The Huron Expositor, 1958-07-04, Page 8LO
v i,,sidia..ELP-gR
_rganistand Cheir Leaden
1006 nese.-Church School'
-"r Heard the Voice of jestis
. . (A:kW:mai)
ss Betty : Simpson, D. Stewart
or •Choir Anthem; "Lord,
,Me Live Today" (Moore)
t Church and Northside United
eUrch Joint Servicei, in First
sbyterian Churgh,leommeneing
4-19.' -Rev. J. C. Britton hi
14,:U 1
- We Specialize in- --
All Lines of
dfXW COMPOSITE ovvE4,ng.p.
And .TuesdaY,
day; TtniradaY and Friday 8:00
erIVICKillop :Charge. - Senrieva, at
WinthrePe 10 axleDuff's 11;30
4-14'..e. 2m.;serviees
on maylight Saving Tinie,4Rev,
W, H, Suminerell MieiSter. '
St: Th#Mes." au ChucI*.
l'Orning-''''PraYet,;11 am.' "11O1-1".
the, -first $et:,dair
the .rectiWat:1140,,,...and the. third,.
SundaY.:Of the „menth at- 9' •
Sfinday-Sehool every-Sonday'rnorn
ig at 1()_a.01.-;4tev.
• NOrtheide
C,Brittonief 10
Ciueh School arid Adult ',Bible
Class.; ilea:ire; Morning, Worship, the minister. 1
giiitnidyille United Church. -Dr.
J. SeMPle; ."Mittister;: T-nr10. ?Pin-
-iniondreT ergeMSt7.ehoir , leader: '711
aen.e---eilbjent;, `,,‘Wlaat the ,, mat-
ter witle our. religion -that it liaS
ceased te give, vitality to. our .eiv-
ilization?"; .10. a.m., Cherdi school
eedniinisteeS Bible Class; .11, a nu.
Niirseeye Cie ss ; 11e30 ame „June
lor'Chureh:', '' •
!offers full fire and liability cover-
age at 10% below regular rates to"
bome owners:
For full information, ask usl
24. A. REID - Proprietor -
General IngOrance
Phone 214 • •: Seeforth.r -
Agents: .•
` .Seaforth ‘Propertiea._-
, Mrs. Garnet Taylor,: Ste.ffe, end
Mr. and Mrs. Rebert McClure, of
McKillop, hove returned. after visit-
ing relatives and Wends, in the
Western, Provinces. •
Storey and Half Dwelling With
new garage, Goderich St:• East
• Ultra -Modern. Three bedrooms,
fufl baseraent oil heat. Aregeed.
Large Frame Dwelling, West end,
.0.iitaidettown. limits. Taxes $3(1,00:
e•Tiiree3hedrooms; imodern. kitchen
Oiiirlehath; new oil --furnace. : Sep-
arate apartment; partially com.7,,
• pletecL., Priced right- for 'quick
TWO-bedroora , Frame Dwelling,
r.eoderich St. West. Built' two.
years. Every modern conveni.
- tome, including oil heat. Lovely
tecation. Worth ifivestigatinger
Storey and half Dwelling, North
Main St. Asbestos siding; fully in-.
sulated; with all conveniences.
',Centrally. located, and -priced • right
firr quick sale.
Mrs.3. R. Minter, Of Torontpeis
visiting. her ,:Luther, Mrs. L.
Miss Debra:•Mee/ler; of• Zurich,
spent a 'few as with lier grand -
Parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Ray a
VoImes. -
Mrs. james Bill has returned
from Guelph, where she spent a
week With relatives. '
Mr. and Mrs„.Frimir Cudatore, of
Wallacebiirg, wern.weekend. guests
of ,Miss Ha-zel Peldr-and Mr. pal.
ton. Iteid. , _
" Miss _NaneY-Natt,. of Kitchener,
speht the itolidaY weekend at the
•home 'or -her Parents, Mr,' and 3/L.,s-
RaYMenti Not rt .„
' Miss Sally "Not uid1Vriss -Ruth
TealVof Victoria .1Iespital, London,
are spending three Weeks' holiday
at their honoes. •
r.SoIin W. Hawthorne, Of Vic-
toria,-B.C.;- is viSiting his brother,
Mr. Scott HaWtherner• •
:Mr. and .Mrs.".'Ceeil,,,,Lyddiatt,'
'gagement of their. daugliter",.Elean
Or Marie, to .Williain7Barry'
stone,- .sere.of Mr, and 'Mre.
