HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-04, Page 3ensall Public School Students
Learn June Examination
From Kinflergaitten to Grade I Robert Tayler, Leonard, Srnale.—
, Margaret :Allan, Janke. Arm- Mrs. Bey Bigie, Teacher.
, .
,strong, )3ever1ey Clark, Beth CetQl‹.,
..Fred Bider, 'Kenneth Ferguson,
IVIark Fifod, Donna„Lynorrest,
•...Linda Hay, Billy Hoy, ,Dorethy
ICipfer, ;Ingrid Knapp, Cameron
'McArthur, Mar3r,Niock, Billy Munn,
Bradley Pryde, Linda Reht Albert
Roosebobm,Keith Reszel, Pamela
Sangster, Marjorie Sch;vvairri, Jane
„Smith, Pamela Taylor, Peggy Van -
..stone, Mtirray Walker, Heather
Watson., --Mrs. lielereScane, Teach-
Otade X to Grade ii.
Betty •Caraeron, ,CarolYo.
Cornell, Michael' payiS,
-Ferguson, Lyoda,FUssc'FratteeS
Christ; Michael, HoY,-SuSan
' Roy Johnston Kenneth. Jones, John
Joynt,-Linda aeys; Sharon Lavery,,
John Moj, OherY1- MOusgean, Pa-
- -tricia.Parke, Allarr-fteid, Margaret
Roo,seboorti, Virginia . Stiorthouse,
From -Grade 11 frGede',Itir
(weep. 'Chilichase„;;,-Brtiee...Forreat,
hn Geddard.,:;Rathie Henderson;
Lynda' Jane.. kinfer, Cary. Kyle,
WeadY, ,Lernine,..,Karen MeArthor,.
Brenda Noakes, , Sawyer,
Charles SchWalm,:- joan .SitoniOnS,
John Skea, Tayler;,, Beget
Wilkinson, .Bttie Wynie..
:Froai Grade DT to..Grade iV
Gar y." Adiji Coljeen B,
ham, :-•13evair"! , ,Penny
•Crockett; Gordon poiti`,' Paid ".Diya-
dale,; ffoyce ,Flynn,',:Laverrie
Grant Mabel §41r -
_ -
-Frani Grade LII.t.O Grade XV
Pauline .Fetel-',A3fsbaek.,
Rieky Buchanan, . Clark Forest,
Flora. ,Lee"'•.fehristort;
Wondy-..MOir;', Heather 1Vid,. -Mary
'Sawyer, "Kennyl. Smale; „Ruth:Sin ale.,
Billie,. '-Soldani'..Gerald yoUand, •
. . ,
--Trevor Bell, Danny ' Cameron;
•Bobby Cathie, .3311lie. Cliikhase,
Bryan ,;Titik;.•'`Dbli-7.-F"Cirrest,-: Glen'
Harborn,, ',Danny Kipfer„ , Dianne
Koehler; Alvin LaverY,',1Wareik.Lit-
tle :Brian MeArtiniri'Ai Mjckle,
Linda, 'Mack, .136nnie:_i peters, :Alin
'Sawyer, -,Barbara- Schwalm, Loi
'When Grandad wanted to. make
, ,
life easier for his,wife, he got her
: •-2 carnet sweeper . . an ,ice -box
.or a wall telephone• .
;poor ' Grandad couldn1 :imagine
, a Wife who wouldn't be delighted
• -with such. gifts!• .
" _But when -tOday's hu -Shand
wants to please his Wife, he gives
her •a _Frigidaire Food -Freezer'
_from- BOX FURNITURE.. With:
this inarvellou Food Freezer in
your kitchen, you •can •serve
•your •family fresh- fruits; vege,
tables.' meats even.' paStries?
• and -frdzen, • desserts anytime.
•-T011 can freeZe fritits, and Vege-
-tables yourself_in. season: -instead.
of c,anning .them. •the old -fashion;
ed way: . And, 'you -tarty quiek-
'freeie leftovers andsaire money
. every , day. .:BOX FURNITURE
show you.bow .your
.aire • Food-Freeiteep§-bread
fresh liar weeks'. too and sames,,
daily • shopping' trips. :And What
cook- roasts.' and turkeys- when-
..eVer. it's. 'convenient. Then. put
tMmTin IhezFreezer to bring out
in a lorry months later.
