HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-06-06, Page 5' se
Clinton vs. Winthrop
ridoyi. ;tune,
Gam 'thee: 7;80 psees
Vieiokia Pari!
".ioRui, °ivr
Tuesclay,June 1C
'land Every Lies a
at 8:30
ITIRE*DZ itimtftwomP, ottpor•
New president of the ,VireSide
FellowshipeGreup of Flret 'Pr,OebY-
teriart -Chnith will be 'Mrs: F.
Coefords• Vree-president Will' be.
Mrs. HarrYlteLeods
'Other • isf:ficeta- 'named by the
.neininating contreittestre at .the last
regular meeting- for: -the season
'ruesday tight everese_ssectetarY,
Mrs 1 L MCFarianefetreassurers
Nlise.: Saflet: Cluff; ia-VenVISeri
Mrs*. .JOhtt 'Canine; deVettonal :cogs
•veetete -Miss Alice, Reid; pianist,
Mrs F, Kline; aSSistant," 111iS$
IVI0tY ,GeddeS:, • • '.;e: .
''-The Meeting waS pteceded by -a
, ,
popeek supper„ held iu the'isebooL
retire.o the Cherete SlOaee'Re:E,
MOIVItllen eMstentiettea sitatinSeWels
en:Mee-toe the 'neWeiribileter4tigehis
wif• •Iteve. ,and
Eider. 1 • e
..'ConStinet V' the tennietiling om
,ststew,epost:,•.Tobir' Ileelether,. read'
of,-offieer$: -Bete: „Elder
etlie' group e ' They 11Th4IllikijOSIY,
decid to Meet at; the hoMes of,
Dr. and:Mrs:E.' A. „McMaster for
'their first .fallItiteetinge Rev.,Eldee.
tlesed theenieetieg',:with
• "What is the -prititipal contribtf-
than of the -automotive age?"
it has practically stoppeethorse-
'13hiltirtiritete,w1 theTvoyWas.partigidarIY interesting tO. tee-
age:4 yoar o thg,1Vkayf1oWer .of those in...lkiertlt.'.4rneriOa wh
.0 frqiigngiatio:o,;.4.1.11404;., MPS', Were aS: igneranyabOUti•the old Pil
,re0r,IY.SACLeeds.set' Tnekersinith, grinia as 'Abe /WASS Of Ore pimple
,begali: „Seraxthiiok n wbe1 she tion .heres .1)eseiith 'the IMPlegsant
plated item' dealing:with .theetrip_ nees, that brie arisen: at Vont. end
.thatseanietrt her attention; As.tbe witI eectiona -Of the presS and eVe
ecraphook 'greet n size "the foundfilianeeeTtliinkin• a fesit":Years the
her- ,trierideS too,' became! intereste Mayflower, If :Will b ft1filling a
eti '-ead • contributed iterriSs! until Very goods piirpoSe• as. A. noble de
earitethieYitge, e.Vhertthebook had. ppsitorypf .great : me,inei"les.ef fine
reached 0e ;pages,- .she epeided. itsspithieers',
was: as . complete a' storyof : "the Your scrapbook puts • . US:to
Mayflower Cp.'s- was possible t� Sherries 'es.:1"We 'have a:loaded:slilf
ta]n..'• . of •stiiff N0,41,..u/waY-ittearlifigto
-'eteisiderieg erlietr'tre'iriiglat she: Sert. you '1010*, '40w..thiligir. are ui
nost,apiite.oesteee • she "decided to iajobdueanyl.heie4tipvee,X1:14Wi-,•44ehy';,,ftlia*do• paa 4:berl,b0-
send. if stO,D., Kenelin -Winslowe.
Surrey. Eeglende Ilisesonlieti.beerti$ust the:.taSk. ,IfeWeVereyOu halse
the. tellY : meniber • of, the trews, 'fa%.4:1134tt,agerarimsfeweele,.;seaeyn:;:a.,Weingoestt
'Mayflower If tite be, deSedirledfr,oni,
Tat IsteithjetT iirltheTerWriol'ettie:Ot;,- Warin'itlfant'YOWT7'.7.-'7
, fqf •..of your - nelherenissiain
, • come our way, give us:': Warning
ftift of.•''''..•Ther WiriSloW appreciated
becaese, we should to ;Offer
:the. -scranhoOk :ie inO)14 What Modeste tetertainMent we;
he a ;letter Mrs: McLeod has
-mese, esqlseehese::. Witheidedest :regards. ;Years
stncetely,:ltetielin;• -
High Schoo News
d •
o ,EverYone breathed a little easier
-• Yesterday as our May tests earrie
- to a close. -.However, we still have
- °Ur final. exams, the third week in
s June, to centend with. The big
✓ question now is 'what ;finals we
have to write.
