HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-27, Page 4ossified Ads -Inserted • At...New Low Cash, Rates
' • dqt W.eek rreur
2ud Week-- . Cent
3rd ;Week - 14 Cent
Minimum charge, each' 25 Oents
Etieh fite init,aland ,ablmevlatinxi connts as one -wora
'111 a n'k s, In Memeriani, Notices,. Coining Events -1 Cent Per word. Minimax",
Qt. -Xi -ries MAy be di ted to a Oos No et The Miran Expoitor for 5 ceitsextra
Fifteen cents' e'dditiortal-will Ise charged if 'ads in aboile class nie not 'paid -within 10
days of al o2 Arial Insertion.
bs Marriages and Teaths inserted free Of •Oliarge.
°notion Soles, NOticesEte,---YEatett. on amflication.
'E. A,. 18r1%L4SIEB"... Seaftirth, will
Ixe a guest on "11'.1.44..v", Ols..WX-Tv, • on_
Friday, June 27, to speak CM. 'Etypertdn-
au,, or High BloodPressnre.* Pro -
•gram time, 00.0 p.m. :1414-
ANCING eery • Friday; 1.0 t a The
ter' "Star Ranch Barn, at Jim Gritlia'S
barn. 6 •miles north.- (..:4-$11101113,1- or
,nfle east of Motherwell.- Alternating.
'bands,. Mehisly ,Ranch BC? -3,s arid
Linder's Orchestra. 4714-tf
2. Lost, Strayed '
• LOST -A family Pet, yellow ad orange.
colored cat, white breast, small-lcink hi
tail Lost last fait lxetween 'Walton and
clinton. Reward, Plea'se .oh,eno MRS.
.s.,,WALKER,, High St., Clinton; HU.
2-9629 2-164
ieleR.For Sale
• GARAGE, 12 x 20, and upright piano.
GliAIELEE 'REEVES., Seitforth, 11-17x1
LIPP/G.132 RTAIsT.0, Mason & Risch•
excell.mt .0ohditiOns TELEPHO.NE SEA-.
FOR•TH,..,73. , • 11-17x-41
D&LE, R.R 4, OlinfOn.. bafFrtli
r 21. ,
of electric motor. 1,t• gi'adlng ma-
„ch4le, „scales. desk, cab register, Quebec
heater,iroep, coil air fa-rx, around 9.000
feet of. ' painted- ter.."ne M grooved* ium-
b4r- irm.tiali to 'DATA, RRODUCEC- Sea -
'forth. • :4-, 11-17x1
• mitkiri., sgt
elevation, with tractor ,hftch, chain sproc,ket
drive speed".`ieducwen,7n-pfter'remiint assern-,
bly with belt release; wheels° and .,°"enuip-,
_ _•' mid. with Viva! power talte-oll drive. Two
years •M•stockt,--Priced :to clear at ..29o- •
• .',STRAYIfills °nth Lot 5. 'Concession 4
1 2. -1/Vante:d- To 13uy
•' ',•Tuclmrsmith. a heifer aroimd 699„liounds,
Owner may have; Same ./V. proving pro-- - . , ,.
•: Parte snd paying charges:: . • ORVAL
' GliZER., Phone 655-r 24 -._Sett, fOrth.,3-17.0,1m1:xQpIle:Eisl."'IgETY'Le,,,,SD'Atel..ii., ,410,:., ptobnos.,!;,---13-017-1, ' sh;
4. ' .. 'Help- *anted' .... • 60- •B-AgLES of stia*,°. A. a:M.1\1E11M AN.
. , . . ' . lt.R.._. 2_,Klirocur4 „Phone .ob.tic,,,th 557 r,12-
- ' . , • , .„ , , ",,' 17 1
,.........,_ ...,....., -
---Exiiiitygrgegir "C`Xlifirri-7-klIER,' ;nr1-7,17....., _..-1,..,_.,.., • -...,„ , ,,,.."-s_. _
,one fullY experfenced machinist to under- - u-1,11 Th1a-bat'S - INA -NI -ED at 3i/...Pi Ib,
• stto., 001, ..traknoir to,,egnan. land . one azni_dead /attle at Va, ...., I _ad, ph. n ,
' Yol4h to learn a good trade, We , are arolieei."Gattgi.u7.9MP71911-N.K RANQH:--
. Inisy and need • good men. Pleasant work- Phone "bolted. 1483 ,T, 4 or. 1,488 f 1• . ..,
. ing •conditiots, good, *ages, absolutely- '. , ., • , " - _. 12-4708
. steaV. ki•oup ineurance, etc. JAMES' A. ! _ '_ _ ' - • "
' COLE. FURNITURE COMPANY, Inger.. Md -b1014-31 PRICE.S, PAID for live poul-.
• • - 4,17-2 try. Pick .up at, your farm. RONALD
. ' A BENNErf, Walton. '' Phone • a 9
xp'Er,tir,...NcoEn stanograPher sa pecre.: r 41? riise.ls 19_1-, 1. . N
tar' to- it° eral Manager of Progressive ,,,,,..._,,..,,,,, .,..trli ____Es. paid fn., sick
rnannfacturin company. Must have kood. •Jult.1.10-t, ‘,.. f.r.ni'-'
arrn als 1---',-, orn. t‘
shorthand, poss s initiative; be alert anddown .ad -
dependable. godern, office, pleasant work, c.?
ing conditions. p'erinanent Position, groVi> alqahled farm..." animals . and hides ;Call
• Heat, 'ED; ' ANDREWS, 951 r 11.,- Sea-
' insura•nce, 'etc. 'Salary 5200.00 to gataible. T
girl. Kindly write full particulars in own r°°rth. A.. oCiated,'with-Darlirp, ds,-. ,e0,; of
'hand Box 736- THE HURON EXPOSI-• . ., • ,., f
TO13.... .
..:„..L.W.ANTED.----1-lichest "casE Prises paid for
- -
' down or disabled -cows' and horses.
HELP. wAN,I,gp . !..k, . , , . k.d ,up ... ,
• . • . .9va3 . Promptly. • Also v..anted to
ir ro-
. ,boar • hogs. Call- collect-, 55 r 7, .Brusseli.
. MALE OR FEMALE . an, um MARLATT;, truisels.
_ . • "..°.` '•. 471,t-tf
j•, ,
Experienced typist with'sorne knowleirge .1. ;•.• , • , ,• ,
,ef, °,500keeping Permanent ,Poshaoit :Fir "7"" . , „, • ,•
„-•••••••:', Weed office of iirovince-wide organization! ....„,,,,,, : . '..' --Eir , ' , - - -• , -
7, Good working onditions. • Salary depend- to., Iry antent .
ent, upon ° exPerience. Interesting yeanety , ' . '; - • . - ..
• of work for Person; interested in promol,•,,• y•frtil,rrEt,_irtio to, posith..--ott-forroor,
tiop. Pension, plan, group ineurance and W.•-3. •mmei- far, at, Lt 1,...51.z.c., 9,Ag., tsg i o ti
other' benefits. - Five-day week. •' 13 ' It-tine:ft. --TPWiih-hip '; -kasa-...-gra-, ,•
. - . "IP: Oir wateil HENRY STRYKER ° R.R.: 4,
'ence• 't°' ' . Anton. • Phone HU. ,.29857.
