HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-27, Page 6POSI,TOR, SEArOR' ='ONT,, JUNE Your '+Chace tc UABLE DOLLARS 0J ta Iecorating WU& Selectionof DIS'CQNTLNklED'" ,CC3 COLORS 1/3; OFF REGULAR PRICES Clin 2 i162j??� 'Xiickt . one ' sted$'t ' youth. i-iu8y: titer' �' stead`s cor : sock tar* man shox depot' msur of hen it Good;`• en•C: vtt ttotr , other mom: Pa• ;, _ P46; . DAN .FOR, ,Phone • • 'EPS •r 1s. sob.:. 9iip1'y 650 r ». ' . •4ov month$ .: eager,„ :. aro 11. “biED T' wnli bride t $omit±, Alex • HU. x MoChzi ' 6,000 Heath{: chitie g&th q`: orders: 200 or lei, pr goon; seams!! 1`?o?. with tires;: heater, ryiu,w', $iabr Reozina VISCT Latirit bVt;r :s; Pali bfaassey LAWSt. Fail: arice�. a°att tAELT. Gri/ fenes[[-',{, ir. arde, gllone 61' ar a ire Seaf ortth . t . to on se11-i=S v u1 . u er(., -i Oils --T 1• r ' . - d :.' made vviith triple -tough : 3 - Co ., _ . \s •J � e t y r r4'�C , jt;r £ e i4\ Z size! 6.70'x 15 Fit ..most'pre 1,4 -57T -cars - ".41 .452 cors.' � .. „ h12EE .i . • : INSTALLATION • \t //j41�! \ Goodyear DELUXE -Super-Cas• 'ons .made $:,, 'J, with -3 F -rayon cord: Rae 6:7 -fix 1.5 NYLON'` at aew -•tow priLces.i /.44..4:'911 $ Deluxe' Super-Ctxsb ons x 1 s Allprices with tr{ide in titackwall lube type:,' LQ'VO' BRICKS. IN 6 OO.ii.'1"6 and'' 1.10x:14 SIZES TOOL ,Goodyear 3-T 9 1164 ' royer- ' Wallace Families Picnic-. Over 40 members, of ,the Wallace family gathered on the , flats a Forrester's bridge, near' 'Holiness, vine, Saturday for .the annual pic- nic, A ball game and sports made up the afternoon's program, with a _ picnic slimier and..Sappre-rr; Winners of, the- various 'events Were; races-, 10 and over • Kenn Miller, Doris Walker, John Walk- er; & to 10, Richard Yeandle Joyce Roe, Bob W'anate;'• 5 and 6 . Kath: leen Miller, ° Carol Ann Wallace;' 5, and' under, Bonnie Wallace, Day-' id `Miller; Ilougie Reid;. ygtingest baby, six weeks old, Patricia Anp Miller;- Linda Marie Blake and Charlene. Reid Young ladies': rate; " Jeanette; Wallace;• young men's race, Ger- ald, Blake?. James ;'Wallace,, Doug- Wallace; ougWallace; ' Men's kick-the=slipper,,: Bruce Walker; ladies' kick -the slip- per; tTeanette Wallace; Mary .Lou Roe; ;children's ,bag race, Dianne- Roe, iann-Roe, Doris Walker; ' adults' bag race, .Bruce' Walker; wheelbarrow race, Joyce Roe and Orville'Blake,. TROY -ER R'EtJNION' The' anneal Troyer reunion was held at Jowett's Groye,: Bayfield, Saturday, ,:with a good attendance - An interesting lineof sports was prepared -:.-by the committee, Mr, and .Mrs .Ernest Talbot and Mr. MR .AND 1V1%l CiIaCIL JOHN 'ROBERT PEPPER_are shorn following • their receni wedding -in -' 13ensa11j United 'Cliureh: + The bride; the: former Gladys: Joyce, Whittaker.,,' is _'the 'daughter of 14tr. and ,Mrs:" Garnet Whittaker; Herisall, End'-thegroom.•is- the son. of Mr. and. Mrs. John,'rPepper; 'Kippen. The couple will reside ;on the )groom's farm, nearHensall ; and Mrs. Francis' Coleman,. a! The results of'the•races were as: MIS. ELLANE S SHOWER HONORS follOWs ;pre-school children, San- OU dra Coleman girls 6:9, Betty' Hoggart; boys 6-9:' Jerry Coleman, SEAFORT'BRIDE - ELECT Harvey Hoggart; girls 8-12,;=Karen Talbot 'Sandra .Hugill, boys 8-12, Complimenting Miss'Eileen :ken- God',s richest est bles. sing on you both:; Bill-,Hoggai.t;' Russell Ta'lbrit; girls r We will, ;miss "your cheers ' sat zle" driek of Seaforth :;bride=elect of; iZ;iS; Eileen Dolfnage, . Lorraine,:; and :,fiiendlyay and;;' 'e know Juh , 5' toren -one .. ue is : re . Talbot; ' bgysl-.12•->°a; il•, .overt., Sohn • . Y. Y g s we you ,will make' many friends: m• Ho oart--Wa ne.D�rna�.e�..ladies- present.to-hbnoi"lier�-with a;mis rear-nw holn' . gb Y o 3 - e e: kick:, the slipper, Mrs.';George Troy- c_ellaneaus, shower' presentation at "We ask'you Eileen;; .to 'accept er, ;Barbara; Coleman, inert kick' the. hom.;-of Mrs. ,:Orval , Greer', :these -tokens' bf r our love acid , as the ':slipper, Francis-- ,men-, • Coleman, :RR` 4; Seaforth: Mrs: L.