HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-23, Page 10z 0OrrQA, AFP1Vr ONT,„.....MAY...23, 1959 COMPOSE DWELLING PGLICY „tire and liability„ cove ,r- belew regular rates W rmation;'-ask us ,SL REID' Prilisrletor • !fleral Iirance Seger* 7-- - JOHis.1 A. cAniiisp , „ • - 101juillin1111111111.11!llniitinninininno. orth Properties SALE, _ , rey. and .tiattDweUinwith . ' Church Notices Pentecostal Tabernacle,-Stinday 789 p.m., and Tuesday, Wednes, day, Thursday and Friday at 8!00 H. Kendria, Pastor. ,McKillop .Charge. SerVices at WillthreP, 10 -a.m.; DO'S, .1-1-:30 a.m.r-Betbel, 2 p,xn.;. all services on Daylight, Saving Tinte.-11,ev:. W, IL Stunmerell. Minister., Northside United Church.-Mini- ReV• Bruce 'W. }la% BA, B.D.. 10,.00 a,m.' Clinrcia Scheel and Adult Bible CIaSs;'41.1,:00 Morning 'N'tirorshin; .,termort, fapidm., Talk .,.Abont Pentecost"; lSert'for toddlers; • jtmior con, gregatiOni. Nerthside garage,' Goderich 'St. . East; Uta -Modern. . Three liedrooros; basement, i1 heat. A 'good Youtk-PellOwSilltv ' Emend:Ville United Church -Dr. -4-.7.-Semp1e;;•Ilinistet; Lyle Ham- mond; -organiet-choir-1eade1i---41100- a.m.,, Public.Worship Of Gad; guest Minister, Rev Campbell Canipbell TraV- 'Opt a.ni Chttrch- Schpol...-and MiniSter'Sz.Class.i.711 ani., Nursery Class; 11:30, 'Juniar ;Chtireli SL To'nllcan Pluiroh'it-•:•• Morning Prayer; ' Holy Comnitinion; the ',.firsC.Stinday cif the month .t the t.hird Stinday^..of,Jlie .Sunday School eVery'SurulaY;niorn:. ig at 1.0.aln:=Eney:- Rector. --Large ErameDVellingTwelt-endi. outside• teVvit limits. Taxes $30.00. • Three bedroonas, modern, -kitchen and-bat1neW furnace,. •Seir•- arate'..aPartnient; partially. cam-. Pleted. ,Priced :right for (thick' . . Two-bedroom Frame Dwelling, Goderich St. • West. Built two Tits. Every modern conveni- ence,' including oil heat. Lovely • location. Worth investigating. .8? Storey and hailDWelling, North -Main St. Asbestos sidling; 'fully*- . , .nulated; with all eunvenierices: -Centrally_located,__and priced iist for quick sale. „, OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO LISTED M. A. REID REAL ESTATE and DisuRANcg •Aone .214 t Seaforth 0B,ITuARIEs ON'S AX PARCEL -SERVICE AD Passengers Insured PEONES: CECIL DAVE 676 . 675 Ammommiimommaimmik - Art you ready to rent your spare room? • A classified advertisement phoned to The Huron Expositor, 41, will bring a tenant. •jA*ES':IilePLYMONr.. • ' .c,Mrs... JerneS".MoClyinoat,'„fer years a ,resident of ,Kipperi, died Inher sleep.-in:Londen-early Wed- nesday. She Was m her .82ndYer, Death °pennedt2he home .Of -her daughter .MrS;:, Aliee CoOk., The fernier Ann ;Wagner,' she was borhi011 60' Goslieu.Line.... Marrie&_tiidee,Lber_first. husband,: 1)aVid -:-1VIcClinchey, :died -28years ago. She was .predeceasedby 1VIcClymont in. 1946:- . '• " • • She.ds. stirvived:by a Son;. Orval 1VICCItiiehey, • - Varna,- and . three daughters, , Jenny,. Mrs... Warren Sdhilbe, EXeter-,•,:Edna; Mrs; Joseph Ducliarme, Zurich, and„Alice:',Mis.• CoOlr,,aridtby 11;.grandicliildren•and 1great--7g.ran4ebi1dren. The reinains are resting; at Bon- throe- Funeral Chapel,. Ileasall.: Funeral. -arrangements are: incom- plete. •. • ,.. 