HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-04, Page 5DUBLIN NEWS
Many- relatives' end-lriends nt-
"'tended the funeral:of the late Jae-
'Cornell:Us- Setioonderwnerd, lot
cOneession, 1,'Illtiltert; held frornt.
bis late readence to St,. Pitriek
,Church, Dublin, on TlitirSday
Requien MOss was I. Sung.
1tevD J 8. Ffoulkes. -Ile
"Was assisted:by. Rey. J IVIcCewell
and_ Rev. .L "Hermaria.: Mrs. Lane
resided theorgan :and, was as-,
sisted -by-II1O.sOtKdol
Pallbearers Wei.e Mit De Amon;
.LanclSbergeb,„ Segcren, A.
Poland, IL' 'ff;,G,Seadry'ver,
• ,
Mr aod Mrs':
, and, •
:ding. in MO
fS'pent the
Mr. an,:d'AI
-children. i))
Nfr,i'Aiu *r$ Frank ana-
rtiKo.Tin'ii 77416, , attended -Abe
"yhn tior,at Doliii
iitei of BU
nd 'ehil•tke'
ieliaet Nagle:, and
Aletrolt '
Rev. Father Harry Feeney, C.R.,
of St. ,Jerome's High Shool,Xit
chener, With Mrs, Kathleen FeeneY.
6 6
Mrs Roland Kleinfeldt as mov-
ed to Eiteter, 'where she will re-
MrS. Dan- Costello- and,pordon,
of Teronte;ie Thorold With Mr;
and Mrs, Jean Giroux, and attend-
ed the McVreitlit-Cestello-.v,redding
in -Niagara Falls Saturday'.
Mr. Robert Byrne And Bobbie,
Hainilton, witb Nis Monica Byrne.-
M. and:Mrs., John- Wills sPefit
tne weekend in North
'Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard -PeeileY,
St., lVfarys, ; and IVIiss Rose- Marie
Feeney., Kitchener,- ytritb: Mrs'.
Catherme Feeney: _
Mr., and MrsAylvester yan an
.daugliter; ;�f-SelnringVille;-' 'Master
Doii*iie Df ard Mies Yironne
Duffy.yVepriStack, :arid, :Mr. an
Mrs. moutiee ‘,1Y1rdit': and datigh-
thdni'as, with Mrs. 'LTA'S-
Dillon, and Dorothy:: •
.A/ide Gergette;''-. Detroit;
with Mrs:,' A. 1,0ohy.. Both are
leaving, Friday. fOr, 4, plane trip
Europe-, TlieYivVilnriteet:' Rev: Ar -
thin _Lotibk,..: of. Henston,
`-Texa$,' inlgevvoric; !van) Will.a
mpany thein;M: Faris, :Lourdes,
Wine; !Ifelalidinrid:r,Other -points: '
and ,MrDan O'Rourke: and
;ras". K;ratiSkenfattended. the. Wed,
ding of Mr. Win'..11-lanley'im Teren-.,
triSattirdaY. •
Mss 'Ldia JerdiSon„ -Toronto;
atiVIVIT :and Mrs A. "Jordisen
Aneaster "e-mitli:`:Mr.- and Mrs.: A..
INrs. •' Jordisen, Miss Judy
Friend and Miss Susan Friend: at
Lions ' Head.. , • •
•hand 'Mrs. M. O'Reilly, of
Waidsor;:Mr: and,MrS. .Tim Regan,
Toronto,: And =Mr: ..ahd-.Mrs._ Steve
Stratford,:Witd: Mr; and
Mi. Gerald. Holland: • •
Mrs, ',Fergus 'Horan, Mrs. 'John
,atterided the.,‘ Married. ladies'. "re-
IreOrat'BreSeia*Tatl;'-':,Lenden; '9V-;
Baptize Chiktren
A 'first Church
uight children vvere hal)tied at
First, Presbyterian Church Stinday
morning. Rev,' J: -Leslie-- Elder,
'hi te • -
nu s r,.,perforrnal -the rites to
Sheila Lyttii, danghter..,of M; ,and
Mit. Charles Geddes; Jan- Rob: -
Pr!, sen of Mr. and Mit; JOIM Utir:
leigh; . Elizabeth Jayne, .daughter
pf...14. :and Cateliiq
Larry David,. son' "or :Itilt; Mrs,;
David Livingsten, RR,
Sliarcin Anne,w daughter of Mr.- and
Mrs, Rebert Cernell 010 Marian
Lendext;-: Gordon:. Kenneth:
alid: -Amt. oct
Itobot eoilochan,, jR 3, Bea -
forth, and PaMela 'Faye, . daughter:
Of Mr; arid ,110§. Clayton Dennis.
