HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-18, Page 1Ninety ;; Ninth Year '
Whole Number 4720
e C'opie's, 5 Cents
2 O a Year in Mica/ice
here' probably 'are Marry, houS•e- a
• - ,
eePer,s:. who' pride ---themselves '011
9,;:cettkI_Piek„.tip: :c'::Qf
)3, Y. -tiraiciVirid-7.
Contrgetors lay distri.lintion
aleng, :Seaforth - sidewalks
`-ci'Oss•-86afortil lawns,•„.•
_ • . •. •, „
-.'bree,Pronged.-:attack, McDdedtibi,
gra in here Monday "rnottingN,Ith
, . . • • -
410; Un .t GaS coritractors. began
-distribution, lin,es-77an MainSIr 1. s:
'-alili on 3"°"eniati'Q:,1B°.dtreereict:,h:SS±CJAelileitt.10-'77I'
he, work advancing that on 'WO':
-peSdaY had -been eictende
• siE.AFIctwilies '.yog.;cE'etn'61'ove, this 'Week, ,te.leasing: mem, „- a,nd rePlacing sod .as „foe
'015 ol the' QPV, Whe 'have, :WOW. on duty', fiete, since ,Here ,Councillor ',T._ A. , - . went along, the crews •wcirke
inernhenet. the, P (dice liancIS: the -keys a the new,t 0 poliee cruiser to. Chief.- ' • efilicklY, Usin•g 1, variety of- mee
linter '1-futchison, While •Coustable_s'am Dates ..m,•.:i.t.ches•:: (EXpoSitor - anical equiiament designed portico-
iarly • for 110 j'Ob: At ',111-08t .00111t1':
• Seatorth I's • f.aeed, With a sewer
hill- Which maY ',total:. $242;006, it
,yyas revealed at Canned on Monday'
;night; when, menthers-revieWecl a ,
report prepared ,by Jhrites M. Mae,
Laren and Associates, consulting
ehgitieefS of•Voteritdi '1 his- in(lUdeS
plant; necessary-'niainS iinmediate-
ly, requiredy mid -laterals, •-•:-
3 .will be-' available ` Couricil.,had asked •for refioit
±°' thestart;iceZs;jtv.yeIfs]agictrig'clee;a:t•stleir!
nnetiffho 'heating season • . • .
f „.••• tO the,,hospita and . ea er _
'arinusTceri-tra'cters-will-A:iy: Th.--gth:etiligh-Sch-ao17---1\leneS-Sity-4for
1 of.more than 70: miles of enlarging the existing se-Werhge
,the distrilontinn• sYStent;: as SYStein bec eine greater- with. `-the-
Godetich, 30 Miles:; Gila- deeiSion. of Seaford"Shoes, Ltd. to
57,:.-ntiles;-7-8-eatortic 10 Miles; chnStillet a rieW •7faCtery, in the
11Y-12: Mules; SebringvilleT14.5' northa-est . corner Of 'town Attend,
aiid-Dubliii. 1.5 in' es. Jo irg the - aneeting---vv ere-,74-1lt- -C.
danibined''ProjeCtS, re -Presenting: the : engineer -
e tern,Pcka*y emPlOY-Meit.,0r ing firm;:•aricl L. g...owets,'•Oritario:
,an'l a,: 'en - Watr,:itesinirceS...1,2iirrixhissiOn.••
:Mr.:- Lioyd. 111 diScusSing
ter .'vvit:heouriell; Said that2the Prot
posal- Which was+ advanced now, was,
designed .i.n. the- first „tnstance • to
serve .the hospital and the , north- ,
west area- 'Of .the town.. At the'
-same firne the proPosal
that the syste,m could be- enlarged
to --serVe the entirdjown.- -It Vas
found 'In reviewing ..•ithe_. -existing
System.- that, :the sewer 010111 were
;at..a: level too high " ta,,,serVe 1110
aPP,fekimately, eigt
feet 'ewer- at a.":point w,fiere it erns's,
es- , the railway -tracks, . • 4:„-•
. The diffieultyl, With the, existinc.
dispokal plant %vas that it was set'
at , toe higha level. council was,
told,' Had it. been .at a loWer, level,
perhaps:, been necori-•
,Onneal t co4&uie,. to, us`ei:nyire :Of
it. Both Mr. Lloyd and Mr. 'Owers
layered a lagoon -type disposal, sys, ,
-tem, as _opposed to the plant ns
presently Jnstalled. While in the
initial stage,s,, there would be '0.•
slightly increased' capital cost i
volved in the lagoon -type,
would be ruore than -offset by
Loss was estimated at over
14,000 in two fires which followed
n quick successi nT esani ht
and Wednesday noun en concession
Tuckersmith. TWO barns On the
farm of Art ,IVIacINTaughten, RR 4,
Seaforth, the fernier Hislop farm.
to-the-ground.i.n the fires.
