HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-04, Page 7FIRST BCH WMS tre ine xiaySfir e eAfe.onAuxiliroFt` Pres- byterian Church was field Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Orland Johnston. . The'- president, Mrs, J. 1.. Bell presided and the first scripture Iesson andrayer: Were. taken by 'Mrs. D: Leslie 'E1- der.: During the business period it -was ' decided that no meeting will ,. be b21d in July.. A minute of sil- ence was observe_;in memory of the late Mts. W. D. Manson. ea the;second Mrs. E. Geddes r� dd scripture message and Mrs; W. J._ of the work Thompson then . told .. Ding done by e •Fr_ eshyte rian Church in Canada among the Kor- eans :in Japan, and also mention " ed severalprese t=y Pb emda ro 1 " s --of tf : a the Korea Christians. Mrs. E, Butt closed the meeting with: pray- er. Refreshments were served by the hostes : and 'the' appreciation of the members w x as extended' to Mrs. Johnston • by Mrs. W. J.; 'Thompson. kM. Sell`, that`,unnecessary piece of.. ture throe h a Huron E si: Aar .Classified Ad. Phone 41. BoRNE & : IIBEERT :1VIITTTJAL .,;: 'FIRE INSURANCE Co BEAD OI•k'XC,>q`..',Exeter;_Ont. • President: - ' il-0- Clayton Colgiihoun, R.R., Science Hill Vice President: Alex -J. Rohde, II.R. 3, Mitchell DIRECTORS—Martin Feeney, R'' R. a; Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner,: R.R.i, Cromarty;Milton McCurdy, .IRR, 1, Rirkn; timothy B. 3 L can. - ToOhey R:R. u GENT Harr Coates-R.R. 1, Centralia; - Clayton Harris, Mit- chell: Stanley Hocking, Mitchell.., SOLICITOR — W. G. Cochrane,: Easter. ,:, -SECRETARY TREASURER -Ar- - -thus- Eraser ;Exeter-:. SPLENDID FATHER FEATURES, AN UAI HAY. S HOOL PKNI C With lovely weather prevailing, the annual picnic of SS. 10, Hay, was held at Riverview Park, Exe- ter, friday, with 84 present, in - chiding pupils, ncliding'-pupils, :parents and former 0 tract. Sports, e the di 57t t # h S r dens directed by Mr. and. Mrs, Lloyd Moui, ssea Mrs. Ken Elder . and Mr: Ed. •Funk,. were °enjoyed., , A bountiful 'pienio supper was en7oy- ed. Swimming was also a high- light of, the picnic. Following are the prize winners:.. girls, five years and under, Kathie McEwan boys; five years and un- der, Freddie . 'Elder; ,girls, -six to nine: years, Caroline .Campbell, Ann Funk; :bays, six to nine years, Larry . Elder; ;girls; 10 to 12 years, Mary Payne;.. boys, 10 to 12 years, • John Elder, Steven Elder;: girls, 13 years, and over, Joyce Faber; boys, -13 years- and. over, Douglas' Sbirray; wheelbarrow race;' Craig Chapman" ,dud -Steven Elder; kan-, game be •: Wa e Payne, Thr -legged race; Steen .Eider and Craig Chapman, Mary -Payne and K Gackstetter; • jelly bean on ay spoon, Katherine Gackstetter, Gary Beaver; ladies,. Paper plate on head, Mrs. C. Payne, Mrs, A.'Shir- ray; ladies, kick the `slipper, Joyce Faber';. risen, silo. stocking race, Sandy Munn; men, paper cup and. -hater. on` 'head,' :Gordon= - Munn; guessing :contents :of :can, Jean Munn;' balloon and paddle contest, Wilma Munn and Ken Elder; man with the arg est'foot,.Ben Tmney;; youngest child ,;present, 'Martha. Rooseboom; . oldest person present, William Hyde; person'with birth- day 'closest to June 27, Sandy Munn; person 'who 'has- lived long_A est:lime in No. 10 district.lbert Shirray Adults are not accustomed to' the idea - of immunization- for the= selves and 'rttany still nave -the' idea that? polio is a disease of. ebil- dren. "In_actual fact the -one fatal -case occurring iu,1958'-was the .43-. year oId'fatherLof three young c7ii1- dren—every :other :member of his family had had their "Polio"' shots., wide-awake ON TARIO ....., read la e intb •CANADA'S` • NATIONAL NEWSPAPER 1 RE -VITALIZED CLEANING is Setter Than Ever at .q n4iS- Bu a�a pp, MOUNT' FOREST , Marc Spots and :'Stains Removed Gariii�epts"' stay clean,Monger =Will wear danger: OR ANDY: CALDER• Agent MON. and THURS ' -M HNINGS- eExamination tu e Credit -59 • Uhler .