HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-08-22, Page 1inety - Ninth Year_ lirbole,144.1ftbet -4124 ' 77.7,7 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, IUDAY AVGIIST 22 1958 • le Copies, •12.fill a Year in A v g ons ee Eight Seaforth swimmers \vele successful in -obtaining Royal Life Saving t bronze giedallions at tests conducted Tuesday morning at the Lions pool. The switanners were -exatained in, tests for themedal- lions given by the -Royal-LifeeSavt- ing Society', Two swimmers, re - fl ocalewFieav.rethcidne, t.•oh, ,b_ecrinoolesnefztroeeirtra.ric:reoosfshtseoenacfcieorrtttifi‘hvoc:Dttii!! triet-Iligh School staff, cOnllucted the examinations Ron Ennis, pool supervisor, as the instructor. - Awarded "the medallion; given to contestants 14 years and over, Were,. ,Andy Calder; Anne Trout: heck, Phyllis Bryags, Don CrOzier, Neil Crozier„ Tom _Sills, :Cathie 'Etimrt--and Ted Lamont. ennetit Devereaux and Robert Sbarp,won their interniediate 'cer- tificate, minimum 'age, 12 years. fleury J. 'Lamb* took- the Bronze Cross, given to swimmers 15 years 4,-nd ce;Ler. Alice „Ann Nixon and Gene Nixon obtained their award Namesof inininatini. age 16 years. oar Highlight of, ,the year Of swim- , riling" at the Lions poolwillbe the Soswimming meet, on Saturday. The '.ut h gate1 petitive basis, and gives youthful 1 event is. staged yearOnly ' a corn- . , . . _ ' - • I, svemmers a chalice to display Seatortle. District High School I their sidlls=r. Tin•, competition :With eard, at a - special rneetin. g Sat- i their fellow s will' niers.- The'' pro- • night;:.narited S .E„ Sreithe;lthne"iS'Sla.tett-ftire2eo''616Ck' at :the ate as secretary -treasurer of the pool. . There will be a full progratn of The- position became_ vacant _AAtith."'b.-innc.i unioleintermediate,esene. the death sonic weelts ago of the lei- and -adult events:- As well, as late eJetton A. Reid. - races, there will be a novelty race class for all age groups. CciH ' •-•" A feature of the afternoon will Firemen -At _ be the- presentation of Red. Cross • Members 't ,Of Seaforth. Connell were •OrOjecteif into a discussion of' milk ProduCtiOn in'Seaforth'Tntirse daYe evening..., When; Pe delegatidn te inge' present,:diStriet.prodticers. ap- peared:_before:•councile ; ;• ? Sneaking on, behalf , of . the Pro- duCers, .-;Peter. Simpson 'and Clan Eckert tolcle'Couricil that the -1V1illt: .Board wasjel'cOpsilder• an; applica- tion fer,',a -lieense..to :peddle Milk in Seaforth on 1.behalft,- of -'a . second dair ,and „it ,was the hope ef , the' producers that eciuncihwoilld Make. representatien 'to :the :Milk Boattle opposing !'the granting of., an addl.- tienah license:to handle ;Milk pro- ducts s,in. Seaforthf• The producerS, Were Coneerned,•thateintrothiction of an additional': handling lieenee *Mild have, theeeffeet.:of 'disturbing' the ,marketteor their; products At fS aAvards to succesSful candidates atel eetnornent, their-Milk-i„Sel,absOile; ed by '.1VIaPre-- Leaf •Dairy, ' who has the orily'-.1iC:efis4•JO distribute niilk ,Coniaeil,:WaS.told• that . . . . :the. application fofa•:„SeCOndlieen.Se; d: • been' filed .., by-Cog:slits': 'Dairy; .0f Brussels, ;Virhosfor.,,sorne 'has' operated a 'dairy tbar m Sea- • Feat was expressed that in the everit a second license Was author-. ized there would not then continue' to be the sarrte reqintement or the, product of' local producers, since the Cousins? Dairy would haVe made other arrangements- to obtain milk. IVfayor Christie said, that - he derstood