HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-20, Page 9COunty rate for 1958 will be 13.4 the openhig.sessiOni elnded',Elston •„ntill6„, according to -estimates tabled. •• 'Or :Study • ht,Iftiren ,County Conn, cll.Meeting. last Week 'hi' Gode-. fOr the',uue seSsi014 rsueteuntY 'clerk, presented • Jhe.revitted esdinates'-calling for an: :expenditure yeat'Of alie-e'sitihnted15tidgetfor.a surpIu �f 4,7t ,c4/.15. 'fo'r., a mill ',rate of 74- Mi41$'-TOt-gelieral. .aedount. and ••niills for highwaYs:..acctunit.' , , 'BiSgke8t Cost; as was • foreeaSt.;inthe January -edition of • the -'1908 OStlotatesi--is-forliesPitat bUIS .Charged'aganiat The 'budget' prevideS'140,000,•:' Other4 Maier dents in the bud gt are $65,189..fOr 'debentures:4nd intereat";-.,.-:$40,00n-fOr the :.'llnron • •CtinntY: .Horne; $33;000 HfQr osts • of. inunieiPaL,, ,governinent:- 000'foi.the,.werk Of •:the Children'S, ▪ Aid -Bocipty;...'430,000'. for aihniiii7r ▪ Stration for- the unty'He4thThiit; 23,O -for . the, Operatibia. Of.the.' CovaitY" r -jail; 428,000j. fOr ;interest on ..bank • br- rowings The sum of ,.$5,0,0•0AS:'Sef .'"aside,for-payinerit• of fox boiinties;, _ _ • '-fCounty revenue may be affect- ' -ed this year," said Mr: Erskine, "by.the decision Of . the • Ontario .Government to-ipay. its 'share Of the. • Cest ...of running the .Huron .County Home, directly to the Home; in- stead of to, loCal....niunicipalities. • Censiderationf, Might , be "Mr. ErSkine:siiggested, ."to sething: this new • revenee-.• .aside toward.' ..couritY Home, construction Pests!' '•'Extensive :donations .nii:;Pioneer Museunt- are' by Gavin .Green;. efGOh re4' ported Chester-.1gewhing,e,y,.•;...bliait-; Man on the, ,ccenty '.1-dateric eorn mittee.. The 'Committee ,.is, Canter- • - ring With,Mr-.Green;he said, with a vieW to-, Setting...aside ...One area nf the musehin'.bniltling:'.M rich; for the Green,:donati,ons;,: Interest...in.theLMOSeii:,-eontinn.--, of the. project will .be in t netgia es lugh, 'Said ',1106Ve,:vIVIA.Whinney„ .-bothood Of $500;000; the cost to With, 1,800 _paid; ailinissionSY thisratepayers, of the county will, be seaSon, •before June Is about $15,000. Carcliff,_ l3russels, M,P for Huron, And...Charles MaeNditglitiap„.':Eketer,' $8004000-fot Road Mar: radbu1da-gra- itig...inOects, to be earned out this year..includes, five miles of Westward, froii Waltofl.AlSo. in - clued on the read ;program- are raileg" Of:read-hi Hay, pile inStepheemid half a inile in GOde- • . , rich-tOWnShip.., •, •• , ...! ..`,Pite.road programis,"the',IargeSt. •in; the historypi the, eountY, . andcaU$ for expexiditUre'.of• •$.909," O0O• On tile reeeinniendatiOn:.-a the roadcOnintittee;Of.,Vviiich Ce cel. Bake; : reeyeHet Ashfield; is chairinan,' , the, .,cenneil: approved ,.. Paving werkineludes inthe pra-, grainfour ni1es ii USbOrne. town ship t1ie nies in Stephei and half 74.- mile -on •.11rtiSsels];Streeta,-1- Major' 'bridge:7" building projects; include,,',:ali; close together ,.• ,n the ,I0th 'and..1„1,th.• rencesSuitia-offHow-- .a•'bria0-64..the Hut- bri-Perth.'beniiilaryi in the 6th Con- cession of Grery.townsliiprthe' re- plaCeinent of a railWaY,bridge near .r, "We `.ntiiSt,, not re1ax-.7nOW,." said. Beeve..'131ake.' There is still Tat .