HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-27, Page 8•rte •---.-.. - ---mm ink .. HSJRQN` ,P)0.9.$114:0!, 2 WHEREAS,. ,kiighwayaccidents , 'take an ap= palling. toll in -life and , property each year; and ;WHEREAS, it is ;:the u y af: all of :las as citizer --. of. this Brea -t. ation to 'protect°."our-families -a d- neighbours by redlicil g this toll ; arid WHEREAS'' In -co-operation with the org aniza- tions who are sponsoring a=drivt on behalf of automotive!safety across our nation; NOW, THEREEORE as Mayor .of Seaforth, in order t'o; give. the 'fullest co-operation of its citizenry; andbusinesses to -this life -protect= - a crusade,. do, hereby. declare this week end .-as SAFETY CHE K TIME and- and:db-hereby request • all .::citizens-= - = axed usmesses-to c'o=a este and resolve to ::have their dab -Mobiles/" Safety- Checked during this period. of hetiF Goa' end, colr` mens . . 8. 1,. DAD FC. 7 Phor Z 'I3 'r ristie ;`' Mayor The twenty-sixth day off June, 1958 501 Appi 650.; 401 mord -PAS Pt fie ,. bnd • • ,Ansi Eu: 115M serail ' chits 20ae 200 ,les MOO About; one, -out. of ;five cars' on ° Canada's highways;'because.of in- ..• adequate`maint-nauce,' is. accident . prone. _.,The figures, :.::based-_ on _ checks last year, showed seine' lin- -- provement over the previous_ year. However, there are still too ,many accidents;: occurmg because cars are not coMpletely mechanically' sale Beca.,°se of this, :' complete safety cheeks are absoiate7y' neces-- sary They1 are a vital factor in checkmg-accidents . -Rear lights a top the list often check points that can mean, life .or. death to ; you. All bulbs in rear -lights--should 'burn, ° •and controls should operate properly: Lenses. must_ be clean, clear and free of cracks. At the same time, be sure directional signals are in good working_arder Brakes should stop a•: moving car in -25 feet ',at 20 miles per hour and: should take „ hold : evenly on :.all wheels. Hand brake should be able to hold your -car under normal con- ditions. Brake fluid should be kept clean and ' "at . proper level, ''and; ?. brakes should take, hold before' the pedal is depressed to:. within'one inch f•'`the_ o floorboard. '' -,Headlights_should give :maximum light for.,;road and minimum -glare. "f sup -pose -SOME ore `SOME'r people rived. thai:. surf _ _ .. of reminder_ Upper •an`d •lower Beams should; be in -good working onditi with lenses kept clean and reflectors bright at "all times . DEPARTMENT PANS SAFETY ' .GA Proper inflation of tires should _ LDREN-A'GCIDENT-CONSCIC c. _ cveck cc twE*1 ccK 06r177 ONtARIO. SAFEP' LEAGU be checked Treads and.sidewalls should -':be designated unsafe "if w orn-so-th a t -fabric -•shows -through the rubber, or if there are. any .cuts or breaks. :Signs ''of uneven wear indicate need for rotationand wheel alignment. °: Excessive• play in the steering wheel .'signifies_ .;improper adjust- ment Ch ek7exilaust s"- ystenr=and-muf- fler, for mistedor-worn :spots and leaksha • might allow -carton monoxide gas to seep, into car. Check -windshield wipers for de- pendabie operation. Blades should be:. kept live, flexible rubber that will wipe_: windshields clean if blades streak, . clieck 'them A lMass-sho'dd`be clean, free of cracks -or-discoloration �. W , Horn I should beaudible for 200 feet; -but not so loud a$; to consti- tute a nuisance, Rear-view. mirror , should. give clear view -of, the, road behind ' Remember, 'before leaving, on the holiday „weekend, or -going on, vacation,: have 'the these ten•' points