The Huron Expositor, 1958-05-16, Page 87­:� it—TRZIWAw EXPOSITOR QIXT Arog M, 'Ne*i� of $t. GoluiO4fm NEWS OVDIJUIAN' ogo, MR$ a D.UATE$,-,A$-��NURSE,,,G.r,.'o"d a.-FrOM, : "' - , T TEXAC010 UAVING LEADOURT. 01STRK K. COST LLO,,G Wj�a 7�.3Q 'ili,,r Le;r hool, �p and,' A . 'Stq hsep,Ws s or IRKBT P R'O 0 U'�-.T, 0 e dl y di4tticf W� $il,"Wlzo� in TOM_`�' H Rt FREW EtAT1 -0, PW S, AND. R VK -ATT oys and Of LIP'44ury'.8c a fIr arming iromp Iss P -At', one Mrs. A .9, 166 Y. re.7 Any IlUOM11111-1 0 Is, and a! -icia Cdi�e )itheo I in Of on. 76& Mr. b Cn,.1yby Xeaorick�, Stor. of ',the S 6 Qlvprie pm Yell D U th -ith. spei 'Eknie toil th0ii 4ske tht% Kitkby u4rse� who,, A rit the. 40111kend. iA �o ON a 4%4% 42 4 At TV'nerfirh'ty- it r, . t� sifioil Of 06p Charge,'4- Seridees'at ed, from St, Plos I spitai and, K� a.m. -, D s, orC� at a. Itart T.e '114 esday Ferndale� $� , ,te wim tUSURAN C1 'we � epix's."R ,h y Ffldvl�lnjgR XUrsmg;-, on e h fitMRY,to,W5eg d'Jn'the WintbroP., �O uff' -30 School, of WeOnesdoy .-and. P61irl4c" Mich,' ie,.p � c ajrs_ C�nno,, Sr,,, �M A J, �q e th 4404 p.m.,; �ervjces even Mr�;. Co'� mes me' of,: the *r 31 J49S. aid,Aly ing, , nd tf, $, tello atterided� a, Ja 'a ngtiug"r 0;t & WXW CQA1PO -ELLIN,G. on. -Daylight 44*iug Txme.�­R` V. mother and da0ght;er tea Ps M�k94 joseplt!s, Hospital" $Chool �ipf Nors�- s. beld in the L&adbuk address ?,it 0 th I AnfA khe, pr ee $)T.V DW r'., , _, �P esentati amps ummere denCe, 1,10,r,.. Of WYOnihig, With� I,.Krl,, And itg� X.461140n." Rosemarie -is, ' the to. a 'and a large,, rairr Mr., .-an ln,the),j$ I—— th ' ' ' t W "A 'S 11, Minister... the'rn� r4i SehooL', Vr. nd,M heir,.dAughter.-are moving oVe _d vba)�tgsl- Anglicait.%Ch enmg, at, ames Hall Dorr �,Mgejkjae. 6ughfei.�`61 Mr, izind:, rs� 'Aq new -home � in' Bi UgSelgin-jfi or to C Motuldg� Pt4yer Even� mversiy of Clso 0 qoo,- G�e-:�Xdfie 'Feerie�y Kit. Ducligry -Hi bert .1 hi reltie, IRA 1 �,Au s �e_near Mrs. Kirkby,�i�as- made- Y, A 686 4 rate to Owns 'P' futuro,�'They.l b V%' �Iern 'Me �a'vo soldthei farm and Walter,$ t olq� �e .01''T10 Com, 'm where the, graduatiow �xercises. 'ch ii r, with Mrs., Catherine 'Fe'en- 'dip , � C� and, a, pen Ph h one, 49ug" exercxse�,held�at or .. an pi�n il'8e "w's PUM4 P. �d ie 0 men t . i41-1 �, �9 ... I ", �, �,! th, at t6qk­pl4pe, q,, tt preset 4i_g Were., Janne.,,,, you,,,ready-,to,'JVA: L. iis ��Appre- 'room,;, - Mr. and Mrs,' Loui8-'Ldn�.e and Url and,: OW the !�tft C Are ey )WW, _Pdnesdhy thO�ArsVSUnday of' k P11 P op. M 11 r- an r§.- -Toe, 6. 4 med _Mr�, and- uchre, And I JW ;Da IDER4.,ou, am Us. nd th A-4 p, I d�ughfer,� 'Londo -tb­, -and� Mrs.