HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-11, Page 7FAVORED:VITW::IDfAL:WEATHEV werMr. n ',the-Stingfr, the 18Sthnb ' o95,epesif e -• ad. Mrs -, Steph.- 'Jewett -7s Greve Dayfield• was i Wroxeter. _Attending 'trona Hensall et reiMiontm•Tuesday, w,itli enson;'• Mr, Perey Salalei 'of Wain- - tiers of the' clan, attending, ;from [wright; Alta.; .who iS. visiting -.at the Saginavv: -and Iietrok,„IStephenSon residence; Mrs. ,Chas. - i3lfThr Stidbnrf,'Winglfain,-and Stepheasoli,71\1r.. arid -M -r -S-.. • Harvey . Keys and family, an Mr. and Mrs, Garnet .1Vfotisseati• and fandlY... An enjoyable progra& Of sports was_earried out -under ,direction of Mr.. and Mrs.' John McConnell, Mr. -arid. Mrs,. Ralph Tiirner,.,Mr.: and Mrs. William ,Consitt. IVIrs.• Orville Stephenson •and her two. daughters, from , Marlette, Mich,. sang dUring the meat heor,,,john Arnistrengy- -of Stanley, .-was•-• re-- elected . president, and, Lawrence Stephenson, of. -Varna, secretary: The 'weather was ideal, for ,-the ;event. The, 1959 .rennion. w111 be. held at the' same' Place •July ORR "REUNION . -• .' The .nin-th Orr reunion waS held at Hanover park on .Sunday. Fifty relatives-' enjoyeddinner and stip- per. ...Places such as , Detroit, To- ronto; Parkhill„ Hensall, Wingham Elm -teed,: Langside, Pine - River, Bervie, ,kifil,Ough and Lticknew Were rePresented.: . . Sports were.' -as follaWs; eldest -Personloresentr.MrS--Williarn..,Drri- yo,Ongest- child,- -i)elb ert-Dare ing husband to dinner,. Mrs. •John 'Cfirrie Williain I_Japp;. ladies kick slipper, .• Mrs: Currie and. Mrs. Orr, : jr.; ..yClung ladies' race, Betty Arm Lapp and Mrs.-Williain Albright', men Utak- ing •gingerbread boy :from -news," paper behind back, Marvin Orr' and,Boll 00; young .men'a- race, Marvin Orr, • '13:iia Orr; ladies! and -men's clothes pin relay,-, Mrs. Cur- rie -and Melvin Orr, Sr:., second, Mrs: Dave Henderson and 'William' Lapp; -.childreals races, five and under, jeYce Diane Cnr- riesix • to nine,' Larry,- McCon- nell ; ' Jo aa prey and ickie „ Orr 'tied for second, Plage; 10 and. uo,,'" , • - ..• • The, next,-retinieff-Ts-,tirlie-lield 'at Riverview Park,' Exeter. with Mrs. John,,,Currie,. Wingliarn, and Mrs. William Lapp, Wingham, to e bin charge. The 1058. committee in -charge were Mrs. Oswald Rude, Hyde .Park; and Mrs. R: Hen s all . • :SkiunyrneNwome gain. 5 104-15 s-- • I a 11!' ,-,4rbAt a•tbrilhllony limbs Wart riglyhollravs . tip.; neck no loirger„:scraAny;',•body loses; ." • lialf -StOrved,'. "bean -role". look. '1'hext, • 114-11as'.of 21r1S;Vtrertert, Leen; 'edio. never poulcl ahibefore arc ricry„proad ot sliattely„hcaltliy., thhblriXtrex,Tonic.Tab lets.'.13oln bell& op body sidiory,beeene of Cppe 11110gtired.„ ,b$, lack oi• iron: Inairroved, on bare. liones: •podt f,ear,:fgetting, too' fat. •S:top thIcilag wlien iroWve gained the 5, 10,15 or 204bs, you need it* norantel Weight.. Tben•avoirVoyereatiiig. et • 'starches; sriga.Y... and fattening foods, 0 -day t-aerftrainf,erl" size costs tittle -or buy Coon- .. only size arid Sav.6750.:rryfamousOstrex T,enic Tablets for ii,eav vigor and added i>otaidg, this very day: At ad' druggists. • ' SI3ORNE INSURANCE BEAD OFFICE - Exeter, 'Ont, -n--Colquirorm-,---11 Science Hill Vice -President: , R.R. 3. Mitckell. DIRECTORS ---Martin Feeney, R 2, Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner, I.R. 