_ .
Drop . into BO'S to,dayi_See
• IlieSe, beautiful chest -type or up-
right Frigidaire Food .Freezera
that • , hold up- to 300 " pounds':
- -For- -more= -.information-. call -
'BOX FURNITURE. •Phone 43,
• -
;PON ,
Seaforth pinane '
• 4
Bobbie &Ole, .DaYid
Sinale, Brian George Tay-
Doona Wilkinson. -.Mrs. Joan
Allan, Teacher. •.
From 'Grade V to Grade 'Vr •
'` Broyna Bell,• James 13isback,
Eric Campbell, IfilarY Crockett,
33ill Fisher, -Bonnie Foster, Keith
Hay, Horst:IfdiaPP," any Ryle,
Anne Lawrence, Teddy block, Suz-
anne Rannie, Dianne Reid, -113-01Y;
Eumpel, , Gail 'Sangster, 'Gary
Otto Smale, Clark Webster,
Zwaantze Wynje.
From,Grade VI to Grade.
- • . .
on. McArthur,. Rehert,'MeNaOgliten,-.
Bobbie Midd1eton;,Tat'sy.M00;1.iin4-
'Noalcesi--r:Cithy:C,Searte, P.;lifetida
Sixiillie, GeOrge Stard,Ruth Petty
ThaVidTaYlor; Ruth !Anne Traqitait„
Gertrude: Toonk,
Mrs: MarY ,:Hatigh,.. Teacher.,
, . .„
• 'From Grade. Vitt to .Grade ,ATIll•
Ron B,eaton: .. David. -Buchanan,
Jack hipetiase Jaueine',Crock
ett,;.,,` Doh:: Ferguson,' :Torn :.Fialier,.„
Bill 'Sylvia .'' -Henderson,.
Leilise 'JitneSt",:"Etaine GOY,
ine'ReSzel, Connie -.Irtitinnel,IIhatsY
Seliwalm,, Rainer. Knapp.
to Grade', IX
, Carol - Brown, Brian, Christian;
Jerry, Margaret ,.
peggy, Goddard, ,' :Bruce • Horten.
Harold Jaques Larry Jones, Shar-
on'MeStide,,Eobert,Mici0e, Dennis.
Mock, Bil Noakes,Marlene
IlOsZel,,,qviary'-,Scaiie, Carolyn
Teacher;' „
9 .•99 ,999
• SS_ NO, 1, TUCiElOtSWAT#
TO Grade' IX -4 -Jerry .l3r,oderick,
DorOthv Parker.
_ 'Grade VII—Gra am_
Ray McLean: _ '
• To Grade VI—Jimmy Traquair,
Alie Vandeworp.
To, Grade VHBilly. Bell, Douglas
Deanna- Forrest Lary .1V1c,Lean.
To Grade- III .— •IVIersyn Bell, c, pia -es -Bay • E. Dowson and MTS., William-Win-
Nir,(4 OF
• Htirondale t t Labrador. 0
-neeting;,tor' Wbielr,Ilkfre,y.Arebte The three inner tenni • pnPlis and
Etlietingtoir, was, ,,,besteSS nt ',her "Welters, Ars.; FAgo.,Mrs..Sirray
home Tneaday. Semi' prOgrato pre; and Mrs. 'Matt; Of, Renaaii -PUNIC
sent by4he•411-clnb Giris,";.tak% School;,-enjeYed-APOttn-.And-games:
ing flin:" course; .`N.te Stand ; , : the .sebeol.gittundeTburSdar ai
Guar." 1-Oglilighti Were the plan; t,einoen ,after ,:they Were.
ni"ng. and arranging 'boW treated to ice ergain and Chocolate
to. keep the belt'. PhysicallY fit; . :Aiwards 'Were ':giVen out 'ler
artjficial. reSpiratiOn,;. IfOt o r e; proficiency', and pert attendanee.,
bandaging ,arin,.•- Wks they. :. Attheetniciusionef(Schoel, pupilS
had read.relatiog each -one; Safety. in Air: ReabUtres.:roora HenSall
precantiens ;otiong k Car, ,The PublieSphool.,:eiljOyerl.a,getflogeth-;
members anSWered. the OIL. -pall, .0.1. TInirsday afteiiieen and pre
With "'"a" ttailY health 'prgcanticiii," Setited." shert program With Bob
Mrs WillianylRenVeliffe commented :in, tlie chair; .Progtaiii."in.
