HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-08-15, Page 51
• Tiii CANADA 'ELEconaos ACT . ' t
. Electoral Pistrict, Of, Huron
• - , ,
, •• . , •
TON --Th
..XPENSE§ , w AL . e home of Mr. and.
, MT'S: Barry Bolg:er, ,Walton, WaS
' There ia below' set eut,- aS rerinired bY -.eetio 63'(5) of Th Ca- d th9: Setting SaturdaY---evening -Aug.
ni e. na a ot
Elections Act, a summary, signed' by the. Qfficial agent, of the -return
.ef election 'exPetises made to nie by him;On. liebalf of "William G.
} -Cochrane, one Of the 'candidates at the 'rodent election. of a Member to
erve .the House of -Conamons of 'Canada lfeld-in the above,:mentiiined
',electoral district, Which said rettirn iS on file,a my Office .and may on
payment of' a fee of twenty cents,. be -there inspected and extracts'taken
therefrom at ,any reason,able time during the sik months next after,the
lith day (tf 'August, 1058, being the day upon which the said return was
;furniShed -to me.
..„..Batedat•Goderich, this 11-th day ..Atiglist, 1958-
,RetUrning Officer.
Sawn 7 of Return of -EleetietriExpenSes of 'VVilliam, G.-"COrbrane
' Number
eceipts Amount ' person from
lacceipts, _coutribiitions, etc: 2,105.20 1
l'remised unpaid contributions et. . ' 0 0
, Payments .
Candidate's personal expenSeS,....-....... , . .. ...........
Postage' ............,....... . ...,...................... . .. . .....,..,..„..,.. .. ...,
Telegrams ' , '
Pettyairris ...,.,...... '
l' -----,---1Bre of 'remises .... , ... . .. . . . ..... . .. .. ...., . .... . ......... . . . . . _. . ._
fervices . ...:. . ., . .......„......,. ... . . . .. .. . ..... ... .......__ .. ....,.. .
„ -
Traye ' g expenses and hire of Vehicles . .. ....
Godssupplied .......: . ...,:...r... . .., . .., . ... . . . . . ...........,.... . ... .. ..
Advertising .... ' - }-. ...„.................
2,105.20 1
-•--Number -of -
Amount persons paid
Nil , Nil
Nil , Nil
Nil " Nil
104.25 1
. 4..5.00 2
Nil —Nil
Nil •- Nil
1,935.9a 12
.$ 2,08,5.20 • 15
'DELAYED UNDISPUTED CLAIMS ....... . .... .. .
Dated at Goderich, this 8th day of August, 1958':
Official Agent.
e For-
OUr AT011ey
. „.
Available in 8', 1 and. 201 Lengths
TJie:llnico arml Auger -conies- eouipped with
_ _
truck mouniiiig, swivel bracket, - skid:shoe on in-
take- end;_universal and adjustable *motor mount'
=belt- an
"Tho Most Auger For the Money"
No extras to buy.
Unico Farrnlift moves the most material for he least investment
in equipment- and labor.
FOU,R-INCH .AUGER; 8 $29.75
$33.90. 16" ----
4' EXTENSION ---,89.00
Gravity Hopper: 0" width) — $9.00
- heci„c our prices on 6" Auger.
The Unico Farmliftis manufactured from heavy
gauge galvanized steel, much heavier than most
other makes.
,gieeph494, 13 /9
hone,- 141:: or '14?
, a p- .., Ur
their daughter, Marilyn Harriett
Bolger, and Gordon Malco
•Engel, son -of andTIVIrsi-.IVIae
Engel, Cranbrook.
