HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-11, Page 441—TH19 lr��tON -ZXPPS1TOR, SEAFORT11,0INT, J�TLY
News V048411 NEWS 6V KJII�PRN
and 0, XQrA e
0 .0arri'MrA., C
en nd
"IT' T- an
1:�F; �To �;,Slnel a '
7 P C
Bu AT SIN f 'bill. -Walters� .
''ilding F: t
MIC -1R,', 'ARM:
044,111ed'Ads Tvkerted �At"L6W. Cash -Ra eg. h
air was hostqSt ter, 3anet.�,
Danny 41s n with XM
ited 0 Sunday
WANTED; LOST AND VoUND', ETIQ,, atAxek,honre.Thursdw afternoon, , Mr,XqRa. Mrs.' and
Howard Daym
D near
%�,heh t1i0'WomJeWs:,Alissiqnairy Ali, Robert Thcnrison visited Sun
volt SAL `13. OCEFIEL U. A uI
an and -family
-,I. Cent E LAUNDBTERIA'—�'JA- -S6 jeq -'J61.11- -jm Clark' 16�nsall hydro Super-
ciet� of ppen
7 oi ap 'aistrict -A-4-a0` i5iiiii Ser: Mr. and rs. Andrew's UrHW6 day, -W�Ith MV.,Sam Storey; who is
V V, inff lu
i and, itt dent, stated, Tue -d,: Airs. Be
#7: C Hary
on" left
ge S t, new PUC ceme Baby Band and M�sfcn, Band of, sons�,'Iof near ffensalli-atud Mr. ond
ViCL. , AMS!", I Seli-roth, eY'TaYI6 ell sday, that the '�hurch� - Rippen, -entertained tirell St; 'Joseph's - ftospital� v Morgan, ;ind
3rd' Qaugbt�ig, Ina and MAry L
t ro-y Brady.. qliearxers�.& *Lau4detejkla. Ilt, biock building on
awnlll�lim ch-iieze,. eae, h in.*ertiorl. .15 Cents— Nell on�'Sunday to v1sit Loi*
4,, Exeter, with: frierid,
Clarke w'dre
Mrs. Newtbil
-18-tf nt4n .'and tlik coast',. Master 'Denl , I
vent, which wasehtld�out- rklim, is Visiting thU.'week with
ralch initial alid -albbrev: Edmo Main Stteet,, s.hould be c6r4p) : the�a�irch. Th4 Weather was- ideal us-' ftar��qst 'Of
ia#P14 c5unts Ny9ra for tl ing.ibn Sunday.
MAT and 4trs�� Janies Birrdgb and w4illin. a, month-- he: e P 9
side on the Sinclaie la-wn in �Oie Mr and Mr;, Eisoa binn� and,
a nani',�,, in Notices; C E ents—I cent, xier.'word,, `.Nliniinum, I � ' 4, , , 6. grandparents, M��,,"4-rid Xrs� W.
a�r E11I of Poft, m6urg spen
t The b ug form -o a pich. rnotore( Ow,
WATE) d' vilth;, their" fatfi Mr " I g between,
R. Cooper. J to owell '861ilid
un ay an v:
lAS rcl, wpeL Un aY `,N er, eight �riid nine thousand, d ts of'� Mr. - alid Mm
ollars,- r the $ d'
A kpositor,for 13 CAWL RR ED'IN wl will h6u Mission Band ' pr 'ho Friday kues nd relafives
d. to a Bo�z ' ' -0 Fred Burdge, also Mario66 Turhek-presid6d f d kiti6d with' Mends
a may be diTeete''
is not paid _Wit 11ILto as -t4nc1tideP'A1r
doual will bg Arged ads a 0 Mrs. Allidge it! St. J Sep S N6imazi Dickex and -
T at..;the' front,, 'reV'air,'shop,,' 0
se a Showroom; and Officd pgram. �Vhic a "d Mrs,--- Freerhaii' Florpf.-
�--ASSOC U-1 N garage
A! Its ad 4ii
ell an
ljoy6d by a1 'The operting!,
to r . '�s, oxd
i� ats, Qk date of final iliserI pitaL -,Wjk� are please or w, follo�we4�� w thef' 1 IS 6� and D61mar. Attended the.,.,.Pym pie -
e '1vb in-
. .......... t at Mrs,- Burde- is::: arid warehouse, 'The ifir 'M arid family,
s ee ? . prqvirl� S: r:. an
Me'riazes n V 09 Is, c, onstruetio 4ui� i . Stin ay.
