HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-07-04, Page 2Since 1F:60 SW'Vitgl tise 00749414ttity First _ _ _ at SEAPORTH ONTARIO 'everir Tuursday morning McLean _Bras., Publishers ANDREW x. Mew*, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Unit,ed'States (in advance) $2.50 a Year SINGLE coPIES — 5 =Is EACH• - uthortedu Sdeend class man, Peat Office DePartMent, Ottawa by 'Member Of Canadian Weekly NeWspaner. Association SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, JULY 47 1958 , • •7: orth Shoes Expansion May Open New Erci nouneeinent this week that Sea- Seaforth, :for some time, has suf- - Shoes Limited shortly will coin- fered tax wise , from the Imbalance nee the construction of u modern which has existed between industrial new factory in Seaforth, will be re- and residential assessment. While eived with gratification bythe citi- • perhapS there will' be no immediate ens of the community: improvement- the new Seaforth Shops "While -the organization has been in plant will, of ,itsel; make a major eaforth a relatively few years;, as contribution in • bringing the two ccessor to the industry established classes of assessment more nearly in - y the late W. J. Duncan, some fifty '1 to line. • years ago, it, in a. sense, is" regarded °There are the ,other areas, too, by the people of the cornmUniti as - where benefits to the, coriiiirunity will 0Acine of their long-time industries, .- be felt Already the largest employ - Since acquiring the Duncan- -er. of la or.:in town, the.,ne. factory mess in 1951; Seaforth Shoes .has, 7 will result in an increase in enip 03r -apprOXimately 25. per .eent, to 170 within iX ni9liths,- according to management- Too n •increased. demand for hoUsing will be created,„ s,Well;iS-0,1an,:inereased demand -15,y a larger population for services and. 'made steady progress. Backed by liationally known J. A. Johnston in- erests of Brockville and carrying on 11:01_Dunca,n, tradition- of_ quality and yalne, products , of •Seafortla- ...--Shoes.- liave each year been in increasing de, -- „round. 'It was this demand that led merchandise. This all rneans a wider several :Years- •ago to the construe- . assessinent base with a resulting low - ton of an extensive addition to t -.ered-tak rate. - present plant and now to the 'deci-.1 The people of Seaforth must be sion to erect a plant embodying the . debted to the members of Council, the latest in manufacturing practises and Chamber of Commerce -and, the -man - factory design. '1 The SeafOrth plant agement of Seaforth Shoes,. who have ent manufacture -of shoes, to be er- tory, basically designed for the effici- eeted in Canada, _:__ __ . „ to be, but the third fac- pwn io:oourgnkre6a_dr11-. together which __ __i;may :ybthuowaomse-i21, ,kboteweamepossibleoreeg u atahce: , 0 -fling- Of -a-- mo a -L - Pd - It • b ” is understood tiVe -Seafo , Is It _ ecesso The new plant will •be located in the northwest -ar-ea-of- the townr anCI will have the effect of opening7.4-and• .-. encouraging the development of that part of the municipality. fl: fl- (Zincardine News) • Six days, saySthe Conmia,ndnient, Wise Appointment shalt labour and do all thy work': Maybe ; that's a lesson Which is -being; 'In namitig John G; Berry As acting . 'forgotten locallyand that'lieoPie'are liukon County Clerk -Treasurer,' fel.' 13.4-1-sY such niundane lowing the dea,tk Of lilauey...,EiSkine,7-.7:-.,-taslcs'.. as el#t-ing--grass-anomvorking- uron County Counoif in1gardena ••.and.: construction • Mr. Berryhas been treasurer since :1951 id_While';'hi&i. .1',11)•0 • .u. ; S.