The, Rev. Frederick Jewell;- of
$t. John's Anglican Church Bius
jewoll,;.of BrusselSi 1310,Yed tradi-
tiOnal wedding
roliQw4la the' ceremony, a re
Cention -waSheld, Bolger re-
ceiVing in a navy :blue linen dreas
with white aceessories and a car -
'sale of. 'White carnationS. The
groom's:mother., -Mrs, Engek Wore-
dreas of French 'Vile Swiss em
with red carnations as a
corsage.' MiSses Dona Porterfield,
sels;,. perfermed .the›- chnthle-ring .J)..„9re,thY,N.,..eYs,: and Arlene and June
CereinonY On the lawn under an. -nientnnnq acted as, Waitresses._
arch of evergreen .boughs,. . roses : For. .traVelling; the bride wire a
and pink :and._white
. Given in Marriage by her father,
the 'bride.- ..Chose. a,. white walti-
lengttcgown :Chantilly.lace. oVer
White Satin. It:Was -
edepert- neckline :and. a curir:.
bund.frOin.the side front extending,
feet T-Iler Mire
roses -*as triMmed-with' simulated
ftgured 7410ter •enseinble with
brOVvn. dc es Sorie . Guests attend -
.Mg. five , distanee were from
'Stratferd, PlYth
and Eriw-sels-.4-Tliebride is a, -gra,'
Of Stratford
Teaelicrs' .Col -
1e. The couple,. will reside. %hi
Alt!Eilf A.1.1CF1PNSALE
on Thursday Afferiloon, August 7, anniversary .serviees. October 20.
the WA. net Dtiff,s United Mrs. Alvin McDonald:Opened the
Chuith' basement, Mrs, Gorden, WK$/teed-4 1:vith a peena „entit;:,
MeGaVinpresided7Witli'ltrS:-Taelt.',Ied,''SthiSet,"1-yritteilby 'Mi.' John
BrYanS ,at.the The Scripture ',Beattie.Seafortb.; The rolicall was
lessen 'from Psalm .42 and' 4.3 was- alswered: 3)y,' barvest.
read. and the study on "Times of And the tainutes.given'h Mrs, A.
Refreshing' Was folldwed by pray- MeMiChaeL The treasurer's. report
or: ; Tho .ininfites of the, previous -4as presented by Mrs: R.
Meeting ,yvere read *by Mrs. Ron- . for reading was passed,
aid • ' -anOnnd Which had been received
'It Was deeided that the , }tfroerrathl! rCGII ere tirs.o.yiisoLde,a4aelsr:
would- pay for the 'prizes present':
puttingeendtsttathi rn..eecalpsv eieFarireop11.... s. acetson t} ni Intises c Idelegate AI)},;g A lu ntt a2`5}.Ce2911. eAgp}intevithae.
tan was accepted' from . nag, Con-
deeWed. to lea.Ve it: With the' follow__• stance ladies to be held some time.
3n'g- committee -M-- B -McMich the end ofISeptember.'„.0WingTto
,aelMrs. .0.:Ritchie Mrs'. R.” -Ben- the death -of Mrs.' vireahle,'Londeni
nett; and Mrs: T...Dundas. conference -president, a .1neinarlal
The: finandial statement e d 13 ltu'd maY be"5et and ah gr°11•P
pearls,,'. and, she earried a cascade IIENSALL--A -charaTilng vverlding
of red rases'. and White ellrYsanthe- was seleInnized at .1;iensall BuenAi'vteedr, Mrs. A. Coutts showed react
was asecr" for a cratica' This
- -7 to be -used far- equ anent for a hos-,
, . on han of .38. A: variety. auc- pitai-in •Alberta.. • _
'Wirt.; when, Irene Marilyn lion will- beheld' in the Shed Own -
and rosebuds.falling from it
Miss 'Rose Marie Bolger was -
bridesmaid for her sister; wear-
ing a ,ballerina length gown of mint
green taffeta, styled much , the
same_as__the_bricle's _She wore a
matching tiarra, and ,carried a'
bouquet of'brotrze. chrysanthemums
and gold satin' streamers. -
Groomsman' was Graeme Mc-
Donald of "Cranbrook Mrs F
and Ralph The.MaS RoWan exehangled by. Gordon 1VI.cGayin, ;PP .