(�0 ) .. Ronald , Margaret Reeves, " raid Achilles,'. Ju. •th Bosh rt ` . . Gee. dl . a (lin n ix. A N a n a' Se � tete yap R icmath •%d: Arts), z 1 Be11 (ng.; "st. C ai Willi r s the e ), a M rte g` ), y Knox (Math., Sc). Grade $1 B. First Class 'Honours (75-100)— Margaret Wopd,.`Lewis .Knotsch; Van D Eliza- beth. e� H�ngel, El za beth.-;MLtegge, • ;Carolyn-, lied, liar- .41, Har-li on • Brodhagen, Nttreen ° MrEiving. Second Glass' Honours (66.74)- •- Elizabeth ;McLeod,Glenn t s, Shirley Knox,Robert Goven.ock Norma Hoeg; CatherineBuchan- an .Margaret Chesney';;; Donal ¥.orris; Karen Nicholson,r Kathryn Second: H (6.74) Bosbaxt, Bernice ,Glanville, Ray- Glen Waiters, Carol ?Anderson, Jolla ,mond. Swine. , ok - e . o n .Ev T n- ick -R' edit • .Van.R y , y D ,. Robert •• ,Third Class Honours .(6065)- Dinsmore. , Robe end k (Latin), Joan ' , :: rt '� 'Binri y (L t n) Third. Mass. , Honours (60-65)—Boyce, Josette , Delber e,, - Barry Gordon Ross, Jacob De Boer, Doug-: Hoegy.(Eng.) Marie aihelair, las -Eyre, Louis" McNichol.., __' Credit (50=59) -Robert Watt, John Varley ,'. (Eng.), Peter . Gravlev (Eng,; Hist.), Shirley Addison (Hist., Home .Ee•). exults For The following are the final. ex- amination results of the' Seaforth; District hSelma a a e ist ct I-iig Names r listed • in order .of rank 'by grades. Individual. subjects' missed • are. shown in 'brackets after the Pupils'' names, The • names; of pupils not promoted 'are omitted. , Grade 11/C, -A• First Class Honours 7541 0 n s < 0 ) Gwen Storey,. Gail Finlayson, Gary Y Burch, Mary Ann; Forrest,: Mar:-, jorie-'MeLarnon, 'Judy: Nott, Neil Doltnage, Margaret 'Maloney. Second Class .Honours (66-74)— Bruce 66.74 T .. n )., B uc er' Carol.:Ann .Flann r r e •Mill o e Y, Marlene Riley,' Clarence Dale, Wil- liam Uhler, Peter„MbCowan, Nick Whyte Third..: Class Honours , (60-65)— Caroline •Hamtinond, Ronald ,Little: Credit;•-(-50-59)—Erma Townsend; Annie: • Vandeworp (Home ' Ec.); Larry Johnston -(Eng„ Fr,) Betty. McPhail; (Hoine':Ec.), Carol' Fowl- er (Hist., Home Ec,): Grade "IX B- , First Class Honours '(75-100)— Lila ; McKay,: Jean McNaughton,' Earl -Dolmage 1Jmily Elliott, •Don- ald McKercher, Pearn' McLean. Marion Bell (Math.), , Jean Dol - mage' -j Credit (50-59) — N'aney--Pepper (Geog.),” Eric -.Eaton, Alice' Ann Nixon (Math.), Jean Broadfoot Doig, Arlene' Ho Fr. Grace o g,g garth {Math.), Dianne Gardner (Hist), Douglas RowciifFe (Math:), Grade. 3E B First Class Honoursth .), , J h Menheere. ' l3ilaml h. - Second Class,Honours (66-74) Ronald- Powell, Malcolm Stewart,, Douglas. Norris, William. Millson, Elda•Riley, Kenneth-Rapien,!Wayne: Bennewies, Albert Dennis.. ` - Third „Class Honours (60.65)— Barbara •Duugey, Eleanor . Chris- tensen, ;Gloria Boyd (Geog,), Ruth Howe, : Ralph Postma, Beverley Henderson- (p'r:). ' -.. Credit-459-59)—Keith L iatt Mervyn. Pepper, Wayne • Dolniage (Eng.); Georgina- Little (Geog Cgmm.), Alvin Taylor (Eng„ ra e.. G K C' d First : Class o• mr'' . s II n s• (75-7.00)--, Jean Ripen, Mary McIntosh, Lynda Dobson, .Antonette Van •Den 