'I.- ' PAD ptfc.T. . Prompt Farm Deliveries • 'MR.. AND MRS-. DOUGLAS KEYS are shown_ follewing their • recent _marriage. The, bride was Dorothy Catherine Carnpbell,- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Canipbell, 1VIcKillop, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. -James Keys, also of .Mcicillop. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will reside in Cita-Unit, where the groom _is assistant agricultural representative in Kent County. , •LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Connell; of Seaforth, is visiting her son arid daughter-iu- law= Mr. and, RoY Connell, at• Nile at nr_esent. - Mr,john Laudenbach, of Sarnia, spent the -weekend With his Par- ents, Mr- and Mrs. L. Laudenbach, Mrs„ Ed. Steetv, lYliss Nerma Muir< and Mr, and Mrs, Alex Muir spent •tlae weekend with Mrs, G. Balfeur,--at Galt Mr. Ivan Hill, 'of Simone, spent TELS OF EXPERIENCES . . 'ogkEpATE. TO CEYLON t()NOREN' The May meeting of the Seafortli Wornert's Institute was 1e14 At the home of Mrs. R, M. Scott with a •pod attendance. The •President, 1VIrs. Robert Doig, npened the meeting, The roll Call was.answer- ed by,. "How I would, like to spend my leisure tin*" The correspon- . • , dence was, read by, the secretary, Gordan PaPPIO,-'.41-Se' letter .31144uninde.asyllillwi.oth Ina, 'mother,' Mrs' talia011147fireomea, • gr, TaMes aird.IVIr2D .services :Mr; the -coM,, d "t ;miss Mar-jurie rail'a' Miss Torouto were,ITIMirs..---eErrdiniCiKre.rnj‘mveerSel-,,KaP63PsOinlned31; wVeake4FdtPegnineasint.; ]`eff.' delegateS: ;attend:- the dis,trict Gedige, -L. smith, id Hunett.,:".'• annual in Crediton on May 29. • Mises Ann and Janet Goveeleck, ereernlanatiout ;Of WOSton,-.., visited, or the week- end* at- the home .df. M. 'H. 13.,: 'nonveneri.. NVP's charge the Seoit' -2 tri6g14616' Mrs irsyaia.c ' . Mr. Barbara Sykes had the mis:- ',„nain$ tuit's•t7acas.ivsii.feri. iwerswenirc, ,fwohttiluen. wojkin in thlee,x-,.g•arirgdhetii.,, wrist, ,i,au,Li`",amlpp,b.,:suti,aekask,.,,r. •mrs.George: ,it•eavidi.st-hFrod 'Schnitz,: Preston- and " The gu st Mr. and Mrs, juhm. cum_ frip to ACWWonventiorr „at CeY- mmgs, eli Sunday. .• lao,nv.atS.:e0^falst:asnlikOsiv,etda ',stlhidees,:spoei,ohwer.r Niro. Jessie Ilamilten,, of Croin.-. mrS,.-Jailies".V. Scott- Moved arty,. is Visiting with: Mr.' and Mrs. and te the: liestess .,' the, use of M. •McKellar..• • the- holiday- weeltend With Mr. "and 1VIrise: ., las Eckenswiller spent the holiday ing year were diseu d art was in. ^the Bruce Peninsula detdIned to apply 'draperies 1 T11 Mr. -and iS Russell Bullock vis, vvils°n: °I-st"-IvIarYs," spoke on her h"er "T"- •. • • . , 1‘4.'lotherl." .P°Q.';ii" entitled, 'iNO. Mrs. ,O. H: Ferguson at their cot.. "--v° vOcal. so COStANCE • tage near Owen. Sound.' • - .• F PRESBYTERIAL AS in London visiting Mr. and- 1VIrs. • • ..1Shaw. Mr. Shaw has under - one major surgery in Victoria GROOP'PLANS'AC The,: Coristance W,A mei in the basernent of the; elinrek,on :. Wed- nesday with .11/4s. Dalesiding. MrS. 