fir ere Oldahoma �i U,
ted h b� 20,, L1,Vd1s'.` C on' haron. Xctride� A d
a d De%iths. in�� Ptay�-r in, tillis Jbhli�'Ojcke�t, of
nic oil
health, rea ', sacre- p r xiliillanI,
V T -r , -V assages" rpnl,Mat�
Notice$ to Pe ich,� are d d and -MI,. arid,
ditor�. Legaf Notices Etq.—Ratss ion. FOR-ARTIrICIAL, insemination -servi' -contractor twis �Donna-
yl sales oi�m6r elinformation, telephone the Water� M'17� Wesley Ha-iiii. of the tfilew,�48:14j', Several, of� tll,67:Mie-
t Iii. Dhn�',Betierma�in Huron -'�Ipspital,.;.-Exeter" hQn*:
e�tat spen e of to 4 61i, d t
loo, Cattle Breeding !�AssociaUon 1coll t '7W appy. and, uftique, gith�j- Band' Sun ay'gues s we ayk
ineIiibers' favored, with h id
7:30 -1� IrT� AIT er, oi
, 1 w laays, with his, m ri,,ali n,
Conlin vex ()'into' Yru 2401, b9tiveen and Mrs. C.,
12,' Wa 'ted To B 0 and Miss M. n; ing in: ille. formoT �a reuruon:.of, the
g E As n oy E kaufmah and 0
9:80-aqa. We sliPply service, f top nall
a in er
1i;y.'4611s of the Aoisteifi, 'Jersey, 'A, Ali Mri,�nd Mfs�:. Jock e. Sivalijiidlytbok plac ; ev-.af t�e read �a gtt)ry:L u , f
yt . ire. d ..�rrlakcs marke�ts-
fto�imsey, Brown Swiss,- Rei3i - Here� troit, , spent xthe,,weekenc -the homieStead,,, lot Ad�yerqSing ,
"OpioH REUMON 6 be held at Sea- OTD ubgsEs w6ANTED, at 8 l,�6 Ina I :with "Tirne."'. Grant arid k6nne
of 1
'(Polled' and
It deiid, PhI ti'e' ford.., (polled z �Hibbert, now O17�h�dby sang a duet iT'H'Be 'a, Sun-
'�otilib, J�cias "Park on s*tuvI July' 19. and dead' QA#19: at ind* horned) Beef''Shoith4ril. Alebanald'family Jones,
at once. h6rned)" -and Dual Purpose . 6 . I I I ! .
GILBERT t0ft. K R��NCH. al beii1n; closlng..prayer.,,wa's
-A�ngus and Obarol r
The membels'of, T
shorthorn se br&ds. Mr. arid Mrs'. Edgar Allen a nd -1 le
Phone, collect , 148S J 4 pr NIS 3 J The cost is, low.
p�17 A$'! Miss- Loulte�;A,11'bh'�, Of e fa' fftWy t:aire is foll-owii Albert, ni 0,
OLD-TIME DANCING, every Saturday off.ered.'by,'Dia: fte,Faber,
WANTED -50 i proper -
Pavilion. - Nbrris orchestra. Lundh �1)00th ng. Mrs Carfdk-,�l d, 00":
,rh, "ahneing eveiry. Friday w ith fair b �he, business pbrtion; of the' mbet- OVE flild' 'k
1248-tf were wepl�end, guesis'vq St. Clair'. Alrs_ L Rity'
,�;iight, oommec�int.. July 1% 1& RayAdd 'lit '� A1
�o �if -Cljllt6n:�. bbrta;: br.- -R��. E.-,: Siri I' i&�n
ty in dbod: locWtion _uildi 1"ETT'S �ZR
ut . - mbeis
arli -posE spent-Satir with Miss',-,nd, B6116, Mrs. Wm.R. $tephefisop. ing,.- Me
3 (UrI46: nient),
ese, together with their �ch
"Alg, R9 w4al. 4971 .2;1"'. Card0,`pfTh611RS �ew., Managd
in a St.& ;epskln re4iiiviia.
J- tob.NXELL & STEWAeT; Raity-, 0-bSb1i: r
Telephone I N. Th call ,v1thI':fmy first school-te,
Ia.. I at 'The anl� a!! so. rn� THR PEI 4)
--Ur � James. McDonald, ba 8 retia' 6" f6spactiv6 famili6s s�,W'611ea� the er,s� name"', iil;iils`were inaild to' V
DANCING evi4ry FridaY H y -N ttio. tOL. �,FE&::S 0TYORN-OUR,''
f, e( a spei jCS� ��, ,
in ttaWa. fldwe laced -in the chuivch- -v -
meI;'havJn,' number
iiin GrittlWo '-%,�h '-remembered in e, with eards; -t I ho , " 40 -The"tables werelset rs p'
Star Raniih Barn, at 11 HIGIMST CASH�PRIdES Paid�for.slplz.,� 0 ut'a, fdw,-weekgL'
new -bio iniuirics I I
-atie6t in Victoria ilr` 11 �---"-:L�
6 mileA ;north 66f st- Mai'", Or down' and�`4i5abl.iI.,f.rm6 aniniap.,.Prompt, 1 and ,hile a r 0 lif the large double nave ROSS�.j3roadfoot.
'Ythi each,Sunday. M�8,
lilalle east of Mothervell. AlternA#T!z 7ps
Call iniAch6 zippt-ei�iated. e L,
I 'I � Colokho "'e"
,J sisi e _Xrs�—�Lvplia,ni, `?WHohnellqllspefit M'.day') �,,T J S I fe,
a Melody'Rauch Boys And And3r -disabled' "farin . iinjiiiiai and v rs, ean. L ma e,
ED-' ler very capable:. a all-
OreVestra. ANi x1- Ai closed �vffh, A �,de
Consi Asiq lthI baxli �CG. �i-
1�', � �, L. . . P6— I L Sniith- -25Ee ner, mov.ed �. vote ol'thank, NEW WASHROOMS
S �of the family - to licio-us: picnic lunch 00
distance h t was, serYed. a 110
6x P,.�q their sincere pe a.m. to 1:
o a - Art 'and Esther ;a� $Pbrts event winrie'ra were: fo
ur, It 8.
