HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-23, Page 2Since 1$60 Servinif the Commr#4,1 First .
blished at SEAPORtl; OXRAR:10, every' Thursday raeinirw b
Citnada aclvance) .$2.$0 a Year ,
T.Infied States- (In_adV-ance) $.00 a Year
Authorized: as Second Class Mail, Post OfaCe,bellartment, Ottawa
-; SEAFO3TH,, ONTARIO, MAY 28, 1958
member of -
Canadian ,Weeldy
Are Police Forces in Sirial-1:CentresPaici
Alan; • in -a _ reCenti-7-: last-Yeari-thankslargelTzto,- a speed
sane, :touched on problein which trap , inthe town:
faces many -Ontario tenreS—
t -- the ha-rd.to think of a System, so
. .
uainten,ance of a satisfactory police
orce, At the root of the -pro,blein, _
a.ecording to, the Globe,..and_lVIail, is
4111.4i1.3, Qn ..thq pftt-Qf mUrticipali,..
squalid; so filled with inVitatiori-0---
petty tyranny, so offensive to mod-
ern _principles of law enforcement.
By • pqing--;nolicerrien these commis -
ties to realize that good pdhcing costs sions, amails- are Inviting abwie,
. moneh and that the services of p_e "Then there are the many cases—
pie who apprQaqh their position in a serious offenses, but traffic and the
responsible fashion cannot and • like—where the law cam -best be SerVL
should not be acquired at, bargain', ed. not -but With
"Seine of the- -donniMnities in this c6111Inissi°n, tile tenCleneY.
rates. • • • Whwili
ere the policeman is pai a
• •
ProVince should take a ToOk---af,". b0rderlin'e cases to be
' tied on the side of_ prp-secutio-n•
police salaries they are paying," 'the , •
"We wonder where the Provincial _
....._7.9ronto, Paper says,: "At a recent .,...__G.-0ernment_ha5 heen..,,all these yeats):::.-
„meeting of Deser_onto .TOwn. Councit, not to have put a stop,to The At..
A came -out that, the-TOlic'e--Chri
Efil 114 PAPERS
Install? Modern
New six,foot fluorescent tubes
flO street lighting in , town have
arrived- ---- ready -, for installation,
These new lights' be put .up
by the Pubhc Utilities Comuns-
sion throughout the downtewn
area, It is expected that in some
locations a fourfoot - fluorescent
tube Will' be used. This is the
most modern type' of lighting, and
will create better light, at the
same tixne 'using less power thao
those fixtures no* M use. -Clinton
News -Record; ' '
torney7General!s-,-IDepartinerit__surely -
getting $2,500 a year, (Ile supple -7,- has known what's been gibing
mented his pay with .c.onuniss„,,,ions „ and, if not,,should,have known. Now
-uov-r-rionses„). , whole-StOry is for everyone
"A: Policeman's responsibilities: are to see, the GbYefillnent'should brin
'enormous. He is at the very •founda- it to a quick end everywhere,- h
tion ef (kir 'communitysecurity. He 0.19be and. Mail eoncludes.'
must enforce the laws with discre-
tion and humanity. -He should, in the
various, branches, be.-„skilied in'traflic More Housung7
control,. ,crnne detectiot_ancl, more.
important, -crime -prevention. Ile
should by his conduct in a_nd out e
-laniform, promote among y-atink pe-o-
ple respect for the law Alld those who
enforce it He must be above-currup--
tion—small and large.,
"Some municipal councils.seem un-
able to grasp this: They regard the
policeman's job as trivial. 'How else
tr. explain the, Salaries they- Offer?
, • . • " • . • ' •
Teacher Retires
1VIembers ot the ..Wiri•ghain Pub-
lic sobobrypciard' the teacung
staff and ,flieir WfVes and husbands.
gatherecl--a:tLthe-School".. Triday.
evening to -pay tribute to, MiSs•-Vera-
McLaughlin, who retires at the end
of this -terin after teaching:in tilefor 23 yeais.'
Amonother :guests -aftlie"-gatlier=
Mg". were 'Miss Beatrice • JeYnt, of
the front- deer. It was Still not
known Wednesday afternoon if the
•yeggs had been successful. since
the safe door was 'jail:ailed shut.
