HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-13, Page 9�+► OD, CR. i Treai or 'YoUrt or 61'i • bricks ai tike sol n es. Dine Sv da .: ticks d �oncs' �ru�n S OSIS A FAMILY TREAT' EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR aiIable in Seaforth at REAM COUSINS ' ......ICE 4 CREAM _ears.: ►lderick. Lawyer Tiro qua;rt;erly OFU county tneet- t ;;,was• held in Vie,: agricultural board rooms, Clinton Bob Taylor was 'chairman.- Bob 'Ani rstrong introduced the guest speaker, 'Mt% Frank Donnel ly, „lawyer :. from - Goderteh.. He spoke on criminal cases . with a jilry'anti how they: -were selected, He thought more women should be on juries. He also spoke on, wills; stressing that everyone should have a, will He explaine'd why, ,ancl•.the trouble it would solve if everyone hada a will..: De egates ` appointed to . attend 1i'[I -O t convention in' :Saskatoon July. 7 and 8, were as follows: 'Gordon- Hill,'; for Ontario; Bob Taylor, Mrs.. Alf- Nesbitt and :Carl -Dalton; for Huron. A letter from the. Cancer: Society was,°�received,.:_thank4ngr Farmers.- Union ler their variety Show. The' proceeds: were. given to the cancer' fund. The. bFU picnic will be held' in ,,Goderich July 20., . Advertising protects against de- structive price competition, 11�r1i••�lulrnir,illtui.lnliiunun r. IES IVE I 'LIMITED Clinton. Ontario .'O TRE +'DI'r0 CHURCH ANNIVERSARY RECALLS EVE ITS TO RR CEF ELD: OLD. ,,i OY 240 Park Streot " tlis 4olclez#, jubilee, but, while Mrs. y- apeen, ,Michigan 'O'Neill is com, nc through her illue�sings, I.•amaloveryg sureicely editor, The, Fluron'Expositor.: I carinal leave her to attend these services, i uch as' 1 would ;like :to in tl�a man. has Berne .to us here be there.. ,:I'd like`' to hear hariey a ' beautift and invitation at Miistax Itreaeb. again a great tend tht rucefreld United Church faniily,'the. Mustards Emig, and;:! Golden 4)3111.eAnnaversa.4).June Were ueigbbor pals for years, Then 15th : there was' Bi11y, who operated the HOW' well I -remember the- build- mill at Bayfield; Thornton, who Mg -.Of .'this :church! Sam CAuPer, rose to be a Canadian, educational' of Clinton, was. the• general :con- leader;- Jchn,. who took;. over' his tactor;, There •was cousideraUle of, father's, -bilsiness::and a tpanded: at. a "struggle"r Bru efieltl church As- far aa; 1, know, 'Alex, Jr., re - circles at;that time—far' awhile the roamed on the farm. pros and "cons>•were• about- evenly47Theretl T.be .,a; -lot missing from divided= The pastor, ;the 'Rev': 'E:the pews,o.p Sundayi'June.15, When IL Savers, contended that if the Charley Mustard ,:preaches again, youth'of the dnstrict was Mbe kept' so•,mau ,whom he ltriew sowell.:1n_ intact; 'and "'interested"= iii cliiireh days, agoue.: Tinge takes its toll work, -then 'a more 'modern church I'll be thinking -of those' services must be built. Ile. had his follow- on; Sunday, June i5,".. and-, in city Mg, My Uncle .Jaek'McQueenlwas imagination. I'll be seated: there, one, On, the no -side was::: my. As. 1,.was;:a..lialf-a-century;'ago,.and Uncle `Jim' 1VIeQueen. And that's will be " seeing: the • Bairds,.. _,the the way, it was. 1 recall -that one, BOYces, Gilnior'es; the, McEwans, lady :told Mr .Savers:, • "You 'keep Thompsons,,. the Footes Swans,' at this church buuilding pr-ogram, McGregors, McCowans, the, Aiken - and " ' '- = s, . Ross's; Berrys, grid your.