HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-23, Page 34:77. tbolce -Tomoo,and, CABBAGE KAN`rt$ 'Priee Ennsnnable; APPly; -1S1--W. LONG .1C-IPPPO .Phong RenSall: ,; Saturday, May 31 3:00 o'cloek LY'S STORE ponsored by St. Jantes C.WL. fter Midnight '—‘3r 'Passengers, Insured rornpu4zervice .410.0-4posrommi. ..,Perierwm/,‘0PP": KipeEN.,- Pet itretiner", is ,Ceitfinett :to liouse threttgb 111;tese,.,.. and. k. Wit4,-,,Ida7eOzi-in-law 4 4,49gW.r.i.; TtIty: and" WUaKtI: Dickert viotted, :-.0Ver'tfie--.- holiday. weekend with': -relatives :., in • :HarriSten. • aao. CliEford Mrs:'Archie Parsons vis, it0:. :an ::revenitig; laSt :week. -in T,hamesford.: ' Garnean,and :danghters v,isited Friday and Sat- urday With: 'Mrs., Gariteati,..a .eits in Oa/ninon.: ,• • Messr Canipbell. Eyre,"-Eminer-; Taylor, Wes Rich. 'ardsion, ;:jake. -ingrain ,and:-.:DaVo' Triebtier Motored AO Honey-Ilar her. for ,the Weekend ' -to' :enjoy fishing • • • The,. aniitial, -.Voting , epples'•ser- viees,..wiR be held Sunday, 'Tune p ;ROV-1: Mr Meacham, - Thaniosfork will be .gtieSt-,spealcer-af the::inorning s�r vice: , an lull :give . the', address : at the etreiiing .aetVice:,:atutthe'Yoting,neeple,IWill. -hein-cliarge,', The.' the, -Exeter -Chanter the ,-Order.."of the FaStr. ern .Star'*111.-he.,:jaresent morningservice next. Sunday-; and. wil Worship,' ‘,with the Congtega'.'t, INTHR Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell T. Bolton Were in. Gaelpli last Friday. attend:, fngT..the'-..gradnation'of'their' soh; .a nenber Of -a e, ee end-i.it the boot& Mrs. ' Theron 146 t talinion omil inn it LIMITED- lrnton' Ontario --featuring the Largest Wide Screen , , . , ,.... -41*5 ShOWS NightiY,". Rain. or Clear Box ,Office. Open at 8 p.m. ":,,, Children Under 12, in Cars Free , ..... , , Declining interest antheg spon- SorS of, the Western- Ontario Old Time viddlez!s', cOniest forced :the Cancellation of the event ' .Hensall Chamber ;of.,Cointrierce'tleeided to CHARLES FIFORD drop the Contest, scheduled for this spring. at a meeting 'Wednesday night. • There is a possibility_ it may he gree taken .up'again.wif soineone 'Cam be found who is Williog.40 organize R..11;•.Middleton, retiring, presi: dent . of the. Chartiberi, said. Mr. lIfidclietoil!' has been elpsely asSeei- ated! With 'the event fer! the PnSt years. . • :The; eontest-dreiv ..interesit• It attracted htuidred? otrvisitOrs; to Hensall in 'the years it bas ben' held. ; it has,. dr4Wii., coinpetithrS. 'frnin as :.!Gwen :Sonad- l3rampten , ' This is' the,Seconil CoMinurlity projeCt to be ',-shelVed in aS Many --weeks.. The kiiasnien Club.: has already' cancelled ,PlaxiS 'for'',:its-annual: Bean 'Festival, : an .attraetion or thonsandss,-each. fall„, Charles •Fiforda elgetd-n e President. ,of the .-Cliamlier;-: sue - :reeding Mi. • has served as president TrearS.'''." Oilier not, .,i4ffiOef§ are HoWardScalie,:firat'.:Vieerpreablent; Loki* Hay, . Second viee-presie1eitt3.; ,K, K. OhriStian,.Secretary-treasiir,.. - • Mr. Hay was named chairman of a comMittee to call for 'tenders for- removal of. 