Business-Oppip. uni xeI r sions of ad,.1-tended the Lobbi pichic�at 1,0116q- b ers `Wtheir. rijaking. years, and under, SPOIL� YOUR
J6an Fi.nk-beifier DON'T LET RAE PLAN�
at 'd.d -t6,.. t- -he- weekend
Shelt( A- d
ath of the
NEED EXTRA IVIONEY Z 'Apply for a: aick, doWn or Oisabled cows,;!and hnrqes� illne il late. Mert4on A, r�116ndersot! i
Familex agency.- �ntere�sting Profits cI and' h6iges 'Piclied lip,' for, re7 93 _I irig� �'Esthei�,,.nlade, :a Very fitting neth,'Jones, ky,, S' 'Nil --promptly- A46 wanted �to b were Alk. and Mrs. Patr� Finkbeiner; I #OR 'JiESE RVATrOS �9
X r 3
in Py, B'�er, reply, expressing 1er �Wislr: t� � TRY16 OUR,
household an�. at all- yearS, Nancy Cori,sitt,. Joan
gig more than, f"!a boar boo. 'Call colie4, r 7, Br�, LD LIKE to th'atili: who Jalile.;, -Mr. and. Mrs... Par� �would return again at some, 111
ss-els. .1 OU al
-anteed: MARLATT, A3�is ttireAShiclair, e Dianinpt� 1041?�
,.necWsities. all guai Openings in.! SAUCE. sels. called, to, '!�e -their we'11--ishes, ry Baer -ST , of'-Cro'ssvvell, Mlch�� 'dat
Write for free iiatajogue�-] s . ent ciqds, Aifts, - flowers aud��treats, ill,,- Mr.,:, n er, . Carl Finkb6incr,�,,Qrant.Jofi6S;
- LEX,..Dept. 55, 100 yglorimier.' a M�'.- W: -,S. Lobb Flint' 'or,L,:� the ocdasjoh.� -ears,�, 6n& over, Margie�,Elgie BARBECUED: :,CHICKEN
'In, mv- -sta the'li4spital Spe�tal'�thaaks I Also preserif,
e Tlu Mr
piami e - Fab
M, S
were*�T-r. and' �r- bb6it William'
R6�pinl, also to 'DT. GbrWilt a AAILABLK
Dmin (nee M16 nale)., of Niagan Genr 'ie
Si ldf�, Aeiid� ar
A. BARBER77" IT! eir, Turner-,., wheelbarro, w'
-d Bru6efield W �Fallsl :N Y-'-- Per-4u3F,�'�a'Ti�,d�"d�a-u'ghte,r, race, �ORDERS. MAY BE PLACED: IN
Situations' '.0AsH- �ei- ll�ed --------
..The A, held fh
Want Iml,'picnic 'at --
the �Summer' cot- Finkbeinb�' and17 Grant:, 0
io.� eg Ja
't ing; 'furniture, ory. -BA n a!�aod tikMILY of he. late Wana,'e� "A- iag6' of Mrs. Ross Scott Bii :J
i�s kick" slip�
.6k cWA&D 7777 hre.e-,-w.e s- :7 IA- 'ge - I g,
relativ-e5 '-and' who left - by- -ck
1-01 D sbrI cl4it eq
'Ploirs, --wants' work for TUNITY
Apply So Ju y 2 for: their re eicti�e.
Sinelajx�, lvfrs� S P Airs': V.
7-1 lfal� Nvl I the d6to)�s of the �p
Ha-ro, d
740, HURON, rxPQsiTR� o�d,
arld nu��eg- of 7r: W
ol� J% Miller farm., at' t, I o ressl'their"sincere thanks �apd', .,,setamble- was WORK WANTED in 8;7�� to CROMARTY y-
'H9; fi>ur and'! Hallett Tovrnifiiv�- go� ass a 'ie I rela�!'ves ana trionas t9r. Siiffers� Injury a --Iiildkeh-4�. arid
c t
ve experiencq s,and',syrip T.he, W,; Mrs. A., MeMnr,rie - - - - - - ---
n type 'rood weiier. S,of kindnes men's "t
-le v e Id s rushed lt6 -condd6teda'q' t t
nton. 13 -heir Jul 0)I es
nt ad bereave -
t ATQ( Xlonday,Friday.), or e of rs..E,. )re.., rs, vv Ill,' test �gfandm ther
and run adding and multiplies,
tion machines. ofurt�llr infilffnation, eldt at:.,. Ille St Av a . ... ...
