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The Huron Expositor, 1958-07-18, Page 3
AltVays Fresh at G OE T T L .E R' S.' Red 8i WJiite , Market I)i)BII1\T, ONT, TILL TOP WINNER V 1T .. FIDDLE, WILLIAM HYDE 94. NEXT WEEK Still young inheart and 'with a National Exhibition, Toronto,, Len - yea far the violin, William Hyde, Hfensall, . 04 years of .age on Jnly 23, • has on .display at his house many lovely trophies and prizes he has won at old time ,fiddlers' con tests„throughout his Playing -career; He first started playing at .contests 3t,lyears ago. Up to date, and -still going strong,: he has won. 68 firsts, 11 seconds, 7 thirds; and=21ourtli;- Last weekbe won, first at- Wood - stook and second at Merrittor . Following' are the .places he has. performed at contests: ;,Canadian don, Merritton, Woodstock, Strat ford, Mitchell, Seaforth, St. Marys,. Clinton, Ripley, Walkerton, Blyth;.,, Goderich, Exeter., Grand, Bend,, Tharndale, Hin.eardine; West Lorne, Kirkton, Hensall, Zutieh and Kip . pep. Hee plays by ear and started -to; play when '1.1 years ' of age.. He was-bozrr—tn �131trshard, sPerrt--50- years there,,' and has lived in Hen - sail _ 3S' years. ,. IIe:, arises - every'. morning at 7:30, and keeps occu- pied daring” tkie day: :because naural gas',gzves LI`'•stent, autom; l c even heat in ,every room of your hon,• se.�all -Winter throu g. • • MR AN MRS ALLAN TIF NMAJ• Bf7TTE'RS Seen• following their :wedding in St':':Columban Raman Catholic Church The bride; • the :.farmer=Mary-1Iargaret halone,:as.tbe,dauglitof.`bf Mr:: Alit ;:f Olin L. Malone n'E 5, Seaforth, and -the ;bridegroom's. parents are 'Mr. and •Mrs. Thomas Butters, ,,Dublin. After a short "> trip tri Points. in the;Tnited Statrss -the couple Will. take their', home to I\lerthernOntario where the'bridegreom.is employed in 'construction won -k: (•Photo by Phillips}, NEWS OF,1-IENSALL .. D E U ROPE. 1E CTOBE. Miss: Betty ,Mickle leit last Sat -' -ball '-Chairman'is Jim. Taylor;;'re. urday for Montreal with her par-' Creation': director, Robert Reaburn; ents,, , Mr and Mrs -?;Laird :.Mickle assistants, Miss Dianne Rannie and faintly 'She Sailed' on Monday and Miss Gwen Chapman... for England on the HomerictoGuests Sunday :With, -Mr and Mrs. spend ` almost;, four, months on the Sam Ra unie- and family' w ere ;Mr:. British •Isles'•. and on. the Continent. and Mrs: Ed.:Gascho,, of Ziiri4h.. Accompanying -her were Miss Jean r Herb -Redden. and Mr and Mrs.' Corner; Miss Shirley. Ann Stephen- Harald' Redden., Jimmy Debbie= son and' --Miss Joan Willison, of and 'Marjory; o£ Dresden visited .and---Miss„--",Joan - 'over the, weekend in -Hensall :and, • They will` tour England,. Ireland,` Clinton':' Scotland 'and Wales; •and while in'. Miss Jean Lammie, Centralia; is Scotland, will` attend the Edinburgh .vacationing .with her aunt, Miss F'estiyal The firS'L week of Sep- -Greta Larnmie., tember theywill'eross the English Leonard Noakes, `accompanied I. Channel, for France, Belgium; Hol- by his, sons . David and :Billy,''en' land 'and.:Denmark. 'They will at-' joved a':;fishing top .to: Silver Lake. tend', the ' World .Fair in Brussels -•Miss Brenda. Noakes. is enjoying and. arelanning•1'to visit Switzer- a week's holidays with her . aunt iand`:thepcapitals of Norway and and uncle, Mr.'' -and , Mis Jack Sedezt Wnst • Geri�aanyItaly, 'Peebles, ,, : , in London. Sauthern_ France,_, an : perhaps. Spain. They,: will :arrive hack in • Canada ,the end of October p��t �t . Ob*f ries Hensall recreation `progm raop , . 