HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-11, Page 2S-14'zC 1-860 Serifing the L'on:Imunitv FOot SE FailoTEE, '01TARio, „ every, Thursday niorriing ..ANpREANT Y; 461*AN, t ii_j•tor.:. • , SUBSCRIPTION, RATES: _ - canacla (.1h a4vanc.e.) -0,50 a Yeal.. • -1,141:ted States (in advan-e )-, $350 a.: year.: : - * *SIN' 0,1,E -- ,CQPIES'5 _c NTS EACH tho#zed, as Secnii'd Classi:ivio, Fos Office'Department, Ottawa . • ' SEAPQRTWONTARIO,.,JULy 11, 158 ' er SwimmolOnStruction Means..laves Save by St Year nore than 1,000 people - wiled in Canada. That is not..a d record for any .nation.: .Those. -women:. and children Jest • their simply because theyolegleeted o.observe elementary rules of 'water det-Y-• AY.Ory.- Year —the -.;Vair,i4i4ii. Red .rosS- reminds Us- Of thee rules and.. ,first ;glance they-seeni'Sd :obvicins self-eviireiifthat .:,We'vTonder _why. :Red Cross -keeps issuing thia..Ma- rial. This is the: thought until we 'ok at the record and compare a fe-W• atistics: Most of _:those tragedies happened ecause peoge-diel, ' Wilk -4)r never alized they were in.'ank_.'danger., PYlvere.fOOlhardy and igheied :one more of the simple precepts of afety, in, on or near the water The -r had an' opportunity to learn the_ unklarnentals-of .water,IMfety... is--hot'llie -case , ine'Seaforth... re the 'modern tiorisLpool-,' staffed la: qualified :instructors, • pi vides , ery opportunity , for, the 3routh,.'df e distriCt—and the older people too learn the ,dangers- Of-'*ateri'and. iow to avoid tragedy by lep,Fi-44g to 1.4'nni. •Courses this suinnier -already.. e, attracting more than ever, .'and .week a total of 355 district chil- [reti have been enrolled for free in- struction; which commenced Tues- day. Adult courses coMmeiice later thiS Week. • _ :The Lions Club has been .carrying:.. on this work for Yeats and has made t possible for hundreds; arid_;lignt 'Areas of district children te-learri'td wira. u . to carry on the park and . .tool program requires money, 'and that is why the ,Lions Club wrote to ach of the people in the district re- cntly-rexplaining-itSt wbat tb ion was. To date, 01UL a :truniber ave answered, and about MO has .i;,fieen•received, ofacialS say. But that '-epresents but a small preportien of he amount needed to clear'..the pool f indebtliess and provide for park , Ma,intenance.ltThieanSth1 1ss, :jhan one per cent of the people in the • lifember• of Canadian Vireekly, •NewsPiPers • .4s4oniation district have .resporided. , The fini'd-isrstill'OPen. Surely - mo re •_than one.: P6f...c.' ent of the people In`,‘ the district .served by ,The Seaforth- , Liens. -Pool are concerned about the:7- ; 'Centribiitien 'the. POol-makeS• -to.. the 1 w-jelfare.•Of t1i distrct '.The -.way to show such, a :Concern is to •forward 4 —orration*ow:;` • SovncFSuggestion Thee is much Merit iri a..proposal: advanced bytheauthor of, a, letter - '7.),Yhte1TaPpeared...--in riast,Week-"S--isSUe,-. , of Ther.j-turon,,E4ositoti: Izte*Tiiiter; 7i:gliTjfig.as."Ptibli.C' He1th"asks why steps are nnk talceia.:, to. ensure.."thatadults .Qontinue to receive ',tetanus. . toxoidanoculationSiu:the man- ner --as the- " •-j.ii.1de • available to choo1 children ...iThe4askilaeing-dorie:-, by the'Ontario the County-- Rea1tIi Unit, nd local10.3,'ie10,-,f0' T agaihst .