HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-08-22, Page 5don and M. Andy '''''Crozier. A donation of $10 was donated to the Lion Club swinilning pool fond'. A letter oi". "thanks is ,to- be sent to Douglas' Treys, assistant ' agricul� tural representative of 'Kent Coun- ty; for arranging and conducting the bus` trip 'which", was taken ,re cently.. - The date of .the next' meeting'was iscussed and was left'to the hos, tess---ancl "committee in .charge - of :the program. -Letters- of apprecia-. tion. we're \read from 'Mrs. Wallace Haugh, Mrs.. Gordan ;Papple, and Mr, John" Gordon The motto "A: oto -- r' -make . pp � s- thousartds - think," was _•taken. by Mrs. J, :'Hillebrecht Miss Gloria Carter•Iayed two accordion solos,. whteh. Were enjoyed ':,, Assisting the hostesswas_ the'cq- hosteSs, Mrs.' Gordon ' McKenzie, and the lunch.- ,com;niittee, • .Mrs. Leonard":Strong, Mrs, Harold Hug- Mrs'..' ug- Mrs '' James Doig, ,and -Mrs„ James F- ' Scott. A -proud father -was talking about the intelligence of his son "You know, dear," he told, -his wife, I think he must have got his brains from me! `He' certainly must -have," ;re- plied the. wife,,. "I've still 'got or lost BeIng Human . try Bra- Ander .01- va' Y:. tr i, ipmitioui111t1>< ul11Nt4M11m111141# in $TRESSES PART 6 E INFLUENCE ,A tMILE Oft M •- itiptlllit#l11111111t111111111Nllttlllt11f111.�II `"I'd suggest' YOU buy:ttrese shirks, they're slightly more_ expert-- sive but they ,do •laugh 'at launder- "Yes, T know. 'The last two; I, >s _bought simply split their sides. • Jane: "Hew could Your sister nidiry such a half-wit?" - June: • "She's Fust - a bargain hunter _at"heart , aird eoutdn't-turn, down anything ,that's. 50 ;per• cent An old man asked a small boy' 'who was admiring,lais new wrist -watch... "Does .it tell' time;: " "No, mister " the boy replied,. "I lave to look at it." PLAYS IN SUCCESS OF PUPILS Mrs. Jamles Treys was hostess, to the'Seaforth Wonieri;'s'Xnstitute'for their August meeting Tuesday eve, ning. The members answered the. roll. call with "something- a child lads taught me." 'The; guest speaker, L, P, Plum; steel, principal of the SDHS, was introduced. by Mrs. Gordon; Mc-, Kenzie. Mr, Plinnoteel spoke of the influence the home : life- .,Ila- -on- school life, and stressed' the im- portance m portance of : parents being::;'inter ested in the-student's`school work. The.`eommittee for, the.-boQth..at Seaforth Fall Fair are•Mrs.'Harold ugi11 Mrs:.Gordan 'Fapple,' Mrs, Wilfred" Coleman Mrs. Ross ',Got - 956 Ph -mouth Four -Door 1955 Dodge e Four -Door 1953. Plymouth 193" Dodge ,Sedan _ _- 1953 Ford: .Two -Door' 1951.:Pl rnl c X49 -DeSoto-F of r. Door T 19'5 Fo _ o x`d Oe 'Toil—Sake B' oa e otor DE SOTO CAIS- D E .-TRUCKS.._' SE FARM MACHINERY Seaforth, 'THOUGHTS 5HOPPp!JG TO'LOIVG: ,, : i!T LEr CACI✓ ! 1.. ,'Cc3f i WV'%i1 le t.-Ov0.e -s e5' i7U11 N 7 ST. COLUMBAN Mr and Mrs. Fergus. Melady and family,.. Belie RiVer,..wlth ,relative- Miss Rosemary Lane 'and 'Kevin, Kale . in Kitchener.; , Mr and; lvtrs, Stephen „Holland and family, London, with. Mr. .and -: Mrs. J. J, Holland.• Brother Odo," Montreal, • with Mr and Mrs. Louis O'Reilly. - . Sister 1VI; . Francis De Sailer- and Sister M. Sheila, ; Lond m; Mrs; Fergus- Kenny,:'London, and Miss Helen Connolly, . Woodstock, with ';i Mr.