HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-13, Page 5STAN CE NE 5 OF THE 1 MEE Mrs: ,Pollard, wl►n resides with. 'Mr. anal -Mrs. Dave:1V'lillsen, cele= 'orated ,her 80th birthday" . on Sun- day, Mrs- Pollard, Who = is Very active for her age, was very Pleas- ed when the foliog friendscall .,ed Sunday to help --Make the -day a memorable' event: Mr; and Mrs. 'Frank Baker, Debra and Dianne, k of Lambeth; Mrs. Glazier arid ars, baYreala Of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Ilerb..Glazier,,of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs Donald .. Pickard., ' Mr. and Mrs Harold.. Glazier, of 1 Clinton; and Mr. and Mrs Ivan. Lee ' and family, ,Mr: and Mrs. William Dale,' ma l- zna and Cheryl' attended the Guern- sey `fudging: school. held at Glen- vi71e Farms;.- )Newmarket,' on 'Fri- day May 30 Mr"s. 'thel Stephenson and Mrs. :B4yLawson of With , were re ,=cent vrsiors with Mr. and -_.Mrs J.arries D 7e , Mr: and, Mrs. Joe:Younglitut, pt -Londesboro,' visited Saturday with "Mr. and 1VIrs. Charles Dexter. Mr. and Mrs..::VV'illiazn Dale at= tended a ;banquet for ex -wardens and their 'wives, -held ''at .the "Ritz, •: fote1 in'''Bayfield .last :.Thursday ,:Levering, June. 5. `, Visitors on Sunday with Mr.- and Mrs. George•°Addison were: ,Mr; and Mrs. Tack Tebbutt, Patty and Wayne; of Clinton Mr, and Mrs.'•Charjes Dexter visited Sunday with Mrs, Dexter's sister, MisS'; LilyAdazps, .of ,•Cline: tQn. • Mrs. Florence Chowen, • of Clin- ton, •and Mr. ,and Mrs. VI(ni, Knox, of Londesboro, visited . with Mr;: and. Mrs, -James Dale on Sunday. Coi%gratitlations are extended, to Mr; and Mrs, Kenneth Preszeator on the arrival: of a baby daughter. early Monday morning . at '.Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Mr .,and Miss" W. G. McMillan, of London,,, visited Monday:, at the 'homes of Mr, and Mrs.,Ha'rvey: Taylor, 'Mr; and Mrs, Verne Dale and ;Mr, and Mrs...Earl Lawson,, M. John Ferguson, of Clifford, was a visitor 'Sunday with • Mr, and; _IvIrsr;Ross;MacGregor arid;: family,:_ Mr. William Jewitt is this week attendingw county . council at Gede Messrs, Wilbur and ..Wm. Jewitt motored to• Ma•lton Airport Tues- day' morning:, where they met their mother, Mrs. Mary' E. Jevv'itt, of; Hazenmore,•and their sister, Mrsry:` Leslie Fox -and her daughter, Las= lie; ''of Regina, who came in by Plane,. having left- the ,West Mon- day, They will be -'spending some'. tithe here among- ' mong ' The member's ;of Constance WA are Catering -to a .lunch counter 'on' Friday afternoon, .'June 13, at a- Mr • Ronald -Riley of .Toronto Guernsey 'sale hied at•the farm of was a- weekend visitor with Mr, 4Ir: and Mrs, William Dale.. and M sr `,Frank Riley and Doug- 'The Sunday School anniversary Ias. of Constance -United Church .will be M r.. asd Mrs.,_Iarl.Lawson. and held on. SundaY> June 13,: with d r. Reg visitedSunday with Charles_Scott, of Auburn, _a _sPe-_ : "Mrs, William Webster, of St Nietiral speaker, .and -,therew`be ens: special' music by the junior choir.. Mr: and -Mrs: -William Dale and The .institution and officers in fariiily attended•a twilight meeting ,stallation of 'a new Ladies': Court of :the. Western Counties. Guernsey Constantine will' take,, place -Friday, [Club, held at the °Caverhill Farm evening C.O.F. x-Ia11 here .at Ilderton-, Friday,,'June.6. Mrs. 