-MOre Werk to be done .thaa-there are finances -.-tai :AO jt With. • 'Ve. shOuld.;',11av'e,' as our 'goal . the pay- ing �f every -cetintY The-deeishni...ef• the Ontario, goy.... erninent to Make, a i',"development rOad,'.': Of, 14k: and a :half ,thileg• 'of roacr,,fivoi,,,,ttunlon,to Blyth,..,,wilt be. ajlaithelp.,te the .coinity.road.' prograni,;:.-Said. Peeve' Blake.. This. means" that...all the cost Of rebuild- ing 'this': reed, with the exception of .-purchasing be. [Pahl" for, 100 per tent Ddpart- ment OfiligliWays", ;Theliteta1'4pst: re each of The seven be restored for' this:year; after haviig. been tritur, med, from the einmtl•budget as an economy rnv ia aallarY. ,• Wren eotmed • approved a prO- POSal, from .1.teeve 14e1Cenzie's - coMMittee, _that, beginning in •195%-- the ,seVen, breed aggociatiPlIs. be •a6ked to: subtlitt- finaneial' staterdents,' whieh would be ,used' by emineilt,O assess the allotnient of grans - ••' Ey-aVete of 284; Conned decid- ed ',,,against .04*g-0:1akefront pro- perty _near. St.,JOSePh•:fOr-.;11Seras-a'-': conetY;•Parlr- The' PTIVertY, h. mile and. a quarter north, Of $t, 'Joseph,' Was estinnated .a.t 1.9 'acres, and - priced at.$1.7,000, •' New show cases have been built, .13 ,gress", to, rearrange_ exhibits, and • consolidate them, to gain space. • - • Th.e new -addition, he said, is al- • most filled. '- Visitors w,ho spoke to council at BETHEL, WA: he said, and work is now irc pro- 'rary Demand Up Contmue increase I being made of the county library was reported to Council.. by Mrs.. Alice Jean` tickmier, county lib- rarian. • Total circulation from, the Pie and • E CREAM SOCIAL \At the home of Roy=wiszong Friday Evening, Time 20 • Ball Game 7:30 - Program 8:45 Admission: Adults 60c, Children 30e • In case of rain or cold, the pro- am- will -be in No. 9 School._:_ ur,sday, June 6 ALTON Hall by Walton Women's • Institute -2 Variety Program to folio* Simper-- served 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Admission:- • ' Adults $1.00• ,Chiltiren 50c • DA1VCING. To Ian' Wiihee's -Melody Makers;ni Admission 50e " 18 Years: 'With 'CAS, „ The Children's .-Aid Society:hi Huron is at , present supervising 153 -ehildren, itt, their, own' homes,' in boarding.: Mimes, Or in , adoptive homes, said'IVIrs. MaryF. Chaffee, CAS; *supertntendeetin her ses- sional report to cauritY,ebuncil. • Durifig,t.he'PaSt six. months, .Sa" Mrs. -Cheffee-,-thessocietY lhiren has been averaging to add two chil- dren. each, month' ,to those Under care, , to,:place. tWo' a for_ adoption, and to complete . die adoptionproeednres -for two a ,, ...month. .homes are on thelist. of 'those waiting for chil» den to be adopted,- and ..another 20, have ,, asked for children, and have not yet been interviewed. - . Cases, under, the.Uninarried,Par-, .ents Aet, have beenfewer in Huron' than'in other- counties,- said Chaffee. Huron has had only .12' in the ,pagtsix, inonthg.'