-. ' - • :" duties have, in t main, been con-,. The question arises, ariSeS,. is 1 ternecl with the I ass depart.: .sark :Anent, he has had throughout that • Over ' the ears there --have--ebme. period an opportunity to become thOr- shorter Working hours, ...a .',shOrter, -ofighly faniiliar with all that is. in-, work week—and •daYliglit saying: All volved in the office;.• - -these7are-designe&to-ove;Mor line, - In his capacity _ a& deputy for :1,PUrSUits'2othet; thar.*:':-•ne'rmat•- -treasurer and in his association with labOur;:- • Members of council; with various:. they not offer the home owner ,county boards and committees; and . . 'or home builder an: opportunity to, with the public' generally/ Mr: Berry:,, ' carrY them filit'Ai4104ve the Sabbath'. has indicated not only a broad know- ,...free':for that *Walt was intended?' ledge of municipal.. matters, but also We are sorry to see the. trend,,so the -fat that .he ,is in possession of rconmiono,'In'suburbs' olir largo those characteristics of tact cities1being extended to:Small towns • tegrity and cernmon- sense stability and ,question the long run,, any Which must be inherent in every -"greata,d-vantage gained-hy:infrac- :servant if the public is to, be proper- tionS of the Comman eri .to which ly served. we have made reference• e ut 'Clerk-- ----i01)§;--DXJ.IvaShing:,cars; Or trinnning:. neces- Thuisday,••FridayT Saturday --July .3 40.,5 LIBBY'S . Choice Quality • Torricoo Juke • Large •48 -oz. Tin, •33c Green Giant, ibiets Corn , 14 -oz Tin„,s 38.c Challenger Red Cohoe • .SALIVION:2--a 73/4 -OZ. Tins, Garden Pateh -- Choice Ouality: PEAS -2 15oz. Tins • 25c sinarus APPLE SAUCE ---2 20 -oz: Tins., Mc , . De Monte Tomato • CATSUP -2 11 -Oz. BOttles . 39c Potato., Chips-Lge.: .10 -oz.. BOjt,,, :•.5 soft,oeF• •,1.• • •• JELLY POWDERS-4.pkga. - 29e Just Heat and•Serie Swites, BEEF'STEW:—Lar'ge 24 -oz. Tin 39c - law& — the ray'. BEL 46141E ...y•ns w NUT BiTTER-4oz Jar 29c o4ANcA JUICE:44e 48 -oz tin 37c , Liqiid .CERTO Bottle 30c .Redpatit Gra,nu.lated • tlidk 49e AYLIYIER • Fruit Cocktail 4 15 -oz. Tins 1.00 • NEw Dutch Cleanser Cents Oft Deal GIANT' 2, 22...oz: Ti TastY.Little Fish —,Brtinswick SARDINES .., . ; . 3 Ting 29 Stvift's exahleir I;e1.7 IVIARGARINE...:•-. 1.1b, • 530. Treesweet •• . • LE9/ON This -21e Kraft - Canadiai • CREIrE •SLICES --,Y$ • 35‘.4 Kellogg's — New Giant Size Rice Icrispie,s. ,Pkg. 39c neonounedi Da— y Rice 1-1b, rkg. 17e _ TouNro SOUP '2 10-02. Tins 25e Assorted „. „ Palm"-- Sweet Mixed • . . . 5 Pkgs. 29e TICKLES- Large 30 -oz. Jar CREE1tY montlic INSTANT COPF LARGE 6,0imee ise Off Jar 0 • yout Unit Buyers 'Store geafortk ROICH4D , Apookw.. Aibby . see /A GOES Air°. 0R8/T1 #141.#•WA./ 400,441 *0:+.1"44 ko#1500 14.41"/ 4.1 4:01 1:44441#40$ '4#•••#: COUNTIf A Reetor ;WalpOle The • RevFrderickE-- Jewel -ireetOrT.'df.. the.Angli7- ean,,parish-here,,St. ,SelS,, St Dayid's,, Ilenfrvii; arid St, George's ; Waitton; i56, has been , annoiritect;,, to. The ;parish- Of . St. Ts - land, '74; has.' been .alinoitnced. :by. theTTlfR-OV.---GetirgetIV,-."-Ltiktau;', BishOP,',Ofrifuron—Brussels Post. , . enthusiasm ‘'former resi- dents is evidenced every week as "old beYs..,and-,girlS" keep Sending along,. 'their . donation's', and •.:13eSt, :wishes: for , the Centennial.,In many eases tne,:'best,. news of alt-ia .the ,accompanying 'note: ' "We're: ednmig bbK Donation 1st Week,'-airiounted., to:',$77.45,'.to2s-end the grand' total. to .$1:,107,35,-,-.Dtreit, noiy:Seritinel; -.-•••131angliard.:Seeks?.•liate-Increaseg--- . . , . , • Notiee • this ,,Week that, the „Blans,hard. System hilitS•...rateS,,, sinigeribers., and renters, ...The'..haerease,is a modest one, zaceo,rdhig to frsMarion. Urquhart, '•Secietary-treasurer'• :jotthe system It will, amount to ap. Proximately- 31.00',:a.:•Year.