> and Mrs. Joseph. Connolly; Mrs, Jack McIver in Windsor. Peter Hicknell with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bicknell. Mrs. Angus Kennedy and Miss' Rita Kernedy in Toronto and Rich-..: mond Bill.` Mr- and: Mrs:. Ken Lane and family with Mr, and Mrs. V. J. Sister' M. Isadore,,.�.Ednonton;. Sister `M: Matilda,: London;' Sister St. Basil, Woodstock;, Mr. and IV1rs. Matt. , Coyne and family,.' London; and - Joseph Coyne; St, ;'Phomas, with -Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Coyne and.;' Mr. • and Mrs. Michael. Coyne and:'their • families. ' Mr and,: Mrs. Dick reeney and: children, St. Agatha, anc-Mrs, Nel- lie ' Feeney, Kitefener, -•with " 1V Ir. and Mrs, Joseph- Eckert. Mrs. Joseph Melody iii Kitchener with. Mr. and Mrs.; -Joseph O'Rei1=' ly Mrs.' Mary- McGrath, Mr. and Mrs: 7.'hornas Morris, Miss Anne Morris ; and Jack Morris, were-: in Waterloo On Saturday attending the I+'oster Miller wedding. Find- New Disease In- Ontario a io !°herds Reports "fro m" veterinarians Pe ins: across Southern Ontario indicate that,, a new disease problem exists in many Ontario herds The con- dition is :caused . by lun gworin and it: results in. 'a, parasitic: --bronchitis- in calves" under' a, year old. Calves which show a pneumonia=•like .coag; dition-but fail to respond. to normal treatments for, pneumonia are :'of ten: the first indication that some- thing unusual is causing the troy - 'Affected calves continue to eat well, but steadily lose ' condition. Usually a,,soft 'deep coughwill, be;. noticed Shortly .after the onset of the disease. -:-The .disease -is season al,. ;;usually, beginning its -course in Auust, and running through 'to mid-November,- The "life cycle of the --parasite" -is such that the lungworms 'affects nly: chives_ tharhave been on pas- ture„; Usually the death,- rate is very- low, but it-, has run a high, as :ten per. : cent --in some.; herds.. Calves that,are "penned indoors ;for;, the- :first year usually will mat Jim, come .affected At.:the present ", time , new drugs•'' for_the .treatment of parasitic bion chits are being'.et'aluated., s` electro: • ... and here is ,the beginning of responsible government, in, the cradle",of its origin —the classroom.: These are the Iawyers, the" doctors, the'teachcrs, the statesmen and .scientists the'business leaders,of tomorrow -" • The important thin''g is; that we have enough,blackboards in enough classroom :.And the need is ettin: greaterevery year. to take .care of nur,future crop of leaders getting y, 1K . da we now' have-moie than 5.2 million children under 15 years of age. Tn Canada today, To eirt care theca; properly' we are going to need 9,000 more teachers immediately and upwards of 38,000 "additional classrooms over tlie;next 10•years, - You can help._Write today for the btokl-et listed below. an anterest°n . and informativef-booklet' "Education al tile, Fgf r : yaztr iersona—co iy a ....� _._... g Crossroads'. Write: today to Crossroads, Box .Q00, Station D, Ottawa. . ; o This110Ssage is sponsored � y. t COly LEARNING 1gtIVE BETTER NOVA Canadian Adverdistn Advrsol Baard As ADVwst NG i nrt`,SO 'Ia PAOirCT, X 116 Ai is oF" 21. w 1 li li it ' ti' " 'I�Nt&1 lLa IIiLLia"AtI,trrr.