' R. Mr and Mrs. Sohn pick and Sus- ATIrS.', Mary -.0!•Reilly. 'spent - last 1.Mrs., Fergus Horan Pinkney,' Sans Souei Island, Geor: anne, 'from. Centertine,..I.X14'lligan,' Tuesclay-iii:,Donden; &San, •Bay ; and _one sett; Donald, at visited with Mrs. Dick's parents ,' A,,Beflanne and , granddaugh- EGMONDV1LLE bottles . , .'• , Mr.' and Mrs. Herb Trapnell : ter, Carol Lou Iiiilberti spent Civic A former- transport. driver, Mr. Mr. 'and 'qrs.' Harvey -Bri.toW, Holiday' at Ganatiorines While- there Visitor- last %week -with Mrs, IVIcKibbon had been retired:as-a- of -Detroit, who are holidaying at the-Y.:foals-a-boat trip :through ,the Robert Dalrymple, were , Mr, and, • result' Of IR health: He had lived,' Port Albert,' were” -weekend guests Thousand Islands. ...: • ^ ---,Mrs.- Alderson, of Carnferth,Lan seaforth' since 1952' ef•JM,rs. Wilbert Webster • ., ,. •lMr and '..-MrSs-Den' Jordon, and,easter,,,England; 'Mrs. Richard Tay: Ile- was: a "niember-ofsthe, Atigli-, • • Ivtry W'..-11:•--BristoW-is-VisitinghiS-.:satlr.-Bill---StephenSons-,sof-S•Totontos $r HenaIl Mr. and ' • Mrs. -cnn htfrd1r-and an. antiveflf5psberSister a tbrdtherd the7.1-a.„ mother Robert , Varley , and faintly, of St. of .8daforth. Brarieh 156 of . the • Cana- Mr. and, Mrs. Harry :.Minett; who ';:ltirrs. Sec,. Stephenson, on ',.04±i'dar Catharines; 11fIr. and Mrs.. Albert clian'Legtoh.:ALegiOn'service will -have,hee_n in England for the past Mr and Mrs R, SsinessW,allace, Hey' and Mr and Mrs. James Bal 'be'Poriductedat Box, Funeral Heine fe,whaptitbs; have returnedSO.Aowas and:Cherie-Lynn attended the ,Q1az- font; , Tha:nies, Road.' Thursday evening - at 8- 'O'slock by 'Mrs'. It. lc MeEarlasessbent-th-C tes-Sreartion- -at. the -farm heine of .,Alanssaniesann.Kevin,Bisbee Legion Padre Rev. J. 'a- janieS•:- Weekend- With- -Mr. • .and... 'Mrs. -and Mrs Hareld-_,Maize,-OUn- of,-Kippen, are visiting their:grand Fiineral • services will be 'held Johnston rn McKillop. gannon oi Slip:days. ' ' parents, Mr. ,and; Mrs. , ,Elmer from; the Box ChapC1,..o'n::Friday. af- MTS., .Fralik. Moore, of Detroit Master •John Geddes, of Louden, Shade. s , ternoon at pr,m-S.,coadacted by • iiisited'WIth,""ber Mrs:-.1.4"en' IS,' Visiting •his'• grandparents ,T Mn: Marlene and Lorraine', Friekson, Mr. .3ames. -Interments will foliew. Belton. "' ' • , • • _ "rarid,-Mrs. ES Geddes. „_ - •-• who have been "vacationing with in Maitlandbank eematerY..."- Mrs., '• Margaret .Craig of 'SWift f'*2Mr. Clayton ,Connell • iS'attends:, their grahdmether, Mrs: ivlesen- ' Current 'Sasks Miss-•GraceTerhig, ing the Milted Church camp, aorta ger returned on Sunday to their guests o Mr. and Mrs. F.., 0 and•Gatry spent:Is:di as recently ate spending the pBarton has eausrftilew'cle'ehlr°nle h°11;1:s • of IVIddina; and Mr." Ind --Mrs.' Jas.' of ,Goder'ich,,thiS.Week, • at 'CROMARTY „Caficiy,'" (.4 Embris were Sunday . Mrs :and' Mrs. Hartaldsliieholson- r. and Mrs-. Thomas 'Laing left': :London-Suriclay: evening •bysbus, . to sat atett....a.c.l.iv117.,...and...MrS, :around 4Vicatreal-ana Ule'St---IlaNsTr't Point -Clark ih..4aw.,. aid.Iyirs. Howard Eves tnrsci of Winti-;Or, re- 'Mr: and -Mrs. Clarence Walden few ,Slars in He was -ae: oose turned o e ridaSs after spend- .haye:rethinett_honie from a trip.. to ' Are you ready to retit your spare ,roont? ,'A classified' advertisement phoned The' Huron 'EXPtisitors 141' or 142, will bring a tenant.. • - • - TEXACO PRODUCTS' • PrOmpt Farm Deliveries • Walden & -Broadfoot- • Phone 686-W.