-IIeagons„ for. the • inCrease÷are bigbpts -of7friaterIaraffd7rabOl,.andin-i-nrove,:‘. nient-of-serViee:"Nomher.hnes intc(Eketer.and bas8e.:vait„lieen increased and party: 'lines be - ng spltt to prov2de :serVieet,-M".ten•, tete•TiiiiPs•Advagate7-- •:.Cont,ented•Chieks, ; • . • CoWs :May . give- more. Milk :When serenaded with ,with• -radio f•music;-,..but'. srnce when is it necessary for 'Chiclieni,?..:..froWn • Conneil.. was, ask- ed Friday.:night an: irate housewife. Mr. Harold 41leggartl4e*Pla.inec14.int4.SheAves, nearethe- old argan factory,,, where. 20 000, are- noWbeing-rais: .ed the top: floor,, 'asked; council, to'. do , Samellung,lieeanse, 'rtmes. , , • about all cloeSn't=get,4rn,.= per, rest .: -4; inght,.,with!.theradie :going7::Theter,was some denhe,iri. the . minds .'inernbers of council • to anYthing'could b done about the matter; but 'COtineil; :Agreed. :to-...bivestigate.,_,747 CTodericli. - , • T944 Distrfi Trophy Twonen»Cjrnton Post .Office ,haVe.brolight,lhoriiir.A6 themselves iid to the affite by ,' • Postal., Distribu- tion Tr.41.1.3".e•ThIP:AtoPhY.:is':preS,. ented forleffiCieney. in:Sorting mail's; 'in „the: Province �f Ontaria.and_this is the thfrdyear;it has -,beeri..' Com-. peted:,fOr....Mf2.,MeLean. was ,,•forrit.., IyLregarinal director, the -,do Petah-an • John...,Hartley. ;and Gordan •.Sitteliffe:•;hatl •. to .". be .ableAnsorteorreetiy;•.eards*bo#: a,ddresses Of -4;000.,diffet-, ent.-poital4flieeSThese.::thottsand 'Weie selectedfreni 40(f•'-in.j',. the . , , THE EDITOR.: • Wroxeter, p ;Time 1958 Editor, The flittori EXpositor:. - 'Dear 'Sir: ; ',The fact that., our do:4x farmers have .`iiiVested' proxiniately 43,500,000 the. past few %years -- publicising theirs is one of the 'mist endenr,,, aging. 'straws' in 'toddy's ttiralAir-' ban. trade .wind. shows' that 'the business,. teehniques .both.,"Bay Street ,and Moin"Street arat last, going out to the primary •• The a.hoye itendiS.a step,in, the Tight. direction,, AO, Should Yield social and :,,eothininic,' 'diViddrids to all .concerned410st. Canadians, are,, whether 'aware' of: it..or though, it also:, deserves -to ., be, re- corded .that:- the Vast- inajority0f- tile Citizens .this "tancli of Plen- ty' have their 'sightS' focitssed on the,' luXuries -rather. than . the iie- cessities; arid tend AO.' take laritiS: and feed foi granted -If I renieni- bet Correcti.y,', 'one:of, the top: eiths of the,. Present :government ,at,'Ot4 Ot- tawa, occording'.tn,Piirne.Xinistet Diefenbaker,,is "toassure that the: fernier. shatl; receive-his:fair ishare of the: national, inebrae, and to cor- rect ,tlie,linferier,-,edenomic pesition into which ragriculture . has ben .al- lowed to jail". Be ythant., is it ,..May, in, My view the "above'."June Set -Aside" -of the dairy .-fainiers repreSerits,' Only the first g,r.eerislio,ots' -of What. our ur-, bait Label' leaders , have. achieved, in. ' their collective struggle for a fair -deal for ,their Millions of work- ers... This 'annual effetChy 400;O0O dairy fainters . aparen y works .out, at under 44,00 per farmer, Le. at the annual: setaside of. $376,000.. ,11-,67.4g0st that this is a tnodest be ginning,rePortedlY'Werking outto anaVetage. :of under 20 :•cents' per, cw per year theAt1107.,..)4.40.;. ,theitipliasta:-heinCrnut -:tipon, the' •high.goSt of food, ,these4y-s,Telear- ly. sli,oi:vs that , this. ,is no ..tinie for ,eur; dairy f-farriters to *park:, of The- farmer. seeMs to cling to. his historic nosition'-at the '-foot .of 'Aire class of _gainfUllY ,ertMloYedi Canadians, 'despite the folloWing two facts wluch come from the; farm, Seene in the United Statea:.'"