1, Cromarty;' Milton IVIcCtirdy, B.flt. 1, I<irldon; •Timothy B Toohey, R.R. 3, Lucan. AGENTS -Harry. Coates, R.R. f Centralia; Clayton Harris, ' Mit- , chell; Stanley Hocking,- Mitchell. SOLICITOR - W. G. -Cochrane • SECRETARYTRIEASURER--„Ar Thur- Fraser, Exeter. Get more inilk-i- ICeep your cattle free.of bitiag flies. HOI,TADD Dust them with • twelfth. COWFLY I-• POWDER -use I - 't just twice a COWRY month., ftillignro COWFLY POW- runvER -- DER- is better II than any .spray. I grAor. Lasts 2 wee less' work :1 10 coiarroi. mrs ow DAIRY CATTLE • SS 2 TuckersMith Promotions Promotions at SSNo -2 Tucker - smith, are 'as 'f011ows:*'•' , • Grade to Grade IX -Mar- garet troadfoot. •• , -Grade VII to .Grade Charters, Susie -Mac Lostell. Grade VI to Grade VII -Lloyd Lo,steR, Ruth Ann McNichol, Mary Grade - V" to Grade VI -Robert - Cooper; Al Kyle, Robert McNangh-' Grade III to Grade IV -Bradley' for you_better Littleton; Donald Littleton, Joan protection'. for I your cattle. Costs, Grad to Gra-TL--Brian •' less than ,14 cent Dayirtan, Gerald Dayrnan,ary Einkbeiner, .Tommy • Harkness _, _Karen ftfltonT I' to Gra .-.--DorothY Turner,?Teacher. , , ar-a-Fly Free Barn use... BARBARA KIRKMAN AMILIAR. , The jUne meeting of the Bar- bara lOrkaaan Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church was held in the church schoolroom with the preSident, Mrs. W. 0. -Johnston, Presiding-, Mrs ' johnsfort -opened the ineetiag -with: a peem.,' "Give Me -Au 'Understanding Heart." Af- ter lhe,ePerainglima she led in PraYer. During the 'business session which followed, it was anzoiMeed that the July...meeting -will be in the form of a potluck supper and wilt be held at Mr. and Mrs. R.. Eerstalte',s cottage at.,I3aYfielcl.. The Arnold Circle' of Knox Church Goderieh, will b gusts at the September rneetiag' and. will Pre- sent.the Program at that time. The president reminded the members of their -blessing boxes,": be collected' in the fall.' Mrs. Robert Wxight conducted the deVotional part.of the meeting. Mrs,„ F, Smale,read 'the scripture, and Mrs. K. Sharp offered prayer. Miss Sharon Strong, accompanied by 11/Irs.- M. E., Rennie, sang a love- 'lY solo, "Beautiful -Garden of Prayer." Mrs, E. Andrews gave interesting current events' regard- ing the Presbyterian Church in -Mrs. R. Wright` presented two, further chapters' of the study WORT "This is ' Japan." Speaking first about -the industrialization in Ja- pan„.:Mrs.__Wright_told-of_the_pro, -rgress-,being-inadein ;the -post-war Period, World • trade is essential as she' lacks raw materials„. She leekS inabily-to---China :fa- -these. •materials„ but there•are - mazy -bar- riers. Defeat had plunged the pet>, pie -Into a spiritual- slunip. • Mili- tarists had 'stopped the work of the Christian. Chnrcli, and the long established religions of Shintoist/1 and Buddhism were suppressed, but now the return of freedom of thought, 'Speech and religion, past - war Japan is definitely -different and looking to a brighter ftoture, she concluded. err- P9 ACITI 0 ver 40 Per -so -hi aftende.d a pic- nic --at the farm of Mr-.--end--Mrs- James McClure on Saturday. The ' event honored Mr, and Mrs. Archie K' '• • '- Atte ding were Mr. and Mrs Kern, their children, -grandchildren, and great-grandchildrert --Also in, attendanceWere IVIr. °and Mrs` Ed.