Cousins' Dairy had ap- plied for a licerfSe to deliver milk M Seaforth, and he doubted whe tiler council had any authority. to interfere .in :the matter., `Ie. -Lit entirely..:a :matter: 'ter. the:',' kil dDte Wti aaee Aeard27-lie;askede Sirepson"indicated that .in ,thefiglir it: Wag-. tioni • Of ',Whether: ::or not, _waine money, now eingespen :Seagnithe to go.,enut • at ..sUggeSted that eese.Ceigdieliee WOtildelie''';'detrinientaletn,j iaeSs :of the pit:oat/eel's sai "had •thithority te .,autheri,4 otherwiSe" interfere With' ;d1.°Stri. 'acne but JiarY Maple Leaf DairY,' said ho uneta Shood•thht.:COuncil-,had aut,laitityef pass ..by-lavitS, to enSareethate, tetirizing and- processing, bee' rWithin' pattieniar"-Minneinality The, difficulty,: ,,..M.71777, Vii;i7115.61); 7t61 .Was'e-thatf'' ' aets- Act-. and:the-Milk•LBO,atd.,,A.6,t -ftliee acts. TWer&e,. .cOntradictoitY.,eee.' ; ' .1" rfsevering'at*.ery.--W"Y,70bUn'eff170,t;'7 east OT torni p.ire The, presentation -will, be • Baldwin,.' ,Iyfre.Travis;';;Said,etil4;Jt ,bad-'-hadean 'Offer to,-ntirchas.e, Leaf Dairy. There ',Was,' -an :ance, in ..tlie-"'event W as SOld that.10bal' produce be looked -aftere., There -Wa the,. „ ,woiilthnot be,,ptecesSed:hereee li/fr: ...Behest prOcesSin ; , in., the inunieipality e,s s is., net pro.cesSed 'There_ _ .., _ - . , , . ; - -, • : . , - ,.,- Made. by Seatorth Lion President The Ontario Milk Board,T-meating Was opposed -by Maple Leaf Dairy,' .t' Flashing'fire and sniokenearethe W.11- Hart. The awards were won in 'TOrente, Tuesday, held in abey- Cousini' milk has been available' -fortherepubliCesehnol-- building; now', at ...a, recent Red Cross swimming ance a-deeision- respeCtingan ap- for some weeks - from a' dairy bar Seaforth Shoes warehdese„, resulted tests. , , , , • :, plication -filed by-Consins____Daity theePrussels firm 'opened here, but • in.Seaforth firemen being called to . i ' ' ,, - Limited' for- a in Honor license; to distribute it pannot fie deliVei-'etteto.---custorn--- -teheeetrcalandi.ais scene diiringtoheitohrlo,we eight '.6cifi,1' easn!, ioving. ,, rna'A.ii Seaforth. Theo1e license ers. Only Milk delivered is" that ie HonOrs'lGo now in, Seaforth- 'is' .that of Maple Proces,sed by Maple -Leaf 1),hiry. daY. at noon. :;., - ,, ; - , Leaf Dairy, who also •Serves'Bruce, ":-,\The - hearing waSTattericled bY 'The fire was found to be caused v., rzi;c1‘ • field and Dublin. The application: Pete Simpson Con Eckert ' and by two- electrical...lines- that had ', lk.‘"7' '‘..' r c , I : II 11 ii : Frank Reynolds, representing local milk producers; Harvey Travis, of been blowtowne.bYrethe storm. . - - •-. , --7.-- ,-; :` " '' ' . ' - ' ' Maple- Leaf-M.11'Y; Roy -,Consires; of PUC employees had the damaged- --God-erich --rinks -were-tsuccessful wirers replaced within, a, ev,,, wine, in, three of , the -four top. events at Cousins' Dairy Limited; E. Stan- ley, of Exeter. Dairye_and,,Conneil- tites, restoring power to the north; the mixed doubles tournament held lor Je. A. 'Baldwin, of .SeafOrfE- = ' „west _cOmereofetoven r. - - , - -..,-----. -in. - Seafor-thridaY-evening--- The- ' •'; ' - , , ' doubles were sponsored by the Sea- Mr. --Baldwin indicated that Sea- .Baelnig ,Club. forth council was conce,riled only 'ieltkiteA cluring,:the past • summer, these, Dhf,ItO diSblaY7 &011ie of the talent that mill take part in Sattrday's swintining meet. 