( a), 1943. ' the aVerage. -wage-earner-hWark utes to buy' a (Mart of, indk.' Today. he needs to work -only. 7.3 , minutes; arid. '(b) 'since 1640,, accordingi„ to the:U.S.',D.ephrtinent of Agricaltare, ,the '.aVera g family's; food'bill, has gone,,iip,-$243.: Of this increase, went ..,to,the farnier...,, and :-•.`.,:to. handlers,..tresperteis, pinceSSOS,.. Servicers,, ,wholesalers and retail erS.'" (GTA Digest, St. Paul, Minn., • "UNITY IS STRENGTH'' . , province Retween,thernthey,,Seop- • ed' Per. eent.-,-7C•tint Isreyv8 . _ • ,Redord; Neiiirg"Of-tCidhagen. prospective swimmersAnn- d The need for some sort of swirnf' mu or en ming facilities' in Wingliam be- ••• Came :,•-startlingly , apparent: on Sat :ardor ;When.: the ..Recreatioli. Coen. • 'Undertnetk,Lta '.ae_e_eptiregistra, tiong.:,, from the"' ,ymiliggterS. *ha' *ant '" to:. thin this .sullurier.j.:•InpreVions• Sea-. youngsters have, Tees - tion in' •saVi'mthing.,:and!.•Water saf- ety. The,progratii- has %been Under,•: takeiCby.the•Reereatiait *itifi. the 'Lions •-• Chib .-sinaplying•blis• transPortation: At.SatOrday,'S • iStra tien,. hOWever,"."there.,:e.re- ':sa Aisty:apPljeantS"that .S1.4.41 had,to,.be..set..for:::Monday •af-• undei... stOod, that there are few More, ":4--.• Winghanr. • Advance.-: . . • -,;-• From. The Huron Eposito IrdY 7, 1933 Seaforth Creamery during the week of june 2.6„.manufactured er 8½ tons of butter, or enough to butter gime 51,000 loaves p1 bread or, 1,222000 siices.• M. McKellar and E. Smith, Sea - forth, eaptured the Savauge tro: phyat the. anniiat Scotch doubles toinmey'nf the Seaforth Lawn Eowi trig ClubonWednesday. •, While driving in Egmoridville in Saturday, Elliott acci- dentally hit a boy, fortunately not injuring. -hitt "seriously. The lad was Playing ball and ran in front. of; the car:, • . •• Forty-nine . hopeful 'youth ' were Misy the beginning beginning _of this Week writing their -entrance . examine:, tions at the Seaforth Collegiate.ln- saute,. this .being the smallest en- trance ciassAn years.Last year 64 pupils ,Wrote, and in .1929 there were 85 `pupils trying, • The, following pupils have been prernotectitt Seaforth public ,school from Jr. iv to .1-lelen Chamberlain,. Alastair Wigg, Don- Ild-ltrabTavigirs'Ardenifilger,-11ar; ad:Free, HeIee. Cheoros, Ross Rut- ledge,- Donna jean, . Dale °bah -MacTavish. Muriel Hudson, Janet" Baker; ElySundercoelc Charlotte Mainsail, David Stewart, Roy Oke and ,Deriald- Grieve. • From The Huron' .ExpoSitor ' J'idy 3, Aoos . , . ' Mr. Harry Livens,son Of Mk. Livens, of Seaforth, -returned.haine from 'Germany on -Tuesday night, For nearly two Years lfr Livens has been ptirsuinghis iflusical stu- dies itt Germany.• ' -Mr: -David :l4ICIntesh, whe has filled th: position ,of postmaster Brndefielcl fir several years, has resigned' and Mr, Andrew T, Scott hag been reconamended aS hiS Sue- ceSPar. . • ---, During -one of the recent Storing, - lightning played ..havoc With !:(a - spruce tree near Mr. Henry Col.. .clough'ss- liOuse, COnstande, Light /dog struok,nner the top 'and' paSSi ed:fp ithrough the tree•and Mit one 'Of the rootg. •The. tree: WAS shattered to kinclimg.7,y90a. DiShea interesting items 'gleaned from The Huron Expositor of. 25, 50 and 75• years ago. •" and other things" iii tlfeliMuse were set rattling. - •: -- Mr. Ed. .Jarman, OP the Huron Road West, left with us a sample of. flax which measures 47 inches, and is _from a 10 -acre field on his farm, • •' • At the recerit, graduation- exer- cises in connectien .With -Alma Lad -:- res' College, Toronto, Miss Eicoat, of ,Tuckersmith, and ,Miss Cole; of Ethel; were eachgranted a -diplo- ma for elocution and PhYsical.' .During -the past :week.1V1r. Rot. Daymond,;•. of Kippen: was' so tin -t fortunate as to be kicked by [a horse. A short time ago his' driver' ran away, and he and his sister had -a narrow escape:fram serious iniurY- • roin 'i'he j1ti�n Expositter - •July 6, 1883 , • it has rained every day- for the past five weeks With but six ex- ceptions, •-• •, • •, Mr. AleXander McCartney, of the Mill Road, is ereeting alarge bank barn. 1,:vit[i stone stabling under-• I:Leath, „Mr. Daniel Clark, of Sea - forth, has the contract for the woodwork, Mr. William Ireland al- so .of the_ Road, has had, his barn raised up and is making Atone stabling underneath, .1. One by •One the aneient land. - marks are disappearing. The old barn on the Wilson' farm, at Silver Creek, was .torn down on Domin- ion Day: It was erected 35 years ago and was one of ,the first frame barns M -this district: The county bridge inspectOrs, in cOmpany Vnth Messrs. Hays and Wilson, reeves Of MeRillop., and Seaforth, inspected.'and thoraughlY tested Grritwe's-bridge last week. With slight repairs, they consider it good until next season , when they will recommend the erection of ttttew iron bridge on stone aluit- nienta, • • Mr. 3Yfulloy has sold his. resi- dence, At -the head of -John St, to Mrs. ThenipsOn..for the Sum- of Some evil disposed person•brolte into: Witter'S butcher hoptt fevf eVellizigs 49-0; but ,aS there wog, notatog-,0 Steal but the block, they „ , eir pa it or MUD 0. e. tads L�rge , 1!!P ace: crowd. ,,Tlie',••IViilveirton Band ,F,0: held, :their anntiaIsoekavon the, school grounds' Uri rt ayIarge v niii 'opened,.the .;eveaings ,periormatiee and 'SaCk Eingst0if.s. Entertainment •oof Ilarnilton,,previded • the''prograin and ninSic far open-air daneing. B ingo • and refreshment booths were well-Patraniked: -;:- • '" ;: •Dra-0,,r . for prize .Was,: held :With chhip,.., Carl Sehellenhergeri,....-..11/1it: Chell;' three -Piece luggage set; -Gor- don Mogk; RR 1, Bornholm; deSk, :Warren Rock, RR 2, Walton; Wheel, barrew, L'..• Mann,: London; •tele- phone table,-:' Gerald:Ryan; ita, stearn-irore: Mrs. Dorothyr• Dawson,: RR 3, - MiteheL14.' bed- spread, •••Wilf • Ilillebrecht, ,RR :4, Mitehell;,-; clack, 'Allan MeDeugald, lgitchell; ; groceries, 'William Mil- ler;'' RR 2, IVIitchell; • five gallons oil,' Bruce Beatty, • Listeivel: Pro-, Ceeds will be used' for band sup- plies." ' •• , ":" Mr,..and Mrs. Louie Diegel, who liave -resided/ with their • fiepheW, Gus Herbert, for many years, have Moved . to KitChener:-M. live with their daughter and son-in-law:, Mr," and .Mrs. Andrew' Schmidt. • Mr. nWarren Sholdice is athletie director -at -Edgewood-Camp, Eden Mills; -near Guelph, -,fetr-the „next twvorws:eeGkse.or,,,e-e. •list" week at. the hoine of . her. son, . Car- inan MOgh `and. Mrs, .Mogh, -St: Thomas. • • ' ' Mr, and :Mrs:: :Glen Brickmaa and Barry,: of Brairipton, viSited her 'parents,'Mr.; and Mrs. Dalton Ti?. and-1VIrs. Reuben Dunck and RoSe .Evd sand Mr..and Mrs. Lav- ern Wolfe attended cenietery dec. oration service at St. Paul's Lulli., eran Church, Ellice, itrn Sunday and. were gueSts Of M. and Mrs. Loine, Butick:. . • Vr..Don. Wolfe has been holiday - Ing in: NOrthera ()Mario. ; ,Mrs. Nelson Anderson Donna and'7DaVid, of Windsor, -spent the holiday weekend with Mr, •and ?Virg.. Howard' Wurdell and Other relatives,: ••• Eric -John Driscoll, infant -Son of Mr; and Mrs. Boyd Driscoll, was baptized..during the Sunday morn- ing service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The sponsors,' along with the parents, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rode and Mr. and Mrs._ Lyle Stleete-: • Flowers on the altar at the ser- vice in St. Peter's Lutheran aureh on Sunday were from the Wedding of Joanne` Rock and, Douglas Alt- cheson, which was solermlized ail Friday. ' • • A basket of flowers .was arse in the ehandel fromthe funeral et 'Gregory Moore, nephew, of Mr,and Mtg.. GeOrge Jarmiitirsand . Mr. and Mr. Jolm.Moore, and seiteral bas- kets of flowers from the funeral of Sohn Rudolph. , Mrs. Harry Tait arid Mrs. RosS Learning, „Linda and Rady • are spending this week at a cottage at ort Elgin; ,• 'Wife: "Are you tired. froni.