-. Junek,'Sarnia; and Mr: and In. Gordon MacKenzie, Seaforth. BLAKE • and 'Mrs.. ileini BendictaS Sarnia,- ' spent' the weekend with, .1\11a1L;';'aal•-ittden:Mdetds' Wedding: , Mr. - Harold-•Fintak*."land,' 'ai,3.d Mr. .William.Clarke spent -Sun.. • ,day at the Darrell:rennioni beld at - 'Mr: and .MiS.,,,Jelin,StecIde".,and family, •lif. Vineland, ' weekend: 'With Mr, -and...Mrs. Ein.,•: erson'Et'band falnitY:land,a1SO at- tdrrddd the,,GingeriehStecide wedding .: , - And_ Mrs., „..P...etngerielir and «Mr : and Mrs. Ilulbert4luscel= aniliaire .1...ettitried home after, -An • ,. • enjoyable trip. to;the east. cOast,', ',Mee can't , • • r es t • FLORBA.IT'S i,▪ "TRILURE" 1, Action; they feed' and -die. .1/ Dust it over • , floors to. keep 1 barns :free, of • 1 flies, . ". Lt. • • . llowip LORBAkt ni Rank-- - ALE -AT... rmim'suatoot WATERLOO -CATTLE- BREEDING SSOCIATI • --- "Where Better Bulls Are Irs-ed" Remember Our Annual • -" JIJLY :15th; at 7:30 p.m: Everyone is .VVelcome,'- Bring -the Whole Fannly• vur-,number of services iboritinues to increode' ase. g present fiscal Year from December 1/57't°`julle 30158 43' '643':C°Yvs - have been inseminated, or 7,961 more than during the same period the previous year. - ' - 'This is a greater increase than ha ever -been ,e?c.Pelieacedin, a hill year except in 1952 when the territory and nuntberofbre e ds , ,served were expanded.'' ., ' The "'result for more VeePle will e- i3ETTER GAITLE FOR BE'ITER LIVEqq • , • Fot Service or more inforniation phone collect to.. . *n. CLINTON IIU. 2-3441 Between '7:30 and. 9.30 m .• • dr an excitingly different gi One that is trtily pri ersoatan . • • practical . ". select a ,box IPOOT" - Persosialikcd Sooial Statioii.ery • Each order atii'acHyely'gift- aciza ed jzi, a rich, r)11 box. E S AP 11 t)T 011,111. New Phone- tine ill, Improv )11osiforIServtce l'erlihPs You are ainong those •• • who in recent.mouths have told us -here at The Huron Expositbr -'tliat every. time you called 0111' hue Was busy. If Y011 are, we want yeti _uod everyone else who call us, to know that we're doing something about 'y We're having a second installed to kelp us :previd better service for the public. This Means that Number 41 you„ have been calling since way back in 1884, -when tele- - phones -first came to Seaforth, will now become 141. The sec- ond number is 142, ' There now is 110 excuse for , not calling us to tell ug about, your visitors, about'your meet- ings, .and_other Pevis,, or to arrange a for sale ad., or or- ' derd some job: printing. Gall us early and often, and please remember the new phone norn- - bers-141 or 142. •- -TIIE.-FIOVVER -GARDEN- in -bloo m-nialm.s-z-an-excellent -July - subject for ,areateirir photographers whether the objectiye- be a black-.. and -white display like the illustration. abbt'e, or to capture the flowers in all their brilliant colors. For a picture as Close as the one shOwn hhre, yott'll need a -elose--up -attachment -or-yon: the Saine" effect -by -selecting portion -Of the -negative to be enlarged - .i. • - . July a Good Month To Photo Flowers 3•'' Ott- 'have gefte: to:tii.e.. ex, pense 01 Planting -.'pereimials- annuals the -work, involy-. ed At'S to Want .•sorne- ,pictureS of •:Your garden -in bloom. Arid 'since •s:o easy' ..