HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-08-22, Page 2"led at -1860 Serving the -Comminity First QN114440„ 'every Thursday inorning:..by 1%,14,.ean Rros., Publisberg • Ai\iniEW • ,SUBSCRIrTION RATES: •" _, Vallafla. ailVance) a; .'"reat . , Thifted. States:- .(111,-.a.dArAnte),:.$0.-50`.. a -Year , 40.,to*d s:S.econct Class Nail Post .Officettepartnie,nto Ottawa Ziebaber of Cadian Weekly Newspapers ' Association " 7HA7 WA s ".5T4R0Wr 41/144801* SEE YOU GUESS THIS NEXT A , fEhERATIC)N EWS By CARL REIVIINGWA Perhaps by the time this gets in Print the' farmers will have progressed ,far enough 'in their har- vest to have time to read again. Again it looks as if farmers in this area Will have a bountiful harvest. True, the first cut of hay was a bit short, but in most cases ' a second on will make up that shortage. The grain crop is trirn: lag out exceptionally well, so our fears of a month ago were largely • .Itniollillimo.1111111.11110;00001111110000011111***01.*****1111* 'cycles" :and Moppet Operators • • ' local, by-law to prdhibit the rid- -Of loiCycles,..Until the operator has been tested is .suggested by the AtWalice2Tiiiieg:.;:ig'Y'ffieans of :Cutting down on the number of acci, :--dents, including, bicycles. • • ateets .yoUngsters. the Ad-, ....vance-Times Wonders._ at • the • . blind faih parents,haye in their ,olfspring... •• the 'paper.- says, is crawl- ing with pint-sized.bicycle•riderS who have,: apparently, l.never heard -any- thing wh.atsoever abouttraffic rules.; much less the -danger Of 'ending their' .‘ ...Short lives un.det„the wheels- of:a,' c4i.:""::. "The truth of ,the-inatter.:.:.igthal'.'.' _there is,tirgent need . 'some Sort of regulation td.set a4runinuni it for bicycle riders," the 'A.di7;ance,,' Times goes on. ."Manr-of-the7S*011,-..' et children whose indulgent fathers- - have provided - them .with transPOrtatiOnt are siinply,not Old enough to be out traffiC. • musjillg the pidblem particular- , , .rel Menace sense Would. constitute .the 'studies. ....CyCliSts could then 13e. exaMined for -their knowled,ge'nftraffiC- and it haz- ards and if found competent,. lie- "- ensecould be issued h' failed .to. pas he test WoUld be -prohibited -from op- _ erating bicycles until such a test was --.sdeceSsfully coMple fed.. A -1 Ocal- law would.be needed to give the regu- l-ations. fOtCe, but that, wOuld net .be,out of 'the Utiestion. either. - -This whole plan may seem. a little rough 011 the poor Wee lad who Toyes to galavant 9I.Ter the place on his- . - ninchbetter to have him-, _ those ---w o disappointed than dead." — Ott roil c nimpeg Free -Press Mr. Diefenbaker feelS that it is. 111 per- fectly. proper.for listerao- de- ,. Naf-coursOdienjcine hateSin the House -of Commons:with- get,SiiiMself Mixed up with..a car . , or truck, the and-cau---- tion are immediately called ques- ttnee , - • • • • • - • • , , • outactually being in the chamber. To enable hiin to do this, he has had in- stalled in-hisLoffice a loudspeaker con- nected to the microphone system in . the COmmons Ile defended hip electronic - eavesdropping on the "Milne with the traffic safety, pro- - • - grain which was carried out m Wing - ham last spring by „local _and provin- ground that it permitted him to at- - -- tend to his duties asprimeminister and, still keep an ear on what was