Believed started .by'lightning, the
-firat barn, . a-36i75-strueture,-"waS
cornpletely,destr-oyed late -Tuesday
evening. The second blaze Eared up
Wednesday, 13 hours after the first
and 'destroyed the smaller '48x28
The Tuesday night fire was no-
ticed liy,'IROVert'Patiick, -who was
returning to his home adjoining
the farm about 11:45 p.m. Mr.
Patrick reverted, seeing 'a red glow
in the weSt end of the barn. as he
approached the farm.He went to
the -helm of; Mrs., Sohn ,IVIacNaugh,
ibhert HoIsteii
ains Certiictde
A purebred _Holstein, bred and
owned by 'Morley H. Latinin• Deb-
, ,
lin, , Ont., has', qualified Lor, a- Gold
• • ,
. Seal' Certificate long . pr -
duction, Prpsented.hy the Holstein-
_Frieslail,..,Assnet,ation' !of ,'Caneda.
. She is DeWdrOP
• with a '12 lactation lifetirne produc-
tion .'total..: of 184;2473 Pounds rnlik
..dontaining 6;023.i pounds . "fat, All
134, one of the animal's: records
were.made on,twice-a-day
1-lerione three ,tirnes-ia-day
ing record „ViraS_.• made as a junior
'4-31ear•-•01d in,,1940,,:Wheif she quali-
fied /or the Minor pat with her,305-
rilay •production Of 48,231 pounds
milk ;containing .640 pounds fat: .
• The Holstein has g total "of:166,-
529 pounds mulk in,con0MitiVi,305
, Aday,lactations. This is, one of• the
top group of 305
nords evet.'..cempleted in Canada.
.She is Stilt On, test and further in-
creasing her lifetime totals,
ton- and called .... .,rUb 13, al iilre•
Bolph Hislop, who -resides in ,the
house, was unaware of, the fire um -
til, lights of ears entering the lane
awkened ffrii
"'Tho, Seaforth brigade - calarcled,
'the seeand • liarit;-•located - 12 ',•feet
„spilt west.of the, hurrung ,btulding.
They 'were ,11iIl&1: in:1 their,- efforts"
hen Pie SOPPIS .1" an.:1.0.wi*Alsb aid4.
Mg.:the, :fight ' a a 1icav Own,.
Pour stron-W,,weSt:"
•i'oni'other buildings.
:When -.firemen,. left ' about 2:,36
- 111. the'danger peint.waa
ed -Past. However', \riga was kept
thrdughetit the night' to prevent:fur,
flier Spread: 'to •' the. ,ether., barn,'
AbOut e, nesria . noon,
-paSseribY rePorted -the second barn
Whe 1 ttirn"ealled Mr.
werapliohd ain; but on :arrival
Lound • they, ,w.er,e.,,iinable. to save.
.,51111,-PreVailed,..kepttlid feint IMMO.'
'fireniert stoodby
in' case -of; -sPread. :lutenSE: heat;
c.used by„ilie.„;,..:Ourning;haY,. ketit
:'andfirrnn well hack
ioni the buildings.
Conl actediWecinesdaY :afternoon
Mr.,-,,,MacNatighton...told :The Eit,,
pestior,".he ',had rejoined, at the
scene. of ;the first .fire 'moSt;; of ,the
morning. About:9:30 a.m.
he ex-
aniiac,d .the Small .barri,., end .
tered its hay Mew,.
lag amiss. Ele stayed. •jut,'
b,efore-ntion and had retiirnedie his
heme,,'•adress.,-the, .rpad,,, for 'lunch
wireia the gecend-alarni was raised.
,„..LOSt in thebarn were 1,600 bales
:Of laSt ,ear's ,hay, 'a forage :,har-
VeSter, a 'grinder, and other
farni'rtocils. ,. The second barn con
tailied:,abatt 300; baloe.of
Abootaiing. to Fire Chief •J'ohrt F.
