HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-08-15, Page 2Shice 186.0 $eruingiriho 06minimity ablishod at. §EAFORTf-T., coNTATUQ, ,p1,7173r sday IpQrnlng- . . *Lean_ Bros., Publisliep :43.§,ittu* IL-111k4BAN,.ailtoi `Strssmico.140,, RATES: , • Canada .(in advAnce).,$2.50".a-Y,Oar United States AP1Y44),,, $3.50.a...Year _ • • SINGLE 0.ENTS•LEMIT''. . . , fintitorized a Seeond Class Malt Peat Office Department -Ottawa . SEAPQRTU, , " ,Member of Canadian Weekly • Nevvspapers ASsociation NTARIO,;.-4. AUGUST Th, 1958 Higher interest ttrcietive-But Crecife Problems ' That recent financial policies Of the - Vertible into: higher. Interest-bearing Piefenbaker government. will, 'mean " coupons plus a cash bonds; Yet the 'higher costs•to the'kfarm-ers'-and-Pe--:--C-anada--SaVftrrgs .c-ertifi-cates are a pr_ettyAbig iteir in,_.go_VP'rnfn parentfrom discussions, in the -Coin-, .$21:/,''billion' Of them are . , • inons and in the Canadian -press.. •in the hands of the public. For ,.ev- The basic difOculty arises ,As .a;re- ery do116,,es-wortli-bf Victory Loans, sult of goyernmentiefforth to.141e- small invetor prObably,-, liayq two !lent a portion of its 1eC4Qn proni- do1ars in Canada Savings 'Bends. iSes. This .in turn has createdthe Are they to be left ent in the o1d- bigest peacetime deficit in the Stn.& Nr.tilth low :interest rates comPar: tory of Canada, making necessary ed to the happy Victory Bond hold- finanCing arrangemek . ers--qasjamgliron -..pQnversion? The increased: COStS„ 4,() the farmer "About one halt' of the 'Canada. • • • where loans are issued by :the Can- - in the lgth Series-, ;sOld in 1957 Thefr Ada- ]arm Loan...Board, The Baird' • owners get a return of 31/4 per &fit presently lends money . At five per in the first two: years and 43/4per. cerit but the House debate revealed 'C'entldr-the rem4iiii4g 11 years; They -that sce.the VictoryLoan conVeri•, - yield ..an-,ayerage-return of 446 Der cefit,if held to 'Maturity Which iS. ade- 4nate .reMuneration today!:Silmar- ket; ••• • • "But the- average return on ether 1.1tii -an:a .earlier) series of ., bonds ,still ontStanding 'from ,Sales . .i.S.-aboa.0-,72_, per, cent: pared to •:higher yieldSontlie anacla pon, worry about the ; e we Can alwa.ys put 'a roll et . _paper under_ the.sweatbanii,ie • - unsimmomms, , TO E EDITOR: • Vitro er,-Ont.; Aug; 8, 1958. Editor" lie Exposlthr. Dear'Sir; The fa -a that, atcord- !rig' 0 that front-page, news story in the Current issue, the hog- pro- ducers of Ontario gave a 68 per cent 'y.ote in favor of the Present •"co-operative sales •plate!, • 'Made pleasant Teading to mee-evea if mie remembers,- with far less- plea- sure, the other fact that almost half -of the province's hog Produc- .e.ft.rt175i:rrtnredialY'Q' 'afnaiaLde-la'attleitvi?stheeart: emng td, see the ,steady develop-, merit • of the co-operative move - meat nt the,..grassroots.,level, and The obvious' determinatiou, of our primary•producere-,-ranging' all the way from vvheat to. - hogs -4o , de- vise more 'orderly marketing„ ma- chinery,. and to have some say in, the ,distribution of the 'Urban FOod ! This is .m-erely, taking a few, e,laapters of :the business - 'book', ofthe millicins of gainfrillY- ..ereployesi_c_anadi a its. in the process- ing, and secondary iiidustries town --and city. 2Personally,, I see nothing. wrong • in this,..trend, and convincedAliat over the long term, its expansion Will•serve the general