- Preparatione are going ahead for
'Graduatien, which is .lung 2, aid
foe the. graduetion supper whieli is
On" June 19. We aTe kept 'ptetty
imuch, hi the edark about the sup-
per, but every once in a while vie
conti',e upon a secret ineetingeof
Grade XI, who are looking 'after
ew.S.--Surrey, -England:
Dear rss'IVIeLeottS Thes_spleite
stltd-StrePhook-:arrived''sefely last
eeght. ;/21,0triy,•';wife;And,I are , very
well pie aSedvithit and:elitist grate -
Mlle -yen We 'will OV.COuree
, give
it to Oer,- soil Who. .crewed on Meye
floWer11, When, he,'reterns -fromea
naval World 'cruise on ,which he is
now, engaged. To him'
life-long treasure .with- his 'niany
other relies of the, ;trip.'.
e'We found quite: a: lot in . your
scraps that was: 'few to us and it
OAS]. era le damage 1S OiHg'eatISBa; by per-
sons, in.'many.cases...old,ennugh to knowrbet-
- ter, Playing ball and ntheiwiserurining. about -
the -Greens ofAhe, Seaforili ',Lawn ..'BOwling
_Club on Main Street.
' -'-
Unless this co-operation is forthcoming, the
Club will have no alternative but to take
action .'against such persons, who continue to
make improper use of the Greens.
u e a
clic es • Rings
ewelleor and • Silverware
•• :STs COLUMBAN. •'se. ,sidiss; •Aiane
Hart diedeineAlekendta :Heepttel,.
1nersol1, on Tuesday Morning:
Born on . March' 25;'; 1879,- she:: :Was:
the .. daughter' be': -the, iate..,Mrs'
Mrs.-10W011Hart, and' :had lived •
here 'until 18 years ago when:she
Went. to itiake:. her 'hOnie ;ixisslitgetssoll.
e She ';wAsfriOnelierOfsthelotnaii.
Catholie'Chntche' the, CatholicWoe
• men's ' League and the • League of.
. ,
the'SeciedsHeart.-ees.''' ;
She is the leetenienibers,Of 'a
amity Ofeehreheinge.predeteased
by bretlierS, and a': sister. e -es -
•.-TheebodYsieSted at the keine ".o,f
her nephews James Mcqueid,..Me-
KihOtis'toysiiship., The filiieral took
COlarehan:.- Church,' with Requipte.
Mass:. at „0 o'clock.Burial was in
Se7. "Celtintli n eereeteek....., P ellb e a re
ers 'Weee iteplieWSeeFreek-Mes
Thoines• MechiaiA, Joseph,
Hart; stettikS:HartsBdWarst Hart'
and .Pattick -;Hatt. •
A..: Bach,
theTforilier Iuise Elizabeth Vietoty
She was liotniM Logan toWnrhiee
on. October' 13, 1888. She ',Wei
her '70tir:YeeteesOrreektieil 22e 1919,
She': 'Married. MiS, Bah, ' whe-eitre
,VitieSe• She -as the daughter .' of
-thelate. Geerge Ti,ettie,.., and 4 'Cads. -
tripe Rites:.She vas a reetnnee, ef
, 'St. Peter's Lutheran :'Clittrehe Bred-
hegen, 'end:a:Member of the .Liiths
ere* Vernenrs _League: for :.,t,Werttye
years. .' "": ;Z.. s.
Surviving -''beSidet hers husband,
•are pee ,Ed,vvine at home one
claeghteieeselrs:: slYanse(Geergiria).:
Bickiifr, Logan AVM:
:hreeirk;.. Logan, and . Miss SMartha.
Wiridseis -eildstWes.Tgoiidt.