- Eckert- ,you use'eacn,one let 3 -our thoughts George' Troyer • `men with most: swiller ',assisted`''the hostess.`..: I wander' back to, the good,times we colbrs on their shirt ••George Troyes The-giiest.of honor-wa,s-seateit have all had'"together. 'Be assur- er, ' ladies with most colors on:: n a ,decorated; chair -and 'the pres edour-'pray,ers" will, follow you and their-' dress,'' -Mrs , ,'Myrtle 'Carne=' ,entatigri ,address was % read to her ; your success in life will be onr:jQy, chin 'Sandra Hugiil l, ladi s shoe -by,-,the hostess and FarveY,,.nd _may'God-.0se both..3 our live s scranmlW-Mrs Franeis ToWnian,Greer; dressed as bride and groom,: as a testimonyforHim." Signed , Sandra Hugill; men's shoe scram- presented leer with 'a corsage and on ,behalf of your friends: . Mary ole,': George ;Troyer,' John ;Faber: ;_a beautifully:decorated 'wagon fill--'Eckenswiller, Florence Greer," Ladies' nail driving .Mrs Geo:: ed with many; lovely; gifts. > The Eileen .expressed her thanks in a Troyer Mrs,:; Cecil Oke, mens gifts' ,,,_were presented by. -•;.Miss very fitting..manner, nail driving; 'Ernest Talbot; 'boys' ',Gloria Blue. ;An enjoyable 'evening _Was .spent nail driving,.: Lorne Cudmorebis'- The 'address read; as , follews: ;by; all, consisting of "contests and cult eating' contest,:. George Troyer; Dear ';Eileen: Because you -axe games,.with .prizes awarded„ Sev pass 'the„life savers; John Faber's 'one of us, we could'', not -let' this, •eral musicai numbers' were enjoy - team; oldest . -person present Mr:' 'happy,, occasion go jay witkiout ex- ed.' A. duet was 'sung, byHazel:and William Hyde •pressing in a tangible way', onr Harvey -Greer, solos were, sung' by' A'±picnic supper ;Was. ser-;ved .an'=:love_ for you :We. -have appreci;ated'•1V(iss Eileen, Kendrick' and Mrs,, charge of the; lunch committee, Mr:' your .talent' for- singing also;;your Durand, of Exeter” and.:Mrs'..Stewart: Dolmage --and willingness to help in :evcTy.-phase Luncheon was served'by the hos Mr.r and Mrs_ George Hoggart, 'af ,f church -work . We•sincerely-wish :teas," with Mxs::1Levi:,Eclt;enswiller'. ter which',the officerswere;elected''you every .happiness and' : pray and Miss Gloria," Blue :assisting,; for nextyear follows president,' J`ohn:: Faber.; TLIens`all, vice press dent,': Harold -Hugill, , Seaforth etarytreasurPr Goxdot, Troyer,7-Hensall, sports, Mr anr1- Mrs, Lorne Lawson, Seaforth Mrs. Harold Hugill lunch; Mr.'' and, Mrs. Cecil' Oke :London; 'Mr:.' John • Fab- W. T. TEALL—PROPRIETOR PHONE: 541 CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE See it here— NOW! NEW KIND OF POWER MOWER "VACUUM CLEANS" LAWNS The picnic; which_ 1s an'annual event, is , to.. be :field, at:', Harbor' lPark, Goderich, on 'the third Sufi- dayin"June„'1959. •Mrs Cecil Oke'' mevi &La .vote of. _.t11'anks to the . committees ;;in ..charge .this year.; Are yeti ready to`rentyour spare tooth? = A classified,-adveitiseinept. phoned to.The Huron Expositor, 41, will bring a tenant. Anniversary;:' 