• the. dangers of varjetiSinfectiOSdiseas- es, 15 ' ,nan admirable one -.As long, as", the children are, in.schooLitIs ensur- ed that the protection- is Maintained, by. the ..administration Of "fieCessary. 'booster shots Vpon graduation it • beeernes the'•res'pon§ihility-. of the to acquire :his or her own . protectionbe argued that adults shoUld have. enough cominon'Sense to 'take • steps. protectHtheinselVes agailiSt infection.: If they, .don't, it IS 'their• . bw.nhard'.1nck. - • - On -the -other hand, as' a result Of the protection 'given more or less 04.ttoinatically:'diiringione'S youth, the , ';'•.tendency quite naturally is give no, 'thought to..,:the requirenients,.. that •-might -' exist:- :1:*acquire �ntinuing .`prote0ipri..While certainly no one S'HaeSt§: the adult .population should - be reqUired..bY:laW tbi obtain booster'• :shOts,..:at.'the.".sanie ..tiine Much geed: could be accomplished by educational campaignS.beng condutedcorn, by our correspondent Why Not Extend Beneftts. Of .4 it time the National liousiiag Act Vag enlarged to perrnit loans for the Purchase of existing- homes, as well- as for :the purchase 'of neW..horaesE? Toronto Star believes the gine for the enlargetnentotfrie atfis.past ..NHA, I er.1160$',0?.. .reqUire a down 'payment, under cup.' .tent conditions, of ,about 40 Per cent, Or almost $6,000., The mortgage would bear interest' atsixand one-half per cent Second mortgage are ahnoSt •:always rojnired andthey ,can nomi be pei..and Advances. cogbiat 0,rgiment,;$ `. obtained oult,at seven per cent,and support of its coricil.mion5, - :up, and only for Short periods of one anad s national housing policy to three years_ liever-be •darap1ete4S long ait 'The •National :1-Teuse Builders' oes not include loans for: thelogir, - assoiation 1ias PrOPPSed that the chase Of existing as well as ...fibtisiiig:act.1*aniended to extend' its/. the Star says "Alan'y people; es - these • Nyith larger • sWould prefer to own an.:.older h.inne -,but are.forced to buy a ne*-heiase•be-,, ,•.:CaUse tlie3r cannot aacuthulate the cash for, nor afford the interest pay-, • ,Ments.on, an older one. . ,• .1. ."NliA regulations now permit a proposal,. claim ji,ist the opposite„:- , Majcitnuin loan to -pnrchaSers of $12,;.-. New -construction haS,not.declined. in ... .800. 'ori, new- homes costing_(exCept in the U S, where federal loans have Areas . of •premihin land values) ap.,„ ••-, covered used as well s new homes prOzirna;tely $14,800. The -down pay- from %the, beginning. ' tient required,', therefore', is $2,000 "Indeed, NHA loans for .existing Olid"the mortgage„ amortized over 'a housinginay be just the filip the Caja- l:pig petiod, ig at six per cent -Second adin economy needs at this time. It mortgages are pOssi, ld but in fad -would enable owners of: elder ,homes, are rarely regturecl. .Eut a geond-: who want to sellbut caret' fjnd buy - :hand house se1ling•Par-$1.4i800 wOuld, erS, to liquidate: . 'their substantial equities and put them molieytobther uses., • It: -would • put spending money • into the hands (if 'buyers Who 'no* haVe to Utilie :all their resources to make,..a;,doWn• payinent on an older. • korlie, and then wait months. or years' before they -have 'saved- enough, to .fiit it upandtidy-things or it 1 "The National Housing' Apt. • financing previsions, on a comparable.' basis, to used housing: .Seme:econo- mists--may,-argue,this would slow :tip •construction of, new homes and have a sdepreSsing effeCt en the national . , economy. But the:builders, whe ,have . 