On') the lxnetto, 'Crumbs' Of haPpi4 Chided:" duet • by; Peggy
ne.Sa ake loaves CententMerit?':, opodarii- alatt-earoe.:)3rewyt:;-,stOry
:Mrs. Andrew' ..Doitgal1:. and,' by. Mdftafpf 'Elgre;,..,jekes„,'„Denitis,
.Statiley bl'itehell re001eWett,' current Mock, and riddies„.„ Don -Ferg-tiSen::
events,. Mi•S Lee Weber reported lee." 0,00:61% 44ct pop. Were.: served e
on '''the7, held ', at, R146T,tA11411; ,ataff
CTeclit0a, ' a HenSall, Public.-Sehord; and ,Who
-"A donatiOn, Of-:$5.00;I:vas;:cloa has.,16ndered. her 'resignatiOn'' Was;
td(4i.sntl4a'eY of'lecitileirlisl,'447- • - 4; 116397744 t'alLsne'leiPteirnW°O<IIHjil ;tees4dal.rta,t1
• 'et .,(1‘ tertieon school staff and
Atth •
" . tir up e ree ye;
towards he book Mrs Mervui eir;oll:pDunn •
NYak7.40,P9tIlte4,0 Phh stimeS this .'Senteniber.. -the
repXSefltat1Ve'Mts. ,r4:0110A;64141:PKSZ91*411ii''''g' htirh; of GreenWay, vvhn.,Wdi,
re -
by aee rs. eac ers ,are.Dorethy ,
„fA• . -•• '• Robert Reabyrn principal;, Mrs..
There yo.13e. tin ineeting•-iit jay.. Wallace, Haugh,. 'lgradee 3:And 0;.,
August will take, the Of a pie,' MisS: Margaret 'Woodburn, grades:
nic,, on the .28fli; at :ErVerVieW park,: '3 "and 4 Mr S.; A, • SraY>.:, grades.
Exeter, -when, Gowrie 'arid 2 :_and,; R. grade. 1;,..
Elirnville Women's , Institutes Mrs 'Seone,: kindergarten,.
be 'special- guektS. Mrs Lloyd Balk mis;;Farl-,,.Soldan..,was.hosteSs-, at
latityne. and Roylance ; her. liOnte Titesdayeverinag_, for the,
cat Were , guests Seafertli....*C:Kinettes.,
Oth:anniVersarys,ASSisting'the'.Inirs7'1Ohn• Heal, Who liteSided,. WelcOte
William Elford, ed three. gnests., ficiM,'Eketer,!Kin.4'
ettek:',president4eleet Mrs Eelen,
Mitchell 7 and Mrs:Ernest, FraYne,', Weiri",:, and• ,
.•' ' NirS :Elmer .Preszeatof-,-Mrs, -Sohn'
won . the raffle.. social hour
:Sharon ..bieBride,,-,1,4;',', was.2enjoyedlaYing.charadeS;:fol.,J
Miekle, 14, snider/As; in grade" 8 of' lowed:,With,refieshmentS
entedt'With$25-,,seliolarships,.-ini, a; to Snitth-0.Hurotr'llosriitat,,Fxeter,,
pre'seiitation ceremony WOditte.§,d4S1' hi. the interests of
i a "
public- school -Fr d y morning. her health,-
DalrYmple, .-- Gerald oenolarshios were , presented by 1Virs._Albert-Alexander,-- a -former -- d der.