• Nelson TreWartha,',deputy.reeve •of Clinton, recalled . when- 'Mrs. Chaffee . appeared, to report- to 'Comity councillors; that lie had been on countycouncil when-Mr-s-•- •Chaffee-wa,4 engaged 19 years ago. •' "It has proved to .beone of the verY,'-beSt pointments I had soriiething.to de with;'said lienn.. ty Reeve Trewartha. Farm BcilanceGains Milk sales -from the farm:at the , Huron' County llorne, • near Clin- ton, brought in $1,715 in the first five months of this...year, it was reported, by ,A. If. Ersidne,' county elerk-tr,easurer. Aeemmts for the central county .librarY;, to...the lo- • Cal . libraries,' dePosit 'stations and, high, 'spheols,,, was 1,_234.;•.,...tor 'the first quarter f tilil Yea,r, up' 3;000 from a year ago, she, 'reported,. while the June bookexchange tour, completed', on -Wednesday'. Of ' last - week, 'brought a further inefease yet, tcr.,be tabulated.' - -"Tremendous strain- on :our 'book sleek- fromfall dernands, Said Mrs:: Fekmier, "has -reduced it to. a very :lbw ebb indeed. All we: Ilaye 'been able„ to do This year is toreplace wo i-ooksf-ancl-re-J- bind-whenever. poSsible.., With this unplanneddfor demand, we must pilichase'a- great anYPloi•LeAPYL-, erdle books, ` However, the ..bookS, ;are .1a sth,ag much long. er than. Ave. had ever- thought; lieSsitile.•-' MoSt of'the boOks.'-we diseard areeight to 10 years old. . • Restore Grants. .After having out the. off at .the januarY • session, Huron 'reetinty council ha's. 'restored grants 'to live - • bred associatjons itt- the emintY; WilliaM McKeriiie,-'reeVe of Exeter, and..;,chairman. -of the council s agricultural- commdtoe, reparted'FridaY ",that his e --Cement-. tehad-,,receive a deputation 'from the, seven breed organizations cot= cerned, and WeS'PrePared . re-'. ,..ttiatgrants of$100t0 • UNITED - Y E R.E S We Buy -At the Right -Prices! • We•Sell.At the .Itight-Frices! County 'farm are4.novit ;kept apart irmrs mows OMATOES-28-0z. Tin CANADIAN PANC7.4 01.10E SALMON -1/2 Ib.tin• 7 mum MARGARINE7-3 re• ickmeye (Suceessor to Clair llaneY) ' EGNIONDVILLE • TWENTY FIVE NEW1C8011,1N.141831138B,S since the beginning of the year, is- the record - ,.....,_ ..,,, , _. , . .•.. . --established by ' Cleave-00OMWS•rchairmail of the membership -committee Of --Branch- -156 --o , -. Canadian 'Legion. ,Recognition .11611Owe-cl, :when district membership committee chairman % Dan ' Ad- ams, of `Kincardine. (left); presented :Mr.' Coombs with a certificate of merit. Legion President, . ' Harry Nesbitt lerids smiling approval 'to the recognition given Mr. .Coornbs. •' - , .. • • ' " without cutting oft the baby trees. of the Act has become virtually Secret Ballot C)ut Plans are being worked out, he impossible," said .the -Ealbflei...c - The s-'ecret-baliot, as a means- of, said in co-operation with- Larry Thompson, submission ,,in, spite e ti a w n in- Huron was. Scales, Stratford, zone forester for f t d and 'stent efforts •Main Intersection n Town of Sea 0 One of the largest estalah area. Snack Bar. Immediate possession -Apply: HAROLD O.FR1 eafort• hotie ro ' ' •'iS deathblow by nr on-thpe:partiOf both Police and the ' „ a, good look at its own, rules of- . - - , g canitlirctitsiated,:anThd b:r.o'crrile ;EXPOSITOR WANT APS 13RiNG' RESUL'7'S county council -TharsdaY, Taking .Se'afOr h.'Gr lors .decidos that ..the .couhtYji.as, according,,,,to . the.".renOrt of. 