Expe'rts from a. safe manufictiir-
ing firm were expected Thursday
to 'open it Amount of cash inside
was not revealed. Three. neighbors
Whose wires were eat- incleded
Mrs, MacKinnon. On Sep11_,
1957, thieves made an .tinsuccess-
ful attempt to crack the produce
eemPanY's safe. - Exeter' Times -
Loot Little
roxeter,,Ont, April 17,1958 HURON COUNTY FEDERATION -.NE
Editor,, The Ifuron Expositer:
Dear Aote: vdtil 'interest
'that Pr.: E. Ilall„, president
the IlniverSifY of Western.Ontarioi.
In arintial'reprt,cabf ii
creased support for !'fimdalidental,
reseaich”, in Canadian nitiversitieS
danleotal' reSeareh: -.today --,:nfeariS-
ProduetiVity toinorrOw.,' .
• , . ,• • ,
• vieW•Of the reported*Ct that
agriculture.WaS the background for
'Meat 'Stlidentsi.'-inainifactining'*as„
secbild,. and, the tradeS frnied he
OcCripationS. ,Of • largest
group Of ,Parents -of the '.p96''Stii-••
dents ,..registerett.
versify, ;1, thought that the f.01144
ing-keen. reference te."..the needfor
'llesearen"., •etilled
from, the: .reeent. .'"Farm - Message
to Congr-ss',hy-Il.S.. PresidentEis7'
cob:ewer,. could :" Considered
newswerthY,',,atid timely, for .YOUr
rut4y-:tea0er$i ' • -
„ . •
A bit of sniall• change was the
total loot obtained= in weekend
breaks -ins .at the 4.Tolui W. Hender.,-;
al:in _Lumber Ltd. office and at
South Kinloss Presbyterian Church.
Entry te the bullftg was made
late Saturday night or early -Sun-
da.y morning. The small, change
Obtained-,--at---Henderson's---was lrom
the sale of Centennial bumper
stickers which had been "tossed
'effort .
aimed increasing
Listowel; -Mr, and, Mrs. ,Fred pay- tiSeS,: of 'farm 2Orbduels,,•Shoind:be
idSon, the latter .a ',Sister of the r into": an Offiee,,desk. Was money ,expanded: ferias are a ma
honored -guest- and In -Spector and that the thief or: tlaie_VeS.Senght, as • jor'sontee of our raw ;Materials.,
Mrs J H.Knkead of office . 'drawers • Were ransacked .Teoilia,;.:gtth'eeasteeTr: '1,daevir:greine att,h4ni: .4.1ast
"singhanx. giy
: • • • , , oari
trance at 1-lenderSoies was. • gained be tiSed, inAbidifitrY H,=:therebY
New Sidewalk To Be ..,Buitt warehotisel Window, , broadening.inarkerSifor ourrabun-
-: Town •offieials 'iitet on. Monday that permitted the ultra er_ freedant farm .produ s, New uses' ,
afternoon dis'en---SST-Willi-Alle:'-en=7'",ac-Se55.7to-,111Q" , rid,,ne' vv markets can he'deVelep-'
the'dotit11§, ti-i-fp'plaelifg' sptitit kiniesS , Church:- discovered ed tor our --StirplitS-trops,--2 To
.. the'.,sideiValk. on the' east side. ott-Siiriday Meriting, was attributed bring this -about, -increased
of Queen (Main) Street from •Dina.. to ate', ,Saine intruder', 'after. -the research .is , needed ,,and
IleY-Streette,'King Street.' is'Izte-',1IfenclerSort break 111 was learned ' ..proposed hi the, BOdget,
lieved that this :sidewalk, Will -be,l'of:. Table draYvers, •the :church MIS:will: be ,ineVing
approximately the same' width" as 'base/bent' Were ransack-; recoMinended,,,. by '.the
the one newAnnse Witte-neW-eurb-,-- there was nothing of .a1'13" , President's'Commissionon In
consequ creased -In ustrial e of :Agri-
respect,•to the above,
4rt et4ge:t t e: ; research'_ 1-t) ei 11001,:rdajoaHtotti
cari.;;„ play central role'. in ,fa,rmsb1'
'erie*-„-uses-inFikese old pru
:dneWif.SpeniS, .to„,:rn.e that •if the,
Market§ are to •be really ..jY,broadeii.-...
in terms ...of' aver -all' de-
inaOct,...the accent must be placed
en. the' ,indiiStrialization. farm
Products 'into.. inedible , forms; oth-
erwise :this all -embracing agrlcul-
tnral -reerelY -competeS
with, itself, in the- endles :struggle
for: -larger slice of the eityrrian's
.'Food Dollar'! What is, 'needed, 1
thirik,_ ,indUstrialization • of
millions , .of tons. of 7agricultural
'eernmedities inte, INEDIBLE final
Of retherhoUd: and/or
the .*arm: Principle of 'the. 'goed,
neighbor,',, in,. internatiOnal..., affairs,
woiild be, Shortest:arid inoSt, direct
read arni 'Surplus Disposal'.