- Wedding Vows' Were eireitanged
• Northairie 'United Church, Sea;
'forth, on Saturday; JUnt at 32
• ek, by Elsie Elaine . Dale, af
Hamilton, and...,,Itober/ Frederick'
StaideY;:. Ranliltan, before the Bev,
Bruce'W. T34,,
The bride IA the 'daughter of.;.Mt.
and li/Irs, Alvin Dale; Seeker:tit, and
the groan- is the sen Of -Mr: and
Mrs, Pred..StanieY, Of -Hamilton.,
7. :The. bride, given. in inarriage by
herftoither, vvas dressed ink floor-
length'enipire, style gown of em•
broidered. white organT.a ,oVef. BLAKE -
feta- She :wore. 0":wait-length veil,
and.catried a bouritiet• *flea roses;
, _
VVheeler,' .0f Brus.-
of :Junior.. She were 0[.. blue Jade;
sheath over taffeta; 'wide .icture
liat? ' and ...carried ..,e-"bliiiqtiet
blue and White- tennis: . BiideSittaid
Was' Miss Marie - ,g*, Of ,
ton, Wearing' overf4
feta ',wide picture kat, and carried
a bouquet of yellow" and white
innS. • :Junior .'bridesmaid
:Miss Nancy •Dal.e,'.vvearing ablue
tulle, oVer taffeta, vvIiite 'prettily
and carried a' bouquet of , pink
and white_ , '-
Groomsman Was :3:antes,. Kirk.
w G la
tending the Wedding of a ti
Mrs, oilbert SMIth and Miss
Eileen Binith and Mrs, W. 1t. SoM-
erville, of Seaforth„. were in Toron.
to over the _weekend attending
social Mat In,honor of Miss Lnr4
raineP gInith.,t bride -elect of th
Cavan 'Church held the annnal
congregational *Pie Im'41.. Saturday
at the LionS Park, Se firth,
Misses Edith and -Rebecca
S,ternt e9 ues1;steettr: udaantila ajOnol vr ema asons (lat Shirleyrnla eMG t ual nrei
visited with the Finlay -sisters
grieh'friendS: attended the fun-
eral of Xpir.ltudy Gesell, who was
a .lifelong resident of Hay Town-
Mr, and Mrs. Charles ftobinson
of Hillsgreen, spent an evening
last week with the Finlay chil-
Miss Marilyn Gesell is spending
a few -holidays with her ,grand-
mother, Mrs. Rudy Oesch.
wood. of Hamilton. Ushers were
y an ia tan -
ley, both of Hamilton.
For travelliug to Northern- On-
tariolisPet sorn-r,ob;TI heh cewe* bintruhi Pd 1 °eel dawnoilinngereedinead abeigeieneeHamse°nr
13rtice Staille d Will tit S
• Mr.,and.birs. jr. MeLean were
pleasantlY'SniPrised 'When •a
they Were,:,aWaYs. andl":„prepared • a
ilelieienS :Supper' in hoetir Of Mrs.
MeLean's. birthday,
Elle, .Toronto, is :the
guest Of her' Sister bira. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. . GrealiS and MiSS-
BerVa Switzer, of J'Clinton,',•,:Were
SattirdaY:. visitors.: with 'Mr. and
Mrs, ."-Nelsbd:HOod. ' ' ' ' ''•
Mr Torii, "Munro 'is spending a
16, at -3 p "in" at Joweit's Grove,
Bayffeld.. '
Sunday, Vi.sitors' with Miss Mar-
garet 'MacKay -and -Oliver includ-
ed: Mrs. Bessie ' Howe ' and ,Alice,
Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and'
Donglas, all ofStratford.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stogdill,-of To-
ronto, and r. :Mrs. scar
Wright of Sutton visited • a day
last week with Mr, and -MTS. El-
ston DoWson.' •
._Mir," and -Mrs. .DoWson visited, a
day recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Eldin Kerr, of Winthrop.
!"-Mr. Robert Thomson and Mrs.
Bert Tlionison,„ accompanied by
Mis.,"-Sarn Storey and sop, WiIliam
Storey, lof..near Seaferth,, visited on
,Sunday-lwith Mr; Sam` Storey, who
is luisp,italized. in, St.. joSerilqs. Hos-
pital, London..
Richardsoii,-_of -HenSall;'was-
a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs.