- .iSigirti FOR r Plaid and C P R -PO1STA4LE rnAIX.EOX Portable mailbox strong: enough -- to withstand winds, 'yet convenient enongh to be moved", If road maintenance crews come along, Or for any other reason, is ease to old washtub with thebottom: removed. Carrying handles arc iron rods bent and set in concrete. ' r - 0N. Alf S. OF THE:. WEE, VALT: Thomas conducted Wilbee's" orchestra the service in Duffs United.ekurch Miss --Rosemarie Bol er and Miss on Sunday,..mormng''when 'Brian •A•udre w g Vi''alter,: as bonne after comptetingvae sixe-W ks' Hibbert, was baptized: Mrs.' Jan teachers' -summer course`in' Toron- van- Vliet, Sr;; sang , a solo, ;with to. Mrs. fiarvey Brown at. the organ• Church services have been -with . "'.MTs.i11ie Johnston is visiting drawn in both Walton • and"•`Mon- with her daughter and son-in-law,. Crieff ' eharges for , next °; Sunday, 'pM- and " Mrs: Ernie Cummings, August 24. The following 'Sunday Walton will join,•with'Moncrieff in Mr.and"Mrs_David-Andrews;:-off worship at- 11 :a.m.,.when the:,; Rev. Toronto,; were weekend .guests' .at_ H• V':,Workinan, of Seafortbi; will the home of 11i'•and Mrs George' conduct the service ' at Moncrieff. Dundas. At .h special meeting it was,;decict- Miss Joan Johnston, of Clinton ed. tohold the'.annual; anniversary is visiting with, Tier' grandrriother fowl supper on .October 15: Mrs. Silas Johnston, .. Theladies of the Women'sInsti- tute Mrs...l]7lda Sellers of Lon are remindh -of"'then bii tri _,-spending`a £evr-dayss with Mr. ad. scheduled for--Thursda , August 28 Mrs. herb Travis•.__ n to': London; 'leavin %Walton `Com=' Miss Elizaoetli`:.1VIcGavi is iho i- niu a a1 g da in near Hun nil 1. rtr 3`-kI 1 -at 8• -a -m-- •- . Y , g tsv e- A" reception ;-was.: held on , Friday : ; Miss, Patsy -~Kirkby, of.-'Burwash, evening an ''the '"'Walton - Community.Ys;;visiting' with :Miss ilLary_ Kirkby Hall to honor,'Mr. and Mrs. ,`14Tet.- and• other' relatives: ton Hackwell, newlyweds. During Mrs.. Margaret. Humphries left on: intermission "an address w.as;sead Sunday o visit.,with her. brother, by ' Gerald Dressel and : Barry Mr. " William Bolton, Rochester, : N. Marshall presented the -couple -with -:Y iss a .arse M Joan Ha p of money, also a :bride . , bkirk, • of: In ersoll table ;'frbm the Walton Football.: visited with her grandparents, -Mr. '' Club. -`Music tivas furnished by. Ian and Mrs;; Wilbur 'Turnbull: •Mr. Lloyd Porter has returned °. home after spending : two weeks his brothers,Russell- and , _, . al 1;1- gin, of "" Carman and !?Winnipeg,, Miss; Gwen•'Rock,..Reg.N.,' has Manitoba.. taken a, position-nutsing,_a_L West-- Mrs", Fern Patterson -spent a "few= minister Hospital, London, after days 'with' -her sister, Miss-'Aiiye holidaying with her' parents, Mr. Love, and other. relatives :in Toron and • Mrs Edwin Rock. to. , - Mr. - and" Mrs. Meisner of: St- Miss -Merle Dundas, aceonipan Catharines •visited with Mr. and ied by a ; number- of Kitchener Mrs. 