'Btiron 'KEA') 'TILE ALPVE-41.1ISEMENIT::It's' a Pr()fiCt4 1.,,procedure,,„.a,,,,majority .of .couned,- ''Perenat,imi of Seaforth is' up -114, :the , purpOse for' 'which it. , • . • • - - f„0 been i1,. error,- for many Years, ittceinity :assessor, Alex' Alexaricier, ht. given .:-te; cOUritY,:cotincil, meeting 1•c waY f hops ng .a- warden e4c IJnuy sroomthatthPorsoefitfoorr tlheess'Horthee ie farlitti By a vote of 20 to 13, councillorsi- The report showed -,increases in operations can ' be distinguished. •decideil to change therulesof pro_ four of• -the five towns in Huron. I Other, farm :revenue for the five- cedure„ so that in future the war- Guderieh,..•with a decrease of 99, month peiod- :included r511 from den will be elected by open vote, was -the only one of the. five which pciultry,:• 339 from -eggs; $1,681 with each councillor ded.aring his did not show a gain, his annual • frotn rorn, ,‘cattle. -vote 'lin ,publietSeSsinn, •_assessment. report showed.- _ e_m er , ght before liiiton s u from 2, • • rni_ matt :Was brou D 904 to 940; ..nionth were bY Ifs ;WirdelirST-Corainittee, "Eketer,:.. from T2 to 2,09; , sea_ -$800 for wages $653 for seed and ty rceve of CInton and a yetOran Ifoionitizi„,frm....2:;684, to 2,1§8;' virighain o 2 790 The population fertillier;'.4000.'ler, Cattle feed, member ',Of Connell, ,.ig, 'Chair:Tan. of, 0,02de745rich at 5 785 was down to buy ",,itogsk$455'.fer tbedltrY feed;'Depnty, Ae-ey§.._.:;Trgyv,4#4.a.. noted froti.:the;figure of 5,634! reported -s-'21-6-7-fw-,r001:!--.0k.1?-d-H,g;•31),...;thact-the.Cifstoniirt41,117ciru, of yearago- for ferhei.feed;''', to elect ....a -warden', ":aP-' Of: the -three incorporated,villag The, fpr.fn'S, Joan•-khalaheein neared to. be trarY to Ontario shoWed a, - 2 RedPath Granulated: 5-1b... bag . 49c • neeteg Royal; Slieed itEs . 15 -oz, ,:-Allen's -4. 204i., Tins' Clerk's -4 207.oz. . .APP 1.4 E I If BEANS, VITO ToRE • ee "Svveet Large 4,8 -oz. ORANGE II.JICE 41c Heinz ABY D,S . . . ... . ... ..... 31° . .. 9' 2" . For Del Monte TONIATOCATSUP-2 11-oz2Bottles Air' -0 Choice OualitY • TOMATOUS--,228-dz.- Tins . Nature's Best Cream Style GOLDEN CORN -2 15 -oz. tins . . 'Urge 24•Oz. Titt- KWIF. T'S BEEF .STEW 5c Off Deal -100-13ag Package - KADANA TEA BAGS-. JELS1OflTE-l'Th Pkg. • • • • -• 29e .; five --montlas,--- showed • a •galei- ef,-- statute -law, -which requires °nen gain -from 741 _to__.770; _Brussels _a_ _,Larger Age Horne, •':Tentative .approval was given to a Plan t� cut tne, Cest to the coun- of_I-the 'hospital.'•bills.,_of people who. ;can not pay' for -theinselVes. Tho plan, 'put before county coun- cil.Werinesday,. calls for Plans ,and estimateS.,,fort.,:a triajor addition' -to the ;County_ Home: .at. A Special "eommittee, headecliby Warclen<•john „ iVlorrissey and , the County Home amtroittre,-.,headed •by Seaferth 'Reeve Nernian'Scohis, voting. -- - drop; from 803 to 788; liensall a After upsetting a custom of long drop from 842 to 833.-' standing intbewayQf electing 'a Pdpulations of the 16 townships • Wdaaytorden, Inkcaouei moncprreruoceeiede,dchnghuerss: in the dowdy show no maJor shifts since 'the 1957 report. They are:' which will alter the way. of chaos- Ashfield, 1,61:0; Colborne, • 1,168; ing members of the county road .Goderich, 1,677: Grey, 1,975; Hay, canimittee: - Again by a vote of 2 2,474.1-11 wick, -2,707; ,Hullet 1 - ' 0' o t• ".