ed marriage vow before the' Rev. "the chureh on Friday , ., evening,
Charles.'p. Daniel, in a dolible-ring','sept, 5, •Coitunencing at 7" P.m.,
ceremonY 'aniid a 's_ettig ,of 'ferna, ..with__mr......-Erank. Kirkby as, „ie.:
.gladioli . and' ,candelabra.'.,The bride :dancer .. ..,, • - , •
,igTOsrorpThytohaulnelr''sBd}t}i},ealWIWs}.06.}.;,their, a."}ilnoffeito,nts:14.ar:r1,}:aiiladr:ansndt.hd- .}HMiithartis}eae.1 slJa-leed ; 1- GalirerhitigsinegclinalrindjttepeitsbliWcietr,;
Mis, Ronald Bennett;, 5 Mrs. Ted
n:...- e..'-, _.t.., IVIeCreath ; household . attieleS
Theta's' 'Rowan • • .: ., (china; "furniture,- ete,),' Mrs Ken
• Miss Greta Larnmie, churcn -or- meDoold, mrs. ,ciai.enee. yiartini ,
ganist,, provided traditional:, Wed- home cooking, Mrs.. Willain Tyrn,-
ding Music ' and accompanied "the, 1\,T. Sehade, with Mrs.' T.
soloist, mrs. ,Siegfried Exe- Dundas„ aeashier; emintrY Stote,
ter, Who, sang Promise Me" (garden products jairtS}, :vegetables:
and "I'll Walk I3eside You." - and fruits), , Harvey •craig,
Given in marriage bylier father, Nelson Marks;c green Plants,
the _bride was- lovely , in „'EmPire.}. Mrs. Ritchie...MrS.}:T: .Leeining
gnWii of organza 'arid net Over and xrs'-, B. '8raandoo; lunch corn
centing.the bodice, Yek-e-4ndst,„. Johnaon`2,--d-o'ffdifeer,-, F.- Kirk.;
-jewelled-mandarin-dellar,-1Mig-tan---by-,--winc-W7Bewley:. ;as aSsistantc
bouffant -skirt -clerks-. ..-vvey-and'another :to :be
.Baby Band:Meets
The- WMSof , Duff 8-, Clturch en-.
tertained the Baby Band -Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. 'Nelson 'IVIarits,-
superintendent of' the-LBaby-,Ba
opened; the worship_service with a
hymn, acCompanied J.
13rVanS. . Brenda Houston read the
scripture from the, 23rdPsalm,
lowed with, prayer. by ,Linda Rry
ans. The mothers anti 13abies vvere
• .
welcomed 'by Mrs. Marksl-and-the
Minutes Of the last meeting Were
readby .1VIrs. R. Beunett. . Audrey
Mrs, Williani.:Hannon, of Arcola,
MeMichael :favored with a, solo
Sask visited Mr.. and Mrs..Lawr-
Mrl and Gordon Mitchell recited a
enc Hannon last week ..
poem, --`When Jesus- Was a. goy.;.,
r. and- Mrs, , Don, tGrahani and. C.
family visited_ with Mr. and *Mrs.
d'A'asst°ornY. h\voa:r'. told
Dalton Malcolm, on Tlitirsday. Ger-
B and re -so--Clesely- toge"
TY -remained kon:„.two_ Weeks With enibrosilery on lace medahons ac Coutts Mrs Wm Turnbull Mrs
nvlon tiler:, Carolyn Eraser' recited the,
his, cousins., „Keith arid-Bitide. .
books'' of the ',01d..,Testainent.-and
1.__MrLancf-Airs-}....Bill Canning; Galt,.
visited- with WI. •And Mrs.. .Arber.
family visited Mrs. :Alexia: Mal- large}}.}}?..biltterny bow exteuditig..} :_i-DT.,}}tSoan,bdewisechldesd,-uoKiien'gaii:}tdheiceo,cernejanrigi. are their membershiPcards:-JOhn'Roli--
and- mr. and Mrs. Earl Barkerand•biptine„ .aho.. caught. at back in
Roney last week • at -silk organza and net -ever-satin ,appeinted;,-caShiersOifTS-• -1\--entittST-two' girls —
Mr and and Mrs.' Lawrence Ilannen softly pleated silk Organza at Mrs. G. IVIcGavin, -Mrs. R.- Bennett.; The -following babies -,reeei.Ved,
}, taerttion' followed by a, duet, by the
It Van Vliet; June Ethel Leem
,C01111 in Victoria Hospital London eharyel' fram.ro..‘'yn headdress
on suriday.,...mr, and mrs. Ja}ek_ GI lace vital e}c/ pearl} embrcid_ }}de'acsidieeftinN-Vtihtheirth e;rorgouplipholweadteorsdi-tso.}. iEngiaPbae'tthriesit.aArlilen. ML0C.,ipsoAnanind,:c TaarrYk,.