Whetstone, -; Goderien, the :"Wedeliiig
to take • plOce the.letter ,:part
July :
Mr. and _Mrs. :Wilfreci4.0*C.Oi1ker
eagenierit of their -eldest datighteir,
Margaret Mari Louise, •to
ward ,loseph Itawlan:d, son, of '1Vire:'
Jack '• McIver, St..•:COliiiithati„eenti
riage ttelake St.. :PatriCk's
Cntirch;.,:Dablin; �n Saturday,
• .
Mrs: Adrian Plue;,Trenten, ,With
Mr:..and.: Mrs: 'icilin::,De/arieY•
'':,14rs.' Teresa O'Sullivan and 'Miss
,Virsula..,,,q'SulliVair spent ldst Week
in LOtiden: .
. Miss Marion IVIelyerr:DetrOit and
Tom 1VIciVer:'Teroato, with: Mr.
and Mrs e William McIver;
Rev: Harvey' Roadie Brantford,
Mr:f and Mi•S Tennis. ,Itoaeh,
tqa, and •.:Mr. . ,and-. jenies
Feeney, Kitchener, ,With Merr and
Mrs. Jese It•Fe ney.
, Mrs. Williain'Earttiaer: jOhn,
ttine, Richard ,end .KathyFortufle
Detroit,. with,MigSes, Anne; and-lAg-.
nes Lynch.• . er . .
• Mr. and Mrs. E.rank Doyle, Ta
font°, anctIVIie:"antiMrs.,..D'on-:Smith
:of Detroit, With Ted Drtyle'artilMe.
and Mrs:. Michael bOyle.
• IV r, aiFidTIVErs:. Tom. Flanagan;
Toronto wititIVIr"eand 1VIrs' Jeseph
. . - ,
Phone 214 Saforth
Ali -Pasaangera lammed,
676 675
The death ,of Mrs. Elmer Tuffi'n,
Kitehenere occurred_ Monday night
in 'St. Mary's. Hospital there fol-
lowing a month's illness. She was
Miss StiSan McLean left Erld
Glasgew,, NS, Where she
1,visi.t her- grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. WeSPurr.
Miss Marion Scarlett of Geo e
Melte:, -and IVIre.TGrece FInggarth. o
New:Hamburg, are SPending the
heivilidryastkr home here..........
' Douglas K s
Ohatliarn, Were -Weekend guests of
Xr. and Mrs- R. W. CainPbelleand
Mr.aid Mrs, James Keys.,
Angus Kennedy, qf Winds0r,
a 'fernier resident of Seefert.h, was
a visitor in tewn over, the week-
was. a weekend glie§t of Miss Rena
eeilr,ei.h3„9., rift , and, Susanne,
Centerline, Michigan, are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Trapfell
• Mrs. -G. H. Swanston, MiSs Anne
lieghsen and Mr.' John, Logan, all'
of. Toronto, were recent. visitors
with M.and, Mrs. J„., E., Keating.
Mr: "and Mrs, Donald Stewart
and family are holidaying at Bay -
Mt, :Sam Storey, Who' has- been
,patient in Scott Memorial Hog-
pital, WaS`traiisferred- to Victoria
Hospital, Lenden, last week.
, 'Mrs. F: Kling is visiting Nr. and_
Mrs. Glenn Chesney and family in
-.1Vliss Marion Laudenbach,., of
London, spent the weekend With
her: riare'nts, .Mr, and Mrs.'. *LOWS
',•-,Mr. arid :',M.rse M. 1VIelnellar, WholVLrs.,
' -the46-rio--st- Mary' have' Spent' theepaSt-noonth 'visiting
'miler:en Murray ,was born in Dili': inetheeStates, nave' returned. home.
He, Besides her .1n:1S:bend, she :a.Dodugniasii• ,ye:S.otfewc-ATat,Mvriss_,,
survived by one daughter, • Ger-
.aenee..marearet, puttee ,Ktteliener, ited Mr. Stewart's .parentS:,;:,,„
'one' siSterr.Bertiia, Murray, Kitchen- and Mrs. Stewart, this. week.
the vreekehd „With her mother: "eere
Mr. aniLMrs.}L0 Free and
Dianne, are holidaying 'at -Eugenia
•Mt."Aiidr1VIrs... Charles FergiSoin,
•of • .SudburYre....Celleele_ on, Seaferth
friends, :Weditesdayee. ere_
hr; to. brothers, Robert and Wil-
fred.-Mureeye bothrof' Toronto.
---Sheewa sr -a- reenibere of Ste An--
drenn'S.',"Ariglicah Church . and , for
Several...years' was,- active in. the
ProWeie raovement, ' .,
7The'liOdy1Seat: the -G A :Whitney
Funeral "Home; Seafeeth, „witereee
Private' .serviee ,Will -be held Thurs-
day: at 2 p.m. Burial will ,be in
Miss.:Mary IViaegarete-McMillan
, ,„
Marie. MeIVInlaneLoncloithlfte.,
and, Mrs. :MO/Ellen.