5 -Ell VI C ES Cromarty ''Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, JUNE 29th at 11',a m. and 8 -p.m. Guest lftinister ,• Rev Robert Mar- shall, M.A., .of Whitechurch. ' Special Music by °Choir' and Quartette Assisted --in evening by :Roy's Quartette, re Du Tun enou i NEWPuoTrimROTARY chops up grass clippings and le gives—makes them vanish into lawn as if swept away! Ends 'inking!' Chops; both clippings and leaves into -' line mulch that improves your lawn: ' Ends hand trtmrningI Cuts right up terfeircesand other' obtrteclett ' Ends "ii Turns"I Itevetsibte handle 'save* time. To re'verse,directiou, just reverse handle! . HAVE A FREE HOME D MONSTRATIONI ' . Vire have thecrew Duo TrlmPower Mower SAr just right • fear , your'. lawn. f$, or 21.11 h' *RTING size, ro My oil rO I Best ",:18 oma sr by e Makers of famous Duo- 131._ 11)- •fent. AI d VrittlitIleatoim ;. : / MODELS.- rom- xac rson-e Dublin Aro'yon set in your way? .Won't change youropinions? Cling td" the Same style' in. cloths? .DO yetir•libusework tite same way? Then ,perhaps you,re, not taking, , adv_,ahtage' of ;ail the marvellous ne* time -saving Ways of doing Things? . Like .cooking witli the 'seiisat tionai ..new range•. you'll , find : at BOX'S: • Tt's` •today's most mod-. , errr and 'autoanatie'. of ranges—a Frigidaire Range! 'These Won: • derful ranges give you "Spatter. Free" Etol ing• .. ,• that, le& yfiyt broil hitt "roes — and never need -to ele'an,th` oven!_ Let ROXTITANtitritia de - on-;. str t r . a e tills- stage s Heat-lklinder' Unit that- won't tet any food bYirn --not .evert -creamy'settees... Or the Speed -Heat" unit that, starts- .. : water lroiliLg-1�:��econds...-=_And Abe. oven_ thatc.'p4 i'�b coinplete .wheals aatotnafatally' `Tt i`ifeii has bleat Thermoifieter that'``bu2t� "es" • when meat or 'fowl is done. :Bd7i'S will gladly show you all, the Wonderful stew 1.058 T'rigid- ,sire ltanges an'• ,action; A 1136V •.offer you the lowest ere - ' it terms anywhere ; ` phis a generous trade-in . aliowanee on ' your- old ran e. So, drop in to 13 0t 'Vf 11EtLl 3RC" today antt see . ttie 1958 • Frigidaire Fleetrie Rang'pst I NS 1e_ ions ark Pmol" is Now T l peri o-: the.. Public Open ally, Weather Permitting 1':30 to: 5,:30 rur 7--to-9 • wiMMING INSTRUCTION FREE; swzmrftirlginstruction for school children` by qualified instl'uctors' a yailable each morning: Registration' now. under way and • closes July 4th Classes • are being" arranged aid.. students are asked to report as follows: Thursday,:, Ji.ITy ;;.at• 10 a:m Pupils of ;Rural Schools 'wind of St. 'James' ..Separate, School: Friday, July 4, at 40 aim.-- Pupils of Seaforth.,Public School Cl asses omrnence •Monday, July 7th,.. at 10 ani ADULT SWIMViMIM CLASSES fi"uesday and -Thursday- Evenings 7:30 to 8:30-p: n Learn to'-swiln.; with qualified ll structors. _ A'minimum. o f 10- lessons =••-. $2,00 and admis,iou' 11! si fficsent interest Is sliown, elasses 'will; be arranged,_`commene-, ing, Tuesday evening, 'July' 8th.' Make -allplitation •in person, or. ',phone 'the -Park. PRONE '245. ►OMISSION' Children - Under High School Age, 10'Cents, or •$1:IiQfor Season's Ticket Fourth and Additional i dren Season's Ticket -in one Family Free r ' lir- S�chcol: Students 25 Cents' or sa.cto er Season's;'Ticl et d ; 25 Cents, or $61.60per Season's Ticket - Children of One Familyand Two Adults --$10.00. (In -each case • a Checking basket 'is included j . , Night Swimming For: the' convenience of those who are unable to