'ValeT-Iend----. the -"Mather Days, History"'",.MentherS' areLPreParing a 'bazaar *:,T.-4ne,'; also -the MYStOrYch-e-SMs. ..-Meetings :are to be, hid in the evenings- 'Orbit the Months ..of- ' 'Tune, July, :August and Septertiber, -A.Cionatiog of i$25 is 'being sent to, the Christian :Horne in •Ouebee.' A coMmittee 'vitas appointed to look _ _ :"Say, neighber,.,,yeu angina' keep your shades ii•bwa at night:. 1_ saw you kisshig yoilr wife ;last .night, andYou,..reight.l'as.W11 haVe,heen hewl,".• ._:Jokes on: you, friend, Wasirt:,,hoineilast:night!", ' .• - • , It's LikDIES I stiminer an -Tixne. for TIVITIES ' Mr and Mrs James liege and^ after a bootk to supply lunch to Bob 'Spooner, of Collingwoocl, spent' auction sale at the farm of the weekend with -MT.- and Mrs. William' Dale _in June. •* Redford Dungey aud Brenda. -i..!-1,k.n_menting was handed .ovek.,to ,,,mrS..- C. R.• Hunter, • and her .,the wivis and mrs. B Biown, daughter s. 'M. "Fitinanti,, of ieonwe8ddthbey maeehtyiningn,:v_iatshs-ipsteady.u_art fthot_ °rent°, are visiting Mrs. Hunter's mother, Mrs. John, L. - piano by Mrs 'rank BileY'r Mrs" b-eMeni*.staEtdioneTIct suenster who b - from Wilbur, Jewitt read tbe Scripture froth Mark .74; The roalln.4eaanuoiy4-•,,g,,,,,,,t;t,./i,e6110: ftoorvtliree-ifiltoari,ls.;:taYnedarfiehaasndheheins' answered by a(hook read by each; Mendier.- The rsoeier'lf, .O1P, ;Will leave shortly. , He will ty accepted,t " f oe.:tolleWed; here by Mr. Rabert Winthrop,Spriety„ifor Wednesday, I THROP _ The Wintlirop.'7YOung People"S; :Union:held thein anniVersarY 'Ser. • • Vieps:"Stniday, at-Cayanliurch.Jn: the Merningy: ,LloydHdllandClin Preached an able:',....SerniOn.' so • taking :part *ea' a „quartette. of young people,," Pier*, BoYd-,.LEditlio BOyd, Pepper: The chofr sang • an 'art:: ."" At •the eVentfig,' Service H 'Surninerell---preaehed.„:a_,serMon, of timely importance, to young People.. ....TWo :'•aritheina. were: sung by tile chair.,•.: •: ' • : "_ ' The • chOrilcift..-aral.. front pr,the. church were heautiftillY decorated: with lovelY SPring-'flovreAs:,,, We have . over 2.50 pairs stoele;--And they volast_long,___ ' at our prices! OEETYOURS REFORE"YOUR -SIZE IS GONE Walden & Bre a ifiat The LITTLE-15We wit the -PIP- Values,. • Phone •686-W Seaforth FER BoWie, of St., Catharines_ •, A'-,e0Oirnittee-Wa'S':70rated 'Mrs' R. 'A. Mid as, were 'holiday gneSts .-ryfrs,:J E Willis ., The business concerning ap open ttr K --1-;".,geteap,,••••triet,.,Likp,• meeting,which.,ks.'150ing held; June the Weekend At home 18, Was transacted,Zand the • follow ing societies are being mvtted and Mrs. Keith Harrison , Of •Sorthside".."United and :.Mae Lane «gary wiio were bere nn•catis6, 80etetie*, • :.TurneS,:r "'':•'•13e.01.0 and Of°.,the. srious sllness of mr-•Harri Duff'sChurches wrth•' the -special sonr,..father;, mr. Albert' Harrison speaker;:Nirs..- iggyittie,'„of1y114: iif:McKillep,..,liave: returned to 'thefr. presiderit" ofIiiiron-_,P.resbytorial.. home, • , ..,; VHS. Collection takeg'.- ',E/0. 