HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-13, Page 1Year
' Whole I\Tuml)er 4715 -
E i3 -1.958
D,iscuss, ions Joldeterrnine the way- flaY, e:,beeti. 'advertised) ebiihell' 'waS'i and construct a 'barn, 2f1x30. eti-
w itch _those in the cominunity told,The -final day, for applying is mated at $800. ,A short discussion
directly ,concerned,"endld! More fill- Sattifday.. , • : : on the building and the lack'
ly 'share. in Tespion,sihili,tY' fer, Mani: There i. no, reason Why.",a ,jocal ,ereStrictiOns insofar, as building-
tenance of Stlaitlandbauk: cemetery -applicant could not be appointed,. on ,'part .lets .Was, concerned iwaS.
'vill:be - held shortly: 'Decision', to. Conneiller Rivers was t-Q41-,-,T.vvheit, ;4'0:kited by Conifciller Turnbull.
sponior a meeting' -1:7A-4; takent' by lie mentioned that there WaS a feel- '„ The finance " cenimittee reported
Seaforth eounejl NIOnda3r1 night, af,' in that • only non-resident; 'wOuld :tax . arrears paid. during May
, ter it had heard 'a delegation *froth he 'considered. • , , , • , amounted ' to. $0,60Q, -„-about 'half ..'et"
,,Northsicle' United CluirelA'repbrtman' apitroVeil the
financial problejris,involVed in :op-, initlor- cari:Stan,yanderAo0.?.:#106 reinaindee.frem, previous years...,
' 11/1,altla11d1)an -cemetery ' is ..own-
,e(t:,,..,and nper;,ted b NOrthside.
United.' Church, .it -was-pointed Out.
by :the,' delegation, which inclUdect'
J. 'c(Artt; ...J. 'A, Weste(itt,.._Ansl,.
SaVailge;M:;--R-.--.PD-IMSleel- and Ros
almbSt'-:all':..the:Prote-stant hurdls
-froin Seafortla. :Of the tetal,burialS'
in cetneterY, about 60 .per 'eeti
.6riginate.:frOm.':'eafOrth,.' 20' per
ent..from Yuckersinith and 26;',.,p -
cent- frOrti McKillop'r ••• •
. . , ,
TJIE*,103,AiLiTy TO CIIOOSF act IMon. ,,Arhat:.is rst rate 1 nri.me.MTAk4f_aa.edlicated
--perSon„.,•Dr, ,N.:•-•41,Lfligh-told--7D.11.Sgra-duates - at '."graditation,7eXercises . Mem- • ib,9
from increased„operating costs an,
'bet- 'F. A: L'obson bT!esents Mar Ty a 'Riley' With. the" legion-aWard,. While .-Aliee'!Christie(left)): who. ' the. fa.ct , that .the.perpetual. upkee
:WOO' the- Woinen's Hospitar'Auxiliary .aWard, and :Jo ,MontgomerY, winner of the award .for out- . • . ft:1nd,, Created, inthe.'-early-,days:O.
. standing .school citizenShip, loek;on. _,Hospital, Auxiliary ,awartf.'W'aS' presented - President , Mr ti
:Harold' Whyt'e.., (B)c:Pesitor; phete • . .... • , ftinth'clitete'Irtnr:etnVe6e.euYiiced:Etos..!i•ktoe.o.'LecipP:y09.dalicee7;il'if
, , '
The .clelegatioa ind.i'cated it was
the opinion;' of theiciiiireli that since,;:
denerninations in Seaforth,.. as well
• as ..the townships of McK.fflop and
Tuckersnuth, responsibdi y should
be that of the municipaity, ra h r
Two 'Hullett share Ronolo,g, ,Brad ears ars r. an Mrs., vred.s .cariete:, the ,delegatio.ri -agreed, -that:if the;
than of one, clittreb:. was true,
esidents, .of Seaford'', for fifteen
-the A. Y. McLea Aor the and under, -Lynda ,Lee Jill Golds- eemeterY was 'abandoned the-sta''
next year. PY ' Got' worthY)... Wendy .Caldw,c11; 9 and I fiftieth NNS'etided6il;;Ile'LlneilivreartsTry tuwItleish pitis rovidleoacattehda,t':oluelKillboe%m- ,
don Hoggart, Will each ..ho the yee;.Roe, Gerry Gerras, 1,w k' r• and rs. Searlett were.
•Goldsworthy, d, under ' married in' ,Walton by Rev.' Mr rest°(rnsijile' It Was lett' haWevai'''
ang or , on une--
ShiireY:Riley, -Deanna Hale Corry
Wiimers; 12 and: over, ,llifarie The bride. -of :fifty. years is the.