Mr.. and Mrs. JOhn-.WilliamS, of
Detroit; Mr, and Mee. Dane!Wil-
Heeney, St ',Ontharines;rlandelVirs-
Riches; Niegarei_Fallse.-With .Mrs.
Mary Willianis and ToM: -1, • -
and Dennis Of
Londan, With.
Mr. and Mrs, --Jaelt-COReillY....
Mr: aad Mrs., T: S. •Melady; Tp-
ronto, . with Mr: ancl-'"Mrs. A/entice
Melady. I • .,
Miss Noreen Talten,; Brantford,'
and Miss Marie Dalton; ''Londoia,.
with .'Mr; and Mrs. Maurice, Dal -
Mrs. Reese and Allred .IteeSe - and
children, Detroit, withMr. and
Mrs. Erni-nett Malone., ,
. Miss Catharine Moylan,.' 13 ant-
- ford, with Mr, and Mrs. John
Mrs. Thomas Williams died in
Scott Memorial Hospital Tuesday
following a stroke; MTS. Williams,
the former Margaret Givlin, was
born and educated in
She was the daughter of the late
Mary Anne Curtin and Thomas
FolloWi'ng her maeriage to:Mr.;
they „farmed in Ttieker-
snhitb ,a, number 'years, re -
tieing to 'Seeforth.. -After the- death
4;11,h:et,: ehusband, she :inaved. to
Windsor.: e' •
-Mrs. Williams.had traVelled.frain
WiiidSer to attend- fe'''S.S.S.' 4,
reunion .:Saturday ; and
'While. Visiting in thee.eree . suffered
the: fatal.:'stroke. -
!: She was -.a efermer. member af grandparents, :-IVIr..andM.:re:eV:rank
St Jaines Churale,', Seafeette . I Sills.,
Surrivrng are two brothers Am ' ViSiter.S:!i at the.'lionie of Mr and
brosee Mekillefiee-andrMrseEdeMettlieWS " over the holi
Louis-.Givlire:, of . Windsor.' day *ere: Mrs., 111a Farquharson.
.Resting at: the:'W:-J. Cleary TOM= Mrs.-W':..A.:FarciiiharseU:,M-re and
Miss 'Belly -Mugge 4Yer.
the simmer- on",the:.,staftf
wood ,Iria,• Grand Befid!:
lyfr:•'Janies AikenheadBdpiaL
Mr.and,1VIrs.eW. .B,"-,Werhinan'
and family ,,of North,' Bay, -,spent
the .past' two weeks with her, ',par:-
ents, ;end' Mrs: J --Semple.
Miss "5„ -'Smith,- of North 'Bay, is.
visiting- her Cousin, Arlise4,11.,My.:
Crich. - • : '
..1Vir..Ket. McLean; of. ElliotLekee
Spent the-,' weekend'. At 7.13teyoinq
herd, ' e•
Rev, and, Mrs. II. 'WilliamS,
and :of Detroit, areeSfiendi.
ing a- few daYs with Mr. aiitV.10&-"
M. MeRellar.
MisS`•M,ergaret ' of -Lon
dole: "Wes -.giiest of; Mrs:,.
„Soft last
M'ester ,.,,Tommy et,etaine
Springs, California is visiting::,hiS,
M. -.414 PereY Parket' and CHILDREN 'COMPETE I ItEVENT
,oxi,. William; of Neireina,' Nerth
Dakota, visited at tli,e heme of Mr.
, and MrS. Qrvai.Greer, and' fdlllilY):"
un 4, Seaforth. Mr. Perker'e, _ _ .
Dar am,-. has '
f rth ,Chief of Police, effeetiVe :-
lily' 15, Ile has been Chief -in .-.
