The Huron Expositor, 1958-06-20, Page 3•
dor Young or
f Trea
at elight ul T e
- Tak.Home `' Sundaes
rum Sticks and . Cones u S c
A railable in Seafortli at
Order ;Them '.Through
IT -
i I GUON• LDffs livrnATE
The Monthly meeting af the:
Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was, held
on Wednesday in the legion room
with 25 members present, ;Mrs. J,
McKibben was in the chair. Qne
,now 'tnembor, Mrs, 'Dori soot, was
initiated Three new metAbers ae-
cepted, Were -Mrs, MarY Ohapple,,
Mrs. Powell and Mrs Ken Doig.
These be initiated, in Septem-
, ..
•Plans for the-, visit to Stratford
Auxiliary on- June 23, were- conn
pleted. Members wishing to go.
will meet at` the 'Supertest Service
Station . at 7 p.m, ' An invitation.
was accepted from .Goderich Aix'
iliary•to attend • their birthday pal
ty on June_24.
Mrs or Y
Dora Taylor and
Mrs, Ed
'gar were delegated to attend the
provincial:' convention in Toronto
iri September Mrs. H. Jessome
was: elected '::to, ..the 'executive.
The mystery prize was'=won by.
Mrs.' D. Netzke, and special prizes
by Mrs. C, Muir and Mrs, George=,
and Mrs Nelson Reid, .'Viral-;
ton, 'are observing -their' 25th wed-
ed-ding;anniversary on Saturday; June
21. They 'wilLbeat-home , to their
relatives, friends 'and..: neighbors,
from two to four • in;'the afternoon;
and from -seven' tonine in the eve
Some girls", use ,pills to 'get rid of
headaches; others use headaches
to bet rid of pills.-
Clinton , - ',Ontario
Featuring g.the Lar gest Wide Screen:
in Huron' County'-
Two Shows ;Nightly;..'.Rain ,or :Clear
Box Office Open at 8`pm.-
First. Show at" Dusk'
Children Under 12 in Cars Free
Thursday • and • Friday
June 19 and 20 `
Doris Day and John Raitt
• (Two „Cartoons)
Saturday and'" IHond'ay
June 2k and 23
(Colour)'' (Cinemascope)
Karl Malden and Natalie Wood
(Two Cartoons•)
Tuesday and ;.Wednesday
Jun 24, and 25
(Colour) (Cinen't•ascope)
Tab Hunter and_lyatalieWood
(Tsvo Cartoons)''..
yrs. f assrnore
WIDS -:Dyer At.
General' Potty
The staff and employees of :Gen- :.
eral Coach Works :of Canada were
tendered , a banquet by the .,firm,
held at; the Goderich Pavilion Ext. -
day .evening. A turkey' dinner,with
all the trimmings, was •served, .fol-
lowed with dancing with music by
Johnny :Downs and :his orchestra
rRwleeremey' .RLo
kivne,-P rtee
ean tt,
nnm `put=of-townguests-attending
Marlette, Mich Each lady was
presented With,'.a cor'sage.;
Winner of the automatic dryer
was Mrs.:- Pearl Passmore; ,Heli
salla' The lutilty.ticket was drawn:• .�:.W>u� k�,?.[��h;�„;, ,.T��.„ .•�„� ,s3'� ,
by Miss Margaret Moir. The draw 1ViRt. AND MRS, G1 MtGEE, whose wedding
was sponsored: by General Coach; took place at the ;parsonage of Christian':and, • Missionary, Alli -
sports...,. -..committee, and.: _ Billy: ance Tabernacle,—London,-- will reside - .00 tine'. troo,m,s farm near
Noakes ; sold the . winning ticket. Seaforth,. The bride is the' `former ' Hazel Muxworthy,.
The toaster was won by Miss Lor- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Cephas- MurtwbrthY ,`'London: ' The
ranee Taylor, of GrendBend .