RUey Owen FOWier, .Ritq Flynn, former Eva ',,atidf Shcddine, daugh-
Jump,-,7 years and Under, ter of the 1ate:M4.4niv-MrS. John,
"Jill 'GoldsworthY„ . Lloy.,,Shaddielt,• Shold.ice, of 'Walton- The • groom is
Lorna-,IVIiller; 8 and. under,: B' onnie 'thesett of, the late. Mr. and Mrs.
Snell,- Freda GoldsWorthy„;•Frane'ei 'John Searlett...
• .
Blacker; 11, and under, Deanna 7"VolloWing thir marriage, they
Dale; .'Shirley Riley, Janice. Jew- farmed on the Scarlett- homestead,
itt;, .12 and over, .• JudyThompsen,
-the- 13th-eoiicession'-b1--MCKii--
Nanc Nancy Caldwell: lop ,• township. : .retirement
. Relay ,raceS in the 10 Years- and they Moved toSeafortli and-, for a
• . •
umnber of;Years Mr:•Scarlett Was
caretaker, .of s:ea.orthp:rio,t,49t
:High School.
Single Copies, 5 Cent&
8ga Year in Advanc_e
,Fifir,,,',yars 9 Servil'e 't° -3AI:11-cc- 4.-)..,,ust and look after .ihe ',insurance
.field diStrle,alla- .tO. the ,service -Of 90 the'-clitn'en, and manse .-aLre -John
Ced',S Wok,:has' .beet 'registered A',.:' McEi,vau.,..2..,ftos'..,.5.0.tt; -,,,joliii
by-BrUceffeld United Church'biullcl- Broadfoot;'w,..y.t..-•wilki anti' '
ing. ' „In :,-.4,1ay, ..,1908.. he bUilding, Thompson.:. - . ' . , .:____
'WU-eh': atanda-,:toilaY,'`via§ erected ,t oo ,/. hack, . ,seyeral •_,.date. .
a,.groep . Of ,e14erP1ds-ing.''.illein- ',Stand out';'in the ..u.ijx4s. of,--tlie
-bars.. SUPPorted -by, the -entire-:cOtt-:. igfpgation.',(A .the BrocefiUld-elm.reh.
'flas aYser
' i'ees,. :_.''' ' 'In ,1916..1rhen, . On .acenunt of 9:r.-;.„'
' •Sl'ind,- r'ef "-Praise', Vices , being ' diseont-iii tied in- Alit?'
will, be ;conducted at, the ' church:to' methodist chureh, ..iii the.- village.
.vvho 'helped .6liild 'the. fine' edifice.
hel-R.-brilig; haek „mentori0 -of t.116,Se inri jahayn- 0,efo:n,:tghit..gMatiohinhera.,,j.6,,,in,od. -,,,.ttiy
All _fernier , Member.S.,..ranci: fri.ex4s-'
-ot --the, congregation ha'ye -been- - ' .•
---A'r ttfe-ti-.662f-thvy•-e-las:1-irtehlateivi..ebttilt:i.::,),
marking ' Of. the. event,,- a
: ' In; ;in '. - ' .' ' ' ' ' d '
Churches ,,-eotelied- into ---,Union 1 to'
..or,,iitig'ConrigrrgationSal ' and ' Presbyterian
vited bank to jOin'. together in' the' -:-.4,-- - •
...i6- Rev:;:':'Sitiney.- DaVison, mit-lister.
.,.oAflrw, .tr.'hoio 's0
o011gr'egarti.e,1; .' .•. -o:
faor'm-,'-i"...t,-k,e .-iIPfofffod, ..cifm.,ro.h.. .o,f. ..,c.a.4,„,
, rot hasbeei under acenimit:.fi0000g,o4forisoreoior„0
Tr.-WatsOltwii is alSeccferkf jorw,b4ovol,t4to,be 111e:p164
tfesesion,Worked _-,...
' a s,'.:•ehatr' man PerT'h' sr.:0:iiigli,:,•out: .--_,_•„.. 3,e'ar_-s-701., e'; ', fin,'
of the- correspbridence'• conimittee.-: 'lie
Mi,i;s1q will he's uPPltedat. the &ye--.sIrer4.'dooft,.hletiel'cehuing
hint "Service' bY, a - .-.choir:.bolstere d . -', .s
•choir-. members , of. former :Tears, 'Old 'faithfully, . Mit 'they ,. hayk,:als'
ts:s\i,,iil Lilb:eih;egtl.isntg-i' ns'ogio- -
eit, .0tafk'tehne:Pnr'e.a'se.b\i-vteLryi):,litlielri:S3,i'!InecOwa.bnrd
Orro-sani7ti, N.