- Catharine y .4ost eir were, play� c"44-, ''alL at� U r.. y.:e bd,. The,-*! euchrp-vere:� C1 obal L 0; To 41 1 7 _,; onto, Mrs, William. ane th th'4� u a in sond, 11 Bernard,�,Panx d'' 3 ki Of !1� NET. "A" qn I P L ON., R every, Stmdo,- morning, at 10 -a.m. D blin,,� GOrd Cost Linda, I Oi high' J)'a#p- Wat�on; C a Ve �RL&v.iJ;,.,,`, ;Fames Rectot.., Mrs�' Mary, 'Febjiey�' Mr'., W* Mr..; Kenneth StdPl6toh,1 W'tL lone U0 PL as Com- 4N -A high, A JID D pr 34tro , gents' dAr_ andr Mkg.� 'Martin. yqar,courSe�taf',Ry� gus Kennedy '4 Pleted. hislint Churcl keency, nd Nokth'Ode T)nitea " :, I I . - hat etSQij Ins tute Mrs J- M! 't , , ;�­ia es, tom, But�. e� as iit&yy� AT hur milt- ncks� Charlie urante tjorbfijo.� � B4 Fe6ney, I if h D dria, SbaTmO1LJ;, Vn ers, a T M, cops!jla 49p, Olie'Aeid� The Q,afid'. Mrs Mrg, urch SL -Mr.-And- __qbtaineid,,k,_pqAi4 �dpK!�§ rute W ITAll �,D io Ltd,.�- in 'Wate f th E1J* &tt Mo�jri_ John- XT &, Newcastle, Or� 00,, Or e,,summer f S I "IA t Agents-,,...-,. , - A 71 41t. Bk -months' R Con' e illr St -A t." Ors Tere� ner&iti.� 11,-irwere-girls" higli'- W duded:,; 1by Mtq,L,Rbyr-Murphy;,: Pon- $ __s M Whet B yyjimiharf:�L S I boys' ',high, Bobbyi M A JOHN A. CARDNQ.L mg Mich Mi. 'and Mrs. John ham in Willov�dale� and', 1 7$6 a''y te 114Sery for.,'.t6ddlers;. to -d M with kt,'�'and­ s4auiion; Linda" I&M Yr,, F%idaS, _and' Mrs.` 06orge,, Dnchairii�, ZE"' ]R' L-inda Darnell -,'And ?"' I fill 11111 *gdtidn; Nor earghori afbAk., 'kichoMrs MCQUflIani'.' Air, 11' Soinervill6r, boys' consolation, Jack ca, 3umor,congr th a X Oflh� . Ii- sL n W�a&' s auskopf owffig: the graduatioft M s' r, ing.11ayden,' - ide, Yotith�..F iceptio 'r, - AL McCall' h li"', C It Ule -"!Mgn r ton v 'C--, no p t efitiO` _whiCh_ J:1 b _e -held'Lafter the Billy'�and, .'and :i� pioir"ni-40ii -7 A jil' United. Church,- graduation at e. Cat 'o c u pre F Mrs., B INch h A, �h�i Haiti aus op numbers -'�by� A, ney.in R, -din CentTe 'in �ondoA -for eL Tonto, with Mr,- 14ich, a net serve Oi at'tffe Savoy no- eL — � -4T . �L 'mclUd' _tWL� eafQrtkT ra M'S':Co't I Xr,* k f tel,, -L?ftdou. ed o chorus* _Lylel o as S' 11t,Mtic oulft(i �iah Eihpirp,Day�, ervices;�, 'glic Riv( and; �4ungle ft 'hter ;4ringvil1Li;L with McIv `)Kajen 'BoofitS- Im 17,1 ' r _L'Mrs- osqP11 'nibfid,, �brgariist and. choir lead Will" d4d a am XcKAY,' Seattle,' Wash.� f S 'an' MtS Sy vester. R' conVeL of the �Otif.Arl visited"'with Mr' an� Mrs�� AUrtba .11yef "'I 7� W1. -:4 an 0 Ea(C, SU�je'ttL;' WeismirieLiter. S- 'L 'Inst IM , , I . y4n. two-day nti6n Jack, CONSTANCE,, OR SA L i a,M a s --J0 rmy- toria� nd.ilaug of -S ,UeCU' L Vie ifute �gathering-..at -i� I i �. bmen?s er T. an&. M Jack V60M _�rid 'ey '.in w, �pe4ks , To Our- Generation,; 7:30, Mrs.��Lt)ui§ -,,�]Pillow and'. Dordfiy..� M" ult al C611e Mr: and MT Ont�rio ..gric ur g& at Mears ge . C', T "oo,"r",& M�S &tharn L E'as , vv. hqTWay Frid -y" Pm )(OUhgLLPeopJ6�jL.