welfare of Canada's 17 million. people., • 1 concur heartily in the follow= ing, warning by a noted -Albertan (Hoe, .1. Bowlen, lietiteharitTgov- telrrne°rm):an 'Onif ethlim.seediscopualsdt gwoheillt alone, -succettfullye- Virtually . all other major grOupsi are well or; ganized, and the ,farmers-mustedo 1.11ewisee,:eor'----suffele-eetheee-conse: • - . • DISTINGUISHED BAYFIELD SONS ARE RECALLED BY WRITER (sir Arthur R. Ford, in theLoadon Free. Press) • An aniling.'nuraber of reSidents aad • cottagets, Of Dayfield' are peo- ple who were born in 'the village, or were. sUrAnter Visitors th_eir 'youth.. The charm of Bayfield -is Such that they never seere, to lose I their love for the Village; they re- turn as to a magnet. - " One of- the most "distilagnighecr sOirt7er-Bayfiel\d---^he. vva.t born -on . . Leaves" For'New Post , both. caSes. The daring:, l'Obberies •• - - -- '- •-•, •• , Si011 program had cr.eated..new.inter:-.. Rev,. Ii... -J. green,yout,hfui were believe to e t e„,worl f Wak. built; Wi11.--.--Preabli__a farewell telephones Several ,weekt., ago, All , ill gang"- h tole 0 it - requires - ahout 17;0.00,000,000 est*_ate floors_ the, esia___Qf .1°41.'.iS:, ,t4 minister_underayhote eguidance the .the. ' .farthers will :- likel.y-'6,1so • :loe • raised:: new Bethel Pentecostal Tabeinatle.--er bsaekeese froiwthoes.Granthde,Ve”5" '1„,el;,i,-3c,Is3,-:afr.-Mt7i :tic! 'f,,e,,ed the :11,ati.Q11- 4: There is a 170._ difference, catering service Sunday eVening.• Mr, qreen the tPlePhones'rob,bed a.TP 'the Pro- The average CanadiMi" Cats about .1 000- minds 'annually and 'it costs a e • in Zur- im roughlY 25. per- cent•of his total. ,ernacle..'His 'replacement at Code: ich-w..aS-first 'noticed on Tuesda Mc°mee.e.--- -• .- ', - ' - • ' '-,- rich has not been ,announeed yet morning y illia David n• who The fact ',were broughtout at . . -e-Goderich Signat:Stara • - was 'going to place a call. He im-• a poultry processing conference, in , farraers. . T IJNTY . Ls' 11 going to Orangeidpe',,, ,„\t'ere: -he Perty of .the Hay ,afinnemal,e-Tele- ,P , ,• adininistratiVe costs, between... -ithe".'. Wi11 take'eliarge: at 'BreadW y Tab- ,phone Th theft amount ''the Government pays in, .:tereSt And the aindfffit 'charged i. : • ' to ' ' Tr ] ' '':''' '''..: ses, ,,ousers. : ich Citizens ' ' .inediathly. iiotificcrthe,'Nlice.iir- _ii-fitreallssrE:iAli'..Bbfinyrnaa:. 'Sit ' Taking 'part in• the debate,. liagen - ., ..r.ings,-13-onds.:*series,..::anct oniptig4erITI Thi ' Argile, -1 (11 ROja.Se-Leaderie-Pfiilit''Ll- .' bonds earst plat,,orie•KingStreetat-Well. P-i0hPtli....lf lies;.ebeen, 'presented -.• has been able to borrow money froirt...: - The., SoliatiOn --- as -ire Lar .'see'S 'if' about ].0 in change from, Abe, to,,the ,T,oyai. orange 1..,0d,go_ No. 710 'llheeei..:i.‘fir.er,!, fith,i'eled, ,Pjpillfgt6C1.- .i;littiS,..,' 'flip government at lesi''than the fonr. : T....• IC-- that *hen-, offeringH., this .faik' the. till_ : entry' was: '•,,disCoverectf XUelr,iory of Te',3"._Faleoner;,,who' ,IP,drn,-P , _ , , , ., _Reirte_maden,,ecwilea of L.th,e..__piant . DarseredxittaiznaywasonraMadaerclit t5,h. elm ,larg,' said Mr. I3onnyinan, ernphasiz- - for the. btitiness , • that-, preparation • price, and • Per -60.0 it_pOw paa_di_ - .,.. . ..1 4.,,sr sl_C.anada -$ ., ings Bonds, . when he:,: arrive _ ---",.,....erego ' ' • 'A--1,-Thus .ai -Fa' ' 6 -- day,. abOtit 7 :40 Wednesday ' moin • regular lodge Meeting • by • the -late tc1611iittlittYh',6deehteorienieintrie.,a' dtoe, ha.,y.' larthegeb',, uecik.