ONi. the 0111111, lAilaisnif4t°rns: ttoh0BCr°Ainc'fe7i:111dee'einGeagtahtiOnn.G•r•atiedariltoe '
John Murdoch:: . , ., , , - - ' it. minister . when in, 1036' -Rev.. 17il,..:
Special s.peaker Jor,.the d .Y. will'../.1.6:e.:.n'. ti!r4M.thin6ert.o.vjaidaso,nacP0Pnieleurt;dricepr.aeilsii
be a ,,.
.native s
-.ort i of ; the' 'chinch;
Bev. -C. A.: MuS1arti,,„13.-A;,;11,111,. (A' also a' . -(lelegate- to the". General;
BTr°ru9cetf(iield:,eeon' grelVigIttiaeln.d.:',t1::f-ten'tt11-eler.- :C.:5'Stlekli:'717ciiliit'Qf'tht? 'Illo.liirirhd•,.:aCs11-.11int'ieniii;t. er. S
, , . . . , . ., .. , , .
. college,- to . stiidy for his WOrk as Sines the building of..the nevv, strac_i.
a:Minister.- of. the :gospel...lie. is the -tire.have been.Rev....E. II. •SaWers,•
-son Lof 'the late '1VIr..1a.nd - Mrs,' present ' when ;,tlie' . elinielt...,.WaS.
AleXaltcler •l'ifilat(rtl. ' '. ..-.. , -- - ..- built; 'Rev. I.'.11:.:WPods, frOm
• Rev::,. Muster& „wilt; gddress the to 1917.; lieV: W.1), .IVICIxitoSh; .1918'
'cOngregatien 01 the Mottling 'nil .the' -'t0 1924;:,.13,ey.,..--11.4'i-Arinoiir,..1921."•;
sUbjecti .r.`JuStified By. Werds„,' ;In- to 1926:; ' Rey„...,,W,..:.A. „Bremner, 1.9264
_the.. aVening., his-.'subj'ects.will"..be,ttiiir.'1938':Re.V.' 1! 1, 'Wright; -.1938-
``.Following `:Q1r1S1.'4 ,.; . , ' ' ';. ' ta 1.941; . 1-1.eii.. LG. 7. 'N.; At-MU:son,:
'6-4 0de1ta1 1g' Of :building ',the 1941 te. 1946,''.Reii. E.-R.-Stan:way,
chureli- waa ,acconiplished. in 1908.49,16 tor, 1951; .-ReV,' W. J....,11,1aittes,,
daring; the paStorate .'of 'the,..late- 1951 to 19554' and .the' 'present :Jinni -
Rev:, E. If.' ',Sawers...i. Rev:',.'•,$awers'.. ster..,,Rev.:- .Sidney,. ,Davison,..1955, „fp, •.,
served the ,congregation from 1899 the present :time.' -
until 1912. ,The 'blinding...Of the (P11 - The see40-'n•.:of' the, ehureh
- 'for,. -
'--TfeidirSfti-er;eh'isithillY elilie6:ngefrY.tl-an-.:dt'''.dsl'er' act- I D9a5varionne,u-'aRe.-st.P1,11'eWallifts()OdneT..a:ctlerrk,R'' a6rivd :-. - •
tion .of ,A:'iinited rpeoPle-;.,,the.::.struc-...w: mo,f-fatf; , johh,., 'A.: .-1/6E-‘,,,,:aa, .,
..',ytii--,ei'at's i.-WTSIII.'Pele6tirteed17-WY;fr.4eel::411of7;sdeelibetil..-INNTAla17,1k14:i-•‘'VG.,:i;ifiR4iuegahrr.[CiSFc;n-1:,::E°dYgeear' ,, Ali
•-Ahlonnt' raised- .10r. the buildinglisit-md w.__Ecaeringt,24-4,,,- , . ,
• , • ,. ._ , . , . . --
Qf -:111b ' 'church' "ii -Pg ' the . evell t. '-GOrdon Elliott is. chairman of,the"--.
ars 'totalled- ,.$18;og.37. Of : thisi
--, 'bor.,,Ti---,i, of stewards,..WitIF:Seha Mos.; '..
amoinit7.818183,93 '..:Wa S. ,-•spent ' -on _-
''' .' . v . . , • -, tare as secretary.: Other ',stewards
.the building' and 4200.for -the work . , -. ,
,.. are ' Melvin Graham .Vieter liar -
of the.tre a siirer,i -Jeseph McCiille greaves, Lindsay. Eyre, Russell '
erative.- tlie-'elos, Mg oi,.,,,the,..F,airn,,,ers' B. a.,a_k,;.` tpa'artids;bli&th'rulfre•Dnduetrra.*n''''A-r.,_.aeL,1,11..e..„.1\!tyllui„,,Ts'...1":"....-,
An-ainount of •$§6.43 Was lest 'with. .
leaVing„,total orplus._ef.....5.2.01,....The. i?,\,-14,-Q,..iivils,07---n.., . ,. ,, .; ,. , • .. . ,-....-•., ..