Durham- 'during of , thee_
paSt,foui• years':
(Continued from Page 1)
general insurance agencies in the
' Intereeted -in municinal inatter.s,
Mr. Reid served as municipal audi-
tor 'for several years. In 1935 he
was elected to seaforth. council,
fatbere,Charles Parker,- who - was The:- SundaY Selnio1 and 8.01101
edneated. SPraat.,!..s Sehoet, Was a ,seetiee eeraeinee in a pieete erre,
farmer 'resident' of Thekermilth, the Li
townsliiP, having lived oe wliar`waS afternoon In, s
knew,n, eie the .MUlligee farm,. near Seaforth, for.their annual ,event, ,
er a
1 ,Ev.TigasDal
Trrieni n:a BeVbrail :sly,: 'el: brotherit;'e1Aflaa':Pijo re:alit:at hdyne'drioeahltl:ekur esarra rimt00ntli,13.ridca t: tgvaeiegern:e$:, hsnKellyea.'"
ineltidee jesriie FinleYSon, 'BettYeAInggart,H Carol Doi -
Lorne ' Park; Miss Laura McMil- makeeeerogri,eseeeen , ;Magri, .1toss
la n, Toronto: 1'i/is S , Alice Watsen, spviti,_.,0-yolty.:JeWitkgaqs,,,, A'
nondoe.e Miss' Margaret. , Grieve, a/id ' aoe -WHOgiarte :Carol
• -1301inage.I' :*ndAi:11,t:1_,-au".1
Mr ad • :eteriley Gray ,and Buchanan, .,Hare0;„',00:tgerte, girls,,
on, of.,8ttatforct, visjterl' "ahd'udern:Deannerpale, Glen,
MiSs"Latira"MeMillan. Ander, '
the .:..fortaey,s mother, Mrs. :Nelsen; yy.T.0,7,,ri.,:,,;y-ifohg Lawrence
Keys. married
.,,and ,.Edwin North' grid tyien. 0.Olniage;.,
in ahd. ner;k.r.i Stephenson, married. Women; ,. Mrs.,' Doreen,
:pi;E'f:a:.711.,d7,g1.ta6110C1.„;7Vii.,:sio'cii4.1agna'ari., vfits.,6ii„IfT61..-1'''.-T:tt.-'.
Stephensoii reurnon at Bayfield ofl Jocc. Jewitt kick the sip
Tuesday. -
. Recent ' with.' Mr, Gregor,-,. peanut: sereitinle; 'life ,say-'
Mrs.!-IrartV' Weiland' :.irere:".'.,"..Mr. game, '` johit444W:itt's,team
and ..Mrs..' Harold S4'.nlrinS and •1),Ir : li....0.0Urds Jew'
:and:Mrs. Fred Vdson.,; of Torente:, it June pen -eager paSS: the Prize,'
ad Mrrr:and Mrs. Gdore Love. of
Gode eh,' ▪ •
'Mr;.- and MrS.•, tiiii-e:;Nroddeil, person, : KathY. Atter z,lhe.,
-Voodhain, were helidaY ViSitOTS 'ports t,,arfook of eejeeees,
zitir'Mr.T,and MTS::' Cameron
r. And Mrs, It en, Reid:and sonSt.
.cf. London, were week:end visitors.
of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sanders.,
Mr, ,,and Mrs. Borden JdroW
Joyce and. Elaine att,ended , the
,Bailextrettaion „in the DurhainPerle,
on Suedey,
-Me!' and Mrs. Gordon W!,11.cins0;,
of `,VVarwick, visited, Monday with
Mr. "and 'Yin, Wilbur Jew:It and
Mrs. M. Jewitt, Mrs, 'Fqx and -
Leslie returned with. en alter
spending a ic_Rup.,..e iat with.
zriexia liz.a;rwi
where :he served ,tor 1,.„ years. , .Le ,,,,:f.nd other friends,:ilt::,,the...cortifrritni-,
. . , , ,
waS reeve. for, txv,) years, and in AY- ,, '• , ' .. ,-
1.109r4t7h,:;-...-atil;lor1,9m8a'r,vv'y'''ayee'rni,;,-ii-Gei*.i.iaosf.neSeeeai,. tillttHo.1;,61111111.11111-1111
seereta.iy-treasitrer--"of the Seaforlii. , . '41V EDD GS.
1),'eg.''..1:1-iSa'cilhc:2°D1`1,11:-1'1:(.1:h:e.: has ;l'i'i.iiivitti:iii;lti1.111111'Ill'Il71-ittill'illii11111i111
been manager- and secretary-treas- -
urer of illeKillop 1VIutual -Fire In- eaxeee__ArepreLekezp
surance Company. d
mice_ :the c93-iwany__hes.. gained_ an cerennatlY _ in
yterian- Chtirche Hon;
'enviable. tarn -Ca-ruler-Pr-en
m wedding vo s were exchang
nietuats'in 'Ontario.- ' 'sail:. an Satlird,
•'-lyteniber OfFirst.-Charch •.,
Tirgt Pre SijYteriari -2Chlirch,-:,,Where- -Glen Mimi* -
he served as.:a. meMber, Of:the. seS-' the 'Clatighter*of Mrs..
tfrid• Of the be ard' Of :managers: :erica ; 'of ..iielisailand'the-:,Never stinting. himseti -in his:
-groom. ig,the;',.son of Mrand Mrs
'SerViceeto..the CoinenimitY, :Mr. Dale Nixon, :Seaferthe-
BleidWheetit-:,=a"-,'"finenibeFTOPSeett: "7:=7-Th-deleritiee-worer''Oe7g-neeete-'ofetietr.