' 4714 -ti.
TOPNOTCH FEEDS.LIMITED .• • , - 7 • . .„, ...„ _
Seaforth,. Ont, , - ..,. , -
. ' • 4 1'71'14. Property Poi- Sale ,-
• —
• FOR SALE -Nine. good Tamworth pigs, , _
," 7 leeks old. FRAN,CIS4 COLEMAN:. Itg)DERNICO•TIAGE,'-irr-18,03,ifeld•r_R-.-t_i, kindlY remembered Me while a Patient in hy Audrey mcmichael Mrs.. ea y prese, e son, e a
7 tt Memorial Ilosoital and since ,,turo- d b 4 11 Durand. with a. gift. be .,worth 53 calls. tand.8.p.m. with. Boy. Marsha , of wen o e o
weeks old. ApPly .1:08.1. APARTMENTS ' FOR' RENT; ' Apply • MIIS 'HOWARD PRUSZCATOR ' The topic was gweri -------- . • • r an rs
. ... - .. . , .
., •Situations 'Wanted ;.. 1..... .....F, :R. A.IVI.E,•''HOTISE-'.. ,- - -' . • .
• .,MIDDEZ-TGED lady wishes emiloY- 1 , „.. .
. ,
.,. , .. .,• „___,.. , 5 ,,teasu er's ' eport Fees, ,-•have. the ,sominer,_ mon . ,, ‘ ..
-was read been, _ , . ..
Thescriptur lesson 'reollecteu with -90..-ineinbefs 60ddard,,With 'Ars Market,: • Miss , 1 . ,
-•.r ' " - ' - --- - ' - '. ' - - -,•• - We are son - o report . „
e .3, t * - • t Mis An the week, . .. ., , .,.. ..........
x.posrroa. • . .b ght : -,-- 4111' M -F8 ---Thos--' ' -Airs -LeO-7,Rvantgave' the rerkr .t . • Mlss Jean:Henderson., at the., tor -s • L . 1 ' - . d ,'Placed'c41' 411.C;
• ' ..,,by Mrs. Nelson Reid. Copper nion71.joi . , • , ' , .-- -‘1,_. . ,
merit. j-faS referenCe8. Box 789. Hunog - ••-trt' ..mira6.941:tn, ,...„,..:. s
• ., ..,!, _,.„.Ltoilot :dgmtkotaio,.....j.,14..=on 'Tbe_dupjer-,- '7' ...,[7 • • . • . • - •KirkbY and
Cards UThanks------. -
mi., .,.ph_os:•-flael'civ-011,--as 'of the conventiOn held. at Leammg- Sunset- Hotel •Gederich. -•, .....-.„ 1:., ivti. wad .mi, rerg .McKellar ancl ' on u.ri _
corner ;. Vil-acr,n“ :int • . TnsIde,.r..,iter • and, V't-,,,,, ,,. .4...„ , e_y.: was. rou - -m, w ... , • ..1... ...- - . , .. ore, , ss
19. otices
or a s
OPPOSite Dick House, Seefortb, Phone
347-A, 4 •
.comP TE L4U9DTR1k n.
fFeth end diellet IthilaDArrIbr,!ak*forth,,
avigreil't for Brady Cleaners 'Laurideterla
•• • • 4714-tf
- CUSTOM' -WDED S.PRAYINQ 'done ._,at,
relisonable,--rates. We have a ‘gusranteeo
.spray for twitch grass- no*: also a neiy
spray for Lfields sesded -.down with cleVer..
LLOYD •MEDD, Clinton. -.Phone.,
DUBLINNews of Blrodhagen
Mr. and Mrs. •CYril Prow and _ _
children,- Sebringville, with Mr, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle, Jr., and' tended the -LoweJohnston rourilow l'opular Collo!
and Mrs. George Coyne.,. ..” .1 baby daughter, 'Karen, have --re-7--1e1d at Lien. Park, Seaforth, Sat-
Glnni,u' CaalVementlt with rind trip to DeLisle Sask' where they 1 Mr, • and Mrs Bill shupe and
'visited with Mrs. Eyle'S Parents- Sarana, of Selfridge, Mich., were
/qr. and, .1v4s, Rugh Pugh nnd ' turaed from a 'three weeks' meter tirday, june 21. '. • ...
Mrs. M. SchulMan. has returned 'al° Iiiellabers " "I° f°1111151* ' ' weekend -g"StS'i`vith Mr and Mrs- Mr,' allit Mrs' Rusell 81161dle°
ALTO to Dublin from Buffalo_...... _ ._, -.MrS: Carl Payne, "Presiant. of "M"ara:e,.Y., Jinks -alla Mr. and .Mrs,, °anbsnivrve:erfathr/IrontiRSeulliitYd-atifY,thX5vhnededit172g,,,
Mr. William Bolton, of -Bac eSter, „,.., e. and Mrs . Mrs . , , ec , S r e .. „ r Y • a s - n i e 2TIO Sre41tVivaeYs; afrVieennilidg$ amnodrenethighan-
Oms,4Win,k, Kerr, of Barrie, sPeilt•
•---- - - - i Mr and mrs, Billie reeee3,, mr, Nith Hu 111,1 Wp k ' evI iti4tutetreagd ,R
N.Y. , is Visiting relatives ill be 4uu *MI.'S* an "°urk ' niter, were gudestisl- cif S:aforth VV.I themrwt.enelieougdla?atchoosk,hoolmeook Brcs. hors enjoyed a eaebration on_the,
vietilit„. _ Catheriue Feeney and Catherine
, , „ , .., ireeney attended , the- vie--n-e-g-a---nr.„ tah.teths, eeiraf03:tutlicaon:linv,uerniS'tayryc'ecentlre:ra- .mining co., .vvos takert by Bon. lawn at. their home with Open-air
miss Ruth Anne Ennis, student ollenick yveddink, at ,Kitnhcner sat_ ten he We nes ay a ternoon,
14, thron anibulanag to. 'St. Joseph's C1411eing' niUSie belrig SUPPlie4-11Y!
er; is spendinga -nl°nth's 'vaeatinn -Mr ' Loretta -Schmidt s ent the Mrs. Jessie Trann, • Winnipeg, H 't 1 ' L d Tu d ht Ar„,ellie Marin's °I.chestra` .
nurse at \ K... -W. Ilesnital, Kitchen- orday, ,....,
vit:icthonhg:aritIlPaartieonntss, tare exte.-nd.ed,, to , :21 s.. ,, d Al........c2 , 1) lifari.; Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, Mr. wi,th a b„actiin
"weekena at i', an - d M F rik L to and Mr congratulatory address, eom-
Mr. and IVIrs, Wilfred Shortreed On ''' ' t , Diane Pedard, of London, is Iris- ,rt:kciedry, . r, willi4mIn.n.stil* ettAl-
ihury. He expeets to 44
visIted Snn" 't 1 f week posed by Mrs. Fred Herbert, was
r... an. rs„ arence white,- ot
____, _ an. rs...., ra . ay n. . i remain In e ospi. a or a . ad b .Mr jaMes ;Si. 'Me
the arrival of a daughter at Clin- '„§eubijis'ng;r1u13-,ecetr.witil ikilr• , a.P.atgYd ;ri.thantrivictrs7 Ralotses,r Lf‘':(7,b,ma7:. jeto,,i,g, thim....wanedekivf.wristli„ShteewragrrsaBrIdetissa,.7- Inessaget7(4 et:mgrat-11-lail°11--w'as—e.x-- '
John Pepper, Clinton„
-°1VITr".-Paann,c1'wMerre.' gEuedslAtTsarg pmi..isalparld ` PernedscantedlitbyofroaT'ile°Dlie:rra table ' -:A.tas'
Harry Faber during the past; half of th°,13r°dhagen an. ....
