The Huron Expositor, 1958-05-23, Page 14 .Ninety -Ninth year . ikrhole Number _4712 , • , EAFORTH ONTART I1)AY, 1VIAY 23 I95§ Dublin his been featured:in.:the metrOpolitanpress- following actiOn by village 'citizens to Clean up:Abe • cominUriity.:1,and rid it of liquor but- -lets and. toWdyism: • . . The Matter- came to:a head when • a iletiti0111;:igt1g# by"10.0k•the 125 • voters4 in ;, the 'village; asked : the A(tOrtieY '•General 'to,' take: aetion., SubseqUently,',A tmeeting -Agreed, to route the :.petiticin to Crown . At, torney W. E. Goc,dwin, Q.C., at, • The 'tion reads: ‘..'We; the 1undersigied eitizens and ratepay- ers „Poliee-Ffge of, Dublin; , and vicimty,,--;-Itereh**A.Olest,ovhat,' i• we: etinilifet",to be 'sale "a ,:„.. quest your dear Aake,the ,pevenf,. such ale/. ,We leel Stronly that We ,deserYe:,'soMe*ofOtieri from oe7 that.:40slilt4.'froin sUch i1eI distribution. Threitizens ofDublin , feel that the provincial _bee,. should be' ableto, deal. ,witb. the. situation "better -than has 'been • the case in the past."- ' Problem.Logal,,Matiter . . • in a Toronto...despatelt_on._Tues- ' ,dak the Attorney 'General Was 'in- 7.7{lidated to have agreed Dublin's problems Were; a .1.tteal Matter: ; PolicingofDublin, Where . mere. than a third .of the population. has signed a 'petition asking ;for a top- level investigation into bootlegging - and , a. police, clean-up of Ilquot eon- is..."strictly,:,a Meal ponsi- bility" Attorney General -A: Kelso Roberts is .,reportert:. have. said. , , • '"If the people' of: Dublin have n problerti, -said' • Mr::: 'Roberts,. they should deal With.fit: scive •. • ' '." , , ,"If ...a.,...eitizen„.1feeli., 'he • has. - • he said, caii:lay an information withthe-Police, The police have to be,given.a. lead. . • . • -nnounce',`R4sUlfs usic Exams •Iteeelts ,•were released tills weelr- -of:recent 'Western , -Ontario • Ceti- „serVatery,:_of„:„Musie _examinations; The tests were held it.'..S.t:Teig-etirs- Seaforth., Results are :- Grade 11711.V -First class Carol .Jean Minors, IViarY- :MeIntoshi,.-Emily T:i,.ar- et • Grade VII-tionorS.,,,linda. Dob- son,: Margaret..StaPleten.i.". ..".Grade„.V1.-Firsti.Class Honors,: • litariene.--Pepper;:.'Harlinia Cole-. generS; Evelyn Dick. • Grade :11.,-4nly-:SteWarti, Elaine !Beattie (Honors)r• . • - .Gra4e.IIIT-4-1Ionorg,. :Mary. Jean. oshart,:-.•jack, . burSt;;;Anne Me - Lean: „ -„-•;Grade.:111-Hertersc- -Mar,guerite- ' Scott; Donia, dordorr.• .5. 0. 4. IIIBBJ3IRT. are .this'•Year`celebrating their 50$h anniversary. • .Shown above are the jubilee 'class' of 1.258. In i pentteacher.--' TI e•Ph-ivieladY;--DotiL - the centre row S -theres , - lirs-.-1 s , Dub- lin, who is secretary of the celebration to be -held- June 28th Students shownare front* row, le.€t t right. Pauline,0'Reiiiy, Tom---.. Bqr-kei---Ger-r3L_Aialcine,$.1.japqn Hurke, Gordon Moylan, Nel- _ . . "e -Vagels •e.,I,Josetilt-IVitirray, Anne, Tilalon-e;--middleAoWc-lvta urraY, Dorothy- -Vogels,-Billy-- :Murray, -Jean,..Moylan,--Mrat „Mary- Ellen- -.Doyle, -Mary 'Len 'Coynn.-Patsk;UoYne,.'