Sentt, the cause of the first fire IS,
believed: to be lightning. F.ireinen
express.ed :the oPinion-thatethe sec-
ond faie 'May have betin-canSeel'hY
the'heat 'of . the first 'blaze.' '
Tbe SOBS. Band will -be ..oue.,M.
When, SeaferthLions plan a blitz of
the town to Make certain every
resident has taken part in the pool
c-q-iipaign Tickets on the -draw for
3Oprizeswhich takes place at the
summer carnival August 6, 7 and 8,
will be available frein the can-
vassers. Thus donors not only will
have the satisfaction of assisting in
the pool program, but they also
will have the opportunity of; win-
ning valuable prizes.
The blitz being- arranged -by, a
Committee headed by T. A Stew
,art. aneL,Carm-Rowchffe, is .a Pre -
lade to:the—airinfar earn:
ival on August 6, 7 and 8.
• Plans:, are ,,,being '-coninleted. _for.
similar, coverage of Tuckersmith
and ,%/lexinop,,'„with details being
-worked -out by a -committee, in-
cluding E. P. ,Chesney; M. E.
Clarke and Harry Nesbitt.
Seaforth 'Native
Plays Pipes- in I3.C.
_matter df hours it was,
difficult to 'determine- the route of
the line, so 'neaflY had 'it been, in -stalled,
_ , .
Work ort Main Street is proceedug:more, "slowly.-.The..line here is
ISeing laid , finder the sidewalk on
each side of the street, ,and
nedeSsitates' ' s imv rng th,roureli ..
inches a 'Concrete. . •
In all.„-,sorne 10 miles of, pipe
will be raid -irr:establishing: the 'Seaa
birth distribution ., system. The
project here is employing about
100 men -
- The, Seaforth,.dj.Stribution-'sYstem.
is • one Of three on, \vhich. construc-
tion 'began this week-. , • -.
Construction is also underway at
Goderieh and Sebrinaville, with
„work:scheduled...to start dn..Clinton.,_
'1WitChelland Dublin_ as saan_as_
The work is being done by three -
different 'contracting firms: G. I.
Ruas'elt and Company 'Limited of
Burlington,,, will , do the ;Goderich
systein;, -McD,ace L1n31ted, 13yron,
will do Clinton and ,Seaforth, and
J. W. Cain;LiMited,,Sarnia,; will do
hMitchell; Sebringville and Dublin.
Union Gas 'Company f Canada,
Limited, will' distribute,,the gas in
each centre.' The .Seafortheontrae-
tOrs, IVICDape, LiMited, -have estali-
lished ' headquarterS-.' in • 'the Daly ,
The constructionpiojects involve
the .layin of - a .grid or network' of
street ,service
lines, and' other piping; to 'serve the
honies, businesses and industries. in
each of these cominunities. This
-c.ornpleted-=• by , nii cl-
.• The transmission line, which will
bring the natural gas from,. apoint.
near.,*atford, ,through,.to Gode,
rich, will be built by:. *Canadian
13echte1, of Toronto.- This line,' ap-
proximately 457, Mires' long, will be
started in the ..near future -and will
be coMPleted•by. early September.'
0,fliCials Said; construction Would
be: at: the, rate ef onemile a day,
and, that. about 75 " Mem ,would be
employed. • ,
EverY-, effort -will be, made to
complete the ,, entire , project on
schedule,' in ,order to assure „that
.„ The; fainous. .11amilton. Argyle
Pipes a,Ild'PrUms. are PP;rtleitiatirifg'
in. the Britisli:Columbia 'Centennial
.at Vancouver: ;Included in! the
ranks of the pipers is Don Reid,:
'Hweell-iksnotwhel sionn :Ll'aoM
thd area.
Robert Reid, RR'1, Hannon -who
are also attending .the event. ,
The band is representing On-
tario 'provinee at the affair. The
tattoo is under ,.the direction of
Brigadier 1VfacLean, who also di,.
recta the famous "Edinburgh Mus-
ic tr'eetival.”
1 -Writing to The Expositer;„Mr. R.
ateid relates that "Pipers of the
HaMilton brigade claim the tattoo -
is the grandest, tattoo they have
ever taken part in. They claim it
,eqUals anything in Scotland."
Dr -ver Escapes--,
AsTractor Upset..