'nothing to -gairk,dir, ectlY.„.froin their, , Park -Sites 1)windling (Kincardine News It wettld be Pleasant to hear that • the provincial authorities realize the e -ofas a parks 'a -ea va u Bruce :and undertook flirther develepinent somewhere in th penihSula in which worked reasonably :well for the post,. public Sites, are dwindling to the van- war period.' But times are continual - point, Rather than play poli- ly changing and '°the act must be -ties-ul this respect, ,the goveniment changed With them: 'Economically Alight take early aCtlOhywhieh WOI,11d ° and Socially, the house -builders' pro - win plaudits 40m people' of every peal is a 'good idea," the Star con - party persuasion.1.uctes. • ' ' ' s 4:2-rx First T ns- ' First twins to •be born .in the new wing of Alexandra Marine and General •PloSpital arrived Thurs- day, June 26. - They are -William PanT, -eons of, Mr . and,: , Mrs. William ,VVinsor,. Baytield-Rd., Goderich. The father is4einPloyed. 'at the RCAF :Station, , • ,• _ potato patch•-nt such -an .advanced Store -Sold • age. Nevertheless, that is where Mr. 'Frank Alan - has: Sold, hiS 4evi•G"ped" of Winghath' was found Berimiller general store to Mr: and: on Monday. -Mr. Good marked his re.Y1hr,esy° tLloydook,PI)oisesines?sriotn-afonMiTivii:rstddali tglicidead health tph°nIwiinith° nth the aeyieaenndtiOins last. ' They _naVe. a. family of three •of a"' touch of .stornaeh trouble boy's: Mr,. and -Mrs.. Frard,c reinhider of,-tlie ulcers which have been in this business for 18 be'- says all - buts 'finished, 'him. 54, years and rill continue to reside years- ago. , Mr. ',Goad maintains, at • Benmiller for the :present.- that.tlie cure,he took at that time' Goderich Signal:Star. •, . * • was pretty effectite.,--tea brewed . , • from the. .thorns. of..a wild . fruit, Presents - rapers .TtO N6,1,V. Citizens frreerne.0' e. ojnelayineal-ieortire.„.0;e-n.ld:Iend_diic_aani • JUdge Prank Fingland ,•adminis: tered the oath a citizenship to nine new -Canadians ,frorn. this. dis,trict in a ceremony at the courthouse, Goderich,' 'Thursday..., The_Judge ;congratulated each of.-the,-:::nitizens personally •as . • he-. presented-, the paper's. to" 39.. The-grouPinclude'cl Hendrik and • Greta De ' 'Vries' , ;George .-,Aisenschink and ,Sehlageter;,'Exeter.; Jose -13h; Tetras-, and • Mina --Van DarsSelaer, Hay' strength of •the, building,:'and, can ,toindiShip;",'Johanna and „Arie Bin- diminish the loadcarrying;eapac-'. nendyk,-.- Kippen.' , The ' cerenionY itY, of the structure to the danger teak. place in the courtroom of the,• • Many farmers do not :knew their • new _ cetmty Times -Advocate.. • • , •-, , buiiding_s are infested. ah6, beetles FEDERikljet4 NEWS - By CARL HEMINGWA• Y • ' . The ClerkS• • throughout- , Huron COutity seem to have'. done a, VerY good, job •Qf Preparing the „Notete, lists o'Ju1y 25. In most cases the • farm orgaiiiiatient -.did'soinere yising, -and a Sinall.! number of fariners had their names removed. If your'*n.ame Was -rerneved. You will repeirire a letter front,the Cie* •informing you (Yf'• this:, If you -Seel yotir nanie ,;should be on the list you can appealhy. letter,' to Farm. Produets: •Marketing •B.o-ard,_ Parlianient Buiidin, Ter:Onto: The. hearing is .Set -for July '14, 15 and If .You are, to ,have, a vote you ineet one of 'the -following uiternentS: First, yon.