'ens Monday; ;July 21, for the chit:,.- dren-"o£ Hensall and district and- MitS M(ENNO FISCHER will continue' for four- weeks' from 9 to 13,:30 a.m All ":children' inter MITCHELL=.A. Iargely attended e"-lt :'06e asked-ts'register at the 'funeral --Service-for. Mrs, Merino - arena -,•at 9 a=m ofthat day: Pro -.::Fischer,;,: who died at her, bonze, gram includes bas= fa" 13, concession : ullarton ketbal--shuffleboard--and...: oJle-township; was _held axr`,the Heath Leslie Funeral Home;MitehelL Rev, John'.,V.' Woelfle,:, of', Grace' Lutheran Ghurch offic atet__..:• Pallbearers, were:: Roy ' Paulea, Louis Feltz; Walter Baein,• :Daniel Neubauer, Walter'Ristan and Fred ullarto townshi l�tz, :'all of k' n , p. ' in. Grace ' Luth Burial 'was made ciao cemetery..`. ' . 'Friends "and relatives" attended from' ;Listowel, Bright,, Toronto;` Kitchener, Detroit, Stratford,,Brod in g.„ anti.A.re surung district. THOMAS curAR,LES-FARQUHAR "ITENSALC—Thomas• Charles Far- quhar, prominent and.':highly; es-, 'teemed • resident of the. village; passed away. in.Soutb..i.luron Hos .pita'L, .'Exeter, Saturday; July i e was -yin his 72nd yeas' Born . in iiuIIett ;township, he, formerly 'farmed in. Stanley -town- ,•, ship, taking up residence in Hen sail -nine years •ago.: He was. a member of 1=iensall United Church: and a member- of TTlnron Lodge, 'r'AF add ; AM -224, .Hensall - .' Surviving 'are bis Wife, the er ;Emma Consitt; two' sons; Aub - y lrroulencagtnti, depenstrengdth anon-Ca:d unop iforBmole:'ity,,-:rev;tingof_Kippen,Ro`fiald, of To-' •: .-thi' daifghmra' 'Mrs.• Val Ty;me Its free -running fond knot ter (Doreen)" ;'Spencer, Hensall;' lass, cz iu� ng your u�ck, easy •r'me d. oro BfrS. Yydnfurtd-(MarY): aperntta.n of haying , • , Knex,, :;bath of Toronto; "'two lonot sofe Storage - aft©rwdrds. 'cos too.- - teas, Mrs.IVT'aud ambert and:Niiss: Law to r._• ' � fk Sophy' 'Farquhar, of Eartiilton.One. brother, ,Frank,, predeceased..'him; `some -years ago.' He is also 'stir- -vived bysev"held 'ath en': grandchildren. Funeral ,'services were the, Hensall .Ignited Church Tues day, July 15`, conducted ,by. Rev.,. laChxeter' arles "-D.cemetery Daniel Bt iifil was in•. . F STECELE-GTI Gt,itICH 'BLAKE —.Blake M-ennonit e Church was the- scene of a • lovely wedding Saturday,',.," July .55. when Shirley Ann:. Gingereh:. and Clayton. SteckIe ,exchanged , marriage • vows. befar--e the Rev: Epliriam- :Ginger-, ich •and Bev,.,.Albert lVlartinxin a settting of yellow and white nems nodi fern. The bride is;the•'daugh ter. of Mr, and .Mrs, Roy. Gurgerich, andZuric•thh.ty- groorri is the' son r of M .and Mrs. Joseph Steckle, lbotb.' of The bride -wore a formal gown of, white brocaded'saiiir with -_Iffy= point sieves and peter pan collar, andd, carried a white Bible Crested: with- white--carnations,..Attentmnts,. 