happening -in the -house. _ police, the* has been a sugges- tion that a- Course Ortfaining- for bicycle -riders. should be inaugurated, at which traffic regulations, •rules Of - the road, care; courtesy -and common If it is all right for Mr. Dieferibak- .., • er _to do two things at once su'rely there is no reason. Avhy other mem- . bers of Pa,rlia,inent should be denied hat, -.11.1---eT0- -Ca-n the same Privilege. Let wall M P s - - given loudspeakers in their o ces and (Zurich Citizens News _ there -will be no need for anyone to it is amazing What can_be accom-, be in the chamber at all; except the SEEN CR-C)S511.1)ADS On Winning By JA1V1BS SCOTT '111"111111.1;111'111."14-111, I haven't been at, home very much lately and, you know,..there came, a time when any Man. feels that he has been • roaming just about long enough. It Avasn't easy but last week I sneaked. a few ,days ,eff -to-find aut just how nice 'it xs to be" at home for a while, And it v{,al's -a luckY choice, of time for nie, beeause it vvas the vveelt tohfethir-re fLier°2:itsWCeiiiiiof vthael. thIrwee4ndig°174ts feet and a little stiffness in, the- and,- outside -of - a--troncli-:„Of ',sore Id tislinti:Iceeaeill1)03111fsi:tseftgintm.teohdnYe).bitosal'e.inmka-lill:ttlic;:hmee:dse::°--vir-amenr°: s'imo:cifedns: tigutg, On: el a lcilludocauikfYr;eser,enitvhsino`ryw' e 'el°vSeinzyg: be nothing xnore than • the comedians told- and laughed at body's fault and responsibility but them, ail, I watched- the puppets our own. fiangdhtetdhebpatroenttsy and thought ththeYe ".chAn•inglf:.Or Silt e°.--e-h' abtuctli:thiclejeen'itsasotnede were great. TheY were too. mighty go • when we cooked Then -there were the booths and and ate it. -Now that we have the Crop, what will' we do with it? -,,,Can the' aVerage-fa'riner afford-407take thc one profit and sell hs grain as a cash crop?. It.- seems to ale that farmers need to put ,m0re their own. farm,. To do ,this 'he needs 'te.1 make 'the nioSt-..of that emphasis on the - production of , production and get as close to the :retail Narket as poSsible. His :hay:can be fed to .dairy. or beef 'Cattle of his; own raising, sa„. that when 'he sells milk, or beef, NSVoilmateeY6efr hhies ggertasinwii1v1iLlbegi:do sto°whi:lis. the midway: Well, as I Was say- teoa-ttlPgeu, latIrsyo_oa.111,_,Y-h1Laisa_n,c_fencatithil)-ewf4e3rd janird,eIa`mrlienrh. It'11400 'gimettPirn4stlepin d athgeP feed will be Purchased only 'a.5 a ferris wheel and the octopus, or lissliizaoplarplitlae,egneleetniailttlizothorisis..cpbrvoej; etaiopny and to weervie-e.nrie.stli__yeo:041i_eerarBY:tgaok-ree, tland,haHnocew,eovn- In `a sucker for the places' :This farmer - won't have huge winning something. It doesn't real - feed bills running up on him when matter what -it is you win, you brie 9ee yrehfe rae7rst :hheot hgceso ts1Pe 0 ito-Iftr cea mnilakrdjyr -king enotlinweil:yg iwtstSho lliejliti-estyht ointuh'gel;ebnaainveyek-"fd'Illoedrinin,tygpeu:r17 win faanWrd:etrhhee on. dangerous -oihf empaollogiPinoasilitlio.fmna nitthheerayst 1?apeNveytteillition, n ,...417nonnYyeth,itiloiffge.,t,h, oasnedfetll'hoa;:s: are in. tit!his ordinarily- means the who say's,. "1 never won scare:O.K....produced ;an alinost,- true- alwaYs,-Ining would think that had had selne- thmg to do with winning thatbird. Semehovv or'pther it seenaed to be