• may.., be the of 'the 'Property on Which the •-hogst, are •produced; -seenzid,, you, may, be the renter of the pro- perty, on 'which hogs •al'epreduced in .which ' ease the tenant. will Vote father_ .t.hao. the: t Owner; 'third,: a eorporation -or 'partnership May' .10 Q- iigaged in the production Of,',hbtgs in -r -which case the deputYrtiteffir&-- ing.tofficer twill- benotified of - the. one ',representative 'who will.,.vete corporation:7-or 'partner: - ship.„ fourth, in the „case, of Joint ownership the -first -.member to •present himself at,:thepoll.. will .-.;, In case'•will ;.,there than one Vote for' -any As the. camPaign progresseS it is more andt,More _apparent, that, the vast , inajeritY. -dfprpducers favor. the hog .marketing plan. Being in -fairer-will do-nothing ,t6--iceep ferce.: You ,must cast --your ballot.' Too many times farmers have Tar- , „ NEW' -1104A D DRA S ARER G. Franks hiThp, much a th area involved. actu-- '.tiCeix°111t e2e5:k:e‘naitr,9:;•)."-I,01• ,.;. ocAf°1111fillelsle1111111,:dPe43', rP4e.11/1.14°111irt°inl°1eiYinfi-tteshid•folwr.VhhtlIbelb:Within the:: jug fitaide, • whior are,.. change .Central Planning. 'Bureau ha's just • land w11 1iten11y be 'OAthtrhernTlil'itti;:apileePair:aiivnasey,e7n_dia..1;i;,71.liffe „len- Thu. Alloilit.deslieryzrecis,:ollpietts:e'tYpIep4riti:/;anis!, \idve::Nti,etr'harle3.: a “B!\\!.'' raeea*city' oYdetlaerit;g'ad'g-oo\VOI11.0(111.1topliiist_ • . •••. • ;ilea of th. etherlan s s ,u be . This. is :being, made necessarY come ta _the alarming coneluSion grown up,• durin,t/ : the. centuries:, by 'the,' very, rapid growth; of its. calr.rie:heo,uiir.e.a:dritgeh.itildeesctwhicii:-ha-ve.-, populaWn,.. Even... allowing for • 'It has -r, ehed these three' main: - .ions gthreal;1'i‘riteDliuStifeted hpaiv•oe- conclthat by. 1980 the ,Pepulation will-radst be maintained as separately-. haVe, increased • by. at 'least ,.25 per situated -centers of gravity. - cent, that is,.'front 11,000,000, t6 .A 'large -agricultural. central .about, 13,500,000. -• • . . area be kept; - • The age-old solution of findiog • 3.: The Rand-Stact must be ex-- , - more .living since by reclairning, panded an organized way,in ah lan'd from the •sea can no.„Ionger outward direction, • ••' be'tregardec.1 ,as effective even: to • Ender` the propoSecl plan, the, a. Small. 'degree. • Even when the groups' of, eitieS 'In• :the AinSterdarnt -• new ''Zilyder-- Zee polders are cena, .Zaandati, area The Hague pleted in about 20 years' -time, the Delft region, and.Rotterdain shou'ld additional- land') will ProVide fer not be allowed to have more than' not more .tlian about 250,000.. 1;500;600 losable .each, because if . The Dbita Plain:, by Which the they, greW, any larger the., urban •;. _sea- arms___on the. sonthwest .ceast''edonorny-,waulcl -bedome dispropersr- will he .clesed • tip and, a certairi liooately inc-eased • ,t_t, • -- *Punt' Of.. new spa,ee 1)e. Moreover, it: is regarded as es-- , produeed' residt, is not be serdial. that .t,d, Preveht_ the various . Mg. -adopted in'..the -.main to help cities- .