Josep4'�'.Hos�bftal Monday af- �Yoftngest.. baby pres6nt�
conta,n 'MARWRIE Phone
Kitchener I. tern and McGregor; youn
�-wjtb- Nq`SH to exte Harper- �pre y, -oil,
sided---and-4o*, h
Streee �g:rge, 6ff ,thmu bih� He was in 6d in Mrs., A. Aft' hWaftrie; young write� 34 Braun -- 'Ki esf
oftor. to sttiath .16.0' a oat� 'and. thiinkis 'and appreciation for-,tbe' kinss
7-19-4 L'P, of the devotiona-L, period The roll' opera or nee aP_ ' �n acciddrit,"'at lf�d, er, Mrs. kbith',Love.
lev.. Only Od cards of vinpathy and bea tiful flor- Bros.', Sports y :-Bo. a U call �vas'answerbd, -with �a ia�w .1te hient sh� 'J. under th e � -,,dfi .741, HURO I N .:EXPO,SITOR tribtltes riaiiQi�ed. from fri�nds, andLetr
9 atives in,our,reiient bereav�rnent verse. lln my :was, puttiu !ection of Mrs
of a Bible p r Farm Stock F 'or Sale dab)��htet andI.,siseor;.1 and s�6aiali co nabirfe together *hen le',sli� Turner' M S A.: Mrs.�M-yd S6rsdahl We-,16ved , re�ie d the]',
thanks 1, i an y Doig� �of,.,-O lif"i K
to'Lthe-,Rbv. -46MIllan , andI: f'�riejal arid hit . someth;*,�.L.Sba6 W.,'.Jones--arid-,�Mr-s��.�-H�.,�:-Jones,.��. K
F' t hqlne�-, Godericiti . and , Piillbegreis, '%na, tb� S . y 00 tudb k��fhd led-iff. 6ombine,': cuttiligjhe tenons'of.'his , mr� S d a DES E ET
Apply D IXON Phone
J SON �O*, ine bofte. Sti - on
TJLSc'ott Glad Tid-ing's- r
EIGHT choice of 10 cows. some close .15.1 Property lailies iriAli �h wlth� Mrs.' Calder Me-Kaig and, Mrs. b d " ' ' ,is aL 966st of-thc.I)oig�family TRV
le ALE N all . , APARTMENITS' FOR- RENT.' ',.�-Pply 'ALD,�; NE
Se -f -rill 3,3 LS was performed by a 1�ondon.,Sunday He soon , Will �: lb ave " by'
y S. ON AND 'St, 'pjahI for, his- home, after� be* �qWllc
-P Line 160-M,'Seafqre� t:LITTLE rl)AUG17R. DOROTHPA, er w4s�fgiven,,b 7 Specigh All 'Propo y Mum County
ing a
cl Noxl6iis, el -ir . I - I v' 7 �7ftlond.� rs. Moore- gaive aL
Bob.'. aldwell, w o,is employed of his son and hotified In at e'dg- t
is NKS uf'p;zs. ;ibout 100 pounds.. 4 It
Jar er6stirig%top�c, and Mrs.:�Allen 06�:- rushed hinn hi'' y
Api�ly: JOSEPH NIALONE., Phone Dubli at trie, sh Pontiac, Mic I
64 9-15XI S1r0`RE Main- St ent e.ventg--The.me0tinX-,f, gan.-
posseI Ap de§troVed byjulY: 19
�s af, ave curr 'am, e� orth. lmm�diatc of-� Dr. -Ai. MRS. E. C1, Co VIP �;A;l2i,,' �0forth ',,Mefitonant a im, os e
old 1 24�-, 1. clidsed with prayer 6 Mrs. Har�', h d Ill- " takbn -to MURRAY, Pho"ne" X S- Ptwn6tlolls �.at� SS No' 2 Tuck- Af. ar,
ig PIGS,'se�e
Dublin.' 'ea - whol, o a, cons�qerable
4,5 r per. im v, t.;, ATrs'T L Scott is tten' ng, 4
j6v�� Flp- ersmith, are o ow
blood; is, 'resting
A, BRIG1JT' `dhe.�k� J�r-roorn� spart� o h' of rri'� hus ban d It t it'B 'om- 'Grade 1VIII' to , Grade rC Mar-� -Vlth'�� in, accordance., vvith1he, Weed Cok�61 A
entL. im le raiping se oo a fhe hospdal; wh6re'lle
oseph raefs, Y . - . , I, I �
of pge:, et 8-roadf66t."
P: lots of' r6dim 17-J tbtee',ears, ago Tuly' 4�, 1,955
vv remain or n ario,
f j6w days,
-k,For&le 9. Poulty Mr.'.-anid Mrs.' Cla VII to,�`kade' VIII -Wil
rence Coleman
my- heart .,Your -blemory liji-gers, and d atighter,;- uih',.: Ann", .'visited I ia' 'Ch t 'Susie Lost�ll.