groom. Seaforth the son
on of the lite -M' and rirt. M is: Ttioinasr_
Tare BIoW's, Hiit,: Tree _
Ivan Colenian, 18, of Stanley
Township, was- admitted to Victoria
p ,
Hospital ,Friday:.night, suffering a fl.I TRICT
fractured nose: Injuries resulted,
from an accident -on ,the Goshen LFE- ROSS
Line; Si/ .miles`~ north of--..Zurregr BRTJ(. EFIE1,1) Betty.; Tean R, ss
Coleman., was.: driving `south- on the. aiid Donald William Lee. exchang-
GosheneLine,when a front tire blew: ed` -vawg'. fore'•the 'Rev...Sidney_
out and, the ear, bit a tree .O P P jj ivison. o�r Saturday, June 7 at 8,
Harry Reid, of Exeter,, Who -in -Vest-' o'clock, at the home of the' bride's
igated,',stated that damages, were parents: The bride is tli'edaught'er
-$250. 'of Mr and” Mrs.' Selden: Ross', of
Gifted On 25th Brucefield.. The groom is the son
Mr. and Mrs. "Harold Bell_ were.'of=-Mr..and Mrs. Elmer Lee, ofRR
honored ata family' dinner on the 2,r Clinton. • '
occasion of their twenty fifth chin
versary The,dinner -was arranged Given iri marriage by her father,
by -their daughters and son - andthe bride: wore' a, tioor=length strap
Mr. and Mrs.'.Don Bell, of Exeter, less gawp o£ nylon net. and lace
They were, the: recipients of many oyer satin. Thegown lead a rliine
gifts. ,;;Attending were_;Mrs : Carrie- acne studded bodice A rhinestone
Bell, :Exeter; Mrs,, -McBride=: and covered croi� n 'held - the finger-tip
Mr:and. Mrs'„ Gordon Block .,arid veil of Freneh' illusion. -She carried
family; Zurich;; 'and M'r: and Mrs- i white Bible covered with ,real ros
Don Bell,; Exeter, es
i4iiss Caroline £toss sister of the
Give :Chairs bride `ryas bridesmaid earin a,
The "June •meeting "of Chrselhurst g
Women's Association and Women's .gown of orehca pet and ;ascadevef'
Missionary Society war,held;iii the tafftta. She carried a-,cascade;of.
- .. ,White_mums, Flgtiyer girl was_Miss_
church:. schoolroom . Tuesday, eve Dorothy Itos sister of the bride,
Hing. ' ;Mrs. Alf Ross conducted the
worship, "Go, :Tell." Twenty small wearing a dress o£ pink net over
. taffeta. She carried a cascade 'of
chairs have :been purchased and white mums. .
are to be finished. for •beginners' 'Kenneth -Lee, of Clinton,- cousin
class .in ,the Sunday. "school, room. af:the, groom, was groomsman.'
Mrs.• R Taylor. presided for the Mrs. Barbara - flayed the' music, and Miss' -Dorothy,
rs. .. Clarence Coleman,. second ,Ross , .was the. soloist:`' durin -. the
:vice=president,, tooki:the _ chair fort - • g
the WMS meeting. 1VIrs: T. Brant -1 signing of the register.
ne11''gndke on:the duties' -of a Chris . A reception was held at thehome
tian•'eitizens'secretary Lion Brock T the bride- after ,the wedding
showed interesting. slides of.: his Tlfie bride donned: a white' chemise
ing-"head-dress. and carried white
feathered carnations and. ivy.
Diane Adkins, Cromarty, (tourer-
girl;:: was frocked: -in a gown of
crystal • charm, styled with elon
,gated fitted "bodice, semi-schoop'
neckline, puff sleeves, white mitts,
and full gored 'skirt.- -
skirt -
Terry Black, Zurich, 'was ring-:
bearer. Denis 'Finan of .Sarnia at-,
tended the;''groom. James:.. Wimp
eris, London, and John Rom ell, of
Woodstock,: ushered.
For- receiving" at the -reception
held; in the ` .church .parlors, the
bride's mother wore a powder blue
lace' dress over taffeta with inset.
of organdy, aceordian.pleats atthe;
side with navyblue aceessores-`
with,whichshe wore a corsage of,
pink roses.- The, groom's another':
chose a dress of Rit,Bengalin' ma
terial, champagne 'color, -wit .or=
an e, ice accessories rand co sae'
of'-: Talisman roses. • The- bridal
table "Centred a three tier wedding`
cake, flanked with .red_, peonies,;
fpirea and canleraba. Table .as
sistants were Mrs: -Harold,- Reich-
ert, Mrs: Theodore- -.Steinbach, .Mrs.
.Eric Switzer,Mrs: Howard Adkins,
and -"Mrs.. A. 41erner, -
For their, wedding trip to North-
ern Michigan the : bride travelled
Yn a' lilac -suit with-; accessotles in
white and >:a white:'_ rose ; corsage.
Mr. rand Mrs Hess'. -will reside in
dress 'with. a• -corsage of- red rases
trip ttf : lorida__atid-other places of and white acces.Saries for, a :ived-
rote •est Conti Titin to the ro -
gram a 'rceitetiea by Joyce coli le will reside in .Clinton
Ferguson A arge bale - is to. be
packed: and sent to Toronto, to be ' WOOD- MCBRIDE
forwarded .this` montha Mrs. Carl' ' HENSALL =o-nna r Jean 1,,,_,
Stonerr ail'`an1:Mrs: Ben Stoneman Bride ,and ,Kenneth
1111111111111111arIT11111111I1i111111T1itlIR,111`~were h;Qstess'es-for the meeting. changed wedding. vows Before .the
Rev: l amid"Siie1I at"Janies-Str t
United ;Church, Ex.ete.r,,=Saturday;
• .Trine '14... 'The bride of Toronto,. is
the daughter, oftIVIt-, -A,Ivin •11c -
Bride, Exeter,- and the late Mr.