• uair. _ :-` , I Hensall ettes for the boy and member of Sealorth Women'S In aerraTnadri,JoManr,s"Orf7AneSamstlethr: 114spleent- Those froni the vni"-age attend' Mg'
TO 'grade ,II ---Owen McLean-- girl' with the highe§.t.': averageStitate, was a.- guest' at seaforthithe weekend, with Mr. d Mrs, the trellseati tea 4-turditY at the
Mrs. .:,aurabelle Beichert Teae4er. §fanding,. f,or the year in grade. 8 Woyma's 2oth amif- ic4,01on.,,wren, an - (home of miss .shirie,y ti.og,ertchi
of the school - versary, held on Wednesday mrs Anson, Wolfe MrsJamesBlake, and whose wedding takes
--"'Xrs. John Heal,- president -'of the "Seaforth, CernmutlitY Centre. , Lawrence'and. Janie and 'mr, and plaee next $attirday, Mcitt_ded:
Promotions at No. 10, Hay are Killettes, made the .preSentat,ion,.
s follows: , and mrs. jacb 13ry.daie, , , Rmorns: vicifrmedeiWb000lnife:,ndwNeVreendgyii:eaqds, ALFaris3r.r.,:-Zmarrs. MEO. licSySeieh,ilk-iMssrsivr.; abneolls:
01 A
P1300 3Z4 — Res. so
waY's Fresh
ed & White
We allataYS,7f•
„thorough;, 'han
• needed.', So, ,44
- back- to their, :fresIV:.,e
neWness elea
Phone 87
a' Te Grade -Gack- elect, was ,present2 Tepeher. Dittritt-Obituariet
WedriesdaY-:'O.f.'Mr. and :Mrsf Nov Whiteman and • .,, C'Brnie.
grade 8 is Mr Robert Reaburit _ • -
ter., Iiilary Payne 3Ylicicle. son -Of Mr. and "-Mrs-.--Laird Sunday visitors with , and
To_Grade viii_Henry Gackstet. ptioctpal of ..the school. , ,Bob Inan .Dickert. Mr _
sthtter . .
To Grade , i'l3eaver. Mielde;; had: ail' ef ' per TH"CAS:It"R7.44:9N Mrs: 1V4T-1115ii-Di°kertilell-ide'd: Mr -7
Gerald:Chapman, John Elder.
, To Grade,: : Chapman,
Steven. Elder, 'Fred Furilc, Wayne
Payne, ,Brnee. Shirray; Billy
To Grade 'AT—Caroline Campbell,
Barry 'Motisseafi.
To -Grade' 1V-----Matie Campbell
Larry Elder. -Aim Punk, •
d d 1-1.Ei\iSALL__Jpri°*. • anct Mi"S'. Edgar -Wahl arid ,,Tr nnd
cent, a Sharon McBri e, aug - , , Ya un /s) tt:t AIrs. Peter Dickert, of ,LaStowel,
ter of Mr and, Mrs. -Td." IVIeBrirle vices for the late. Thomas 0 e and mr.. and Mra. John., Dickert
°f'KiPPen'' 85' Pe, r 'djaa3rekse?,./ne'nwinil.g:''ff' leere'slulceild from Reger..,,,of-Ilartl.sten;
d' d * denly Thurs-
-and 1V1r. and Ilirs.',Geraid Hubbard,
• Enjoyiour •
- ' Bonthron Funeral. Chapel on ' Weekend guests of Mr . andMrs
• " itrday and Were,Conducted by Rev. W R Cooper Included- IVIrs Mar
• ..Thirty-six Students' from Grades' '
5 and 6 of Hensall , n i la 1, l'AndEATni,110e11Y-cnillurienlist, eBritroinfj. sl,Gar:nind _ga.rct Johnson ; of .-Toronto,-- and
with their teacher, Mrs. Wallace Air attd Mrs'. Gordon Harkness and
Hensall Uxdon Cemetery. family,-
nakrot, enjayed'a tritrto:Gadr10? 66tli year: • Taylor
and Mrs.- �f pat.kha
Eddie .- , Of
To Grade III' Malcolin Thursday'afterneen, Which ,ProYed„
' • of much, educational value.. -Th Was born' a •-•37: 'To*nahiP -.and Stratford, visited SatiadaY_____With
an -Douglas ' '
learned that there were 27;4' been ni poor healtli Hensallou.:lighwar..-4.,:: He oindmhr:iG
had, .tinRiteknoti.