'Swim_ melt will eompete in .a rvarietY, corripetitions at the afternoeneVent, The -pictures; taken at the ' :swine Meet last year, 'include 'Judy Crieli,'i CeriMe r„Eckert, ,Linda Towel], and. Benny =Lansink; ,and in the foreground Cathie ,Eckert, about. to 'dive into' the Pool. :'caliglit inasVir-a-M-xli-ker.`T-po,Se--4-4§ 'Bob ;Dins'fri.Ofe••••:While•••paul_.)3eattie,•20: ‘Jack"..Whitelr.,-.11Web4rtz,„ ,Seaforth ntams.-drul,bcd the Mitchell nine; 14s5" here- ' Fridays night -in the firSt game of thebe t othree series' .of the WOAA Baie, • • es orce ex a , ;,. , 7-• Locc!i.,::Propeefies- Mr: Land -Mrs. MeLaren, Gede:: ,M- the extent ,that nIlil. would 'cOre tam "C". championShip., .The sec- ond"game -is scheduled for Thurs- day -night a Mitchell.„.:If.a third , game 15 -necessary' it wili be 'pia ed in Seaforth, probably Friday '*Mitchell 'stetted:out ,in the first. -inning:::with two t'hits, one_14. three -bagger by Elliott; -.to ,tally:77oneerune In „Seafottli's half • of the: first- the locals went-. to -.--teWii-TOIT'Thrtier',- Mitchell' pitcher-,,--collecting,....eight, runs on six hits. ''J. .RatterSori. and B. Dale Slammed: "-•two•. '"tWo-baSe hits ,,-- and Bill Campbell...'. -Caine through-witha,:eircuit• ••:elont, tcltiv.,- ing,in:tWo, runners hlieid.:OfThini.: --- ...- Mitehell caine baCk_inithe;;s,edorici , frame 'with two ,,rtiris.:,anct.. held thw -•z•-ideals off the score4heet-',, '-Start- ,,..., •,,itg, the third -inifingejlie„:•Visitors added anetheretintliii,4A7'.tOtal.of four; but the 1060s in their: half; carne-baek to-- add six:' more runs:- IVIitcliell used e three .piteliers to I quell the fire, and Seaforth failed to 1: add any 'more. ' Mitchell -managed, - to add another run in the fourth. for, a -total of 'five rfins,-,:---4- :-,----.---- Mitchell ,.. . , . ....,.. 1.21 . 1 OH:- 5.. 5 3 Seaforth ..1......,,. O.0 6, O. x=14,10' 3 , _ - . _ ,. ..... Hatters -Mitchell,. Tui.ner,. Nelliii 3td,'. Warren;' 'Seafortli: Tara' Dick and' Jitriniy.,Diek.' ' • ''.. ,there fendeney7te;:eise: :the product of other prodne„eri' nearer -where processing is don. Council took no, d,ecision. as whether a representative vimil appear before the Milk Boardie. adopted instead a, Sii,gget- Councillor Baldwin tbatqfce trial Committee meet with the', 'amen and determine on a co of aetion. " Car is Damaged_ 'he town's, in agents', be- asked in determine liability a: gour, Goderich, tool second. Third same time vprovide.b'etter prQteC- would -continue to have an outlet to' a car parked on IVIain 'Street' hang°, HandS' the event. Mr: and' Mrs. St- find it' as eeormmical and et *the arid that Seafortli area 'producers a result of damage which was•done- eaf th uld t ue to e ocesse in e , Thealoadveirotisfrinognt,siogfnthl:,c;tzte The resi en e of the aM lel s „ prize went to a rink front Mitchell, tion by employhig a third con,table eir pro uc Non George D...'FerguSon on James St. "" rst us ini•••• na fa time, as to employ a part-time has" been sold to George Addiseri ize went to Mrandconstable•was suagested as coun sCg-fitieesTliviea's'mhibaNtytner°W-raSs°Icilarea7Zrar oi Hullett, who takes fmme ia e gave approval to the appomt- couneirs- - attention - Douglas possession. • Seaforth rinks cmnpeting were inentto 4_,...Andrew_caide.r, as part -- rich, Walic.ed oft with toP,'..honoTs' in: Possibility that S or wo l• Pr a 'Scott,. „.,v1falsaid,'.•that, his , cah. sufe The., Weiland:residence in Ege skiliTed '' 133r - 'Eric • 1Yre.Cue; ' !Tak., tiCOnstableTher,Sday-inight.zon, MaiHerce-A-t-thetheginatit -6f'--1959. ,APPOintanent of 'A, part-time" ceri- IS•i:,,iripo'd„i,,,,-4.;,§...,,,,74.:i±4n„-t,ibto,ce: Baldwin ;aid :the-Siiei ' sitle,ratitgi' l' be",•givexi.,three: Stab-le-tb-ecarrie-necesSary-toepet-niit__ had -been ' erected -bye -a ernanufac--e,-7-e- tine- 'oft.