;if Public Hospital on !'riday, Julie -j-' mr.
and Mrs.- Wells, of Milton, Trann is a siSter of Mr- Falrbalm sr eintrnii
3/liss raye Love- accompanied with Mr. and Mrs. John Wells,. and Mrs. Dalrymple, Mrs. Layton i'kirss','
Mia s .Toanne Beuerinann and her ' -Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, and Mr,- Pepper and nieces and a ,week . -Chamber of . Cornmeree, ..IVI.Py_
471..4,if. iniplis„. 4.0.in nen., .mlinhess., on. 0, London with .11+1 . n . I's. , . P. Phew .. *2 - . • • ' .' ... Funeral services for Mrs...Edgar, ' g wls'ilea
bus hip,to Niagara -Fa1mast-Tri-,:-HratiskoPI-7--MrS, Mary,' RralishoPT 'Miand..--1Mrsf--Ce-eirKilkersPeet--17eatherlancl,, et,."'-:Aliburn, -were- held
.. Poo so : s.ii-rthiriding, dist,rict for dead,
, HIGHEST.A:,,,0'.0ra''.:Ci..,.5A:2R:.0.0,1:Ret:I!.C.., E, S !, ,‘' pupils from
r:,1, ,(..... , t•radi ja. ,‘;,e..3:,,, OTI Tues London
'Ll'eetnUaronn,71 N.IvOitifo.,13,:lid.: 'anwaiticl:sr:.'paaritd,;:„ Itchieptfwerelevkiesnitdain.w.Witinf isri-siqr:ivici:.:1"6",.M7;1..tmondaST,..of last Week With 'llurialliti, *hneffe'tet''resetYelieV".4' -..1.1:111,.e. l'Y's
.,d,.,ieicor:aisawea.4orses, ap4.cattiQ. oid ' Mis,s •Ituth . 'Ennis -a econatinnied A'Irs: Nicholson. ' . • • ' ' ' - .- ' '1,,Cipfer .. attended the Essex Scottish
horses•ialighterper pqmicl. - , miss Audrey . 1-laeliWell and her, t Misses Theresa and Alice .Ryan,
, .
ietinsoo,..hld. at windsoi,,, and -Afr.., Maitlandbank. centetery, :Seaforth.,.( o» Sunday afternoon and",even-- .
F. °,.1.Phonel?wt / •,' Es 'It'l jot ; .rY ;c1s;3...41.s..slo'iT24-,h,,,,,d,,i:r, .4r.l7a,,S:!,t,e, - Detroit loon4 a T ,''' y oirei-in- . t '' ' , ' il_lellicr.RaYna,c111.::- -11,1r' s.,.-_'iSterling, ' Gee; ',of 'pt -Iii' teMaist_sai-I:sMi... v1.1. atd.a'qtcli"clBrantfordFjIii:inr„gr_e,.1)v.Gt ; tehRn .eehlo..rNl '''il-p ao6rsn'.... , .: IL tki'').RollenAr'il.dirl'i.jhi, vislue.e.or. a: . iSSI-'t helteseediti6ifi.'anil 11night 'db.... 1B,6*veg:11°.;.1", : r .ha: se,47.1. , ( I, .. _ Q:la.:artti •-: C. ..e,'x i! l. aunt ci i' :: ''''' i nnivPi:iaeng:el'th: le.i covered,i,ss.s..411.1:,. ''' a' candles rP cla' el ' ucdg:.11ei' vtPaea.nadbsasi i.etd:s'ae adorned.-':radevxteh. rtdldie,t.64.. t.' sgi n:51":11r1:t' "tattha;1'.,'
1947155as: ..'.....The.',.regular TriontialY---inegting-of:.-Ikingsville,.... and_ .........1Wiss , Maureen ,
. . . ,
' - . -, , - ..: ' '- ' • , 't., '‘Arilliamsort- with ..I.d 'Ineinberst. pres- ',Nancy; Mr and 'Mrs, Keith" Kelly' :met ,intaiSter of oarmer chuck 1 ' '
- .
. ,.
..:: She 3,7th . and Boundary, OrOnp. of O'Neill, ' of Windsor,.
, . held ",nt the home 61 Mrs ; George '. , Mr and Mrts'...- Fergus'
Ditifls United Chureh, 'Walton, was .Mrs.- .46.k sh.e.a. 1 ' ' - ..., -. . , -.'" reSt. . _ ... . ' ' of • Lindon, visited. with r'• an ASsi- tin' Saturday and San aSr
with Mr, ,.nrieb ents, Mr.- and mrS.,.. William For Mr Mr:' and, Mrs"! I.;ainbert Iteavers;....anniversarV cake,
Kelly . and:. • Rev. , Jr.." B. , .l'ex, of 'WindSor,. for - :Mrs'. Steuart Bell -en' StlndaY. -, - were Mts. Fred Snaniett, 'Mrs.' '
Mr. and • Mrs.. M-urray- ':Ventier. Smith . Mrs. johnt, -C. :„Diegel,'-ivirs- ' •
'TOIATD.'ship, of 'Tuckerszilitb. ent. 'The: vice -president,- Mrs. Har,- and Mr.- Joe -Keil Y - attended . ' the Hensall,,has. heen, newly appointed,,:(1100 Marian Desjafdine),, a recent., yv; 'L.t.Qtterengesseri. Mrs: LaVerst. .
_,,....„..old' slnalldon' took 'Charge of the 'CbartieS-PattOn' wedding. at'.. Len-. secretary treasure of th. e. Rittid_st.ort..,rhercideapsti.ocnon,hp. Jea,... woerFeth..,,ehmunowre,:dthea.f.rea:„..kINIcruiffree,citmrs., ..,wilidam ,Diegos, Affr,, .,
DUMPING ' GROL. IN,..D..., t ...;.-„ ; Vrese.tinsg:thaTdroahy;erm*raS w'oiliff,rcedol'ittht:is;., .1:civni'r.S..atGlix,odrtic..Yout, '', c'(:-,st'ello;. ,., ..„. - : Council' of Churches. - .. - ..'