- days of , usefulness;. axe heads Gibson the dsbor= over, here. I. recall,; `too, one of MurcCoclis; Aliens, Lan caZ:i-year, -net- earnings •were Ftp the.stalwarts on the;male side tell- oughs; Burdges, `,Moodier -anti' oh $201;263, but; as • additional -.Shares mg blur ' "`S.tick to -it; we'll 'have so `many more=file ",.down' the were sold. during the, year the our way year long run." • The "no" aisles;' at' the sound• of the*, earnings -Per share were down 44., folks argued•tliat all that was need --.organ all arose .to jm in. cezits. There were 882,750 =shares ed was . a fey -repairs,, to the old "Prai'se .God Frain outstanding at 1VIarch 31; 195$, cothin-' church. Whom All Blessings 'Flaw. pared with 706,188 shares ' at e For several months: the discus There Were other Sundays, too, end of the prey us fiscal year: sien continued'; until: one Friday .a Mien . 'Charley Mustard• ; . would Total ie pre lir '.the 1952-=58 its well -attended .congregational_ meet- preach; or:, •perhaps Jiri: k'0ote, `or ing,..voted to' build -and that set= `Bay" Ketcheri; I'll be thinking cal year aniounted.`to $17,58&,810, 'spirited- :of_: the Old Church 'too ancd 'the an ";increase of $2,310 983 over ".the' thinking - tied' iii It was, indeed; a preceeding-:fiseal.:year -accounted: meeting, to say the least Sei era! Clirrstmas entertain.menC:..and ,Sun for: rimariT -631. annereasem•gas! left rite churctithat davj murmur `day School ,picnics.- Indeed, it was, sal s revenue: ing that they would 'Heyer return at one 'of these picnics ,at Bayfield „'Total 'o crating and other costs. =they'd.find a new- place -of wor when. I was 15; :when L. met .my I? ship -but, like so many storms Qf first. girl: friend, --het Dad used, to increased by $1,500; '20,.to $12,564, the'past;: and since, real true:Chris= refer 'to,,,"me always' a's "Jimrny, 71i, while income taxes .have been trans, quarrel in ,sincerity,` but.=in O'Harry". Are there any still hit.- estiniated'at $2,463,000= -some q? 000 more, than wase. estimated for like -.Christian .'since'rity,, they, ,later, !rig 'Who remember?, � ' the'previous -fisc'aZ- year. ' fall in' line together,.rememb'ering' :Many , -of us delrvered°our'first otrr-liuman"frarlty and"likewise the` speech (yye called: its recitation ) Nevau-lhghan -Bal mes a.donition "of the., Master! in the :old and new. churc1Tat A ;net record high in volu tie of "My ;Father's House is a.'House .Brucefield - at :'Christmas time. of Prayer:" •' iVFany _of • us sang our first solo natural gas -sales of '.'approximate— billion Obviously, I do riot remember, there—no; I ddn t, no 1Yone ever , 17.5 cubic; feet,. for the "Minister" Ross of the Old' Kirk heard. ne sing. And at - .a dance I Year, was reported This repress .then. at Brucefield: Rev: Simpson, was a perfect nuisance for ;like ents, an increase of about' 2.3:' Bubil- Cecil's father,•.was also before my iii Dad' I had 'a `"Methodist leg ' lion over the, volume for the pre:: Y > time_'' t de, well remember the that gust wouldn't navigate, except ceding `fiscal 'year. Of the 17.5 oil-, Re'iv.,. Walter ^'Muir .:his wife ,and to step on',my partners toes: ilion-,.total; 10,3 billion cubic feet so-- 'I's ent : Butmnow l'm- getting -oft the sub= ;were sold to residential customers mus, espelea sa Charley. p while the balance was sold 'to. many a.. pleasant -.Saturday after.; jeer so will dose,:with this thought.'and irid�ustrial' customers noon playing' with Charley'Muir at A.