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The Huron Expositor, 1958-05-16, Page 7
hese:meo kno sound tirestnents ` Huron;&pie - Canada Trust Debentures and_Trust Certificates Onunits of $100 ormore both thi:se safe investments pay '334% to 4% in.Lerest for periods of ], to 5. ears. Why not call in and ask' for details? u . o_ n r n :Ontario 0F,. ire, � . District Representatives:" Sonthron •. Hexisall Wa son ':R-ead < ' afor th 9l. } I nsali : aie�'P�ric s Prices at 'flensall community last Thursday. were , Weanling pigs. .$15-40. to 442.50; chunks,; $19.50 to $23, feeders,. $25,25 to '$2960; tioWS,$$`6 to, $1.3.5, Milstein ., eows;' $160 tO: $190; Dur. ham cows, $17$ .io . $2111,, Holstein calves,, $12 to $1,8; Durham, calves,, $40 to: 4,72i • `Fat wire:-:spld ' up -to 1,9 eents a pound; fat beafers; $23.60 a ewt„ fat steers, $24:10 a ewt " A total of 325 "Rigs and 254 cattle, and calves ,were sold. Sellthat unnecessary piece 4f furniture through a Huron -Exposi- tor Classified:: Ad. Phone Now' and then'creryi�oily "tired'out" fedli , an may,•be bothered by ba , gibes Perhap rw{h iacseportstr tempo�' candition;ca ed irritation r .�,amnary 4 bladder discomfort. That':s,the. time to telco Dodd's Kidney Pills.; Dodd's help ,stimulate the kidneys to ;relieye this condition which may. okeri`cause back ' ache and tired-feel'mg. Then you feel better ; rest•bett n 'work :better; Get ' ®odd'i< Iciditreyrolla now. Look for the blue boa witty the red/rood-it ali:.dri g d coudRe'rS.Yo can' IMES/DENT• ', OF DUBLIN• •`High -Students' ;;Council;.. Glenri.> Butters , wag. chosen 'toon- ' chos a L, don sponsored Leaders', Club by the, student body, . Son':of ..Mr. and Mrs:. Thomas -:Butters; of Dublin;he-is--18-years. old :The Grade XIT student, hopes, to en ;% ter the„field of electronics • He . Cork' comes'.from the outert-bark has attained first. class "honors`: • of - a, .species of oak found' in_ the in- mathematics t' --:and s ienee.,'. 'NNtediteanean 'area:..” May:,DaT,Tett:I. 01 Attended. Gay spring floaTers set the decor-. dove theme at the anuria* May Day ",Pea on Friday, sponsored jiy the 'Women's Hospital Auxdrary,' held: at the nurses' residence of :Seott Memorial Hospital, over 11 ;guests were present, including guests from: Clinton,. Exeter, And Hamilton. Receibing the g'o'ats were:. Mrs. H..Whyte, president', of • the Auxil-, rary, and MissV,Drope, hospital, as tiperiutendent. Mrs. S. Gordon: was -ip ‘attei.dance a, the "drawing' room, ":Candles in silver Candelabra and floral"carrangenients in spring col• ors ---yellow: and rose-,on,a:.cut- work cloth, decorated .the attrae•r. the:: table. Presiding: at silver tea urns ;were Mrs, • Frank Kling; Mr's, A W:S e r ill ry, Ors, Ii:; Boussey ,.and Miss Alice .Reid; former presidents of the Auxiliary, Sernrn'g' guests were members of the auxiliary. in Conveners charge f• the tea room; were ;Mrs. R. Wight, Miss, Alice:' Reid and Mrs-.. • R. 'R±. Mc- Kindsey. at is natural 777-777-777 -77 Natural `'as is a source'of ener . —a fuel havi'n countless :uses as. g gY g in the home,.business and industry—which was. footed millions' y of'.years ago.' Chemically,' it is Mostly methane and. thus is a member of the hydrocarbon fan -illy. Petroleun%, too,isa member of this family. ere na ow is ' natura. w^' wi• ll natural as mound? Natural. gas is ,currently being 'found in many widely -scattered: places throughout the world', but the- gas' which Will be made ,available here will come initially,troin gas fields in the Southern : United States and in the Southwestern -Ontario peninsula. Later, Weste' • ' °, the LT.S. gas will be replaced., by gas brought front' o Wrn- . -Canada by the Trans -Canada pipeline. as o rout _ . jot ;as-be'b -j1U7118.?- Natural as.oec rs.in orous• (sponge -like) rock many hundreds t` :. of ',feet below the earth's surface. The search for na ur _al<.gas involves making detailed geology carandgeopbysrcal studres ._and - drilling exploratory wells, When a producing: well is',discoveted, further. drilling is carried out 'to determine the extent of', the= NatUral.gaS wiIlbe transmitted frointhe gas fields to this general area by Means of, large ::diameter. pipelines. -Somewhat smaller' - branch'lines will�f eed.thegas into your-comniunity, alga ligtwork • of :even smaller lines will distribute the.gas directly.to your home .. •• The heat value.of,a gas'is measured;in British Thermal OW, �Ut � iS:, rla,tilY'c1►1 gas? . :.,. one BTU beingthe amount of::heat required to>raise the tempera- tore of one pound of, water One, degree Fahrenheit: The heat +oonont,9f _natural gas vanes, ;but is? usually' in excess of 1,000, Ts per_ cubic foot Forpractical purposes, natural gas is:eon- :. sidered,.to contain 1.,000' BTUs per cubic loot In comparison, manufactured, gas.ranges-front 4'15 to 