..rrow.iiip ;of To.,.Onto,; ...;Tho young:. people Pf. the ,Hensall-, -.creation room at the•therrie of mr.,tneunes,'-AD,I'llitse.ttsttittow'rrasid„ Q6coregree'nRge'Ots:' _
istl,.(4iiirndda3t.e.e0.:14.,`,-illericTi9e.72iet,Ttt.4,ty.71:„1.1,S1, :diteoand,..,,gtahv'ee.sae'ri.ieptaisicii-neg,•-aenndtitilliats: ,Sam7raulsli- •flan6rid., Mwills,.,i-vPlia,,t1:aionida-'....A•Qiio,s5,,t!.1311.0a,n, Lceiin...:.iCstinmiSnielhertires,oti'tE,taidgeen'arii.Tt9ettvii:eadlotemtrh:. :and 'Mrs-. Pat 'S,eniliStili‘,. Grand ' ser,' Mis:.-Reuhen Butiek- Mrs: Wm.'-'.
, ..,,,,,_ .. , ..:._ _.....,,.... ........... ',, , tello ,.. - , ....,7 , , , ._C... _Dame . at Gederich ert- SuntY cBOe-trilPdiet wTehruer_sp(11%.S'Senteelide.n.witligth „mTalln;: ._BAirnleili-iinegblielgi'se'l,HMarr'vs7DAliontledri:t$'H;.OMilfishs:t.'
and 'evenings' IT°"'',"37-"'t'.. ....o'cl°..ek." until ..!In.id %eY:aciotia;;;„..'inoney was•-i.e,eived .. mr, and mrs. Pat Flannery ' afternoon:- for , a shere. supper, "
further'. notice. ' , . . .
. .,... .. , . • ., . . ,
t this meeting. after the•diSeussion ra rOY,-.Mrs . ,Marie ,' Maloney , lowed .with a .vesper , Sert lee, -111)dYnerlY-ot°1cli:larcdPss. andtbgibfitlIg.6 Awass6.—ceinal-r:"..s.13-djrleic!-s'•.Si-niniPas-'1VL. r's:.:F5a1*-
, . ‘ ... .470J..„ • iploesrl:e0s(is.i,aLnUdilLivirell. sl:IDWap'n,Salercitlied,u:abbyaptahii;e. ,s.oeFh.eher..._niig6Prys:1:i0Ha:wIlid.t..he.41yG__.ivie:rra.6.1::01:—nThAd7eri,v• 'Irsns,d. ,,,`_1(1H, Daily.1,101..7vviaii‘bd..,:lh.liel'yid.,,1,17.46.ri,,Ta.L:ir7ixe'i'13egelibi.colsu.:opSfs_ejliv,uailorli: ..„,,:f,3,seayg,..,,,,nsdai311iral.., Edward, Panlsolh. „tried ., 4,t,,, 8t. i peter, s . , Lutheran ...
. AT.ER. L2..0.0.0,T.N_, G ,. 11,lMrsrs,.....A3::p.iicrifaBrrkiietel,r s..i.i.,4cii 7a : sto,le,ii.al,,,, ,.i.atantic.l.i. -timaann_naerirdYt:Tia„ened-etuatitrtoefirl,dlictfctt--tAhilet5gr_amd...6usa (2)Primary
In: tit (al-i)y..T6r!s,..,_clioac.],r1,-,-,,(53. )yei:nlirns ,.;- ' ,t,ittiief:glio,-Ithttt,ntlll\nvSjitseh„sPi't°Nenlinra i'hiacent's°n;' .11'''',1'ortenir-t-see-.,,,. FC11,riljer'deehAekBsrb6n-cill'o‘CcrinnbeY:2R27'i'9'3S3E
.1. • ' ' rhe --- ac len' • ' e" Rev and '-'-.1- --1.-erre-s meri '-'" Mr, and'Mrs.-Sholdice were mar ,
, ,... _ J.,, . : , hour was -$Pen, . , . ' - ,
, .
Alai.: Fla ne;-. .-7. ' , . ' • . ,,.1, ii ., : • ,_ , , , ': .' --,• ' '-', . '• -,.. 2,',,•-•,.. weal.- .„ p .1 , • The attendants 'were iymaid . of tibia- -'
-ASSOCIATION • ' Walton ,Group '1 . At teendinpi•till.... graduation:. an& re- - . Tlorfle- ' Ito:gratin fis..'&u.-1.sist, 4 Bible tHaIT-Y ''..F /.5 , au s°n. j -s -a , -1q Orval - Whitfield (Nora, .
.„. .. , , , . -- . • , P _ , '' daue-hter• of the late Alex McDou- , i .- • - - ••
•t'tz-t,R',APTITI,f,Atj ins.En.inatjon, service
' ,-...: ' .' -' Group wag - -held in, •-•the.,. church' were: Mrs.' Camilla, RYan; Mr. Al-, games"leetses.„2!?..11„Hselpsteorrsiesa;.eueGeadl,lc.ifPsr6ritha'iss' cau:a, .,i5f--„-jciirk..Fa'b.er...;•. 'who.in ,- S/216. •SrAhr.:lijud.c slerele);'....'bn(andir:i.'siiailel-•a-ibli,,!iln.;el,r1‘heliril;Ae-sspte)ii.hr:).' 1- '
"Wberb ' 13 etter DAIS Are Us 'xi'' . The Jnne. 'Meeting - Of the Talton. ceptiziia''bf .DOn. Klinkh arn er -Sunday' i
,, . .. ,.,, , . , 4,-. , gall, of' the Kippen area, and -a. ,
-or, more, ,info'rraatien,',telcohone, the 'Water- l'i'001.r0Oril 01-1 --0dde.'sdaY .eY611.illg Ian Eli -ant ,Mr . --and Mt's"-:•,3--ohli.'Shea • Sible.•Schotil 'Which. is being held: as not se,s-n for „-t'venf),,s_five ,ved'is...•-m-- -..s.' ''.--'-'-e-- -.---,..-- .,----r----"' ,
.100. Cattle, Ilreethrig_. A sso ciatIon collect at with.:21. meMbers-present.•• •, ,'• •'...iiild.-141-'5:' lVI:nConnelf; ,all of Sea: 10 the United Cluirch.; An'yone.,wiSh-:• . ...c.if. --, • - ; . ..•. , ' i'.0'.?e-rengeSser);" -be-st .P.ian''Vr. Al-
iYi3inot,6;en,th' 7. 11-..,W4.4:,i311.3511-lictbs,tteen'of 7-,je:3,-,11.an'im I -- 77:Tre uteitient,.. mrs. Jim .G,i,rh,. forth;... _ivir,s.' InSeph''" Carpenter,....iikiirig:_rt_co..„,,:h:ceialpr,i_satriee....ameigdA,02,-,=,,Reoainniitaeet : The l''''-', • Yl''''''..s...,.sl-l77s•e, ane ,.'. . 't ' -bweirltb-ento n(it.i vlia°,,vs-chroigult'releljt-3Y1:70'-i-uislattri',,tit-t.,
ItY,..bu is A the go . Jo . , . s . opened • t'ne. 'meeting ..1‘,IrS. Ceeils. Blyth; Mr:- 'an,,c1 "'Airs. ,T.Ohn Flynn.,._ _
Girel-n-se.Y-,--tlinWiv :Swiss', --Rei---Peu ---T-ii-e--' Lyddiatt re -Millie scriPb-ireP,a,ssage Seaforth, IN r. and ll_rs, - : aY 'on or the - -minister,'. ,Rev. Charjes
Curd (polled',5Tai horned,, 'Beef Shorthorn
-('Polleci,. and hoi'n edi, and S)sal -
Shorthorn,' Argus' ',. d ' 'Cli ,olaise -' br,.eds
••• •
after Which the 'president com_ ,..11111,. Dr. Joseph .Prenderg,ast,' Chi- Dania, • -• ' ist Mrs Lorne; Mueller; ushers
Monte. the lessen. Prayer-,
Y • Mr. IlowarT.-Quermagesser; organ-
, Beth, . Troyer,„ -daughter -of- A -very.--pleasanti:evening - was "M-1'7.- Wilired2Ahrns and.: Mr- orv_al-.