'Frank Gelding -and' Mrs,. Mrs. Leine '1_,aWsen, •Golding, of RCAF station; .Lachine, The report of the thiren Presby'-' Were'gtieSts-at,-thetiome of -Mrs. tersal held in.:, Clinton,.- Was well P..' B. -."Moffat. given by delegateS.., Mrs W. L Mr; and Mrs Harold Barry -:and Whyte and Mrs. .'.-oopig6-Addison;,:MiSs Elizabeth': BarrY;Of 'Toronto; aSsisted. by MiS; Ken; Halley and•Sailed tor England on Tuesday on Brown. Rev.White Clos- the.,'Einpleas" of' England.' • , clAli Meeting' - ' •'• b°dY, Kil°ws mother'," -__.was read' by Mrs. Earl Pape, -1,4mch Was served by' the hostess, co -hostess and lunch committee, Mrs, Leonai'd Strong, Mrs: Gordon McKenzie, ,Mrs, Graham Kerr and Mrs„, Gordon Elliott, and.‘a social time was spent. - FOR SALE Six-rOom Frame in Egmon- : 011^fninace: PossessiOrt, in 30 daYs. Nine -Room Brick on Rail.way' St. Priced to sell. - • u onATTLE OF „ ' George Montgomery4 a. -Ryer 'The True Story ofthe 91' wing a of the Great ,NorthWeSt TerritoritiS Mai -Eaters' • ' .' of US." "- also ---, ,, man Jung e" Johnny Weismtieller • Karen. oo a REA NTIGHTS ONLY - Thursday, Friday arid Saturday One ShairNightlf "="'„"a":00:a:nr.- Massey -Harris o. "with o or Used 1 year — like Ile* educed to half original cost - Seaforth 1./ , . • • SPent -the'-Weekerid ' , MeKercher, •Me:r0.-t- 1$1141CAn.The • Members Of the,. COnstinee o • . ortOr e-: o-. e •oF held, a Very succeas 'ene re .Miss Maher. Torollidi waS To T B last ',Friday evening with.- crlii-zes Tiiesday:atteuding-, the- grad - 'donated by `MessrS. Mrtiriy,41-eidu*rnoflier niece,'-'1Vfiss'Balbara Friends and 'neighbors gotherect wiillantrrhonipsoli, -N-ei171VfECasii. n Thlhs, -from the_Rospitaljor_Skk, at_the-horne-ot-Urs-Mike.Williorns)„ dt Douglasi and were Won Children.' • • . JAMES WRAY WOOD', Word was received, last ,week by Mrs. F. C_ J, Sills of,the ;passing Of bee..father; James Wray Wood,. Of Haxby, - York,' • England. Wood js survived by his .-widow, the former .Elie "Mark Walgate; son; Janes -if -Haxby -,-,three daughters, . Mrs: F. -0, J. Ruth, Mrs..J:'Nor- ris yeting,"'•HaX•by,and Daphne,- at; home. There, are also seiren, grand: children ,surviving.• „- ° FUNERAL- .VVILLIAM 11. PIPER Funeral' service .for William, H. Piper, who died Wednesday,'. May 14 was Conducted: from the G. -A: - Whitney Funeral. Horne, Seaforth;• en. Friday. - Rev. 'Bruce W. Hall officiated - During .the service James T. •Scott :Sang "Abide With •• ,Palibearers were • Andrew W. Ddnlop, Fred MaGaviii,-.11Charles, -ReeveS,.'„Cheater :Henderson,.Frank Jordan- and Albert Baker. ..Inter - merit was • in IMaillandbank cenie- - , MRS. JOBN. MULLIGAN •• Mrs, Jolla Mulligan, 87, diedat the Muir Nursing Home 'Thursday morning.' he hadbeen in failing health- 'for.: ,severa1years.° Mulligan was the former- Margaret Dunn and: Was 'born 'in' IVIcKilloP• township: • daughter- of the late Hugli Duan..and„1V1-a-rgaret. LaughlinDlinn. ' , She . Was .Married4ii--1897 at St.. • .Coltiraban died. in -1946: :They :liv,edin Logan . totkoiship, and .retired to Sertforth in 195,- -She was; a• member • of Jaines'_ Rortian Catholic' Church,. .of.:theC.W.L.., -League of Alig - Sao; . red _Ifeartand the•Society for.the • Propagation o2 the •. • Surviving. •...are.