'Hen- -gel, "Lynda - Savauge, Anne Short reed,Y'G e Pollard,Gary, it- onnW liam, ,Corinne Sinitb,.,Robert ' El- liott, Bryan 'Brady,; Marion Class onours LECTRICITY DOE; T 0 LI Grade IX -C First Class <Honours, (75-100)— Catherine Eckert, Marie - Strong Margaret.,Kerr, Wilma Dale; Su, anne Haikgh, Phyllis Bryans.. • Second Class Honours(66-74)— Dorothy- 66-74)—D roth - Boyes, Ann Achilles, Dav- idHemingway, =-Kenneth Papple, William ` Campbell; (Eng.), John Engel, Kenneth Storey,- John 'Pat: terson; Joe Steffler, Elsie Regele, - .Credit ' (50-59) .- • :Ellen. ? Garwill, Joan Bach, Helen' Boyes Math.; Wayne,: Wilson. T Grade' XII , - First, Ulass. -Honours -(75-100) Douglas Jamieson, -Fred 'Flewitt,; Donald Tremeer,:;'Marjorie Dapple, 'Ma'ry .Catherine Roach. Second' Class Honours (66-74)-i Sharon-: Hotham, John Scott, Mayda Reuermann, Sandra-Savauge, How e and James,.Fa Lo e v ar rie Boyd, Jeanne Petrie; Roy Dungy: Third Clas onour 6 -65-- s H s (4 ) Frances Menheere, Kenneth Duch- Mar .Poland: '`. arxne Violet Rakewieh;; " Thomas: Mary r Somerville , -William Norris; "Ronald. Third Class. Honours (60-6.,) Barbara Mennell.- William- Pinder = Eyre, Georgette McCartney„ Mar Joyce .Hamilton :(Eng:; HomeJacEc) garet, McLeod, Robert Wright •- • Credit' (50-59) --Kennet,, Coulson- IIenry,Lansixnc, Murray klin r ) Hector \ erhoeve: Credit (50-50) June Doinaage (Eng:, .Hist.), Pamela Stapleton Un1oh., as,,.. Frank a ',gallows--(Geog) `Jack Bedard (Agr.) Nancy Corby ` (Geog., ,list ),.141arlene:Carter (Ag. EXpanslon Here S( , Moine Eea =- — , Grade IX -D Union Gas Company of Canada; Limited will continue-to'expand-its- First Class Honours i75-1~00)— service" throughout Western °" 011 -- Robert Sharp, Lloyd Pethick, ;Naar-` tario during' the current fiscal -year jorie Hoggart. Judy Wright, Arlene bringing natural 'gas` service to at, Williamson, Wayne Coleman, Don -, bast seven new -m'arkets, extend= aid Crozier. Ing . distribution facilities in exist- ' Secoad- Class Honours (66 74)—ii markets and building an addi- - Do'ee°; Berger; Elly Vander :Zoo, tonal 80 miles ;,of transmis"sign Anne Troutbeck -Freda Hunt, -pipelines: fired -flowed -Faye Hilted (T-Iome Ee ), Addressing the ual and ape - Larry Beuermann, Preben Willue. tial general meeting, ofsharhoId- sen, Helen Scott, Eileen Dolmage.- ers'at Chatham': Thursday, Union Third Classi Honours` (60.65) ,Gas President 'David dPas -Rogers Donald' Muegge, James Sallows 'estimated --that, by the, end of the Marilyn Papple (Home Ec-), Janet, current fiscal year March 31 1959, �, Rowcliffe, Penny Johnston,. Mary the company and its. subsididries MED�+�AL .. Kirkby: would be=supply=some 210000 cue - Credit (50-50) —Reid MurrayHtomners. 'DR. 'M. W. STAPLETON (Eng )'; Marilyn Johnston, Murray In the ;past year, the speaker ' • Physician acid :Surgeon Alcock IHist-, Math:) Kenneth said Union -_Gas 'tom Tete and ut Phone 90 : Seaforth Cardiff, (Ind. Arts), Larry Perdue p p - (Eng ), into aperation a large, diameter ff no' :answer; call 59 pipeline (from • Lambton County to JOHN A GORWILL,i B,.A.; il'Y�D Grade X A - the vicinity pf .Oakville'); ;,built die First Class Honours (-75-100) »tr-ibution sy$tems for and began Physician and`SM geon Thoura Love, *Shirley Bolger, serurng gas to a:. number of—n Phones Office :rW Res 5-J Eleanor Bon . June Munn, : i_ Joyce• markets, commenced 'supplying -''Seafo? o Munn -- gas_to-its'Ha iSTtoz�sii l tary`1 i IOHN : C: GrO rr7 1VI D Second Class Honours (66-74)— .gin 'temporarily: ,loaning, gas__to Jack Dearing', Flora., Ann Scott, .