'a honse_onthe, bowling green. :The building is, to be Moved te zalse, way for a new branch of the Bank of Montreal. ` A proposal- 'that" the- chamber consider sponsoring a softball team, this year was diScussed, but acti°11 was aken• F HE sRK eqliiie...ISPent -the' t ett " aid -Ms F 9 s. at- e gradtion„"exereise, ie OAC : -whenitheir Sen,-Iitanglas Keys-, was'. iferinber--ofthe.gradiiating "class. Xr?-aiid -.Mit.- Robert: Norris;': - -Turonto, - were .weekend -•guests, of • d Mrs, Wilson Campbell ” 'Miss-,- orr ,Snith.of . h. yori:-'speint the Werkend' with het parents, • Mr. Mid Gilbert Mr and- Mts.: Robert MeClurepof IVIcKillep, and Mrs. Garnet Taylor; of .Staffa„;2-left...,IVIondaY „for11 ex - fended trip -to Victoria, BC- BillY Campbell :.had the misfor- tune on ,WednesdaYto have his - arra . broken- :while. p,aying. bali a Seafertlf-District , PIlfge elitlitC11 Me1C/LLOP.WMS The -McKidlop!,WIMS. First Presbyterian' "Church Mee at , the `Thursda3rand, ErfdaY, May 22 & 23 h-edne of Mrs. J. L. Bell on Thin's- - day , There, was an attendance of - 21and the,yregident-Mrs,,Habn Rich, Basehart-, , • opened , the. . meeting aturday 4gc. Monday, May 24 et. 26 4`CHECKPOINr' "(Colour) Anthony Steel -- Odile Versois (vo CantoenS) , • • esday and 'Wednesday ...Nay 27 and • -"SWEET SMELL. cix Et100Es"._ • (Adult Burt Lancaster •-- Tony Curtis , (Two Cartoons) 1111111111l1B11111111M11111111111111111111111 Are youl ready te rent your spare rooni? AlSffiaditiibrnent • phoned to The Huron E,xnesito),, 41, will bring 'a:tenant. • ,• witnapoem- ancl a _ ynan. . An invitation was received froM the:Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary, to attend -their meeting Tuesday, May 27. • Mrs. T. N. Meivtillan of-' feted. her hornfer the -June meet- • M-rs. • William --Drover, second Vieezpresident, -had` charge of the program. The offering was 're- ceived by Mrs. -J: L. .Bell. The tepid from .the study book, "Chris- tiailKOreans in ,Japan,” was taken by Mrs. Drover, 'assisted by Mrs.• Francis Coleman and Miss Jean • Scott. Mrs. Edward Dorrance 'gave a splendid--reatii, "What Have We -Done .Today? ,..• ." Mts. Drover and her group- seri'', -ed a delicious itinch and a pleas- ant- social.time,Was spent , SUREFEMCE'DA , • , . SHOULD .LAS1%F.Ok yEARS. „ "s- ence adeIfrorn eavy galvanized high grade wire„ oven to giVe permanent protet ,•CO-OP Fence is your guarantee'of a long lasting "troubIe-free Our CO-OP has.thesize.t0 fit yourneed. Plan now for your sttring fencing require- tandinothetS:..Were • peciai •c 'ineetingC:helt1 WedneSdaY',With:',..31'...gtaiidinethers ,PreSent."'THey....were ,*ele dined .by Biej,p-resideld4iirs CattPaYite; to -getlier" With' the ,,rrieriabersy , ',43rize,fer .the..eldest .grandmOther Wept ,'t,t) Mrs. : Sarah ,.Glazier,.".of Hedsall, ,who celebrates her. 92nd lairthda3,- this ' Ygange,5ti Mrs. Orval eaVer.,RR ,1-,.Hertsail; grandmother With birthday, near-:.egf• date.'of Meeting,. Mrs. 'Donald McKininariy.grandMother»:,farthest away from . her.: native ceinitty, Mrs • ;Richard 'Taylor; Sr. (Erig- latip,41grandinother..with:..:*oungest ran'dchilit '71V,IATTGeOrge Armstrong • corm, inented very ably on the ariotte; "Looking:7 ',tack ith gratitude, leeking,• up With '..faith,looking for.