-, dau-'
:offered by -Mrs:ttGebi.ge' ,Dundra. " Beii2Path-er h arrell formerlY of Mr. and, Mrs. •Gordon Troyer had spent at. the home, of Mr and Mrs.
.• Mrs. Clark chose 'for meditation;.' Point Edward;:has -arrived in Dub- her tonsils removed at., Clinton Thomas 'Laign,tIn the for6 o±a Mr Sholdiee is' tile Youngest son
The Lucldess Trip .' The toPie; lin to be assistant to Re V• Dr: J. Hospital last week. " - surprise 'party .on the Occasion of. Of , the late. Mi. and....Mrs. Adam
e 'The. SteWardshin, of- PraYer," was Ib r±oulkes at- St. Pa.trick's ,HenSall Legion and 'Ladies' Aux - their , 35th 'wedding aimiversary. Sholdice,'•Walton„ Mrs. Sheldiee'rs
very, 'ably 'given by Mrs. 'Natter Church. .. . • .
Moly are-.110Iding..their r1ielliC, at Brothers, sisters, their sons , Rob- the former Verna' Quareag'esser';.. ,
Bewley„ 'Mrs. Nelse,n• Tdarks gaie Attending, •Oie :graduation and re- Jewett's GrOve Rayfield on- Sun- ert and Gordon: and wives were only, daughter of Mr.-. and' Mrs. W -
'present for, the evening. - „L. QuerengeSser. The couple have -
One daughter, Hazel. Mrs. How- 'three' sons': 'G-ary,..W.arren' and Rog-- , •
'ard'' Eves, -resides in Moose Jaw, er,-, arid, one daughter; Beverley,. all - .
Sksk.,'-and. was unable to.he.pres- at home:
ant; , ,• '• The Monthly ,meeting -of the .
Mrs.. Laing were, mar2 .Ste.Wards .of.,the •Christian Home
„ried,in_rsroinartv•on June 20, 1923, -11-eld7with-devotion's-
by the ,late David , 'Mr: and Wilfred AlirefiST:M
A social evening' 'IA./as spent with ; and Mrs, 'Reuben Buuele, Mr and
,lunch served 'by -the' Mrs, Manuel--,Benetrnann..and
-,,,i Mrs. Laing were recipients of 'and -Mrs. Robert. Betierniann_ The •'.
The cost Is low,
Tender Wanted
W.ANTED for, heavy asphalt
roof on e.o.s.th side of Jhe secretary s report and called cePtion of Glenn Butters on Sun- d s vvi111 r from'
,ply LLOYD 1...0v -ELL, Kippen. 2147x1, th-e i'vas answered with- daY Were:- Mr. an Mrs• Wes But 2 to 4 p.m,-, In charge of -sports are
• -a verse of -sCriPture:- , . tern, St. .Marys; Mr. and Mrs -wspaain Brown, Philip • lylcKenzie
22: e eOPPer rnoneY or e ors Don' Barber, Kitchener; Mr, and and, assistants; from the • Legion
Legal 'Notices
hall of-- the :.Year. -was "received:13 3.ae.t , M --How ar Smale arid rs
•the leaders, Mrs'. G. -1Murray -and- and Mrs. Blil trat or , r. ham Aikenhead for t uxi a y.
• --Mrs YE. 7111 -lichen II was 'announc- andt.Mrs. •W.- AI: Hart, , Mr. and. ens, :Girl Guides ei
H 11 ' r-4J,V8"Kei `al"
NOTICE--to-CREDITOR.S ed"--thatt7Mrs. Tn. Thamer-had • ecithar 1Virs• coriducted a successful .home -ma e
•' been apPn-' ted ,-vice-president' . in:F. Hieknell and -Mr., ano..:Afi,s. dandy _seale on .SatiirdaY': The e`an-
' h Who has, ' •Seaforth. Mr
and . -.1111-rs. -43r. !virfiS "delilleted -by 'the -,Guides
,the Etate of ROLA:N-1) IiLEINFELDT p ace, , f
• - 0 . Art R,,0hr Hiek
R Butters St. Thomas; 1..s .B.rOyi..,1 S.
vas followed by. an inter-
• • . • t
communi on.
Y. ' "B tt • L •
• The association',
thpic "What is Your Religions
is ,....e.pc'f-surruilanad.' Rie,inf.eld,,, -kte.;_of the ' ' Con ests were coliciuetedlby Mrs. la'n3' ssu' u els," on • don,. Mr. ' A • l-'' Wishes .to -express . -their :thanks -in:Many gift. , .