:The body. rested ...at • tne,.•He'ai.u.::
Leslie FiineralHemeeMiteliell,' The
funeral Ser.viee''-wasSt.,
'Peter's Lutheran : Cherch, strode,
hagene on Thersday. „e-afteintion,
Rev. Es 3. FiSeher.,offitiated:',.But-
fal:waS,M4he::asijeinitig• Cemetery.
Res. 218
Self-clearksing..house palet . Whi eeteeelairleb6anty in
that cuts time and costs in an 'alkyd enamel. Can't '-
half on ,rerpaint jobs., ' "yel ow" from sunlight or.
kitchen, -funs.
Tested to xesist Canada's'
severest weather ravages.
Yull range of non -fading
.... .
Easy, t� apply.' . quick to An odorless alkyd wao paint "Fot 100 'lobe— indoors or
dry, litida Norti'ana Mat, a brillituit hew raegesef • out. Resists 'Sauffs, cracks ,
the perfect mate. • decorator golorv , and 'chips. Bairesow color
•' •
ectei (parte; s for ,MlAkTititSENOUR Paints und KM Products
. •
:Newtons CIakke. Was.' on a
fisbing 'trip' to ' ChealeYs, Lake. On.
Wednesday and'Mrse_Clarke visit-
ed' with her diughter-,-2-111-re:e-Bev-
Morgan; 'and:. Sons, neare-Hens all,
Mr. Fred' Walters and Me. Bate
elk:Rowe, of Thames , Poad, Spent'
the' Weekerid at :'CheeleY
Mis Wilinas-Waltersisand Nliss
Kay _Horne,- or London, spent , the
weekend at their homesetesthe -
Veal -bpi: yen -
hale arid small•Cliildren; Of ;Exeter,
_ , ,
Visited :Wediaes'day:•.vvith Mrs: and
• . . ,
Mrs. Eleyn Kefslake 'and'. family.
• ,Mrs. Toni :Pairipbelle and '..MisS'
. of Thames elteade-entettehr
. at atrousseau. tea' on: -Saturday,in
honer. of :her daughters LoiS,'Uthisse
Marriage takes' place 'June ' .7th '41,
Thaines. Road. Cleireh. ,
Mr. ;and Mre.„ -
Grant and Barbara:Ann visited on
S,ueday :With Mr, .arirt:Mrs.'Wtlliain:
Chureh near Winthrop .
Weare ; sorter; to ,tepart, that MiSs,
Dere- Delbeidgeis Still confieed
•SuthHirrnr-Hopith1 and is not
e a s
KOud Appointrnent
At a'• speeial meeting -or Lekan
Township council; si applicatiens
Were: received for, the ,..pesitieri• of
assistant road superintendent, °Due
to ,the illnessof the ',read .siipettre
Meanwhile Lthyd Glonr ws .-k).-
poiytted acting -road. superintendent.
At -the regular meetineof :Loan
council,, read- •accounts einteinting
to $5,161:84 anct'general:accounts
•$‘2,219.70 ' were ordered
paid: 'IllieNan,Morsel Drain t epert
as pteSented by James Howes,
OL.Seewae :reed and -provisionally
adopted antl.the clerk instructed to
:5 -year
per cent. debenture.- - • :
,-.Conrt 'MT.:revision-fp-F.-the .dtain
is to ;b held- Friday, July 4, al:
p.m: A by-law is else- to -lie
Prepared for Branches "D" arid'
".H" of the „Northeast ',Drain, :with,
the court of reViston 'te be held
jely 4; at S: pen.
Grants Of $350.00 totheMitchell,
Agricultural '.:Society and...$56' to
theeiMonkten: - School. Fair..swere
authorized.'fot .1958,
. ,
- -.Greats savings strielhat Blimbird
or: ;keepsake di,arneed , ring tat
wogyeotr's .Iupe sales-e(Advt.),
Atiimi Mrs. Jack ,Fairservice;
of Blyth,.; and Mr. .andeldts; JaMes,
Seat? Sr., a :Ilidlett, visited on.
Senday'witli Mr,: and _Mrs. Ernie
Ly4103,, Of *. .•
Mr.-009I'd0Viit;is attending •the'
United•Church eonferenee which is
being heidethis week in "ChathaM.