Malcolm also visited his mother !on dry 'fingertip veil •of French , tribute the: lunch. - Ann Marie • Watson also visiting
Sunday. • illusion, and ,he Carried a white .
Bible crested with ,,red roses. pLiisTevIhusruetpewro•dnwiellsd'haey held in babies, Kit Lee Humphries, Susan,
Mr, and Airs, -Charles Roney •and
evenina, Humphries, Patricia Helniga Were
vlmsitielYd'inanK°ininirsd5'inBe on Sunday lenweethaginogwnsiqeefti-tYieeaillowl?.calilififoenrwi nitha °etebe-r. 29, in cnnnection tli -Other.RahY Bard/rein-ben Were
presented with motto cards. -
The Thiel sister's visited recent-
, crown headdresset and shoulder given bookletsshort „verses.. of
ly, with their cousinS, '-Na
-.-nc3,7 and veils, the. bridal attendants were A'Ai•
Mary, Lou Lannin. Mrs...Keith Brintnell, . Exeter, sis- irior s saVPotiubl:we:":"1.jdanrIlic6ettDPeosiepThn.HeyouwstOrn!
, _ - randrsC.R-Hart (SL, •}. 'd f h L_ ;et _
Or;--and-Miss-ChriStlee,--Rowan-of-1-13X-%;:vietruir' meophaid, RosS"Emerson
,home_ofaIVIr.' and t.Scott son of London- -bridesmaids.- The Unpaid,' fakes yviii bear in.terest IVIarie Bosman.'Keith .Clark, -Rich-
Tpronto,' have beer visiting- at..the Brantford, axid:MiSS Martha . Murray Ray' Houston, Gwendolyn
in HarpurheY, "' ,
trio. carried' eas'eailes of white and 'of two per cent in Morris Town, ard. ,James, -McDonald, ',Clayton
yello* glads. with,. streamers. Debra ship!. Meeting Monday, • the coun- Douglas :Fraser, Marian Elizabeth
S, -Exeter,. cousin of the _cil _set the penalty, on Motion by McCalluin,•Dena Way,' Ronald,IDay-
bride, was -flower girl,' .frOcked Ross Duncan, seconded by Walter id Watson, Heather McDonald,
' id,entical.to the, bride in miniature, shortreed, and 'filial'. reading on MUrray .Itenald 'Lloyd'1VIc-
`11.1d7c-arried- a -white-Bible.,crestert:,inotion 4 , Gordon, ,Wilkifison and Call- John Watson Leeniiiig,,DI,
- aline Fraser, Sharon Lynn- arks,.
virli,LIA...1r= '..'..VPN04., - ...,„ *ith'.-BWeetheart f'reSehads,}.:,.} . ,SteWart; Precter-. . , , . „. ..