swim during regular hours, the Pool will •remain open, throughput the -evening on "certain nights, ;depending on the weather. Announcement ^Til made-. over CKN X•- tntertaimnent . z111de or _Phone Seaforth For further. infolrmation. Lail the Seaforth Lions Pal gone LL - KN ' . KU COUPLE t*;r MARS REID, WED, 25 YEARS Neighbors and' friends..gattiel'ed at the hoarse of Mr. and -Mrs. Net - soli. Reid- ' on 'Friday ' evening tp honor them On the oceasioni,of their' twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The evening commenced' with ;' a ,short program, with.,Campbell Wey as chairman. It opened with a sing song; with Audrey Rockwell at' ;the. piano, followed ,by., the fol- lowing ''numbers; 'solo by Brenda Houston; .:accompanied. 'b,Y, - Glenna Houston,- a, reading, "The Perfect Maio, by --Mrs. D. Fraser; a piano ,solo by Teresa. Ryan; duet; . Bob -and .Brenda Houston, and a read, ing by. Mrs J Ryan" `. ---A7r-address- vas`read b$rMT G Fox, ,and Nelson : and Mrs. Reid were presented .with 'a silver tea service and tray, ' a smoke stand and a' table lamp.° 'The remainder of the •evenmg was spent playing cards,,and lunch, was- served Satil "day afternoon and evening friends and relations called at the, home of Mrs; K;' Reid, to give them their best. wishes on their 25th wedding anniversary. They •were the recipients of ' many cards', and gifts. Those . pouring ',:tea were .Mi—S.' John McKinley,, Zurich; Mrs. Wil liana. Patterson, ' `Ethel, and Mrs. E. HaGkwell: Those who Served; were Miss A, 'Hackweli, Faye Love', and ° Alice and Kathleen Ry'au,. of "mean. ¥Vfrs. Alvin Stimore was. assisted in 'the kitchen, by'Mrs G. Love,. Mrs..Joe Ryan and Mrs..- Clifford' Machan 1iLAN TF,A Mrs, Harold Kendrick,' Centre Street, Seaforth, is entertaining at- a trousseau. lea 'on Tuesday,, July 1, -from 7 to 9, ix the evening, m, honor ' of her granddaughter, Eileen, .whose-tnarriage._wil7.-take place; on Saturday, July 5';.'':1 RE -VITALIZED '.CLEANING,. is Better Tban.Ever at - Buchanan =Cleaners MO1 tNT FOREST ' "' More Spots ,and Stair} Removed CTarments wearstay ,clean 1'onger " Wi11„;langer: : 'PHONE.',6G9c.„�r 2 -7: . MSE9 A�.,NOIRl1lT I „MON. aridTITERS.ANDYCAI:4R• eoSt ''You' mead to Say— just .3-a-doy tray .send backache t i the somal ,�uvnids- good._Logical too You. sec _ ,.,, _ kidneys isle rembve;excess wastes'arid ace -._ ®OCiti$ ', so otlen,fJhe cause -of b ,• r K 1 N E,'system. DOµd's Kidney Pills; stimulate she .,r;,, Pllts kidneys in this -function andrso may bnhg the have '. -that welcome relief.from backache y mantters. Try -just 3 -a -day.. You can depend ed band:. sa .ye • 7:31°./ 's==in the -blue box ;with the re Entry forms avrri/erbfe a!s ' DON BRIGIITRALL EJNA STATION ”. Seaforth : -Phone-354 THE- FRIENDLIEST SERVICE 1N TOWN • r itf re” 14 DAUOHTER U'1! ane Heofs;Water faster—for; less Nothing else keeps up with the hot water needs of your. family washer like Gast It sfoster--bei' •; cause Gas Starts heating more water as fast as you -use :It. Costs less to°buy)-instzIl,and " operate, Baths for eYerybody—on washday! *very faiuctt paws : hot water•at your house, with 1 Mn Autoaalattia.• 64to Abot w'atec heater designed to handle your family's- .needs Why not .let us fit :one "co: measure" #'oar you? Platy of hot water costs so little to have' y - •- L OK - A' ' BbTH--At D` 'YOU'LL BUY. at your' APPLIANCE ; DEALER or.. Downie, MA' Stratford 1lumbing an io!'ne. 'leasing itut'bilrtg Phoise 19 Electrical 1 Seaf a r t.. Heating Seafort