.- . .. . .•.. . . '., - ..- :. ' ' . • - ,- .• ,. •' .. . • - --. -.. ..' . - , ' • Young. Ladies of the' church raised (See story on'Page-9Y "
. • • . ,.. .. . , .... I
. CP 'OPetatillg ' ' \ 1114 h. Logan- „Town7 Mrs. Ford, Dickisow: and' Glenda
'813-io „loCalb.u§liles s men haVeix,nade .4n4,..4.Fs-. 1-P.rold'..../.73,th..,.... ,.. a. . . _
purchase ...'Of 'a .., -bell -Which '-i. still '
his was used. for 'the. , • . ,. • r• .
-,trishtro:4iitiliv,ii;i„,...6p7 ii3eA paving of oh, Thfirch-; ee., costt.ine:cioi ft:8f: .fo: 71,:ow;.fiuds'siabybm-s,:awtGiiietehiein,.61.V10. wer.,ann:.Mar;4-', Har -ii ss
...' ..: ." ''', :'. r .1.- Instrumental' in .'the b. Id' ' . f
toile .. ea,ch Sunday morning.- .
. , . ...
Folit :. n :Chute ,
. . Ix.. C. .oricrete:...._loor
the , ,.c.hurch; .which..- even- t daY . i T. -
from SideWalk -th ,sideyiwk.;'..,,is -.644 'Grater -rise -her, . Kitchener, . Visited! ---,-
Jag. shared r 1)Si. 41 e:: bnsliiessrnen- .aild,':•':Witit,:iteVe• and E'..scher, .ceh'gu'aire-ilbeed.5wastte9ire....4.',tgiiaIrss..t4..trg ......11... ...-7..,‘: ,,,....., ;•.:.:,
the tOwnShip, .., . . ' -,,'..,....-- ,. OVer,the„. Weekend' • ••• .r.: .
;" : ' '''' "'''':. '`, ,, , . ' (1f. the ,xi-niteti Lutheran Church at' .McBea.(11--headed, 'the. ,graup„,..aa, , ._,. ,,,
ivir,_civ.„.3.41.1.g....a.ttexiite.d.,syn4a Lmb,it.tdeoe,:o' LCodiritstearedn_mbe iiv,•,/asAtoax'.-actIodreei..,,f-iic,1133.11jU:r;d1.T1W0w,,he,atg,s7ahe.cfoerli.:e:tgehtilfoeoert, .
. • • ' I .fie•WhitneY; 1-0',Thad'reeeVered-,
. .
Vehides::., I a k e ti einbroke.,,laSt week, as : a idele- chairman-LeSecre_tary . ivas,-4);-'-',A,-I-S Peteeti-Y-4hirS_weekete,,;ne'•rele•
. . .. . , .
Charges :: Feillovv. gate... ,.... .. ' . . ' . , ' . ' ' . ' ' . ' . . .,. . ' , ' Aikenhead the ogly-1. meinber . of ..I e „from. Scott •IVIeirmrial,Hospital.
'..•..Mr: ,..'a'nci.'krs..:" Ken `INIeLeed: ...Of:. the 'Origirl'at:'.Cprithaj.tfOO,:'stili...- aliVe..Tiler,littie.girl.-'.dalighter'of Mr..:..and,
..--,..!'• rl. . .; ' ..''. . . ' ' ' '. l'i' ' ' Listowel; Miss-. Lee ,1-1,arreek;-rbl, today., Work,f the trea ur. ., w , , rs, , k Whitney,- Staffa, ...was., .
. : A trip frera ''Seaforth to .Exeter.;'11aMilton-....andlMr". Donald Ahrens,' done by ,Willi antScott,, with. James , plaYing Jri the„ Inow.-when she slip• ...