-. :Ward For , the .husi- neSsPetied, presided over by.. the: president, a short 'entirse was, der' cided..2..fte.,::',.`•`-4-1-jOitalitY PlatiS-. were -- a picnic to be 'held.' at.',RiVervie* . Park, 'Ex-. eter, Jine l6 Five Veting ,dele.-: gates were appointed to, attend the. district -annual---at Ciediton May 29 Mrs'. •Sini,,Roolaol 1Virs. LC. Coates, Harry'.11orc, ten'and 'Mrs. ,!' Azijrone WiSliing:- to 'dispose of tiSed•greeting,:eards.,, .Please take- thent,:toMiSS .-Greta Larnrnie, Who will: takecharge- ofsending them on to,: placea.'Where -.theY...Will.• :be 'Muth . :apPreCiated... Thank yen . notea...Were ;read froth, aiad'IM-r-s.,-.-,R4 :Carnet,. Basil .Edwards.,teported on the..nteeting-:.Orthe"Ladies",'Anx--1- Mary' to *Pith' Huren...,,Hosiniat and, .Mrs. Gentge,..11es,s „gave the report- of the, Caneer.' meeting heldiu Exeter. A Very, interes ng program ,w s ..„. , presented consisting of; a.....,redding,: - were h�t qUite. Se ebiolete, williain Henry; veal tokii .`"iteck,' Mg -.Alone: iriHer'. Old Reeking Airs, :George-- Hess, . with Mrs.Williant. Delman ,Tporti'aYing the, .kratidinother.:.41::the vocal. duet, '..the • Old ,.Arai Chair;?' MrS; Georgez„HOSS)v iid Mrs. CoateS.: ?discussion. that, cauSed..mitch Merrinient' Was; „ReS0ved that..eonditions of Carly, tifle in referente tohome, eom ininiitY;-,tranStiortation. and fash- iOnS. Were. more,Isatisfectery,4han in -these„iitiodernfinaesg.1.4.30S..:g4q :by:IVIrS,', aineron, Cook .an Peek'suprierted-;the. affirtnatiVe,, andllVira.„.. N. 'E ,Cook, Mr --et, W.. 33.i.,..CreaS)'Miss,.-.11/L.Elli•s• azia; Mrs MT: ROti,re, the -negative., The disCussion, WAS .in..fa.yer 61,•the, negative side.: An. Interesting item of •the --Pro-• gran-1*as 'Front, Page. Challenge,:',"• resenibling tnat. shoten' on :TV. Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, • Miss Mattie Ellis' and. - IkIts,' Lorne Oliapnian eMtpoSed:. the" nand:. Mrs, -Robert Elgie,. Mrs. Harr Y !Horton,. Mrs, • W: O.. -Goodwin .and iVirs.,Laird "Micide Were the challengers. Several OW Members:Were .added to ,t.h9 rofl. tali; tuakirtga inernbership, of '.-49 on: the • roll. Fifty- Members • and ,gnest5 attended the meeting; which. Was-. Histericai a Research:.ItoS, teSses-,were ivIrs:,Alarty-, -Horton, and Mrs: • E it. .tavis;, conveners, Mts. 0corgef....Arinstrong, and William. Henry- resided for'the . , program'. •.. .MiSi.'Ol'eta,i-f.alnillieivaa Pianist STE 01.4:the: Meeting, also : accom, •paniedloiQtlie sing-Seng.:.:Cotirtesy remarkS, were ,.. expressed t� all,, -those ,Who made the 6/ening the wonderful suCceSs. it. was. Deli- Cious.,refreSiiiiiefitS Were 'served.. . •• Leaves For Mount Forest . • Mr:- Conrad 1VIcRobertS,Whehas, been on the Staff of the Bank' of ,Montreal', for the past'18 months, hag been appointed accountant at •Monnt. 'OreSt• his wife arid son,-'Paul,he- *ill' lie leaving for ,the. ,appointment in, the pear .; MeRoberts is "a member:. ,of theitosxhenGhibandhekl .the I of , also a.. nigniber ,'of Huron" Loge; ,Mc: ,Roberts is a -frierriber o ,the...Heit-:, sali'Kiiiettes , and 'held, the position .Of -.They ',Will' be mileh'TnilsSed , .tha.:svillage ,Where they. made., Many.. friends during „their residence here --,--MISS'CarolttBrevidt±piaeee- firSt in piano Sole;.niider 15 years, with $7' •iiiarks,,-.at'.'