, :Bob. Fotheringhani,,'Brucefield,
eSeaped -Uninjured in a farm mis-
kaPIVIonday•afternoon, The tractor
Which he was driving oyerturned,
but he escap,ecl.without any ger:lens-
The accident Occurred during -the
height, of a rain storm.. He was
,driving the tractor to the farm. of
Seldon Ross . to escape the ',raki,,
when ' in turning into the lane the
Machine , toppled: • Two tractors
were required:to right the machine,„
BOb is the seri of Mr; and 114rs,
Bill Potheringharn, BkscefiekL
vitsuNd UP '„A. OANTONU- CAREE11, eitiending ever near- •
ly 44 years; George C.'Brightrall, since 1938 manager of the
Bank:of Commerce in Seaforth, retires, on Friday, Here Mr.
BlightralI (left) welcolnes liis Sueces,Ser:. L. • P. Void, Who
tomes to Seaforth from Thedfoid, (KxpOsitor' photo by Phil-
r.r Mrs_. Roy Butt
re Wed 25 Years
See complete report on Sewers
ou Page Six
,Lloy-el,z.4ici....-tbAt',."it-lj ad' been. foui
perhap of a day in
when iCe hteakingili
.ed: the 'operation of',a lagoon
DispOSal,IS,effectect t aii6tatieii
percolation ,'' and by,
overflow, and Unless -in, casebi
emergenCy anti,
.'4h,ele:i;n4 tia
b4 n n .1C1'
For Sewage
J... O. Olaii•rpari
'SinfaCe,watenShoidel` be. encoure
ed4..:MiliLloyd,'Said • that:the' stexr
‘4eSigridd, was "strietly,.a :sanit4
seWer:i•i,, The Water .Be•Sourees",0§
rilittee," 'representative '• corifitinO,
that•tne-ctinimiSSieli doeS not ,fat.'6:n
a caritbinedsanitary and,- Serviee
twiiel it lett' rre,13, ijit" lny,T :746 r:ei i• .11 s ciaai t:erc:. ra: -?a, ;9g: ;c:
but net „as .•d• 'general 'rMe-.: • .
questiqn;• ,refetred,:•'10 the fact that.:
the -*.eserit . sYSterri ,heridled,
surface water: and sewage, -and thaV,
1t' heen installed, •lin this. •ratarr41,!,
Mer. , 0- a•:,re Suit Of •-the :-receintrien,'
dation of the' cOnsilitant",„erigitieet-S
eniployed at the - time.
-11.1y.-',OWers 'enlarged Mr. tlie: ad, ,
there'..was:'little,: if an. 1fla1i1ldn
substantiallY increased -for a. relit ,,
,ativelY Small ca'pitahexperuliture.-.',
AnsWering a,•oriery' as,te.:,the," ex-'' •
to Which. the .presept • dispoSal
could be ,u,Sed„,
that. the bottnin: is ;about. ori. the' .--
1.saMe level 'as • the :proposed von
line. A:Suction basin world . have
to he crea.tedbelow' : thia-level.' It
cotild.be:dene,;:but, opiriidif -
, . „ .
probably, would, be cheaper ,,to .go
••to .One,Side :and,;,install':a.: new ''anc,.
WAS A PRO rIt�' La1Ge1ieiaI oa, h Works ..at
-111.„1 last week • when a -'..new -production' Milestone' was reach- •
ed. Surrounding the 4,000th mobile home to be manufactured in
Ilensall- are group leaders,' (left to 3:Ight) Claus Van Wieran,
Harold Parker„:- George' -Parker; Murray Baker (kneeling), Man-
• ley •Jinks, William Baker, 'John Baker, Alike Hodgert, Tunis
13eurharens. (seated) Boy Sinale and Garfield 'Broderick.
(Photo by Jack Doerr). • ,
000 -
In the course of producing,.4,000
-units' at= its r-liensall plant, General
Coach Vlork r Canada Ltd,. has:
paid out oyer ,$1,290,000 in wages,
company officials said. The _fi,000th
mobile home was completed and
delivered last week:, ' '
The unit, one of the poplilar va-
cation .models, prevides all, the
built‘in_beaefits for, which General.
Is fain:ens, but does; ita price
whickpormits usage hY any vaea-
tion-minded family. "
, To any one who has watched the
constrtiction" of a inebile -home, the
amount of material and detail
vvinch is involverl,is arj,eye-opener.'