^. • two.' daughters, Mrs.... Joseph, :Cooper, .TucherSmitli, and Mrs' Edward Brady, „Seafortli; andthree...grandchildren. • •7 • • The ' body .rested • at 'the Whitney Funeral -Heine. ..Reviena High .Mass -was -sling in. St. James' Chnreli SatnrclAy . at 9:30 a.m., by ' 'Burial was in St". lameeo,eerne,tery.• , • Pallliearers VVardeir.HaneY, •Leo Hagan, -Torn. Burns, .Clarence .. Malone,- George O'Connell-- and Kenneth. ' • Toettersmithr a, shower 'in,hoo-."-b--y.. the . folloWirig• high lady Mrs. ' Miss ,-1Vfargaret • Patrick,' of . To or uf. 'Misa ':flera:BrOWL7.'Whose preszcator; loW. lady, .-Mrs.H ronto,. spent •the'. holiday, With her. marriage - to :,'Donald.. Muir: takes Taior, most lone- hands; Mrs.' J. mother Mrs TuckL place nekt. Meath!' The shower was .aabc'ock,; high man, Arekin,.,ttilo; ,nrstnitk. -• orranged'-h'Y'''-'14ts- '.*ffliains and Iow mnn William Jewitt- most ltfr li G .Meir• and Mr -John Mrs. Warden-naney, . lone hahnS, S. ,Negans. Lucky win McQuaid spent the, weekend at Corsages.. were.: presented to the, .hers 'ori two, bath towels Were Mir- WindSOr. • - • guest of honor and to mrs-:::sfolOes .liee4 and Mias Elaine Brewii. BroWn and, Mrs John,IyIuir'Lunch :waSserved by the mem_ Games .of bingii---ifere ',played and GMON VI—LE- 7 piano inStrumental by Nella. Hill- Mr: arid Mrs 'Ken ;/,i..daritS, and man were efijayed. i: - -* : family, of , Sinitoe; were ,holiday Mrs- Mike Williaths read•the ad,' Visitors'_ with the fcirmer',s parents, dress„ and gifts *ere Presented by Mr. and mrS7Fred Adams ." Mrs John_ Cildfield; TiVirs. Warden 'Mrs. Arthur Erickson, and -fain Hailey .artd . jpan..'Williairta. Miss, ily, of Watelleo„,spent a feW •dayS Brawn,' made. a fitting reply-. ' , 'A with Mrs. triekson s mo r, M s. • Messenger. F ' ' : "': , ' Ms- Thomas Barton was in. Lia- songs ,13r7Sitar,orr"Str ng . arid a • Mr: 'and 1VIrs. William lewitt at- - • . • D L ,tende,d-thcbpening of the new ,wing Of.the Goderich Making and...Gen- eral •HOSpital. last. Wednesday -'af- terpoon.. • • , :• • Mr.. and -mis.',Kentietirllulleyat7 tended the funeral .of shall. of Dundas. on Friday:" delicious lunch, :was. served,by the Mrs, Alfred, Buchanan IS Visit,. . . :wiIIbe District u e ns qc e on the school roun s commencing at 2 o'clock an genera o•often hosthas. ing With her danghter and son-in- law, Mr.,. and .1VIrs. Jerry Cook, in GoderiCh. • • • , -Mr.- and Mrs. E. E:•Warrert.„.1.,yn- da and Helen; -of London, visited over the Weekend viith.the latter"s parents; Mr e ;and Mrs. Earl LAW. • Mr:".and Mrs: Robert Woods and HftuiiiItfltIItIIIHIIIlIIIlIIIIlIIJItHIItHl WEDDINGS; - .1limountilinomiiiiithmummicum eismis 1 kor: esiLke ELDER Sunday 1 a. - 25th Mayi1958 , .urs a :TheMinisteFs Congregational . -Skritithr RIO.,..,..".0Pen_MY Eyes_ - • I -may ,s6e,, (Chas:Sett). Jane, Jacob and Carl DeBeer • ANTHEM -:-Senior Coir : • ."What Shall Render Unto • the Lord"(Serriper) •Soleists-Mrs. *Whig • John'.Oardno ; DUK1-.4i1ice' Ann and Gene ' -- • 4:30 p.m. Vesper Service Discontintied for tile Stlirtnaer Months. lt Rom. thMo .58. -ND U CT I N. -St itifitt erAorand litlemberi of HuronMaftlafld rtesb rk ktSlat NTHM-SCni0r Choir; "Seek•Ye te Lord" - SolbiSt-,..lameS cOtt 0 , '' STER ---- Organist and Choir Leader' (Roberts) (Cox) .