-forlc.the-;present tem -man- ;."; . - :-.p 1)1 e .. '6" foree.. CeriStable. Calder was -.ern. 11.ierget '' ::',aiii)df()r-tTilaclf ' since iti w'i?'-°'iociii- i-goyeti...7pti.. the..basis Of two...12-,honte 'the 'Post. Office .lawn perhaps the shiftsat $0';:a.Week::.,Additional:re,• - Federal.GOYerintent would be re.' . e cy -Calls are ' 'ether:hand,. was • Of -the oPieion.-that ''• ,,,... 'on; the ' basis ef . 1,1 0(3 an hour. ••• , „Reporting.' to council, Chid El- '13nn:-,'stiti.4en-.•17tOn..‘.7.,:•WrrirS1,'1.-7:171-1"?-4-e....Idn''4-.1113;;:. '*tovirerril; jaTetrilitre.:1,VP161.Weeijr-1:°:hilitlid°' '-adliyali-,-.aligli.:terLiii."g'.1.:tiltalls;a66;7z.e.414-ill'ellig been. berehadfOtita,lie....Wai'lreeetv-, ing: exceltei_Litss)APeratien4-•i,,XheLPo7:- tigtti*.thelociwn:i ..sera:Vnfari701c.,,g , iir,..6... ,,,,. irapar: 7, lice- carAraVelle&t,•50,--milltir.,-; jr,ig iT1,11Y.:.:',It..iLaSeraged.1.851.1-iiiles:to monclyille has been sold to 'Frank thitited. by Board, Dot, ;of---HoSpital--- . , -m are' Expenditures it u With seven months of the year, yealed at council thutsoay. r,o-ne by, -Seaforth. has expen.cled In a report prepared by Treas- approximaiely $34,800.00, against 'fret' D. H. Wilson the standing of total estimated expenditures for the eXpenditures 'by each of the Am full year of $52,200, it was ,re- cornmittees was indicated, - - Estimates Expended to . For -195& 31, 1058 Balance Property $ 7,004,00 $ 3,705.00 3,295,00 Grants " 6,000.00 8,250.00 ' Insurance -------------------------------------------1,500.06 100.00 Relief 3,300.00 1406,00 1,900.00 Scavenging 1,800,00 985.00 ' 815.00 Disposal Plant 1,500.00 835.00 665.00 Streets. . ... . . .. . .. 18,000.00 11,695..00 6,305,00 Fire ' 0,000.00 677.00 _ 1,323.0 7,655.00 - 3,145,00 230.90 70,00 Pollee 10,800:00 , , • park . .... . ...... 300.00 - • . HED DESTRUCTI VIEW OF FAI Faced with-the-neetrot `a. buad- ,,,itig-tp house cattle at the 113th an- - nual Seaforth Fall:rail-1 the society left.the matter in the bands. of the 'property committee under 'lames' M. Scott, to take necessary steps. Need for, the blinding arose when -the north cattle shed was burned. in a recent fire. Meeting :at the TOWn Hall Thurs- day night, the board of'. direttors expressed hope tlia.t, a teinPorary arrangement could be made -for this :year, withplans for' a latterr more elaborate building before the 1950 With the loss in. the Same.fire of pl$ pens4`psed at the fair, the awiti6.,colnitittP3 are being asked WSTO WREMENTS to -76-Oi-itiet-gita'fair-^beirdi 'With the hope that pens can be 'borrow- ed fel- this year's fair on Thursday and Friday, September 18 -and 19. Walton.. out Nal/led For ,.Tour A,corrituittee WaS named to Meet with`Seaforth Police Chief E. Thrt- chisou, regarding laying of charg- -es --nOtinE , Flick: "My Wife is always ask- ing for Monty, it's two tlollars yes- terday, and fit& dollars Mtlay and three dollars tomorrow --alwayS money, Money, inoney!" Stnith does she do'With it all?" Flick: "I don't know. fhaven't given her atiy 'yeti" Robert W. Campbell, , well-known McKillop fanner and .president of Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative' and - -0V, the Seaforth :•Agricultural.,• -So- ciety, • who suffered. injuries last Welt: When, b'li.difd'•s-trifek • hini--"eff the head, was released from hes- pital• over