arnmarri, . and Margaret' Jeari:,BroadfoOt 'left
-,Grade Pen' Plant r,a.n.d fs RoahnertlYimsdjale.ain.tYliss
Won; Teacher, , in an ordinary pen. One of the'
BradreY MatiSsein.M: Norini-
tfeitegtThttractiorts which the He ,was
dren Iovd was the` tour of the ed - Saturday morning motor for a
• trip to Calgary.
Hensall'Sale .Prices rrinseUrn with its display of
, birds, pririlitive Ways: --of
PriceS7at—Hen-s-all community g1114.:lt macit111,711agrid other In
sale- Thursday were:•. teresting •
exhibits, They speq nearly an -Doig of California,- are visiting
Mr. Jolan tDoig and son; ..john,
t&old stone mill, of Walled, Lake Miehigan, accom-
pained py his father, Mr. Sandy
.weanling . pigs, , ,$11.20... to ' $14,75; - ."-I-1AltRY ''' /ital. '.• , Mrs Harry Caldwell and,other rel -
chunks, .$1610,-,•to....$18,5o; feeders, hodr, at the iiiithetfin.. •Frem there
HarrY:•-,E. Abell,::: London, • (114 Ifliies,..,,.
$22 to SZ; sOWs, ;95 to $103;. Rol- they ,toured BISSets.-and"7saw. how
fee cream was Inanufactufed .and &Mak 'in Victoria HoSPital, Lon- : A. ' bus load 6f pupils •,,i,i,fil
stein calves -i,815 t� $25-50g.Durharn•
SelidolS;',-Stanley?. 14 ' and .Titeker-
• enji*ed --frealc' of T•ari-iee-..,.eie...aln don....:_Borri-in-Seaforthr thedeceaS--
, A to'fal e`f 670 --pigs:'Lirid -140-+eaf.- - Theyhad a •lo ely view of r . .., '
ed had lived in London for tlie• past smith • 10, left ,RipPen Wednesday
tle • and calves were sold. the river- from the isset home. , • 'ing'enroute to Midland 'where
Front there they toured tie sift() .Mr Abell retired 10 years ago they visited the lndian village, the
• Salt -plant and, saw the rnartufac-, from' Hobbs' Hardware CoinpanY Shrine and the Mfiseum.
ture of salt; and were each, given Limited, and was previously ,ein- Mr. and Mrs. .Bert 'Coffin and
a package of S'alt totake home to ploYed With James Cowan and Mrs. Kenneth Eyre, all of Califor-
their mothers, ' • ° ' • cornPany-Limited. He ikas a mein- nia are guests .' of Mr. and_ Mrs '
b c '*
,Heitiall Kinsmen held la4iest er of St. Paul s. Cathedral . Campbell Eyre and other relatives
night, at Armstrong's. Itetaurant, Survivors include two sisters, El- irk'the district.'
Exeter, on Wednesday night, and la and Gertrude, both of London.. Sympathy is extended Mr. and
had as their special guests Deputy Funeral service was -cond'ueted Mrs. Bert Faber rn the loss, of her
.GoVernor Les parker and IMr-s-. at the George, E. Logan and Song father, the. fate Rudolph Opsch.
Parker, President- elect Glardon Funeral 'Rome Wednesday,. 'after- Miss Marie larrett10 a nurse's
llaynham and Mrs. Baynliaiii, of nom Interment was in Woodland aid in Stratford General Hospital
Exeter. Deputy Governor -Elect cemetery. , -allingd-f.niovilsle'pbteegmtnb-orher, nurse's train,
Bill Mjckle, of liensall,". installed
the' new officers- a the' Kinsmen ....',"."1•1 twiA.• Mrs. Nelson Hoot received word
John Nott, of - I..ondesboro, died from Winnipeg Jihad 23, of the sud-
'den passing of her mother, Mrs.. P;
W. ,Hutcheon, Sympathy fram
friends and neighbors is extended
erl you ask,
Ei of
or a 'oa,
o not as
and Kinette Clubs in. a joint instal-
ation ceremony. Paul Bros, of
Kirkton. provided tbe- entertain-
ment. Dancing ramded out a de-
lightful evening. ,
Nelse-n Meelmehey 'was sit
Cessful candidate in the:recent ex-
aminations Conducted" by, the It0Y-:
al Coliservatory (Toronto) in. Lon-
don. Nelson passed with honors in
Grade IX theoryin harmony. .