ff nay' mind :,that I was a little' smarter than other people, just be- eatise a wheel was, spud around and stopped at al. 9,1,1Mber which happened to be the same. as the one I had oit the paddle I was, holding M my hand: Pretty -isn't it? But it's hinnan nature, and not just at a carnival either. ' All of us, when we're winning, take all tile credit for it. „ We nev-, er think that a Mt of our good for- • -..._.:,11,,-1- a-17-g-e-,1,8'-e-li- 9.6,:.I *..'' ,„..,1 raeirree'ss-Dtb'ePp.ritrioilune'llcli'i''O'Vf-tAs.6-.,!'sqariliviitig.c." er .TektCon-,:-.4.-16 neW 'S'ec..t.idll...9,f'Ll' -stationdn,(1-Awiditig,-,£0.r:-.:a-bai.-beir, Clinton ,Public ' School is. &Ogress-, shrip,'..1-Ie stopped to 'Chat .With, the, ing. 'faVorabik, , ,' :••Calel.,- -DOucette, lessee of. the Service station, John builderc•rePorts..thaf the ektkieder- Craig While 'there, he lit '.a.'eigar- garter). :room is going, to be ready, _ ette . and the 'fire ininiediately ig- for-itoeuparicy-by;a',,seniot,claTSS-by- nifeTtlie7ga-S-IttniesT. ''. A latirSt-TOf September; 2. ,To: Make this: class- fianieS,..werit up: and ,:..blaCkened , a Tooth, the ' side',... of :. the 'Old •, kinder..,,.. pOrtibiref'the.serVice station'. It al- garten Was walled "Off to:. MAan O" :' soColn$Iderably'.; Singed: the hair, of. extension to the.'„citiridor.:Tae tow :non. BiSsett., .When • the firemen .ar:, Way :Will then lead into, a new kini. . rived, the..blee'WaS. but, ,,the; driv- dergartenronin„Lal4andtlier_elass:H. 'gasoline-L.-triick:;b.dying- foo.M."--clirden 1N.ew.s.-Recerd '...:' ' ..• , turned off the- taps; stopting fur- There. is.-anotlier. marginal farmer asked to bilk tieketS on s, and WhO . is 'in an equally - precaridus that, and. I often have to :go to 'Pbegresbfi°t' livestockitI1 aglai :).h.gt �r poultry 64;a- C Ifbl.lapIrtsmiricie r e. andlint":erh n'bPaurrunsbuys:hIns.on l'It\oVU rior°pn"da, a -I 11:1 litt I liOMS:enni II l'gOkbr a I 11 laCeeQd::::Gti.- oaedrSaht' at 1.°eif ndIe(r)*enhda I leas v 1 ..a' :eclirnnot ic'-lt: l- fgeine d: ' _HHe e is ii s thestr i csrtarYm on Po smi ti,aortl- laanlYs- thaingniolinkteli"Jhoarti three years, ;or But, by. golly, I have Won a as the man who play the, gram market on margin. There is a dif- ference. The marginal -farmer ,Yes, sir,• it may surprise You works and worries, while the man that ,a fellow who couldn't even playing tIte grain market just wor- .win an election woulct be able to nes. " vrin a chicken, but I did. I still - -11.eilLanedniPecr7-afith-set-laillumbrecaelfl—thitatweaxsee6T---8 RearraAge .4rena ther p9Oring of gas eild t us shut-: ITALF` MILLION COWS e.,,. thenatt.,bfeitedlin,9fig lIdiettad.9ki., wheniitorilIdihwe.fatlek. , t'a..kiiicritgenliii:v..ee.0_,a.elitalgxeesoi! ,ArorOeinp:a.tharies..tinaig...:teff)ri....t,4„. e...1'51.,.)..,:. e!: L'77,0, 4,.e, "ie. ,b.;,..'..,„..,,F,-. BB.F.ip",.,A_ ,R, TT. F, ICIALL. Y.,-,-LAT-Y suninier:ta:inapidve fa Cilitiesat..thd" •'''•'::•' noin '.0 n . to' _ , ,_ ,.. , More than ten. per cent of Can- ed. aWaY- a winner „ tommutifty... centre . major ,,,affera _. ., . . . e.-- o. !e,..,rs7f. ',.''.-. , ' ..'. '0.4.',s- '-5',03,8000 ' cow s _were , bred- -. r suppose thatAiere are lots of A. neW. type Of ,theft,hit the'. vil- artificially• last year '' ,, ." ' '. people around Who *in .',all '.. their bar from Ats.