Mrs.- Emerson; HeSk, Me, Of -
lord Adams and Murray Roy,
of Hullett :township, -are in Gode-
rieli this '',veek having been Called
for Jury dutY..
burg, and :Miss. Lois Roe, .-of: Vt:
cherier,. visited over the weekend
with theirs pareets, eMes andMrS.
Wesley Rees" . ' . • . • ,
Send Delegate:Iwo Course ' --
Burris' 'W.IVIS and 'WA. members
met at the home of Mrs. George
Watt for their . May .nieeting • on
Thursda: Mrs. Les. Reid endeher
group Were in charge of the wore
ship service: A reading was 'gissen
1Sy Mts. W. Ree, '',We Walk Hum-
bly-, With ood.'4,--... - : ---,,
,The remaining Part of chapter
five Of the study book on . Japan
was given by 1VIrS. W:. _Trewin,
whieh. „revealed the. :faet that a
number of schools are held for the
blind; also that , a very . Small.
rill/Aber of the leproSy victims are
in public ;iestitutiehse. After the
'tar the need f Or Christian leailers
was, ' • Vgy : great. Agricultural
schools' '*.e becoming ' prominent,
witleabout 85 per centef the 'grad-
uate g returning to work in rural
'•' The business was 'conducted by
Mrs. Wesley Roe, president: • An
invitationewae aceepted freer this
Winthrop WNIS to attend' their
Meeting and bazaar on Wednesday,
, ••
, 'A letter Weesrectd. by Mrs. SA'.
White, freeisAltha College, •regarde
ink .sending ' a delegate to the:
School foe Lader, to:be-held lat-
er' this surnemr. It was the deci-
sion •of the -Members that Miss ,
Beth igeEwing be asked-to„attend.
Mrs. lierveY Taylor gaVe a. reads ,
ing entitled., "Indispensable Man."
Mre":: Seines Turnbull and Diaithe
of Brussels, and Mrs.' Peter Mc-
Donald of Walton, attended the
meeting at Mrs. G. Watt's home
•on „Thursday. . '-. '
, . -
"Noi 'nisi jbo, I'M Sorry I can't
permit' you to marry my daughter,
But leave nim-, yeur name andl
phone numberin Case nothiig het -
ter turns up."
In the seerts line the girls 'have
been 'banished tO the baseball. field
-deetlfe-ToWijek-Ofei'rthe basket -
hall ,court e Mother Sheila is referee
forethe,baskethall, .:and IVIother St.
Pahl ,Very bravely Offered to be
rtferee for the baseball. :, • -
Question Of the. Weeks, Wheiwffl
Yeur new eoOstruetion eOntPany
start „operating;-DOn? e'e- -es"
, ,
Beautiful imported emboSsed l'ere
ry Towels. Size 20" x 40" in sev-
eral lovely pastel shades. /31: won-
derful bargain -at
and-lVirs.-Albert,Roney, ,Mr
and Mrs. Charles, Roney and fam-
ily; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tebb 'and
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park
and family and Mr. George A.hrens•
and' family visited on Sunday with
Mr. •and Mrs. Leo Wernham,-Den-
Mr. and Mrs. George , Pepper
and -Mrs: -Alexia IVIeleoltne of Lon-
don, were dinner guests of Mrs.
Mary M1co1ni oneSunday•
_Mi. and Mrs. Fergus Lanein at -
•tended a banquet in Mitchell Sat-
tirday 'evening. , •
ly-Dillehadea-birth-day on Bglse
eiday, • entertaining his school
chumsand taking in the show in
Mr. and Mrs. Jack_Burehill and.
Mrs. Chesney visited in -Stratford
Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Malcolm and.
Mrs. Alexia Malcolm visited with
Mr. and Mrs Harvey •Hyde Sun-
day evening; Mrs. •Malcolm 2re-
inained for a few days. .-
mr• and mrs. 'George Gibb arid
Mr. and Mrs: Dalton Malcolm,
Keith and Bruce attended ahni-
versary services' in Glencoe on
Sunday ' and visited_ /dr. and Mrs.
Rehert Gibb; •-•- --
,Mr. and Mrs. Ziton Leis an
baby,. of Tavistock, .Visited ,Sun-
day with 'Jre aedelVIrs. Lawrence
Balker.. •;, -
•,Robert Jr .,• celebrated'
his birthday 00 -Saturdqy and en-
tertained his scheet chutes. -
., For that: Fatheres Day, gradua-
tion, wedding or armiverSary gift;
buy, at WESTCOTT'S Jene.Sale.-e.