•-Vlatilt Mnrtay;'back row,: 'Jack , DeYie, Kenneth Coyne, Cinth Ycig is,. Billy FeeneY, Rose Doyle, Danny McMillan, Betty Shea, Anne 'Shea, Don Coyne. Absent , when ' the Picture was taken, wa4- Vincent MaloneY. arge sses ll3th Fair class for Landracempigs will be an 'added feature of this'.k',eary*.; Seaforth Fall Fair; Scheduled for September 1* and 19, a . meeting, of, the directors :of .Seaferth.:Agri- cultural 'Society Thersday, ,night agreed on the -added:prizes for the pig section • because of growing, breed. ---- In hainess-. section, ,it was 'decided to give separate prizes for Pereheron.'.aed Belgian team in harness. At preWit there is just one class for these teams, with one , set •,Of prizee_.. ' Endeavouring to meet the need- ed requirements for 'a Class Fair ratingiLthege changes will add -aeother. i$152 'possible prize Money to the two. sections. Other, minor' changes were also. „suggested .in different classes.ie.preparatiert for the 113th annual event, -Waflac'e,•••„-Seafprth,... was. named .secretary -treasurer of the society for ' the !ecirtimg.. year. Iy.fr, Wallace succeeds Earl: 1VicSpact, den, RR 1, ,Seaforth, .who'resigned earlier this. year. He had ',Served in.that:position.---for the past. four years • " • : John 'Thompson, Seaforth, !-IireSidents: of; -the :--Seuth Liftmen Camp Of Gideolis • the Ladies' Auxiliary • respectively Mr. - Thompson heads the -camp of. 11 members, which represents the whole of South: Huron. ' Meeting at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, Change Control Of County Jail Effective May ' 26, Nelson Hill, sheriff of Huron CotintY, will be '-relieved of the responsibility 'of a management of the Huron County -jail, in ,aCcordauce with new legis- lation brought down during the -Litt session of the Provincial Gett- . errinient Williani, (Peg) "Bell, who -has ---,been governor of the Tait under supervision ofthe sheriff? Will _then take ,over full control, • , the .two groups expressed satisfac- tion with the. 'Mit* that was „tabulatedr.-- the past, year 'almost 1,200 Bibles and 'Testaments, were placed jn schools, hospitals, hotels, motels,- jails, rest homes; :4:lect9rs' offices, airforce bases, _county homes,ete. ,Since the.organizdtion years ago, oyer 4 000 have been presented. .- of the camp, a, little two „ , More than ., An increasing interest in-• the prograni is being found i :the report, continued, _both•loealW and An 'ever-increasing' de- mand for more Bibles, due to •in- creaged population,as well, as the broader field of ,placement, has presented 'ai7new--chellenge--to the 1,700 members aeross the Dorian - ion. of Canada. The Ingest .single field, the report pointed' out, is the gift of Testaments to 200,000 pupils of the fifth grade across the Dominion annually. Other officers elected were: vice- president, R. Cudraore, Hensall; secretary, C. E. Talbqt; Hayfield; treasurer, E. L. Cornish, Clinton; -chaplain, E. A. lVfousseate ,,Kippen; Memorial Bible, representative, T. 0 'Cars) Crash Harry Hoffman, -Dashwood;M.B. W . committee tarl. Oesch, Ztirich. - -1 • - - - _ W.. oderick eat _Lions r ant- Inernbership, eeinmittee, Don Sol- Dariiage is 1/00 -,„ ' 'SdriPtirre , _distribution; E. -Cud- Cars ,driven by William Benjam; 'More, eh airman; Don Jolly, •Reu- rin, Of Goderich,,,, and Ross Dam', of ben ,Srilbacher, Clinton, Chureh AR 1, Attlitirn, were involved in a Service, ',,torrimittee, • Don Jolly, rear end collision on No. 8 high- Chairman, Earl, Oesch, C. E. Tal- .1,vay east of Seaforth Monday hot:- , morning.