-7,, This, said Mr,Argue, -demoiistrat:-:.... ' .',...'.. lir,., .-VPrD113,e-4 -, : -.-," t,-.411 Bk. in, t.L. 17, ' Ting,._;theLfiti-eve- : ' • ,t -i•-•-,. • '. 1Viit Faleoneeg th• ed that the board;becauSe.,pf tow. in- .• ...dinproVe•-•.the ':4;46 '";i5,er:•-Cent:;yield:.Set....... :Itir-irurYat sin-tii..Ftiik,'',,,aild CeOi"17ee--oii 1!';'h heq' ge.,..f:°s6j6d: hOu'sc4,* ed•',entrY,,threugh, 'forest rates aVailable to -it under the- .....'.:4i4t. ye,o,r .. ,.., , , . , , ,. , - .. an attempt th enterthe snack .bar 'tWro 'sisters, • Jean ,,, ond Kathleen, tkYreaketed, einee,,theel,Past: dee de- ...;:' "Iir-light, .of -the ...dtdirtafie . . . baPk of the .olatite,Thatsainenight thOroselves, ' their' ' inother' • their .' .1-,rOclueliiiifiT,Of patiltry•,ineale.-,ua,s , Liberals, now was still',Able to riper4. • - ,:-Offeri.ng.a,the, •:,Cariada,'_i]C•oiiii:0'.-i-sio:, . , . ,,,.._ ,,, „.,...,„_,,,...,..„, ,_ . , , . : ,, . zii, - - ..-E:.-•the--,• Br:9yvne''s'---, , pri'F'e-m,,,'Nva:,ifand.-thP,Ar-Hb.r.401lie,r,-14,w,* ie,nee':'-- We-r-3-.'-,With:taSer-lear --a,• CroP",: hitting an all - ate-'' at a profit despite the high 'inter- -....., ..7..LOan.,-.the:governineritsliouldOffer'to.... -made, :hut , it, tvas•not• sileeet,Sful. 'Faleener: •Was. • maSter, of: iviiirphY time high-, , Of • -over :t.e529,576;000. ,canada. conversion ev,es off „with about .15 News. : t"er,v,i.Asoie:of andising, Poultry freshly cleaned trousers. on 'Tues.- PresentsiOues ,t4IlliQe. • v'irc°,110PtasnaPLy,isDioePP'arMtnaireknettioriflA'Sgerril.• day nieht-frefm-th -GM(' Cl A beautiful ' ed out that 'in past years. the board . ‘' - e ,on eau-, • • ,,P1c are , 0, Queen cultnrce • • • • . , • Clinton "News -Record, t Loyal Orange Lodge No . 710 in pounds'', A stagge est rate policies of the. 13iefenbaker Conyert the 1.1th- and earlier series of d 1919 - - "For -Mild " an gOVerT1Mellt . • . • ' b011dS' to a new -an att and was, also past production increarlseigh9a6s.g113eeerneernet .ng Yue master of the 'cot -arty of South H corded Since 1948 . ra,e yvie The Luelmow .Centennial is 'his- The Toronto - Star othe on.- e--attendecInearly 'every -12th • • " ' • but' the-nierith'reS-Of 'Predlets.,Enither', 1,100s - problem that the conversion pregratiL"ThiS' StePN-Vsi_ilEforesfa the :117-7 S 'W111J111-ge-TLIQ`ng-'71°11g N /concerned. "The mighty „$6.4 Ada:Savings ,'BondS'.series b Canada Conversion Loan turns" out tors who realizeMe14°I;.Y. dijw-as'.th` „ • porinity,i;i_oliftloh,:ce_arsjoeni..1hrdadt.teholiails,ie,„. lasoeuvii- ns, 0 earher an- . rtg(1)14s evening to advertlse YV13.7c°71eTleCii tinieegattedirl, 6 tii'ttt yilsh:raepc.'d:tais:bsUbr;•-- -71-6-.1,6„..s_tisilanza-forittr" ra_ rtifAcient.:14•It'l .camera but flie.:143.1.'11---:I'llm-43.'f,ethvi:c WE' pitai „ ,sor,7postetitir-,_.13vae_ :eel* -441 Q11.7;`2'frorpodiliterk;_nsfneatl.., the convertible-Vietary :Ft011d$,Whit canad •, • . n . s a the Star says. "They hold radSt5fif7-7-'-tlie -thanyean-a-dianS. Who: invest -.creates insofar as small investors are -., timing redemPtion I C a; Savings Bonds h and g n era e e -p, se erari-- nontha -sone nd the per ca a c a,nce to a ing ;joy, ansur.• . p 6 con- volMe4 .-suniPtioae4seecontinuing „ n -t --hi her retrir thisehentecorninge andeits br in in the'. in. „Y s ---------------------- -"ingclerk., In 1948 •th • r ' 2 small ,investors hold, primarily, is not share i he t , - • PASS': th, tle.