-tei'••,iake Stich, pictures either: black -and -White lor, What' a- pity to -let such zt good' opportunity :slip. by. • ' fie Wers :are probehlY:: at 7:their dell ip ....11,3„eplanting__Se S011.;„ahcl ,itill.,.7floWering',.:•come., earlier, in 'Vletetria, and Vancouver and 'other sections,. of, ,plubsb Colombia tban„.. in the,,centr,a1"...and. eastern proy ,finces, S0' that Our • snapshot -frierids in;these..areas avea1onger'sea- :sea:ler. taking „floral„'Pheto.S. itt'sections, • of "Ontario' and' on, the iCoast . around, .SYdaek;'. Cane 'Breton; '411e:flowering season later and of -shorter countless ' ',Varieties . Will ::spread thein and 'fragrance,' every- where .in.- Canada atone time or It:PoSsible.to daP- ture,.their •11 yen are , get, :•UP :•real irterninghefore4hedet has ,eyap, orated, ‘y,ou c,ouldtry for a bloont with the dewdrops Sparkling in -the morning -sub. Ararey a .:prie-win- ning .pleture has been ebtained 'in that way. ' ' •• ” _ Assuming that yours., is a, box-' :type caniera--and--yop--warit -tura:" 'a -single blooni or spraSf Would need,a • close-up -attachment to-sjip,over-the-.Iens. (They cost llll thaii45K-Witlif it, yo -u. -can get - as close as three: and otte:half feet.. Otherwise, you. Shouldn't be closer than five „feet.' -This applies for color. as well as d -white , . , black-an For general view o1.. your garden • and indiyiduarflower -seek an elevated .positri.' If there are neneaVailable, Stand ona box-, or better stil, use, steplad- der. :Take .a look"fropi several dif- ferent angles -,;-down a ,pathWay, for exaraple, for:good .coMposition, As thealluStratiorit• Shows, ,excellent fleter*,, Photes• can.be,. had ,.in black-and-white.but photographing flowers in all their brilliant colors gives you' a :great opportunity -seewhat.kow can 'de in. GEORGE H KAY.' 1EVE E ATTEND ▪ One 'hundred, and eight 4 -IIT -Club. girlS' Whohave:eemPleted: the pro••• ,ject; `.`•Tne Club, 'Girl Stands 6641.1 -Ian for AchieVement .. Day 'exercises 'and to present„exhibits, demonstrations and. - • ' Mrs: '• Eleanor.' Bradnock; district president of: -West Huron Women's presented•ProyinCial • hon- ors to ;Yvonne .111cTaggart', Oran- -brook, who his .completed 12,T4-11 ClittintY honors 'Were. presentWai: b[ettY .Alton,, Marjorie Alton, ' Jo - 'arum :Crozier, jean -Irwin; -all of. • Logan Council :Legan' Council held their: regular Meeting , ineinberS• pres- ent; the:Teeve, 'Wilfred KrauSkopf,, Presiding.' Road accounts -totalling $4,238.35- and -general , appountS, amounting 'to -$2,747.17; were Order-• ed ;The auditoria •• report, as 'presented by Montieth'&,•1Vientietlf,' showing a • surplus for -1957. of $624.16, and an accurrailated• Stir: plus of $21,269.51,'f was adcentedby cotineil .and their' account ordered' The 1958asadsmpntof:$22.2Ooix the Middle .1Vraitland .Conservation Authority was ordered paid. The - report oril, M. DatSon, ptiblic en- gineer.- on :the McDougall . was profisionally •adopted and the, ClerkinstruCted to; prepare a by- law With 'five-year 414, per, cent debentures;- thdc�it '-of-reylsion to be held Aughst. - at. S:30 The 1958 Mill' rate was set .the, lame as 1951r-41,2 MU -IS -for conr merCial and .9„rnills` for. •residential and farm lands.. • : •,• •• The apart, of revision. Wasdis- pensed' with .on. Branchei.ii andH of theNortheast .and 'Van Morsel thins, tenders to, be Called for the AuguSfITineetiing, -as welt -asAhe. Centre Braneh of the Northwest. Refunding by4aws were passed on the ' Logan .Road arid -Parrott Drains: ' AKEVI11, rand Bentl All Lionel •Thornton: and his •-Casa Rotiyal. Orchestra: D A N -C every' Wednesday,. Friday • - and Saturday -- tTntjl Lahout'Day- , .eogiNv! 