,- Mr, and Mrs. 3. Oswald, London,
,and Mrs- H.. J. Seeats, Victoria,
B.C. were weekend guests- with
_HEN the housewife calls a the grocery store and:. orders a supply
..of provisions, she is net asking a favour ... she is buying goods for which
-she will pay cash .., purely a matter of business. .
So With your b'ardc, ir is a blisiness proposition just as much as. the
:grocery store,
The grocer deals in groceries . thebanker deals in credit. And, as
-the niaking of loans is the -principal way by which his bank deriyes
its revenue, -he is as anxious th "'sell his credit as the grocer is to sell "
,his groceries, --And, like the srocer,. the- banker naturally Wants to know
that he is going to be 'paid for his :goods that his /oa.nsr-will be -
-met When they fall due. That, too, 15onlygood business.
'When you have occasion .to ask for -a loan, looleat
it this Way. Comet° the Bank, not feeling that you have
-re ask a favour, but to offer the manager a sound business
• proPosition which will, be of profit to you and to
,this'institntion. „ -
B ofrn
3Brucitheici:(SubAkency): "Open Tuesday and Friday —
rtiS 14,14 A NI( -1M'
V Vt4L It op I Pt SINt
• on Stinday afternoon at the Thamer
Nursing Home Seaforth; in 'his
80th year. Re was a retired thresh-
' to Mrs Hood • 7- -• -• ,
Born inkIltillett_toWnship;_b,c' Hey:. idnet Dalind.sonf of Bruce -
d"-- illi n . charge of the -Work-
' - - ”" ' r a : rs i•i W. .6.1 , .. ...
.a,„son. of. :the -late M . . nd M ..
the. forthemonth Of July.. Serviee. ili
Theinas Nott,' and:had Jived in
LOAdeShoro district for the -Past. 60- :140ii will be '-a-t.'10 a'Ili: ::a.lild 1..li
deslitire 'United Chnich.-• ... ,
'MacMillan .will .testirne ildS,.regular
l3ruceifield at 11:15: 'B.Tri:-.-
years. He waS a. MeMber of . ten=
, ... ' .
‘: Mi.' 'Mott is .surVived by his wife, ,,miss..36yee:ItoOd: is holidaying' a
the former ..,,Agnes. Yunglilut; two. .few... ' days in. • Clinton with,. her
'daughters; •Mra. Ernest (Alberta) friend), miss •Iervo ...Switzer,
Mr, and, Mri, Harry Faber. Mrs. Stevens, Wilton, and ,MrS. Frank . -
Communion serviee was well at-
Sceats-. was former -assistant with- (Belle) ' Atherton,. Seafort14. one tended ,op sundaytin..4i, Andrew's.