"iii ..-4.- ear stolen in. Seaforth' and Toronto; ' with'.1V,IrL and Mrs. Chas, .'Gerarnell,'•Williain,:,,EICO,a't, 'Robert ,pee -and, fell through a.chute. The .-
M elCaY;' - Dottgald' ":,,rntiP'lingnaut ,accident ocrurrea early last week.'"
charge! Of theft being r' laid against, :family, .. Of 'Orangeville. with Mr: naenrtisfojii8elewsalVis clriaildil*byld'..IpTihiit'...1Cceit-' I. ''s ■ l'' •'''''''r '.°W. ''. . .1 ' iLA" ' r .
stolen in Exeter, Jesulted' in: a ,. Mr: and Mrs.',Alhert Smith an
Donald lif•CIPhhein by Seaforth po-- WA' L1OS: , Ect.,,- Smith . on Sunday. , ' 11V m. 'COTT . Intl ins .
lice .!rgie'id:ay: afternoon; - - . -.. %. ; Mr. JIM . Sit -amens has:leen. ac- ;When Opening day -arrived; large-, •
Sch.Olcirship',..- '''' v
According to .--Constable George „CePtpd , into, . the Provineiai• Police .1Y attendect-serViCeS were held in ,
.. . •, . . . .
Martin', the trouble' began' :when 'Force ,.and is .presently :stationed the, church.. The. •group, were .
entry.:_was. gained into .RoWcliffels. 'in. Toronto. . I, .,•, .', ...,, ;-. :,.. -:, dressed by Rev.. Dr. -,.McItaY,'. of _. , Willia in • .$cott, . Sen . of Mr:. and
'Garage, here:and sorite,,changp;AP-1. ., -'•Ther...Waher 'and -pupils .. of ;the, Toronto; gueSt-minister.fer the .obA:,Mr.s...,:.J. 111. Scott, Seaforth, has •-;'F
'get -her . with ,keys. to ...A. • nuinher .of 1 School attended field -day at Monk- c asion: .-- .'. - .. ... ' . • ": been. .awarded the: „Association. ,:of
uSpd earS„intile.-ROWcliffelet,; were ten .Park. btf..FritlaY.i.',. ., :•L.••*'. ' ' .-.:Ii•ater, outstanding improvernentS"..Prefessional Engin.e,ers.' of: Ontario , ,..,
taken:: Selecting a: lAte.-Model:uSed.„.- 'Mr..'and:Mrs-: Wilbar'-flpegy; Mr: were .1nade. le. the church. • includ, ,Seliolarship.for the -'seerid :Year in • .
car, the. driver teExeter.:. Run= and. Mr -S. Dalioallinz, Mr; Lavern ing, the'inStalling, of a..11araniend sneeession., Mr. Scott,: who . has
ning :put of -gas,,ihe totik:pessession 'Wolte,.:Mr.-atc4.Mrs. Marine). Oen-, organ in 1947.. In .1950 a-neW. oil': comi.ileted hiS SeCond .year in en- .':
of a 'light pi6k-up 'track, owned bY, erinann, Mr .' -'and, 'Mrs.. R. Sholclice.`i burning' systeni iivas.:also installed.„gineering phi at .the -UniverSitY -..
Guenther,Tuckey:Ltd.'; and retina- .3/1r..:and,Mrs. AVM. Diegel, Mr. and The church 'property has , been, ,,.efloronto again paSSed. With liew,-, '..'
ed to Seaforth. The :Exeter ',truck Mrs. 1Vlartiii,Diegel,„ Mr, .and Mrs,: 'and as .still, .held by -a .Board of ,ors, ./-le. is „n graduate 01 Seaforth.
Was qound. abandoned. 'near.' ' the Henry.Meer, -Misses- Marie 'and Trustees, elected by the congrega-•;,Dittrit'lligh.sehool; and is spend- .
.eratiVe Tuesday:Morning": - ' ' (Continued • on Page:4), ' ' '' board,' Who ..hold. "the property in in the operation;of Scott 'Earmi;
siding of • Seaforth 'Villiers Co-op- 'Clara ..Meyer':•and . Messrs. ,•J.Ohn lien. The present. 'members of the,..,ing:the glimmer assiSting his father :
-,:trophy for sixmonths,' following
the.:'llullett Township schools :field
-day. Friday.
The ,trophy, .donated by. A:. Y.:
341...ean, .Sealfoith, . put up. for
',annual ., competition: for award': to
bouipetitor With. the .'highest
score in the. meet. Thts year the.
two stildents.each: tallied 11 points;
11) tie for the honor..,
Thirteen sehbelS:,e0n1Peted in the
,meet at the. ball '.,Parkat.iiondes-:
-- ..iboro, with Gordon Hoggart being
that -action should be initiated b
Seaforth sinee Seaforth as the
largest user Of the faCilitieS..Vhere
Was, a moral , yesionsihhity, , if: not
-legal one;
Disenised Last year •
, ,
Mayor, Christie recalled, that the BLGUESTrTQTAL • MAVICSIL ..at S O.T1iS. last ,ye r ;vverer-: isird
Matter hadfirSt, -been raised about - up Lbf"Roberf-Sharp,...whe'.."wmi'llie:,0:''.A. W4,itrire3r prize, and leah.