„ the Shopping trip,T' - Iltishand: `Tire& rM abSoltit& ly spent!" , immospr,, By, :TAMES. SCOTT • - One Of the moat ironic itenta'nf, neWS-L.have read for a long tinie was the report- the Other day that in• the past twelve years, .the estry Department ha S 'seen t� it that -a million. trees 'have beer planted. in this caunty. " the funny part of this story is, that not mor.e. than , htindted years ,agotrees were still One of tbis.•Pene.teSliiggest.,problerris. a. sense •they Were almest like weeda.- -,C,ertainlY in; the.1830?-s rd 4aQii'ee they gpl)).V16el:Of egnesigg:dtlia4t Ilt,ntin143;: could be, Used to build Man and beasts shelter; they,:provided fuel, for warmth and cooking, andeVen could be. burned and- potash ,Made from the ashes, so a. pioneer, farm- er could get . cash crop. before he lise'vv4fseelin,sbYli.:Arh,gthyuee,stsheseytdh.waitrnedilipnlog4nri,erti jarVooefrthsth?ee,. tilled the land and:. sowed his • Wheat. . tree. A inillien. seems .a .1o,t, but WeYreetstidal tsoo.Pitme aonfy. traletest.hiTslethPeiree: pared to The; millions and minions, . it is OnlY a drop in the, bucket corn- • neers .cut them- Indiscriminately, concerned only with. gettinu„rid ,•,-vve have- wasted';:over, the years: ft, all" Seems a' little crazy, them so the fertile land 'could be laid hare and ready for. the plow. d°AensTStdeity?ol:/..koo* why i • ..1114• 1;n: This is one of the .few serious mistakes our, forefathers inade eadtileIrts, hwapepreePepdraticAulsemoeuor. niost. ways they had renilrkalble... ery day—in. the. name of practical- • fcvuoi treesstu lui 16n t a Buter 40oplannedcn. et !there ve teht halavt lteo. 1.,ntehti sreinto • w• 1 ojatuunhlsydet vision net Yg111": natlinT dtnr ehto see, --e'; msi f4)1,au'., titehn: :• ti• dnhdo:e- evet be a day -when we ,woUld ave • 1Eh. .ei nonr°0147guhm'thatbofedt them.ahyerni s n'as :of this Ile 9smene r41 t:aet of m; a, Everyal.-sth°1epw4tnl:ei IT:r; ,c,:;,114P1 1 a adcil illes,c);utenhntg.6-:, diinsotrsticetvhera;etitmeelinI paomrt otrueteosn. •tAhle- ;abroeult3;.: itnhlevr-etage441, highway lre1.11ont7t two or three tr,neks tbeiensgin, tarnudnkms _ other ,ifief,cat.tms !none And we lack trees inbe many, cause, , ways too. In recent, years 1 have' Walked along the hanks of most the rivers arid Streams in Huron • County. Without •exception, the bank I walk along is not the ope. whiph was there a hundred years ago. YOU can always find the trac.--,, es of the -old river bed and you' are alWaYs, amazed at how broad and - deep ,it was. •,•But. everybody- lmows .that...when- tee- many trees are cut down the streams start to di:1Pv With the rqsnit'.. that PianY,,, Places_iii this. area are now beginning to experi- ence h Water, shortage, Right now great plans are afoot to pipe water inland from Lake Huron ,betatise- we, are running short 'Bat did any- body ever think that Lhlre Ifuroir It N COU y FEDERATI (B CARL REMINGWAY) ' • The_poultry' conference at -Lon- don ender-ku-it-e-succesSfully-- last: Friday evening, , with a ;very .satis-, i,factery total, attendance.' The sneaker for one of the,..meetings, On ,:Vriday was from the United States., and w,ass dealing :with, .'the- cost.Priee„Soneese,--in-thrkey...pro diietimar sorry rhaTre4,ergot- jtenhis.riainet but his remarksr:wete. intoresting.