„ present locatkni i.i.i..the lmaLe Of. Zurich last ' Friday:night ' ' ThiV:iliforintitiOn was 'centained -tirne.:, Nvell',' .that'a; niee., .but ' I in 'a :,report 'OenlOiled bY..theliiVe- wouldn't trade places ,With:anY:".ef. tion is ' the ,MoVing, Of ' the 'snick : rin,(;):mtos-:4:11.1.illeext:;:e..tfollibee.,..:6':ffigirel:,:. t'"tileTn .1,i.v.ittl.,tlee.,:t'0::'Nvirplith;''f!rtohm,.,-41111,:rlieqYA-;.Z tock a*j. ' potar3i, 'prodnets bivi,.. ',them; ',:*11.;,Yeu're winning all the: :(.1giWtryrr.,„,n1tFililican:,:uielltva eusfpmers., onif_the.,;kink,: ..places". hie were 'siii.rd,c1 out tiirin. 'eldturei` at . the request ''9f: the, ' Na.- I z think :it w titers both north grid south '....a .--flozen. •41:iffeirat.. homes ']he- &n,..''.a.Iia4k..10.04.0.o.nt. of Agri- time it inusto'uldetaidntlywdaoyf:1__i_r.,,e=ome;.. ide.,,a,:‘,vot., dsittehl.„. the, gy,thh,..„,,,ont.•,-.the- entrre-...ounge,-.- The: ,theft ' 'renal PeroMittee..,0H-:".AgriOjitiltat ' .Bite. take: My .caSe,-for-inStance,..- siunt. .. The ;Centre,: tiortion,:wili.,be as:: ',first '''ePtinedr, .• on, -sa*clayi; erViees-I .,. '' ' '' . '-, ' • ' '. . ....: I: neYer , Win.. ' Think liew .much en1arge4,:.iik,oh.'ai,.KtasS, front: lobk-. 'ineiming'-:by• - The 'local- inilkinai',,,i;-..,;1.1.D.:."...13air:c1; a pilii.sion spokes... irf. iiml,reft="1,:ity;I:e,knanso:.'wb,:i'g.ibhthe:lthikinegs•?of, This ing'Ont.over:te,,i.ink to ,serve.fat,.,FranciAl.-KiiMer.: . On °lie Street be 'maii; ticked ' off three'rniain-teasonS,-tban to the .iiielcy "ones,,,!; ;Wailitgliberitr:eaAtedlailtgthderea88sitn.egndr1;5.6mA :c4,1"111(}w'P'uW13.11•64er:.6tlirifnt3;Inoriikfo''uhrethtleilsewserine. fin6rsemthleiiaitniiirire:,as.(eld)-',uretotefr.a. 1..rIthifaiciiitakl. will:1141g' has ' -'le erahge- effect on a' ,eedenitoentttiti.6iirek,6.-g-tls,i'aiiiie:tOo:i.ioll_th;bb-iine-tatuadclg,'-':_sittiiag, en, the steps stebs,.: as they ord- btills, 4vailable;. (2) ' lower ,eosts; Man.. As .1 A,,Vaiked'away froth. that 'inarilY •are:, -,,,At -Alie-TeSidenee- -Of 'ant17(3)'Possible-danger, in -handling boeth.4!1--Was: feelharlitettY :-.geo& ' on day when oa:-.:gra,l,P:101 member speaking. and; .perhap-s-;--Mic'TT friends and rieighbors, decide to .help Speaker—although duties would ;out mother moiglaboi who .has been be somewhat Better -still, • „ in the hdspital. Sikh an.,iiistaneetook in;.this., age of eleetronic marvels, it • . • • place near Zurich the ether • should not be too difficult to install a:, . when 25 Men decided to "'harvestrtheir.-.. _c_loSed television efitaitYhetWeon •=a117,-,;: ineniberTs'--hOnies,:„Tight cross- the No donbt all of the -voinnteers had. "coUntry.,, Then they can,talk backan ---,Work of their own which they could . forth at h of the or night,-, 'have been doing, but,',,ptoVing that old ,swi ,t1thutleavingtlie -croinfort of their ... aking, "a 'frtencV:in.,need ----olvii.aresides and COnstitueneiesLand indeed",.. they let their own obs go • there:will:be no 'need for Parlianient —and -saw-t-it that-their-friend?S-drop Was . -completely: harvested : "Help But this, of course, will. never hap. - ,your neighbor!) wast the sloga01.1„is ,11611.. Mr..1:11efenbaker,.As,he has • group used, as i the:Cheerfully—Went said so many timet; ig:•-a-great• re - about the job whit they were there . ...specter Of Parliainent. That Was What tido. elected. 