Meniorial Hospital •many years; ariddaee Oyer .Satin,
with;. abduf-
and is,. a ,•:-'past of. the fent Skirt: .A crown of seed
beard.;. ,past President of ''held_ ner fingertilir,,yeilef• French
theLions`,01,iik vvhich serve(1,.AS ilinsien;'arid„Shel,,Carried Caseade,
treaSereirTer'..13"years,..rHe -.was. a:, of roses' and .sfePhanotiS
Pest :Master of :Britannia Ledger, _
No.:170 A.F. A veteran. ., As ,'„litaid Of' honor, .3/4s -s. Shirleyi•
of :the, First ' War;':he • WaS,', a mem+. Hens elle , W9rp • doir. blue.eyee.
ber,"ef „Seaforth, Beanch, 157' �f the let.. OVer:::',taffeta.,'„'.1klisS. 'Alice ''.Ann
canadign',',Deginri. • .. Seaforth; _•anet, BettY.
•,..Active . • ,MarShinan; ,:Teronto, were :Idefe.
_ An'etithiiiiagtieestitirtSinaint•.: litelly,TgeWned;in.lietiffent'hIne. or 7'
Reid, ,Neaa aeneeinhee of the ganza over taffeta and net They
aact:,m3wfing• ort.ibs.: ;While .tinie,,did carried siniilar cascades ef roses
not, peel -rife 'many' , occasion, be end ;White Mums., :
endee-V.ornd every --OPPortnnit, wtift°arffeta'
tO;:fish.-, end. hunt.. .was a fiower-giri. in •
:in 1927 . yOrae,Ingrried,-.t.O;.the :andiliet, and Slic carriedan old-.
former Jean David5on who'..predee fashioned bouquet - et: :bitter.' • 'cora,
ceased hit&.-iiiE6cetii.b0f,?"1941.:'`INVro •-:
brothers also else; predecease' hint., He .",-11(fs iLerte the
stirVi,VelrbY'terce.brothers,:Earl, :gronine• •wearing a gOWit .,.of :Pink
"Iterailtoni, ,erYStalette .end accompanied by:
:and One eister; Mrs. :A
doWn, before. the- Mid
The badyr. rested at the ...P1.11,414E Beside during the
.Whitile:YeTinierelelleine,leSeeforthr :Sighing 'Of::: ther,regiater..••
until e Monday ; irforning. Follovving. :Ren.:Aason; ACton, was : be-srmen
Services,, at. FirStcherch MendaY and: the ,,UsberS Were Keith' yaL
'afternoon; rheirial tee& plaCe in. land,' London, and Dale: Black,„ To-
• -ail Heine,. Sea:forth; Requiem High MrS:, David Allisbn, Mr. and.krs',
Mg-ss-will-,ibe 'sung -by ;Rev. E. P., Harry ,KeStie and ,tWo.,,,ehildreu,
Weber ,,ar9:30 -.a.m.- on Friday-in--FaYe-ancle-BryareelVfe-S-.LJ:acke.Mac-_
St: lainee-Churche-Buriat will be -Elroy and two children; -Jeanette
in, Si. 'James'. 'cemetery,: • - and. Tommy, alle of'. London,: and
MELVIN JAMES and.!Mrs,' Stewart Henilersen
Iii-AN.C/dAltD: and- children IVIichael ind-Padd
.7THedeath occerre-d-Turesdayr-July--of--IVIlteliell.
1; at:•ht3- late. eeSidence; BrusSels, - Mr. and'. Mrs.. Glen Taman; ;of
of -IVIelviri-JameSIBlarichard. .He Tdreittb, '•:Vere Weelieedeguests
was the only Surviving Member of Mr. and Mrs Roy McGeoch* '
the family ofthe .fflate ......AlteAr,ther_Antlerson ie-iPatieet
Blencherdrand Agnes Cash,, of in St. Josepti'S,-.1lospitel,
Killop. . - Mr:- and Mrs. . George Beattie, -of
Be Was in .his 94th4ear and was .ahatham, were in Seaford]. on Sat.
born McKillop, Where he:farmed enclaY. , • .
all his life omtil he retired to Bruse • Mr. end: Mrs; Jack NicholSonland
gels ia'195L He Was a .inember familY, of StreetSVille,. were in
Presbyterian Church, Sea- Mwn over the weekend, and are
fOrth,.. where he wAS. meinber of Spending a few days at Bayfield
the sesSionejle. was .0.1Sera Shineneof Toronto; is
ber of Cavan Presbyterian Church, Visiting Ther parents, and,'Mrs,'
Winthrop, and, aleithful 8arn Slainen,- ,
her Qg the clithe there for, Several
oy. years.