- - to -13, council decided' to enlarge 932. McKillop 1 629-1Vf41rris 1'640 - the road committee from . three stani.,e3y, 1,951; • StePhen„ 2,306; „imoern?beErosu iitool-ft.4ileo.W.,eycia,_thva,otteindt,111„, ,,:i_it,Tuliseurs.‘nb_oitrhii,e.,1,914,,,176;‘;.,Tomria,bewrvw, ,:_n,_-_, tuxe,, road committee members, osh; 1,104; • w, iwawanosh:•1,159, should 'be elected.hyopen.,,voting; - , • .. . CTA• Hurtt • Trade in Publ'ic ,sesSion, jiit as the ,war • - den is in future to be chosen. - • f 18-15 on By unanimous vote it was de- By the close margin o th t the enlarged five. • ..man,• a recorded Vote, • Huron County joined. adVising that the., connty. , -should conSider 'the. ea- . road ciiiiiniittee becerne Council ;declined to pat'itself 'on paddy -.Of,: the Mame -from. 190 to • -effective in" 1959, to consist 'recerd,...,as.. Protesting ,.,against the 200...4.The,dirtentioniS to'. 'transfer three menib.ers'frern,roral ninnici;,, :Canada'. Temperance Albert ChronicallY :ill Indigents' froin hes- „nalities, and ...twO ineitiberS, froM. Kalbfleiseh, Zurieli, and :George pi a s an nursing - onies, - , e an monicipa rips ron , ay townshipappear,- County Home ,..,.....1.....L„.„.,.:„,_,-L-The4roadf.-eonirnitteewhieltiov-ed:befere, and: asked for temittY.- erseei:,alinnallY the • spending ,,Of ,Sapport•for.:a.'Moi410): end theiaO- treasnreri-----estimated _that stint." the 'order - of $500;000;,- 'plication Of the CTA-in..Hnion. quarters of the.. Chronically: -considered . to be the. intiSrpower- ' Mr,',Kalhileischrand.Mr• Thotnit- PeePle- for whom the :.county ' foots ,ftil...coniniittee Of 'retinal' Initiating Son Said they-.apeared' as private the bill,. Conl&.beiSiveri. care the •dtiscuSsion of the :prepo.Sed lit; citizens, , interested in' the rwelfare -Mu& lower cost M' the : County 'create ;tar" five members, Reeve: of : 'the: County apt; not ,:a.s,:,tepre', Home. The 'county pays'. $4.50 a Jewitt, sentatiVes,:of any' Organization. -; day.-40-'lceep;:indigent patients -.in, -"As it 1s1 three mon allot Our feeling they said:Hill, a-- ,centitYlibSpitalS,..and IS at present the .Speriding of .a VerY,large,Ipart Written' submission:Ito "i'couneil; "is oPerating 'the ;Heine at" it cost of d'the county budget'. that We'haVe suffered. too king un- $4,..56.`per ininate.per day,'Indigent There has been ne, case of 'rabies der thiS:','Act,:..We.d.e reason Patients last Year -best Hitran.;$11g-r -Yet Tepoifed this Year in ..11uron, why we shenld. go to thie expense • „ b't • are" bein • repo ted -in of, a Can.Vass as We are convinced Ceuncillers agreet:. without' re - Corded VOte,-,:to giveReeile Scale cenimittee power to Order ' PlanS for an addition,, for :Subinissionat a later-SesSion Of , Ounty..counciL arden,'1Vferdsseyecniimitte MPL • ic Foot 26 Cubic Foot r, -Door 375.00 $699.9 L.• 1 79c Golder( Dew IVIARGARINE-214. pkgs. . ... 