} KIPPEN-LThe }.death of '',-,-iv.Ili.i.ain Brian Beaver .:brother of .: tbe'-,..;.A,i:,grahi. of ,'.0,5 • was fli,a.de -.}}} by Carol .Lynn meDonald;',Gail:Tiavis,}
1}.• } (p 1,):,..Vell'iliei',', ha-6f.te4' Oriday..hrideti.Was..ringhearer,... Stan:. '17I7e1,- ,:
,; ,,::. attended the the council to Belgrave, -.131itevale Aidd Debkoir,:yvey-,,;:,Loig,, willinniSoii,,
}Morning :at }-the'.,0heerisbury'Niirs„. }furroillt...;ii,,, .and}.. Robert, Beay4r, } geu... l'.01-toti'librarieS...: 'Morris ,}Will . pay }T'l,sfiee.". --MericaWdi. ' David , Baaii,
ner,,,Was in 'Seafort„ li:-Hospital. When: salr,-.- And ,-''Apt .Webb ; ,'}}. }}13, }iirlington!„ :•GeOrge - C.', Martin attend the }cer-.}.SOn; BeVerleY'4,iiii6:'rlYrecall:'''Sh#7.:,
the necessary } fee to have .Clerk Constance: COUttS,} ShirleY,Willian
: in.g .., Home . in Ilens.all, ',Mk; ..,'Ven..-}}
first. be 'became ill; . and, later ., re,. ushered - .•: . . } . ; .; } ; },
,_.,.., reSpendenee,.,training .,"deurse„ ',,,', } ley Craig gave ' an :instritmental,l. '
.}.moVed, ' to . Kipiden.• 'to., the home.; of ' • ' The }}we,dding reeentionfor: eigmY,.,},tiforris:. conneil are looking for:A, Prizes were awarded to .young;,-.
' hiS, daughter, .,Mrs.7..-},.W.illiarn. ..Kyle,;,,,.'ine§-t,Was held: at thei•Ne 'COW: ' 'ta* '.collector 'I' and advertisements est baby present PatriCia}:liVteD.ent
He -..reinained :there .. for • lout.iiiefeiorlibtel;; 'Hensall,.'attr.aetive- ..,...}placecl,.. ine,,applic_atinfiStaidt inether'lliith-".nteatBabBand
Iy--clecOrated. aii.'.color'SelienieS-,ef--sf-ao'rrellteilP.,
months, thid'oii7Wedriesday::iitorii., eusitien.".}.,Salary is ,$270,}Le'lliT4rOk present, MrS: Donald ..Mc.
ing,Was_tallen to the tinrileg.,henie,Pinl.an4'} white :'. tr- .eainers.:.}.'°n1,11.:pitiS'pestage; With....'applieations te,„Ponalk„.:BehY Band•nienTher. With
_hi±LI•jeifs'illwhereLhedie..d. f Frida . , White '. liellS.,' •' For : recoivingi:, .- -the
be-,itr:b,yr-Seotetilber 2. . ,, ;. ','}.' } birniday: cipsegt Ao' A a,te.. M. }-,ineet-
irioriiing:,,..,..;•-.}, . ' ,,,, ,. .. .. . - . . . • . . • - • h. • . , i • ,.-„Read, accetuits , p p .
Borii.,iii'CrOinartyin.--487,;lieWaS- oVer,...}}taffetac}
O1.'•stat.o'a...oefe. ;ntr .17,;so41!. the :road - superiiitendent ;}:-Were • ..Or.-...,inother: Preserit,...}:Mrs..}
the 'eldest ,Son'ef the Iate_ThOMAS-White,'With , Mary* teeming and. Connie Coutts.
' and, Susanna' Veinier.. At the age The groom's- -Mother. ehnse.., lite '',,,,d,e,-...,re:c1.,:-P.:aj.-}(.1} and:..geil°i1...}4.'6'.e. °Ili': , 46.f received the ,Oftering and offertory
of,-167-yearS, . he .iiioved'iO:Chisel,,, green- flowered :taffeta with Yellow) q'1.4'.)}.4..3 .., . .. , . .... , : - .
' .2' .1'.: , ",' •,wRIGHT REUNION ., -.- . nett: Mrs', Marks thanked the .. -.
Prayer ,waS.giventy.•iiiirg. R,', Ben-.
hurst BOUndarY,'farining;:thereyeuan;-r}•;hol}„esire:7etioott;:tavygernell..}6th.0-.}in...:,....:tiii)tirodr.eide.67;xee4e1,,,
til moving :to :HenSall. one reunian.' was .ferent participanta.for their Villingt
The ',:grinual Wright.,
ago. His wife • the, late:,..1Vtargaret,: ..i.d hat held og ;Sunday:, at'Seafortli. Lions: .nes to:. assist„: in . the .Aftothoores
MagoeLeed; paSsed},.}:a7a.z.,,,,._,,s_tt...,.L,?,...,e,,r,§: ..:ba,ve,00;.eg:icives0.11,:.a;i:crdr:,es'rsc,m16,tir4Tiegeessotioi.,,,,,,,, . .5.,
Park with about 70 lit attendanee.
ace 'for- the : childten.-Vere "tint. 'served'. ' a .' '} .daintr.'.':luneh ." 911". the
entertainthent.} ' Te .WMS 'ladies
He. is .survived by one daughter, 'With..Which'she 'wore a, Corsage Of 'If tit . .'. •tb.-.m. f ',. d clinten} Inii41.! 7 • .