1. How ican di ondayli was 2 minutes. - Remember the long, weary ; /runnings. you've :spent struggling. • with .a-,ing week's' wash?' Filling , the tub, patting clothes through the Wringer? Well, 'that's as on of date as_Grandma's curling tongs! , Arid& BOX. FUENITUER: are the , • laundry specialiits that caii prove tO, provide for two -rest ,T6iiiii'$„...iii* 4-1.ffert.'NalVielg.eh'•he-entilliren...to btill$'7.'elittiiiiated. • - '•.-:.••• I. , ..' abenteverYthing... 'In .faetc• 3iott. art ,oithtrrinni eati,Tig•„•;•gy,gf66,,,see:..it'they.....had.'. set Out . bottles: Or 'Number .0f-e4VeS.'regiate-re.tt as .the"fforit :-Patt of . the „bnfidilit.; The. not",ao.a. found .45-0;:ther.r.hactheeia a •reStilt l'..of • tnisf ;Method 'of': breediu - .-,,pre$go...:,:broco:,_ .m.i.,j1 :Iv :it,111v....:ed, , .4M. eP!'''.. cIIS'ee7tka:e.S.d',,Clill' .Iti::,aort:11.Y,,,:7 4.74,, 4;a6st,p,100,1:71-y.c-,:e:11.,?,,?..P..t...,,t211:„_7,...-::_s,,,a:791,, , The..,1.6t.te,T::..,t6t).. t.t,etih.em,..,.:64-,anos,oei,--n---i6fa.7ttnedin,gri.ewinst_ fronv-the ,baSeirient- -'1iiCti ,Willlie:' From,:th,ere-te', egtoterteo ../1 -to :-elinhong.,:_ro-orn,s„._ er, Places -waere.bo tles-..arec.usual,,,,, •Nme- rov n es .reporte • orgaruz- • -- . - "-• • .. .. - Exeter, Tiiiies-Adte.. ':'. ' '' • :'-''''," .' br''.0114-dilit. :folina:-.th:ey.-Ilad;;:beeb -01.',r.tifieial. iliSerninatioir .thisivnet.easkirsi:.pstdciPrteelibt..1,:ist,4,14.14.a.,:ts.,,ifoic,,ahnrte.ilm: oa;0, , . ' . • . „''' ,.... ..., „:',,'.,,,,' . ,' ::",' ' '.- ,• stoleni.,_ .The-- erne:ant Of .Money. Stoi, 'eS.,:',WithNeWhitirldiand: the onlY, ,41.6.ih,,,lirtie4...skii. ticiriti• i:.g:ft,.,4,.t. ,,•,11.,..,,i,....:,...,i,,it.,eniiileSeivistitniiviatpepde-,ttO.,.iibge,r,u1:.aereortue.d..1$6%•,. inceePetsiOri..,s,,4,4ueldis,,t-hkeeptsre-inine:ii.Sixio.r, ,th6 ,p,•01,0_,iii,t4e,,e,catinuis,, he. was go ..g 9 top,.borroWing the paper,- . - . - o bottles will ..amount • to. 'sir or. other7three,,, There.--wer,e ,17, •seinen.' prOditeinand-131.:seineri.tilias- ,..:- ' • ••• '' •.: ' '*; ••''-''' . . - *-* -- ECM FURINTITURE have anew •• Frigidaire, Automatic----Washer- tha.t lets you spend washd-ay,play'- ing with .baby! ,This :fabulous • Washer. can de your complete_ wash in as little as 12 Minutes.; , And it. gets clothes up to...59% '.icleaner Allan. other washers. Yes, An a test of 'six leading- washers, the new '58 -,Frigidaire Ultra - Clean Autoinatic Washer out- • , . washed,all others, Then it spms clothes, d,Uttliail..-1.109lbgetitini-fe had :111C)re _disastrous results than 6.`MyLgooilAnah,",'said. Mr.- ten - he y store 31 1 aul f:p;clif: Bt y :ku rn, 1 varpase,;:andr,405._baepatins..4verage_...er,...,`,IteW2,4s_iitLymiLhave---nOt---Calleil- ___44041.4:4„.„5.24,429_first_setvings_ i.:'. 160 i4 and 1 l% respectwelr ;pr , were reported—an 11 per ceflt doesn't pay? crease over 1_956 Why, after a,certaintane,-7 said The number of fifst:$erVings Per - seven,. &gars; „.,Who are -Vic- ;IneneY-Aethe.rejalt--- Serviee'''Ste:ni - torla .Streets. • rtestz-Arn vold-rinaking Mr-,--,xthis6, in was. deliverint- a, loa to the Servic4 :$tati ',gas L'107;:ell$,*Tews; " • , , finne-S,;-were--apparently•tiescaping. _ frorn the conchictor*,pipes. At the As- accident, is ustfalli-the only same time Don -Bissett _of Guelph,.winner