-4rd at: -64,1 a :figure 'WAS:, Victory Bonds but Canada .Savings. tli rgt. r';'°h-t6.177°1' old fHnd s'' someithat,: the, selection, of., 33,80 pound einst-,-yearlt-w-as ePlaceinent, :caanot, g Bo..1.4--Which f . ar, are no -con- .", " ".,.-4-tteknaw Sentinel be delay le;it'l e • longer and • tedj . Y an poin ed t that' • ° ' t oil ' Adverti e grea est competition to -poultry that adve tisem b Imea y thre locar paPer but indpith- meats )3- f s°.callea hcavY ve Monday' stole . ee , excluding offal and lications which would reach sing Can DO Better° Job ,Wath Follow T rough th, „ e t I lt • . . ••• - . • - A.dvertising tremendous, jOb =eying goods froth the. shelvei-and , racks of merchants to 'tire pantries -- And shelves cif home owners„ sometinies the effectiveness:- of- everi the best ads; the best circulation cov- erage, is. lessened by a failure to fol -t low through. We- were reniinded of. this difficul- ty by J. IC Edmonds, writing -a: recent issue of Makke,ting. Pointing out that in boom periods peor seiIhg methods are developed that Can lose -, sales, the Marketing, story saYs; , "The best ads, the best Sales pro - grata -in the world Won't' Paoffrt - -the men and, women who, 'aetuailY ° Meet the costal -lie/. haVen't, yet ad= justed to the maiket, -they: let the customer *wait ...while they finish a routine job? take.their breaks in --full view of an impatient • customer, instead of retiring behind the scenes for their sm6ke? say,, ry, we don't carry that," without,, making a note of the celor or Style.. - desired? fail to Carry adequate r stocks, or to re -order -quickly an it, - era that' rhoyes out faster- thari •'-pected? All these Merchandising ..haPpexiwhen the:custOmers try to •-buy the goods Perhaps staff,retrain-: ••••-•"iTlg-Lizite0aTn.'01Te-lii-,-2"vvith inventpry -control;. or adVfce on servicing „your geods-adeqUately, 'should be, StepPed-.. up tOimeet;tlie.new:conditions, The ,. long -,booni -PrOdu-ced plenty- a bad selhng habits, it may take more than exhertatiOns- .to persuade - ors to act on the 'aSstiMption that the •. cilstomer is -always"right, 1. . , ,$troight To the Ppm have been observed in Canada.with- Au the past week. Tefore you seafeh :for a new- Sales gimmick' at the ad- vertising level, check to see what'- - "Egr'aretd On -Rligh-t-Thtek f -St. Marks journal -Ar e Town; Cwincil is ,t right all When theyhesitate to, g.i.:N•ig im- mediate apprqyarto requests for per,. mission :ereet, additional billboards" signs within this Municipality-. 'de's -being 'unsightly- and e.natura1 -view, :these large :boards " triblite Very little to the 'local. fax ; 4x. Not Only the Tow0 ndividnal -citizens, and. bilsiness Should helP to discourage the nereasing use of this type of ising sign. opp 1-, canned Meat, last -year showed a from e booth cants' who have'adeivate training perieeta,pita constulipithin 617-74.8" beside the bank in Zurich,- and the and exPerience He ,also expressed. pOund, .and it IS: 'expected. 