-,-He.reperted., a 12 per, tent.. droptin.Preduction..uP to date: and,"a,,,•decreaSetiiitstorage Stocks': Tie: :-.Voluntary pro- motWnp1aiito .sell_f.hirkeyS--laa4 Ilemi.,-bitsildaeSsful; • :also . that the trade was:not interested m cutting, up turkey. to aid sales,If .anything, is to. be ..accciiiiplighed, ,along 'this line; :preducers .Wililiave to::Pre. Vide , _ - ' 'Yin a slirireY,`.Condudtett.•to dis •coverwhat the Consumer ,:wantect in-a-Mminet7the-resnit5 were . as follows ; '(2) edthiomy. . The consanier didn't mention Mitritieri. .1 have lhonglit-that-••nutrition•uras,.9f first dinpartanee„but aPPilently-4t-Isift he. selling, faCtor. , , he stresged -,:ihe-...great.}. need kfor iearch.14.,:niarketing. niethede. . • . This.-4ould;' lead to .the, -Coming hog.' vote.Some of . the townships have been revising the voters' .list. This, is important, solhalwe'y Can have ;aly•aceurate :earn* of the hog, prediicerg 'haVe...a. yete,..en. jitly ..25.:yanznanie-must..be otii,tlie, list: HoweVer, if ,sraiir, name, is on the -list, and you are nota hog . pro- :du:Cpl.; yon will 'beliable forprose- cutin under the Elections Act 41 *yen vote:. If , you are a 'hog pro:r duCer :the, clerks .of the townships have ;Made-7-6-16nd .job of. posting thesehit% so-7.-yea-Wn-.elidel ta gee. if Jour. name lg. on. It maYber busy .day on. july, 25, but if yolt be- lieve -in -a free country and wish to, continue to live in a .free • coun- try 'End have your hogs gold -in The way you want them to be.sold, then'. yon 'innst .take- -enoligh time off to, ge. to conrt• Of. 'revision • Will' be held, un less otherwise stated, in.the elerkis affiCe• from 9 a.rn. ta 5 ..Iniy.4;" If you are a 'hog. producer You can have your name added 16 -the list at this lime.- •`•-• • dupers have any interest in the, I price of eggs. There was also sorile difference—of—opinion—as, to, the - meaning of other clauses in the pet,ition. • RePresentative's• ' of the executive • with the Mini- ster -and the Farm Products Mar: keting i_3!)._Prd f6r1;c14.rificaqbn. ori .these requireinents. Huron COunty hOg 'directors met last Friday: to outline,,,,their, earn- -Paign-plan for the coming vote. A..' county' committee was appointed and itis their respotisibilitr,to,see that Coniiiiittees are -eatablished• , each township, Thisvote presents' the t h 11 fac- edarm producers. 11 everyone: . will give a little' effort to this .cam- paign there willbe a very ,large , percentage voting and, snecess certain; .1n Huron we, are not in- terested in, having 66 2/3 inL. favor —ivetwant 85 per cenfin laver:" . us. load .of Huron • County' • 'farmers,took a bus:triP.to• the _._,tario-iIog-Pro,duecTs-'-7-o-fffeeT--uinf-- ,the:rnited' Co -Operatives plant , TOtOtItO 'last Thursday: • It was un.=.- lortunate that the his wasn't • .ed,.' as fainters should know Moro:. about' the ...Size", andaccomplish-- ments of their-organizations..These-•,,'• farmers,'" now.. have a initCh understanding :of the . problem of • selling -spine.. 35,000 hogs a. week, . -ani'the----'work-necessary to keep the- dailSr-recordOf sales to the dif- ferent packers: • • ,At the 1.7..cCi. offices "we, again saw the efficient Manner itt wliieh. farmerCan conduct' . their " busi- ttess..While most businesses are. thinking of a ,reeess1ori, United Co- operatives have • 'increased 'their; volume by $5,000,000 in -1958. , ; Merehas been a story ge1ng, the rounds • that this coining log vote is on -the matter ef. marketing- yardThis story is apparently -be, mg circulated. to ,confuse the, farrn-. ers who ,haven't time to get the;'," 'right -information We have le,en, •• told by the .thairroan of the Farm.