016,10. minees, OrelieStra WediaesclaY,,JulY 30.th, ToituUY Dersey'S Orchestra Weditesday; AU:014.6th' aper ty.'.'Montag. Personalizing by ItiterNatiOrial. ‘ef;1414(4e- all0e0 goo at , • 41, ,Caltariesh.;: :an1',111arie-Bliekef..'Etatigantion. During -roorning.'1,SesSions,.. .1.47'4M-4neitits,LS:afetYL-pi9Sto.s-and,. •;11.6 zarcl, • iclentifieation,,took-'plade:' Miss • Patterson„ • _ Huron :CountY home .:etonomist, armetinei clirring aftermien.sessiOnS:.that the; ne* fall proje et Would be ."The Cereal Shelf." ! : , • Blackritssels;:. and Mise,..Doreed Howatt, coniMented: the -topic,. :`,qt!s 'Great Te,..Be -Cahntkir'-'2.-and;71Vfis :McTaggart • "doiriniented•OnlliCten--:,: • "One ;Way T 'Geed- Health.''. EaCh ellib representative 'eXliibited posters dipIayingtheii t�pis. - -- ;Members Of-i,Atithira and ',Walton, 4.41,CItib's:. presented entit- led, '"Posture "-Plays- Its,,•••Pare.",,,',.. Colwan6Sh, -ChM "Safetyi.,'Coa:Aher , , Highway'!..;.';' Dungannon, and rich .Clubs; -;"Safet.y2in 'the, Rome!". Ethel'. club; • "Sp.eliding,•Ivry:Tir.q.e: , :-MiSS• Patterson," preSented:. each . . girl With a ,sterling ..silverczspoon. be eking the Xanadi an erest..',.• ..•";;.... • •' •ConvenerS-•for ie • event -Miss :',Patterspn,-•Miss, Mary Lou Blech,..; •MisS -• .• Flora Durnin,, Qnomist for. Grey and DUI.- ferin; ,MisS.'Marilyn litiben,'.herne ecenernistfcir Perth'•CoutitY,•''''atid• Mrs. Robert McKercher, .Seaforth..' t1sborne Count!, Maps Of Seaforth Xis Now,' Available -answer to„repeated requests trona visifors and reSiderits, a tailed map of Seaf4,111,. showipg streets of the town, as well as the location .of Public buildings, has been published by Tbo, Divot/ Ex- pel'? eaolips Ex- positor? pryisti:aep. s°11, aVilaeijale d avillaleatg 0e momr • Mon Spots and Sts Until* Garments stay -elean lowir Will wear /onger., PHONE 669 sgo.otern ANDY CALDER Agen MON. 4114 TRIMS, MORINTINGs Kirkten and Woodham -will have neW street •lights Tellewing a.- deci- sion of "[Jab -aline Township conned' to shake the installation „costs and maintain thenni..-Eirkton will, be brig1itened-with,-21- enclosed diree-. tional lights - at .an "estimated cost, of $2,10: Woodham will" receive 14 of the seine'type- lights at ap7 proximately 81,600. • Usliorne rate was -set at 32'i mills exclusive of local public school 'requisitions. The mik ate will produce 186,000. The 'township leyy' will be 9.5 mills. Connell gaye final consideration to 'the budget cli,tded-which- -Tetrenue- of 840,000- from othet.,:than 'the tax] levy. _Expendittires,...inchidiitg :high L School and county- :- requisitiOns, were' eafmated at: $125,000. . grant of $50 as made to the South Huron 'Agricultural Society. Report of the 'road superintendent 'was • accepted. and -road accounts :totalling $4,208:51 Were ordered 7:7Drain Ml41-1,1cipal :drain and the WalliS inimicipal drain ,w`ere, passed. The Davis drain _report was received and: considered. Court of revision for the --provisionally adapted by- Iaw will be held at the next coun- cil meeting. ,:oggAra OF LIFE •tim,.. drawn:, from t m :the V.,Ta ter'. •.Knowing what a ,do for a Vic- . • • mght halP 'strip. drowning of its 'rank as Ihe';Nuraber 4 cause of acci. dental, deaths; •.