'after" the Main business of the eve; •Dale won- first'prize in ladies dive- ring takes place_ . Lunch will -,'be; -Ann ,fort judging -Nand reasons, and served, and a dance.with 'a good Miss Wilma Dale wok first,:,.prize: -orchestra, will., be. .;'.enjoyed,, to -in 2.the -class; for,4,-H Club ;n'iembers which everyone is welcome. • :NNfA`. TCHES, iEWELLER' I'ANIOND RINGS. SILVERWARE noun haveonthat Graduation Wedding or F- ther';sDay: a ' Gift t - a Y `` Phone 8994„ J WATCH ;REPAIRING es21; N. "H . HTGH, director diploma course Al u m m -Students - y; the . r duatesi, who,'gav 'their, ivesnWorldWar I. Charles MacGre o -w h "- 1a ns--to:a tendDAC and Mrs. Bots' ---MacGregor, ulett. ROMARTY :;•. -:'"- Mrs. Annie°;.Thompson, of the Boundary accompanied by her -sister, Mrs. Ilunt; visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Laing recently. • Mr. and Mrs'.' Hugh Moore . and. family, accompanied by Mrs. Moore's parents, Mx: and -Mrs Armstrong,_ of, Lindsay; spentthe weekend with. Mr. -rand •Mrs. ,.T. L. Scott and. Mrs: E. Moore.. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold -Storey, of. Dorchester, Visited on :Wednesday, with, Mr. and Vrs. .Donnie Scott - and' cottand family. • Mrs: `Guest; of Kincardine; visit ed• with `'Mr.; ajd Mrs: E, Storey Mrs..M Houghton visited. Sunday with Mr . and ;Mrs J: Hemp ,and. family in :Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs Lloyd Sorsdahl,• Alice and Connie, and Mr. and Mrs. John; CliessellA attended.. the Ander son and `Lamont, wedding on,‘Satur 'day in J i St -James' Church rn London.;; Mr. and Mrs: Robert; Duncan; ,of• Exeter, ,Mr and Mrs. Donnie' Scott and'-fainily and'Mr'-and.Mrs:Dloyd Miller' and fani'ily were guests of Mr` and; 1Virs Wm .MilIex on Sun; Mr.,. and ..Mrs. Gordon ,Scott and Mfrs, Sadie 'Scott visited in Clinton• [on, Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs. Mac.Lamond.'were giiests:at`the Andersomand.L-arnont. wedding; and receptioh;.in London Mr.:.: andMrs: Mervin., D . M ry ow 'and family visited on Sunday with 'Mr, and Mrs. Doupe, at Kir_kton.. , Miss Anna Stewart moved t--oher, er newome- in Seaforth last.Th rs ,hu, day. M s Walter Broad£oot was a re - x cent visitor in Landon :with her si -ter; Mrs=:Ella-�Farquharso'n -- -. Mr. and''Mrs, Frank Walters vis ited in London With, the latter's' -parents; Mr, and •Mfg:. C. Raper. - Several- carloads o£ ladies froin the - Walton "Tnstitiite were guests at a meeting of the Blyth branch on. Thursday. All reported •a •'very enjoyable afternoon. =Mr and` Mrs. Percy ,I3aiton' and family have moved to the Stewart farm, ,which :they ,Purchased last spring. : Miss Amye Love, "Toronto,•and Miss Barbara Patterson,; Reg.N Kincardine;• were weekend gucs:'s with Mr... and Mrs Walter- Broad foot and Nixs _Fern Patterson.. Thea --June meeting of ;the; Institute_w•ill be• held Moii- day evening, "June 16, in the Y m- niunity• Hall. Co=conveners, will be Mrs Ross-,McCall;:and Mr.