(Flerenee). Mrs. -William ',Kyle,. Of
Jim., of .Herisalr; - five .grarideliil,leaders., and niembersof the
MisSion Band met Sunday -morning
dren;::twO great • :grandchildren.; , . , , . .
one brother, '-Weiley; ',Of Hensall; in t'hechuich baSement for :. their
and .one Sister,' Mrs. Archie- Ryck- Augtist • ' ineetingT. The thee, in
man.. 'of . EXeter„. He ': WaS prede- "Stand*, Firm- In.- Our Faith!!
ceased by • .00', son,:. Nerman,: Who Mied the •*.s erviee.: •}.: IVIiss -. Barbara'
} op-
diedin infancy, and. by -two sisters, Ttirnbull presided} over the.:Gall le
. - .. ..„ -. - ..„,,-•-: -
11 n'l°th'er w}6re Pale bi""lace ' - as rese thd 1? -y ing, -Lynne -.1V1}-e-Penld, -3mil.nges.ts
kippen, and two, sons, ',Lloyd and
glads. and'inurns,,....-The...eouple.will., .
"IVIrs*Trank- Wright -in. ,: charge, . - --
.reside in London, v., .. ,°- . ,• I
-Out-of-town gueSts'attendeal frau'
Brantford, Toronto,' simeoes.:} Byr, Wright acted as master of cere-•
lingtein, -Woodstock, .LDirch ;
Exeter, i ;After a delicionsr. suPper,' Percy
monies and awarded ;the folloWing
Mich:,•, Cleveland.. Ohio}, . Lon on, ,.
Dash."041.and. ,4,0n,s4iri: prizes: oldest lady ,present, -Mrs.
Annie Wright; Kippen; ' oldest gen-
Itleman present; Mr.,rosteic,'Foyvler,
Onebrother. .
-t:-.1}The.. funeral was held- frem•-, the
Bonthron Funerarthapel. on Sun-
day,. August Rev. C,Dathel
conducting the ---service. A filece,
Mrs. ' George Woodcock,' of Dear-
born,. Mich. 'sang "Beyond the
Sunset" and "Face To Face." '
Pallbearers were six nephew's:
Roger Venner,_ -Dalrymple,
Wes.. Ryckman; 'Exeter; Gordon'
McLeod . 'Parldal James Ryan,
'Detroit, .arr enneth M.cLeo , o
Parkhill. 'Interment .was..made-in
Me'Paggart's demetery,.
A J Stock 'To Be Disposed Of At Reduced Prices .
impiey jiiere) EVERYTHING GOES NO RESERVE (Savo Money Bern)
rice PrevieuslY riold Good Till Stock _Disposed Of
. '' ' : '. Mitchell; lady !with' the:least jewel7-.
BRODHAGEN.- iery., Mr Robins„ Toronto; wed-
DYYcjitited'opr,e,caenadtltyMwitsit:111)111:1c11' ssoonn: .F-°I.d. ( ejnetif,eaTanSnteaffRio;ss7dflatshtte" grir. 01 fPrmer, } i a .i.;„ iio'ii.,...:Ti continued With, the
n,- her?'itor ef
Mrs.. „eseph Die ison,--Teeswater, .41 wrsarrryannaeamrerss.tr, Spencer
.eBeed.nelifror8iattiedn .ia;nied-nd_M;.;_iriss... yaont,tdierst .thooryn, piliose411;usseudat4 e }}01.1 redinruxitceb ,rt:lenatdhiathtit
Orillia .reeentiY.1. •" ..• . ' .,• " , ' Ruston, Son of Mr and•.:Mtlsa.u,gg -.-16,g114;111(litel}s,BVitell.t r i2ilieeting
Master Wayne Ahrens, ' son' of; Ruston, }}Rtisonciato;}, in4noy earn_ left e‘.7},vir.41.aehebreasaarns
Mr. and Mrs. HarVey Ahrens, cel- ing farthest,. Wrights in:un- Essex;
: cliisheioliro,ri} Icari inJaniedp. s}B, , al): nanr:s.07:..S,0}:elitt,. '
ori SundaY for, oodeFieh summer
brated his fifth birthday last 'ThurSi largest family present, Mr.