Mr...and Mrs. Dalton Hinz at-
tendei the - Sintiele Skowby wed-
ding -in• - Stratfo,rd. 'recently
The 'final Evangelism Bible stu-
clYNV4s held at St. Peter's Luther. -
an Church on Friday evening; 'Af-
ter whieli lunch Was served. :
ldrs, ''Chris W. Leonhardtespeet
last weekin Sarnia with Mr. and
.ivia Rose. ' •
Mr. and. Mrs. JohnL. Benne:
. i
vvies are visiting their family n
Detroit; Windsor and Ruthven; '
Mrs. Henry Koehler, of Mount
Forest, spent a. sireek vvith, ter
daughter, Mrs.. Edward Scherbarth
and Mr.eScherbarth recently. .
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rode,' of
Detroitestisited with Mr. and •Mrs'.
Ed. .Prueter, • - ,
Mr. and Mrs: Harold Grove -of
Detroit, visited: with Mrs. Eliza-
, Mr. and. Mrs. 'dui§ W. Leon:
hardt and Mrs,I3aibera McLeod,
Mitehell; were.guests of. Mr. and
Mrs'. Charles Ahrens. • ,
• ' Mrs.- Louise Ilillebi-echt, of Kit-
chener, visited Ivith. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Ahrens.. .
...Messrs. -Fred and -Henry Scher-
barth, a Detroit, Visited reMtive•s
•over the Weekend. ,
;Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.- La -
Vern -Wolfe were Miss Ordelia
‘Wetfe and Mrs.- June Betterment,
of DetroterMiS:.-Bobert Wolfeof
Caledonia,. and' At. David Hinz,
Mr. andeMrs:' Bil1;13eiSeter and
Mary, Ann, of Kitchener, visited
with ,Mr. anti, Mit. Harold Wm.,
'.1dr. 'Wayne teuereneen tak-
en nt d garage ,in Lon -
• The synipathy or the coniitiun-
ity is extended: to the. Bath family
in the death of Mrs. WM. Bea."
-1Mrs-Leuie•Hfliennewlee hat ' put.,
chnsed land the, village from
Rock' Bross, .and is 'erecting
honsee": ,
Baskets- floWees, were pleeed
in- the therch here, on Stindey froth
tlie funeral. tif Mrs.elleory S
.. The followhig -attended a. strouss
Sean tea for Miss Audrey predu 411
Siturd'iy,', Mrs, .Dalten
Hinz,. Miss: Marie Meyers •Mrs:.
Herman'-Leotihardt, Mrs. Wilbpr
linegyS.Mrss'llarry Tait, Mts. Itoss
Leeming; MrS. Nlantiel 13miernianit,
Mrs. William. DiegeL Mrs. Lavern
Wolfe 'and Mrs, ItsBholdiee. ' se •
Mrs. ;ehriS'W Leceihardt, Mrs.
George • Nlogh, Mrs,, Harold
Mts. Ross Leonhardt, ' Mrs. • Dee
Beuerrnatin ahd Mw,; Robt. Beuer-,
maim attended a tronssean tea for
Miss Yvonne Rose iu. Sarnia ort
$aturday. '
and-.Mrs.e'Albett eltieree"ges-
:ger -attefided Coefireiation: of ..their
grandson., Warren' :Stanek, son Of
Mr. and Airs,. Donald staack-kit,
elteiter,; on Whit Sunday.
` Mr. and 'Mrs's. Doe Ofeharcis of
Sjtrafford„. spent Sunday •,ot4
talmrs: Jim SiremOns.
Mt. and, Mrs, •Itudelph Hehri, Its
R: '4,1 Mitchell, • c,elebrated their
first wedding,: emiiversary at the
home Of, 1‘re:',Ilehn's great -grand=
rnOtlieh, Mrs Resina Willer. Others
Visititigeat ;the sairie hetet:were:
Mr. Oen' .Mrs. Ed; ‘PISeher,, Keith
rhn,Seanrth; Mr. and Mrs..
Msh tr 10 re ill 3 1; :eloWlivnxi,,,,,SItitrta6felleetrid,and Mis
Cheese from 10 lovely plain -shades
in 'these cut pile, all ..yistose, scat-
ter mats with, rubberized' non-
slip backing' and fringe _•ende:
They're washable too.