$ Ronald Bennett,; .Roll .eall`.will be a verse from ah autograph album A'make. and bake'; auction will `be' ' held Hostesses. are. "I'1 G. `'1VIcGaviri, Mrs. • F.,MeKay, Mrs. D. Ennis, Mrs. N.. Reid and: Mrs. Ii Bolger. Members are requested• to invite a Bend -. Miss Rut} Anne` Ennis visited at her home over the: weeknsend.. Mr =>andnMrs F.' Jenki, of .Bur ford; spent the weekend:,:witlt • her lin' co eric Dors , r c No R'sa. � -You P k ea abl .�:.. e "In � aind� Take � � Offer °Refused _ . , ,_ ii" _ n -Auto D Cu tom 300 Tud r Selo '1958 FORD: . uratic transmission, Y 8'engine,; radio (two speakers), ,two-tone '.paint, wind `shield washers,'•clear plastic seat coy- . • ers, feridernrnounted' :mirrors, 5,000 Miles, grey and'white,'"' 1957 ; FORD Custom :34(i -4:poet. Sedan---'tr 8 • 'engine, : automatic transnflssion,: ` one color ',(Bali'bronze), "whitewall'trres;• windshield •washers'; .10;000 miles x956' METEO1t. Niagara Tudor Sedan --Two' tone'pairit, grey and black, windshield' • rs, neNV--set of ties, .very ?a>nr mileage, ,,Dire owner,. •1956 MONARCUI .Richelieu 4.10.or Sports Sedan -Automatic transmission, 'power " ,brakes,. power steering, push button • radio,. windshield washer, -back-up, fights fender mirror,. new tires, Io rt- awwal£s, electricclock_ perfect, ° condi- tion, two-tone blue. 1955 -FORD Custom Tudor—Custom' radio; , V-8 engine, whitewalls, wheel rings, seat covers, one owner. x954 MONARCH 4 -polar Sedan• -Automatic r"" transmission, custom: 'radio, •• two-tone paint,' white and blue, whitewall tires, seat covers one :owner' very low mil e- a e� • � 1954 MONARCH SunValley iiardtoP-Au o- ,matie "transmission, - power ; brakes, power' steering, `tinted glass, 'custom radio, windshield.•, washers, ,glaass roof , whitewalls, Continental rear spare tire carrier, law mileage, one owner. Gen nine leather upholstery, two-tone -paint': :.(white . and . green). , . • 1954 FORD Custom Tudor Sedan Two -toile- paint,,whitewalls, new paint (blue and'. white), 30,000 mile`s, seat covers, priced to sell. 1953'MONARCU' 4 -Door ;Sedan—Automatic; a m' :n custom ,r ion tw. '.. =- •trans issio ,actspeak- ers), , 'seat covers :wheel.' rings '.;wind'' shield, washers,original;: paint (black). • Just like new. 1953 MONARCH Tudor Sedan — Two-tone paint,has.-all the :extras. New paint light green and .;white,•very.•.1ow`. mile age,-,. , 4 -1953 PO 4 -Door S . edanTwo-tone- paint, o= t ne- •_. n. Tw o NTiCAG 4 paint,: good tires, that Covers,- 6-ey&n- • der, , one owner. See this onel �._. • 953 METEOR` CQ VERTIBLE—Automatic transmission, =histom built radio, :wlute- walls; •very, goo& --top, leather uphol- ;stery. ";Hist what:the doctor ,ordered," 1952 BUICK Automatic tralisn issibn, ; turn signals, dark blue, A•1 condition, 4- door Sedan. an. 1951 2-Door—Grey, J. 2-Door—Gre,g ood trans- portation, 1951, FORD Sedan- Itadio, sun visor, white- walls, fender° mirrors. Bhie in ' color. '1951 ;3LUICK SEDAN --Automatic, radio, turn signals` `slip covers, whitewalls,. green. 