-from.. growing - teethes-, sole „the- overpopulation problem., green belts, or buffer -strips, each:.. That plan is rriainly.de-signed as a not less than _three Miles, wide,. • great Protective measure against must be Maintained.' ' tloods and TOSS -of vlifuable agri- -restfeetT-the're,'- cultural lahd throtigh the deposit Port says that the large "ov--Tflcnv ' of - • of pspple will require at least id • Land ,Needed • -hew towns to be built- by 1980 -but--- eal.,'overcroWding •""Ptizzle is ••• In 'some 'respects, .however the .side the Rand-Stad four -nf theiti • . . . the, the--ne,w ,land,,recla.ination of the ding-..of-1andon-which -Zuyder.:.Zee, dreaSing millions of .Netherlanders. /Recreation Area Pro - d tvill 12,e alale to live • • o.red -plans m organiz..ation ' 'problem ' -t t . • , is mos acu e . The. report Suggests that new,' re -- intei,iiiis ehairht-ah- 0.1... the , -charge, F and hav_e left “d_eorgo.-1,, to_ do-_, the, the Western-Parl--of----Holland -vv-hich -creation- -f- ac-il-itl-ettand- P°s-sibilitie-5-' qiiestioned Mrl'ileLagan regard ..- -work. Since `-'George":- lc/Jew he has been called. the Rand ad " be -create-8' on tliP islands et Zee-. illished a surprising amount for, Sea cbaStline and_the _three --big-- North land to the south of the Rand- ,... mg his duty and profession, The had Your support, he has aecom-. This is ;the area between the S.tact.,and_iti the Zuyder Zeeto the -- - act of induction was performed 1)y - Dr. Semple.. --Blyth Standard. I V°t•i•-. --, --- - --' -: eah-t t--''-------eltie-s---Of Amsterdam The Hague Trarts_eort pr'•„merris ,. too fi,tir, northeaLt is time erge. . ' 0 i and' ” 'Rotterdam, ' and inclUding - - , , ,.. Teeing Potatoes' -,At 94 for ,You,„ You, will- have to markthose, cities:as well as dtrecht 111 Ric new, Plan, These "Win 'Not, many of -11's -even .hope to your '°-wil hallat at 'the Poll on Jul -Y versum Delft, ,'.-10..euda,. and .'Dor_ elude a OE•w ratiwaY,SYstern- to ett--- , 25. This- is the greatest Challenge nro-eht,' , , , , .. . --tile speed, an coin orta e „ray --__L____ ' f - , lb -I: and- _- 000 people, or 36 per cent •of the " :future industrial- centers of the-- 1/20th of' tile -total of :the- Neth,„ newly' industrialized Holland. erlands, if is inhabited' by. 4,000,- ' All, these _plans 'will, hOwev,er, entire population.- BY - 1980 this iberen•nuolloab„1„e„," to Pr'-'we-ut 'a ful:ther- Rand-Stad will accommodate about --"'';'"" "`-'-e et Valuable agrle111- . 5.,500.,000: _people, or rainris„ „to - er. tural.laild--being -absorbed, f r oth-' tent of the exPectedi-population at et • Pur-POsn- '*ithin the neNt . 25i' - ., • .. - , , . ,, , - - --, • -,,, - • years. ;.... •. •.• ., -•- In itself the Rand-Stad is actill',0alld: brayT.ht-131:e'ilt,r-::_na,n1Pi_eitiP:iiin:.eodf eue:,._tl:eyrilirli,:' ly large . - enough in ' areat to ean that the total gain o[:.land , such a ntinaber; but 'there 'is. an, Flevoland- will be completely, nulli- other, and ,ver- important econ-. - Plane -comPlication----The are-a-Titi--'fierl• , clinics some .of. the most valtiable, . , . , , .. agricultural and horticultural land limn 13,ad•,given tuna tip.:=Wingham, self; , thus accounting for 'the -Piles AdvanCe7Times. . • , - • of sawdust one often sees on. in., ,befe.ilithge.ow-ilotleenseiiro..elilitiwy."0, rmkeocistt.hoaft iitt ..q.,Fia-PPy. /vial • ;Arena Floor . .oftel a, 12,?