C 0 T >1 G"E' near the i: iiay- tet�der, f6hil..and true; Plan':Va"tion School, in ar ers;
Gra e V1
eld for ibe firzvthrcem-vi , eeks in'July' and sI -Lloyd'
on d arid,- -is. T, - d
Approximately 100 61lildibn i
Pullets, 8 months. �)ld. tyer brood. ay w;ith Lostell Ruth Ann. lvlk',�Nlchiol, M'
900 .3.5 each ; still' the Has tio nA thin k, 9 $00 ing-I
pullets, almoit 4 mianth 5 5,hdv NE 65, tered lor� tfie Va
a uld. at SL50 threb� hedfoom .a yr, PHO cation. Bible
C his wilt
t Y'7 to ra 6 `V to Grade VIL-�-RObe t
-en - LEO RYAN. &11061 Q - d ..S� �Ily bdilig� �held each. will doli% a iniss-,A y ePhone Dublin 4.P r 4, ln� N�l , . A 11 APARTMENT.Ad Sciltorth. upstii�; misce anej�u� s 0
t.9operI; �.Al-.Kyle',�-R,6bert, McNaug
e liedmon
hr,,i I- passcd- ULY,
lwlin,z Amesl. OlAer.farl 'w , ! E �orick. J, 'Hiu��er,: %yho home''of Mrs eac ers ases�,
ri c,. bath' for',.the'.A'
'fi�ed foiir- .-"-in 'of Frcd--` Cairipbell`a7'bride-to 4':at
SyARTED PULLETS, and dayols� fully I t on., . 1,
�:hoiee -in., I . m6d-rti*.kftch�n;, hedled, Ap- be," Was hld'AtjIl h us. Grade 111. t adley
ers, rkw: Mlrctl� dayn) 49-, AijR9N EX .01 SITOlI : r Grade. IV -.Br
d chicks. Com- 1 19 � . `J
Floy, 1�jqx 7 Ru8s6 ay .�Vi , tin' rs�
Wesle� on, Tuesd --n-.,are:' ior� M
'Aliss., a, S
-19x2 11 -. , Uttlet6n, Donald Littleton
-Xi milt(y wco1TSlS I gr, 0
!(t:%nlght the 'i;,- lb A' milb
Uftcefitltl Phones Qflnt,in HU Z-9430 :'Oi� a �rave n6t'iar fr' kh by' Connie _S6isdahL d4et b
rini a
y Gade H 'to. GrRd6'iHr Bria M.IS'S11r, S aron sin
-th .641' W :4� or' NVALTER L. Where sl -Wallac6 and'-. 'M a L �7
LURE Anil �alwdys k
's, '40 N 6f,,,a Ssmd add,I Day.inan, 'Gary
eeps`1I onq -Ann h beginners,
t r Nffc'ie' I I , D'
C R.R. 2. Seaf,,rth., Plume 84 ... ;ved so, dear. by plive Miss,' Jean, 4ynlajq,,. "r
Ia 6itz, Finkbeiner� Tim I
",conducted, JNO�kOs 14aine K
d hold; peare an a and lid St_
Billy Shaddiic c an eve- e� I
kir e�sl' ari. 8.000'?�EKA'Lg PULLETS kbft SALE— Ion cir arolifid, Bell'�3 (karzi- A 'Oho'cry: oaren; Who was� mas� 1' 1 d, It -'Jim Kyle
him r : , , 1 �ftl , I
are direepig-games,a gam.'e ti e.
Healthy,' ILL 1 -1 To thosp ivho kne nolv t
41, will k
-ell rads vaccinated for bron- rer, of ceremonies t
d a u ea -c er
ATTENTION, 't -Al was r0adby Mat'
1 'd f 1L.6 � -W 0
k�� is gn r6t, Ami'mal Ene pr sallt around
chitia and Newcastle: 12 -eeKS It
9 ants on large s...� e.
gth -and Jdly 3rd. Diso-iail rins %Ybit40ashed R�n isIsed arid ogram. b
r or.s Free, cif -livery 'n orders . of �Lce Afid Joyce T
iiia i Line V th
-I Lime to have vo r ba. b rs. NOW,
shirecteil": Cali T.. Coppn Marl Dow -the "Sea Everythihg, has taIdo
200 or Enquir �x -presented the gifts
re. Inspection in�ited.
etiirne o
io 11114 -S. -I h
Ord .,,answered, Call 'thoii�6s, lig ts oil 6'
S POULTRY FARM, R.R. 31 Campbell 'ith licl li oats il�v a a pTied I s 1.
ies Pr mo or write , 'Of `Whk of;
.0 e that
4ho is teacher w
Mr-: and F, B
MR= Olt... Phone 047 r 31. DUWX 6Gkow-N -the' ladie S6il8_ fishing: icor visitors xvith'
ity. SSI No. 6,.tlranRed, respond'
9-18-tf stock im,Cronin 'their gift. Lulich a' ��t7 by. .�vith it�c e end
,Siles Bard, Ni§on ',ionimerici Wilfred were- r. and
si�tea- by; Mrs'. ohn. rs;. I -'Clarence Rei and, Allan,
W esday, nil,, "ace or,
�-Wednesday of this week W . itb X. '11; Gi so 'b, of Mil'
4� Dublin- Wallace and Mer�in. Dow. Spen
aonvzlope ndPenny, michaet iind Bo
at- -�U§ed -Cars Fo* Sile with sAlnplle6 '25, J�ohn Wallace � vd�- 'in TiVerton.