53e •VitItite Cross , LIQUID JAVEX TOILET TI 16:oz. 13ottle • • • • • • 15c 3 Large 'Rolls • • • • • • 9c 32 -oz. Bot1e - -• . c CHEEltV- MORN• KELLOGrG'S • Fure blatant• Oven Fresh COFFEE CORN FLAKES Giant 16 -oz. Pkg. - 31e FRESH GROCIND-ctitT.Itit Mfo101-.1COFFEEL-171b..Bag':,.. „. Mai Void' Q1Vit; soft Drinks with #itF,smEL.,5 ,29e Sil,VerW04,-CP,Oflei7ed OPTD010.0K-lb: pkg. swifrs TEstor noo roori-4 15-Oi, tins ,„ " 256 ALL, ,-.EOFECTIVE. $DAY FRItand,SATURDAY-Jitne 19,20 & Y Ur trPtit northern ,and eastern Onta,r,io, and, that plibIle Opinion would agree to . watchfulness is -needed, said „Dr. rescinding this_Act.'',, ' R. Aldis, director of .the -Huron The. • applipation of • the' CTA Health' Unit, 'when .he reported -to to Iltiron,, they:: Said; • leads to county council, ' ",: ;honest , citizens ;breaking toile shoUld be the, Taw each day becatise it is tot • refoTted' that present Cotinty instructek he saidr-to-enforce loeal legal_ to hririgsn Your own.liquor ,, • Home is being used capaeity, bylaws strictly and Children -should supply." ..The CTA., ----"they 'argued, and that 10 people have had to be be warned not to touch dead ani- is `. it inost;.ineffeetive' and refused admiSsion, beeattse of the mals, "If ...the family 'dog is going unsatisfactory method- of control lack of bed space for theme. The to go along with You On a holiday ling the sale, dispaition and. con - old section of the Horne, built in- trip, -you shotildget it vaccinated semPtiOn of alcoholid beverageS," 1895, is hard to heat, and could be dgainst rabies," he, advised. .4 • : Mr„ Thompson- and Mr.. Kalb- eonsidered a Are bard, the cam- There are no 32 county health fleiSch subMitted a form of motion mittee. repoiCsaid,. „, •units in Ontario, serving about Which they asked' comity council A -preliminary plan Submitted by 2,000,000 people, said Dr, Aldis; to endorse .' With a full turnout of Rebve SWAZIS' committee suggests ,costs vary from county to county, 'councillors, the motion was reject - that the old handing he demolish-, .from a low of $1.30 per capita, to ed by 18 votes' againsti to 15 in et, and..a ,two-storeY 'addition put on - the new boudinivvhicli'; Was Construeted, .1953;54. . Warden, ..gerrisseY:noted that the last ,paymetit ori :debentures for the new court -house will be ,made in 1059, -and that"! 'if -debentines• ence p g, should -fie-Sold ler a-Colipty :Horne area for 94,000 people; conneil X''OPe,al. of the saki Mt." - addition,.4' in 1959, the: first • Pay- teld by Edgar *F. Huron 'and, Berth- are the 6i -11Y meats' would rat come due ;.nntil: fence. 'co.-sordinator:lor Ontario: 41 countieS in Ontario in which the 1960, " nuclear,' warfare toxnes, said Mr: Canada TeMperanee ,Act applies; Orval 1'01er:reeve Of East Wa: Bevis, main target; areas.. Such as. In all Other Ontario counties; the tvenosh, that if the 'Home Windsor and ,Tortilito,. will be Liquor Control Act Of Ontario,ap-, Were enlarged, the duties Of the neuated; Huron Will beexpected to plies. *On and Perth have no. ,siMerintendent- .1.tarvey,. Johnston, reeelveevaeuees from the Windsor beverage , rooms -and no liquor would., be niereaSettv Re'ette•TalYlor area. ' -'• stores,..becanse the CTA prohibits said he ..Woutf.advise that 'in that The basis fd-r: the., civil defence the -buying or selling, of liqnor. In ease,. the, cOnntsr,,farni,...gherild be. lob of • looking 'after evacuees or Huron :Perth; the equivalent sold, te, relieve ..atiperintendent refuges,, he.-saiti, is M :the 'Mani- of a LCA.