'produc- one' from, beside"the telephone of-, hope that if a, suitable, Man' cmild tion rating last year of 0.2 pound fice in, Dashwood.. , The new typo be laired,._plans might lead stoWar- '. and,. a 1(1 per eentprodoction., hike dj telephoilea', which; contain the coin the establishment of -a town -man= intielpated, - box all in one unit, were torn off ager .sytfern,=-Wirigliam'Aileirnucee• . But there .are many other food§ th,e wall. of Ithe phone -ots m ' Tmes, . ' ' ` ' ' sharing the budgetary' dollar, he - '' ' ' ------------------------------------•---- Said„,.. add:rig-lip _AO an estimated .859.4 pound- per capita, - --- --, , Incomes. Rising, • .' . . The "-Merehandising expert said that the average spendable inceine has, been' going' up steadily -during, the last few years, and last year it reached a high of -,$1,280. :1_,,,, , in , the meat indtistry broiler' - - . 4 there -have 'corrie as 'close' to meet - ,eggs, have now •added Dread made e,,,, „e.e; ,- • ' A'.50,000 -bird '' breiler house; •Will .s.yketition as arty other groim.. in' Dublin to their !steck. This broad we, turn. out, 1.50,000' 'pounds of 'live birds in 10 weokS. ,"Thit,'it 'equiva- lent to 150 ste.ers.Weighing .1,000 pounds eaCh_or 750 hogs" running around 7.50'pounds apiece. ; - -- The broiler can be produced On a feed gain ratido of abOut 2.6 pouhd. The jive to ready -to -Cook shrink- MeKaYllome, '.• ' , -taxes. ,PrevlettslY 'a diseodfte'or, oatghere'GilithetatrPsrolgc°tr,a:balnYdwtihto'h paenry- • Messrs. S, .g. "(eating arid ,/. M. three per cent was allowed if' tax" ceetage ,Of, edible, Meat and "ex- Hinchley, of Seaferth, and ,Jelre, es -Were paid in September, and pensive:cgs is high: "rtiWett. ?,1-d •D!.• Oigglrls;; BaYfield,- two per- cent, if paid -in'Oeteber. Marketini of light -weight birds; , .waterrualninIvVittieLtongoplflaptonligrn, lannitehnet tThhreeeampeernicenetntit•s,,trsiekpetsembouetr ,atnhde eirim38117y6go.pilsseurns,dhsa-Liel9r5e5asteodfir2o6x11,- of the Walkerton Club, - '' allows , may one -per cent # pald. 325,g ,pounds, 'last- year4 and a e.:RO:tieit Ben taginb ' nitd by .October 15 ' .' - ' • ,f v,i+i'' 27 increase is,-,indicate4 this Thrcsher Co. • sbiPPecl two large ' Dr, John ,01:ieve, V.S., has had v-up'-',,.er ' heating boiler's for Taylor Forbes 'displayed on his verandahlor sti:!f --•-•'-` 1: " d Improvements Seen- , TEARS AGONE Interesting items gleaned from The Huron Expositor of 25, 50 and 75 years ago._ Children have capacity rPt0fl that isn't';foggy • With pre- conceived impresSionS,.andlirejUdices,' :-that is Straight to the 'Point. ' Here are s'oni.e examples of the talk and writioit'' Of' first -graders t ' ":4..irmS are -t� hold Your hands on?' ' • "EyebroWs Are someth.ing. women shave off..": "Little' Stones- are. -big . ° are degs to chase•?1- :',"•:-, "r,fDegs are Wade to dike people." • door to answer." , dream is something- you think *hen. 'you're , asleep." -ve gle.' .„ "A. face is a' thing...that holds your • head' and .hair in 13flace." Ground is to grow grass." hat is a thing' th tip and sa, .wagicians t6 take rabbits out 'of. "Mashed', potatoes - are 'things' to haVesteak.anct gravy with." "Motintains are --a place that's hard, Vigo Up hilt easy te' corne down." f‘41nustache .issomehing old men A mustache -is something elge. 'to, wash." • "A package, is soinething to ,Isay, 'Yoe hop!, Look What I got.' om The Huron Expositor ' August 18, 1933 is ci,•g eat co vemence when the: ire of •unknown origin complete- home:made .artiele does not rise: y destroyed the fine barn •S, S. Cooper, .of....Cohataiice,. farm Thonms 'MoKaY," IvIPT-CfflOP pchased„ an' tip-to-datee,rubber.: toWilthip. The 'flaineS rapidly: fired- buggy' fri5fri-Mr..