�'Uniou­ o6t- Mr- and A �wfi sons of _MidIand,`Miq41#'4'# NIGIL'I 'William For 0 00 �e In ".t s e-rvices.. at entS It ukeh 'tended" h utters and Patri- AiTmO�.,Lynch M" *- at-, Giofpl,. it,,, ith, Misses and __ I betro Aghes'�'ii ' staqdirig� 0kQg.rani'jr j.410 Ch e� gr�aduatiori the,weekend -witil ttie�.Jgtjq 7 Miss Phyhis� B Mrs ar, L $ Cl a d ase- t -iniSt&!s, Bible, C1 )a6 11 fun b School and M ass; London day.evening� Miss Ilene stello,', Lo eto� at t ir �tun returu in 11 am.; Timior 'Church Whetham gra uatb of, the 0 h, , 'L . , , .it _., n- th MtL: ery r in �June. 'Frank Rowla' d' ,asses. rio Tea ers and Mrs nd�.Brennema Oro over Mirs.- Jerome-. Nicholson,. aTI& Son;, Of T n o, With an --Sheila am -end wore: Mr. Donald Dwe g, west�end,,.: 0 do a" week It, Large Frame* 77777777 rLs. J, Mr.�Loms the qNOUNCEr4E and' M a me. tschenet, and and.Toiiyj 116''and Miss- Shirl6yi Becket Mrs. Mr. George: vis1te Mr� and Mrs. V. r-- --Wi �s I�I—Ltr_�, pri-, - -- ----- ern i on�of Sco It, Sarn . !a;-, AT ­­­ a L nd IN Urn ay�_ R.O Y. Sep �Vilie, wi�hrt6 M- _M,r�L­ Alft4d­4-ord � � , 8 mr�, ie, fton - -All, Tt -'Meer T4 &460�6e"�i' AT NT' P. KriuskopE L 6lahvi outside town limits: es 'J. saof--cr-e- -Mr. ans ttatl n S '0 ISSL and bath,; new oil furnace. of,.Eginow Lydia Jordi-' and- 'dai ghtej� n- McIver B.aynbam and er, heice -Dillon Of4_St: ario of, Ex8t Y h Irs. E.' Jordi-, RzAe apartment; partiall co�m eitga sdit, "d M "A ent of theif daughter., Wit and Mr'.' an4c 2 Thomas,:-xand. iMr. and� �krs. �Ijas' �Vith,;Mr 'and Mrs. William McIver. P' Oc -and, family and 'k No'',, ODELI 4roA '-pleted. 'Priced-4-tright for quick Mar to .-�Gln Joseph son. Sm, lene 7iiarieL 'Mrs th' Mks Ke y and daugItter, Seaf6rth, �'it� evine''L an, k It§., Loul,g ford" ispent the ;end` with Mr acklin ort -of Lloyd -Etue, urich, ,with .0thy, Dillon and DO! M, oote, d, Of ac ' rt)�r 0 the,marriage IVIrs,' orett�a, 6 yneaUX., ------ ary k 68 4948 Alere4y— C rid and,frion d Of M i Mi AITS. Jac qoy, an bach an, bo UTI '1VIiSS Regina.' owm ymout a. _Two­bHedro6nd�L ra_rne-_D*-eIIiug,_ na on, ay oVISILe h P1, �Credit,i,with- ik.f. a Mrs. man brother. Stap Ir -Bor.d0i to, 'man, wm4n, S rdtf6rd' 4�9 AT' h C "L0CAV4R:1EF"S:`­­'d' &derich S . t We ' Sj.L i Rrown-attended e1,709 119 erreury GoaeL -years E _w S6dLa,�_ very modern convent.- .;,mr:, an i Y;, on_ -..-MaXel at- nd, t . i r cell �'afidl Gra nd Orangre o ge, �q I artOL d Ais. Jack,'Cl6ar L Mr� an*&-169�,r; martm� 720L ti sve4 EV__ and aps Boshd7ft and , . 