- beverage racum4s • the. coMpletelY„tif Inc. ditties aS farni Opal' services -police, lite, ;health, `:43ottle. : in. , 1140111)6ra manager. • iq wethl..faver,. selling welfare • and. engineering; - preSurnably do net .bnylwhat: they, :farrik, stock „and:" equiPtient,,,,, and defened .',platining in Ifuren, tirink beer. or 'Door putting 'oe :Money in 06 new warned, will -hate' to 'ConSider in which they own,theniselveS,'. and .bacliko--aild the • sooner :We bug& detail - What to do about hot.teing,' heeP,..storecron the eitih, pretinges.. vie, better." -.• , feeding . and looking after, the 681, 'Uri, • ThollaPSOti ,--Biiperantettilent needct. of the:, people: who 11E46.; in their -appearante Ware. tan ePPearing' before ewtheir for *Mild be Huron's resriensthilitY. emmty,-;-tottneil; argued that the c'rA hutt.S. the tentiat trade in Hur On. beetute there is htde "enteur4 agoinott to hotel owterg•M provide good a000mmodfioa; glat Mitts retail business beceilse ShOM).erS go outode,,Itufori. to townsbicbay there have been 15.admis- littiter,'Stores';;Ihat' it -gfOrigt ...She' • deaths.: :and Ono county .itispector., A' new- ltind breeds diStespeet far .beeanse chop.' '.1tere. are :now M.; said of ,rotarY mower,- mounted under. ordizMrY` citizens are, led In. on. gr, Johnston, who. are payingtheit" xieatli. a 'tractor, iS terbeesed -to Sider it nortnal:praCtieelt0 'Cirettirt- Own ,at. the -rate 4;4415,4a try to so4fe the rablent of eitti vent the -• • ' ' ' .." tin it j A r orestation land. urvittotge*St-.:{4 ns . a" high of $2,001 Huron's cost is favor. It. read: Be resolve approximately $1.50 per capita, that° the County Coon,cil of the - • County of Huron des protest the HuionC D A.rea /continuing in force of the Canada' -* • •, Ternperance Act, and respectfully Huron is designated, in (re.- request the Parliament of the Dom- ' h -Co inion of Canada tO bring about the • MODEL csAisa . upplyjs Limited .00 EST NGH4)US big' Seasioniif.repeirt, said that the tiumber of inmates an the Herne, at'the end of gay, was 103, up from 68 When he rag first appoint- ed to, the staff-ut August, 1054. Since the beginning- of:' 1958, .Y.• he 'the Windsor area were attacked...0 Ordered evacuated. • . . Experiment § are fo be -made this stuntner,.in the -Westfield xeforestk- doe tract in Mirth Huron, in the cidthig, ef.-7Weeda in 'treeplanta. tions, Said. William' DougalI,* 01 rgains very • Article In Our Store. Visit Our Showroom -- It Pays ! USED ARTICLES: 2 Propane 4 -burner gas ranges 2 White enamelled combination an -Electric rafiges- (cheap) 25 ea. 3 Space heaters, condition, from $50.00 down to $10.00 1 8 cu ft Gilson Refrigerator $95.00 eu• ft. dyelematic Refrigerator, • iiew unit, guafanteed. . ...$125.00 Gilson used conditioned coal ..and wood steel' furnace (good as new) (Cheap) 1, - 'u.s., Cidu; ..FIiigl..rcompres- sore; " 459! isd icuft. Filgiecom%res sol' $5500 ., 1_ ,used Asti ol Frig:,.like new:14.7.00 3. Used WaShrS, ':giiaranteed, - • $10.00 to $50.00 ' 1 Delco, Stoker (used), only ears •oTd, complete with ,controls sod and New Motors For Elevators and Grain Augers over 300 motors in stock).. . Motor's from $5.00 u Each Article a Bargain t us quote prices, Oil Natural Gas Appliances' and Furnaces VISIT OUR SII0WROO1Vi Heating Electric Repairing -- Motor Rewhi Refiiger ion and Gas Equiptrient epairS ightiflg Iumbing PHONE ZURI TARI