MPS" -:SCh001 .
er titeL.Weelt.ehd•••• ,
left,:on foe Port . Carling
fee., Julk,and_.Alugitst.2.1.n.-.*SePtee*f
he will teach at Kirkland Lake.
mr. Joe',..Xe.nny arid:
Seaforth;': with. Mr., ...and'
Mrs,' ,Charles.,:
'Mr. and mtg.'
.JaniesP Kraus
kopf and .A•lis.';',Mary:, KranSkopf. in
London with tand, jertinie'
Miss), Jeam:ElPe, Zinieh; and :Mr.
And , Kitchen-
Dianne.. Rurns ;;;Grades to '8;„: girls;
Beverly/Plaillips,' MarY. -Elizabeth'
FlantierY;' jean Reynolds. and Ellen
Van Vogt, .'Elainn''Eekert,..and,Nie-,
ole Buys; Grds5 to 8, 'boYs,
Itei,n.y, Van .Logn, fan' Matthews;
Jimmy Sills, Kenny Ee4urd, Ken-
ney :Devereaux. and Francis Hag-,
Shoe kiek7:GrAdes j and 2,boys,
ltobin Philips, Bavid'''''Nigb, Bou-
gie pliillips; Grades 1. and 2, girlSi,
Marta "Willerns,,. Johanna' Van Milt-
-0buirg, :Gerarda, Revers; Grades g
Arid' 4,...bOyS",.; Ray :Devereaux, Rill,
Morris, Brian -„Phillips:; :Grades 3
ore Maloney, Helina Van Loonand.
Johamia.:Revers; Grades 5: and 6,
hoYs',:PPbbYtield's, KennY Dev-
erea.mTtaly-RoverS; Grades 5- and
er, With Mrs,l-iLereta Molyneaux.,
ta lerigth, strength and uniformity,
you can,depend On Co-op Baler
Twine. It7s.frea-rtinning and knot.
less, assUring you quick, easy
operation, at haying time and
long, safe storage afterwards. ---
low in roe, too. • '
llarvest Brand
.113a er (Danish)
tkop Ifrand
a r 'Pvvine
op 'Quality.
64' hOYei.030111Y.JteYtiol s,
Devereati*iTeiriy,,-.Roversi- -Grades
5 and .6,-girlS,Wanne Malone,
erine yari_Yugt;
Grades ,7 andA.:-girLs„ Beverly Phil
mary':'••*in -"Sta Pleton,..:- Mary
SfflieSeraniblV-•'Grades -1 and -2,-,
boys; • Dougie' -fhilliPs„, Pat. Flans
'nery,,-,Da*ANigh"-'P'GradeS:.,1 And "4:
'girls; -Maria Willerh$,,, Maria •'Van
:144:Qii.;:'*Di,1iisifilt;',, Grades
,Otlinn. Gary ,Var(Leen: '.Grades, 3
arid,41,,, Helina. ''Van
Alice Batinott„Bianee, ';'SalisburY;,
Grade's 5 :::.to''.8,1:'girla,-.03eVerlY.,Phil-,
Those wbo .regietered at the .SSS the :Vine gni 'banes, Aitri,. Michael
4. Ilibbert reunion Satnrday, in; NfOrraTi• MO. Art Devereatilt, Jean,
Tom, Patrick and •Angela Dev-
eluded the Le1-1°Willr:
Dablin—The jos. O'Reilly, "the °realm, ra Philips, the Mike
Jack WIteilly,J+001S, LW andl-virOdnts, the John A. ,Murphys;
Douglas Janet ',and GarSt -
Patrick'. Williams„l .....StaiffaHNereen :and Danny. ',Me-
Thentas Williams,..,Teil.POYle, Nits, IMMO Michael novo„ —