11 -EMQ AT. ence, including oil, heat', �Vith: MT '-an arma I!Dcati&t. Worth--, 4ting. a 40 S d4l S, Sjju� h ...... q4 y _C 00 t Loll On-, Mr' And-' Mrs n f Goderich, vere, guests- of; Slo all, wir. en Mel wain. il rIfutchings bf -Storey and hal -0 '740 d: V, S erPl r . _§._ _7� _ ,, -­ -- 0 a a Y�Aylt 7 777��i sXca or an '12 __Q_PQre own urcell, Tar, and Mrs Kejj�`I oach DligCIC'6 L -famrily: spent he, wee,k IL -St. Asttestos. ald - T an-00-�L on, Sunday. P"Miss, I -Tel I hurse.i� pflated;' With -all eaL 4�.S�Ihrestbck: r aii&`VrZ K Sills 250. V a- ndo4-Li'..,aiid-,Loridpn"�r,ari en �kalOne Lo an. spen t e Cehtra a , d IV Air. aM'Mis Mr 0anies., loan.. - te I or W m a, wer 'f.h or, parents� U e's s -Coa 7 . ' h' IT94 T :kin,!.qr' oup dr: I&S. W 1 * Cl I ISSr n rs. last week 9t 9,;' �e Oor Sed,� an ratford, �wlth 9 27.5.0, Az 0, S I ore starting 949� , OheV. Panel i5 hro -Malone:,.! -,and- 1 _ _P, * ' * ' t�*� of int iJ: L &Y11ER PROPE of k: �!(;e r �e DLUNDAS 'Se I Haixl6yr XT950 A Leyburri;: we Sedf6rrth AMO LIESTED 11 kaown aforth term SS'Peggy, W.illi�L, �Uolph, e, all 001i _d Presidep 0 Was `7 7 949 0 -96 Sbdayf truckers, Was gule8t,r of e17 paTen s� r. a N6, Chd t C� Wa erloo bunty 7 an frien ki t. Mrs F daughters VlSit6aLr�Wjilir 770. 27' 00,, 1veStoCk &: M '& District pge In Tr u c ng.� ,§socia lon'r er' the eek- C, 19� 1 FOA o'aeh m6, 00: on mUe e, 7 'or 138 ov ALr. E INSURANCE a --,includes M,.,r 'Mks T'77 were r. an ..',,Wm..- eiger, f And, TI which 950 —COUC 0.`0 0 ip"' visit S ce: of so �,tdwhshipr,, visit U 0 ot `�Siea d pie me. 400--mernbers �mam il Mir _776 2' Exi)o _1_950 __P1 �275 00 D roi .:werre, 'we e X'S _th__ jSSeS a 'Be OU furniture-711irdugh, a -Hur Wilght, 'to: office -a t_aL _ip6eoi . Lt I Meet -cillors-.- Ball ed�n 'ih q 00 ne:, in, w.00d Awed i$06447 r 16 Phb field'iiv Piaf�rsburg M S William eeb I � . r, 780 41 tune returned. tax, J948 6,u ;,9 ed MrS.1��, I ence Mont T.! home �With;�Ljh are r Clar gomery jre� he 'ilding -pormilts:,�wem is-, i' d hi. f t agJh.��p4st eebu urne , ome, a L er yr�sA it Mr�5, Willi h d iams, Paul week, ith� er�,sistek'�in Detroit, MAKE TJS-�,�,AN­: OFPER -s. of D r� E linstall: Standord sue _O au M,a Mt in en'' j�l u, eturnOtis' are--spen iug�ar�feW�days-with�LMT M Alex o..'e.j. iSwan: gair.a, 'on Tom Co Tljo M d' A'� McM. 'Marys.', "th" erWednesdAy, w M L , " '11, I - " - , L 8a.r'Street', th,,her,.baby and"Mrs rs.� John Mi S.,-iSt to pitalho E t a Miss - Work A M was co, e4' 8'000'rfor-_1 a,n( &V street'lighting ograw Rarbld gs and,i family, of S s2p� �7: treet 8t�_a tford, vigiteld, with lqr..�and iMrs for'4L Goderic B S Mr pke_CaSt creter John CUMmins", Unr ay� L to S ' d or a teratiorts th re-ft-orit" ern C: 7 oeen__PUt*_m:_,rI '.P- - 'i- 'tfi. Donald. -Lamont- and -L �Try;� Aacc� b-e� t o owing' a ters� Chalk on �S TRAT ardsi: Af ht am an e iml si 0 e -;7 mendineitt N tors, 'th of. Gqd&i�h- 'W. Arnold, Lamont, tj , ' ' L L L _ �:, L� �L' " �0 � L I . , r, 0dr I . il'' ' r , r r, I uton Ga§, by-, �Lw,,-, i d town -,b the, PU.0 Work� of 'Ham tba-r.r I 1117 No was r�,.passei n in, Tin an , . . .: j.' " r Lr - ier 8EAFORTH:" lines to am6nt�r and, S ilbkirl th d"r, C oith Five babies baptized at e TCHELL cer, Of the-.rrga� a ard§. MI LT. ad',Mrs. UgL to P. C,., X M. rk hurch: �-Re Ph Albert' u8rd'an� and d"', Tur"bull," '�T mayor service 6 worg ip ay. Morning a _S d d �W,U:� d4 --al . ate,. 