But, regardecte, the ',basis. of 4,000
units, the tois ' staggering.,
Here is arr indication of what
involved in construction of the
4004 General units', _2,305,200 self -
tapping serevva, .1 5;253;696 . wood.
scr,ew54 1,026 -kegs, of nails, 2;000;000.
-feet wiring, 55 ' carloads- refrigera-
Of lumber,'40;620,
gallons 'paint; Varnish ..and.'•Sealer,
5,860,240 'squarefeet, ply -06d:
District Teachers
Go 'Back la S‘Chciol
District teachers attending Uni-
versity of Western Ontario &alit
the summer months include Bar-
bara Dale, James Chapman and
Garnet „Harland, who are taking
a summer course, arid Mrs. Ross
Alexander and Mrs. Harold Nich-
olson, who enrolled in a primary
metheds course. ,
• •
A picnic was held in honor' of
Mr and ,Mrs. • Don O'Donnell '•rind
family,. who are leaving On: 'July'
23 for Mai:vine; Fianoe,- It 'Was
held 'at-.Seaforth.lions' Park with'
24 in Ottertclancft,,, 'Mr. O'Donnell is
a member of :the: RCAF, :and'. will
be _sttioned overseaS, Jor_approxi,
mately four. years-- : 7'
The annual•BiUcefield Women's
„Association;ptcnie Was held at the
summer home of, Mrs. Ross Scott,
Bayfield, on;Wednesday, with. 60'
in attendance. Races and guile§
were enjoyed by both ytnifig and
"Winners were as follows: kick
the slipper; Mrs. Mer Graham, Mrs.
;W;, Scott; Walking straight race.
Mrs, Stewart Baird ;',1Vlis`s M.
Swan; Way' spot; Mrs.-. Sohn
Cairns; stepping. 20 yards,' Mrs.
Ken Scott; time race, Mrs'. C.
Dutat; throwing bean hag,, 'Mrs.
Victor Hargreaves, Mrs." Barbelle
Thompson; dropping clothes in in
bottle, Mrs. - Victor Hargreaves,
Mrs. John ,Caiits;" measuring ono
yard of thread, Mrs. Mel Graham.;
‘elinrination. race, Mrs. Anna Ald-
winkle; graceful walkg, Mts.
Barbell* ThertiPsOn. ;
The children'S races were rnii
off under the direction of 'Mrs.
,HargreaVes and Mrs, IVIcGregor.,,,
A delicious supper was enjoyed
by all. After supper, Mrs, Scott
Was .presented, with a gift in ap-
preciation by Mrs. Sohn trOadfoot
Miss M. Swan., A.pleasant af-
ternoon was enjoyed, -
.The , annual e1l 'reunion was
held. at, Seaforth Lions Park .with
100 in attendanee. Officers of the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butt, James'
Street, celebrated their.. 25th wed.:
ding anniversary at their home re-
cently. Most Of their family- Were,
preaent for the occasion:
e couple were Married in.
Sliratford in 1933 by Rev, Gordon
Mitt, of ,Gorrie, a cousin of the
bridegroom. Mrs. Butt is the form-
er Edna Stewart, daughter of the
late Mr. and Nfr,41 'Williarn Stew-
art, Stratford. Mr. Butt is the soh
of ,the late Mt. and Mrs. William
Butt, Seaforth.
They have a family of , seven
children and lour grandchildren,
reiiitiOn • Were; : president, - Harold -
80; secretary, Marten- Skinner;
sports eonimitthe, Mr. and Mrs.'
Htighlierideriele` and Mr. arid, Mrs.' '
Alex' MeBeth; 'table -committee,
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Boll,. and
'Mrs. Laurie Stephen and Mr. and.
The following , are the: results of.
the raeds'-: boysand girls; I to 4,
Jimmy 81thiner;--.giria, 5 to 7, 'Car -
al Arm Bell, Brenda Skinner; 14ey,s,
'tb:j 7, Ste hen.:Robinson, pale.