—friend. from, `Hensall,;'wrote to_ mercial the` maiise. I' • remember :the'. aucr cently • and asked—"Jim, do: you' and to other . gas 'companies (for th' •Muirs:'were return- really believe that the,U.S. and .its re -sale)- tion: sale ( e_, Mg to Scotland), ',and how -John AThes, armed' with :T1 bombs and According to the report,' new. g,how,` ' Rob; 'missiles; is' .the , answer toward record fey- gas send -out on a single Armstroxng, •''Jim • Patel -Son,' Smillie and . other's got• into a : snap World peace?'.' No T -don't!- Only day:. was- established , on :February p5 -t'bidding.contest" that day re,;,:Christ is the'answer'. Until -all17, 1958,,when 216;6 million. cubic salt tieing the` total `receipts °,of the;Nations. realize' that. He, meant: it feet::of g, s' was supplied for •all: sale were to .. when. He said.: "T ani. the ' way," purposes. Of this ,volume,' almost p -`A few months later. Bev.- Sawers. there can be "'no real :peace On. 74 :per tent was .withd"yawn Trona, ,take. over :the Bruce earth.• storage. was called total ` field congregation 'He came; with And that is what we were taught ' During the- 1957-58 fiscal . year his wife and son; -,Charley;;; -and in Brucefield's Sunday Sehooi,years the :Company enjoyed a consider - daughters, Aggie;'Edith.and Laura. and years ago, yes,,long before able` inerease In the total number World War one.of customers served At Mareh' 31, k'eaturing the. Largest Wide Screen' in Huron ;County Two Shows, Nightly„ Rain, or Clear.: Box Office Open -at-814.414. First Show -'at Dusk Children. Under 12 in Cars Free 7lli2iray'-and Friday •- Juue, 12,' "R11Ii ACCP ' IN SOHO" (Colour),• oltn Gregson and:Belinda L'e0 , (Two .Cartoons) Saturday andF-,Monday - June '14 :and 16 • "TIIE BIG ; LAND" (Colour) Alan Ladd,'and Virginia Mayo, (Two Cartoons), -Tuesday and Wednesday June 1T and.18 :6.7..D I." o JaelcAJebb (Two Cartoons). 1lif11111111I11111111I11111111111I111111HIIIr111 during' . ional 1V�a t ort_ to'serye or fani.ily Whit a tneat w _ u _x. on 'a hot'Summer 'evening! Ice Cream PACKS'' BRI K r DIXIE -CUPS: CONES o „ e ' Dealers Patronize the s tea ii -61 -of of-..r�..a- ICE CREAM ris , Johnston Iiraa Graduate h1!iss Doris Johnston 'graduated; from Alma Goilege-at St, Thomas last week, if a • colorful• ceremony. held in the :natural•`•amphitheatre. of the college lllr. and ,Mrs: Harvey Johnston;' RR 5, Clinton, Attended the event at .which their daughter received the Sisk Memorial' awarfl for pro- gress: made in music, and ' also a gold pin for;;preficieney in piano. Miss Johnston' will teach; music` On, the staff of the public' seboo1 at. Huron- Park, the erntaz ent utarried quarters at RCAF Station, Centralia." She is. a . graduate of; Seaforth District High: School.. Union , Gas !Report's 1957Earnings. Consolidated net earnings of $2,561,099 were reported last Week for:LAInien .G.as Company. of_ Can- ada,, Limited, and its wholly%Owned subsidiaries, ,for "'the fiscal:year. ended ,Match 31, 195,8. This is eq - 41 to q-ua1•to $2:90 per share. compared with the previous fis- 2:30 pan. CI, AI ortl Guest Minist w� Y STRA E R SU R PPE.R.. A . :G D p. R �.A P O M. Tu ed June s. ci,24 h drnission 31:25' Children under ^.50c Children, 12, SUPPER SERVED 6 ;� '8 P.M. Fit For a Sin . 1 g: i e Cream o al c at , 11 LiO ,1 BL ■ Bricks Cream w 00 ";ice. rl ve r d.