-- Seaforth GOING 0 McKillop Seaway.. Mr Ivy enderson a Yainsdit-sMr swithith-oththeeirr relatives Satn.Jytd son* -4i°11; renc-7, a sa spending.y: Companied laY •hg , few -daYs--with -131- 4- the Caradi West, as r_Gordon-- n `Taw.; Sask' Dexereaux and Mrs. Devereaux. Northern British ColuMbia. who had enjoyed a holiday with mAnni:1::ananlildmBiVrIsrrisa jn:leekarevBeillonnatis3poonawm:'se.Cdt:frlyi: tf..efMt sdi hss h Ad n naeboMuiarises'DgfiTehreeratlx1ittlene- Raill3TrsT'04wnsar°011111,P-BetollinnCille and dd IVILorts."- hini.misiat-AlhiVsah'PEInIfeorlide,roei New York, thday :nartS' last raiile' aresholidaying this Vyeek has. e'en- SPentling,'S the holidays are orsa motor -trip to, the Western • r en at a • /`•)1' Provhacess They left on Wednes-, WOOS. • Kincardine. . - -- day • Mri. Reg. Bigger' and Soli, Bob, K. 1. MeLean. and J.:A. Alex Rathsay has th.thihed. odrayDsetwroitiht, !.mrre..spa,nenddimngrst.hewarmhiaolim- .1VIBanylieieaind...are spe, n inga week.la to ns home home where he is "convales- cing after -,being a' Patient: in St. Devereaux- Mater Peter •Sillery ',has -return-- 1 Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerald Hulbert' ed folkiwiag a•weekin.,Bayfield.- Joseph's Hospital in Loar10111, and- daughter, Carol Lou, and MA Mrs: Margaret White, of North Rev. A. Carnpbell, of St.:Marys, I will ocetipY 'the pulpit -in --Cromarty James 'Pie'', of l'efblito,- spent the Bay, and•IVIiss•-Gertrude Crich, of Presbyterian, quires on Sunday. past week at the home. of Mrs. A. 'Toront6, ,spent. 'several days in • • • . •113etkine. town this week visiting their broth ,Mr. and mr's': Tom Gigespi,e,and• •Mrs. -B. B. .Stephenson .and,Mrss Leo Steplien'son spent a feiv. days familk, of Komokas-visited wmitrh. with relatives at -Ottawa and Burn. IVIr: and 1VIrs. T. L. Scott and and svIrs, Gordon Laingl. *hese they Falls. enjoyed, a family reunion prioxstoi- Mr. and Mrs. Harotd Connell arid Clayton Visited last week in Lan- IVIr. and 1VIrs. Laing Jeaving for •Mrs. Margaret ldeNairn and lqpi. .--Itars. E. IMoore left on Tuesday .• William Papple motored to wind.. .to visit with her son arid daughters• . 'sox" on Friday to. spend the week - .the :West: - - Miehigan`.: - - 'er;-Mr.'. G. Crich, and Mrs. epic's D. Reid Ed:minds, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, of An - easter, are viSitmg - and' Mrs: F, Kling at their Bayfield cottage. Mr. and Mrs. S. "M. McMillan are spending two,sweeks Bayfield where they have as -their guests' P/0 S, M.' 'McMillan, Mrs, McMils lan and Beth, of It.C.A.F.' Station, d end with_ IMiss_ Irene Munroe, as_ "" M I'M— And- - -ir -t- an rs. raw • ous on, Mr. and Mrs.. Grant Houston and, Mrs. Re' Allin were in 'Detroit last week attending the funeral of the late ;Fred Sinithers., ' Mr: -and •1Virs,„: John A.'-Cardno .and Kethaetli imie returned Irena, a ,motor tripsto Quebec andsthe.East- ern ;States. --• s... '' studentaf IViaryvale s Girls Vacas Mrs. -I_ vvlison returned to her. s • • 't d a'ala a ' - V I S heel They returned horrie „stoirtmsh,,emTi.rrts.i,T,Eosreomaotteot.o,rehaav4ng.mYr.islane,i.:miyrssr.ivitrnay GmerdsciesErtd\;.,diseistinganiad. on Sunday.' ' " - • Anna and Agnes Scott and Gerry• Seett are holidaying with, Mrs`,, T. Lend°11 and Ingersell. ' Mrs, Harry Scott, Nancy and Scott iri the villag,e., , ' Mr. and MrL Eaa Eggett' rrn' ts' httvr:Yrlaejen,"-vlsitIlringa"Mbirisd:g.e114'SN! RIR! an urray urs, Alex .Gai,diner, Lois rerrt. Seott,• retOrned to their holne on. SaturdaY. ' 4/idn't.iriarry;beatity, my biai;- 'edB(fatiarniell°31:14-134;sof:-GOderieh;vis- Mr' and Mrs, Glenn, Haase and / mairY Wealth, Or POgition; Aed.,With Connie .SerSdahl for 'hells Ialtes. are 'visiting S h w sled ere e suit w h ays • • it was a secret.' $PECIALS. .corrtirf strutta . . corroztz DRESSES Sizes ' 2 s SUN DRESSES Sizes 2 BLOUSES,. BATHERS AND . MANY OTHER :•• AltTICLES wopl. t00% NY -Inn -Reg. 50c . .... . . 