•-iby 12f2 heath whfeh coMPrises • 8.7.'.Per--eerrt 4- all: the .Tli'ere-.4.5 a good deal of -disSatis- has ,been ',infe'sted can be Whittled ' hothouse s and 94'' per Cent' of, the „ . faptiori. With :the new 'blacktop floor dowir ' easil3r • with a. jack-knife • to hult-C'eniti-Vation-:: .14.I4. in Inc'. Arena , as, ,a -..Lions . Club the, size •ot. a 4" b,v_ 4", Since the --These ' Produce , a large . proper- , project. '-After _the-l'floOr. was - laid depth' .of the beam is .the most ' tied of-Helland's expert crops.. and- thel:,$6.4...4nestion ,Was ‘.., ``Is it.:'fin-, important dirriensibn,- such lines-. must, therefore be saved frorh be-- ished7. The :genera i 60/lien was tation- can seriously r affect ' the ing.9wrrun liy‘ the cities by be laid to give 'a. Smooth ' Andlevelwhicli-,..other ; .row crops. continues but that a final,top:dressing ,coat-"woilld they are -. . Will- soon be stappe_d by_thetsize-of.--t surface As -it- is :t • 'provides • 'Fora'--fong'rtinhe ' hulk- the ' main. th-er,1001r,lantsQ.'wi'-iy. ' who have --•Viewed 'it.. Arena 'man- tthheeiyr,' "cinacriti:tetaxspinangdittoizearircTinFrrioordeaxte; iti,M4Pirgohyternmeene-tihAgssixOASa):?thil held ,at, . neither to the -SatisfaCtion .of: :Inost 'cities • have • been studying, how The ;la- anCruHT-- , . . . ager , Art•-Breckles says, -that. it .is as' mueb•-as..three inches .off being . . , .. • ample,1 lie.Hague. had worked out an .ekeellent. DialLiar,:tile.--g th On F.riday 'eg..enPig;-:julY•'--1-8;-41 ‘7''' the Huron County ,Henie, Qin on,. level at sem•e points, -....,aia_thaf_it of five satellite :towns in the area. P.m- The PrU-granf 'ATirli luelude -a • ,- t .,-..re,view. of the various. Tddinoristra-- ,Thi'• i,..niReea.P°:riti:ta "Pcjianajiliplheteed rev..:is-le'-n.'-'11411110)atIttlii•-8'..°e:Mtit°,sji,....;Pva41,leertsira,,x1CcioniielY--, n reach 94th b' thd ' this -aria . is • t. ca, 1'3; ei'r -to - and - e,„_pre se.- _to -your faith in yourselves that_ has ever faced farm people. Let everyone accept, it. Powder Post Beetle Damage Buildings Powder -post beetle damage in Ontario is a serious problem in many farm buildings. Powder -post beetles ' lay • their eggs well into timbers in farm buildings. .The larva- eats its way- out. and shoves the powdered timber ahead of it- HUron, jFarivi News • . (By Al S. Bolton, Assistant ' •Agricultural -Representative) Haying operations are general., .throughout the. county. -Early fields.. .., ,ofnats„have now:headed. -ScUfflingt: for- ,contrel/of weeds.. in •corn and , seena to thrive ;in warrn,- iSt ar. Sixth Induction Serviee• - ea -s ----and this,---is-the--frrst-Mace to would -le, impossible to . make. ide look for them . Some of. the - ' washeldhilen1Pdr-esisiP.!e.thienIP4tyith ' United. by hY he method .he has been-UsIng-' floors in, ,-.bariis have .heeeine 'Sif Church - on :Monday, evening-- for Art floods' with", a -hose,- and .be-.., badly ,infested. .a..ligl'- ,deterforated Rev,. R,,..E.. F: McLaggin who has.. cause of the variance ii. levels; he that they •are :datigereus, for the been Called to the MiniStry• of this anticiPates r:that ': he ...Would' have farmer and children to •kvalk chureh. Rev? W. D. Clark Wing- ; -shell Ice 'in th.e.,1* sPots--1-;,nek-' on. Stairways, leadind'ini to the hani, r who • has been . the : - suPPIY' . . - t e - . _ , .. - mow are " often badly eaten - away minister:,Or tire't'clurch .; since • the .