- • - Preclucta Marketing 'Board that the: question ons-tbe ballot vvill'be: "Are yoti itt favour of :the present Om; tarie • Hog ' Producers- 'Marketing: •'HuroeCounty Federation of. Ag- rictilture held-theirdirectors! meet- ing last -'Monday, with: the presi- dent", Winstan Shapton, presiding. We are glad to report' that -We . had Several meniberg• frolii: the town: ships ' attendingi. along with the County directors. `• , • . " Waren zurhrigg, county member: :to the 0,F.A.,:reported on the laSt meeting' in.Toronto, The finances of the. organization were discussed atatit was felt that, a study of thin problem should be made. It would be he1l:401: if commodity -groups could, .develop some standard of Contribution" rather than the grant system ,which Varies from year to year; ;Where ..eourities have •djffi- culty'in rneeting-1heir dues it seem- ed that better Organization at lovirnskip leVej, would eliminate this. problem,: •, • • discussing the StabiliZed pric- es, Mr. Zurbrigg reported consider- able dissatisfaction However, it is becoming more anct.more appar- ent that farmers will have to do a: - better 'job,- of : establishing their COsts..,'of_:,procluction :before much ,can be accomplished.- either with supports or deficiendy payments. In reputing. for the paultry pro- ducers, Carl:, HeniingwaY, stated that the Ontario Poultry Producers ecutiVe was informed •that inor iler to get the promotional plan an, tepteil b the:Farm PrOducts Mar- keting Roard-Wpetitian endorsing the plan, will have to he signed by at.' least: .60..pet _cent ..of: all poultry_ producers, ?baSed on the the 'last cen stis- figureS.• • • • •Since 25 'per cent of the listedpoultrY produeerg 1in Huron County have lesg than. 50 hens, and sinde aboilt -be riputent-ist-the poultry- produbers' m Ontario • have le$S than 100 bees, This :60 per dent of aJl producers. ; seems . Unrealistic. There .are, several couutieS with al - Most 206tprOducers'with IeSS than eight hens. 1 &ma these pro. The present Ontarie-liog Produc- er'S marketing' plan gives the de- tails, of ;organization by which there 'eau be direct producer con- trolled marketing. As`far as the - marketing yards are concerned, that is only one method under the. plan and,if you do not approve you• can indicate.the change in Method'. _ at the next annual meeting of your: organization. ' „• • •• - If •you vote; "NO" on July yoii are really saying that you do not wantto have any part in con- trolling the sale of your product; You are ,saying that farmers. haven't the ability and shouldn't have the right to market the re- sults of their labor. H you vete "YES" yen are say- ing that producerg. haye the abil- ity and should 'have the right to sell their PrOduetin whatever man- ner a large ni4orit3r eirasse. The farmers who went to Toronto &Line 19 certainly -4=w that their or- ganizations have- the ability and are doing a remarkably good job of marketing. Only one young lady has indicat- ed• that she would like to be a Dairy -Princess and have the op- portunityof competing. for a Arlo to Britain. ntries are ta be -in by July 1O ,Contest be held ' July 18, M conjunction with the. • Sell and Crop, Improvement twi- • light meeting. • Did you know Quebec tobaeco. growers Voted 95 per cent in favor-, -- of a marketing plan like the on Ontario? • - • We were not surprised that the wife Won a Slogan contest. Btit what "did amaze • us was • that she Said anything in 25 wards, or 1esS, 13noWn: '"Give your hus- band enough rope and he's sure to hang himself." •• • Mrs: Green: - "Not alWays. I - once gave .,tny husba/14- 'too 411.1eir atta bt skipped:" ' '