-micoyaia,. the: Geer e. ,Coyne$ Ilack and 'RoSe'Doyle, tbe
Sar*. Coyne„ . 'Matt Coyne, the,t John A Coyaes, •• Fran .Coyne,',' Patsy,
Thonlas ,Coyaes;',:the-Milre,CoyneS„'XentiY,,,,, Gordon; Jeanne, .Jeanne
'.Jr.'c,00-7F-,,mmett 1i/intones., the fat- theL-Thernas-f,
rick.' Jerdatip, the .,„Martin, Feeneys,' Mbrits;,: Mrs. 'May .McGrath, Jack,
Sr.,. the jebn F., Miirphy,s; Leuis. Jerry..atid AlinelVforrisLOnis'MOr-
Barry,' ' jes.ePh.' Barry, the 'Peter' ris. Sliaron.and
Joritans-,-:-jerrY'Jordan;.-the .1gattr-•• TQI/1::'.13tirlc0;71,h&-4000,1t 717IaStil*i;"
,icer..MeladYs,;--MarY the,Fred Har-
':.:Elther •
and Feeney,'
•LOPIO:Fen.ne3r,.. tneFergos. Veencs.;
Pc -
the ,Joseph Feenqs; Mrs ''• tlesePly: -treit;.• -the .:Tlieelas- CoStelles;
Jordan, the Faul vpgels, f.Vinth,,,' ton; the. John;o!'.a6iibTacstrottord.
Dorothy 4tict;_Nellie,'vogas„ Mrs. .the Denis. Wal,Sli,:Lendcin,; the.. Dan
Plieha.;17.Me:Si. the Nneha.et RarrY.P;' ',Detroit' .Mary MargaretMe-
e' MOS,: Windsor;.- the: John Wil
jarneS 'AugiiSt umn;
'Seaferth Frapk Morris,
Wlfliain ;Morris, the John,-,'Sheas, THeeney,:.Niagara
..the 'Ru.esell Pringle's; Mrs. Jas. . 13rantford; '...TheMaS
O'ReillY;;Betty; 'Anne ..atid Sharon, Willianta,Windsor; Pattiek, Wen:,
ey;:''Niagara, rails :,John lvteM11-.
tlie*JtiSePti. LaneS,„Mary*Leu'latie„, lan-;;z1Jetteit;:-•Ahne Marie MeMil
-the lordene, Verbniea, DoSTIO,..Londen;
the..Peter.,MaleheyS„, :Jean Nether:M:1 :Thetidere.,:,:Catliam; the.
lvt:aioney, Frank.,D0Yles,...AerOnte;':. the ',Jelin
'MaloticY,41)e,JOhn-,MeAar0;.'1Jiioia.;, Detroit ; the,Joseph giiknes,
jean.,antl'qorden,MnYtaii.,,theTzak,,4 41,,4•.argaret: andlinuide .C.0.Yne, Lon -
mond. ''Murrays-, 'Reg,:::Kahne, ',Anne:, and
.ThoinaS :3:::.;MnrraYS;.• and 1.,enYne...)PonOnn;, , Mrs. :Vatter ''Iro*
Nitir6y,-,the:JoSeph ',,,,Mother M.' 'Alice;
.Sheda,,,,:.; Anne and .:-GerrY:: .:Is
:Bag, Itae*GradeS and'.0, 'ticoys.;
Pahl' 'ReYrields.,',.11riati, ,beOviatat,
girlS;",M'ary Sills,,-Daryna4'ReYtiolds,
Susan Legeza;,`GradeP3`;•,:' and; 4,
Malone,. Mts. Peter - •A'$' Jarvis; ;Sister St.,13azil; WOodstook;
nes* Bicknell,•, the . Louis Coynes, .13rantforel;",
Joan, :Don and •Mary--Lotil.Coyne,' :the Garnet ',Kearns, Carol, Anne,
' John Kearns, .M.erlin; Father gil-
l]: orris,, Sime;., a er
ani-Morris,:-Wilidaert, the ThemaS!.