6f Galt .,spent the 'w6ekend hee W f96 _P nL me la e Y, -0 c erk, wete also, aut orized- at North$id&L'. nited C a -the; Rall -B A 'B.D.1� agroMen Manager: 11�­B.Holme witli their.L Mother, Mrs- U t Mon a& GO ;aAffiih,isteie& S�e "d' Drive Coinplete 'Line 'of-- Lamon. J!LPaPY1 V sllahV., by Dr., aild M (time ther �Children By­Lar;�" 60j, on moticiri of C to rgUSdn;�� P e r . L i1e.1- Th and mr�: k`�!`&"e wage, by aw US asSW6 lors-Briidy- we' dirry: .'Afla�',� -on land -over at -P 16w- k, rid Air: hidn d- d trio SL� T lk� �With Mr:- and,, Mrs I% Albert ale 1:'�. �L T1 r M r WI .4,men e Anner,i _UE_ rSL. am-.- Ha n(l. IPJM.e 014gooe- -Mrs" E., L.'.Juh M w o her-.. 7-ffiewe—e VEK7wft h JVT r.:! DU ermina e,, rs Ts on ar er.m­Mf_Che_,­ ner.,., �Savauge ea er otr Mr;, jS:,� ell 1�le Otincil­l� h - Daly �I earl ter b5"', Tra inof Rev. and �Mk8� Ir:L Workm At, the and :MFW,an;d` F Cis S Ar, ene a atA e -SMAL-t- visited: at the 'home of" 'Mr� "r g partly, led t6 the�:de a8! M '",Eiendets6ii,i-o D6#0it, Q. a SE THEA' N"d'i ikbb bf; CdUncil t6, see r.*hat, could . .... . y atone� Wltn wn. prope y PULLING�4_POWS, it' 4y S, T_S_ 'IT and Mr A, West: of T. ail a�-Dl_Mg s ThO 'Best B, �eSt' itt'.Toroji �*6& m th.e, houqe,* Dem.onStraflon 1/2 Wg'� , L; -Bra cost to&, uch to fi w hl ffie,'old, water. otks.�;,It Would, ftwond. attending he' t.h felt ' While. it I & " PEAC'.HESL:�20 OZ to 6 'St , spac6'foj�: nine 31' [Alle� 6n; could b o� Coll- a convent ria RON; T. t the er 0476ge k6ya Work' O�k .7 money. RQYES N �ileCisi6ii. �w-a�' Nott, . r'.i , r, OF LEX' Di Cl6fk,. was Ou Monte,FAricy, TA ohe �rs Raymond �xeach-�d, but, J Thi whWuiclteO Nandy. Nott,,' has. te; :ffio -present oecu- ate�d­ UppfyL R E­� , ing t t Del -Mrite IN T _,Ii L schoo s ng'. them to, vdeate:.,,As jr i,,", , Lib C- E briry � r " I urned N rith th t as PGssi e. 'xkq S EAS---� -oz. 1; G,' sWEEr. Far OM, ia Tits, Ae'staj 33' imer r 819AFORT11, I 11 Monte Cre�m B107 urther Your,' ona Ong, :for- the. bdle:7 for, S: NCY U i ma ElgiLe C ':y eyl6ilr* (new I I L Or USed' chii� FA Tin arers or :::�:t spent a,­feW, ays. left a.'a at Orne 11 n and maY"beL the:hi SUMMER ozsa: got 4,p initil Saf- JiTuosdak'r for Toronto, y 'T nPrR d, 1, D" PINEAPPLE JJUICE�� 6i� tbis week.