1951 PONTIAC Sedan ---Clean `side And out, blue. .J951 FORDCusom2-Door—Grey,' - A-1 eon- dition, goad rubber, •- 1951 STUDEBA'KER 2-Door—Black, auto matte .V-8, _.turn signals. 1950 AUSTIN STATION WAGON - - Cheap- transportation. heap" transportation - 154. 9 METEOR CONVERTIBLE—Motor and..:. .. R transmission recently overhatded,.good • rubber; spotlight and mirrors. Y5 'FO D 9 1 2 -DOOR --Black: and white, R 1950 i%IIiETEO1t SEDAN—Dark blue, in'ex eellent condition, good rubber., , 1949 FORD 2-BOOR—BIue, whitewalls, good motor. ONLY: FOR71.1MIROTTIME ; X58, pO11D eitzf IVM 304 TUDOBS=•-fully Emiipped, Spare Tire Turn indicators; License, Predeliveroon y G Factory Warranty; Tank of gas •Ree". Your Own Car =• Save Aliother $t00 $223950-.'•• ooe�; SOD•- AGENT IN SEAFORT1i 1949 METE -OI 2-DOOR—Dark blue, new ,rocker • panels; good motor. 1948 FORDSEDAN—A good -car, black. 2-DOOR—Green 1948 -CHEVROLET : ,, gooct transportation. .. 1947 1VIERCUR7►' 2 -BOOR Green clean' in- side and out- ' s 1954 METEOR SEDAN O DELIVERY --,• Goad F condition: 1951, FORD 3/4-TON—Red, A-1 condition. 1951.P,ONi1'XAC SEDAI<l DELIVERY A;1 condition:: We a1s4•.havc ;a nttMl er..ofaiitber,.,.cats_-ow our lot .not mentioned here, .1VIACI3INERY •• 1957. FORD TRACTOR . Model' — Brand. �' $50; - new.- • NEW FORD, COMBINE with Motor. NEW. FORD 'SIDE DELIVERY RAKE -8 ft:`' ''width, 5 bar, P.T.O., operated. NEW FORD P.T.O..IIIANURE SPREADER' ---100 bushels.. ' 1952 MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE TRACTOR. r Ail; good tires, .Motor overhauled 1957. 1951 COCHSIIUTf 30' TRACTOR u Double. 'live 1'.'I'.0.; A4 condition,: 1947, MASSEY-R, RRIS Model 102-0.ver- hauled. . 1949 FORD TRACTOR.—Overhauled.--- - • 1949 FERGUSON 'TRACTOR"-' Good ;cote,. dition. T A. '.AL USER IN EIt.N TION' REAR -MOUNT - . E •lV[OUNT-• ED MOWER7=6-ft.;-• good condition. FORD DISC ' HARROw Like new. 1 USED, ALTIS-CHAiMERS : COMBINE— ' Good condition, P.T,O., Model 60. . . 1 FERGUSON-2-FURROW PLOWUsed., 1 FORD 2 -FURROW FtOW—Used. An. Car or Truck ,up, to $1,000 5 00 Down . withApproved Credit ni 1 ' Evenings s ,D .ren Th s Sale . en e �, SALE ENDS JUNE 21,_, ._ . EDSEL CLEA'VE'S BA SERVICE ►out -h St,, Goderich FT parents; stir;' and ;;Mrs. Clarence' Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Art Icusby and, Anne, -of Hanover, .,ware weekend- guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Walter Bewley: Mi•. and Mrs.' Hot"ace -Rutledge and family;' London • spent• the weekend with .relatives here. - Mr, and :Mrs.' • Tom Watson, of London•visited•with;Mr.. and Mrs. •Lloyd Porter' and Mr. and• Mrs. Roy Bennett', over. the weekend. Mr. and :Mrs. Frank ' Marshall. and`Susan, .of North Bay,,'. were,, weekend visitors- with Mrs. Luella Marshall and: ,Barry and ' Mr Mal eolm:Fraser, and attended the furi- eral of the late Mr's:. William Ben- nett,,, Dr. and Mrs. John Bennett and. family, of Newmarket attended 'the --funeral „af his .,.mother _Mrs: r William Bennett, .on . Saturday. . Miss Elizabeth McGavin : attend- ed- a--banquet_-in—Kitchener on Sat urday, when she was advised- as - to ;the.sehool: she willbe. assigned;' to for the coming year. The 5Qth..WA.annrversary, which; was -to ,be•held on7F,riday evening- last, ,hag, been changed to next: Friday evening, :June 13.