- The one car was The Ladies'e, Ait'iriliary elected /*die& :over the edgeofthe the following' officers to office: bridge crossing Silver Creek president, Mrs. W. j. ThonipSon, at Lilms. Park, , snapping oft the Seaforth; Nice -president, Mrs, Earl rad on One gide, Both drivers Oesch; Zurich: secretary, 168, V, Caped injury, althoughthere Wag A. Motisseate, Kippert; treaSurers, ,about $1,200 airriege to both Ve- Mrs, E. Cudmore;‘,11011$811; Char, - lam, Mr. C. E•. Talbot Eayfield. thipin Footbail 140.ago.C4.11L-OP- e'rate, this Year with •- four team, it wasi.slecidedr:At:!.a.inenting".!..rties.,.. daY, evening.' When the 'deadline. for receiving entries:- had „ peeped,: only Clinton, Winthrop, -St, Colum- -ban ' and ',Walton had tittered,: retarY-treastirer lIa r r. Y. Holger.," _The _opening game iri ther_sche: dale -fakes place" Friday"--eVening in St. Colurribanwhen Clinton .15 the .. visiting team. At an earlier meeting in Walton Community Hall, When plans" for theseasonwere .advanced; it had been indicated that,,Xinbetn.' and Brussels would also field leams' WINTHROP TB f theWinthropMcClureFootballaeeb#° president team4 f thist - NSOR. JU e Winthrop Foot all_A Mon- day ,reeht. The ,nieetiug, voiced °P- Preval of entering a team, in,t Huron Fopthall.:Associatieri . again Other officers are: •Irwiti,John, eten,:secretary-treastirer; 'G en- Mc - lure, manager; .manager; bick, Dalton ...and DOR' McCliire; • " coaches; Les Dol nage, john 'Alexander and Bill Kerr, field :Committee;•, ,Leeming, Austin- Doi - 'triage -and Bob -Beattie, ...gatekeep- ers; -Mervyn, Gotikin„., Art Alexan-- der,. Rnssell Dolrna'gp;',HarireyDol- mage, krank....Tolmston; 414 Kerr and Bill Dein-lade; linesmen; - erne Godkin club representative; . The group.: decided to tisre'Salt- fee:the initial Marking of. the fk to kill-11*--graes-oir'the,lines. -The- club this year "intends', buying sweaters and socks. The neces- sary funds will be :relied by, a raffle and a dance. Nominated as " committee to.: make , the neces- sary arrangernopts-ivere-Ken-Bet-- tleg, Ross. 'McClure! .and Jim Axt- mann. - To 'help bolster the team Strength in future years, the club will start 'a, junior team, .Age for the tearit' will be 14 years and .under. • Managers for this team are Den McClure Jiro. A:4.f Mann and Bob. Campbell. Practiseswill he :held. Tuesday' . • .„ 's0A1111 A graduats • ed Tuesday from • the 110SPital: for , Sick Children, 'Potent°. The gradttatien•exercises were held m the :Convocation Hall, • University of • Toronto, Tiles- , clay everting, ',Barbara is a! niece of MISS Mabel "Iturnt",„.t.1•11,' 'Seaforth, and is a ,foriner ,se4- . forth District lligh Scheel Graduate. ' NIOR TE and Thursday nightS to prepare the team for . the, eon -ling :season. The fence- on the west side of the field -Will also be repaired.. . , Variety Show Aids '.canter -Fun Hurons -Caner -Fund Was -bell stered ,by.':$75 'following effort § of the Huron ''County`Fariners'• Un- ion. Proceeds". from an