Td,.,Islip- of Hibi)ert. in the cii.-initY tf..D. Ennis, d_uring . the Socia period. . ,,• tt_ers, ._,LindSay ;.: 'MiSs- l‘rollir ' the.. mothers Guides and-Brownies.,..l 'Mr.' and Mrs. John Wallace and 14-.• ,),, ,
it,..eiih Farmer -deceased , ‘s -hp thbed (Tt ..e LAulteh, hostesSen -were- Mrs. Wm. Mainne„,_. 1-_,pn!..19...12.,._1, „.„ ...,, ._..., and those who bought the candY, - ,D,ebbie,.,..accompanied • by Mr .:and. estmg• discussion A '1unen. vas,-,
-1.p..0„.fmri-,c;ffIn't.y,)ini-Alrse -ortehZn,,,,,i'Ld,----Thairies...--wr, -pe.W.fey-,-m-rs. -R.-, ',-----7,, ,&)-1-1,...'5.ii,„ .6IIL, ,T,' e.'e-,,..-. „ . , -_ Commencing .,,,snuday...,,,Jone ..29th, ,mrs, .:1N-pitvid.--',Elliott„ • , .of .publin, Serirect-''hY ' . the. committee i-,11
.•-to,:the.,•-unde'rstrinei ' on 'or 'before , the.. 4-rh Tr-aviS . and': Mrs. IN, .C, Ilackwell. ' , . ' ' , the congregation of Carinell.Church, ,spent,- the. weekend'in.WindSor .Witli- 'Charge: . . . • , -.' , . -
:..day Of. :July, .19.58;. 'after 'which date the . ' , . ' ' . , ' .. ,-Mi2.' 'Dan O'Reurke presided at will -,worshir, ivitht, :the ,t• Hnit-ed, mit,. and .Mrs,... Harry, Elliott., and 1 ' ' Menlbers . of. the- Luther ,League
•iSsets wcsbe distribtled;',ha'ing Tegard ''' . McKillop Group , , , . the , June meeting of the Catholic chur4 .1 f* ' Sundays .conelnd.... littlg ,„,f,taligb_tpx,1* -__•°;:;_:,_:_•_, - 'er4,ertairied ' the. Confirrhati,en class
.ora:1,..- to I irnsthen ‘ received,
11. The . June. Meefing ' of the • 1V.ICKil.-. Vernen'-s 'League, ...held in. the par irrg ,Tuly,. 27th Rev. Charles , D. 11. - ' , S -dahl .accompan- to a Wiener .1".9tatk011MOnclay -ye-,---
j.;:4-1-:TE,D,,,--.-,..t .,.._Ts..,,fo:r, Ll':,,•,-,tn,i,s,,,,..11'.!1..a.a.3,' 7,1. 161)..qr9o1). wa,s._ held 'at ---th'.6 -Pi° '.11I -q'. 'llisircillail6- 'FAT -a-Ms-irinb., ,ir.',.....„a.L....1, 'Da n i.€4 ---w, .-11. 1..-.13,---,4.1cliar-g.e.::gf-4.118,.r-,,
7 . : , - • - . . . . - of .Mrs, Robe -rt. McMichael wirh, 15 en _
-4-cortriEt..i, "se s'rEwAnT -, '.. 1 rrieMbers . an'd sik viSitois Pie's' ent7denee were re.'ad.bY ..;1‘{ii'll's-L:CuilLeC730bullY-- 'V'i."..''.. ' ' " '-'ll'ih'.' ' t7' -'114- HI ' e -d.-.--'-'. -'- '',.' • ,..' 1 tillIfr.;•-d,a-mnRdbMers:,:3:fa-1.1Tri'risetr'Vi.74tercl-
I, .- . , The. fol owing- school -.--S ,.- i i
a_ '1'1:tecl`d.7„11..w:::•Fx,ieCini--riji-Ws. .:37.71.7-7:1_in_lieliii.!'oiN;ieSti: -
c al l'inta''i°,:---''''L ' . --7:1/7.1-r—s.'Norinan Se,hade P. residedOP- anti MTS: J., .-KrAUSltopl' ,gave the deiits, ii.,.ac ,n.eepd,..„:„.uounifuit. • -Jack. currie, 'of " V.V n Pe t '17 S --.
s- etli -ed --with friend's ';',..arnund,-Croinarty:',. llfla.rt*.,rand,,,,,Roger .J.eniai, ed .f ,.
' C '.en Spencer. with. Wilson's,Drug...t...dr-
11.-ealL:re;Vc1)11In'ee,1 . -e-• •••• tar of St. Peter'sL. iither,an. Clin;.'reih
' ' • ' ' s day.", in - ho,Gor of '..ivir.
;Particulars 'from • •
ArE WOULD: LIKE .thank• the_friends.
D ' bundles Of',14s'erd,iiiig, aPronts.."' he'' sent to er oiday. • , , .
- , Mrs' Aughst
PIGS -11 York
,„,' different Places.,
" h ,.revieW .the " ,111iSsiOnary. .gayet 'talk
. . • ' .1,TARRY-,IVEILAN . n_„gh
r Or - .• • • • .• . • 4.1,- special, ,,
bors---of,--,Sis. 72, 0
• • It; a 6ftif Itoss • a ,s
' ' " 'Gordon, for the landneSs s , .Christnias .c
't She er. a ha. ham'. M e's." eliner'(3.),-Ed.' 'cellar fon .Sun ay„. _ th. '
I C t rs D n (z)
h v ' on the. ra haVe been seri , , ,
t 'MacRae 'and'. Mrs.. '.P.atrick Ryan-. bett• (3), .:Mrs. -.1 I. (tau hter
Hatter • Otto. ma e; rs. ,
I 'H ht n Sun- • and:
an more- ar
d "Aci 'be sent o . , • .„
'the 'a .-Rev-. A. uran d 'M ResS Dow,hton an a pas . w . ,
bli teaeher'Miss'Haek-
t ma-- 'Proceeds of travel- Bingo winners at the Legion Sat- sons and Mrs.. yerria -McKellar Mrs. R. Sholdice,
— Gleir-IVIcKenzie-visited-with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Mc, of their 25th weddmg anniversary.
1 dersMrS . McMichael" reported an in .y.
8. Farm... oc
t°a'1°n. of °ur LITTLE
• DAN PAPPLE. Ph. one
15.- Property or• 0 IVIonthiy-was given y _
d F th h kpot this Saturday will held Sun aY,
t t D tr it by bus o
e ' " b -Mrs- --Geo -the- .
' 'Mrs X- Aikenhead,' Mrs. C. Willuu- 00 Long, H. Evans5.Ils1Ifi MlIH, akniktersary services are to . be c sc oo
d June 29 at 11 . well, and ptipi!s and a few parents
t"" visit the.
4N.6. 11 thoqe o s
nt er T c
'"PRerie '838 r ,Seaforih. .•
• . . . „
d M 'J E" 1VicEuran at-. Whitechureh as gia.est sj)ea er oo on - ay,
204751 Thomas Kirkby on "The One Tal- '• WI Has meeting '
N AN, St. 'Columban. •Phone 84 1-in.,-vir..„Lm: oRN. - Phone -160-M, Seaforth. •
1, r 16. Dublin.
ent People ". as discussed by Dr The une meeting of the Dublin,
9. Poultri For Sale
-Fotra-nebm, self-contained anartm'e ; ined the'c I b ° 'Alb " '
!heavy wired. ' Ayallable ort -co. ertfliNE11 ng
in ,htir ,,,,•?..-tts ;Wed- ,, , . • • IN:ornen s Institute Was held. at the
b • t 11.11!* and :-Cdritests Were Aield, " after. heme-bf---Mrs, Mary, Feeney -,Mrs
-thanks thoeeasaisted•- in any W. , bi. a delicious lunch, was sery- Reuben Ailsens. presiding,. .Mrs: A..
. •Ake hoSteSs and :the ' Mein.; Lhoby=-.gaVe talk
, short: "' the
78.17-1 ' Brcidlingen Ont. , The highway'"7-11/1:--rS.-- mialtingof-a- good A b
I vErc-NA •11..ggsEta.. 'sgotr,grcg.erg ' ed;by
McCreath;.. Mrs. ..MrsL letin on: ;Canadian:.Asseciet-ion of .
ExpftESS . heartfelt IVfedenua anc.I Mrs., . Nelson -40d. • Censuiners: was read by Mrs'. A.
thanks and •'a:14P'reciation for the many.
of,•"--kindnese,, messages—of 'sympathy
'and beantiftil 'floral offerings received, -from
'oni• kind friends And - neighbori! in cinr.
reeerit,..'bereavernent of a beloved ,rnother.
We °e'SpeCiallY thank .Rev.: ,;-"Daniel, • Choir •
and Mrs 'floates:. Anther Rebekah •Lodge
843, Harold, Bonthron and Dr, 0999509.
23-11-1 • ,- THE. CARLILE •FAMILY ,
„ ..':•46-.,t, senfert1-4,,.." •. , 1,617"xl.
, - ..... . . ' . .