____. - - ... , ,- -- .. , , and Ma4.51-'serieuSL-fall'a-Alaye been. resignation ef ..Reir„. A.' ,AT..• watabti-70-AFOlt* 4;0 svvie'l.Ft.---64;ii-B .thigvred:_-bsr:1-1,_tisnsPeetirrg• farmers.' several month ago .ciindticted-the t The4une-meeting74.1the"-Seaforth"wao-'45gem.:- ------''''"'''''''''' --7. devotional portion ;. of: the .Serviee.:Sivitie • Club .was held.-Mondayt at ....•131:1Mt, ..eani'h-b"-±clOhe In , iirov-ent' Rev. Jalnes 'Semple- D.D.; . of Egf71 the. farm of R.' B. MeMillan. - The ckainake'...WIth ii*-.W:"h/l/tlings, ,sPen mandville, Called . the ten- mern- grouf judged two "elaSses, aof '112" nial Preservatives such as ereosete- bers Of the Huron Presbytery who tureisows. The offie•al •-ng and pentachlorophenol can be us were -present, to °the front of the he sows .w6re Oxen , by mr. „yie,„ tehe which keep anedepprtheveenbtetthtleesta' outofChurch and introduced -Rev'. MC- Milian And Arthur Bolton. Lagan* to ,theM: Seiriple and ' inYing, their eggs in the timbers. Therotth.- ventilation of the area to prevent' warm, moist conditions is alSo a• . So Tar, as oId bitildings' are con: 'cerned,.-not. much can be' done•li the buildings are infested$With the beetles, because they have already gained access to the tirriberS, and are hard te get out. In such cas- es', the beg. thing td de is tO burn the members and-replac'e 'them .with new natal, , Oiriz. papers were handed out and Rev. T. Jr White, of • Londeshoro triSwered Jay' each .thember.; • From The Huron Expositor • • • JuI.37_1•1 0.83- 1Vlayor, A. D. -Sutherland; in speaking at the Ban-Legion.garden Pa'ktY- ThurSclay, evening, brought out- a' number- of very interesting facts ,concerriing the pregent SeaL forth Highlanders Band. and Its predecesors. Seaferth was nem, ed in, 1860 and incorporated- as a village in 1868; .and a toWn in 1875. Even as a.' Village, hOwpver,', Sea- Torth.bad: a..,band;' and a good one, meolliers'•of the Sea - forth Golf -and , Country Club were the guests :of the. Mitchell club on Wednesday, •Although 'no • scores -were 'it is • understood Seaforth players, secured a major- ity. of points. • • . • A heavily loaded car a -grain, bound for .Goderich;• and' also, an empty car, were derailed on the CNE. line Trent Stratford to •Gade- rich; abOur three-quarters of a ,mile West of..St. Colunibau on Wed- nesday afternoon. PaSsengers on the afternoon train fram ,Goderich had to leave their train, walk around,the 'cieraited cars and board another train,' .WhiCh got there to :Stratford...ittat.-20*---minutes late, Prom The Unroll. Expositor July,11.0, 1908 - • Mr. J.elan McKenzie has purchas- ed the nitereSt of Mr. Oscar Sproat in the Star VVing picture theatre and is now sole proprietor. • The other night some per4011 r persont,- Went' itito the. gar en of Mr. Marks liolbein and pulled up' and carried -oft Some- of his Veger tables, Mr. nbibein is offering a reward of $5.00 for the convictiOrt of the guilty. partieS% • • The excessi`yeTy hot weather of the present Aeason seeniS to be condnCiVe to• severe electrie StOrmS. Scarcely a week has goxi. Oast lht we have not had one or tWo heaVy, stanns. ' At the Archibald anti Clidtriore Interesting items gleaned from The Huron Ekpositor of,,25, 50 and 75 wears ago. • sale last :Friday,. the 'pacer; ``Lit- tle,HarrY,/,' WaS-,purchased by sIVIr. Prank for -$310.