a year ago': At that ' time a eorn-' Hillen, . who .received theC.',M. Satith Memorial Trophy at''S.17:-
initteelof Council. had *jet with. .the His: gra dim on A. Barber ..• presented : the,' Smith,
eeinetery-'board...and. :reviewed 'the-, memorial-Lirdain.....belialf ':Of the :heard.. GnestS. were welcomed
Situation.' An estimate of the 'Pp, by Board' Chairirian. (-Pnoto7byThilliP0
erating• deficit, :together. With, ari-
-ticipated posts of rendirS;.fiadbeen.,
requested,'; rhe said, but had: not
he-eiGreeeileiI • '.. •
• RegveS,c0ins told council the pre- ,
Per procedure 'would be 10 -turn
the genietedy.eVer; fp •McKillop
,the, I Act •provided, ,and make that
townshiti.reSponsible..'for'..itS opera-
tion.. Other- councillors disagr,eed.,
It was- not .airiatter.:Of forcing. any
municipality - to take• action, but:
rather . Of !recognizing -that, a.: prob- •
-leth .e'xi-ted' and wOrkitig put- a
4d4. te attivities .on Sunday, reaSonable solution, theY" said. • .;
, COuncillor.•,' Turnbull. r. "suggested
xr.,gnci,,IVIrs. McCartney...also
2,itfi a:nnvei,sary approahhhig- all -chin-dies concern;
, .
their, wedding,,,:-and,,,.,Mr. and ' iepdp",i7Pd ere,boauPids -jcoinetstaadmilmoine,Scifratalnv4e,
Mae.: Scarlett„.,:',Terblitni. brother of
111r;., Pied Scarlet.t;:alSo •celerbi.4.ed 'action taken to, raise. MI:K.1s' by sub,.
' .• ; sth'iPtiun to bolster 'the' Perpetual
apkee-Pftind,"Sethe.tund would:pi-a-
duPe enough. TeVenue:-/tertake.. care
of ::the 'operating deficitr,t In other
Centres where municipal: cernetries
o'Perate kiss is made! Up by the
mUnicipality,.-Colineillor Ball . said,
_ander, .i.ere won_ by S.S. No. 11,,
- and over, with 11 points. John Ar- first;„ S.S. No, 3, second, and S.S.
thin, with eight points, took top No. 7, third. In the 11' years and
spot in the 11 and under; -Taaf---`uver, S.S. :a took first place, with
',--Bakker, nine pints for the nine U.S,S. NA. .5.and E.S.S. No. 2, for -
and under, and Derwin Carter with lowing.
111 points, took the Seven years and Feature event of the day, was a
Under. baseball game between the teach -
Top girl in. the 12 years and over ers of the 13 schools and one stu-
was Nancy Caldwell, with seven
points; Shirley Riley, 11 points, for
the 41 years and under; Freda
Goldsworthy took the nine years
and under championship with sev-
en points, and Jill Goldsworthy,
with 10 points, took the seven years
and under class. 7
-Winners in .the various events
•Boys' Events
Emit Races -4 year and.Under,
Derwin Carter, Johnnie Duizer,-
Roble' Snell; • 9 and .under, . Allen
Caldwell; .Taaf. • Bakker, David
Riley; 41, and under, Gary -PreSz,
gator, Johnny Arthur, Lorne Daer;
12 and over, Gordon'Hoggart, .Teun-
Is -Vander' Doel, Edward Daer:
Ball Throw -7' and: tinder, .Der -
Win , Carter,. Johnnie 1)uizer, Ron -
'e -Arthur;, 9.mand- under, Robert
Taaf. Baldcert Malcom
- 2Hi1tL11 and under.;John `Arthur,
Utile Ajaer;•,r' ar ;Thqinpstin;' 12
• . and. over,.. :EdWard. Daerv, Charlie
Vrawford„ 'Ilank-Westerhout.