„ . ' .• MAXWELL-DUP.E1E--; . . ,Firs,t Presbyterian Chtireh, Sea- ferth was 'thesettinglor the ,inar- riage of Miss Norma June Dupee and Wallace Maxwell -On Saturday; -Ors. with tbe, latter s parents,. Mr. May 10;;at-,1-2 o'clock 'noon • Th'eitd Mrs.' bride the • daughter o'f Mr. and Mr.- ,and --Mrs., Reward 'Presica,: Mrs, Norman Dupee, Seakorth, auit there'kaerint !wain/1th :Y-fri'-;,4tettsd,ii,tedni"-osv-xerete'r.tlr the greonl'S. parents are Mr. and w Mr,S.: Cecil Maxwell, "Varna. Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, per,formed the. cereinony; .' • ", „. • , '.Given in Marriage hy-her father, .the bride. wora,.dress of figured White itylon*and. a corsage -of red. ,reses. AA bridesmaid for -her sis- ter, Mrs,, Fergus McKellar- a bltie nylon dress And a •corSage of red Carnations. Mr.' 'ergus McKel- lar was groomsman: , • Iteceiving the guests at a re- ceptioa held at. -the home of the ebbieTLef-A-jax,-were-holiclaisi towel over the weekend attending • ,, • the silver wedding anniversary of her daughter, M. Earl Hastings, and Mr. Hastings. , _ Mr. 'and Mrs. Mervin Nott_and daughtere were in Toronto last weekend?'• Visitors over the wend with Mr.. and ,Mrs. William Hyatt ,were: Mr. and 'Mrs. E. W. Hyatt, Air, is. Wiseman. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Halstead and famuly ll of Wind-- - 1Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch were Sunday visitors with mr. and Mrs, James Carter, " William, John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, was given baptismal . rites in the United Church by Itev. T.White on. SIM- . r bride's parents, Mra, Dupee -wore daY- • „e a navy blue dress and cM orsage el _,..„, 5 George Melliw in and 4 ,. pink carnations, and Mrs. Maxwell lourraf Pale spent Sanday at Ni - i[wore ans.- -• . . wore a pale Inue dress arid ebr- sa e of white Carnations. ^ Mr. Lyle Montgainery midered 'testa were present from Park- to Manitettlla Island ler the 'week - hill; Blyth, Varna 'and London. Visitors over the holiday meelt- end with M. and Mrs- Robert GrimoIdbY were; Mr. and Mrs,' Janies Atwood and family, Wind- sor; Mi. and Mrs, Harold. Col - dough and Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0.,olelough, of Ridgetown, aid Mr, and Mrs. B,oss Maim •ancl family; of Witighatru ,Mias Eunice Rutherford,: *rat- ,atiertrgL'OIL ford, spent the holiday with: her Wfriend, Miss, Joy lVfoirtgamerY. M. Bait, Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown; 'Sone and' `Elaine, and Mrs, Brown's sister, Mrs. George CarnP., bell, Of IlanoVer, spent the holiday 'Itwoeineketld' Mvictilinglrainerlds ni Vii4, "Id Mr. and -Mrs. Gerald Snider and FOOTBALL daughter,' Marion, visited. gunday with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence ;Mont- CHOU& - 'goinerY. • Mr. and- Mrs. Walter Marcafield Cultunbanof Forest, vvere visitors on Monday and Mrs: W. , 'James