•CiAly •. slowly along this friendly
read :
Last Thursday the Ontarlo Fed-
eratien of Agriculture hehl nienr-
bers' meeting in, Torente, 'In- 'the
presklent's address, Gordon Greer
called -attention. -to 'the,. fact that
.eonflict coidd. develop' between dif,
ferent'eommeditY .groups. For..i'eA4
aMPle; grain growers -would" like
higher -prices, while livestock feed-
ers 'like cheap ,feed: •.The Federa-
tion ef Agrieulture- rouSt Make
ey 'effort ' to •:-unite -the. ,ainis of
these different groups for , the
benefit' of all 'farmerS, '
The. Stabilized. PriceSof the .dif-
ferent coniriloclities was 'diSeussed
at length. . The' 'cream; tikedncerS
felt:that...the 02Ie ,fer.„,lnitter, :was
realistic and Was the 'prie-e:arriVed
at bk.tbeit. IOrniula; •••
The concentrated producers , .
that the. drOP 'of 2 Cents PoWder
was unjustified. and wopld Probali-
ly Cause to great' a trend 7.0.wey
from powder and flood semetlier
hraneh the' dairy Industry. ., •
.,The_.floor.„priee _on, eggs . was:
gratifying to the Poultry' producers
though there was some. fear eX.
Pressed' •that : this might he ' an in,
centivejrice „which..•_mig,ht„ cause
surplus prodUction 'consideration:
mg :and, gutters.-, -Tenders ••-wi
calledfor and dealt with-in'June,-
and the Work should be conipleted
in July. This should no doubt help
t6'imProVe the appearance ,Of the
main street:in the village., ---Blyth
Standard, ,' - •
• , . ,
SliOuld---.-thong:lit be -given to ;creat-
ing additional. housing iii--Se-afOrth?
asiolS when:
-accOmniOd,atiow, of a desired type is
difficult to an may wellbe
tliat step s Should he taken . -t6
proach goyerlunen_t--• agencies -to-. de-'2-
ternih-ie,'what assistance COuld. be
-forthcOming, ,
Chnton coUncillors, at _4- recent
meeting, setin Moder, Plan's:to...Obtain -
:dent :that; ,'it'i,-iWair,IiirI6tilnene-y:l!.:tliatrvifS;
•being onglit.4LneknoW,
Iiespital-Endeway-Ry, Pall?
„ , , „
dirt vflykeil,*ork will
be •Started,"'.'•DrIVIa.bkiiiiion',.,'rlii17-
told the,.Signal-Star looked'
eVer :larid-fot-the
hospitai, senth, 'GOderiCh, at„'„the
noon'hiniron, WednesdaY'..At 11:40
eStrY-Ailane landed hini-at•Sliy'llail-
her from: Totorita..:.ACediipatiYing
litin:•was 'John .•:Hanna,..'MPP,.'frif.
ILItitoti-,Brtiec.': They .-i'n-itriediatetY'
:headed fen :the 'under.. Option
Seine Ahree,.iniles scitithil.!•OfGode:;.
Highway 21'befere •having
.1unch.:,,A:-.tho:,,Beciford-:Hcitel-. and
'PrOeeeding;•:, 404he•officsal op
.eMnig ,ceregionigatot,q,ilie7rieWtWing,
of "Alentia".•:Maririe'6,ila:GeOral
Tlie;: Ontario_
iSfaction:,' the 'land. Under,
which was bathed' in,a :bright Siin.
and',. Lake, • Sparkled ;Jr': the.
Signalstar...that, acres, .,WOuld•
proper and' 'On'-this.,'woiild alsd be.
locatect-teereatiOrialfaCilities. snah
..boWliugj. shuffle-
board, etc.', :awl : an -:out.:".,
.E3 00 Skating.--, rink, in the ,Winter
'AeOther, 4.00 ' 'a'cres Would
liel.rtised 'for .- garden; While
otbe: 100 acres Won14 1101sed.jo_r_
the :growing- Of . other types 1' of
•trolls,;••he,said.',This•,.Would, Make.