daByrowdirithagaenOaBratYndfetroohkis,pfarrtienidns., Mrs Lorne Ross; 'Mr. 'and- Mrs usual a ''SePteinier as.;4oii 'the
'.1,rank wiight,, xiiipen; , .longeaf tises4Oileadatel;,htheere will be no church
an -attc-io-ar-Therlford-Priclay . ,Classes weie then
mal-rtiecl-entiple, Mr-z-and-Mrsz-Iletb-.-ta-knn, } , }
evening, They. were tranSported Kercher,, IciPperi; -sperson livine
plaanyde d at
there by blis. On 'I'uesday, eevierilena.g.iFiontgs,,:t fns:', epxr;esfeeni.t,5a6boxdoear,, g ;p?y,}5-x-} ed•Kuaritelinivlanrd: ,,aNitectilvAr/seDiteneaiild'ovgiseirt.4
rth' ae.!aboailnedetiattoo ill ,giietser of iliSi•Wife'S, waistlin,e, .arl. Gila; of, clinten.
""' son '. and Mr. and Mrs, Murray
M. miivrertaonnaonmWmedrietistdeatiye enivennzin, go.fl,wlsnigt},r.e..Einissioenle, win },.be tie.ld,.. ,riet1. Mr. '.and Mrs.-, Glen' Haase, and
St: Thomas", Mr, and 'Mrs'. Ge°rge , year on 'August 92at.Seafortit tionS ta..0:11'dofM.Er•sli.i°(t4oitrNtilsir.Pady:w.411'
Bill Stunell; of Torento, mill lvr---r' Mrs.
RP:PS; -111:r:.'trasi.;11"(i'L
Quinsey and -Martin, Mr, and. Mr.
Bill -Tenger'. Grand gen& called., as' the conveners -for the leivviinrig; stolll' Sherry-, Dong-
- -- ,or. • , ,; ,
.,. Pauline • Thainer; Andrey Mc -
was a weekend guest- with her sis-
ter' and brother -M -14w,, Mr. and
Mrs:. George 'Dtuirlas. .
. Wenda IttimPhries- has 're.turned
lioine after spending a, week in
London with- her, aunt and , uncle,
Mr, anti Mrs. Hotace• Rutledge.
Miss June Hackwell has return-
ed -to' her' duties at Stratford Gen-
eral Hespital after a three weeks,'
vaeation with her Parents. = . „ •
• Mr. William Bennett and grand-
son, 'Bob Humphries, are visiting
With Dr. and Mrs.. john Bennett;
Newmarket. „ ,, - • ,
Mr. and -Mrs, Ran Betnett, Gary'
and Joan -visited, with Mr, and Mrs.
W. C., Bennett. Clinton, : on Sunday.
-David : and Btian tuether,, of
Craillk.Ocik. -spent.a
Mr: and Mrs.,,I.Jarns.McDonalct.--
and Mr$, Neil Reid,. Dennis
and, Erie,', &Toronto, ViSited with
-Mr, And Mrs. G. Dundas for a few
days- last week. '
A large nuniber 'of, ladies from
-thiS, district - attended .a AronsSeau
tea on Wednesday; of , Test 'Week at
the, home .of IVfr, and Mrs, •Hariey
Johnston, Clinton, hi honer of their
datighter, Helen, Whose marriage,
took place on -Saturday. Many -en-
joyed being shoWn . through , - the
County Home, Of which.111r,, John -
ton it superintendent, .