-Win.tugiIf slimed the large -baro, housing' this At a recent Seaforth Council season's hay and grain crops; :A. Ineeting a :by-law t; was pa.sted, group ot-inen formed a bucket airiending. the donSelidated. hY,lawSy gade,.and sueceeded saVieg,•:the respect 'to the ;:disconotS, nearby faria74S:Stiffragan 13ish- op William TovVashend :of Londen. He has, ,reeently ptirchased a sum:- iner cettage..aSome: Bayfield '2„ens who. areliOt of the same faith tOrdthip" aml•"-are not faro - alma mater as _lectitrer.., Perhaps the -Moat famous sOri of' Huren Cotintf Was' the Ja te John: editor,, anther and public,- ist who was born on ,A. farin nears Varna' and People -re-, gard Varna as tort of suburb sit' the village. For several years -r: • worked .for Sir john when, he was, editdr of The Toronto News. - My good -friends Suffragan Biah-, • op Townshend and, Mr. Coats I am, Ttlire-will-not-beeoffended 'when r aSsociate-their names with that of oaln_olithoinereeaarp•IdY' tl3haeYfistelrodnge,lifiezeele:n' was •headect- to be a 'world heavy- . weightlirlie fighter,' when the - him ndPutyill-te0BrhlaniysgfiPeaallidrdb.'nr.t8•eHiu'ilser-11°(1•:Intl°jammthete(l'igawrivalTheS g of In,. this 7.r. e,,a_.,Lni,:ee,Bmaillr:m. ihli;r1L5'..vvib.eilite' -1..mglo,icwa.nn atistrIpesia'icna,1,1,130,1 bSelareeltd_,,,wanitdhewies,4od:(4oei_iloyit 'Another notable 'Huron County the oldtinfert, like iny- good friend, Tom Bailey of the Ritz •Hotel.• - -rwee5eihdeentin-Bhoa-Y'rgevia--er Coats, 'of Ottawa, 'famour econom- Vent', who joined last-- century ivveth,o,,avele. bsrtaattiesiaticriaencee4;1Vive..rhisCo. otarnteestiluned tlbieeeeaxmodeusatoiu'tmhebeUrn_ jiateekd • • birthday, has booked adeotrimoda-• in the Michighn woods: His feats • tion at the Little inn or thee midi- strength' -were -notable-,-,' He be: • , clle -•af Attglist. canie so' f amens -that, woader if Mr. Coats WS' i?orti 9e a 'farm •he 1".,reas net the original ea-ul Bun - 13. eflb jeiracdstrt_dich_ole, for iti-li,,topiehhiei.:p. 'ibyScuerf.ginagieyeldd' affroi-Bviheei.s.,,afteem.:ii.,,p.Blieinearnygst.:. Michigan mystical a Was aa.sn dthme igehh taymY:ei or: • and haPPlest-rec°11e'etkm-s 'are' Cod- ,of the woods of Wisconsin arid -• In. any case; in those rough and Ling, the village and eits fihtertambl of ,the Itinther. camPt. A roundings he never misses_ a -Slildre'• hexing promoter 'heard -of 'him and-, : -- -naerit-for-Aneouting. r • -trainecleblin,_foretbe Tinge_ He.was ..-.1Vir:••Coa_fs graduated from Teron- making sueleprOgress`tharlieldbk":"--- .to.University in-1896.'rit was a, not :ea like a ,,,shrece,s,scr_fp. , ifielnding Rt. `Hone- _Ar-. d'inhn L. Sullivan or "Gentleman- thur-f-meigbee,•-• who, has beetr---ms Jin" -Corbett as world ehamPi0d- • llfeddeg.fileed; • H -Ce• George Hen- Then -cable' ,sad" news from ' ry Dc- Malcolm Wallace, former- home, His brothel, Nebo a Is help..., 4TY0-rPornitriociPtTaillivDefrsTlitlaYi;veDrsritYEI.Ciozlalheegh, 'Ing the old f°1k8 operate the farm, 1was- serlruslv thiured in LiateirdStoafidteymilqdal' eva'n'h°, pliraedsidaenbtrielf b"bi.25;kfaigeheti-- - 'lain scholastic career, and the ‘‘B -,r,.- gave up his hoxi,ig,career' Caeada 'Packers' Ltd. • _ irg eo one in Bayfield or •the - e'After, . a' short, tiine-ase' a. neivs-`''neighborhood , Were ever able to' •- oaPerinan, CeatsTfelloWed 'Rt., stand np to "Bill" Slack aselong Hon.' Mackenzie- ,King--,-.whoegradu- ',as his -fighting days...lasted,' :There- • - le?Clteitdrora.io'year :1:1O4a9ztetttaweaatai-ds Bisa" yafi:ts,atdc1;,1'..arth-Pota' laterbecatne statis,ticianottne. Pp- fore the day§ Of 'prohibition' parimit.of Trade and Coininerce.' Hiiron... Co:Linty...L.