Up. 390., acres.in all.; ..and Still an.=.
:Other:100", atreS, Would" he field for
seTne'b•therliOS,Si.bleAls,e,,:. he .1., added
. .
• .• • , •
GchignaI-Star -,
• • .
• •Doctor;. "Did...you-4e a young
Man.1! think'he'S'im,gdod• and wOtild
inake,',yog'..a worthless '.1rushand.?'-7
,-..Panghterf::„ `'Yes, but .he !wasn't
'discontaled.' He said it wasn't the,
first time,'You.•hade,•,,rnade, "a.; Corn;
pietelY -Wrong: diagnosiS,", • • •
again Tili0W,COMrrutiiitY
event the'...ifo4iTtal..Ait.iii.44.0.,§40.,..
Lgotte.: over ,' the top
43artineritS, had,:urned'in,'tlieir • re,'
eeipts' it: was found tbat $1,16906
had, been re aliZed..,Which-is.':.$1.0.0Q
111 excess of asiy prevsous sale
Adoeia:..tp,.th4 :bo.,.:the,fr.43_2:,
.reeeilitS.:frein the -70g,, day So the
au,dliary will ,:haniorb '• than
$1,,509:.9(f ,earry:;onAlteir4eVer_iii,.
The woOl grkiWers felt that the.
Re price. with deficiency paymear-
on'onlY,; the top.grade was of very
litad .-benefit since, onIY' a • small, -
pereentage . of this grade waS , pro- '
dnecti Ontario ' and the price Of- •
the, Tower grades' Would net be in-
creased. ,
Wheat Producers have little iloPe"
of getting more than SO per cent
of 'theast.,ten-year average. -whieh
iSconsidered -unsatisfactory.. This -
cold,reSulf ` switcli to live--
steck,-...thus.„.denibralizing:.the.. stock, induStry - ;Western Onterie,
-In..cortimenting on support Priees.
it seems to ine - their purpose ;
limited • to giving • 'the farmer some'
prtitection against being foreed
to; bankruptcy diseouraging .' -
the prodnetion of huge. surpluS,es.;
It else seems to methat farniers-,
are,. spending too • inuah -time and,
effort, cin support' price's' and Might. •:'.
do; bettel-bY devoting a large per-
tiOn Of ;this 'energy 'to , . marketing ,•
their 'prOduee. mere efficientlY- •
tobacco, Where
reaioffort is pet into ,Selling„ the
,prOdUcets are; receiving Very., fair-.
hle Tetiirris W.S- worth serious
On-Bunday- NI:other's -Day over.
259, -persons -enjoyed- --eating- Out at
the •Dorninion'Hotel, Zurich. Many,
more Were turned . away- as Silk.
plies- Of ;food ran short after feed-
ing large aniount, , Out-of-
town 'Visiters_ • sta,rted.',_ SWarniing,_
around the hotel:'it7three.."..Orekiek,
Waiting for dinners to '.be: Served,
and by-rfiye • o'clock there was .a
liiietup, err both sides of -the hint&
Waiting to'' get in.. The 'hotel
hasloogbad a name foribeini one
Let it be acknowledged that Some of... ;More -housing ,units, , and. in Ki.ncar - • of the..finest places to e4 in- West,.
'these low -paid rounicipar policerne4 -d-
-*- "*-ne * si- '
, line- action is contemplated. -* icarsq °Flicial'aiy°'..wailhde*nthipsrewmaiesitevsieifie
.are a credit to their callingl3ti.t if The Kincardine- Nes , tells'th l' f '- ' . . .
9 e rest- took time out from his busy
they are, it is in spite of their eoun-* situation that exists in that town and
dins, not because of them. says that the only way.111 which ° '
Can: becerne better-iSrthrougli More '
"A first-class constable in, the Oai.;- honies--and. other-''-
tario Provincial Polic-eirlSesto$4,050..--- buildillg---4-11Q-W---1
The maxiintra fOr the Methopolitan :„ ' *t-"--e-s--.6tr'''-'a---e6*-(411:nl-ddatiiiit'''Slii'ev6----ft7616.-:
. For& is- $4,622. Oat Calibre- of -Vol 1-.1-174117 iiiveS41*Wilt ''Stali"Pint • this does' '
'iceman can a municipaof bing.
lity eipee ' ' riot appear 'feaslhle, there is only 0
for far less than this?