Mc ide. - The groom; -also of Te-
ron#o;. is ;the son of Mr.: and 14irs.
Albert Wood Brussels.
• Given }n marriage .by her bio
trier, Stuart •McBride, Toronto, the
bride.'wore - a':floor-length, gown of
srlk -organza over pink' tulle. The,
gown,: which extendedte'.a chapel
train;...was ,accented with',-hand.,em,
broidereci-motifs. and.,•seed pearls::.
tiara`in various -tones held her-
fingertrp''vetl, "and she .carried-• a
bouquet,. of pink; -roses, stephanotis
and •lily of the -valley
`;Wearing identical gowns of pink-
irmbrofdered silk'organza, bridal
attendants were:Mrs Leslie Easun;..
Stratford;••as matron of honor, wtli
Miss 'Joan Johnston, • Toronto, .and
hlfiss ayne.; oo ,.•
ziissels, sir-
ter'. -of the groom, as •pidesniaids:.
Flower -girl Julie: McBride,•was' al
"so gowned in• pinko ,
• :`.John-McConriell, Gode'rich, •.was'
groomsman;.° and Gordon Paine,
Lond`on;;:and ',Taffies-
ames 4�ylie ' Wrote-
tela were ushers:; David. McB-ride
Toronto, .was rjngbearer.
For a ;wedding•''trip' to Maine;
U':S A , ;the bride donned a pure
silk ensemble iii -tones of blue ,and
white accessories The„ bride- is a
graduate, of Stratford General. Hos.
niter Scliool of Nursing. The, graoin
is a .graduate- ,of.• the Canadian
•Memorial Chiropractice;- =College,
Toronto. They will live-in Clinton:
r ib g p ding trip to Northern Ontario The
olidays begin -the -very -moment you
step in behind Chevy's wheel! You've just
never known- such a light-hearted, light-
.. tooted; way of going...Hillsffatten out for
Chevy rough roads run smooth
and; road bends .stretch out straight as 'a
.. ;string., That's part of the reason Cana-
anadians choose Chevrolet„ above all other '
".:.'cars, yeax.after year. See your Chevrolet-
• ; dealer'... today!- •
WGHWA5'� "Up
Itittstrdted, •'r .;
the inccimparable Impala,
Canada's bet sel ling ebnvertible.
,HENSA'T.L Audre' Kathleen
Green -.and Will aari :•Joseph Hess.
exchan_ged .wedding ,vows . 'in a
charming eerehiiony at St, Peter's
Lutherast'',,Chttroh, Zu-rich; Satur-•
day,•June 7 at.3 p,m.; 'before - the..
Rev. Otto Winters.. The wedding
'Was perfohhed amid a floral back
ground 'of pink and. white peonies,
,white carnations, mum's and -.ferns
with eandleraba setting:
The bride 1S. the: daughter. of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence S. Green, •,Olin
ton, 'forrnerly, of Grand Bend, and
• the groom,•:ef Woodstock, a grad*
ate from the Canadian School.'.; of
Embalming,- Toronto, is the son of
Mr. and Mrs•, Albert G. Hess, Zur-
reh, ,.
Mrs. • Fred • •Haberer was --at •the
Organ' console `for' traditional lived
ding'" iTrusic and accotnpanied; the -
soloist, 'Kenneth, Flear, of London,
whn sang, "Beeause" and "I Love
Yott'Ttu1y." ;
Given •in -marriage by .her father,
the bride .was levely . in a formal
gown of antique silk and nylon- net
avler •taffets; -fashioned -wit `nlott-
gated barque bodice,, enibroidered
Alencdn yoke,, studded with, Trrides-
cent seginns •'and' seed pearls„ scab
loped• -Sabrina. neckline,' and ,long
tapered ;'Sleeves :; Alencon • lace mo-
tif outlined the,:,Scalloped hipline
that'fornied an'apron•l-ntfeot at the•.
track of the chapel train. - skirt. %ler
bridal' boirgiiet.-wass gardenia and
lily of»the valley;, HHer headdress
was, a jewelled_ :half hat of nylon'
tulle. Seed pearls and rhrn-estones,
held a double silk illusion -veil;
Iyer attendants,'. Miss' Eathleen
Hess, of London,,.as maid of honor,
And Mrs: ranter C; Wimperis,• of
T:ondon,-- and Miss -Norma' Stein
baeh, of. Zurich; ,bridesmaids, Were
gowned;n ballerina length pale
aqua crj stat -Sha •ni;-featuring elpn�11
gated • fitted bodice,- serpi-scboop
rteekline short; sleeves and niateh'
Phone 334 —Res 540
businessman, who was chairman
the blood .donors divialon for tl
Ontario died Cross during the Se
and World War, died Wednesday-.