29c Kroy Wool, 3-P1ys-Iteg. 50e „ 29e pee,liive Fingering, 3,ane4-P1y.s-Regs55n.,,,S.39e Dee Rive Baby Wools. --Reg. 55e Ball -3Se &ji Dold4e-1011#0g--Reg; 890 Ilall. . 2,5 0 OFF ALL WINTER COATS and COAT SETS — Sizes 2.12X WINTER altatpt, RENTING BAGS • LINED ,IEANS, ETC, • Fe:w Winter Coats A Odd Sizes PR E DOLL—On ev6rY puteltase Draw to be Made' at -9 I or' .0ver; y-ou get a zeket oo o- Do art: SativMay August. 2.7th Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Elder and family have returned honth from a morith's holidays. Miss Mayrne Murray, a former resident Of town,- now of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and -Mrs. Emmett Malone, St. Coluinbak, Mrs. W. Cs Wright and 'Mrs. W. A. WrightS who spent, the -past. two veeks Jn BaYtteld, have returned ldr.' and Mrs -Gordon M. Hays, of Detroit, were weekend 'guests of Mrs. C. P. Sills. . , i• Mr, arid Mrs. Wayne Howse, Mrs. • -Jessie Lewis and Misses Barbara arid Erie Lou' IeWis, of Florida, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-' lace' RoSs, - , Mr, .and Mrs. Edwin 'Underhill . 1 K (nee jean Bertram), of New York, LA Ev visited with Mrs, James G. Mullen : , • - A newborn infant was crying lustily in 'the infants' ward. "What's the matter?" asked a vial- tor-, peering through the glass par - "Look,." saii the ward rinrse, "if YOuJwere only a few hours old, alit of a job, and owed the government $1,999,.yOn'cl bawl too.' , 'blue. - c41:?' DuNDAs Lo.NEy WILLIS DUN]) AS Champion Stove and Arniace 011 •- Phone 573 or 138 -Francis' and Paid iliagans.ate spending a few, holidays*With their aunt arid uncle, Mr. -and Mrs.. .0/* A. Murphy; - Mr. RtertY Batten; of -Pontiac,. Michigan Elaine Oke this • • .Mrs, 'Sohn Miller and Miss Mar-- Marlene 'Miller Spentlatt 'Weekend holidaying i CluOago. Mrs and Nat. -Edward W.:. Batten, Of Puntiac,:, 'Mieligan, 'Visited last WeekendSvith Mr. and Mrs: Orville, Oke and -attended the Ratten laienie at the Lions Park en Sun- rs. Edythe L. Vitallaee and MIsS M-iilie Whalley are Visiting With the. fortner's son and clanghter-iii-ia1v, Ittri .4nd. Mrs-. S . ;lt. Wallaco '14Yflia, --. '• • - -MISS, Ottrol Ain* 'Fliannerk, 114. SINO RAND BEND DANCING' --Every Wednesday, Priday, 'So,turdaY Liolel Thornton and. his , Casa Royal Orchestra Wllt'ruiRE Bit stis Parade and 'Terri& Mildest ShoW (ram or shine), a Dog Raffle, and wile Might,..be the Beatify Cm. 'WA Winner 'and croWned "Miss Gland Bend, 1958"? SEE NEXT WEEK'S ADI, Thursday, riday, Saturday THE HARD MAN GUY MADISON'• VALERIE FRENCH He W'aged a one -Man war against thq bad Men of the West! 0111111 NE SHO SEAFORT EA ‚i igoki— NO Reierve!': ARING S -, All -Stock 'Reduced in Price Astor Bean Or ntsh Ground 'COFFEE • 1/z lb., 45C 1 lb. 85 Red Rose - TEA BAGS. 30'S -39e: 60's- .73c YOU CAN SAVE ON YOUR BUYING Itigp `ON THIS Giant Clearing Sale of Fresh Groceries • IITINDO-W-CLEANEIt POworn CARE 1-"'" 1.;"‘" 14c • 61e r.einiette,' Ready -cut 8-ot, Pkgs, 2. for 21.c • FCRO°NZ TE AND S'lE°R° SD, 32' -oz. Size— Pkg... 33c Cl/ASE 4. SANBORN ,...corpEg Reg. Drip 1/24b.'Tins.-• •45c ,ICADANA EA BAGS Ofr Itegular Price • • • • • • • 71c 'Initant PUDDINGS.; Pkg.- ••• • • •'• • • • • 11c ASSORTED FLAVORS Matilej!eaf -FLATiES Med. Pkg. -. • • • '34c Giant Pkg. • • • 75c nstant "POSTI41 Small 37c.' T.:arge. 69c. •WIIITE -BEANS potysn'Cumo Ile LIMA I3EANS; POUND quo . . . • . . • . • . • f ' "' 4 . ALL'. ACC Ot.INTS ,TO • PAID '13Y AUGUST 3 1st• , ,