• i§'.1.cp°hesele°uts's';his slfoinStto g1aliy./Vnis chance's •ok.'• everbreathing again' 'depend, Ori.how faSt..he :gets arti- licial. „respiration.'The,,Margin -be- 1Wecri"-ilfe :and, •death . , measured between., his .knees, :the ..operater paces both. 'hands .0iii.-the a±liiibsrinpghiiig' and hela of :hands jtist.belOWThe arropit el: ;The •operatoriferees the' vietim. to: exhale ',by.' -Slowly,•.rockiii-gTfor- ward,..straigh,tarin.runtiL.his are „about': .vertieal ..so .:that • stow: even lareSsure - k. exerted t the '• The. patientis .Piatle., to in)iale.'"IV... SloWiy., rocking .theLhandS Wider.' his arms' just above thbifts-'axid--ra-isingth armsnntil. res,istarice" and -tension ai-e 'felt"' a t the pat -lea's' shoulders.. The .cycles !. are, 't,eadily repeated 12 tiines- a- Minute,' each :phase '665. cupying ab�ut eqtial time, „ When :artificial.respiration is in prodess, material can-bd,cle'ared: front', tlid; -When the patient begins togasP„!', the. onerat6r.Should time .niS '• efforts • Until:he .startS 'to, breathe effectiVelY.', .'.:Thgn the vic- tim. should be taken te. hospital. . •Ilow long should -artificial resni- •ratiori•he ko-.1.1p.when•-a,',"drownech Person snows Ito 'respeitSe at plIT. At 4eascit .pi7. • , Thel•beit way,te get .rid 'of work is ,t6 'do it.' BRODHAGEN NEWS OF EEK • Bonnie Puschelberg,datighter of Mr. land IVIrs.. Lloyd -Puscheiberg1- -has7beert•;confiried fO ScottMem- ol'ial HoSpital,,Seaforth,with i.iVacatiOn Bible' 'School -will be held . at St.. Peter'S Lutheran Church - next W.eek, starting at- 9 o'clock ,Menday :rnorningy 11' to 113. ;The14..itrile Will be Sunday, July 20. The Brodliagen- -13and and' Maj.' orettes took partirs the,. July 1st celebration at.:'At*ood.' • • •:. Mr. ;and Mrs. RusSell;SIMIclica accoMpanied, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Reaney, nf Mitchell,. the 'International ' Lions Club convery • tion at ChicagcrcthiS week. . =' Miss Grace Fischer has, been tending stimmer schoolin_Loadon, ig'.'holi- flaying with: uncle and . aunt, Mr.' and Mrs,' Howard Querefiges,, Set; WS. meek.: . Members- f 'the Chamber- •or Comirierco here are Proving trans- portation eVery ;morning at 9:00 'cl'ock for children; ,tO take si.virn- ming lessons; at the .Mitchell swim - p001;; --. • Rey, and Mrs: Robert Rock, Re- becca and Robert spent a. for days_ this week' -with- his, -parents, and Mrs.Ed,win Reck, before leav- ing for his net Charge at -;Dart, mouth, Nova Scotia. • • • Mr. -.arid 'Mrs: Ken McLeod, and family, of Listowel, visited with holidaying With her 'parents -ReV... Mr, 'and ,Mrs. Charles -Ahrens on and Mrs., E. J. Fischer, beforeat-- Sunday. - Between 12:30 p.m. and :30 p.ra., .S. Power supply to customers in the arpurhey areaT,will be interrupted Wednesday July 16UL Seryteezto °the .areas not-be_affeeted.____ Prruption ece§Sary-Tin-7order to ea-rr - Out- -a' -Voltage -ehtngefof linproTied s-e7rvice. flitdeU Rural Operotin9 Area • • • EAFOR M NUMENT OPEN DAILY, T. Pryde' & Son ALVTYPES .OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are 'invited. Telephone Numbers:.;'. Clinton 16-0- : • Exeter 41. • Dll.. M. W.'STAPI.ETON Physician, and Surgeon Phone 90 : Seaforth_ 11 .50 answer, call 59 A.?.GPONVELL, -: • Physician anilSutgeon -- '86aforiii ' ' ; JOHN -1M 'GODDARD, . . .Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 •• : Hensel' SEAFORTII CLINIC _ Telephone 26 E. 