..I isn't „amt. . yaltfxnative-th, at. 711e. 1.\l'ews seesa
.`:— a • building then ,set to work drilling
the OPP- and Metro Salaries_are_to ....:Trograin 'inidin. which Muni- the 'safe door. " They' enteredl
high,.- They aren't "They Could well. .7.--IP2' a.J1C12° - er--Agen-el-es-entel'-;------1---- ---,--1-g Y . ea g t e lecen
• .
be higher to attract enZifgh top men. . „:„ :--Thls...ha.s. PPii. .carried .out. else -
The real point, of ,the contrast is, that ..' - ,:':w.11ere. in co-operation with .11'riYkriri'--"*-
the pay of police in,,small Cities-ancl. '.,141 *'and* de71194'government de'.
towns is very often too low. Their Ilartraentg , and 'hos 'met with -A meA,....-
_ _ , .
schedule to, arrange eying n-
iter, at the ideal -eating.spot.--Zur,
ich Citizens, News. ' .
Yeggs Jam Door -
For the seeond time in less than
the safe at theffice 013fien's
"Priiduce, Zurichearly „vVedileSday-
'morning. Yeggs etit the...teleplione
wires of three -residences 'near the
. .
police forces are the weak in our '•'isliuerfeg.fthsuecienietaglaw-teetr%shfelmvlinTng arjej'..
system of' law enforcenient, and Pay. • •
ing pa'ssible. for fothilies to find'a
is the key. It will remain that way
until the councils facezreality...
"Some municipalities . are com7
pounding the err'or•-w-h-en-they .try
make Up for low, -salary by pa,
commissions 6n ' StinntlOnSeS. ThIS .
was -the case in Deserdato, where it —slightly larger and tO make d sUrvey
was disclosed that the chief received as to the, required housing potential
$1 on every. Summons he issued, and 'fer the town,", the Kincardine paper
that he earnedover $p,000 this way recommends. -
. .•
. Youth Shows Preference For Strange FuOct--
A popular diet -item, the demand sandwiches, Dr. Jacobson said. It
for -Which has been obviatisfer same „•._ remains to he seenwhether youth will
time' inip.ny home in w there axe regard this as being too high a, price
ylace .Wherein' to lay their heads:-
``We:•think that would be a for-
ward step, on the part of Kincardli`ie'S
4 ,
town fathers -to inquire into what
been -.done in this respect- in Other
centrei the size -OfKincardine and' -
- children, has reached thestage where .• topay for the pleasure of eating jam- -
it has been mentioned as a national and-peantit butter sandwiches.
We refer, a course, to, the ,eratet- stures-On- Tap
' for jam-and-peantit butter sandwich-
es.. To ,such an extent has the mania There, should be no cause, for wor-
for- the gooey miiture grown that ry. concerning the encroachment of
4there- are eases on record- of, young - urban tentres on productive farni
boys—and girls too—refusing to eat •
teak, or Chicken and instead,.,
themselves with jani-and-pear-
nut nutter. sandwieheS.
Butiet these same youths be warn-
ed. Dr.,' Lloyd "Jacobson,- head of the
Alniv-ersityWashington depart-
ment- on oral ' „diagnosis, says..the
"'eV conibination is a majOr cause
(A, tooth .clecak., It has become sei
poular .among North 'American
uollagerittliat it must be dOIlgdered.
"4: nationg' disease," he told the B.C.
Den±al sociation's annual convert -
he only way to Prevent damage
Cleall the teeth within 'five min -
of eating one of the offending
lands if a deveropment reporte'd' in
the United States proves succesSful.
-Almost e :40 -pasture by -mail-
-order, so stiPle the operation, a
machine using the),hydroponic meth-
od of groWth kin a chemical solution
'without soil) ha e been put on the
nia,rket by Buckeye, Corp, tnaker of;
intubator. 4„.
Housed in a 120 -Square footalumi-
iinin Wilding, its claimed to match
3.5 to, 25 acres of cattle pasturage by
growing, 45 tons of fresh grass a'
year at abaft $13 a ton. Lit by fluor-
escentlatips, it 'works night and day.
The price: about $2,880, and prol3-
ably worth it, if it produces the re:
sults clanned.'
From -The.