•�. You ' sRead For Always Y .Y: O'. KE t9S DGICIOuS Ce Crea Available ..at MccuNCHEY SNACK BAR S'MiTWS C,ROCEaRY for S'ilverwood's . Deluxe .ice' .Cream Bricks, Cones. - Bulk Etc. EAFORTH GR for "Lad Borden" Y Orden' ceCreun Every Vorlety, iIverwood s Ice Crea At theaime`the newchurch-was, built, 'Dave Bell D1'': Dave : Mcln- tosh, John..and Janies McQueen, .George Hart, ,Ardbie' McNeil, ; Wil - liar .?Fotheringham, and I .believe iTirri, ;Cxemniell and Ben _Higgins, - were -the• members,: of the ;ruling "session board.- "Mr.:Jamieson had been,:�choir-leader for years.' I be. TTeye J-ackr;Sirider foilowed; with' Mrs: Spider, organist, When I left Brucefield, Miss • Jean ;:MeBeath.. (Mrs. J. R. •Murdoch) "was . both organist and.. song leader.: very.' sure there ;are; not •,many left: who will recall that''in "old lurk days- an organ just' wasn't.allawed in the church. I'mnot exactly sure of this, but; almost—that no-feniale m' sex VPas ' permitted to lead the singing in those• days, either, .1 am `Very sure they; the women,, didn't-vote.in those"days. (Oh, how we' -frail h `.`n ales" have slipped in. the ; past way; the..` church at ::Bruce field �tht > old kirk; the Methodist and,: the Presbyterian; and; 'as of now, ;the United .:Church;:' these -meant much, rn molding , character , ;that. vicinity., it is a very' dis championship Ar 1929 and. brought" tinct •credit'. to :Brucefieid ,'that:the'eoveted Mann cup' :to•,OshaWa A arrnilp .I♦`avorite �"or�C Ince Cream: it opo While ,Brotysing. in , Our ,Stdxe, ENJOY Siliferwood'S `DELA ICE, CrnnAM' that's at LARONE` .5c To $1.00STOREA IJ►eliclous 1 Tutrtio , ice . Crean �feNlson. aV aihCb1G at IROLD• !tri & S1 tVA T ' 1VlATt;i 'R+ 1 _ted":- .... nave You las 'Frofitonoc ar ' ' udo ice Cream?. ,to .ay..at -your ICA STO GARY'S Very sincrely, JIM O'•NEILL • EI 3958 Union;; Gas was serving 109, 953 -- customers 1,281 more than were being, served. at March 31,`:, 1957. Referring to considerable expan-"' S r n of he :•Com an s fa cilitias an service, special mention is.. . made of the 142 -mile -long,' 26 incl!: diameter' gas transmission' pipeline ••across Southwestern Ontario •whrcl Funeral service eld' from was completed last. December.. and: the;W.- W J. Cleary Funeral Hoe-;!'whichmis, now being. operated by Seaforth, Monday morning ::.for ,Ontario' Natural'Gas Storage' and 'George'Mutiroe,- London,• and forms pipelines Limited; a wholly owned, ,erly of Seaforth. , Requiem High subsidiary 'o£ Union Gas •:air:Mos aWas lt..csun 'at Rom- To ovide fun dns for_thi s hureh.bYRev the re ort n les, exlGiaans Weber, and interment" Made . in St obtained -'$9,775,000 equity' capital: James'': cemetery. by`'`t ii. sale of ;176,551 shares of Victoria. II�� throu h a`ri hts of Mr. ' ?Munroe ' died in. eorinon-stock g g Hospital;, London, Tuesday June 3, Tering•to - shareholders. Ontario as the result'01 a fall' downstairs..Natural raised capital. through the, ' Last of--a:-family of,'brothers-;that -sae •af--$20,004,000•-par---valuer::.•5'a starred; -in• Canadian lacrosse; ;Mr. per 'dent.. first:a., mortgage ; sinking Munroe!for many._.y,.eurs was also .fund"lionds;.due January.15, 1978. seal associated ,Oshawa - Look! nto the current fi OHA teipns.'; "As ; d 1acrli se•. oach year which began A ri11,. I0 8; : the lie headed the :fxeneral ;M otors: $en- report anticipates that.' the Cont- fors w1seil they ,won tile. Canadian' pony's e7tpansion.., pro rant continue apace, -Union.° Gas aequir- .ed:on April, 15;,1958, the major por-, r as Coin-. _Batu .a 'minion 1 tion of Do G pany's facilities in : Southwestern Ontario. During:. the current'fiseal t to -ex- •year the ;'Company expec s tend •facilitiesin'its existing mar-. kets, and • to begin • gas.; service .