Mtrris Tills.oeburg ; • the Ernett.
Hagg:artys, Stratford;. the Angus.
KelinedYs, Riverside; -the GP's- Red-
`Onds; Auburn:
Farriier -Pupil
- (Continued from. Page :1)
count' on cedneatitiiitlier.:sPeaki.
ris,,-WindSer, *a. former and
Fattier -Roach; Brantford, .son I,
Roach: had the henerLetbein&lilie
only pypili Whet" Statted'''sg. oii
the' Opening da Y in 1993.
Reception ‘• colninittee
MiarPhy-and TV. ,
P: :Morris; members', :of' the "OA
class- Taking..charge'of the ',Tegis
trY- Were Mrs:, Emmett 7,1)Talone..0.
former • .and 'Mrs: „Thomas 13.
Prior to-, the afternoon . session,
bider Siiminpr Skies
• Choose fro Cool, plain or, print- _
_ „
„ed., glazed cottchiS,:r eVer .poPplar
and edol•linene effects.
TheY're -styled in 'Po-Ppinr tan",
'skirts, chetniSe Styles,'.golfers 'and .
Mtn 'dress "-styles;_iii.,4,4-ido,' -Wide -
,-clioice Of, -Co Suinther colors and.:'
ew, Glamorous
or -Fun- in he
Chino Cottons ,in Plains and stripes, as-, ell as
checks, in, short shorts, and Jamaica shorts.
stzts- 20 '
Mente ees e oltr. Jefi"
Alfred, Rees .; Iiiiinifighain;. • the
„Oinas '1Vlarian:
ier,',;12ietrott ;"..:"Mrs-."•Seinf 7 Cot:
atfOrd;Atfi,W,';.!Jath,• MeiVerk,-•=;St;'
•.031,1- 'JaniesF-AfkixiSen,
Ord;t" the Cyrit'SrliienS,',"Seb-'
ringiille; Mrs. ,Jack Walhrlgton
Burlington;: Mis`.'47Phoiriasi Plana-
gart;',' 'Toronto', the .:11.eit', 'Barrys,
Lendon; the .Edward 'Melidys; St.
Colginban:. ,the Thomas Mel=
adys,.."Tpronte; the Clem . Stefflers,
luncheou_was served 'm the base- Brussels': Anne Steffler, GOderw,h;
merit ,of the school. ---The basemen Clem Joseph and -James Steffler,
was beautiffillY decorated for the Bruss'els. the Hubert l'eeneys, .Wa-
. . . occasion. terloo•-;_thhee
, -
W In D nneSabsbury. ,Grades music teacher, He was assisted 1)y- er; the Louis- ,Roaclis; Hamilton; _ .N0,, 14, „ gitAN-Lig
Vaictletir eeneYsi -
• n c of Kippen East
_ The_a anal pieni _ boys- ,Ray Devereanx,Ernep,t I a- • •
Aceempanist for the musical chener; t Feeneys, Wa-
'Was held 'Monday at Seaforth
Lions Park with 75 in attendance. , i. . „
font ' Brian Plailli s•-. Grades 3- and -art of the afternoon program was terloo; the Themes Feeneys, Clin-,
rice at 2.9
Short- sleeve and, sleeveless cotton blouses
egular, 131eusou and Chemise styles. _
.The';.-spertS.; Were''IVIr:. 4, AcT; the Jael'es',,,reeneYe.,:l.Kitchen-'/
Mr; and 1 anis, la , .„, . . , _ ,,.
and ',Mrs: Kat .,.1VieKaY, .