'Snedally priced at
24" x 45" .
. .
0" x60" .
Choose from polishedand
eoveity cottons, Dan :River
Girigheens, Spuns, ' Triter's
and WonderSilks,•in one and
s two-piece styles, and short
ThrSletVeless gelferS,-
waist styles and 'popular
sheaths.' See this excit:
ing range' of newest
dresses nowt
First quality, unbranded Nylon hose
in 60 gauge 1.5 denier quality._
summer shades in regular style• ,
back seams, assorted lengths.
Sizes: 81/2 to 1
Special.-. 8c p
National Father's Day is set for Sunday, June 15t,h. we're "all set" with a big new
range of sport and dress shirts, neiv_excitie-g neckwear, „hosiery, etc., to please him on
Father's Day. All gifts boxed F'ree.
Sixty beautiful new bieYcles will be 'given to the winners of , this NAtional, COn est.
. Boys andgirls under 15, years
cae, pick up their free
-Contest", eetey. blanks noW
'Just. Write-in 85 Words or less
• on' the,..subject:- al love 'my
Dad,' because 7- - - -
. •
. Protecbone,
• A -clean and vigorously growing
garden ' is the . best insurance'
against bug rand disease 'damage.
Well Spaded,- well, cultivated plants
are far lesssusceptible to trouble
than negleetedeplots overrun with
weeds. Promeit clean-uP Measures:
after harvest or blooining,- and in
the spring and fall swill also help,
greatly. Many bugs and diseese
live over in The ground, , or M.
weeds along the edge ,of the gar-
den. • Cleaning these up:regularly
will help greatlyin keeping a gar-
IlloW-heeavlethry, ', eVen
a healthy garde
is sometimes 'attacked and the bet
defence here as in other cases is -
to have on hand a 'supply of elests
ole sprays and get these applied
quickly., It is ; net 'necessary to
haee a lot. Ofesep,arate, arid inessY
triate_rielee-. • At any -seed „store, .one
can get. handy I combination com-
mercial mixteree which will take
care of 'almost any attack. The
main thing is tO start control mea-
sures just as soon as the first in-
jury Appears. Treitment isquit ex-
pensive. 7 . • •
Spread lbein' Out
.Gerdeners who want to get,the
inost 'out Of 'their Vegetablesand
the longest display of bloom from
their flowers make a regular prac-
tree of sowing at Magi two or three
times. In vegetables for instance,'
they, will only` nse up a third or
quarter of their seed mitt -garden
spate -the first 'weekend, then tele
days or two weeks later make an.'.
other planting and ten days later
again' another. With ...sueh quick
growing things .as beans, Carrots,
lettuee and beets, they make regu-
lar plantings right up to raid -July
and they alsouse witit vegetables
like corn, beant and peas, early,
*inaeydilltillhe a nhaarv4et:t 37. estpiesteadInsoiks
months 'instead of.days,
, Wily Straight KM'S
using a string' to keep Vegetabje
rows straight and regular spacing
-within the rowsis- ii.Ot juat fussi-
ness. the ,wisv4ardener does thiS
so -that, he will khow where to exe
pet the things he has planted and
thus' earl 'safelystultivate even be-
fore.lhey conie up.'
. Corn and potatoes and many
other ,things, .and espeeially the
firSt sowings, may take a Week
or more to shOw‘ up, If we wait
until they are plin1y seen -we Inay'
have a weed battle on our hands.
sve - mrh the rows and know
that: each, hill within the stew is'
saYe18 inches or • tWo-feet 'apart,•
thenewe can :go ahead. 'and: culti-
vate right from planting time and
weed' killing will, be .no trouble at
au. As a Matter. of fact, one is
quite - Safe toi cultivate both cora
and potatoes lightly right .over the
rows for the first time or two. ,
.Give Theneitooni ,
Mot people tend: -to plant .seeds:
toe Close. together ,and sometitnee
with , very fine seedit cee't. be
helped. -; But :the more: tightly,.
crOwded the plants the' less vigor
any one of theni ,S.Can enainteie.