62een: sales Iand Mai �Otr I der �Pt, Sunday.. kee WiS Don't, t�.Ufi I Cold I.WeatA ere
-makes of vacti pl�s -Rnt, -c . Visitors-'- 6 V er,-:the we6k6hd 1. Wisg �iildy and her liro-,� V
vice., lto�airs. !to 'All m .4 11�)nGE qt?)AN. in good rxin- cleanirs., 'Recondition n
ad- cl�alliilrs., 01;�11 Margaret Ann, re:�
ox !Their daughtei,, Mi., - and Mrs. R, u Peck
good, tires; $150. 1 theT,
makes. for . s*.Ie.,. BOB- PECK, rna, weke% Mr. -'arid. Air's. 'A E Howe'
'19 Mt, and Mrs. Merv` .,Hyd'e%,Park,!' .1011, -arid Mii.,:t1w )AaS on" in �Dow sgrandparents, Mt.
Phone Hensall �94 i 2. - . i � I . . :�
AP11111 i their
PRE F.NFTSCH' arket Street. Pvo.. tf' rths. Carol REE E$T11VIATS GIVEN
Elder .:Osha�G, an
in�,Toroifto. d, .'Mrs*, Lyl'
:5PTIC TANKS, ciis 't Scott M emoi.] os; 'Mrs" Wil_L Statharn and i
00ots 14 Atal, oil, on.Sunday Mf�� 'and -ith modern. Oment..c -All Mr, John 'Doig'. of" Giafid' Rap -
and cleaned iv
-11. Articles, For Work gua0unteed, WritQir Pbone LOT)IS SiialoVilf a son liaxii Worthington,"Carl -Ann Aft. �d Mrs.'Delbeft`G6ift6r,.Of..i ds., �.was
Sal f H
e the gbest 6f his
XE, o. Phone' QQIG�Ati,; Sin maine o sp a- r oe w, entertaind -25 members �of 19 i 6, Brussels. tMr.-nind Mi6.' rt ca on I e , o a picnic on
M Ly an 'Sis,
the 'Elder fam
@f h., - WILSON ALLEN,
,","r 5, 111 llIb-I IIAD;�O -AZP�ifkg s'oh, o Mun.-. r-country.lon on
d t a 'e "D 0ALI' L 1, G.' KIT
2 ACRES :Mr. 'and 'M ff fhb` `iof th
Foi, S oil
un&y �aftdrno 'WILLI ST
:W', r; and,,Mrs.",r0iii ;50 :%.Com
cors..,Je et e,
oaradios: at :.T.ERRY*Si ro, and dau,ghter Margaret
I r d
)ositl! Dick Houst! lign Sion; of �Lon on, V- r.' and"Alfg Lone 'Elder ISeafor-th- Dairy-, Cali C,lubr met"
FOR SAL9,' Apply to 'FRANK �ovr ugsior. -Patiliii. RAY da lier Whr H -Itbn,.
Xr2T r Mrii ohn WIt '37 IiTembers:'prese
-3, Kippe Phone Ron all 34 1 7 ited With 1 their, .�cfiildrefi' f anti Wednesday at he ho"i e of V
R. R.
t.arid. Mrsi' R n, ffiam
tLaing" brodght-41r. J IN Sionals
CUSTOM. Wtt6' �fRjYIN&' ad "Crorharty., a isttiess 0 -25�
nc,'' �;eott e 0s, rs,- M Rbii& t'on' a'nd.'Billie therif. H6 Ila'd oen. of Holsteffi cows were i
A �LARG9 'QUANTITY o alfalfa and have it gils:rantea - t h v to:11eusill- i�ith
to, � e.. ,,in' Robert �;Dalr� ed- Oral� reas6fis.'were giv by,
tiTnbthy, hay, farm miles vmst ef teasonable rates. Wo, 19,59, -foffhe,
aig Ital, oil vith: "Alr, Visiting month, wit
Heniall. � URBAN P,,ne� mray for twitch kras��.now: a. a, now Xrallskopf,'f., a lithe-inembe
wo daughtegs theiii, fh is.� Doug Mile
43 Brussela. "sPra folF fields, seeded.. t clever- rs, TRI'G cers i�,, Eginorldville on Sunday' a e. 777-
L4LOYD MEDDP .1 Ph"D c ton.'
no h of' Ha mil cultural representa tiVC ga -thp-
HU. '924836-: Jo '.under-' Wil-,
harl aturda. Lily, k rburn, ��Who ofiicial,placins and--rea8ons.
conitkn.. a9 19,58,- A ther.,lor any "an A baptijsm service was 11ell on -ation 'Jn.��Clfifton I H6S- nxt7110:e thanked Mt-.� Mile - s..
HOrU%E. I"hone Hensalf 6S4 r "1. -7- 'on for %. � S , re Went arf bpei
--wda-m -..Three bdbis�" , piffl, f6furned home last Saturday. Was in charge of the
AlGiiS�'�ASH PRICES neEaith'Boyd
eied the rites Fran- Mrs.`R� E' �Smal busffie�s., - 'The C6:,rat, ,the, ,
-Paid' 'I!,, surralinding VAN -,WEIRENMr., and Mrs.'Xlaa Va e,, of attendah
Id cis 81don, nFOR mong at bargain sick oi, disabled bors" ctt 0 Weilrirn,�'of Honsall, 'of'Mr -and, Alfg':� Midi and, Were week, end guests _M eetffig will 'be 'Counted- for
'Ph'S 'bers.