Standing Broad 3Uirtp-:•-7. and
der, Riley, Drupe BrenineY.;
DerWin Carter; '9 .and under., Dav-
id ,Ril,y, Jeffrey Shaddiek Kees'
...•Bilffinga;„311 and 'tinder, Tony Ver-
.:. barg,:llichardj. Shaddick, Ronnie
:Carter;, 12 and ever, 'Gorden Hog,
gar,t, TeimiS Vanden Pool, 1Cops
Verburg. ; •
Running Bread Jump --7 and un-
der, Ken- Colson, Derwin Carter;
Johnny Dnizer; 9 and under, Dav-
id Taaf •Baaker, Allan Car-
ter; 11 and, .under, John Arthur;
Bonnie Carter, Tony Verburg; 12
. , and over, Gordon Hog,gart,,,Charlie
Crawford, Maurice,- Marshall: •
-. "High Juinp-7. and :under,,, Arthur
Artiree; Robert Anderson, Derwin
Carter; _9 and 'under, Via-U.80.1*er,
Alan .CaldweIl, Datiglaa • Dale;., :11
and under, Bill Thompson, Mor-
ris -,Iloggart,";:llandY"Babeock; 12
and over, Tennis 'Vanden, .Deol,.
'Gordon HOggart, Maurice Marr
Foot Races -7 years -.aid under,
Jill Goldsworthy, Lynda Lee, -Car,
9 And under,' Elaine
Dale, Bennie Snell,' 'Freda. Golds:-
' Worthy; :11 ..and under,,, Audrey
Duizery Lcny de 11,nyter, Deanna
Dale, and Jane .Eolltonan (3rd); 12
. And ever, Afke kk:Ituyter,,,,Tony
Duizer; NatieY
Ball Thro*-'--.7.. years and under,.
Ller3e;•. Shaddiek, Wendy Caldwell,
tottia Miller; 9 and Under, Linda
.Little, Webina 1471s,rna, Latta
Daer; 11 and under, Shirley:Riley;
L 'Janet Hulley, Corry, Wainmes; 12
and P.Ver; Nancy Caldwell, Geertje
Postfna,' Rita Flynn.
Standing Broad Sump -4 years
and Under; Lloy 'Shaddiek,, jilt
Goldsworthy, Lorna Miller,; 0 and
,Undef, Itteda,,Goldswerthy; Fran-
ve4 Slaekett,'40ce Wes;11 and'
• Under,..81ilt10 ;Riley; Audrey
- Lenie'-delayterr 12 and
- ;twice de' ROY.ter;:Nancy„CaldWoll,
Oeertlik.,Pnattna-- '
dent from each of the schools.
Winners' were the younger class,
the , students beating the teachers
3 to 2 in the five -inning_ affair, -
'Umpire for the' game was G. G.
Gardiner, Goderich, inspeetdr of
public schools. •
Jones came back from his vaca,
f,"on proud of his 'bulging musclesi
-"Look at theserins,” he 'brag-,
1 -lis co-workers 'Admired his mus-
cles and asked if he gotthem-froni
towing: -
"From rowing?" Jones replied
scornfully. "I gotlhem;froin pull-
ing fish into the beat!"
Festivities 'narking :the happy
event were held 'Sunday,: at; the
:home of their daughter., and
'' and; Mrs. George. MC-
Cartney, Tuckersntith. The couple
received -many' . lovely gifts
and -
cards. At the same time they' also
celebrated' their; birthdays..Mr
Scat-lett_ was 78.. on , May 26, and
Mrs. Scarlet( 78 on june 8.
Mr. and Mrs:, Bcarlett have one
daughter; Eva, Mrs. George, Mc-,
Cartney; Tuekersmith; and, two
granddaughters, Eleanor McCart-
neY, ,Kitchener, and, Eileen 'Mc-
Cartney, St Marys.,
A :reSidetit of Seafarth.for.nearly
seventy years, Mrs. R. S. Hays
will celebrate her 90th birthday on
Sunday. " ' •
Mrs. -1-laYS, who has been visit-
ing her. daughter, Mrs, William
Skitmer, at- 9260 Bishop Road, De-
troit,;is remarkably wellyand thor-
oughly enjoying the opportunity to
see interesting,points in Detroit..
....Lin a letter to -The ,Expositor, she
said She misses her friends in Sea -
forth, but keeps in touch 'through'
The Expositor, which she receives
each Saturday -morning. ' .
She finds the American people
'extremely. friendly. and interesting,
she said. She has, ben downtown
in Detroit on several -shopping vis-
its, and has enjo ed trips through
the residential arcag of the city to
see the ' spring flowers. ;
Detroit area expressways and
Detroit restaurants are no strang-
ers Ha " Traffic- cause
igra to ' YS.
her no concern, ' She says', but
sometimes wanders how her;driv-.
crs know where they are going.
She has had dinner in many of the
better known Detroit restaurants.