:.Mi.'s'.' Bob Belt: an NI . an s 5 to 8, ...1)6?s Torht$,- p):iwpg., Paul Anne Ann? 1,‘,/orrs.: ,.„ ,- .., • , '..,,,,, Ms.D..:1,1j!ro'N'Ie!co'n13'nlxiaP;h:lkrBSI;f:°•11C' htf'Irilde- r.icylltrosijdnacjYt, r,r.enefOnyTdil.. ‘TaL,'...'lille4;al!a.a4i'
:Iloward..,'Fitiltheiper. ,''. The .-.'tMable. - oiris, ,hc„2.-.,ruee.,•_0-;rade§.:A .tu...g, .cation.s, .vv64u.,•se,eureguad•:,:post.., MellnargeY;:: Mrs.- : Pee,' , Ilh r -,.,Sea orth_.„Lions • .,a k, where.,: a -
Matthews, Francis:Hagan, : ::. ,'• , ' If we h.e*Ye , h proper, q
Connie ,ECkerto-•:. - '' , . noon crowd., ',,gi. xioihr, ,a termer' l'e ...,.,
F:' Kiiilin told the:''after7.. ,._,P.S;;, ,r''''endoe r.' ,4(lit'':' Ole-i-°'din-e.i-:Chars: licionS. :: supper was was - served"' - and
r Fort . trie;..'thehl-lareld, 'Mc,. ' Sports enjoyed ',.lxy," all, tbe:,.eliildren,:i
koraniitten..• were '.• Mr:. and - M
, It :' 13everlY7 Philliii$,:-...:.:JOan ReYnehle,- tionsi". J.
Ross ,I3roadfoet, Mr..' and MI'S.' Art
VarleY, :Mk. , arid , MrS,:. ',W.' Bread .
,f -oat and ,Mn. :,nci , 3,11.,; pairipb:eli: ,The boys tem games 'were, won iiiisidetor, i,§ :now : ,fogh...s'ehool, ,in...! Pandens; Tulalicritille,..''Bilt:gekert."..:_,..Winders_, were: -'pre..aehoid , 0144:
by. teanis..captainedby:',KeneY Bed- Spector., of; seiettee.,,anfathe*el' LnCitdP:.•ii*•;- a7C;a%resiin:Ilet:tiliferetYFlaitii1313triaitili'idreennd'riPekani,' e:1,6a''.''''jikte- e8.111-irgedUp.4.Jgir1-1.1.:1Yli:.s,":.
EYre• , 'Louis' Devereaux aril 'Prank ties in thDenartinentLeditca- fait_Ttire7.--jesephitalesig:TO.61m. GuYaiieth7lifid-i
:Rovers._ , The !gag' team ...gaines.' thin :in ITertintO.: PIC 'urged the.' bah
,Dougfa.-meta•egoi;',•gitiS;to., 3,, • nUnibers tY Anne lVforrisi'.-Pn*10, patilek;',.;•Vvyoming;, :vvriglit;;Dilly..-parquhar; 10-•
Donna :,...li:Vhitehelise,:.-/lelenti tien and TonliBurke MarY Ei; DaVis'; ...Meese 'JaW,,, Hoof, 12,Karen.:TaliXot, gleaner.. Wright;.:
were--.--vvon ,by ',teat -tie 'pick;,,proniarty;
Finkh,etrieri—Raihi:a • ..*G•erhilhelli tains „marilleynolds.".-Ann Van den 0 -prograrri: woddsteek, picenhedd.' hews' 8-10' James
VSister Mary Fhi1 Eifly Hendersn gn1s 84G, Yvon
OYS, Marg Stapleten-:-The.omep,
•Viii 'Cele '• 'llarbtirri and s.
ticCartner,.:i•gPorts brn-,-
nottee, Mr: and Ts. Wm, , am- VOte was taken at which
port, lunch lundi coriinlittee,. "ikakAeoided to-have:a dance -,in'
Mks:. LeSlie 'Miller:: ,tober:'SPOrts' were the big eVen
Mr and;MrS.',Arthur Rohde cod.; the .afterneen.. Prizes. for
dneted.''the sperts, winners:Of Which. Were Peglint-scratri
were: children, 'H.five :And • tinder, Bill'Ilarinirn; years an
Barlene'TernPleman.,,lioys, rixi.'.1; .'under
beys,' 6 to 8, ,Jinirhy FinlaYsOn;Tarl len Doyle and Jeati:.Moilan, Dan% Butsan, Munro; the Stanley Smiths,' beys, .,DouglaS
threadthe4ieedle; •halaneing s4ey n y ;1, DOW': COy0', GerdOn thgersa, , J • . jehnston;
Jean bag relay, jar ,ring paps,
Finkbeiner; ' 9 M "11, Donna ,
Richardson Dianne FuilaySoxi; P •"'FeeneY P a t
ls,•cu?er Gail -Farquhar
boys, 9 to 11, 'George -Wood, Leslie • •Coyne-,t:Elaine 1Viurray, Gerry Ma-
l3roadfoot; tb' 1.5; Shane
,Jean 'McNaughton; bpys."