Fo A% daughtq alry,�m eting"a itc e I or
!r ars., obeft. the' merin
t eir so Eldon-Affan; -with Mt. And'Mrrs�'�11,-,,.R� Stephen ittendiu� either the,.
BROWN. Phone 341 r 2, S r, ptpmpt .24-libu!t r�l '19,58 patty. aof Mr�: and 'D t MI h I the
f ROY AQ19tSON . ,�;
Phone . LZ �rlan- Robert Son 0
awith arid r�i Millet: of Afr. Ad MrS. b
d. -Fihk ha�'returned �Iiorfie after Augut ^mee will 'be''JidIdT
three fittin, and oil bath. i -Alex er
ePfeby- me. of okne Carter.
HERMA HOST4. R. R... C r . omhty. 661i' 1. art'. at the ho
spending.' a,
i�htixch,� Camp 'at Xitt ail
Soiforth on Wodn6may t
FOR SALE: --The cleanest burning oi� in
IBrtrkw Name.,A in her t6Wn mothol
contains no aloin', WILLIAM X., f krg. Mr. and Mrs., n, 2 asare vaciat�-onmg with
wnshiv of Tu�k�r�lth 1,1 L6
ITAPT Phone 784, SeafortIL
To N- 9 foxib, on Wedli6sda `,Jlily r. and, Mrs-.� W.'R. �Stbphons
i airt Magon- in� her,,�bqn y On.
eilSail Ban. ams defeated ew
WTONSof now twitie-haled P'4 "Ioc'a . I bowlin Jitri eyL
rastu,p hay: 4r1il Apply Tue8" Hdrnbukg gam'e'
ffongal:L at
Ay �nightll Mrsl �W,
e 02 -HenAall. Tqwnabip -of Tackeromith O� J6fi stOn NeW-Harriburg Monday night The'
Ry. FU N -F R A L -nee Walden Were success- -K
'Cround will bit �,,open Wednem d S iand Clarc �pollslqked -by"Ahe
Y�76TZN-3TSE a qeeond rili.. See the aturday aftern6ons from-,: 9 to 9 ful in the indi, and TOOP;. Will m`Lt,S6hf6fth We $17,93. cocntil
ral Portahle at tiniy 'noo Xroni 7' 60mpetitiohS" Se
Rob LGIN J NES, dnes-
Xdmi aid . evem 'Cor�dr' OlZe
'BO,X rthe day, bight�and New. Hamburg, Fri-,
FURNITURE. FarTture-.Appl1anc- fu r tioticIL, (Orjlll� :News�tetter)� wl ea, Plione 4:�, Senforth. I were. day.'night Gaie,
.,71�1-2 P. r
"i W NE"i, In the �deatll' of Robert, -Close; men's, Bob Poig.
Elgin M'.
t1m6 is 6'4$,�p , Ernie Chipebase
at Soldiers' 'Mem-. f4 Irst -is mina�W 9
1;Q ACRES of good finy; will.%efl part (Mi&by) Jone Other entries, included:� II& Ed� Corbett
.r all, on thp field or hy. -he Miss Betty Mickle, of Toronto, is.
IM Lanne� Mr, Earl' DfnS�
of'the Orillia'Fire Brigad -Co"fity" F Md
ALEX PEPPElt. R R. 1 Jpifor h. Phone- r�rida�.; Orillia draw; Do..Maclennan and, -Gordon ost lost. �vell-kuown Muir LloydHdggarth 'and Mrs,'
Sy�*V�T 'or Mont-ninroney Chefri sPii1din tW6 weeks,. vith� her, par�. H.urqlt e-st Uiid ea � now and.� b, -Keat
Bring conts�ners: pick your ii"� trits 'Mn and''Mrs 1953 DObGE,,.REGENT
usinessmart, Mr. J6nes, was iore and ac� M�Ir; I Fi ' . > , L'. Ev.
and Ihrn6 Dale; Mis�.Porofb
1. GOvENLOCK ORCH- seizurez 1119 y- -2460, 1,15,0
icevviing on. :an 457 CH -,$TAT 0 WA ON .........
north of MiFest. NEVV�PPO�: AD$ IP A Parke� and Cl�i�ebc6-,WaldeD* 'MrS, extended. tour of-Jile, . Bi tis ....... ..........
ARD, f vn , family before lem
h, Isles,
A !�r-AQWRTlSfNG' came to, thi�,� town fi6fti Seaforth Harold Confie, Sadie and the -C.ionfiiiie
1953 CHE�V-. Br,,L
�xith� the Iltb''k,dward '1atim 114tit' on, '10; and Harold C, oil- I I 1 1.