ha :the race"" against time. a. former ,meiriber,' of -the GOcleriela Drive safely. ,., Frani The Eiipesitur • , • August 25;1932;Y: ' . :Seaforth Public autlitirizedi,llie purchase, Of .a new ,truck frein It. wlb. be Ta rebnilt 130.ick,, -and price...fel-the eompleted ,job '.."4 ..,re.sult of a -fall'. frOnithe Verandah of hei`r, brother's' home en Friday, .Mlen MeLefinan ,fered a hroken!slimilder arid leg. One. thouSanct twp htindied and, SeventY7fiVe persOns "are 'entitled to .Vote- ..the Tonship,.'0 yea'' • ., ---------------- -,..Mr. 'and- Mr. thur ,sOn' Tunaouiice the engagement of their second daughter; Elva -Fharence,It� Mr, "Alexander-Diiiican,, only • son Of IVIr.-a.nd• Mrs.. '",/olin A, MCGregor„. , . ,The -valuable rights offered to holder$' oftNietory. 1onds expire On.,Septereiber 15: --Te be certain of obtaining ..the benefits of the Copversfini strOngly reeornmend tit you convert your. Vietorir-,- tb .Canada, Conversion The aAvall- ..---tage§ Of AO right; ;to eonv:ert ,f -ter Sep- ' Umber 16'. ..4et. now, pririg. your Victory tonds to 'Way fAtieli': of :7.rfie TProntetDonainfon - We w2 -fl *IiPak you An immediate adjustim'ert.t. carrsr Out the' e:cchrig without delay. , , • , * Deliver your hew borid directly t� yag 11014 them for yoU ih safekeeping you -wish, - ' • .21idae /fold •Victoilf Boas 'to .the- azeats.t. Torozto- Ilaminlon—Erimeix---Your ONE s!ror,. centre for •exchangiwa tioN' VCTORY /101:DS .TO -DOMINION 1HEit A* -r A ,r ook% AfitA0 , L R4 M. ?Oat,. ager "Setiforth grant BANK of vooketsolitii: • . „Tack Scriver has made hi's entry -in the*cOmpetitive-claSSei of handicraftt at' the Canadian tqa, tional kt4U1Sition. Mr.' Sctiver'S entry. consist& Of egeeptionally1011 made .and realiatic crepe 'paper flowers. • , The" reSidentth of; tirich,.ard'. re - Covering from the exeitement and terror of the disastrous conflagki- tion which --swept away three bnsi- ness places and dam -aged inany other places on Monday. EARS AGONE Thteresting gleaned from The Huron Eirposito_r of 25,_50 *and 75 Years ago., several ads of barley. , . • 'rhe follow_ing Were ticketed on tlieLhomeseekere excursion Tiles - 'day by. Stewart Bros.: Mr. apd Mrs, William Dale. 'Huron. 'Road, Snowilakelan., and return; W. Pringle;,Varna, th Moose Jaw and- return;,.3eseph Murphy,' Dublin, to Edmonton and -return; Mrs. P. H. Burgarcl and :child, .Eginondville, to Calgary arid 'return. ' -Mr. Fred Hammettis having his residence, -ofi, the okt market Square, enlarged and veneered by cement blocks. • From The Huron EXpositor August 21,1902 Mr. T, Carbert lias disposed of his livery barn and 'stock to Mr. .Tolin W. Clark, -of Seaforfir, and his kother-in-laW, Mr. Williams, of JathesH. Morrison has sold his fan ° on the nitlfh.:poncession tif McBillOp to Mr. William Tre- wartlia. The farni is lo't 23 and enntains 100 ,acres. was stald for $4,500. Mrs, Walterl Pickard has been appointed organist of Seder& Methodist -Church. The barn on the 'farm', of Mr, Robert ,Calder, Xortb Gravel Road, was destroYeW by fire On Tuesday evening. The fire -was first R.O., ticed by Mr. Stepbm Godkin, 'whd WAS driVillg hailie. The barn eon-, taintd alt Mr. ,Calder's ha Y and $ .Finin The Euron, Expositor August 24; 1883 It isreported that -a son and daughter of Mr. Frank Morrison, of 'NfoKillop, had a narrow escape on Sunday. They were crossing a bridge, on the 1111 concession of IVIeItillop, with a horse arid cov- ered buggy, when the structure gave waY, under them and the en- tire outfit was precipitated bite tlae 'wafer, , Messrs. -Charles Alexander, J. A. Wilson, 1VIalcolm Monroe and Ale1...OVe, of Seaforth, and Mr. Robson, of Clinton, represent the 33rd Battalion ---the Ontario- Rilie Association's annual shootitljg match being held this weelc at TO - rout°. • - The residence of -Mr.