� :in, where ffidy Will reside.' OZ. F 0-'-,o T WEARr T %S Mi. ani you JI VL o the Fliivour,' Del -Mon . ...... e tb Ice"arid Maine _' AE of, oronto, vis- FOR S e -T itdd with' Mrs,. J. J.,91ater ovei'th' C ATSU 35 QMA, eekend, IT mondr F _0 'of ,,7 r san. fruit" in 736'd S �7 e: 4 C DRIK�"Larg 'Wee trr--_Xt=A4nd_--MT _T_ �Mr. and,,Mk D d Oil-fdriftace, Posses Del'rr4ofif6r — :Pjneappl66Grape s. . ort., 'oo To, Ville Aldershot; S.Poht.ia fbW�'days,;la i L Ymi Tick a =7 Flv­nn_ i4ine on ilway Bick EllmatT e asr St. HE. OLVSOVE J k Weif6tt, who- 0, E 66M iff hospital in re E C ed.hme this. W66k W,W Ili AAAaebo*nald ',Pat- 1-57oz. Jar -OZ" jar Mrs, 2 1 rr , ' r., "PRANUT B .1 JT KL E S tent in Scott Memorial IfoSpital, 0 S t , h�40he 4� ip on s . . . . . . . Mr. 'klmer Rivers whas ken ?7 heen, in,'VictofA. S eXpeetS t6r., sOt oll't be for' some e'ek le . , 4 , , unimer is rapi y approaching. 1). l' .25 t; hij horo,(� f old;Worn- -------------------------------------- koakdown' able to . return ere caulif with a Cheery Morn L P ' )�n& B Ag or O"EE 9hortly -E rs. Alica Stfler visiting in Toronto; 'Sarnia, rand Detroit. NO N C Map le 1,11,1 L -Pburid Tin 00JCgD, a Golding left Th. T roje, day for ottAWa� . . . . . . . . . . . in, on 1.65 Greenwood, of Motrt_� real'r. eOple Chef BdY-Aa-lbee A' nea for four��p sand Mrs, H. f Id' our-�.'biisiness,' to 40 ave 69 0 oz- T! ev or h and laffiffy,, of G:H� 0 U S E 6as 'Griffin, M 7.WrE'ST.rl Ni: Ildei6ri, visited friends here TL d rs Y6 PER Ues Ay.. HEAVY WAXED PA R r. OndM .A bre tickme U Y6tlr,�Old machine ig W6�rth, Money t Mr and -Stewart Gedd . . . . . . . . 33e an&;family aftd and Mrs. 1. Whi. TLT on, .,k)bt, Ref ri in Sf at , the akg6., R611� .8, Foot of�'London,, visitQ, Stratford," Who "k 0 k Mrs. 18, 39c geratbrs_ Geddes on Sunday. Maple Leaf S10 Automatic t, . Sotithgate Mrs, SOCKEY19 SA Ti 5c. Troutbeck and misg. 16 Troui�,' a e 4 L ME DION'T MISSr T10 -e p Sse beck qMl$ton: Sunda rs. , Bruce Gebari,"Oi O"Aawa 'Llmed 't-ithr them.,and is spen g INS a few days�,hqre. ) - ". . . I r � 4, While th6 lieltmey6rs'do 6t tak SAV with er moth L;OW" I .0 :)A�YMF -J 'Hr Grant got tie 2 c Waterloo,. Spent Sunday with 14r: "th T Mrs Afid fami% of Sion in I ne Aon 'N Xt, th,,"the� vAll b sti6?9 A"e z. ..... . -'.Mr ....... Me ai 1mr, 'and` N wee 0, rum] , P , , g; oilk Oustonle llaws vita bfahne, 5f, Wingharti, le 00.-?, r Dand We hop,�11' �ii ............. . 29C an( Ce Mrs,, Joseph Gfdrnmkt, n6 . dolyiin get �4eqij. forth,, Spent 116 'and Meet th 0 Arg e,;L�Z t1b. Mg.. d St.- williamw 'rh t�j TLI erty P16 �IT Sunday , visitors', -at, the hdnrte� sh�ii and S were .............. Robin good 1b .8 'R ......... Y OUR un od i t ch nd - L with r --TP 'kRAL n,,,and Mi. and I DUYEIRSO ST FUN N FwY J%0JUSE r 'UNISWNGS OQft HA and' Mrs, AlVin MlOdleton,, 6f :A Mr U�do dd ha and kill, Of 11enS D V I L L 'ofifithiAn arrehiteeitite 1j_ . L . I '_ '; 'L' . ; , , D C ac 'Zed ))k teri Columns, usually tl 'and