Mrs. Hays was born in Blyth
June 15, 1868; '.2nd is the daugh-
ter of the late ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm:
Shine: Educated there and in
'Llican, she was married to Robert
Stanley Hays October 19, 1892, in
Trinity Anglican', Church at BlYth
hy;. Rev. G. F. :Parke. Following'
their marriage.,,1V1r. and Mrs. Hays
moved to Seaforth. Her husband
Was , a successful lawyer in Sea -
forth Until his death December 25,
lir Goderich this amounts to -$4;000 from EXeter to Seaforth in a_ truck__Ahrens.' . , •
per .year, and in Chnton 'about
$2,000:,.Additional, ehar,geS are ley -
led, in tlie case of burials originat-
ing 'frOnriminicipAlities•wha:deriot
a$Gsiasmif 'flincillaar4°13P4y.,,,,;;att'ciPate'd the,
day, -could, arrive when a 'cemetery
board Might, haveresponsibIliti for-
alithe cetneterieS- servirig'the area..
$41t is not--fair!'"te-the 'United
Church' M. opPrate a cemetery for
all •without additional 'assistance,"
Caiincillor BaidWin said, 'agreeing
with a . previous, jsuggestion that :a'
;meeting representative of th
attrehps concerned' be • called,
'other emincillins.:'agreed also, and
Councillors Baldwin, Turnbull 'a-nd
Brady ,were named to ',represent,
emu -fell -at the meeting. ,
. Street Wea:Under Way-.
.Reporthig for 'the ,street coin;
mittee,., CouricillOr Ilabkirk "Saict'a
number of trees had -been replaced
itia paving cernpleted on Gonin-.:
Ioek Street, Ling town equipment,
the work had been den& for: $252:7
COmpared to 'a contract price of,
05/0. ' Council agreed l to rent, a
sprayer to permit holes to be- filt-
ed'prior:„ starting:the oillng„ pro-
gram Reeve Scoins drew atten-
tion ,th: traffie hazards. created by
cars 'being parked . too near .'per-
ners, The. location ' through
streets and the recmirernerit for
additional stop:,, signs wili be dis,;
cussed, later,.-bouncil ,agreed.
WOW, at the' recreation, park'4S
completed,' Councilor • Baldwin said.,
Alterations at. the Town Hall are
-being held -bp until fall, when labori
is more available... i'
'.45Lt Applications •
; There ' are nearly 40 aPplieationr!.
fel' the. 'two 'pollee positions whipli
- ,
Daring her hang residence in Sea -
forth Mrs. Hays' has played:a
ing role in the life of the teinmun-
Ity. She is'- a; member' of -,'First
,Presbyterian Church; a life 'Mem-
ber, of therWomen's Ainp.skinary So-
ciety and Of the Ladies' Aid. She
was a Member Of the firstl.board
of Scott Memorial Hospital and,
served on 'the board for twenty
years. IntereSted in all aspects Of
the community, she has, a ' wide
circle of friends extending through
Several generations, :who .have „en-
joYed her ,hospitality through the'
Mrs. Hays has a family of
en: - ehalits,, of London;
Mrs. E. C. Medelland 03eSs), of
Toronto; Gordon, of .Detroit; Hee,
(pi`, of Windsor; Mrs. -William
Skinner (Mary), of Detroit, and
George,. of Seaforth. "Another son,
Stanley, Was killed while training
with the Royal Flying Corps
ing the First- World var.,
There' are nine grandchildren
and 'thirteen great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Hays plans ,to spend her
-birthdarifthe home Of ler daugh-
ter in Detroit, when the faintly has
arranged an pock house. She 18
looking forward' to seeing mem-
hers of her familY and many
friends -at that. time; • ;
Nanie M. Etue To
Holy Name Post
Maurice Etue was named Presi-
dent of St, James' Holy” Name So-
ciety at a meeting Sunday. IteId
in the, church, officers Were named
for .1950-59. ,
Other officers are: Vieeprett.
dent, Arthur,Deveremix; secretary -
treasurers John, rlatinern mar-
shal, Clarence Malone.
xottyorrico) tsNriso ClIURClitfift '
WORK OF BUILDING .1 Y YearS ago, May 1008, was thrected4iy a comMittee ruce-
field district menabers of the ''congregation. ''Sliour)t,tatrove aKe those 'who MAO irxp the tonimitteet grant row), loft to, right, lames.
McDairmid, William, Scott, treasurer; 'Reit. LE. IL SliWerS, Minister during the building of the edifice; AleXander,;',Meteath, chair-
man, and William Elcoat; back row, Zanies D. Gemnie1, Robert Mactly,- Duncan, A....-Aikenheacl, Seeretar'yt and,„Dotigabi Pothering -
Only snrvivirig Ineml?err of the tpmniittee is Mr. ,..t,kikenhead, who resides in Seaforth, •