,Mra. Pat MeGale, Tore:tit(); is
speriding her holidays with Mt.
and 'Mrs, . johii.„0, MeeDnnald., ' .
Yalues-9.50 t12.95
To Clear.
-7,'" •
Mostly one of a kind in
men's ...Summer , weight
windbreakert tit ,Nve
must clear out before ,
- fall Shipments arrive.
Just the jacket for back-
great big saving „
want to take- advantage -
44. `ONLY
plain gabardines, wale:
proOf twill -novel stripe
and lancY, two-tone styles;
in a wide range of -colerk.
fiat t insierliudpees. beige, ey
blue yellow wine, an
A fecal Bargain a
on Mr.' and krs. Lavern Wolfe. ,
holidaYing with Mr. MaleeIte Fra
Master San Laube an . iss
Mary Laube, of Toronto, hiive.beerf
holidaying -at the home of, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Rock. ` • •
Misters, Poger ShoIdice Awl lin-
Laulie P"e eta' `n"q E,1*ATOCid
Camp, F -'n for twe Weeks.
Mr, am' Mrs. Will:am Dieo.el and
Arthur, P^,7.`atmlanicd Mr and Mrs.
Russell • SheItliee,„ Bev.rley and -
Roger. and Miss Linda Whitfield, to •
Edgewood Camp, Eden Mills; en.
Sunday. • •
. Mr. and Mrs. Orval .Whitfield,
Margaret and Linda, Of -St. Cath-
arines, and Mr.. and Mrs; Russell
Knight, of Cranbrook, visited with
Mr. and Mrs., Russell „Slieldiee.
Miss Linda "Whitfield reMained
some holidays..' • '
. Mr. And Mrs. John A.mstelti an4
Mr, Robt. Arnstein, Xitchener, and
Mr. Clarence '1Vluegge; 'Stratford,
called on Mr, and Mrs. V.P, 1-1,--
uerenge,sser-..on--Suncla-y. •
Mt. Donald Ahrens, Tor0nt6,1ris-
ited with me. grid Mrs. Charles
Ahrens, recentlY,‘,.•
-Mr. and Mrs.- George Young, of -
Stratford.. Visited with her father,
GeOrge Diegel, on 'Sunday. -
'A/fasters Roger and Gary Eick-
meir; of Detr.olt, -have been, holi-
daying With their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Eiclaneir. -
Mrstigust Ilillebrecht accom.
partied Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wieter-
seri, of 13011111°1m to; IlaniiltOn. on
SuadaY, visiting Ma2,,r'alttl,MrS,' John
Mueller, •
a,nd Mrs. ChAtles Matthies
arni, "Wendy,/ a Tavistock,
visited with Mr. aid Mrs.
W. "Leonhartlt. .
I .
. Mapl -Leaf Red
- '73A -oz. Ti . . . 45c
Doon mArrs
. •$1,29
Buy Now and Save!
Scotlas "
Regular , 19c
-Lat-ge- c
Look like linen!
Frys and Neilsons
lb. 39c ., 1 Try. 71c
11-oOlott1e: .2 for 35c
Vegetables 84 Fruits 'Soups
• Bie the Case at ,
Face Elle-
Economy Size .. 31c
157oz. Jar >. • • • 33e
Canning .Supplies
and Spices
Rainbow Colors
2 Packages for•'.: . 35c
Per -Dozen 12e
Debnonte-, -
Raney _Quality
28 -oz. _Plass Jar 61e
„ .
5.11;: Box Gaines kruncheon'.09c
uperior I'ood Nar
- right's .TERMS CASII•.---:Account*lo be paid by Atgi
-0H YE.- A.5ANIt*Ici-(
"IP toFFea-AA/u.4.:,
'.15g PLENTY p-Mmat
•urcrFA,06 r
RADIO ;CnIORitiO7P1711..4:YE
To Make -Way For New aivio:flos.
Low DoWn Paymen
Special: Terms -To Suit, Your Purse
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The machine you buy is inir
ood-as-the_service you_Lge
Several Good Used Television Sets
At Sensationally LOw Prices
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