•Trans -Canada . for the . build-up ,of Physician Ault Surgea►n- "` James : Scott,'` Loretta Connolly markets -east •of Toronto, prior to Phone 110 Hensall Henry- Hioesen—Stewart Banner .the advent of Western Canada gas, man„Robert•' Reith -(Agr) loaned gas -to help'Lonsi niers'";Gas Third Class—Honours (-60-65) -Company of Torun n• tat este pealK Winston .Powell,• Joan Maloney demands -last , winter; and ;coin- r (Geog:), "Dorothy Jackson (Corn ), plete.d'an agreement with Consum- Marjory Smith-.MargateI. M�cKen vers' wherAby Union Gas will trans ster,;Kenetii iVMacLeo1 Carol;"Den "iilit and-'store•gas for, -the Toronto NOW -�L� `V # ,, . A # A FOR • Single uplicate riplicate A Types p. S 0 Cid I.n s Tans COMPAIZE O`, PRICES one a "Exeter 4: ALL TYPES 'OF EMETERY,MEMORIAi.S,- . Inquiries- are invited Telephone Numbers Clinton 1020.».„..; eaf or. 1 ECT RIF • 'Ou happy onrte •-_m:a ker. r 111 oPular wit + flee VV,o-u J Ye .better �e safe, clean, odelrn +way►, ,Second Clasp Honours (66`74 1-,.;InApril; Union Gas acquired the Una, ;;:Talbot, Barbara:Plumsteel major portion of Dominion Natural Ann Morris, Lois Maloney Edward Gas Company s:facilities. "This. ac - James, ,Nelson -Rall, No,reen Me-:vquisiti'on; Mr. Rogers said„ makes Millan:: ,.•.- - - -- practically all of ;the market areas Third • Class Honours (60-65)— in Western Ontario (except those, Williaam•�Siaviin, Marion Maw,; Gor "in Weiland ; and Lincoln Counties) Dick. . available to Union Gas: Credit." (50-59),- Judith. -Crich.' "An • expansion -,program of the OPTOMETRIS,T (Math, Fr.), car]. ,Berger, • (Fr,,, scope; and nature that Union Gas Agr,); Margaret Elliott (Fr.) .:Sl ir- has embarked upon, said .Mr. JOHN». -h• LONGSThFF ley Dolmage (Geog., Ag. ; Sc.),=Rogers; "requires the expenditure ; Optame•iat . ,f; Elizabeth Murray :(Latin) _ M'ich: of very : large: ; sums ::of , money. - Phone 791 Se.aforth ,ael Malone. (Geo.::,;Lit.), _V,irginia,>(Since the progranibegan eighteen Eyes, -examined Glasses Fitted Gardner (Math., Ag. Sc.). months ' ago . and including. financ MAIN OFFICE,'SE'AFORTH 1 ing, completed,. during the,past:.few ' Office • Hours .Seaforth� , daily, Grade 2"", weeks, the Company has': raised be- except Monday, 9 'a.m.-5:30 p m:;„ Second Class Honours ' (66-74)— ..tureen $60 and $70•million) < It, is Wednesday, 9 a:m 12:30 P.111.4 Madelpn• Townsend, Marione Mil- going to take several years of Thursday evenings by appointment' ler, Sandra Doig, Ann Dick'. Agnes 'build-up,before .tele new facilities only, , , Carter, i will be contributing their fair Clinton. 'Monday; 9 al: 5:30 Third Class Honours. '(60.65)-- share -to the earnings of the Com p nil (Above Hawkins' Hardware.): ,James Steffler, 'Merle Gadkin Car- piny " ' LEGAL- /WORT, EGAL , AFORTMr1S 'TerephonP � NtcTER, B A•y' 1VI Inteinest Tel'ep'hone 27 .Surgeon T,elep one 55 DR. E , M UKUS Telephone .15 . EVENINGS:` Tuesday, Thursday and''.Saturday on1y,.7 9.ip, ' Appointments may be made. =C: IC SEAFO 'U-ETERINARY ', ` s a. Turnbull, D V. W R. Bryans DVM, VS W. &, 1Prennan D:V M V;S Phone 105. Seao: Q1 t, 1VI: HARPER -' Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Godenir:h 243; Licensed- Iunicipal,'�-Aur ,tor • man 'Fischer, Robert Fothering- Mr. Rogers emphasized the con ham, ,Edith Boyce Iiareld Kendrick—Ai/mance of the company's. policy Donna Smith' (Ag. SC:); James' For "to "purchase -all• --locally-produced rest, ;Joan; Dick,, (Math), Gloria ` gas- ,within