^in additi6inal-:new ''.communities.It is, anticipated that';tran§inissi0n lines will,•be' built , from the Windsor rpt. Baker area to. Arherstburg, from , the Stratford is area . to• Gotlerich, ,.and froth trie 26 -inch. diameter •pipeline. EED RUBBER. STS orderThem Through HUR01� EXfiO4 iIT 'eld -i s Sunda Schools from'Brucefi rr t y and the like; have gone out . men: and women to various `parts -of' Canada and, some, to :our' Natrona here; nen , and women, who have. at :l:east_'piayed some small part. in public 'and.professier al:1ife,�-aild have in other and various Ways, contributed -toward the betterment of'nmankind.' rateful to Iii' closing,''I am ,very .g, Bob Watson "arid the, committee -for, estmi ser:• - ewW nt fro m iwi Bated The ;followrng,,:year.they defeated the U:$. College All-stars ' in the osse last`wbrld s championshrp lacy series: held:.A::bachelor, he leader no SnrylabrS..: were :Dale - iron' - P-allbearers , N a George .'• Dixon,;. John McKenzie, ;Dave Bulten J P; Dorsey. and. Al be( Advertising protects . againstin - the thoughtfulness in inviting us -.to„ frmgexs , ORRIENNOINIIIMINININNW uron . County's mfinest. Used Car 1958 PONTIC STRAT( I1IEF'-SEDAN. -081 Tower Glide; fully • equipped 195T"C1tEV,` S3`ATION _WAGQN, ,. 4 1957 PONTIAC STANDARD SEDAN ,.•» • 219 5 1957 1'OoITYAC DELUXE SEDAN 2496 automatic, frilly equipped 1957 PONiIAC UAHARDTOP aret • 1953 •METEOR` STATION :WAGON 1953' DODgE REGENT 1150 .fully oclmpped' 1953 N4ET OR GbACR 105® p 1052 CHEV: DEEU SEDAN $95 M 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 8 � &Automatic yy� -157' CHEit`: DELL X 5 DANS 40:1 I8S3 • Ll • 7fl!1 Automatic. . ,• • ic.V. gEDAN .,.. I95& FORD CUSTOMLINE' SEDAN '� 1052 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN ... automatici tt?ansmis§ion, fully egtili d " 19x4 NiETEol1 HARDTOP 'Power }brpalts and • ALSO ',',,t,,:: NiTl1t13ER • OF OLDER CA1IS -,,, steering,. automatic 1. i0 TRIiTCgS . fullly: equipped 1954 CItFN SEDAN y fully equipped :; . 12a, 1956` CHEV... I TO i'1C$- •1395 .1951 FORD` t TON STAEE 1954 DQDGE REGEIQT sEDAN ; ' A VVrittea. Guarantee for GO' days on • ail' tato'Mode1 tsar :-1 Day other ls ta+ ............................ hoose froait 1295 B1WSS� PRONE 173 - Homo of ieftelugod,ctolo PEN EVERY EVE e, FFE 1956 Plymouth 'Four -:Door. 1955 Dodge Four -Door - :1955 Studebaler:..Four-Door 1953; Dodge .Sedan 1953' Ford`': TwoDoor 1951:'. Plymouth Sedan 1949' =Plymouth T0 TRUCKS t keBo a -:on S d _ r_O;21.eT d Fa 1955 Y 1950 Fargo ToExpressV � LUESEC�AL i�ACT+�R A — 400 Case Diesels 50 Case Gas Tractor' 3 Rowcliffe Motors DODGE - -DE SOTO CARS DODGE TRUCKS CASEI� FARM M AC HII� ERY ° ,.r _.. . one 267 ,'Seaforth _ • LICE `,VERSATILE STURDY AY+A! A Working. •: Pair O S,AVEPA FARMERS RS MO NEY' CROPS , TIME ,The HAY O•VA.!I'E1t Is a basic 16 ft: ::unit Which may; be es tended • to great lengths', by quickly adding -4 or 5 it ,e= Pensions �lasoline .Ol' Electric Powered 2`L inch wide: ti ongh ree' eq, hay on .flat as well as ort 'edge. 1v comm FARM ELEVATOR Designed -cid tested "-under ';t etnal fay .condition, this, "pan" has been engineered to • perfection with drag hopper and spout .. . Ideal ' ' for ' handling ,:11 A ', [WALL GRAMS S' C SJLAGE Ask your Ittnit,ed Qo• • operatives or Ontario' dealer lor•-' detailed inlorimation. FARNERS OOOPERP'Vl E'Cti STATION FEEV MILL /£.('f p Tri i .3 /9 .<