Sl -inner; ginis, 8 to 1:0,, ,Larry Skm-:
tier, ,Timmy Watson; -girls, 11 to
,14, Betty Stephen, Shirley Jacques:
boys 11 to 14, Doug-
cBetli,,. young ladies, %Betty
Stephen, „Sherry- Dell; young Men;
Douglas McBetlr14Ross' McBethr:
married ladies,: Grace, Pym•
Jon Skinner; married men, Tack
Robinson, Lloyd 'Bell,'
Kick the slipper,ladies, Markin
Skinner, Eleanor Henderick; kick
the Slipper, men,,Lloyd Bell, Alex
MiVieLeBelln;,;• pgilrollwciduaget4'eg' • 0Edv olyftn,
Marlon, Skinners 'Side; Pull' toys,,
Helen -side; ,peanuts. 'down
t e line, Helen Dell's side; hop -
Ping,' Helen . Bell's side; . overhead
Oranges, Helen side; • Walk-
ing nn ,paper, Helen Bell's aide;
balloon; blew -up, Jeanie.tell, Sher-
ry Bell; youngest member pres-
ent,berpresent, EanhyThorn
1clielt; m7Bh%mits;:.
largest 'family present, Mrs,
r. and
New York. '
13meilsl! •,crio:rsewini‘g,,,,rnuittliado.foaorrN,s1!0$tinto,g;
Hurondale School
Usberne, •enjoyed theircommunity
pieme at the. Sel3001 grounds • With,
ar splondidiattendaifee: 'A full. pro -
grain, undee.direetion, of Mr. and
Mrs', Prank ,Parsons and Mr,' and.
Mrs. Frayhe..Paisons,' :was • enjoy --
ed. Children under six enfoyed
candy scramble.
•WinnerS rere:'boyS and girfs,un-
der six, :•Marierr',ParSons, klqed'
Fergusoni , eight -Marion
Parsons, Barbara Dottgall;' .eight
to 12, BettY.Ximx 'Margaret Hyde',
boy, klari Oke, Iteitli .Strang,;‘,
girl -S,-1,2715,', Mary Parsons, Shirley:
Reynolds`, boys, Douglas Jeffery,
Ronald Oke; young. ;ladies, ,Linda
yoting men,„ ;•Ted ; Oke;
married, ladies, Mrs. Harry Jet-
ferye Married Mon; Do,u-
gaill, lucky. spot, krs,""kussell Per-
,glisti'; ladies .kicking slipper, Mrs.
SherweOr,l; .tri01,. tug-of-war, Bob
Jegery's-side; grambnother'S -spa
race, joe Ferguson; grand-
Ittther's minute walk, Frank
person present,' drew,,
D,oegall; youngest, Boger Deugalf;
'birthday nearest picnic, .Mrs..
ford Mintqf Wedding' anniversary
closest picnic,. -.-Mr. and Mts.:Robt:
Jeffery; lucky, unit:bet on plate,,
Mrs. - Robert Jeffery;,- guessing
weight of. six. People', 'Mrs., Russell
Ferguson ;,. 'orange Mrs.
Lloyd.',Ver,guson',; tossing
marahniallews,,, 1VIrS. Harry Don -
gall; ...sifting- On stool ,heading
brplla tight 'hand, .writing ,your
natne with left hand. MrsLloyd
Ferguson; carrying beans on
ow; 'Lloyd Ferguson, Mrs, Lloyd
Reynolds, Clareriee Down: •
Harry Dbugall Was pIeeted presii
dent and Mrs. Robert Seffery,,sedt.
retaryArehsitrer ,for .the ; coming
year -1.p03•4%. mi.1-44d Mrs. - Archie
Etheringten.,were named conven-
ers, for the next! social 'gathering.
COnneil "approyPel.pur-
e said . a JI1-. esigningefip-
jobnea eex" itdefxs:piornop,oefrtywetsot*:.pwriloviiiadIcte :;.-°61Yggeaff'611"7.
been given to .using seWer.'sizes of
and- the establishrrient: of 'a,.,riew,a mo5t ecqnomieal t3fPe;
In the
Street,'.1ietv'eeri:';', 'Mirth Mdh nnd :liT"te'inSt413C:e' the 'est;itnalett-41-elt,---'
,;- -
West Will,iarn, ,at itS., Meeting ,'Mori -
was deterniined and size and
day night.. The streets Will serve gi78:"'*as".-‘f16(itled- on that'soultt
the rfew Seafer& Shoes ii0i3etty.,•proVide Cleansing ,vele City to , Pn-
roperties invo ve, Me Sure that the. lines' WOUld be kept
32,$20 'Square faet, $1,500;
Bari McNaughton, :12792 'square
feet, -$300; Carl Dalton,:Parts; of
two lots,1200. ,
lor Baldwin :said it II:ad:I:leen:41'00d'
Iloclgert,' but that thig had been
. Only With, Pumping •Stations
, Councillor p: L: Brady inquired
Whether: the .existirig,Systeni as in-
stalled was of a nature that could -
.be•addetl,,to order,,teSp,rve the
town. •
Mr.', Lloyd told. him . that it de-
pended, on ,the thinking ,of, 'the en-
.gineen.: who .designed the .System.