Mir'. ; and Mr§,L A R�
,RS-[Tystant wa- -Doug Xoiok,�'BOh 1957 PONTIAC De r 9A9
CIOS'6- and , M
s, had 6 IbLrge rcle Ile r& and, Cath
terproof, write an any'irarfgee: just pun Ott k YNAT"SELES
, I v I I , , . ;. Orr the car And' Rafric Varkeli fa ready to eplyr 'autonfatic.Ifu y equippe ........ ............. 10�3 Mmtoltl:
of friends w o III ps'. Bob Dbig and
liable. Nine colors ink:
mourn his ��eek-'At Bala;,'
P,asslng. 1057 CHEV. DELUXE -SI�DAT�
green., brown, brange, In the I Mrs; , Jimmy Hyde has' accept ed ...... 24 2 C
7F le., 0131Y SLIO egeh �irst. World Willi�; Bill Muir and A Position at bompSon"8, Mill. 195, Automatic . ...... ...... . ...... HV. T)ELI1XE S'E
jlo�v. ivitita, pu War he en- Dk THE RtMolq EX OSTTOP-
list6d fro id four y.s; W. '0, Johnston,- and Mrs. 41ar; Id, Caldwell 'an m.Orillia and e,rvod o
years oversf Johnston. d -Jai a I utoffia-fle transihission, fully equip
�asWlth' the �Caftadian. s- ped..1 LY 0 AN ........ KOOLITE 21
WNIxas gitia
I I I E� 1. . -11. dr4ed 'home M,UTH
tion I" t...d -'ers the,] 69s. �
WINDOW AL nginO , rel
totee to
year-round P b, d
.rciml. multiple vent$ pravidd AiRf of' tary Iledal f6i gallantr pital 6n 'Sunday 1054 CAV�. SE mge 195 -DO E-C
1r in action aket' Hen�,ery -Carle- Do
S ek S Mrs. M�rg. I � USTOM DAN, ......
.141mer beat, lesoolnig id t e ed 1)(tringr Sbd6nd �Wbrld' W oo Here,l` P Power brakes an&
to 20. ft "qJ,C%T%tom. MR e.. 'Zcol� 7 ton, Place, spkt'the wbeks
y Vo .0 her. ' brother,, :Std art' Steering, automatic DODGF, P, QM D
oes't. WSU �N
Stnii Desle 1450 12q; 950 DODGE[,
b t 4
Reid, Sound,
IC66 ls MM;�l for facitig' hazat-ft in the istots e eve, .............
V, nV; so FAir'mile ub�ehaser explosion ifid ,, - 0 1 - � . I ......
0 est simming poor, 'Is 'Is V sil ilig ith -Afr, 'atid'Alts'. Har- qu ...... ............
subsequent fii6, at' the aterfr fit,
ipped or� . A plumber by' trade; Mr., Jones the'. verdfetof Alr� and. d
with tvadt�, chain rpro k t
E ell
'th belt �kfeme and eelilip- -;� ..., ......
LUXt ti
SS in Jnek, arld::6m1ly,, "The and Mrs' NV e�
-7, operated 1- p6l-trlprship busint
oilliarri Smith r
13owex, It
ti,p 9- . To STA
foi'-' sorho'y6ars;,,kriown ,as Jurtek's, here, to Visit, Mr. arli ttirned home-, this' week
Sone� 'and Bottom
O.Xenzie;' M�Mop,' over 'an . enjoyable t mv -MnMoR
'ho ail
Besidds his th6. weekend 'look forw6rd, to ed 1953 CHIEV. BE, AIR H DTOP-
5� While .6fi their VadatioriAlley s
Autom'AH6� full equjpp�pd
.-pool on monda"y of this woek� at t118,L I!
Lenora 'Grace Mew before,:bdr visi to the Seaf6rth Lions, P. y AR
mg he leaVe8 a,-bro- 'every occa-sibil,they ar gAryr'St.'hipede, �,and, visited in.aln. 54 �01 W -V. 6�,E-TOX. STARV
9 ie Sr 4 'a the N : ' � 1;' , I . I ,
Y, a fo 60, tfidf,'Karl (Peter) Joile y� of Port trict Mrs, McKenz id, ��tefo8ti�g - places, enrojrt(j�'� Writter, r g on' all tat6
Xodel!Cars�-Many oth
er v6dets t�.Choose.fibtil
Mr., and;krs. Stewart McQueen
Jully V1
d for fe
Mr d. ;r,,Ptl
W k we
IM g
of D
atr Of.� Orilfia Pr6sbyteriap Chu�ch of� Clinton ... 6 1 7 3' 8 2 Bartlett,, LS in �6 Very Rev, J. A. Kaeltinis IN 12 spent Al6rfaay klth�;Mr�, Mrs
0, rat the ftirie�ral�which"Wa8 seafortli 12' 7 4 4 1 a', 3 6 0-12
Janie Smith, little daughter of
h6ld, Monday, Aft6ftoon from,Mun-
7 er; oyog, X. Mc. k tW( , ,
Batteries. --..j Clinf6jil Livernforb Alt 'and,i Mrs, William Smith, s1 3
Funeral Horh6 to St... An- Coop aspending two'wee 5 With her Akl,,& an(! .1 It
s randmoth6rs,.at Marlette, Mic
T. P�illip