! 500 LAYING,. PULLETS. nett X Sinirlex,:4 :%SiiitPta#714$-}ifititfreepinf.,-.-for-.." .two
ApTy BART, PAPPLB - Phone Sea orth or 'three: .pentral. location:, 825, for' two,
650! r 22. , , 1,, g •ri..1 W;rite .B.0%- 46„ 41' Woodward, Ava, Grand
400! RIMBEH Leghorn pullets;' •51i, ,
• .
months , old. raying. ' Apply' Ros-tRw, • FDA. HENT -4 i
-renrd.,,',farally, binii.4", ,i -5••. -t -f,6
: ,PA C.K. Phone Seafneth .654.:r •41,..,..• 4 vitiaile'cit.P.4blipitg.-4R-vtt...04.0.4_1.1.za.:;h1
. . . • . 9_04a. tifigurfialic.iiixtg.:mop.; S 'bedrooms, livink
• reina;. dining ,A.dorif,. :•kitChen' and, .10 -Piece
PULLETS FOR • SALE-Legbietn4f0m;'., bath; bii furnaCe,. -Itert.t•-•retisoitable...to.--r4-..'
,eggerz ; 580 are -14 weeks, at :-$1,40;--1:-,„000,...:_litible-Party.'4,Avallahle :July • 1., ' ' ApPlY to '
,.are 11 weeks, at 81.20. We vrin delivir._PErM4d.
t :EL r..o-iipx.. ;;Phtlp.e, 54-',X. -1.0,,
:•;`,LBQ RYAN. Phone Dublin -40 r 4., • • 1. t-nOlit.,t. ,°' • ° , .19:-17x1
WIDE atotoE. omotc.s Speciat' Hy- "
,brIds ; brolier , chicks ; (anme start-, 1-.1..
• ed). Complete last. BRAY HATCHERY',
linalliton, Oat., Cri ••in'A.V011. .3jears experierMe.
Ater Patersonlitrueefield„ Thoaes Jhitlon'OzogGz •B: CLARICE. Phnite•.- 84; 'Sea-
EIU.• 5-0222, S'eaforth 641W9, or _NY:alter . -19"1.7xli
',111cCItrre, R.R. Sealoith, Phone • 844 • ,• ' • '
1:.T.I.__NCalikJ.,UNITY SALE nf
1- • „StOck. in. Ororiiii NaleS Barn, Oublinz ,every
,_ 8,008 DEga‘l.,B PULLETS FOR SAL.18-- :Wednesday 'night. ..ci5inmenting at . 8 'p.m.'
'Healthy, well' raised, vaccinated' for hron- FHONEDublin,
1.chitis And NeWcastle.: .i.fiegtes 014 J'Elhe'i ,•• ' , , . • ,I..-471518•
"211th° 'arid :hay :sett Diaconate On large. , .
l'reet deliverk on all -orders of REPiTO TANKS, :cesspoolia, etc., vumpett
200 ea- rntsre. Inapection,invitetl.',,Eneufr-,.and cleaned, With. nicidern'enuipinent. • All
• Iles promPtly aamWered. a11"45S write:'Work ,guatariteed.". 'Write 'or 'phone LOOTS
'MOMS'S POULTRY vAtt..14.. RiBt,', .3; .SLAICE,, ,,R.R. No. -2,- BrusselS. , Phone
'Seaftritii, Out, IM,Olie • , 42 r 6 Briiadels,' • -° • ,4701x21
- • ,421.4-tf, j e
'titno 96 ha;id yourbarns whitowneheit.nad
disinfected, Alsd entulpment to. spray
gialif and Corn. n'ttit R1JBBB.T cooptak.
Eketer, 471.1x10
O. .13;0e4 Cars FOr
mittangr svelnumenjet
tWitId 1901 tei3uite inotok ; lievr brakes good
• tires: &eel btalY, Wheel! rings,, , excellent
heater, suit visor anti' many other nlitras,
win pas pollee 'anfeti 'cheek'. Iteattortably
Priced: Real 'ahem. Phone 'DAVITS '
INC -STONE, 991 r 1947x1
11. Articles Por Salo
FOR SA..tE--Ttr -noriVel chairs, to clear;
81 GHBLIN L6jt0T1ttC7, Dubrra.
510.00 QV YOUR old. shaver, on a 'Pe*
ilezaltinttlott Italleetric Shaver-- DUBLIN
Phrige .70 r. 2, publira '
tU3.t 108'uhert item.
BOX .t.t.Tfthirrtip,g;. Sei,fortft.
FOlt"Irsits-t:-,-Aho-at'trdo. , feet- 'f 411,439
hdr rinchil!; '911'3O, 8899
Vps.SOrk hiudet, very
Ph0ne"56p 8194*. 114,
;ke.n..1,Ufbre ;Yon URD
' • • '471.44t
ALErThe cleanest bUrning 011 in,
Witt, 'ItOntalria., 6.6 a1001 WILLSAM M.
ARI. ?l9oit9 784, Selfottb.
13- ±G41090008 1(mutt ofrt
rin, Scalliesa, ,Biant •
U,l'.•tomatnesi" end; late eirb,
t3838B111:1,PU4X; 'YOur
t*,,,,$ettff*.t"kr-••" -11,41g1t•
-146TICV-iFi1ter (Risen' sales and 1set.,
vice, Repairs to all makes of vacuum
cleoners. Reconditioned definers of all
makes!, for sale. Bon Pncx., Varna.
Phone Hensall 696 r 2. '
t"1.01511 .Rd•AWhirlpOot
• ' 16 MW' A'foot; r' holds' 528
9486.09"," Clearing ,
trrrolv, 'APPLIONC5i8,,,
13j1709991 BIL27,2232,•-•
waled -PostpSid in -plain sealed ear ]ope
withEs' riee list. '6 sainpleS 25e; 24 -
nlas-!--91-00 T 79 ,
NOVA. -RUBBER to., 'Box -91, Hamilton
2Q. .BirthS
'snoxermitgo--tre, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Shortr'eed, Walton, ii' clinton
Public. Roaoitai, on Friday, June 20,
19.18,- a dmighter.
CHEStIEY-Glen and t Marilyn •• 'BIreSney
(nee' Kling). are happy to announce thd
• birth of their daughter., Barbara.:Anne;
• on .,TiinV 21, '108; at Victoria HoSpital.
Many Attend
A large Crowd attended the pie -
and ice ereani social in No. 9,
McKillop school 'last. %eek,. spon-
sored by t106 Bethel W.A. 13eeause
of rdin the entertainment and :so -
' 'Tern' Butters ave ,the
S'McKILLOP household...hintS. ',Readings 'vete
,•,.. .gwen by Mrs.lietb.' Britton and
Mr nd Nt's Irvin Bock:Paid Mrs John Nagle., ,;',Arratigemelits:
and Karen visited on ,Sunday ,With were Made for
.MF. and Mrs, Fred. ,., Chapple at tiji1.itak12:i6,•tour,the:Mugentri..