-James Lee, on the Huron Road, about a- mile and a half east of town-, was struck by lightning during the storm Sat- urday evening. Both eliinmeys were knocked off and, a ho1e. per.- forated in the roof.- , Mr. Alec Davidson has purchas- ed the farm of Mr, L. Meyer, which adjoins Seaforth. He pays $9,400 for the farm, 'farm iniplements, sheep and some other stock and fodder. - Mr, Hugh Chesney" and Mrs. Henry and George Chesney, of Tuthersmith, .have left' for the Old Country, -The first 'fall wheat of t,his sea, Sell Wag delivered at KYle &Anus- tard's hr '8gmondvil1e On ThUrsday. ft Wit& 'grown by Mr. formed' with frozen .sem4n„ was he, "I'' conclude he is -.not•- a gen- no..otice-r4WW; •;„ er like the neiCFrigidaire matie — Rated go. i*. - -AND, BOXTIJENITIMIE you to trade in your old washer on„the purchaSe of this marvel- • lous' Frigidaire ,Automatic*Wash-, er ,„ with the lowest credit - texins anywhere. So, -do drop in- " demonstration-of the new Frigid-- aire Automatic Washer today. - Or - for- inure- infOrnration . tele- -phone 43, BOX- FtTRNITIJItt, Searorth,:. • *By IT.S, Testing Co. Interne- , tionally Famous Testing Lab- _ Oratory. 129,270, a 69 per cent boost over tlarnan, and °len aak'hinl•"' the,previous, year's total of 76,562. A total of 65,425, herds was ser- viced, and about seven per cent -we retested aiornyiR.17ieeerodrd'ofp,-rPo,evrfemOremnt-- exArtpoc,iftelectialtoinbseemoirinataiOneomociseWriliez basis bk1957, did Apt progress be- yond the research stage. - - +4, 114b. 20,0 • Sk53p,..5your.0Oepbody 1 'PaSife tlikEt • Corrects m ro osturto • Ad justa • sPliftg tension boOk. ,Incredses ef,ficiency by eliminat- ing fatigue. Bock tilts independ, mill), of seat. Alt nylon bearings. Thick fricon rubberilate-st Coated, material, Will not stain, • crack or peel. Alurniriurn frame. Solid base with ki.41t plates and top bearing casters. Seat site 163/4/`-x1-41/4'ex 24/4", - - At without a worry in the world axs'ttwb Granite Vicery..0ak Leaf Green' ' Brown , Saddle tan ...Rustot Terra Gotta , Wino. , .sapphire Slue Coral APplo Omit.* The GOtORs Huron Expositor Phone 141 or 142 '• 4drew Swan, of Brumfield. iii01*********iimmoomminigimemormaimer , Cosy and wann---without a worry in the world. That's the Gar Woad story! Find out for yourself what a..big difference there is in Gar Wood automatic heating--w(hat o difference it mil! make to - your future comfort and your,pcet book. •••,` -4111s action can . affect your •• comfort. " „$ert.us'ioday :for a fret, copy ' of our booklet • 'Proof! Wooit is- by. lot- your, Wttost Invot.tmorit'!, ,AtifoiviAiri.d HEATING,' AT ITS BEST1 -OIL ik GIAS11EATING, t. WARM AIR.'" 'HOT WATER AIR catairrtat1fNa ELECTRIcAL.. - P elle 19 . Sea,forth ' MADE IN CANADA EXCLUSIVELY BY ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES CO. LTD., 650 DUPONT ST., TORONTO