the. weekend' • _Ehe'accident. occtirrech as Mre Carripbell Was- assisting in thresh., ing ;tin' farin of 'Ken t-SteWart,e , :Boyd taYlor; sen of Mr. and, Kenneth Taylor, 3,', Walton, leaves, next. Sunday to attend'. a three4lay,,internatiOnai dotiVerition- Pennsylvania' State', Universitr. Ile was awarded a travelling schol- arship by the'Ontario junior Farm- ers' AsseciatiOn to representAhein as their sole delegate at thiS•Agri• 'cultural Institute, for -C�-operators. : A sideline' trip Wilt Include.ViSits- to Washington, D.C., . and New York State 'College ,a ChriSti,e 7-0-ut-oftown rinks ..were 'skipped -by.v7Godericiff- Bisset; BarriS;;Mc. Leod; aker.;•,:nt aechler5 ••• -Heitman,: Sale,:,ToWnsend;:' Stratford: Atkins, Moffatt; .clinfon.',GraY,-.COlclongh and: Nott----TaYistock: • Zirnffiernian. , Seaforth Leaves 218;8.26 - Rey Sproa,t,- former, 'Sefifbrth resident and chairman of -the bloOde donoriidiviSion the Ontario .Red Cross' during World War- II, left art estate valued at 018,026, his will disclosed in:Toronto last week. gproat died jithe 1.b at his home on Bayview Ave:,,York 1VIills. Prior to his retirement in 1936,-: he was associated with the legal firm &Millar and Hunter. • " In this capacity; he was an ex-. edutor, of the famotts Charles Mil- lar "stork derby''. - —EnnrilTS'egortlf,' he was presi- dent of the men's,' curling club, at the SeignorY " Club, ,Montebello, Que., at tlfe time of his. death, „Ile was also 4 member lof the Granite giub. - Sole beneficiarie§ inc his wife, the fernier, KatherMe: Hanna; a son, John, Ottawa, . and ea daugh- ter, 1Vlargaret, Toronto. • - r NEWS OF KIPPEN: Band Plans, 77,7 cal Pro eciiin Nexte-Tuesday evening :Seaforth ghlanders Band JAR entertain, the' citizens with-,;Serne extra -talent:. As part of the final concert of -the summer serreS,,,• Clarence Petrie and his, NighthawkS,. of,Stratford', will supply Several iinnihers prograrri... ' The local band- Will. also. enter- tain :with Waltzes, QVortures$ and • .The_ :Highlanders; under Band- master- Lyle Haininond, :presented arconcert Tuesday ,evening 'Vic- toria Park: The progr'ain included Iwo overtures- and :Other,, selections by -:the lpeal group. • ' Honor Teacher; Goes. To Germany lief vitork or en' rgen sponsible. Reeve Scents, „on the Friends `arid, neighbors. of 2iVlis§ Alplionsine, Meagher, honored her Saturday night. The group gather ed •.at, the hOrne -Of Mrs: .lesePh lVIc- CQnnelLand presented Miss. Meag- her with a 'gift, „ • MiS Meagher:. datighter of Mr •and Mrs. ..iolni-Meagher,r,Seafortli,. leaves this 'Week .for . Heiner; oer- inartY, vheteHshe-will -teackat an Atm -Base fbethe .next,two': years.. the gallon of gasoline. ' ,ents "'he said A„, . During the month the department The Clerk is to refer the Matter investigated 22 complaints. One tothe agents and report the acci ^ i — chArge was laid under the criminal code', and six under the highway Sidewalk Work Completed _ , traffic act - fliiiiidfed7-gqttare,` Yards P,Olike in their' nightly patrols beus,ctior_etst s 1, Fox s_p_ piac- ic- , ANDREW CALDER was ap- ofeasridewCoulkneilillaovie-'-sbceoettn Hlaaidlikiibirks., pointed a Police constable by chairman of the tree Committee, c:11 1712. ttliane-dd:roahoceit'Yse d0 ' as 2answered funeralst---Two- aceidents were in- riStiiemnagf:'1:bHtilaesi:CSW,6111-utilocs-ierlivWflieeavonendaraYegpueavir:tr----- '.tre'oedli: icitbeCt5-7a-aerrisi?;••11414oynee;:rhi chWhich' wa a-- had been !Onl- y: ideaP.5. tthijoigen"f tliii-adui,t. caellnoic;I:)siit°1:1:irrea:xt ipnthrneesh?es'e dhraaePdpPorrreet -: " nlan°c11111150ell ds' a4,c)yii t. ' h e; 1°., r c„ Er. on leave • ' ..