•.. , 'The i.neeting .was.' edjontitedntid
,Mr.. and... MrsWilham Koehler lariehwas served...T•hy.:,..tlialOstess.,!-
,aad. Mrs...'Eliner'Eoehler ..assisted by Mrs. lhar1e0Frxend
arkl.•• family' -.attended the Fisbe and'Mrs., A. 1...ebbY.;,.
renition.,at t9lteheU on Saturday. •
,and 1Virs.,,Norinan " •
Eggert Visited 'on,Sunday With.Mr: I ,.. The -anrinal• Presbyterian
Clinton at' Kurtz„ -Church Picnic Was , held in: ,Lions
Park • Meador .'afternoon with a
and .Mr. William Koehler, largez,,attendance. •In• • Charge; Ot.
sPertt• relatives. ,atiAlle•.eyent were ' Mis's jean rScott,.
Preston.; ' jit McMillan ansiF, R. Cos-:
.,..lgts,..Geerg'e, Byers' is a patient • ' ' •
in'. -Scott :Menibriat'llosPital; ,,sea4 lady ,:.present • ;Was, MrS.;.
forth- • • Nes Nio4ols.,,nnetnidest gentleiriatt:i
Mr ansi Mr Charles- Martin';of Thethas Beattie. The -.,YonageSt
:itosseativisited with Mr, .and pres' ent was ',..S.i.inia.Y.1,andSt..
11nrinan. Eggert' '.borough,,son. uf'.
E. :Fisher is to be 'aneSt. James- Lindsboroiugh.„1. ;
;speaker' . at ' , Day - prqa „.. Winners Of the. raee events ;ivere:-
'gram: at' the- 'Zitangelical• „Chureli Cradle r611 john -Goiwill, Davis
orifStuiday,; Julie; 29, at 8,, Landshorongly;.' beginnerd,, Paid
ial' music no alsd, planned: ;Mce11ar2 Bruce MaleOlin; vont.;
ary, Alan McLean0, , Glen „Nichol-.
Nicholson; Soha Me
„ „ „
,..• LOW•ItElL114014'":':, • , under '9, ''.Darlene
Abopt 4t1 descendants - the late; 11chbie-,,Afiller,' boys under
,john.,and BliXabethlOhnston.Lowe Nieliolson,;Alan 'MeLean; girls un-
inet,', tor ,.their 9iflua1. reunion.: on der 11, Lin 'Nixon,. Susan 'McLean;
Saturdayiii: the:Lions': park; Sean boys under • '11; , Allan Patterson,
, forth': They • :cante. ,Cardno; giris Under .13; .Katie.
London, , 'Ethel; • Windser;.•Ar, Wah, S eott, Meta Reeved,. •beYs . under
• The:, program c�nisted o on- ton ' ' Mad: 'Pattersea, Jim
timnity• singitrg, with. Miss Mary ,; • .?resident John Conlqy'..presided, girl's littler 15,' - Meta- Reeves, Litt
Dennis as aceemPanist step clanc7 for .g..basine$g,...*essfon,: at Which a NiXOn;. boyS:.untler 15, Jobn Pat,'
,,;Likis • God,' 'cid; solos Sharon new;:piesident.:„John 1V1cEwae,, ,of Orton, Torn' Dick. ; • - • ;,
Strong,-. Beryl •IVIcFarlane,'„.,,outh: Was!'„elioSen.`Mr' Jobo �tlter wnirs were freeifor-all;
Ann' wilson and MrS.•Eliner Ioeb IVIetWati- was named; secretary,. Sak race; gif1S,..lifiTNiikiti;.irayo
Jer,'-dnetS, 1EiIen Smith,";Margre't sports committee, •1V1r. ansi Mrs • Charters,;• Charlie
.:,.:004,-IfOimeo, arid 'Shirley- Murray.:earcliff; Nt atul Mrs kl George Reoves Mtn Mcllwaixi
. Witi Blsteni,•Ilati Cardiff, Tan Matb',. girls! three,leggedrace, 1.)ixt Nixon,
-5WOrd-dane0,,Pliihrand-IteeFand. eSon; ",and '..• "SnOtti,:.'KaYe-' ,Charteis
Chapattotike.;,ty:,,pdli.lioe., cnnlay,, Mrs7,11,miglas lfeiningway; and Diilene Sills;, lioye...three4ek-
iey :quater and ,Geraldine 'Ben- mig..•. cor4olt.I.on37.1p; ged'• race,. gon .1Aeuerinann end
nis Jean,"../vfargaret bad' Salle MIA: 51Ieldiee: .1' • LloydPtble1 Thna tgolf.Inct lab
Thllen iiterinthi ,solo; -Do& John-, .,F;Pavers.'were presented to. tile oji P attersere,-,glis WheelbarrOWraeei
stoxi; .sktt, :by nierribers,.frem ost woman 'piesenc?' Mrd. ',Richard Nixeit . and At atie. •Scott,;,' Meta;
crieff V.P.T.14 'readings by' Clifforil, Cardiff; ' thetse, with the ,iiearest EeeVes ,and 'Brenda Res;
Coultas, . ,aita.,'gnitar :_gOleetiOtt wedding anniversary, .1Virr,i-aridMrs. wheelbarrow -raee';;;•.Jini, • Mal**
by Mr arid, Mid,•-•1.:•Sirtith. and Bol - Harvey ITh11is largast family" and, Allan Patterson; ..'Peter 'Ming
ly; tag' dancing; tuth Ann 'Wilson coming ,the farthest„ .04-.:x.itrt'Obristignsin..baskethall
'and .Gletidd,Mathesen; Aneofcliap. dwinMom, ,of Londoti, baldedt thitoW.,;. -Brenda ;Ross,. Jimmy Nix,
$"(110 by Mary bedrlis... '
• ."• ItoriteYDennisw9man*it' iai.41PrraY 401*a0;Xqn CardnO;
Another KissYouin tte NOSSaw boys, Ken
kit.stspatei'”' WAS presentect by -Conley;,ftewedtlriarried' couple Cardne, ;PatterSon.; • , ,
uiilrell Was or the eve- prOgrana- of-.,:eoritests had been; ..ar- *tett ; arid a '1)10aie .attptiar •
Moricripff Rev*: W.Land Mrs.; Murray, Cardiff,... A Vations .ConteSts were 'also don..
hizlg r:aogod .by•'. Virg: : Graham Slioldieea1udd the cVen
Topnoireh;',19,006 ft •,. $7.00 per Bale..
ath _fa'xsesure re way, 0f optpining-trollble
free haling.
Save Money, With Self -Service,, ul ee
Or You Can Obtain the Same 'Discounts .by Bagging Your Own
5.00 per Ton off Bagged Prices ------ Picked up at the Mill in Ton Lots
Brantford, 10,000 ft.
Bulk,IPriee44,', r 40,0,1)91
TOPNOTCH 20% LAYOTO '011Z1VM:,tSn • • . $11.00- per:TOn'
TOPNO'f!Cii HOG' GROWEit. MEAL a rr r !,0,00 perTon
Enquire TomdaY-at Cour .1
Saving' ay.: to
We are able to Offer You SPeelal SaYirkgs on Trudt-tood-lots Of-AOY-kin
" of Grain,..deliy7ed rtOw:Or in the Fall.
)oUt the New Lcibour.
601100 Feecl
, eaforth
Just Rememb‘r:.Thert 'esf.-Profit4i:the First Profit
. .
. •
"Make Your Profit When -Buying"