'William Diegel recently. teachers, ;is spending the next two- Miss.;' Barbara and "1VMaster Itlay weeks -at: Port' Elgin; nard iIoegy, children of Mr._and, Brenda and Glenna ' Houston Mrs Wilbur Hoegy, ,had their:tou Mary Helen Buchanan Audrey sils and adenoids removed at Scott Michael, Linda tryans and Pauline Memorial Hospital, • Seaforth, on Thamex_have-returned-hone after Saturday- '• spending',: the past week; at " 'the. Members of the Luther League united Cliurcli-"camp at Goderich of St Peter s Lutheran Church had Mr. and Mrs: -Crosby >Sotheran, a picnic at Ipperwash'''Beaeh 1,on'•of;Fordwich were recent visitors Sunday. 5- ` " . • at -the -home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mr. and, Mrs Richard •Corbett Dungan (nee :Mary Querengesser), Donald, Lynn and- Grant,' of Toronto;. visit- BR®DH :GEN. 1 SA:1 pkiitizEp COTroN ;F`EANN,EL5 See this wonderful sboin of w g.. sanfori7ed Sport Shirts far Fall, . ' in w.arrp:cottin flannel stlirtings' There's'a wide choice of'smart ,` color combinations antl.nyalities in size5r:5 M,�L; Zit,. Ine1ude 1- in the group are ..ranges of, "wash`and.' weax" dbe- ;skins and: woven through cotton i arinels that are fast Odor:, SANFORI2ED "• DOESKIN WASH.:AND WEAR. • COTTON ;'WOVEN FLANNEL SEE - THEM IN OUR' SOUTH WINDO Back .- To - School" DTH , Iv Le'guc s ort shirts cotton Y ab 1�.. ftannel sport shzris,_ nog=e1 cheeks a s1T cbW i oys, in all sizes , and colors r- Rtiuto y JEANS Blue" Jeans Ivy ,stripes, sheenos and novvelty ;jeans,' in regular; Western of Ivy tyles, ,'Sizes 5.: to'''S8 2.5 " 4 ears to -", y .SLACKS Cls ,;-greysbrowns and blues in 'plain and novel. pattern" dress 8ia';'tS-"for boys .4��5 6w55- from,6 to 18 years to. WANT ADS BRING RESULTS "Phone 141.or 1.4� READ THE ADVERTISEMEN'I' : It's a Profitable -Pastime-' ed with Mrs Albert Querengesserr Mr. and Mrs, 'Ed.' Smith and: Mr. and .'Mrs. W.' L. Querengesser'en' Sunday.;. - Brodhagen Band took part atthe Dashwood band tattoo on Wednes--. day evening. Mr,. and Mrs.- Oscar Elligsen',and! family- of Kitchener visited with his mother, NIrs. Eckert Elligsen, on stitda� .:1Vlr and Mrs: 'Call Elligsen'• and family, -Windsor;, Who have -been ,holidaying • at 'the- same'home; :were accompanied' by WS. another, •'Mrs Ernest .E1ligsen,, visiting relatives in Kitchener; and'.; Guelph; for • a; f'ew days:' Mr,• and` Mrs. Martina. •Morena: and laughter, and Mrs. 'Elizabeth; Mur= .enz; -of Kitchener, visited with J: Prueter : ,Mrs.- ' Morenz remaining for a few' days • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bode, -Fort Erie, 'with: Mr and Mrs. IV1anue1; , BeuermatU • Mrs. Rosana `Miller "spent., "last: Week' with ;tier -great=granddaugh:; ter,' Mrs. • Rudy •Hehns, and _Mr. Hiehns,•• Rostock• : • • Mr. and. Mrs. , Spencer McLeod and Nancy and' Paul,;of, -London-; with•':Mr- and Mrs. 'Charles: and Wilfred` Ahrens. • ' • Mie` Chainber of ,Commerce here sponsored:an open-air dance inthe' athletie ;park, with W lbee's- orch- estra'-suppiying, the music Huron '•Farm News `..1ly' ARTritJTt S. BOLTON ; Threshing''and combining are•ap proximately two=thirds completed on Huron. "County #arras. "A.•good deal of combined ..Straw will be' gather- ed,and stored during the next week, Grain corn crops continue . to make' goodprogress,. and darly craps, are .cobbirig ver'y'weIl. Farni ens hi t}ie south end ,of'the: county areweatltaking 'to haryadvanesttagee cond• id.tcheu.goodhay. s r Thin d Victim , :