6.75 IVtrs. William Steckle,' matron' of hdrior, and ,Miss Nancy Schwartz- -„,r.Nei ,. ,ilamb'tirg, brides -1. maid, wote igoWns of blue and'pink', broearTed- satin, 'respectively,'The Y ....;9O .carried :cascades of "flowers in match their, costumes::; williaitl Steckle - -attended the groom; and Melvin Gi .gerieh and` John Steckle usherd ' : Fora Wedding trip tor Northern -`� • Ontario the bride donned a blue • lFARf'4ERS cO'O suit with accessories n'pink 'and 'blue', They Will. resi .e On the groom's ,farm i ear•Zurtch.. 9`T �t eta! Jyi° ,,' Guests: -attended from 'Sarnia, P}roN� 13/ garkharn;;Vineland, Ailsa Craig, l�itehener, and Zuti bl ertmnKipS A tJo reI :sro"e The aunnal Suuday School Picnic of St. Andrew's •United ;Cbur'cli, KiFpen,. tvaa held Thursday; Jinx 10, at Towett's' Grove„ 'Bayfield, with about. 130 inernbe. s and• chit. -I drew pf, Slid .eongregati$n'in atten- dance: The children .ran several. races_ and received prizes. Mr. and' Mrs, Robert D, Elgie and Mr.- and Mrs.Jack Cooper,,' Jr., were in. charge 'of _the.' sgorts: Mrs. Tom . Reid won a -prize for guessing thegibmber of mints M'.a jar.: Two relai awere wan ,by:• first.,' Mr.' and " Mrs,.'• John Cooper,' Jr., and second, Mr, and.Mrs., Ray Coirsitt JYI s. J, .' )Ife 'ean "Wan the': winner for being the: oldest lady present: I`Teektie , roe Was: won by Mr., John Sindlair And.M Robert 'McGregor,' back -to back• race, Mr. and Mrs. • William Cole Those in " charge of the .tables were.. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ltfyell, Mr, and Mrs. Tont; Reid and •Mr. and 11rs. • Alex Mc1Vliirtrie. A,:candy Scramble was held fol the,eluldreniand, a most delici9u ,picni supper served Master ,Dennis Harkness; Park hill; 8 -year-old: grandson ' of Mr'." and:: Mrs, 'W -R. Cooper., received word _wliile:'visiting; his-gr-andpar cots, he was the' of the lucky win- ners in guessing - ;;the weight of Slipper, the se abort, and--received- $10; :plus a photo of ,Slipapery. = Miss 'Marian- Pepper vis visiting in."Blyth at the'home of her aunt, Mrs, W:. Good, and is assisting' at. the -Bible School at- Auburn. - LOYAL , INSURANCE C . A. ' Mac NAL yield Itepresentative Non -Cancellable Sickness a_xd Accident Protection t lrotectioy Participating Life Insurance FOURTH ANNUAL oderich 'Harbor i s .. COMFORT LAST;�� VWONTER FYOU U � MISSED ��OUT ON � Only ci modern gas heating system gives you all'these eitg: SPEED b•:nefECONOMY - -CLEANLINESS SILENT OPERATION - -- DEPENDABILITY• AC1'OMATIC CONTROL ,. Free services -On> call --24' hours a`. day,".your gps-; .:_ company will clean-ond-adjust.your burner every year";"` free! ' Budget pian: Pay the modern, easy way. Your gas company offers. q . budget plan' which spreads your yearly, heating: bill over a ten month period. You'll see -and feel the difference when 'you convert; to Natural 'Gas. Your' walls and furniture stay cleaner . your house is 'comfortably warm at the, touch of a' thermostat. TO' NATU ,;Don't vtrait for the- -:r. ush season . . Convert' to natural itis nov✓' «ond - enjoy.•the . added sonnfo t itf brings you:next winfer.A gas''. ,.burner •just take'sa feyr`.hours to install. You_ may• budget the, low sosf over many month's For a free estimate on, n a moder oufornaticNatural,Gas install • ' 'dtion, call your' teptin•g'con . ' 'tractor or Union'Gd . `..' IN+G .CONTR # •Olt C�CO PAN OF . NADA,LIMITgp: 'MAIN ST$E-EPr , - PHONE 352 ?lulinbing and Heating Pluinhhig one 1;�'. Seafo.r't Electrica Seating Se,af-or$' i Seaforth • ,Braun Shona” St aforth 24 '-. 