'Wife; -tho lo_rmer. Betsy
Dodds predeCeaSed:. hien itt 1931,
also a'daughterr Mne,On1,907.
He is .suryiV.ed by three ,sons 'and
one -daughter: Ilirag(''.Themas, :of
McRillOp; Melin, liaoritreal;'
INIrs..;,Stariley (Bessie), KingeStrate
vntrAs- DUNDAS 'Should I palmist or
ceeneede 'Stove and 'Furnace oil a, mind-reader?' 7.
.DiNDAS 4_ LONE Y - Jack.. "Vet say ,the paltniSt; dear;
Phone 573 or 133, • anybody can'Seeyoultave a palm.'"
Do You. Want
'USED or E
ford; 10 grandchildren ' and' eine
great-grentichildren. He elS, 'alsci
surVived by his sedond wife; the,
former Alice Freeliek„Bilissels.-Ine
ternient 'will .be in Maitlanclbank
cemetery. •4
• •
See .
Used Dryers, Refrigerator-,
Ra es, Space Ileaters;Lcoal and
Wood .Pnrnaces,
Motors, Etc.
SpeCicii 'Bargain's:
If they are not bargriltis; we will accept yO
reasonable offer!
'Special Prices on
S A E and- SX RV ICE
C4 orth 'it,!4anch
Phone 2494
at the
141r:. :and Mrs. Frank Riley and
Douglas ; spent the weekend. ,witle
their. daiighter'Aiid'SeninlaW-,.'ivie:
and Tgas.„.11,01J.irt
ch. e.saaSr."7
. .
VIis Bareld,B,Ane ddren
af Berinthine,',,stigtif, iinaY.„.,:r with.°
rparents..111.r.. 'and IVIrS: Howard'
' '
:Teachers 'xiisSeS",,IVInriel,Dale, or
• r arripton iyiarY' Whyte;of,Gttelph;
Janet. -1MacGregor,.' FOrchvich;': - •
JoYCe-:. 'Jewitt,, of Theindale;L
Poug,las :Riley, -of- Fa:stwbod; 'are
all . holidaying :.their J reSPeetiv'e
holidaying jthber parents.,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams and
family rofaBn du illorrsd,2.-Lvai wSitreedn-cree eBeatirtkly.
Mr. „and Mrs. 'Albert , 'Yee and
_Mrs_ Lillie_PePpere Toronto, vise
ited with Mrs.--MarY Maleolre
, . -
ttehtled , the ftenera o Gregoxy.
Moore on, MoridaY.,:":-
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenee HanioiF
and Mr: and Mrs. Earl Barker andi
family attended -the -supper ln-Stafe
church lasf, Tuesday evening.
R'OoMnidr.ea, and
Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs.' -Alvin
Mr:' and Mrs, 136wman vis-
ited Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Sun -
Mr. and Mrs. Clayfon ,Sheldon
and 'family, St. Marys, and Mr.
and Mrs: Ron Gibb and Nancy vis-
ited -Mr, and MrS`'Dalton.Malcolm
Saturday evening and attended, the
Fullerton reunion- in , the after -
Mr. and Mrs. Ross iviePhail. and
family, Cromarty, Snent Sunday
evening with Mr: and Mrs. L.
Maitlandbank- cemetery, under aus_ ronto. '
piceseof Rritannia_Leidgee.. The, bride's' mother wore a gown.
Floweibearers were: Ron-aldrehd e p mum' ue• with white ac -
Frank .IteidliesS and, Jach David- cessories, Her Corsage was ; of
Honorary pellbearers, were JOhn, Ware -a gown of embroidered hiege
Seaforth,.' hue 26, 1958.