..1 -2:: -to 15, Leslie-7.'13readfocit7George.,
Wood; 1adles, .15' .and over,. Mar-
.garet. Wood, 'Grace7Charnifaii;
young Jimmy BroadfOnt,
_Douglas Eyre; .; men's balleon, race;
.:Broadfoot,:„. Art Varley;
ladies'. clothes pin, :race, Mrs. ,Art.
•Finlaystni Mrs.-1VicNaughton• sink
the ship; Mr. and MI'S.- Bruce Me-
Gregin; gum race; "Mrs. BroCk'S
side;•pillowcaSe race,': Mrs:" Breck'S
Side; eandy,serarrible fdr the ehil-'
dien;.• woman with, the:, Most Jew-
1VIrs, Art_ Varley; weight
ghessing contest,' Wilmer Broad
o _ Dougiaa `MeRea
"Joyce. HOod
„boYs; -gind RC'ss
, loM
ne, Anne Shea, all'. Led CoYlie rmer F p ui 1
CC.I en S tu
VOI W, . _ arqula r a d Eleanor Wright.
s kl.i, _Ft ti
James Atldnson,
eunia -JOYee }100413,t1 Karen Talbot
appreciate what is done for them' Letterg ;received by Mrs. JOsePh Mrs. Rice, teacher at No. 4;
while attending school. Earl Dick, MeladY sec t y f the S S S -4
are Ta e
kvar-ohtistoit;: thtoe.-tegged race,
. Gail
, re ar .o • • , Stanley,' returned to Windsor where
Ilibbert reumoirymtd Saturday, in- she wilt s end_the t -b
0 ays --a, -- er
- P . '
s' eLit,:ita'irn.inilig. aralls, ,,,,,,,i,.,i,itell,,e',tiiii,_ forP-m-r-iere*sg ''''vnt,lerentlinispt_ur14.ipb11111.1._mteitPO•di. lrlial..itirl;6g:alli-tli.b.ryrel. ' 11. si li long delay
e: dd : t h. following
''''lli.,:•:::-..' .1•1:-':ielchr'en.,81 b., The t,' w''elfeth:. annual Miller
y _ TOR9ONTO-,:-.Please.' P t Yo• - - ,Was ,held in Mit
gathernig-te:the,t°W , toot la!, for inclusion in last wee ,,,.
hall of the tiaetor:".a,ceident,n I ..6_ ,gr.tS,t. "disthnce.: it„,,waSe_":
Jobb:" Williams, Detroit, elar -, in, finalizing %the .,•.acr-.• Dougall•_,reunionp.4rir, ,wkth A.10
rinLitii Di DOUGALL :REUk
haVe •been:' caused by, tractors move
Ontario DePartment, of .Lzg:.r.q
eitiirniiig ' 46 ',their' ,: drivers. m
()'''''•:, prize for -the-jadies.; eeei:Vmed the renge,Plif;5 f°r this SaturclaY. A r: eh
.,,, Margaret .'• McMillan , r. g froin tuany :it.: vvas inipossibleo:dto ,•-alf..:s-: j„I.,i;. *wfid„, ,
0 e ts . Were 'Present, from, 'Moose
n Maine ' Seaforth,
fflinel..Geyne range for ;certain until t ,Exeler Hepsak StaffA,-; 'Mitchell
-.rules: Of traator 4oPeratien 13. as pies it ,
nrgeS,:: farnleiS' e' m as the .a result the arrangenients;" Yen -
niind to avoid, • a-dangerons over -
r: • , , n g ent of 'men* r of ma exPe t e there at the -school: and
• Advertising enables the,manufac- turning he tractor
of ± aofo o ly livin par e s- e m
1 Stay at a safe thstarite fr th_ f rst c],ss "- —3"-LFI,sKhlo lieuRfeG__I'mTer-or'ireyePeeandteir aro ed- -Thfuer fth°11:W1915a9g :effulitieCorn: perreesiedleeleat
turer ef a Product that is becoming diteh.and_creek hanks which -n -110°1T .Races for the children arid
Murray ',Park; giffs-,76:11„, anet and '-itint1M7,7Linda—Farr
MiJer over.;.' jack,Me- years ;and: ,under, noyd • Riley; •
'Wilson McCartney:. Married: ladies, ,Ondop„ Laverne Harburn '
Mrs. Bob 'McLachlan.;latinny" hog, Years,and'under;,:BettY BrOdhagett.;
Lois MeLachlanf•three'leggedrace-,. years tinder, BilIy
Lois.' and '..,,June ''-IVIcLachlatt;. kick Harbuint.,-,---girls,-,..44-•years.-and-rin---...-..