1 'hone Z ;rt. h '3 home'. lulrt:bilig: and .Ieati g Clinton and ' '�4'3� � ....CIN n District Stith quality fibers are combined, whit the-finest'ittaiiefacturinq testinq'fatllities in the production ' of. Co-op Binder Twtne: Buy it with assurance of complete satisfaction •-a}:,worthwhile savings. Harvest- Brand Saler (Danish) Co=op 13rand - Baler Twine .- Top Quality WINTHROP Bible. Vacation .School will open Monday morning,::__July, 21, registration, at ,8:30, and daises starting. at nine; An open meeting is planhed for 'July'25. -- .- fiensall-b in a � �,� 'gq winners` at.Eegion bingo Saturday were 'Mrs l'leis chanter,. Zurich (2), •,14frs tet. Venner' (3} Mrs. A Foster; -Toto; Kyle (2); Mrs.. Cowan `Exeter;i Clare Taylor, Exeter. `(4), Mrs. Carlisle Wilkinson; Mrs. Glen - Mc- Kenzie (2),r Roy Pepper Jackpot• Saturday MJill, bee 70 m 56 calls. The Famous - 'Glenn Miller Orchestra Wednesday July 30th Tickets • now on Sale Sr2 50 each 12 Noah to 1(I ii xhibitions by DANCING every, Wednesday; Friday and Saturday LIone . T ornton vim' 4111.1 �1i 1,iw7T' - -Casa .Royal<Orchestra -Our crowds have 'been wonderful • this .season.. PIan art evening- of•`dapcing! ' - You'11 enjoy every' minute of this great „ entertaining ,and danceable orchestra -- Unit Champion Outbo -i; runabout races Tor,orito:',il ;xJ tea Swimmi.n - .coin ._ cottons * Torch1 l kit F eviro ks -- CIo ns Other Attra'ctr0 Prizes' for! funniest and' beat Adecorated; boats, open to• every Send entry to LIOr75 CLUB;-, P O Box 2035Godericli ADMISSION: - APOLTS .5tt �FNTS_ _- CHILDRE1V 25;'CE1 ! hese men knov. sonny investm'en{ is Huron S- Erie '- Canada Trust Debentures. ,and Trust Certificates On units of'$1Q0 or inorehoth these safe, investments pay 33A% to 4% interest for periods of l to 5ryears Wh-y foot ca$ an and ask—for-details? a r�n r ana: a Tru, E� 6 Ontario, ' London, HEAD OFFIC o , District:Represen.tatives: afo ll.Watson, eid� Se xi G. Bontbron, Mensa • ,, W � n..+� � or - WANT• A�S w BRIZtFG R�SU%�TS — 'Phone 141. 4• W# toot atu�,to BORROW Gatclo,timto SAVE Sid for many alB' of M depositor they are one.and'the same if yob.' steed cash for: some useful ppurpose, it may -be good business for you to' borrow rather tlian draaw out your avins.. By bottowing' r' nie. uteful purpose, 'and by making :regttlax,re- payments ;on soar loan, youare'-, in reality. _isaiJing for a useful pur- pose. Meanwhile you are keeping your Savings prograrriine 'intact. Li .90 1 This, is wise- spending, wise rowin5 ar}d Wise: Saving. 'DO YOU NEED MONEY'? you,are in -a position to repay with• the are in a o iti:on out hair'clship, P � , CO lend : for the payment of loser• ance premiums, educational "" fees,.;,; ' medical,, dental; and funeral .orLegal' expenses; taxes; etc You •repay by j Monthly instalments,• • A' TONT FOR A$100 -'LOAN REPAYABLE in 12 MONTHLY INSTALMENT',, (equal to 6% interestpei annum) You Repdy:Aonthly GYM% :P?Ym'is. ' paym'fs I FCC LUDI NG I `t�1 T, E K E S T:' 4 go •= S 8.48' $ 5.69 t 4;30 " 75 12 72 8.54 6,45 100 16 95' .° '11 39 ,- `' 8.60 150 25-.44 .17 08. 1290 500 84.79". 46.94 ' ' 41°2 .; anger loans at proportionate Cost. .aasTit v2aulsTaTREAL 1Ims*lt Braiicli:. KENNET1i cants I";Manager Eric cid (Snit -Agency), Open Tuesday and rrid►y, KI9a't! WNTH,,CAi-NAtbIAH.s tN t!*V�tRX WALiK• *. UP* °$iH I