Mr-'''llelgert had asl'ed, „Imnyt:tliatIvPein, i,156;lena nitho4rte e'rnegainstriera'bilet :
82;500, in.- addition 'to. sewer and
tset)obryiri vtsy,ee_ relor t,rice, c)8,01-itand;!:ptxittpo purchase
armisa,e,:iit, al n, dd ectshl get: arm asystemkepr 0 as s ih( .hfaodr, s dsoonve.
era -F• pumping ...stations ••.in various
; d'Parts Of the t Own as the system
alter the streetroute. .
Council agreed With th6.dominit.„ was enlarged. Brady interruPt-
that avoid the
extension couldrt6b
. 0: ,peeientm
t oiletatthi mention
at ,at f hei
fo PunP111-g.'5fatIons.,
p,joroperty:,. This .Would..-roS:Ull-, a necessity
t nect;Ittael;ell•iystem could be GO-
, larged to provide for cOmplete sco-
.of Seafortli.,;:being' age bY".gravity..,
lioraeless was en•ViSaged as Conn. kr. Lloyd did not feel that this•
pillar Baldwin, chairman 'cif the ,WaS Possible; ; Perhaps ;11 -would
.pfoperty doininittee,pointed out iV0 been possible tit;',reaCh the ,
that the, Maintenance ..of the: town hospital, but in tilifr Opinion, he -
horse '!*as ,,becoming increaairigly said, • the, level ),vottlel. .have been. ,
costly. It: ,Wa'e "tetnid...that. i ivtis such-thatthere would -have -been
.;,fiecessary to pay 82.00 a day to an lot, of trouble : T1:76-7s-e-WerTlhfe"
'employee to„service: the' horst on which ebuld have been installed for
SundayS. •a6011 The qUes-, this pprpese,would have :Been too
lion before council was, ' is. the .10 shallow to serve ninny Of 'the Tunis,
wifiew 'the -fliers -a' is doing worth es by. 'which-, it would -pass. Re-
this,..added''cost? • '• • :pdinted OA, that a• large ,diameter •
'Since ,tho' horse Ls on pasture, the -sewer ineant-ihnt.thelloW was se
(Continued on Page -4) (Contintied-.047300 ,
wrn ell e resente
lorious Twelfth
Fifty members 'of Seaforth Loyal
Orange Lodge 793 and Seaforth
Loyal 'Orange Benevolent Assncia-
tion took_iart in the Orangc Wall -
at Clinton Saturday. The Seafort
contingent,: headed by the Seafert
District 'High School Bugle Barido,
wider the direction of .George
Hildebrand, included in its ranks
fifer William . Collins, and druni-
niers Stan Nichol and James Wal-
,The° group formed part -14 the
roilejong parade which included
55 lodges from" county areas of
North and South Huron, North and
South Perth, West-RA.10,4. Oxford
and Waterloo., Nine pipe bands,
two brass bands, one flute t• band
and 23 fife-ariddrurn units supplied
hiarching tottioo.
The Orange Order Will stand
firm, on its belief that any national
flag for Canada shoukl. inclucte,the
'Union ,Tack, said Harry Watson
Londo.n, prindipal speaker. "Sho.uld
it be neetssaly o
tive Canadian.iraWW6•Orango.'or-
der would be, Content if .it should_
-include the linlott Sack." -
"Remember your national an-
them is ',Ged Save the Oireen:',"
said Mr -Watson. "The song; '0
Canada' was written for e Prenell
julAlte in the City of Quebec, It ,
is not the riational anthem' of an
English-speaking country,"
111a-ster Of. . ceremonies for the
meeting in the Clinton agiieultural
grounds was Kenneth Betties, „Win-
throp, county master for Soilth
Huron. In charge of the arrange.
ments was Harry It: Crich, Master
of the host lodge, Murphy No. 110,
Clinton, who were celebrating
their iooth anniversary. s