Mrs. Faber at Grenfell ASsociatioh, brother,, Bert Nott,. Stratford; sey-, miited . ohurch. . itev. .. maemtllan
... • ' ' ' -•'. en grantialldren arld'1":01'. gteat- chose' for...his: .serrnon "The His-
iliffilliffl"1"1"/W-91!"""1"11111"1 grandchildren. ' - ' ' t 'c I Significance-. oi,..the Sacra-
, . . On a '
. goviNiEjs . The body rested- at the Ball and inent.". The flowets at the altar
' ' ' -. • ... Mutch rtmeral Rome, Clinton, Were plheed by; Mrs, Bert Faber
Peaturing., the Largest Wide Sewn
ibiron County ,
Two Shows Nightly', Rain .or Clear
.Box 'Office Open at
'First hoW at Dusk
Children Under 12, in Cars Free
Thursday and Friday, July '3 and 4
• — Double Feature
13etty lIntton• and Dana Andrews
audy Tyler Bobby Troop,
g '
Rev. B
White. Burial was in
emm:6,Etery„0 riscoga
Mrs,' Menno Fischer, the former
Eliiabeth Mary Bach,' died at her
home at lot 13, concession 2, Ful-
larton :township, on, Friday Mem.,
ing. She was 33. •
She -was born in Logan town-
ship. on October 30, 1904„a daugh-
ter 'of the late Mr. and bits, Fred-
erick Baeli, Iter mother Was the
er Mary- Ritz. On -e.._1,
1927, she married Menno H. Fisch-
er', arid they had sinCe-liVed at .the
Present farm, She was a.,-membef
of Grace Lutheran Chtirch, Mit
• and Margo Wood inn' Missionary League. -
alai, And of the .Lutheratt .WO-
saturlilayy .5andarldhl7oridaY viVed by Wo,torisc Dalton, .Fullar-
ton ,and Johnrat bottle; two broth-
(One Cartoon) .
where a funeral service was con teof her father., -the late
ducted on Wednesday at 2 p.m. hi,' Rudolph Oesch. On Wednesday of
last -week Rey. MacMillan made
his pastoral visits and administer-
ed Communion to the shut-ins.
The annual -Stanclay School pienie
of the church Will be beld on "JulY
33esideS her husband, -she Is tir-
ers, John Bach, SeafOftiffAnd
ccortmr) Log-aTf-raffghT16',
Richard. Widmafk and Jane Greer Klein,S isters ltilMarrteir; .AMffrrse.4Mitniriatii!
• (Two Cartoons) hland, Stratford, and Mrs. 'elat-r.
epee ((irdelia) Muegge, Stratfor&
and one grandson. '
-,The body testedat the Beath-
1.,esIie Funeral Rome, Mitchell,
where a funeral servlce was held
on Sunday, "June 29, at 230
Itekr,' J. W"oelfle officiate& Burial
vvasiii GraceLnthiran eerneterY.
, Ttiesday and WednesdaY
iuly 8 and
(Colour) (Technittma)
• John 'Wayne arid SoPhii Laren
(One Cartoon)
'10,000 Gallons Paint
• Ivs bankrupt st,oek of twilit; Is snit, -
able for interior or ekterier,.
• Snitable for PrOod, toment or steel.'
ja.Cati be ..brtisheil or spraY21, •
• MantifadtUred by trap,
• Glidden, kherwin-Willituna, ette.
-Bold ofi a • money -back' gOaralatee;
• Why not try a small order and 43e
,.00nvinced of the- wonderful vatuut
PM Mitt' Att, Acnoss eAN‘Atts,
$2.99 per .14a1lori
Colork: taintOmen, Beige; Pearl
Grey, Torquoide, Ottte,
ct5hAY4rtre1-113,816;ua'' pBratgtthlt1'e3RiPea,GTBe7rIticeliR°edw;
Shutt px "Greit, Ivory, Whit,. nrowo.
Tan Paint. .... / 1.99'Vet J.
G.I.I; 'Woand
Steel Printer$2.0u Pi3a 14
Bdnd a depoilit-itilanco shippd
int.til: re/nit io arol gai4
EPIIA410,' 557 Quet:;t West,
AantTS ViT*14,.
at 7:30.p.m. D.S.T. -- Games start at 9 p.m.
15 GAMES fOr .$.50.00 each '
3 $i-TLOO-tifp..--IPEALTA-4,AMEs
Admission: $L00
• Extra Cards: 25c each or 5 for $1.00
Special Cards: 50c each or 3 for $1.00 •
Brirtg this Adv. to Box Office an
Get Extra FREE Ticket on
- Door Prizes.
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• 1949 Plynctonth
1949' PeSoto Fdur-Door',
1955 Ford One-Non—Stake Body
1950 Fargo 1/2 --Ton Express
2 I3a1ers 'at the old ,price
OWCIIffe M�tis
.` ,1)E SOTO CARS •
•110DGE '111UCKS
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