„ the :Festival. Stratford . underwent' , , surgery- orl her throat 'at 'Victoria Hospitatlasti:ThtirSday,:and..at date. •-reee*e.ung',M:Cely- Mrs: W..4;Xert ROY. had Carol 'Slient the .Weekend "with-lytel•1;and Mrs., AlexAcett, Linda:.-ano..; Larry's?: at Nfenetvillein: Northern 'Ontario'. , , Mrs.4. W. a „patient. Yoeph's..Hospital; 'London.. jaMes .MeNaUghten is teaeh3:- iney. 'grad& ;11 t Hen,sall Public &nor during her,abSenee. ' Anniversary services will be held in the, United CharCh'Suriday, May RObert„Pasamore, Owen Sonnal, will be guest minister, and the,'. Male 'Vedaechoir.. of- .Stratford. will sing., at theInvening_service, 7-7 boiiilt , 'Hens- all Kidettes, ',Meeting at home. of'MrS.,,IgeorgeReer TitesL dak:evOning,' donated $10.00 to the ganaer. :Fond outlined plans to hold tObn.'teas.arnengSt the Mein - hers for the nionthi„ of .June;..Land heard 'highlights of the Sinieoe -Inter-Club, meeting, ,ptesented-,by. ,Mrs, 'Harold; Bonthron.• ' ...• EntertainMent Was in Charge Of Mrs..- Tony ; Cliartrette' ?resident Mrs.: John Heal ph.afred the. meet- ing, and Mrs. Itess ..J'InkS won 'the be hostess at: her- honie for .the -next ineeting,..-Luneheen„Was',SerV-; P6 -11s 7." . The Evening Auxiliary met Mon- day hi.•the United' Church for their May meeting, With. Mrs: Ken •Elder Presiding., in the absence.-. Of the president. -';'Mrs. Wiiliam Micitle, Tbe devotional,' With„fLoVe". asthe theine, • was ,Presen.ted Jy • Mrs. R�bert Co; who. read, rin hater- esting „article .by Rabbi Rosenberg --Xmotion. was .passed to cater -to • a - wedding:, in September. • Miss Jody. Elder favored with a ' piano Selo, ,Mrs."S..Lorraine. 'Submitted! the visiting Contrilittee report, .Stu:. • dy on.. Japan ?by Mrs.. Dave Xyle,. Miss M. Ellis -and -Mts.. Charles; D., Daniel gave highlights Of :the. Fres- byteriat:Jind.),(110 confriblit- ed a humorolis reathng ni .tiques." • , , :.Luritheorr was serted 'under the conVenership. of Mrs.' Ernie Chip, chase' and ?Mrs. J. Ingram.. ,rfies on display in Whitney Store hursday, Friday Saturday — May 22 -124 Drav o Tuesday, May 27thtolutiibairv Fiarith Hall at'gipo o'clock,pan. Auspices Of St.. COlynibeiri N.Viirr.$.1)V101.14$4a. VOTES PRIOR TO 91s1 BIRTHDAY, STILL ABLE' TO ATTEND MEETING . Mrs. Sarah. Elizabeth Mazler, oldest resident of 1-lensall, will eel- ebrate her 91st birthday' Thursday, May 22, at the home of her -daugh- ter, Mrs, Robert DaYinan, with whom she resides. She Will be hosteSs 'for a ,feVir neighbors and friendsYwho will .eall to offer their felicitationand enjoy- social eral interesting .Plices. • , MiSs Carol .13rovvn, 13, of Ilen- sall, won two firSts, 14. yea, with 87 marks in both; also a.. Snr- ond, and won a schota.rship of1,2) from Fisher. Bearing__Manuffietnk- ing. litdr, Stratford, for piabo, at .the Festival,,Strat ford: • Carol is the daughter of Mr: hour with her, , Mrs. Brovvn- Mrs Glazier enjoys splendidl • 'Soddy 'Chapman, 5 spa