- The lad=•. fes' are •again reminded to bring, sandwiches . and pie. A :splendid, progr-ani-has-beeno prepared -by various groups • Bus Trip• Enjoyed • ,gr -Ade, 7: and 8 pupils, teachers and trustees of the Morris' School. Area,; enjoyed a bus trip to -Toron- tolast Wednesday, :-taking in the Mlis`eum,• • Parliatnent •B•oildings subway,`.Halppy . Gang broadcast and Malton,., Airport, stopping . at am Brpton.. for .their;;eyeping meal. On, 'the way-hdfbe. ' Mrs Esther -Johnston, Mrs, Har vey Brown.'and Mrs: :Hilda Sellers. left On '. Wednesday; Timnhins,; where they attended the Shortreed Somers wedding ori.'Saturd'ay__ _ Mrs,: Martin Bann, superintend-; ent of the Sunday -School; conduct 'ed the service at'- Duff's• Ilnited Church on 'Sunday •morning owing "Jo the" illness•; of the minist"et,.Rey!.' W- :'M- ''Thonias. • He chose ..as his text;;' "Ye :are the:, salt ;of the earth:" Miss ;Audrey i•Iackwell `act- ed acted - as organist hi .tbe absence . of Mrs. Harvey Brown; Mission Band <The,June: meeting •'of the Mission Band.,of • Duff's Church was• -held m Sunday, oaning with 48,children'in, attendance. :Ilene: ,hyWilliamson, op-,: erred .the meeting_ with, a .mn. The call to -'worship' was. taken. from. Galatians, 6, verse 2, and" St.: •Ma-tthew 25, verse 40,,followed-by ah .mn withY 'Mar , Helen -Buchan- an y at the piano. Jean -Walters led in prayer; : 1e4ead'ri': Mrs Walter.Be MY: Continued with the story _of` Renji; and Alexine Williamson' .read• the scripture from Luke 10:30-37 del- ing With -'the Good Samaritan. Min utes of the last meeting were giv- r •' And offering en by Jean Bolger, a U received by Pauline . Thather and Audrey McMehae1; Classes, were then formed. • Instal[ 'Officer's At . Lions Club. ffis installed at a mNeweetingoof.theere Seafortwereh Lions Club' Monday- evening, held rn St._ Thomas' Church Hall. Beaded by President-elect W. M. Hart;"the officers were installed by H 0-. Meir, They include first; .vic'e-president;, Elmer Larone; sec- ond 'vice president,: C. Rowclifte third.; vice-president, E. P. Ches- hey; tail twister, K .. esbitt; •.Lion t,Spittal; amer J. R: treasurer, W. E: Southgate; secretary, J A. ur- 'ay. - Tile; meeting; in charge, of Eric. Munroe and Harold :Jackson, dis- cussed iri some detail plans for the Lions; Club Park.;-." TEXACO Ob'UCTS Pronipt Farm: Deliveries a�dn, Broadfoot phone. 686-W ►Seaforth or SPECIAL: Far Father's Day • REGULAR 27:50 TO 32,50, SPORT -COATS isr 1' sefuPopul�r 141TE SHIRTS For Dad i Van ensen .w .Fo Forsyth n a Arro xsy. and n' . 