amateur and variety show, held in the, Sea - forth •Distrief .High iSehdeil FridaY night, were turned- over to the can- cer .societY. . ••• • Fred Dobbs, Exeter, .head of he HarOn ',County -cancer organizatien, spoke on the need' of money/ for 'research work._:•=He. stressed: that everyone'.ehould'di."their ehare to help 'eonibatthisdisease. He expressed to the •7arrners' ...Tiaioik:for their efforts. , Chairman for the, •programi was .Boh•Taylor,'Hip;ondirecter for the nunion he thanked Ibbse-that attended and thase that,participated'and helped make:the, show a success. - . • ethold, Malcolm, but ,entries,;:froni,--theseTeeniteS'Aid net,•-• • • • --- -..-Hast-presi en es-Dolniage pre: Sided. for: the . Organization. meet. - ng, Which , -naMed ;pi---.Steveng, Brussels, as, president. Other offi- CerS:ineltided;'''!'Leon'•,MalOneY„•:St.,. Oaltitidiazi; ••,; Harry- Berger- - Walton,was ',againnanded secretary. Mr.. Holger .saidWed- rreaday a". futther., Meeting- Was • piannej."jt-WAs;•;,-1/iosSible,. lie said,., tha-tthere would be•-',CliangeS,'uf the executive in ,`view of the aum-, bei'76f-t-eams; thatthad entered, ,••• , G-ames are seheduled....- as fol- lows: 23 -Clinton, at. St. Columban 30 -St. ,Columban an -Winthrop 41---Winthtop at'2Walion!.. 6. -Clinton at -Winthrop . ,6---Wa1toit at St: -,Columban. 13 -Winthrop i; it St. ,Columbaia 13 -Clinton At Weltan- • i6 -St. • Colunibani• at •Clintom•-•.,- 20-,Walton atWinthrop, 257 -St. Colninban. at Walton: 25-Winthretv. At ,:'Clinton , • , 25 Toni:: Waste :Paper-.'. Seaforth Liens 'shipped appraxi- , • • , matelY. '25 :tons of paper as a re- _ , sult=of "their drive on Wedneeday- UnfortnnatelY;' the, returns Will not be as great as in other years,, since the Wastepapermarket' is low, ac- cording to. he committee in :charge of the, drive. •• -Wiirliensediti. fur thee the'LionS Coin:inanity •welfare pre- „RrAlla. ..:! 1 rigie Copies, 5 Ceutt, MO a Year in Advance In .January ; 1908, the .schooliteusn at S SS. :NO. 4, •'Hibbert, -opened its doors to, the young folk.of "the.dia: ii4Cf:7146WaiV.Ty- , , . will be: opened-. .all the ' fernier 'Sotto -late, now spread 'fat and wide, to return and help celebrate : the 50th anniversark. • !Former studentS, Of the Scheol re laying -Plans' :for the' rennion., bdate- some 260- 1.iaVitatiOnS:, have -beeii-4'entLout-Seeteta,r-Y1-111i/s„jee_ Melady,' :•Dublin, stated ;that • the Organizers-, Itope thcy. have.,- sent invitations • to all the old-timers, but that if -this..,.was not the case„. they .eciuld still receive one if -Che secretary Was contacted ,Fronr tlie replies 'reeeived by the union/seeretary,many - old. pupii.s and. teachers are ,:looking lorward to ,the, big. get-together. • .,,Heads the coromitteei charge of the affair are busy lay , - mg. the initial plans, -Chairman of the retinionis Wilbam McMillan. - Coirtniitteeheade inelucle-;„ grdiulas,. reidf,!!SpriWTeld-LDOY1-0.; 40).01;TOrleT.: WM. McMillan;,,invitation;Commit- tee Mrs.Thos. MotriS,,,MrS.,Alich-.. iel Secretary ;is thepreseti :day', tea -Cher: .Mes,TJeseph-- Seheol,,-. . Situated, in the Middle of the sideroad between the 5th :and .6th; concessions of Hibbert :township, 'south of St. Cohitribani, the.schoot opened its doors to 22 pupils in January, ., 1908_.:It-',--came to be known as SS.S. 4„; . and to many;. Sharon_ sill, scnoel.First trusteesoLAh_schooL were- • Miles ,McMillan- Themas-,,Connol- ly. and Michael Coyne. First teach- er was""-Belitia. O'Connor, ' new Mrs i. ocett,-_Itfcts7eafOrth„ who !