of. kr; health, enjoys going for short waiRs to visit with her neighbors, arid likes to crochet and sew. • She was the oldest voter to -east her ballot on, March 31 and -May 12, walking a -distance of some four blocks to-tb-olls to exerciSe her franchise, She als0- attended the Ilensall _Worne,s .1nstitute Mak meeting on Wednesd.aY, the .14th, arid won the prize for the oldest grandmother present. ---Borir Clint-ared; she „ reSided there all.her life `until four years- ago when she came to live with -her daughter, Mrs,i. Robert Dayman,. Of Ilensall. She has a family- of four sons: 'Herb,' Strat- ford; Alf, William and Harold, of Clinton; two daughters, Mrs. El- win Pickard, of Dundas; and -Mrs.. Daymaia:' 18 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. Minister Leaves Cannel Church - Rev. Donald MacDonald, who been mirtisthr of CarmelPres- byterian,_ Church, Hen -sail; 'for the past three years, has accepted a call to become minister -of Burns' PFES-hyterian -Church, Mesa, near Mr._ IVfacDonaldr -Who came -to Hensall froin Tara', graduated at Glasgow Universif3r,' t 1 an -d, came to Canada some 10 Years ago arid lias field charges at Ndva Scotia, Tara and Hensall. Mrs. MacDonald wase missionary- with. the • Irish -preSlayterian Church in Mdia. ' "- , Plan Anniversarr•Services---- , AnniVersary •Serves will, be held 'in Ilensall -United Church' on SundaY, ,May 25, at 11 a.in, and 7:30 pm: Rev. Robert A. G•..:•Pass- More B.A., BD, S.T.1V1, of v,Owen :Sound, will be guest minister for The 'choir, under direkion. of .Mr. S. G Rannie, with - MissGreta Lai -Linde at the organ cianiole-and Miss' _Jane Horton atthe Wilt render at the Morning, serviee't':At-- service the male voilid ehoir- 'of 24 voices' from ''StratfOrd will • occupy the, Chbir'..left-,:. and' give special. numbers.:. 4'aekPot G.Oes Up Legionbingo,Vinnets-lagt Satur (2), IVirs.„Wes$,.Veniret, Toth ,Kyle; Jim Smale .• (3), IMrS..' Rey pepp:or,-„ .Mts. Bert RileyTPa,ul Boa,-. Mrs. Bilite7,walker, Sim. 10-6bol, gra. .Clarcare 'Reid; Torn BrMtnell, • Mit, Williain..Cienient; Roy Pepper, Mrs, Gorden., -Holman; Mrs, 'Wilkin- son-'Ronme-MeKanzia rot, Sr.- ,S040 of:.flie. whiners, tied Jaekpot next Sattirday "wilt be Our, 1- ana Mrs. Pat, Flannery -and faniilY; of Ebnieka.',.:spent the „week . Mi -J. HenSall, and Xi:. and 1ks: .Ross. Ifaugh;.'of Crediton .spent g:delight- fur Weekend. visiting. Mr. , ad'sbrother and, siS.ter,in;-,1aw, and Mr,. R. G. Love, of Caro, Mich., While. there they also- visited' sev- . Miss Dalrymple rniseellaneens' Shower, was held, Wednesday evening :for Miss IVtatietie ' Dalrymple, Mrs. -Ross. Rol6/ and Mrs; . Charles Dunlop - were hostesses. The :evening Was spent in contests,. and, ;Miss Linda Deitz ,thp-claneed. After the 'prOgram,- the bride elect iras„ presented with a gaily deeerated basket. of Useful, gifts. The • .addreSifwas ead by. 3:oa,P• •-Miss .Dalryniple, thanked. eyety-1 70.ne-for their lovely giftsand-the lieStesseS, served' a deliciouSlinich. Prices ,. 'at, „Hensall Cern/nullity sale ,Thinsclay were' •Vireatiling. • Pigs, . $1475 ..to, $18.70; chunks, .