• • „Some 'evil dispe-Sed person or, persong broke-tintothe henhouse., of Mr. William Payne'Ori' Wednesday night and took ',several. heirs. Mr. Jelin. ealbraith,- 'Winthrop, has • rented Mr;',Edges house on '111.arket Street, and movet in' next Week. Fred Galbraith 'takes • the - farm. They recently purthased 50 acres',from Mr. Hugh NfeIntosh. • - min The Huron. Expositor July 13, 1883.- „ . ' Mr. George -Strong, of the sixth tencession Of Tuckersmith, had a chiehen -hatched out a, few dhys age which had four legs. - TWo". of the pp,dal ,extremities are, in the • proper:. place- and.. the two fluoug ones -are-, situated ,further back On the body and project out, ward,-bht all•the.legs and feet are preperlY formed- • ,•• • • BArnett, tearitsten, for Mr. Timmat.. • A few days . age 'a:child of •Mr,.1 .Govenlock; of 'McKillop, got -sortie glasS In its ey'et•<whieh Caused. in- tense painand;endangered the eye- sight. 'Barnett. hat taken the child. to Toronto and it is feared. the .e.ye haVe to renioved. Mr. -«Taltn .metiroy, „_of tbe. 4tti. concessien of--1VICKillop, who -left Otiebec. thetecOnd Of Stine and irifed at 1) errY onthe 11th arrived hotrie ago!tipt, Sgt-, =lay.- • • Last' Monday- a. gentleman nein- ed 'O'Neill', of. Arthltr,, offered Mr. •Thonias Stephens, of the Queen's HdtI, 'the suln:Of 110,000 ,eash for his hothl Property 4kere,-.but the offer, Was declined, • We are glad M be ,able state that Mi. Walter Thompson has at length deternibied to open the.oat, meal _mill here. , • Metsrs. llobertion-& otSea- forth, have Tsold 30 'coal air stoiea this- season, and. could, have sOld as many. More, if, they could have got m ' , of the 'whole scheme, because ob- Home Econottliat, li'a,s arranged a viously neither The Hague nor sPeeial Program forthe ladies in .Hckllancl could afford to -ignore -such -the .411ditarigmf---• °..1-1SuPtP rb.asPaa'ertt-s...from... ParticPla-rThere are in Canada .164n on - Plat/ to sO-I'Ve the overpopnlation, vernrnent radi b d sti ta- problen, therehag beena muth tions and 32 nox--gorlilel'neaig meli' lttele- :i-'r -,- -: wider investigation to cover- the viSie on. broad astiog stations; •ip. It whole and-Stad area, 'addition' the Canadian 13roa' dcast- • All seemed Set for this scheme ing Corporation owns and operates to be put into operation when it 22 radio station'S and eight- tele was suddenly-- discotered 'that vision. Stations. a GAS, BRGHTRAtL R Canadian Petrofina.:- Ltd. ' Dealer and 'Distributor Of Petroleimi r'rod.ucts • Phone 3$4 Seaforth , : Ont, STOVE and'ECANACE OIL ---- Prompt.Farm. and Rome Delivery • not er, "rugged" Royal a 3 litchei PoOri'ds: • • •Fulty....,'Stmidard -.Keyboard Idet1 for Students - Professionals Trateliers a41..M) Plfa8g.:147.1-10 T1'PE AT HOMAY, ” . . : be' iiroUd tO.earry 'Y'01#.t.e*:.Royalite init handsome portfolio -type earryitig ea'seIt is simulated leather of vinyl plastic, and conies in three '- smart .shades .: Red, Gieen :cthwi Nittui,01 Tan , °rile InI To -da r(tir i) 1, 101,11 „ e the Royalitein Action! 41. ?3,11 it! I- \'41. UHi Phone 141 or 142 Seafort 4 , : ,