'A.- IVIcIRASTER, B.A., IH.D. .• internest- Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY, , M.D. .,Surgecht• • "-Telephone 55 lilt. 13. MALKUS ,• Telephone;15 , •-•,EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday aiid Saturday -only, 7-9 Apfointinents maY 'be- made. JOu1 13,iONGSTAFF ,•Optometrist . • Phone 791 ' : • Seaforth Eyes' examined Glasses Fitted • MAIN OFFICE, SEAPORTIr . Office Hours: Seaferth - daily exeent Monday, 9 am. -5:30' p.m.; Wednesdaly, 9 ,a..m.T.12:•.30 p.m.; Thursday evenings by appointme).4 kOnday; -P...hiTtAbove Hawkins' Hardware.)- , A: W, SII1ERY. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.-% Phones! Office 173, -.Residence 781 SEAPORTII ONTARIO - MCCONNEXL _ &STEW Barristers, Solicitors,',Etc; COrsINELL • -P.' D. 1 Mc'I' - I), sTEWAR SEAFORTI-i, ONT. Telephone 174 SEAFORT11.• 1 • VETERINARY CLINIC . o. Turnbull; Vs; W. R, BrYans, D.V.M.. Wt G. Drennan, Phone 105 - Seaforth 1 WO RitS 'paf Oral 67 eINNES Chiropractic •-. Foot Correction CONIMERCIAL HOTEL - Monday, Thursday - 1 ta 8 p.m., • G A WEBB D C* •4381;Qat°';tgetChir°PrV -Ray -and 'Laboratory OpenE -ach we -oh -day • Wednesday Tues,and _Thurs. Evenings 7-9 , For-A-ppointment - Phoge 666 - A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant • 55 South St,Telephone • Goderich 343. Licensed Municipal Auditor, DOIsT S. DENNIS Auctioneer Graduate of Reisch American. School of Auctioneering. Licensed in Huron, and 'Perth_ Capable of handling MI types of sales and ad- Vertising. • ' DON DENNIS, Walton Phone Seaforth 843 11 ., The '111e1ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE ritAb. OPFICE7:,-sEAF011,Pt nt; OFFICER& President=Robert Archibald Sea - forth ; ' Vice -President -Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth „ ;Manager and Sec.-Trea. M. A, V'''• Reid, Seaforth DIREC'TORS' E. Trewartha, Clintonf -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon- rdt, Bornholm; 'Robert Archi- bald, Staforth; John PL IVICEwing, Blyth; Williarn S=. Alexander, Wal- ton; . Ilarvey Pulier,, Goclerich;' E. Pepper, Brticefield; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth, ' AGENTS: - • Williana Leiper, Jr, Londea.,, boro; J. P. Pnieter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, 'Brussels; Erie. Munroe, Seaforth. 00 0 a 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 , <>.T. ci,EARY Seaforth, ' LICENSED EmniptEit - 0 and FUNERAL DIR CTOR 0 Night or Day Calls -,-- 335 '0 0 0 0 -a 0 .0 0 0 0. 0-0' 0 a 0<>- 0 .0.- <5' J.' A, .13tfitKE Funeral Director 0 a and Ambulance Service ,• DCBLIN : ON'T. 0- . Night or -Day Callst Phone 43,r 10 ` 0.• 0 0 a 0 0. a a- a' 0 0 •si'st."1- WoRK oat farmer' npin-iint0 are:a: . work en tratters arid tairto Caiiipoierit, during stermi'We.i.f.Cier, ni‘.granary ieeti0.141.41efir Soevildt*tayiniettirAikOli were repl, aced wius-*Iatta. Box " Funerdi Service 0s. Box 0 - Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Prompt and careful attention PlOsbital Bed 0. 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL , O " OCCASIONS- - Phones: ,r 0 Res, 595-W Store 43 • 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0-0 *''G. A. WilITNt Funeral Home Goderich St. W.," Seaforth AlV/RDLANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustablh hospital heft 0 0' for ,rent- .0'FLOWERS -FOR tvEnv OCCASIOX Teleplicaref. Day arXight 119 0 - , 1