$20. t� $24,80;. feeders; $26 to $32; sowe, $118 to $131; .11olstein cows,' $165 to $190; Ilurham_com,s, $1$0 to $200; Holstein calves, $1,5.50 to $g2; Durham, .calves, $28. te $62. A total Of 640 pigs and, 250 head of cattle and naives were sold, - SEAFORTli CORN CLUB - • The Seaforth 4-H dord-Clulfrheld their first meeting in Seaforth Dig; trict, High- Sehool -Friday ..night. Assistant agrieultural tepreSenta- tive Arthur )3olton told the group about the seed bed preparation, planting and -management of corn. • 4President jadk ••Broadfoot con- dhcted the bilsineSs. Mac Stewart Was 'elected presS,.SeeretarY. This is the first year for a. ,corn club in the district, arid youths interested in such a club can -still, join, See,d, corn was distrithited Wheatley: - MeMILOP . BUSY- 'BEAVERS The seventh: naeeting :of' the lVie- Killop Busy Beavers -Was held l'imsday ,at the liorne of Joan COYne, The final meeting WaS held at the home of, Elizabeth Poland ini May 21;: -,-/ ' Mrs. O. Papple,..gave ' notes on. Public health services./ food for all the family; our national pantrY Shelf and general ruleS: for meal planning: r Mnie assign enta Woes riii in food itore :for. tIM 'secO.pd: Week; fizifahrecotd h oks; complete first Aid kit and also complete 'the charts "Myself. and My Horne!' and Mrs..)-Lorne.:Chapina, suffer- ed hea.d. injuries 'regmring stitehes vvhenneran into the side of'a .ear &wen' by William Kennedy, 65, The: ear waS.tra*:-.. elling mirth on...the-second .coneea-, Sion of 'Hay IVA Miles sotith . of Henahll; OPP Harry 'Reid Exeter, investigated. ' Miss -Annie Jeries, .68, of Detroit, eScaped injury Friday afternoon when -the ear shewaadriving east west of.liensalL Overturned- and landed in 'a diteh.' Theaccident,occurred, Wheri;She swerved to 'avoid' cat On the road, pollee • Damage to the ear. was estimat- ed at '$400.,. 'Provincial Constable George Mitchell, Of Exeter, detach- ment_investigated. -• ,"• •_ Retire:4'krona* Bell , , Mrsl Harold_ Cahlwell,,' pOrnilar employee on the Bell Telephone staff here for the Past, 10 '-years, has tendered her resignation;.She- was .henoredlat Thnoffice on TtieSdaY; eVening,,by niernbets , of the staff, who- jrer :. Ivtrs flarry Sniitli read:the presi.: :entatioluaddresS; :and. Venner Made ---EGMONDVILLE Miss.,. Laura .a n friend kiss - Vera,' Palmer, of To- ronto; spent the holidaY Weekend at -her -home he.Silfidjvksjtors- with them: :Twerp land Stanley.. Grak,- and Mr, :and.' -Mrs. Bert Waters, Of. Stratford; and Mr. and „Mrs. Donald. Gray; of London. Miss Jessie .Finlayson; of Lorne Park, spent the weekend with- her 'mother, Mr. James Finlayson. 'Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston. and son. Jeffrey, , of Ayton, were Sun- day visitors with. 'Mr.- and Mrs-, AndreW "Ilmiston and MiSs.Frances ',I_Taitor.eth_kr... _and. Mrs.,Har--. ..ty..,,Weiland were: Mr. and ;Mrs. George.,,Loye, of Goderich;', 'Mr, 'and Mrs,. C: -R. -Hall. and -Mrs. Robt - Toronto, and 'Mr:: and711f W. Cooke and fainily, Of ' King- . and ,Mrs, W. E, Haney and Son;,Lyle,. Mrs. J. S. 