- $c5o2tinwcai Is teb.hant ring°, ctih e*erl *re gaibticwiraistl)died- gc:a'svilendde'yfsrooanlieatoiliwminsp' rfosotiraeeffinmeannt•Hmarioglhd; - stria, ek ::::, a. s .. p a s s i mg. rdea eigedi ineatt: it: spitea3ni dtPh:etrhocriphtsral 8yearoemhst1si:le .? , iivse130t, rorl isa:tdye. et r, a;cP,oetPi n1:1 rel.' 111.11.7geefimeeentetds as they t3epPlhyohoe ' tahTe- Ile sug- Acci entiniures Former, .Resident' ra . veiling threugh -an area which , . . ' allied, he said, that', cars Were ••=" police department,. was ' leaving his,,Own car Mon- qice the Seaforth Shoes- site., , M a vehicle as is proposed.as a new street to ser. . The Tri -County Youth For Christ . , held a chfclten barbecue, ... on, tite ... lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Flzra Mous- I• 7 .SeaU; Kippen,..' Saturday- evening, , . . _ with 1,35 present from Exeter, Kip - pen, Seaforth, Bayfield,'Wingharri, Clinton, Cliffordiand T'aislefSr.. Mr. Joe Baker, of Wnighain Tri -Coun- ty• Youth For "plfriST director, was , master of ceremonies. nev,„ Arin- and, Wright, of Guelph,' addressed the group, .choosing for his, mes- sage, "HOW TO Be a 'Successful Christian," a- message directed for the young people. . - - • • ` ' A ' WO from Guelph entertained. *With -Several musicarseleetiOns- Orr the accordion guitar and violin. In charge of cooking the 135 Chicken halves were Edgar dudmore, Bruce Perty, agricUltUraI sciencel teacher at 'RIDES, Exeter; tiii Elzar Mousseatir. A SOciat ,hoUr rounded out a mint delightful' eve- ning. ,,„, • Miss Wilma Jaekseri is spending a Week with„MisS Linda Ball, of dodericli.; . Miss ...Twice: Hood is vacationing two weeks London with; her, Consul, Diane perkinS. - Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs:. Roberts' and faintly ,triludect: Mrs. G.: Proctorj,Itathleeifand Linz' da, of: Covina; California; Mr.' a0,' Mrs,j1-1,'RaWlings, Montreal, Qd:J.'; Hobbs,. Of LoirdOir,-' ' •Mrs., Cliff„Wat§On; Centralia, aird daughter, :WA*, erriebrier, and Jeff, of-, Pp4rhill;" gPerit- Tuesday afterneoti With , and 1V1i. Grid- talt: and friends :tiliels-vilInge,7,-. .1 Mr. Marshall: Stewart, of "'Sea,: Pet12, arid his. uncle, Mr.:Sam Cud - Mere,' ViSite-d-friendrirthe-village- On Saturday, , • •, On Sunday merning 19i4 Model car: belonging to • Kenneth McLel- lan Was stolen.on No. 4-gighWaY at Rippen. Was retaveredr Mon; day abandoned near Dryadale 011 the Bind Water HighWay. „Would the people living, in ithe KiPperi arca kindly Phone 'int any guests er news ,to Kippen cOrreS- ,Pondent.,: Mrs. tong, Hensall 994 • Mr. 'and Mrs': Andre . Garneau and daughters, who resided the past fivernonths in gr. Cutimore's house, ' moved rriday to their •own 1 -home in Clinton. • - Mr: ,and Mrs,. Tohi IVItuiroe left. gaturdar for a trlp by ;plane -td :California; -Mr, and Mrs - John Delti'deeOuiPanied thein to Detroit where they, started,..their jMuney: 'Mr., Robert. Copper is spending a., few days in -Caro, Miehigan;,With his son-in-law '.end -daughter, Mr. -and MrS,_ Grant love. ' 'Mr., and Mrs.- Eniorson Kyle at- tended 4 Tglailypicnic at Bayfield Mr, and with, ITh'. Lloyd and MI5's Ella Dowson, of.near Varna, IViaSter Donnie Pepper, 'of Sarnia, spent the past two .Weeks With his aunt and and melt, Mr. and Mrs. gth- .art Pepper, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Pepper spending :the weekend, their ton returning, lionie With his parents., • C1111111,,,E$ B. STEW has been proinOted. to assistant' general;manager of the-. Toron- to -stOre of the Robert Simpson --7.4.0p_panyl..14iniited,- Tis- - 'trounced by .G. lo.Bittion, , president and managing direc. tor of. .Siippsons; Stewart, who was torn in Sea- . forth, is the son of 'Mr.