- he-, fought three:- , When 'Sit oe-prite• Fetter ..ettablish=" brother§,-, at Once . and flattened' , 'ilier'Doininimi ;bureau of • Statis- them tit On'the. floor. ,Thase were, tics, whieh fife . deeennial the, ,gaye brave and,- booming days :• census,- Mr. 'Coatt„ niade head 01 Hayfield. and 'bullt.up over:the ;years One, of • • the fineSt'•statistieat'departMentgln. the World. 'On hiS., retirement for, •, Be the kind of ' driver you, exiapet S,01761'al YearS' he returned -to, his, the', other felloW td be. Drive sgelY.- . , .EDERATION. CARL li_EMINoinr.e_y., • " . • . SOrne'tinie„ago7..the•HOciverturient 'annourieed -„.a• : set Of • stabilization prieese'eThete,,,•have. ?reeeiVed'• ap proyal; in :seine , quarters ,:"..and set - ions opposition in Others:. .',Your FederationOtAglichltureqeels4that, thit..„isean'firiPOrtant subjectAndis *itallye-o-liree-filett' in l'learning-,•-the oniniOn. eat ..'eolliniedities;•.': • , ,•. 'If a-ttabilitatiOn ,Priee IS' tee lc* it is,,of4ntiebenefitite the producer: If it too -•hight;', We 'run' pluses that 'have , to' be disposed:Of trsoxn-e,inannereeThe-PrdblpnieiS-In diseover--what-,isHrightifthere,,are those.'-•whe,•• say '•• 'is.. tinnecesSary and; .,b.a17-ruful prodnetion:. ,„ The latter ,part of. Angutt• meet- ingt ' be held for ' znertiliers' :of the,.Eederation • sentatiVes of, the cominbdity 'groups to 'arrive 'at 'a definite policy that ' can be supported .by the Ontario i Federation of Agriehlture, You; '...the producer, know better ,-than 'anyone eelseetlie, effects of Support' prices' on'Yotir income. We hopeeyou. will'Consider this probviii as its' affects -fififird: let -your -re -!- presentative know your solution. It is only, this -way' 'that Your or- . ganization can best serve ,you‘ „- , . • Alert -today----- alive tomorrow, , You don't buy safety,-. you build it. Drive safely! • • 'Remember, yoii too are a pedes-- trianpart of the time. ,Driy.e safely. RIGHT THIS WAY - _ Go.,.which will be 'used in Neva eral ayt this -Week, a•Lika:Aorat • - • . Scotia,' Eath weighed 17,500 peunds, turn, in.. full bloom. o . Processmg , eviscerating a of-MeKillop, met with a• 'very peculiar accident on Tuesday,while taking a rest near thee barn, . when a wagen, whieb was„being backed out of the barn, accidentally _passed- over his -body. Mr. -'1•1.., -Edge has the contract for - remodelling the Canipbell house on the North Road, which will be occupied' by 'qr.' and, Mrs.: R. E. Jackson; Mr. Hugh Wright, and soh, • Jack,' have moved. to Mrs/ . 'Woods' 'house -on Side St,. -Miss''-Thelma Johnstone and lliss airy•Jd4lis--,-whcdrave-heen-,-at tending ,stutitner,,stimel at Toren - to ,Ihiversity-rhaVe returned home. ,* Front, The -ExpOsitor , Antus,t 190S. Lou Farnham, of. Seaforth, 'has- been 'engaged as teacher in No, 3 Schod14.1fibbert, -.One evening last week &Wand, of the HurOn Redcl,; had narrOW reSdape, was .driVing .ai'ig-wth two others -whe "The world is -0410P. Yon juinp tiP fhe--air n iwg.y$ come a barb-•Wite with was on 0-411 „. , eeve wa 111 . The world is ;Soniethi- "'mak -`4•..?-•' :a -6s sl,.„ te.adolio, come down tO after you ve been 0 haVenbeen_keei0g a stock of o in space: as well as deahitg.:* *Etter an , „From The Huron Expositor : „August 17. 