checkedon; your car. ,,.The mechan- ically unfitness- of of one;, of these :points could cause. an accident. • 1956 DODGE "8” SEDAN' - ' Pushbutton tratietiiission. -'r"unit BIack and White. ' 1956 PLYMOUTH SETS'. Pushbutton Transmission, and White. Tutone 'Maroon 1955. Melt t HARDTOP Pour -Door Sedan;-• Atitomatie . Transmis- sion; Radio; Tutone. , 1957 •CU1 W. COACH' • -ci: Radio; Low Mileage;150'.' ;kiodel• in Yellow.; 1955 Pim IAC COACH Radio; • Low Mileage „a 1955 BUICK. SEDAN Automatic Transmission;, - radio; Dark Green, During, the :'_summer holidays: Ontario children will , be able .to put :into . effect --the safety rules: they.: learned in ,school and have- fun .`while .doing it. Thi? Ontario Department_?of Transport,.iin _co operation with tie Department of Degree ' To SDHS Grad_ The degree of master of 7;science, was conferred ori ..Haloid �F Knight son :of 1VCr. and Mrs. Gor- don .Knight, at the spring cibnvoca- tion .of the California Institute of Technology 'Pasadena •Cal. Mr.' Knigh�is- a graduate 01 Seaforth: .District. High .:School„ . Cof .0 'ramoflo�ns Gives Publicit l Promotions -of the Seaforth Chamber of Commerce in connec- tion With 'cleanup ;week ar2'- Na- tional C of C Week, forwarded to Ontario headquarter. s , by-Lee)' Hagan, .secretary lof the ; C. of •C. here,''. brought forth congratula- tions ongratulations, from': the parent, orga'niza- tion T ;H Hatiull, Ontario manager;: in: a: recent:: letter, says: gratulations on, the wonderful slow your Chamber of Commerce made. with reference '• to - `Chamber•, 'of Commerce Week'; and particular'-. ly 'the, successful paint -up, cleanup campaign. , . "I.shall certainly, make sure that the brochures `dealing with the at- tractions of; your community are included in the displaysyhieh will. be part of 'the - secretarial=,confer-. ence at McMaster during the, week. of June 15'' , • ."Itis always encouraging to hear' from • our local 'Channibers :of Commeree, with reports such as yours.” iCiinton instructor- Moved' To Trenton ' The' transfer was ,announced this, week of an '.RCAF officer who.,bas', been -well known in -the Clinton' and Seaforth 'areas for many"years. He is Squadron Leader A. W. "AP' Stinson, •Chief Instructor of tlie. Radar. and'Communications:,School'i at, RCAF Station Clinton, who has beenn tnainsferredoto'Trnirzing Corn - mead Headquarters, Trenton, •Opt., where he will • take up , a `position on the grouted training staff. Squadron Leader. Stinson. has served many years in the : Clinton area, from ; shortly after the war until ,1949"; • and again. from Octo- ber, ' 1954, to the present. ;He en- listed In the RCAF , as a radar. - technician in 1941 in Port Arthur, was trained at- the University 'of Manitoba and served overseas for' mostof the duration of the war. He was commissioned in 1944 in Xort i Africa. He -returned' to Can- ada in January 1 ' Since the' war;'.. he has served at .Gbnton, Torino, B.C., 'Suiiimerside, P.E.I., and..Air F'orce'Headquarters ill Ot- taWit froth. whenfde' he ante to Clinton in 1954. - Squadron Leader Stinson , was particularly active in curling tii+ities in the area and was, a rnenibdr' •of the Seaforth, Carling Club e � atook iso an active part in affairs o the RCAF Station and wasp president of the Officers': Mess Contmittee. Tic: -milt b ac+coinipaiiied to 'rehw UM by his wife, Maildeionint their gull children, Gail;:; 1d. •tiro', vsas. born in Clinton, and Charles; 1957 -CIIEV., COACH "210 Color ' Turquoise 'V'ery clean.' '. .3•_ 1954 FORT) COACH Radio Low Mileage. • 1954 FORD SED: . •"titone Green. 