plipperradieS;,..,-Jhne: • Affetaeman.;- der; Betty -Brodliagen;. boys; ,
kick :Slipper 'Men- Bill .•Lartinort; Years . and under, : Mervyn
:Jim 'Rohde. land •.La' ii•Y Park Were 'Young young.
Captains:lot several:relay races. •,1:0:en;:MervYn Neff; ladies tie-meu's -
Oldest person- present was 'Mrs.. tieJack 'B.radliaggii and EThefl
Elizabeth, Campbell youngest per: Murton; men ,,tie ladies', ;tie; Itosat
son was Elizabeth Templeman;: RileY• :and '.Efeatior,Boa; am.mal
haIntd,hviraag,rdae/iid.Mearst:;0,7:.hiriei.d.S.apriaoithicSe.i.' linIniZokilln;Oini; pu race, ye;eite sliet_e1-4 •
picnlc'tn The Mitchell park,on. the cley;-,riteli7thread' needle; : ,••
'third-S•ato/tax, in Jnne, 059. •- and Eleanor ' Boa; . Wheelbar-'
•• , • . , Ross. Riley and -Eleanor' .•
• ' '-,RICEY'REUMON • Boa; ,ladies' •kiek 'slipper, Margar-r
The eleventh Riley reunion. Was et Boa; •rnexes kick :slippery David.
held/ at the honie .of Mr.; and Mrs' Smale; 'gtie.ssing 'contest, . gonad;
Bert Riley, Creinarty,. on: .Satur: 'oldest person,, 4ithit
day, Jupe 21, with 85, present:The youngest person-;- ' Chailest
Officers :elected for the next ,year Riley; newly,Weds.", Mr. and Mrs...
president, triiie 'Jim, , '
yice-president, Marvin Harburn.;-‘,.. Following supper Mr. ancrlirs, '
secretary, Mr.. Bill Kellington; Pied Harburn were presented willt
treasurer, Mrs,1Bert• sports an anniversary cake, it being '
6 . 6. ,
ruwu_ups were eundueted‘-- e certainly looking- forward •to at,-; Wilfred - Ann_ is; --vice-preSident; AI-, -committee, 'Mr. and Mrs, Norman:
obsolesce0 to switch- to .a new Pre- cave in, andr,b`e verY careful when g
duet., „ . , .".
driving along -.steep 4lepeS. sports , committee. :This was fol: tending the reunion. 'rhanks for_the
2, Avoid excessive speeds', SPeedi lowed bi a softball game by ex_ ation.r-TQm Morris.
Sers o _ late ga
b -in inn a nstthewe r-
oreeedtug ,five;,--frilles..,_an hour.' in Pupils and friends. Theremainedmer„ ing,fp, iirtIM
field operatiOns ' aredangerous; es:, of, the • flay was spent in r
old school: , It will be exciting
-' " , .