1883 rdr.ir..,ouis 'McDonald, the enter- prising proprietor of Walton saw- mill, has completed tile work of cuttinghis stock of logs fgt. this, freezing faeilitiet have improved across Canada; said Mir. 13onny- inane but there is sometimes care- lessness. - ' • Many times consumers change their minds about a potiltry meat ptirchase when they see (1) a •Iiird in „whieli the wrapper carries -ex- cessive dark -colored urger or, (2) the bird has turned a sickly dark seaSon, and the.null.has been dos- coler because it has„,been held at ededown awaiting a new supply. too -high a temperature intim dis- ,--Messrs, Ferguson and McDonald play counter.. , '• • - 'have sold the hogs belonging to -"C„Ontumers • are attractegt, and ' ”alton ueneed in theft' fuodIvirehases asst.& Head. & Son, of Montreal, by attractive.,,Appelhote.and di - for 6-t/a; dents per pound, • ' play, and their repeat ordert Come This Season, Mr, Williairt: Cole, frore 'good to the last bite' ideas,'',. pofurflicheaelli aeantwceigienbnioafell_ridleartel: he concluded. ' from, Mr. S. Moffatt. , ••• The High School Board, has chostn as elassical and English master, Mr: Alex Crichton, /3.A., of Toronto University. , M the evening train was 'Ring west TueSday night, it. mto three horses, and killed them about a mile and rhalf 'west of Seathrth station, Two of the horses belong., stayed married 21, years,' f corn- ed to M. Thdroas Fowler and one molted. - to Mr, John Modeland-, There was. a long silence and ' Mr. .M. Counter$ hag tlahlias, then he said. '"First ten years, me growing in his garden will& mea. and squaw fight,. figlit, figiitt -Set- sure-14 itithes, in eireUniferenee. mid ten years, papooses add squaw Seaforth doithoil liave'pnrelia-sed; fight I phut tip.. Third ten years, a new hose reel 'from Mr. hahl, papooses grow tip,,t grow up,- of Brilasela, fut - all glint up."' -An 'Old Blackfoot'- Indian and usd&to patronize the same eOuntrY• storO, W1ir Over a bottle, of soda. pop Vie. .often AiscusSect ,The "Ways of the world,: , "Do yott like women?" asked ono day. , • ``.1V1V". Sepiaw, she good woniatt!! Must be kir you too hate .Redpath Granidated , SUGAR -5 -lb. I3ag -Van CaMe.s ImProVed • B:XPLN:$ W-Tril PORK1-2 f541Zu Kraft Canadian CItEtst, . Heinz- BABY FOODS -L3 This • 31c CERTO-Bottle • • • salad Dressing, large 32 -oz. Quart •yar MIRACLE WIIIP • :. • • • • . Gold' Seal, Fancy -Red SOCICt YE -SALMON--73/-o7Tin Cheery`Morn, Pure Infant. ' COFFEE, ---Large Jar • • l5c off' deal Christie'slain -or Salted " SODA; CitACKERS--14b..•110* • •• gialLairk Vancy Quality TO1IA'r0 JUICE -Large 48 -oz. Pure .1Ioniogeed- • PEANUT,BUTTEIZ,•-• -16-oz. Jai. Hottest 10 -Oz.' Box -.POTATO CHIPS' ..„ 9 11 • 35c ,55c CARNATION, :1SIILK-2 Large Tins • . .29c Silverwood's PowderedSweet - Large Pkg, 41c Palm PICKLES -30 -oz. Jar. .49c Sniart's=Choice Qtiality • -White Cross • ' Large Apple Sauce -2, 20 -oz. tins .35c TOILET TISSUE -3- Ro11g....39c, rop 16-oz.Brutitweek , •POPPING CORN-PolY Bag ite SARDINE :$±3' TinS ...,..,.....,..29c Economical -Cheery Morn -Froth ground DM:NTT RICE -1-1b.' bag 17c COFFEE -1 -lb. 'Lin 77e AYInie'r • ON,P, 10-0Z. Kellogg's Large tro1v1AT0 SOUP -2 Tins 25e Rice-KRISPIES-91/444-pkg. 23c Bee Hive. Clark's' CORN STAPP-2-1b.. tin 31c "RISK ST'KW-15-oz, Tin.... 21e Make Your Soft Drinks Aeroxon ASST. F1UESIIIPS-5 pkgS.29e FIX COILS -4 for " 10c All PriCes Good 'Til Saturday' ,Night, August 16 OUR fq3sTriEp'llIfYERS' STORE one afoot'