=reinallied at the, :Seliecit "for the first 'like Years if was pen comprised the first '„,etiiderie-body, Were: - Aldie O'Connor,. -Mildred- RartY,.-TheMas Con- nolly. Albert Margaret Coyne Agnes 'Connolly; Daniel holly, Mary' BarrY..iLania -Barry, Seufor e- ees Meet '-Mitchel In Opening Gome Seaforth .PeerWeei ,plaYed their first- game- -part- ef..-Vieteria.Day celebration in Mitchell on Monday. The 'exhibition. game with lVritcholl ichell cOming.,•.,put.„On top; 12-8., The . . . was a less for locals, with. Mit; 'celebrations Were sponsored by the Junior Chamber of ,Cointherce. Seaforth took the lead hi -the -firs inning .2-1., .•lipt ;slowed up .in the second, with Mitchell': collecting two runs. and Seaforth none. In, the-third;.,•hoth---teartis- put fOur. runners- 'across .rhome platn, reake Mitchell in the, ,lead, 7=6. Fiero, :then:, on Mitchell 'held the, lead, • shoving 'seven reeS in, While Seaforth .6:mated only. two. „ Kine.MCLipair Was top player for Seaforth, .collecting ,fpur hits.: He also.--nitched--the-first.'4eur-innings„ esti lehtey...geaainc.iie.; aBo At ekr ,xtr: and Peter .SEAF,ORTH---,Tom Philips, P. Sillery,, Kim McLean,. G Pryce, Jim Silis, Jerry Hall, Ben.,Akker, rap'er/"Bola-,,Bauple,,Jee:'Diek;.- Mari ..Patterson,. 'Doug Wright,, -,..R.' Fortune and K. „Campbell. MITCHELL Vipond, Fidler, Catherine . Roach, Michael Barry, Wililam-DeCoursey; Albert' Connel- ly; Solin••••,Coyne, 'Alicia Coyne.„ John McMillan; ,EdWard COnnolly,-,Josepli Coyne, A./101S -;,2KennedY,:- .'LentS. -Roach, r ,Tancy•,•Burko. ,' , • -'••••' In 1951 aschooTarea .was• ed whicli is made, np. o1 ,th6.,,fot. lowing °P..• Hibbert (Dublin'- and ,SS.S. No. Hibbert. This area is no kilo as-R,C.88.1,T, 2 2 4 Hibbert, and .Mcvilloit The Present,,,,,tacheel board: is 'Wilfred .O'Rourke..james , Krauskopf;,.'„,,onig O'R-eilly with „Tosepii O'Reilly as crer., s iva • I4SSOCITIa Mrs. Dale Nixon starts her sec- ondterin as president; of Seaforth and School :,AssOciatibn. At 'a Meeting Of the asseCiatiori Tues- day evening; officers, for the joba W. Talbot, principal • of. •Seaforth :Public School.: Mrs; Nixon :served- • AW-'!'".:-NiktiN"' who was -named President of 'the Hanle' and ' Scheid. Association. ' here Tuesday. , 11 011 arloonis Mens hi Names New Clerk Deitz,..Buckner and Pugh. • Hullett_ Council ntericiins ,werin, :crawled around ;:the basement . of :First Presbyterian Church Tuesday night! „However, girls present- at that time Weren't frightened of it, , faet,•::'• they oundArather funny. The reason, it was none other than that laugh - producing Luke Worm: -- Merle. '`Ting" Tingley, cartoon,- ist4for. London dairy newspaper, was • gireatspeaker at the Club meeting 'Which had dS its guests :the Members of the junior choir: .Mr. Tingley and his trade- mark Were, Luke, entertained the then and their guests 'with -an ex- planation .of the day's . work of a - cartoonist; • • , • Conti/thing , his entertainment, Ting dieW. Many.earieetures, most- ly Of political stateemen, ;in, the,. and'tileset-WerelfiVen-to-itiT err at the conclusion. Bach caricature was 'persOnally auto- grapbed by the. guest. i Mr.) Tingley*: was ntroduced., by Harvey H. Leslie and thanked by Cosford; , The junior choir took in aetive part in ',-the program. •Brier to the diener, Grace wassting by T, Worker: "Weidif you increase nay wages? was: married yester- "Sorry," said the foreman, "but we are net tesponSible for acci- dents outside the factory"• . . ' the . junior groups. Later , in the At4,1 :evening they sang the two popular T�wnsbip domicil, harry Tehbint songs "Catch a Falling Star" and me", The group was led, .by H. A. Kempster, ' chinch organist -and choir leader. Mr. Kempster spoke -a .few Words' Of appreciation to the club, expressing, :big, pride in. the .youthful . • On behalf Of the choir,. Anne Sharpe thanked the men's club for the entertaining evening. , toWils1110 :c1,6*,:: Ile succeeds ' George .Cowan, who 'held the.„ office 13 Years:: • and resigned 'because .' of peat.: healthy: ;. , Tebbidt. was ,chesen.,....after inueli''.'cleliberation over .seven' Oth- er applicants. 'At:.preserit he lives on a farm on concession 8, but, it, is understood that, he will move' to LOndeeberci' .eoen, Cattle SaIe Top„, priee of $425 was paid by ITerliebt W. Martin, ViTallenstein, Ont., at a successful dispersal sale Of - Dual Purpose..:Shorthorns 'at - Scott' Farms.- .Wednesday. , He bought' Red 'Rose -2nd, whileher daughter lirotight' $250 from'• Don McIver, of Bell:nerd. The- -sale was , largely attended, aa',.".1711.tiy:etk,:7,froiri';,acrogg': OntatiO• sOught-ott..aoirnal§' from -the.'Wide- 1P;rtnown.Seott,..hercl,-Hichling-Was, triak,12-With..COWS• going at at aver- age j.:ef $334; wo-year-gJd heifers averaged $232, - aid • :OneST„ear-Old; beiters:$203; . heifer calves averag- ed '-'$ila,`,Land. calve $134. The imported '.wa,§ • Sold: to''.DelbertLoeiges,.. Zurich; •fer. $470 He WAS...first prize bullt'at•Royal Geiger. :also. purchased Red Beauty :for; :$375; :;,.Seatortli $370; and -S eaforth. aid"•2itd, , $350, . -Seaforth-„Melody--7.th'Werit Chambers, Crediton, or : •while"o b4if o Seaferth:,..Melekdk4th was . by .: Mark ',...Haritiltere; Walton, ,, at .••.$.125.. 'Lloyd Stewart, :1;„ ,Clinton, bid in Seaforth McI- ody ,19tli. at $330, and Lady Mary id at.,. $3.25.•• • • • • ••.. . , . ---Othesalesifteliiirehasers-inAhe district included: 'John A.. Keys, Varga!, ealf- of..Seaferth Rosary 3r4,.„ $3.15,;',.,Hartild.,•PrYde,...'4-7Sea: •forth, ..ealf, of 'Seafortli.,, Jasmine,:, $8.0;'•John T JfcDougall,-.RR -1, trenSari:palt of Seafprtpr, Doll,: $135; Mervin Betterinatin;•. RR 1, finblire-:Seaforth Janet .3rd, $255-;.: .John A. Keys, Varna,•,i,calf. ,of Sea- ferth $100; :and; Wilfred 1Vl•6911aidi, RR •5.,'Seafettli;.,Seaforth ...1311Yers were 1:1.resent';'..frorn to 'Port -Elgin to ',Medford, Anning,..those Who purchased •••• sek- • oral 'head, were, Mrs. H. MacKid- lay, of lamInihie, arid.....Hetbert iStaloY,,, Of • 'Theaferay, who each bid, in six cows. • '* • Attain:leers :Were • W. S. O'Neil,- Denfield." and