Brown, TuCkersredth, wish te'ar!nounce the ngagement Of ...their--..daiighteir, lora' Margaret, -to Mr, Donald 13Urten Muir, son f Mr. and Mra, John. C, MUir, Seaferth,- the rear - place' at EgMeridVille United Church qn Saturday;, June, -Irt- -12 noon. ; The engagement is ainiatmeed of Elia' Joan,' youngest daughter Hof Mrs. Harold Goss, Weal Saint -John,, N.B., and the late 'Mr, .aoss, tcy Gordon Andrew McKindsey, son of Mr, and Mrs; R. R. MelKindaey,, Seaforth,, Ont. The marriage- will take place -Saturday, June 14, 1958, at St:'' George's Anglian Church; West ,Saint_John • . • The _engagernent is a.nnOtinted of ponna:"Tean. McBride, Reg.N.; Toronto,: onlY ,daughter et -Mrs: Alvin McBride,' Exeter, and- the late Mr. • Alvin.. McBride, to Ken- neth.: South Wood, DC., •• Toren -to on, -,Mi. and Mrs. Albert Vir Brussels,' thewedding to take Place.at a p.m.',./uner.14,In, James Street United Clinrch, .Exeter, Otit. M. and Mrs. Jack 101%, of Sea - forth, wish .to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mar' Rose, to Roy EirtersOn, son of Mr. and 1VIts. Robert Scott; .a •Hunts - Ville., The Marriage will take place the „middle ef June in. St. Joseph'S Oliureh, Clinten.• • Mr.- and Mrs. John, Wesley Rich, artisan,- Hensally,annoimee the eix-' gagement, of their daughter, Carole Mn,-- to ‘Rotiert. Sohn- Douglas: Ceeper, son of Mr: and Mrs.. Dim= Can CooperipPen,. the -wedding to take place Friday, lune. 20, at 8;,30 pi., at. • Itensall .United C1iurc1i' • The engagement is announeed-of AIM' a_ Gertrude daughte William,R, Bell, a Pfensallt and tb,,e late Mrs:,Bell; to Mr, Heming Rob - belt IngemaiaSen, Toronto, sort of Mr. and Mrs, Emil Martin Inge- ansei, :Derimark, the marriage to., take . ,pdae 4*(40 'SaturdaY, Ittne` 8'1 at 430 pc1oc! iiiAk1ul ria Churoh Rental; Phone 784 Seaforth 'Calum•ba -,, With Mr. and ^Mrs. Sewitt. „. _ mitiaday, 'iriSitors with Mr. and IVirs.'Oeorge Leitch were Uri. Rid - -dell and Mrs. Olorles- Sr.4idleY: of Goderieh:. ' ' 4 ` 101'0; Of Trento, visited with. Molds t' OW, etitn4 MO` niter the 41011Weeke114: EARTH NEWS OF HURON Areas to both the north and south of the county enjoyed liberal showers during the early part of the week., HoWever, the central part of the county is still Seriously lVfost there-repsn . haVe' 'bee . Planted, with the exception of white beans and Some silage corn areas , that -haven't received Most of the cattle, are out on pastttre;.. grass, in niost cases, is short. ' st EE/ ANDA CPpLoE RT ET COHN E Cy Ko- JU. RP Pump and Water System DURING MAY PUMP MONTH An antiquated or:Madequate Water .:SYStem. will, inevitably -lake you far more Money thaii.Yon would•PaY-for One whiel! pro-, ' :Vide ALL -the water yen, ean;.use.. profitably..' ; . •Runiiing water -tinder isresstire'-if giVes you A rough idea. 'sills' • is, one of the farmer's best Hardware, wilksurvey. yonr•sys-. 'money-makers. Give. coWs.:. plen,.'tem .free'arKl.'-inake recomr.nen" wtye'lltoinderriiik6S.eatibd; rfront 10 ta 2m4)%a3r;;.!Irwhonesli..;.;e: Iriiiich 'butterfat, from .6. to 10%; , with' Water You, 'require, -.You- Can. de - plenty to drink you can. ei'mee-tide. whatpeiIU capatity of fall. pigs •;to put on 15 to .1776, pomp Will deliver : that amottnt 1 . mere . weight •• on • the ',same- ',PLVS,,,','eXtiVeafiaeitY.