'Waisorir.aud MiSs. ;Alice -..Watsbn . Were. Sunday Clatk::' of Muirkirk,.... •• -Mrs. EIniore: .StephenS-On, Grace: and 'Paul .'spedt'' a, .few -days with her sister r and .brother-inLlaw,Rev and Xis,. A. H. .lVICKeniie, and family:, of 'Acton. : '..4411-s.-.-Cliarles. Lindsay Spent Sat. Miss Jessie Finlayson • ,r1VIrs.:Andrew'HOUsten is Visiting With: relatives . in nettoit.... • ,....111fis Margaret Sinclair; spent the Weekend vvitli,,her brother and: Sciticlair;.,Kippen. ' iMilltilimillt,10!!!WPP!!!!!!!!!!!!.010' 'District 'Weddings' • AJMES,-RAPSON-..:',. . , _ - „Mary .rRapson and. Donald Owen Jaines"exeliang-: -dr-Wedding- VOWS tbeforfiliCReV., Charles. ,D., Daniel, Saturday -after, Mion4lay 17; at 4 p.m; at Ilert-Sall, United :Church: 'The, bride .of Lon - 'don Ahe -daughter (ktf,:-Mr...,and Mts.'..0tv,a1,,.,RapSon,,,' ilens,a11,,,,jar, and Mrs: George -James, London,' 'are the patents of the grooln.,imiss' Greta. Laminte provided %tradition:. ;gr . -Wedding =SIC .and acconniati-: ied the. soloist; Mrs'. Shirley; Whit- ney, sister 'of the greoni, who --Sang;, 'Because', "The. -Lord's t" -Prayer"-' and Through- the YearSP: The,--bride:wore a classie-govvia of Plaaritilly.lateover latidal• Satin, fashioned with hasque bodice lily -point -sleeves:. The scalloped Portrait..neekline, -trimined. with. Seed PerailSilreattired-'a.-.0.61:07.yeke' of 'Wile,: also acrenter'with, seed; pearls. Alternating panels • of lace, -arid."-tulletaddedfulinesS •tollie -lace Skirt; ,whiek extended to.'a chapel train. A crown headdress of seed pearls :arid Sequins held her eireuL. ler. elbow -length veil: of French. featuring, sequinned 'floral motif, and she carried a-eascade of yellow,-.'1Oses; stephanotig and ,..MtrournraopriTonilotrOn.;_co".1.7flio,oivInthos;„ Carol James, London;. and- Mrs, Clare ,MeBride, Zurich, 'as. brides. maids,„wearing identically: StYled, eoCktail,le01,11 gewns-otnylon--ohlf, ion in. shades of Sapphire:bine and hotterenp .Gromnsinari.ivak_Gerald Moffatt Kippen, With- Frank Andre/ail,. Lon- don, aito Clare MeBride, :Zurich, as' ushers, -.For the wedding reception- held in. the church parlors for fifty-three; guests, the eleiVer-ttios gown of teal blue crepe "With laee panels, 'With aceessories in Pink, and wore a pink carnation: corsage; • The grown's Mother' were, -ay gown.: Of blue and grey floWered silk ,jer- sey, with white., acceSSOries, ' and corsage cif:White Carnations: For a Wedding:- trip to -Florida thebride donned a 'Celery. greed silk shantung shea:th with ,rnateli:,i in duster • eat, Shaded straw hat with chiffon stritn,,, wheat - toned accessories, :and a eorsage Of bronze Cymbidlum orChidS, 'the .grooin is a' 'Staffs. member t Of: the London Free 'Press. fr.. and Mrs. Jarnes wilt reside: in London. Tba Evening Atotiliary of' 'the' church. catered , for Ole.. wedding dinner: ” Lady. of the House: 'And,,what can Ido for yOu?" Traiiipt "If' yott don't Mind, like a coat sewed on this hilltop.' 