195a FORD' COACH Green; : Outstanding. Psi*` Mai% rCfc FOE . town t rim$.a 1.950_ DODGE -.SEDAN Radio., New Pa"int. 1953'PONTIAC. SEDAN Excellent condition. �r_ii:� _ower Pric+ • MITCHE e Phone 1.8G. GORIN rAvnit Sasesmiriiit ors Alf odels - YourOffer. ales Service forditirolit,Oldsmobile' Yah SEAFORTH Phone 541 or 'S4 M $#e titmito0 s tit ate5 an • r fl ' Chejvrolet Trucks: Itgl!A cid en to- ite nr cues.--- Huron Coin►. -'.Fifteen ::fatal. _accidents_oegurred_ in .Huron :County during 19'07 ' This was up six from the pre,pus,. year„ wlxen nine such ataI. events took place In those; 15• accidents; 17 persons -Were killed, compared' to' 10 in the previous, Year. Total number ;of aceidents-'was; down last yearfa;Qm 420 to 409; sith personals ORy 89, two less than • in'` 1956 However, the -total' dumber injured-ut 'acti- dents was -up one-third, to.200 per- sons, as 'against: 149 during the previous year. - To. 'make die -total more foreeful 'the' Ontario 'figures `,'show ;99 'naore- persons- killed laSt year''than m 19S6.••. The total number killed was 1279 in 1057, and; 1;180 in 195G. First :steptowards lowerin g• -this rate is; safe driving an d .complete safety s cheeks. With the'. holiday Arc>eekend fast "ap machin, agood P. -measure. would:Jae_ to"'check y -car --today. :your = You Can, Always. DepeOU We'll=give'you the`ndbest;senrvisce possible and at prices you can-' afford. . -Drive-in -to-day and " get acquainted with our complete car service. 'i `CLE:AVE-CLEAVEB s Ph • Seafo h E Education,- is providing a Safety Game; to all, elementary ,•-,School Children of the, .province• which will enable. -the youngiters,:tokeep; their traffic • safety score_ for one, 'month.'. The ,_game .also. provides: a list of 10 safety rules and a daily score"card ' "Pupils will .`keep their ,, safety', score and =when- they return to ` Schoolin the Fall -'they wil4'1)ring• their completed card.- with, They. will' then be • eligible ' for', a special safety -award„`, . Hon. M. B. Dymond 'Minister of Transport, said the. safety game- was- the first Ste-p,,,in' "a 'province-. wide campaign for .,.child' -,:safety_ during'' September. --He added that the Highway Safety. Branch'•. of„his- departinent was already '•Planning the:- month' -long-- safety campaign; and was receiving. the support :of many 'prominent groups and asso-- ciations. • Itonly. takes a'anoment for an accident to . chap= pen! And—it : can hap- pen to you ifyour car is not in tip -lop shape' ! Dori;' -t =Fake -w Chances with your life, or that of a child! Seconds count. when -you have to stop to save a life • .. be, sure • your brakes are in : good condition — for safety's sake! BRAKES' 1 LINE1 AND :ADJUSTED` if you're getting: slow stops, don.'t'. take' chances! Come ..fn. today for , .a complete brake overhaul. visit Your Service, Mali Before You Leave on our Vacation' or Before Dominion' Day M E. CLARKS ItET.TANC} SEItVICE ST/tTI0M., Phone 146 Seaforth Space contributed in the. service of'-tl is community by John Labatt r Limited: BEFORE . YOU' START . ;THA BE UR R tHC A E See Us COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE'.:SER ICE For carefree droving, L!!!_ it a where; you go, id us put your car SAFETY meckaracally .perfect. condition VEEP IT'. CHECK THAT WAS 1 ' :171/11FAR DRIVE SAFELY DURING THE DOMINION DAY. -WEEK-- E -44b AND AT ALL TIMES ie ot Dodge . ' De oto Sales `"& Se7i�vice /J� ( ? ! 661 :- : - -S +'AFORTII A SAFE CAR IS TI1E .FIRST,_. S`P TOWARDS N..G-,t liliit> ..