Editor;--The•Hiniin ExpoSitor1' °' •
• Dear- Sir: The Department of
Health -of Ontario has rendered ex-
bellent service' in 'Providing' the
sehool ehildren 'of this province
with inoctilatiens against various in-
fections diseases, including ,fetanus
or lockjaw, 'es it is commonly. calk
sell," David. -,-and: : The mother, of .tho -.grnom
13-eiftie;--C.-• A ri3arl3erV-I-larry-Stew-, linen; with beige-,accesSories and e
BIG Values
Finlay -,*:and
• •
11111, HOVEY
;Watch- it, with a lunip Your;-thrnat;--while.laughter.,:chaseS'
/ 8 '
art,: ,MaleoTrn •McIWI-arScett..1104 ,CorSage of .roses. The reeePtionfer,
kirk Oliver Anderson, W. giieStg: WASArelditthe church,
Mayor Se 1-,` Christie, Di. Fee' trevenik the br-ide-Whte .a'
,MeMaster ;and Dr. 'P. L. Brady. sheath .ancl. duster of ttitg,noise lin-
Aetive -.Pallbearers were -Robert en` with 'White accessories, and a
Archibald, _Harold Ce. corsage-7-Zr' Talisman roses. After
Ham 'IL Hart,- JameS, M. Scott,: a Wedding trip to Northern: Ontario
John' •• 'Oats:hie . and...Andrew- the W.:Vie will live in Henson. ° •
Jobit 1VIodeland, J. II. Iteating,. Pdrlors.
But what abent our adult popula-
tion in Huron: tounty?- The germs
this virtilent.'-and:', often lethal
digeese thrive' in every ,bernYarcl
and' lurk; along , oar roads and by-
Nvaye ready ito gain entrance aod.
disSeminate their 'Poisons through
most trivial wOunds,: • '
Accordiug ,,to a recentpaper give
en by Hr.. P., Walder, in ,Loridon,.
Ont.; 13etereeli 1951 and 1957' thete
were '1 cases of loekjaw treated in
London hospitals, In addition' to
these,. there were 64 patients Who
had such a severe. 'reaction to the
antetetartus serum that theyere-
quired hospitalization miles,tni
from work from one week te over
one month., .•- •
Practically all''this lost
tiine and death -Weld be 'prevented
if all the. poptilation were protected'
by letaims*.TrOcoidineculet.iens as
our-scifool,elaildren :are, ' '
:It seerris to this -writer t be
worthy goat 'forth,e f'ederation of
Agriculture and. the Pa.rin 'FOriimS
to startanelineaticital campaign,
among their: Menniers arid to. ar-
range for inaSs 'inneuiaticuti'at
eonvenient time and place,
,ThiS writer is sure the ce.opera..
tion of the Huron • CeuntY, Health
Unit :and. the loaal doctors 0MM-be
readily enlisted in stieh a .earin-
Paigh. "
Farm Deliveries
Walden &
Phone 686 -NW Seaforth
100 Acres: of good(' loaniSr 'soil.
Barn- 55t65. Well pahrted (stable
40 'head' of cattle). 'Drive shed Mit
65. lletilionse. holds 166 -hens. Two -
ear garage, and god 9-roolu house.
The buildings and fenceS are in, a
BOnd gate: of repair. Priced • to
sell, VVith low. AloWn paynient
right patty. " •
.e4 5$
• Miss Marilyn Riley . is 'working
in the Bedford Hotel in, Gederich
for the summer.
Mrs. Alex McEwing, of Seaforth;
visited' over the weekend ,with hel",
sou and family, Mr. and -Mrs., Jno.'
MeEwing, '
.The Sacrament service -will be
obSerVed this Sunday in Burns'
United Church. Alt ,members are
urged to attend.'
'Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Neal,eof
Clinton, visited on- Sunday with
Mreand Mrs. Ward Knox and Shir:
Master. Murray McNeil of Von-,
desboee, visited over the Pesti Wee
With his, grandparents, Mr, .and
Mrs. George Watt. ,
Mr. 'and Mrs. James 1VIcteeing-
arid Kathleen visited, on Friday ev-
ening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Thotapson and family at Constance.
Miss_ Jenny IVIortie left this week
for a tri to Belgiuna for the _suit-,
Mrs. jarries Armstreng,„ of
toti, visited last Tuesday evening
with. Mr. and trs. James. Scott
Miss Beth 1VIcEwing will be
teachi4gGradeS'..2 and 8 in thej::
F. CarinichaeLSchool in Kitcheiter
next: terin. - '
Ur, and Mrs, James Pairservice
of Blyth,..visited with -Mr. and Mrs,
jarnee Scott, Sr.,. on Sunday after-
noon. On.. Sunday evening theyat-
tended the sdviee held in -Bran-
don .e0metery.,„ .
_Air. and Mrs. Gkie Robinson and'
of North Bay, this Week
are visiting with the latter's-par.
ents„ Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hesk.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rielaard-,
san and'Jack, ofeSt. Marys; visited
on' Sunday with'Mr.,and Mts. Wes-
ley Roe and faniily.