ecouomie reach of its Carter (Ag. Sc) transmission lines, The” company's purchase', contract with Trans Can Discontinue Inspection Policy dela is ,'purposely- designed to en •:able the. company to r continue' this At , their last regular 'meeting, policy He "also.:touched briefly. on the directors, of" the.Hay-Township ,drilling, -saying that'Mrhile the im- Mutttal , .Fire . Insurance »Companyportance of Company' drilling is decided -to- drop their inspection, .less. now 'that ample volumes -of service program in another month `.gas are ,assured; a drilling pro or two, after all the policyholders :.gran will be carried, but have hd -their premises tinspe ed. l Following Mr.:, Rogers' speech, This service •had been introduced' the shareholders approved,a reso= sever'a'l • years ago,'' and' has • cut'.lntion of the .Company's directors„ down on tire; number of dangerous whereby; the' authorized capitate of risks: that, exist, According to Reg the• Company is increased fromone, inald Black,'; secretary -manager -of -'million shares 'of no par valtte;,to the system, the, inspection may be six 'million shares of -noµp li valu continued again , in a 'couple of They'also app�.roved the sp tting.e. years. Arthur Geiser has been: -in the Company's presently outsfand- charge of this project, -7.Zurieh Citi ;.Ing shares on the basis of five new zens News. shares -for each present share.- r 't r BI# t .. r ' I It N_. UI 10.I'7drilt': r : Climbing IS ladder resting against ba stack Cali r dtasXrlrrnts ... hilt danger is mwinnized *she. we spikes are ' cod of tilt} udder. • - A =W. 'SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office ,173; Residence ,781 SEA,FORTH ' ONTARIO MCCONNELL • & STEWART ' Barristers, Solicitors, Eft. P. D. McCONNELL `•D. 'L STEWART ' SEAFOR'J 1I, 'ONT...- Telephone 174 Q Chiropractic " l'= : Foot Correction.. COMMERCI L .HOTEL Monday, Thursday — to 8 p.tfi. G. A. WEBB ' D.0 *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 Main Street - „ Exeter XRay:` and Laboratory_ Facilities Open Each .Weekday Except ,'Wednesday Tues: and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For ;,Appointment Phone;: 606.` AUCTIONEERS 'DON S »ENN1 - Auctioneer - ' Graduate Of Reiseh Anq.eritan School of• Auetioneering.. ,Licensed in Huron;' and 'Perth. Capable of handling alltypes of sales and, ad- vertising. d-vel ttisO,D'ENNIS; Walton • Phone Seafotth. 843 "r, 11 000O0O00 0 W,•: -J. CLEAR,, o Seafortli,, Ont.IO O•I tCENSED 1 MBALMER -.,<> O and.FUNERALIbIREE;`i' )R O 0 :'Night or Day ;galls' -- 335 0 0000.0€ ,0:0'0,00 0�0000000;000 0 "unergl:Ser1 ice 14ee44d : J nbalmer ` 0 Proiiiptand careful a'tt'ention O; a .Hospital .ted' ' 0: -FLOWERS .Pi .' 0., r -:';OCCASIONS 0 - , phonies Res. 59-W ; : , Store 43 0:000,0::o0'O0 0 O .4y O 0 0 .0 O �Ct 0 INSURANCE The McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INST7pA10E CO. i HEAti OFFICE:-SE!AFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS Presiderrt Robert Archibald, 'Sea - forth Vice-Presideht Allister,• Broadfoot, Seaforth - Manager and ::Sec,'-Treas. - M:A Reid, Seaforth DIRE&,CORS: E. J. Trewar't `''Clinton ;.J,- I+. Malone; Seaforth; Chris: Leon« hardt, Bornholm; Robert , Archi- bald, rchi bald, Seaforth; Sohn. H. MCEWir'ig, - Blyth;. William S: ,Al'exander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, : Goderich; J: E. Pepper, Brucefield Allister' Broadfoot, Seaforth. AGEN' TS William Leiper, .r , Lodes- bora; onde$ born; - J F.' ?meter,Brodhagen. :