riecially. on Stoney or rough ground. mi $cin g• , . • meeting, olcl schoolmates and teach -
Slow down 'when, crossing ' diteles, School. decorations included dra-
-,-,--,. ers I haVen't seen- for -So-inany
or when. turning_ _ ings by pupils, including an le years. ' Will do my hest • to ,be
•_.„ 3:Keep the tractor ,. contras' in Memoriam' poster by the late
I. there, -,--Mrs. Frank Thompson (Ag.
good condition, particularly the joseph Melady, husband of the nes. O'Reilly)..-
cluich•andlbrates. ' - Present Mather. A bulletin board Thank youfor the invitation. to
.4. Space- the rear wheels out as listed former students who , had the'51)th antiversaii. We Shall. cer-
far as—tr-itOrtneratieris-Permitlieeirin7serviee--in-WerldLIZArik,„ , y• -try to be-titere .some--tim
in. order -to improve the stability of as.- welL, as other displays relating dnrIng,the day......mr, and Mrs. pat
...,..: ,•to ,school and:years 0.gone. Also on '
.. ,,
the tractor.
So friends tell Up that ourline'was busy
'When theycalledthat We. decided '11.ad bei-
." ' • tett 'do Something abbtit
To, make it easier for you, the public, to
phone in your news stories your local briefs
and your for sale ads there are now two lines
to The flurotLExpositor
'5:tey. driVe execs- displaY Were drawings by miss 11-Yan' • • .
sively steep grades: Catherine 3/loylari, a Brantford
6. Engage the clutch slovvly vVhen teacher, Showing differenees in
pulling out of ditches or :up steep tratispbrtation in 1908 and 1958.
poSeible, -Jock brake pedals
together., When travelling' in the
' -
od ea)
:Because., Sudden stoPs, • starts
and -are ine-vitable in lan-
ihg: great many ae-
eidenteuivolve .fhlts from the trac-
tor. in many of .the falls extra
ridersare niyolved. Extra riders
should neer heallowed on the
tractor or the drawn implement.
Childreh aTe particularly prone to
accidents of this .tYpe. It is the
responsibility, of the driver of a
tractor to se that: cnildren do net
ride along; na,,an„insecure position.
' A ,firft v• now will pro-
vide -sc:"--,e Trote,ifian :bud a
month. .stentui 'sbr't given . a
month '1::'.(r1 the, first
a degree of irriniviiitY7 ir—iest- case
es .within abotit three weeks. Ent
for -sure. protection, thesethould be
followed in 5-7 inontlis from first
dose-brn third' dose.' However, if
started now,: the firSt two Will 'vb.-
-vide some immunity before the end
of _August—a peak ,period of
denee in. Ontario in- mostrecent
epidemit Years. •It Will* cost so lit-
tle and play save so Mueli. ••
for the
Whole rarnily
News• •Facts
• FaiuiIyJatures-
.1;ttetthistian 'Science 'Monitor .
•.0:1m Norway St.,:Boston 15; Moss, .
Send your nowspannr for tho tiro*
•,cherke0. Zglitlosed find opeck or
•••aloney order., Year $14 1:1
. 6 nioaths.S4 a 3 rnphihs 14.50 0
SO:40r* .Branch
.M1 VERDUN'RAU, who*ell-known n tlie Siforilraiid,
Zurich atea-; has taken 'a position with
ati4GtRicirs SALES AND $Eitv ICE
He will be in Aarge'of the SEAFORT,11, fiRANCE.of this' firm.
The branch,. °face, Showroom and repair shop Will • operate -in the
forMer building' in v.a-iyi,QNDvint,„
With the experience Verdun has and the Prompt
efficient service reputation of the Company, we will.
be -able to' servfce the area' better thari eVer.
atch.FOr * e..AnnoUritement of the
Grand, ;Opening Of the Bthnch
•InAhe'xiieatttho; call Verdun Rail .at se.444,* 249-3, forrepair
seirOte,,. electrical woik, riluinbing and heating.,
ingerich's Sale
-,Ileating, Plumbing, Lighting, Eleetrield and Motor Repairing
'ince 1.60 S.,rvitzg t,he 001,74*Lunity firs.4
McLean .grO.s.,'P44blishets•
, Tr' actor—tieata reattinanee•Vilacti travel-
'i7'.11i.Stbritosilit'AblaaSii-400-shoeti iibitoirbet
tarot altaa..1("altd inake hike** woit lead -444
• • ,
.• Zone! stoto.
‘Seririao is Not Out ""Motto, TtS Our tusmess