'Jensen White shirts in single 1e or double y•No-Iron cuff st s., Man in the ]_V 7r e l 1 Y. Quality. Gift:boxed forDad, in sizes 14 to 18 Sleeve-, - lengths .' .....e5 32 to 35.. ... Sat.,„ Buy Dad a,sport coat at this big' sale discount. Noveltweeds:,in white, grey, fawn -and charcoal in this season's newest ,styles that sold up to $32.50. Sizes 36, to:44 :• qqgg TO, CLEAR AT ' 23 TO NEW- SLACKS Nylons, - Dacrons, 'wool mixtures` and pure woel dress:slacks`make a wonderful gift for Dad. Col-. ors. '.. grey; ..charcoal, ` "fawn;: .brown, : blue grey and` tweed .......::. I ", to . 1T9 nd $oxer'. Jocea .SHORTS Fancybroadcloth• short or' u , 1mP. lar knitted jockey style make ;a' eractical. _ift fo an Dad. We'll t Dox them;C'ta JL4 Newest slim shape neckties in a wide ':assortment of- summer shades `or popular bows..make a -fine • gift for Dad $1'' $2. Gift boxed, of course to COMO STYLE_.-:- SWEATERS High bulk Orlon Or wool , and Orlon, in new three -button -card=- igans ,or vests, • in 'a ;very big• range of .newest shades. Sizes 5, 14."'L''CC0 a7r p ea� and O.S:. to -. . GIVE DAD A :SMART':' T SPORT _ . SNI u stchoose H ndred . o ehfrom . 9 o f min long or elicit -half `sleeve 'styles, in :the newest pattern sport- shnts,:are. here for Fathers Day _giving, and- at -the=-=pr9ce you want.:: to 5 Pay 6 85 eta' to Nylons, Wool and Orions, all Orions or all wool sox in a wide range :'of plains, clock and check-- designs heck -designs and Ivy stripes.' Gift boxed' at _:...::. 49C to .! e' ".SHIRTS` P-opuar knitted p`T" Shirts make ''a' grand -Father's Day gift •Wc .have them in -cotton, rayon, oi: terry ttyppes, ' in�., all patientsnd Leaau: to 4144.1 0''Vit L G F Ts. Tie and i$anide Sets ;:, L95 Tie`aid'Shi Sets ; ". 3;,75-` Whisk =Shoe Shine Sets _,.: 1.00 Tie -.Rack- and 'lie 'Sets 2.50. ' Sport Shorts .;; , 3.95_to 4.95 'Swim:";Shorts :.:; 2.95'tg5.95. c HEAD UART QRS for:�`AT Q IIER:S-i2AY GIF 'Fatl ees Dtiy Gifts . Bo s ed Free•! Brun Is Flrn Open Dairy • Bar Announcement was . made : flus week of the opening Of..a dairy bar nSeaforth byR. B. Co usins Limit- ed B ed of BrusseIs. The new dairy bar 'which will ,specialize in. Cousins; ice cream, is located, in : the' former Eaton order, office ,ori North4Main Street. • The Cousins -organization,' wlich inch tles`''Mr. Cousins, his two sons, and a son-in-law, .has `operated' in'. Brussels. since ` :purchasing the Samis. Creamery. about 20 years age., • The • manufacture 'of ice' cream• products was commenced- in 1945. Dublin tl ; High School 'Nevins- �. . .(By R. FLANNERY) - es 'as such are finished for Class the school year; and this week is, :being spent studying for the final_ exams which are, next Monday; Tuesday' and Wednesday. School will be Over.OnWednesday and our graduation supper is on Thursday eyening,. • s ; The #raduation ceremonies will be held the following" Sittiday, June: 22, at 2-• P.m.,. in St. Patrick's Church, and everyone is welcome Ito attend. Father Durand has•kind- i ly . consented to, speak, and the ceremonies will close with Solemn Beiiedietion.' E P0SITO WANT ADS BEING Phone 41 E • ATTENTION'OF' THE< UL IC is- directed ,._` t r e of da to 9a.m. Saturday f 01 N: for wvuTC!erk's o • . Office :T tfa � :. ,.. � ,. t � ec rite I r�ed•tatel 1 r da inclusive t0 ro. I� a.m.' t0 12 noon`. �afo.r 41.