• The last meeting Of:1111s seaftin
for the iturns-Londeshoro ' YPU:
was held en Sunday afternoon' at
the home of Rev, and Mrs. S. T.-
Whitee'with about 35 members pre-
sent. The rdbeting, Was opened
with the business session in charge
of Marguerite Lyon. Garnet Wright
read the minute § of the last meet-
ing. • The annual Young People's
CAlnp, at. Goclerich was 'discussed,
and',srit members plan ta attend
the camp the week of july 7.
Plans Were 41seusSed for a pie-
-nie'.and wiener *roast. This is .to
be in charge of the recreation' com-
mittee, under-Teiltnan Westerhaut.
The wOrship service was in charge
Shower, Honors
Bride - Elect
• Miss Shirley Elaine Parkinson',
bride -elect of. last Saturdey, was
feted at several pre -nuptial events:
Mrs. Ivan Parkinson 'entertained
at a trousseau tea at her home,
RR 8, London, in .bonor of her
daughter, Gtiests. were received by
Mrs. Parkinsen, the , bride -elect,
Mrs, D. A. 'MacMillan; mother of
the groom -elect, and Mrs. William
Bell, grandmother of' the bricie.2
elect, Miss Sandra Judd was door
attendant. - - ,
,The tea table was attractive
'With. an; Irish linen,:•cloth centred
with an areangement of pi* and
white carnations and ,baby !mins
flanked by tall pink tapers, .Tea
was poured by Mrs, Earl Ball and
Mrs, Walter Cook
Others assisting„were Mrs. Jim
Byers, MisS Mealy Laird-, Miss
lietty'DonaldelVliSs EleartorDrope,
Mrs. Edisen Mrs. Frank
Kemp, Mrs. Kerl Judd, Mrs, Ed.
Judd, Mrs: ,Gordon McNiven, Mrs.
John Rowe, Mrs, Ernest Vortey,
Miss Marlene Smith,, Mrs. Gordon
_Connor, Miss Jessie Bell,. Mrs.
liner -Adam; Mrs: Ralph. Adam,
Miss -Anne Watson and Miss
dted Richardson. -
• Mrs, Leo- Gent entertained the
couple' gt -a:dinner. at her home in
Dorchester, and the 'bride:elect was
honored: at a dinner and 'shower
by fellow employees in London.
Other hostesses entertaiting in.
Miss Parkinson'S hoeor were: Miss
Merlene Smith at her Dover Place
home; Mrs. Earl Ball and Mrs.
Brute Wileon, at the former's,home
on Inkerman Strset; Mrs. Norman
Lanstlell, Mrs. Jim Byers and Mrs.
Ernest Fortey at ;the former's
home, -'11R 8, London; Mrs. VA,
Willmot at her Riverside drive
hoine, and Mrs, Leo Gent at her
home in, Dorchester, Miss 1VIar1ene
Smith and Miss. jesSie Rail enter-
tained Men-ibers', of All Sint'
Murcia chair at the fOrnier's home
On, Dever •Plaee.
Parents of the gr.00m-elect, the
kev. D. A. MacMillat, PR 2, Lobe
dot, will entertaiii menlbers of the
bridal party at their home this
evening f011owing, the wedding re-
After. StindOy Morningchaireh
servicesi;a,Woman Stayed to Chat
with a,lrienti, leaving her onite on
the seat. VI3,en. she 1.61010.-10
her purse, it was gone,ibut qhe
goieldy ,Iound it in the poisession
of the clergyman himself. -
"I thaught I had better holid-lt,"
he said.. '.'Ycin lutist rote/Aber that
there ,are sane Irt. the, .e,cingrqgd-
tion 'so ,oiniple 'diet tiler:Might
vettaider itran 'AiS,Wet to
,AdV&tiAng e0VtrS'
sales rtoritories, ,releoes• sales-'.
nien for Selective
Cream Style Corn
jello 'Powders an
Pudding Pders
Ketchup -
tins 2
or 2 c
otfles for 31C
Successor to Clair
lianey _
Ice (ream- air
• :.0t%N...'pAi
of• the Stewardship and...Training
COMmission. Biikey 'Pipe. 'Was ift
charge. TOM.Dttiterread thO knrIP-
ture,,an(1 Ettla Riley1Cd in.prayer.
of the .1iiiidUcts Available
it. Safe Pasteuriiedllilk
• ijoinogenized Pasteurized Milk
• Chocolate Dairy Drink
' • Cream —20% -..and
41. Buttermilk
• Witter Salted or -Unsalted-
• Ice Cream Bricks, 1A-,Gal1ois,-Conea '
• Cottage Cheese -
Yor Patronage Will: Se.