Sherds?' after theseedlings have,
shown.their 'first set of true leaves
and before crowding becomecritie
cal Mee' 'should get rtithiesS.. 'and
take out the exceSs Plants. in both
the flower. and „vegetable garden.
If yeti have . need for them else.
where itt' thegarden; these- thin-
nings cart be treeeplanted readily
etthis stage. ."
Fonflowers that grow 10 rele-
tively 'low. height • like silyssitni,
Dwarf 'Marigold, Afriehri Daisy;
Wallflowers or Lobelia; you should
leave only a fest/. inches Space be-
tween plants in the row.' With larg-
er'llowers like.Zinnias, Asters,,tall
Marigold, Petunias, pahliae,: Cos-
mos or Snapdragons there Should
he A .4a:delirium, of afoot- between
pleette. 'Really big annuale' like. Sun-
flowers and TithotiM shotild have
at least • two feet spiee! between.
Carrots and beets should, have an
inch Or stebetween there, Iteinnoe
half Of the plants later on for the
firit meelS. •
Storing Spray - Material •
• All too alteri-spray mattrials oc-
°IPY a'sPaSe an tine tOrner of the
implereent Shed 'where the .con-
tainers get damp and dirty. •
•rowerS would be well a.dvised
to have a small nom or closet for
storhig. these- materials. -Shelves
-Can be, provided and materials
can be kept. high and dry. 'this
storage space _should have -gootl
light and be kept cleati- -
It is most important that this
small room or cupboard be kicked
So that !children- Or persons, not
familiar ``7 -with theSe spray mater-
iels are not able tohandle them.
Children like to play With these
small containers, but this practice
is very dangerous. Fit a good lock
nn• the7door to the storage' space
so that children eennot haVe ace
cess to the epray- inaterialS,
_ftimAeaedttiet!thtgoe,‘t.arhfeggulrmanai:ie,h,Hioenfbbe.sigt2ri5.co:d0O: weasl,„
Grants For Fairs
SocietY and a grant of .$64.00 o the
Hensel)._ _Spring Shoes,, . The .'latter
gcant, represents $46 to the Society
and $,24 to the Calf Club. • •
thBey3.4925w7srewveisreed paasssseeasSnAteontatn,141,
e total of $2,368,545.00 on which the
mill rates for 1958 takes will be
for tethd„ oaA.I.,idas4Vselset6h"Oetars,uS elmer Yoal aft iin4naAru26at
ATdrait petition was presented ,
bY' George Boa With 'a majority its
number of the owners.: affected
having signed;, to have the Glenn
Award' made municipal drain
and extended tol•the Mitehell Drain. -
Council appointed Archibald, Gray
-and civil sengineerSeelsoree-
.,clonSAo examine the area ,and, -
"MtR. n adiCY7CHID°1r:tDram and n. has Wc6anis r- 1 'peat' rd'a the 2-
balance of the contract.Generat
accounts for $955.43 ,and. road' ac-
counts, for' $4,799:97 Were .ordered •
paid. • 'Council. adjourned' to meet • •
again- ori J'uly 7, at 8 pen,
• Miss Eleanor Fisher, of Graven. -
hurt, -visited fora feiv days with
her • sister, Mrs. Walter' Moffatt;
and.Mr Moffatt..
. Rev. S. Davison preathed inni-
versary service In,WhitechurcE-on -
Sunday, He was accompanied by '
Mrs. Devisee and spent the day
Bweitehol.d.., friends, Mr. and Ms
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson 'and:
Mrs.' A: C. Routledge spent a few.
days with friends in. Windsor and
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Andersen.
and daughter, Ina, ia,f Toronto,.
were guests of Mr. and Mrs: A.
Paterwssoan ieonvesrwthean, tWareehltarenad:
laseende Paul and Mrs. H. Berry'
tie:d:I, the annual, Flower S,uri-,
dey in .Wiligham United Church on
inimediately and not ust le,ft iyiiig
around. It is ettreetely elangeratis
for the ernpity bags of many of Mir
new insecticides to fah into -the
hands of children
• s s
When you buy spray niatemirss
be sure to read the labels. Seine
Materials break down m the tolct
and others need 1:lecta1 storage..
The label- *ill also toil yeti what
precautions are necessary when, •
:Mixing• and using?...the
Follow these preeautions and avekt
Old cemtantets shoidd he blamed Peeidents•