From.The Huron Expositor
May 26,1933
The Seaforth Collegiate Institute
Cadets paraded for their .annual in-
SpectiortmtFridaY Morning before
Major! Seffdry,. London. The. 'corps
was instructed by I. .1.1._Weerlmark,
and' the Officers Were as f011aws:
platoon Commander,„ Jack 'Irab-
kirk; platoon sergeant, lc 'Hillen;
section: commander, G. Andetsori,
F, 'Whitmore, . S. ..Loorralice; G,
IVir. arid Mrs. games Kerr, while
driving to Hamilton_ on Saturday,
W'ere the victims' of a collision with
another car 'near Dundas. Mr.
Kerr suffered a fractured rib and
pierced lung, and his .Wife suffer-
ed from bruises and 'Shock.- .
Messrs. Jelin Webster, Lawrence
Webster and T., Webster were
Lucknow, this 'week building a
cairn, which will be unveiled ,next
month at the annual Webster pic-
nic, .--
Mra, E. W, White was in Toron-
to •on'v Thursday 'attending the
graduation of her daughter, Ern-,
estine, from Grace Hospital. Miss
White won the, Dr. Fergitsen prize
for' the highest standing in- three
years, Miss Margaret White won
the staff prize for the hilliest
standing in the second year.
Interesting items gleaned from
'The, Huron Expositor of 26, 50
and 75 years ago,
Small two,=Cycle:. Or two stroke
:engines-, ha-ye-b,eedrne4iicreaS!_nl
Popular •• during.. recent years.'. -H.
J. Me, .Saariiditon,
Experimental ;FaPb,. §nyA their
sinpie•-deSign affe'rding A
mom of 'niovini .parts; 'favours 1oW4
eiTcost-•-•Their-light].Weight makei,
them . Suitable :for use with, small
otrtbeard.: motors; washirfg
chiries-,-,itrigation &mpg:: and Pork
_able 'chain, saws:
.The •tWo-cycler, engine delivers'
One,.:pe,Wer stroke •for each COm7
plete .reVelutkin of the crankshaft
a- feur-Oele:•:engine delivers
'14-10--c"pOiater--'strOlt-6-Tifot---70Veriy-Avit '
.reyOlutionS, Me crankshaft. The
. . ... •
two,cycle"„engiiie_ is.:.proyWith
portholes • the . cylinder honsihg
to admit a gas', Oil and. air. niiktare
arid to.. exhaust, the _burnt mixture
by the Suction...ad coMpreSsibii
tidm. of :the 'piston.' The loin -cycle
engine is. provided :With. Meehan,
ically _OperatecrvalieS;•aild in eon-
jiinctien • with the :Piston M.ove-;
ment, _these are timed, •to,,,admit
gas- and air Mixture es:.well as to
exhaust ;the :burnt . gas.' The:. .lubri-
eating Oil is',Ifeld,'-iii.1407.0.01ecase
from where itis circulated:Ann.:nigh
the "bearings and other 'interior
working ,SUrfaCeS:'
rhe • igintiOn systern, caibu.rethr
and air cleaners of, 'two "ancl'four-
eYele engines -are atuljnaY
ha -Used; on hoth-typeS engine.S'i
Flirwheei,magneto points should -be
.Set With a, gap 'of ;'020., inches and
the ,clearaited betWeen the flYwheet
magnets aid the;Starteit'dog.4Ore...
Should- be ..080 lathes- or; le'as.• to,
enure the !stronest',,,sPark- at the
sParkplug. The sparkplug pOints
:alSo"Should h'e 'gapped at ,025 inch-
es.,,Tho carbtireta is generally of
the simple 'float . type. , The' .float
operates a need,id,....Yalve to'- main -
thin the 'kopek level of gasoline
in'the carburetor. bOwl., -The .float.
hingeS••And 'the float itself' nuiSt be
Seaforth Creamery is turn- in good ,tendition, Op,erate
j.tig out about 200, pounds of butter freely. . The needle -.ancf :needle`
per -day And !when _the. pasturage valve Seat shOtild seat :precisely
improves it is _eapected- this, will sa. as to prevent flow -of -gasoline
be doubled. - • when the .proper. level of- g4$611be.
.Mr. Withain ToVinsend," of tlie2nd in the hoWl has beeii .reached, The
concession ! ,of ;Ttickersmith; ,air -cleaner may be of the oil, Tio.WI
'off for a holiday trip to Manitoba., tlebeillainbew, chiteahti•evcia 14c, eatlatonVilybeanwai
Mr: Lear, of Hollett,.. was ser-
lou4lY 'injured; in his Own_ yard last refilled. the .11rescribed
SaturdaY, He' Was _helping to put ilts:aiiii:Odd„..red;it,'Wstil.goeti,idse,,rbeedio.wiriaeriShtype
ea -P, ,s nal
ler's er o
. .
adio, Power "Brales, White all Tires,
HSTrainat,ic; very low Mileage.