Heft POPPer,, • ,Sea, )forth. ", •11 , . . At :a. birthday Party, elle, sweet thincadVaticed.cri her, hostess and preSentea. her: With a. liege .electrie "Mere darling," -' She Cooed '"this'._ will help ..yOu'bloW out the :candles on .your ,cake." ' as' president in -1357-.38; er from past preside4.: E. ,Patterson. Other Officers ins vice.7prethidentSi."first,,, Iledgert; •-Secelat,"1\1rF, third," gi.,-Edf. Malkus sec Mrs. Orville 'CtIce; treasurer; Jach Mooro; program corney Beshart,- .Mi -S,, F. ford,;--74-rs;:-.7At Johrfuir4._..,S0C fa jaele.,,Ifelland;;. aleterii4 ...correeporide l,jortnn; "-::''visual ":aids;. -:410 -Finance eomm itfe Mks education, , Bari -Dinsm irnisie,-;„ ;Miss .M. -Turnbull"; he Mrs. E Ellis'; eitizeriabip, Harold Nicholson; •membership Mrs.HoWard Wilson, offieers'eleet Mrs. .Robert Charters., .Aagt Mrs. Pctcr MatedIrn was pi of the 'inonth.•2'. The'-'2.-clasg, of •'; - Ellis, won, the award- fel': most*, Parents atI•the: mecting. 'the eyerunes-i'p, grata' .Wete,..,pnrabers'by - winner at.."the.-HUrOn,;"•Connty •MnSie ',FO tival at Goderich. With- Mr. T. licit*as niaster.;ot, Mrs J.- A. Stewart 11S aceoinpat the, seyen,indiVidual,S.-sang t test-.4iteeeS.,Whiellf.,T.wen. for-Abe/it high marks. - Singing Hob:. by; Black. ,Drearns"-;', -"New Shoos"Sharon ''Ie - Nichol, • '''`,`LtiCy Lavender"; -:, Ian Sims, Spring, Barbara •Tildbail; Lovely Lady"; ; Calder; ,f ---Going-•, •2-TOm • -, Dick. "Loch Loniond.".. Mr., Til - bot thanked, the':,soloistS-.' and also ' the -accompanist for her assist- - ance. • ts a c oauullg t 0 n «jority At 1,16 There was a 67,53 per cent turn- . -ant- 0fvoters- Iluron-by-elec, - . , • , tion, figures compiled by election officials reveal. , • Of the 18,849' 'voters _who were eligible • to vote,. but 12,729 -less than two -thirds ---actually cast -bal- lots: 'There were 88 rejected 'bal- ,lot.S. • - • , J--Nitli.:the?...e.icePtion: Of one poll, where -the IVIacNaughton vote was , reduced' by two, there - was no, change in the. results; Of, the "by- election following the official count --uestlay--moraing,+- ; Carried _out; by returning' officer ` It; T. Balton and election clerk WI E. South:gate, , the ' ebUttt 'showed the MacNanglitor_ljnajOrity--"to lie----,-- 1t1.651V1F-MaeNaughtori polled 6,947 Voteg; While the 'Vote for Dr. 'Add" ' son was ,5782. Reedits announced' election night had :given Mr, „Mac. Naughton, 6,949 votes, for a ma- orit' ,1467, ,-The one -Change occurred in Poll 313, Clinton. ' SuinniV:"Sr_ _ z -Addison MacNatigh Clinton , 669 , 600 - Exeter , , 318 ' 846 GoderiCh- , 757 ' :1,697 Hensall 186 Seaforth .461 Goderich .Twp. '-265 365 Hay , 701 • 399. Hullett •384 ' ' 312 . McKilIo .... , 332 - 233 . Stanley "431 440 Stephen . 457 636 -506;" 397: TOTAL,S 5,7'782, 6,947 MajOrity for MacNaughtort71,1,65, sEAP011,111? DISTRICT *at 't0Ofteifikr at Ontario , AgrieOltirral.; College graduation ,oerhnionieg '(;)e Friday, when five $,,t0f.%_zgtad§.'reeeived degreo8 of liaelielor''41-$Ciptiee'' in Agrieulture: ,Shown here (left to right) they are: WWir Brock, R.R., 2, Itiplieh*'John S. VicOaVin, R.R. 2: Walton; Broth, 1,1t. 2, Itippen; W. lf,eYg,' ILE; 1> Soider,tb,, and -Bolton, R.R. 1