Born and'°educatpd in $eaforth,`
he had been Living in Toronto since
1010 and until his 'retjrem,ent from
Business rn.•1t13S ;hslad-been--with-
the leo), firer of Miller and
Sirrvivors include his; wife;, form-
erly Katherine'llanna,; a son John
Sproat, of. Ottawa, ands a -daugh-
ter, .Margaret.
111 11i 1 ntam lini11oonoI111111 1 1"
11 I#1 1 11
and URAW
rke r
a a S
it Hca u e
d _
Y PP..
on .grounds of� St Patrick's• Church
Wed. Jeune 25th
Your closet ean always he
full of ready-to-wear gar.
ments when you use orpr
quick dry-cleaning service:.
Prompt pick-up and d 4iver '!
Phone $7 Sealer*
ausprt7eI°!s-ECai.thola'c WLoxatgenS spI�.iu
agTe__ e11tehatthruow
nnhec_easi 3sali
rxye n
-i. Eie1Admissio . Adults1; ,Children 50c furnitur c
e ,
111111111111111111111111111111I1!1111111111111111 tor Classed 4.d Phone 41..
ave 'YOU
ItiER '
entered o
Sister .Catherine: of St.'jus
L. tine's -Hospitalin Mont}oa].
called local soirees nod -aro-.
-antidoterequiredby Hooter
—then. called Poison Con- •
trot • Centre of, New, ' York
for emergency'ahipriSent.--"-
-A boy's iife'hurig in the'balance-four-year -old Ron Tisdale
of -Montreal, Ron :had swallowed a quantity of'sleeping:pills
Now he.was in"a,coma. His breathing had stopped :
At St. J'ustine's Hospital, Ron was'put into a resuscitator
Ills stomach was pumped nut. He was _given every •anti
poison available. Still ahve;: he'remained in a deep coma- It
was f eared that at anyDirioment. his :life might fiielrer out.
At -,the Hospital ..the doctor remembered reading about: a
powerful neve 'tnti>poison-=' legim:ide. But where: could it be
obtained? Sister.Catherine of St. J.ustineys, after, trying s'ev
era] local •;calls;. fin'tlly•telephoned' the Poison Control- centre
of New York City. Did,they have any? Y'est. one half'ounce,
recently received frorn.Brltain. '1 •
v '
At that very:- moment, an Eastern Air Lines plane was
ready for its 11:45 takeoff. for Montreal. front NeW York. •
Another phone call, and considerate airline officials agreed
to hold it ,"its :passengersvoted'unanimously-to.•wait-A..,r tr
i'aded to the field,:and-t Health:1 epartmentworker banded
.,the proeious vial to the stewardess., In a short rude, a rda t-•
ing• car rushed the Meginirde to St. ata -little Ron-
TisdaleWas soon out of danger. •y
The World-lrenowned - en> Yilr-k Times clrose ata tell:°iii
detail'oti its editorial pages this dramatic. story, For what a
story .of, human helpfulness 'this rs- - ;people using tele-
phones, airplanes .and.autcniobiles--placing before all else•
their determination to help save that most precious thing -: r• .
o human life. -
We atsty like to tihink that this i'noidetit:demanstrate* hurry
people ttlrit tb their telephone in times of urgent,ueed. Fdst
anct dependable; it. •stands ready.,10 serve you toq--at anP
hots' of the dog -Or -night..
:-44BELL,TE1„*iPHO.NE 001.0 4,,Ni .eANAPA:
Hasty phone call held New
York-Montreal'llight piloted
l y Captain Raul -Abet -Stew- .
artle,>s Patricia.
ceived --vial of -rare mitt -.:4
poison' from New York
Health 'Department worker.
Doctor at , Montreal's St.: `
justine's Hospital •'helped .:
save' Aon Tisdele's life 'With '
Mag+ilnide powerful new.
anti -poison which was Snixl
ly Located in New York.
Louise tatottfue .i,5I1jL
tiistittYcb oTreiAtor sir 'Wan -
reg ' handled
ont-real'isandled enOlal call to,
NCW'±hRlf"�otlb of coda -
less teleisitlrtee, ri -opo, Who
work, .bellitt4`ite'4
ITS t1Ayl;:�itd .'rd't