-fer I:peak amount of feed; °:with :lots of, demands, more fatal • ....ania:1010, .' Water, hens eat better and- lay • aild-Tossible neW. outlets :yen- , more eggs! in thehigh,egg4itice 'may addi'later: It is false .econ- :,fall and winter, nleatha," ••• �my to inStall a system • that 'Water,' under. preSSUre. in may .have o. be %replace .. in a.. ,:sesmoney baavrns„'stgblea,amtriabohotirbsy., etc few years abling on or .two nieri•te do 'the any . system, Here are Six 'ttues=-•_, work. Of 'several. .:3:ust..a'Sk ,any Hens- whietf woman and 'She'll' tell Y*0-•-•,W;iiat with a definite -':..`ileS!!„. if, 'year ,-runtimg.: water, in- .the-hoxile. Pump iso give full and (rim mewls, in healthful; Comfortable, 'free -service; • • ,liviag. Remember, too, the 1: Is it the right type (Shallow portartee of fire protectir, .- or deep well. ete., etc.)? Warmer weather brings in- 2, Is capacitY 'correctly related' rheails eawEdCI nybas been dsfoerwdaesteigr: wWeelwell't lidepth; L tisYtI,'Ltigenj4 of 'nated "Pump Isifonth" in _Can- ' piping?. (Wells that recover 'Ida; it precedes the period Of slowly may need a smaller ' peak demand;- the frost is nut, pinup and larger pressure' • of the ground; it is warm erf-... storage tank.) ough to work. outside. - . . nut .3 Is 4,41esign and b for . „ Find _out. INtOW, exactly hOW Canadiatt,needs andcli.inatel • 4,ater . you need to_ farm e spare parts- an, n. service profitably and Ii"na Ye fortahl-Y• - readily. available? , Here are some average require- 5. Is it :approved by the Cana - •Gallons per Day - - -than Standards- Eissociatiou'r ' : 6. guaranteed by .a.reSitons- •,Each person ible manufacturer who cap- . l00 1:lunkw 3411gteens '' '''''''''''''' 5 t� t4136Iaek il up with 5 as^t factory •Eaell beef steer - • ..1.2 to. 1_5 ielart:, All six. questions should., , 1,Each market hog.; '' ' 3 to, 4 be answered with a definite - not a complete list bat • laarin,g this special May Pomp Month our"Wator system experts • 2W11114 ascyturste;et, l_aynsdurgivevye,yytiouur.awacteollir preqieteitir, reempoernttsmill, ;be ll crkecYctemOrnifuelidmaP. dons. 'Phis 'service is FREE and without °wig on on your part. Toilobt.gi 56 NOW and arrange,. to have our e make this ,PATRICIA caomWO 19$8 'graduate of St. osepla'S•, ' 1-lospitai -Seliciel of Nursing: Graduation ceremonies took. E.,. Place lecentlY hi London triCia iS a 'grachiate',Of bnbhn nigh Sehooi. Sell that unnecessary 'pleee of furniture through a litIrOM Exposi- tor CiasSified Ad. 'Platine 41. . !blue coal WILLIS OUNDAS , otampiou sthv.e. tow i'unw 1l , 1+101111MS 4 Votyrit vhooe via or 1.28 • . • PLUMBING HEATING HARDWARE QUALITY SERVICE PHONE 56 "May puttip:Month!'. Page:Without finding Out if `your. PreSent water system meneyinaker or a money -waster. . DO "it,NOWl,, • 'r) . • ^ , gEdOMMgND AND INSTALL PUMPS REARING /HIS ap4RANt1t SIM You'll Live Boiler . Farm Better with RUNNING WATER UNDER PRESSURE