- and Mrs. Harry Stewart. He starQ, ed.- with 'Sirapson't Montreal : ,StOre in -1.9a6 and' has - 'bad eX- _tettive; Merchandisingl experi-' • ,etiee with the- COnipanyT. He"- becante laShion supervisor' in, Montreal in 1945 and assistant - to the general manager a year _later. Ile was appointed titan. • ager of ' the Halifax store in 190 and ;for the past lour years' • has • been Manager or,Sitnp- , son's European buying offices • in London England, day evening, Arthur F.- Ednunds result Substantial quantities' of of Gananeette, suffered a shastereci dust were creating a problem m hip. Ile is a patient in Kingston, -the area. • ' • General Hospital, ind will be con-- ..The, weed inspector is,' to investi. fined there -for some ,weeks. gate ' weeds , which were growing Mr. 'Edmunds, -who is manager"- arthe-Dritario Textile Plant, at the - of the Toronto -Do -minion 'Bank in Corner .of Jarvis. •and " Market St's', Gananotfue, was about • to ,, enter' when''Mayor Christie pointed out the- bank when the_aceident occur:. that.the -matter, had been drawn to red., A brother of MrS. P. Kling, Ids %attention. He said that the , Seaforth, hie wife' is. the former county weed inspector had been in Janette Flimigan, daughter of 'Mr. town a cfakx or, two 'ago- and , had and Mrs; W: J. Finnigan, of tg- commended town officials for the mondville. ' way in which - Weeds had been • , • • - ^ brought under control througholit Town Clerk is' C)n Reporting for, the fire arid water the town generally."' . committee, Councillor -Thorpe Riv- Annua noilaavs ers said that additibnal raincoats .!! had been purchased for the lige- 0 D. H. Wilson, Seaforth Clerk; is the brigade. lteeve-,$coins suggest4, , on annual, holidays during the last ,ed that .aetien,: be taken so that' two weeks in Augtitt. ' During the when the 'brigade attended at fires -V. holiday period the clerk's office in the tlistrict. arrangements were will be open four afternoons a week made to see that there was.nO sec, ' ;--Monday;,, Tuesday, Thuisd_ay, and 011(1 outbreak, Ile felt thiS should Friday, with Mrs., Amy, Horne in not be the'responsibility of the Sea.- charge,- forth brigade, but rather of the Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ate spend. township.* whielr the brigade,was hag the holidays in Detroit.. (Continued on Page 4). tKILLOP -LAD 3' INJURE AS- AUTO RUNS DOWN. INCLINE - • Three-year-old John belarieY; RR 1, Dalin, was discharged from : geott Memorial•gosital, forth,: on -Tuesday:- the lad, Son of Mr. and • Mrs.: James Delaney, was hospitalized „Sunday when a parked :cat rolled oyer bin); on his father's farm.• . As Mr. Delaney Was taking his .eattle .10 pasture ,'BUnday evening, he Vtas,..followed by hi§ wife and son ina ear, Mit Delaney stop- ped and left 'the vehicle to open 07* a gate for her imsband. • Mie latd also left the vehicle., The ear•was, parked on a slight :enalaftkment and started to 'ton hankards. The left front. wheel-paiised 'over •the three-year-ohl's Taken ;to Scott Ileinorial, Map& tai, it Was found he bad' suffered three- broken 'ribs and peSilble• in- ternal injuries. His otat1ift..14 now: considered' satisfee PC John McDoWell; Sea - forth detachment of the vestigated,-the incidbnt., '