1956 -Monarch Hardtop
1955 Cliev. Sedan
1955 Buiek Sedan
1954 Chev. Sedan -
954„ Ford Sedan -
1953 Chev.' Sedan ,
953 'Ford Hardtop
Ma,ny.Lower Pnced Cars.-- ame -Your Price
No-Reasenable....Offer:Refased_' -
al examinations at the Toroirtd
College of -l'harma.cy, and is now
a full-fledged druggist. ,
- Mr. James McGee,' of the Mill
Road, near Briieefield, jar Tues-
day on a trip to Duhlin; Ireland,
his -old 'hole. ' ;
A fire alarm wire has been plac-
ed, in the telepherie, office so _that
new persons haying -telephones Can
seed in an alarin withrmt going
flyfr. and Mrs, Warren nment, of
Detroit, spent the weekend AV -the
owe of Mr. arid Mrs':Wihrn
Anient. Seaforth.
Work has conunencetl on the
residence for Mrs. Archibald, Sr.,
iin Godprich St. East. It will' be
of conent blocks.
Mr. Harold Dorrance,.son of Mr.
Joseph Dorranee, of McKillop, who
has been (attending the Ontario
Agricultural College at Guelph, has
passed his first-year examinations.
Prom The wron Expositor
May ?A, 1883
PHONE 541-
LE these
a fat beastl in a wagenbi Order to
den jerk,, Mr. Lear wa'S thrown mit' atilt _11V -faulty .inixture Of, air and
of the wagon' on the id opposite fuel, .`,4111flit1lt itarthig, low fower
towhich the beast Was. Viis- neck Andexcessive us of gAs and oiL,
From The Huron Expositor e"Montee & HOgatri the- telelirat- -leaded gasoline- inmed•-:with spe.4
. was put - out ' Of jo-int. . Only NOW ' gaolirieOr
- non-
. May 22,, nog 'edplow manufacturers, Seaforth, dal lubrieating nil for two-ey.ele
; have leased the ,shop fornierly oc, engines should be used, in, proper-
„-Mrs..1 John...11/furrity,' of ,Goderieli Copied byMr. meNaught, and in,• tions reconiniended by the maker
Street; xnet with a painful' acei; tend removing their businees, to of_the.',eitgitie or the manufactuv
dent last Thursday. She was house- that -Stand. , • ! Or of tiko-cycleengine ifibriCating
cleaning and', was Standing on . a Nit: Tobias Nashi, son of Thomas oil. When gasoline with tetra ethY1
fable, when she lost her balance Nash, of .McKiliop, has purchased; lead is 'Used, deposits occur,,in, the
and fell to the 'floor. In the fall the paokadder,L, farm of 80 . acres, eornbUstion -chamber.','When such
she struck her shoulder, fraetur. 1ji11in W...0W0. *50 acres, tor gasoline is iniked with autornobile
ing .her collarbone, besides reeeiy- 4,00, • . • or tractor oils containing cleterg,
big Other ,bruises. • „ . ' Mt, PPefferi, .of town, Who ,has ents Or Other additions, heavy de
The Hell Engine and Thresher for some tine been- engaged ni• posits -occiii 111 the Combustita
Co.t, hag L.purchased, the' old salt the cabinet factory of •HroadfOot & hrimber, the .sparkplug boo*
bloCk ' and property adjoining -the, 130x, haS'iltst rettlruedfrom a trip foiled,' and. sOinetimes the .pOitita
WOrka, 'frota fr ?T'4 F Coleman, tO Sault; Ste.-Marie,,Iiliciilgan.,,•fie are, burned. resultingg in consider.
3'ohn Itdbeit8 soli of ..mrs. thin.ka it isi preferable to :the able dif' Acuity st,,arting•And,op-i
.• •
/ S. Itnberta;_has pooled Ins fin- t. erating.-
Lew Down Payment..
Special Terms To Suit Your Pise
pgmEmBriti 'the inaciiine you 1,:otty,;isonly - ”' s- as pied as the ,e,14%lee:you get..
.Several Good- Used Television 'Sets.
.t Sensationally -Low Prices
Phone 70 2