114E SEMPQSITO BUN C. May 'mooting of the Dub . Dan 0' Ryanwill sttend tJii en' his held at Lelputugtozt -The retiring preskit,ritt • Flannery, wan presented wlth gift by Mrs. Joseph Shea, end UM. Leo Ryan. read the addresn, travelling apron wilt be startod, Proceeds to gb toWard the Meal' Shelter at Chathana„. Mrs. Fergus Horan 'and Jim, John. E. Murray were naMed Conveners for the lunch commit* tee. Subdivision of the tatholio Inen'S Yoongoe wan held MoadaY • eveinngin tbe:ConfinitationScheol With 25 Member; preset, Vfm. Ran. Oltoorke,- the ,newly-eleeted president, °Penal. the taeting, MI'S, Clayton 1.4,00bt'read the min- utes- anti Correspondence, Mrs, Janie e ,Krauskilpf gave the 'treas- tirer report, • PJax were disenshed in regard' to the annual stiPPer and „social to be held- in June,. Mrs, JaMeS,Exeue- Itopf gave a very interesting rea "a3nPur Mary, Thy Mother," . , ._•lticKILLQP-GIVIAN CLUB >feeting :of Melfillop 4-H Gram . Club was held in SDHS, with ....a good ,attendance Of ;members. Earl MeSpadden, leader, gave, an 'in- teresting ta.11t on fertilizer ap4, how br) use'.it; •: , The meinbeta judged classes of oats- and, barley, vvitb the official , placing given by Bruce Coleman and Earl itIcSpadden. - - • • Sell that: unneCesa.arY Pleee furniture thratigh,``a Huron E tor Classified Ad. 1--!htane 41 VETERAN'S C RAY CHAMBERS, P Passengei's Insured /1•EW PHONE NUMBER EAPOR GAS -•srovE - and' FIRINACE - ANAIIJAWl',ET1t0FRiT4i: ' Dealer Mao Distributor ,of • PETROLEUM PROI/UCTS Phone 354 -PpAl 46 EIST$AL,L.BN1T.BaCI-B[ligC -.Sunday, May 25th 7 30 PM -Rev 6b,:."4. -..'ore and the ('NR MaleVasee clitLao4iir- MINISTER ' REV'. 'CIIARtg.'D ijANIIEL, • JO ETT'S CiRO a •'(Under New Management) E PERFECT S -POT FOR'YO - SUMMER PICNICS • Picnic Tables , •,---411 Cookhouse , e NEW WASHROOMS °Pen 8 a.111,. to 1, a DON'T LET RAIN 'SPOIL YOUR PLANS Sheltered accommodation available od_the grounds nt. LI" ERiDAY and -EVER 2 w Lunch Rooth in Ha ADAIISSION: - 75c Each -- $1.25 Couple., - • Visit the Newly -Renovated Bayfield {' Pavilion and niake it your Summer Da.nceland EVERY- FRIDAY IIT 11- • d d If Julie 4th, 195 e ries a - yLiurrr s Awl\ r TIME 5:30, p.m. DA $1,400 IN PURSES 2-30'ClaSS'Tirotiietiate: goo.. „Summer Sheet, donated by Lindenfield's, Ltd., -General Hardware; CIL Paints and...Vapilshes Trot or Pace: -$300 , • Sumtner Sheet, donated bY Jones, MacNatig,hton eds Ltd: 25T Class Vint nr-Taie $30 Shee,t,,donated by:maurice Quante, Hrnessmake,r'' 2:22 Class Trot or. Pace _ *00 h„,---Stuniner-Sheet:--donated FkeeflOr-All - - , Summer Sheet, donated by. E, L. Chaffe & Sena,. Cockshutt Farm IMpleinents and: Reltiance Produets ENTRIES 'CLOSE MAt---131S-- HORSES -ELIGIBLE, MAY 31.st 'Three per cent to enter. Two -heat »lap :Each hat a raee,. ZittO heats. Of one Mile each; Canadian Trotting AsSociatiOn Rules IR go'verii? iwith exceptions-. pommittee,tesetve the right to .:call oft ailY race or.,staJle„any 'other desit le...Changes:. Free hay', '1,aild Straw., ' ' • ' ' • ”- , Prize of $10.00 for fastest nage of 2:25 clas &doted. L. and 0, E. Acheson; Silver 'tray for best dressed 'Outfit donated by • jack ,Smith jeweller , ,WHITCSELL s'EARICENTq -GArg W1.14, EE'. VD , „Annotineer:.'Tou''Greggl.:01:.tondoti. Betting- privileges on •grOUnds ADMISSION: 'A4.ults $1,00: •' Children 25o _ Cars' 25t ' Grandstand 500 , Children 25c • - EXPi'Telt"' CLUB ,jackMorrissoy,Chairinan BanVer,Vnas., Bill n,Se „ . ,