550 BTUs per. cuibic foot;. while the heat content of propane (bottled) gas is' about ,2,524. BTUs per, cubic foot.' snauiralgas Cleana 'gas ut��+ snatural ged? :: When natural as is roperly ` burned; the '. only products or g � _— conibustion are carbon dioxide; •nitrogen arid, water vapour -all free of whichare norinally'found rn any :pore': atmosphere. Also,; iiitturni gas leaves no ashes;,soot-or-seuzn. Naten'al gas can be used in your;homefor cooking, water heating, tion, clothes drying,.. garbage inerneration;,'space heating and air conditioning. '.Natural • gas can; he used by business and industry for these purposes, as,well asw•for" a host of other more Oecialized applications. It has been conservatively estiniated that there ,are, more than 25,00Q different piles for natural"gas. e... ail :clanger, �]C, 3.nvt�ly@'C�. ..than oily other fuel • �1"@".., "� .... � Naiturai,gas is:as safe. as if;=not•sater " ' commonly m use • today. The; C uia$ran Gas Association;' an, �n its natural as? g „ gas? indiyslry=wide brgallization, has established an appliance testing programdesigned to virtually guarantee the safety of approyed appliances. The: Ontario Fuel Board=the provitici 1 body which regulates the ga -industry in Ontario ,has established standards - 'of, installation -to--=asssure utmost -.safety (inspections will be carried out to enforce these ' regulations) 'An -.I. p1iance and, treating ei�iiiprnent manufacturers equip their products With the latest safety devices and • eontroli, appliance.. llance Manta! As,appliance service will be provi, ..y Gad W' 1 • �natureil , s,._ . ,.... ... , ; Com on`tf re following. basis:Routine service=�'i�ll be, offered '. . :.. � .. ,: PAY• V t ,ble ? . ` "' ` . e normal ,workin da and emergency service will .be Servide. b'> , `@+ "�%`. during th g Y available 24 hours a day; seven days a week; This service :will be ' vvided free bythe company, brit.;there *limy` be `a charge far .,;. t 'reacetaeuiarts. 1A parts. ro A iAr 11,TTE DIVISION OffICfi •, .55 DbWN1E.$T. STRATFORD, ONTARI0 AN COVWCll red ration. Le Up • ,l56� Logan Couneil 'held their regular meeting, with at ,meinhers pares. enl,,•the reeve presiding. Road ac. counts, totalling "$6,4 22 JS and gen era, accounts . antounting to' $2=` 58221,were• ;ordered paid. The. re- port of 'Branches " IJ" and "1 ": of the Northeast brain was read. and adopted: » , The court of re Jsion en. the Cen- tre ,lrauelt en-tre,lraue'h of the Northwest Drain'. was held'and, on recothhieudatjon: of :the engineer, the, soros., on_„ Jpt concession 14,, were reduced front 40: to 26 and' the outlet„assess rn t"from .'$a246 $20.80,;. 'the-, outlet asaes'sm;ent'on -lot 29, concession 14, reducedfronr $i07:to $92, and the outlet assessment on lot „.30 ,:con— cession 14 raised fro:$43 to $74 The assessor was authorized to attend;,the convention .id, Peterhor-- ough. clerk -IC:. J. $.coney reported the report of the 'Van Morsel•drain. had beep received .olid ,zt will he. read June 2, atr:2:15. p;in^ A',by- 1aw :is to -be, prepared; to�raise„tlie Eedetation - of :'Agriculture rate, from• ole --fifth to':two-fifths;`this'to affeet .tlie 1959 :taxes,' A bylaw, refunding surplus monies • at r -the eredit.:of` the Grey Branch of ;the Northwest Drain' was .'given three ;The $50,066.06 road expenditure' program as presented by the road superintendent ,was • accepted• • by eounerl "Two; petitions "for, Irrunici pal drains were • received and ac cepted one affecting •lots 20- and 21z concession ' 1 , jots '17=29; con cession. 2; and .alportion, of -:Mitchell 7and Fullarton,.:R M Dawsonbe ing appointed toinn a repor and the- other affectrnglots concessions 9, .0:ad 1. , James A. $owes was appointed engineer: Applications are to.be_ ealled,efor: an assistant.'road--`-superintendent for the.next meeting. Postal Information Victoria Day and ilio 'Queen's: Birthday beings celebrated en Moil.: day, May 19 .is a statutory holiday. The Post Office nriain'doors wilt be open:frorn 7 a:ni:.(E•DST) to 6 p.m. (EDST): The- wickets will be open for all ases :of business. front `12 noon until 1 OO;,,p m :only” . -All s>7eoming=and outgoing mail wilt be ;handled .as,usual. No rural deliveries.,. will be made on this dale Street letter be. - Cie ared e_cleared once Only on the 5:30'sche dale: Patrons are' :again advised that' snails for de i atcb e1ose at noon, 45 p.m 7:15. pm. and 8 .pari. To ensure proper delivery, address Your, mail fully; clearly and with- out, misleadmg.;,abbreviations; and ;placer , iodr,. return address. in 'the upper deft. hand=coiner of the 'art- icle. being mailed ', Please 'have your, incoMing .,mail,fully address ed to your post ;office `box• ntiriiber . to: genual delivery o ,.7*-theTpro per. rural rroute.nagib di% The Government Deficiency 1 Pay- went' applies only on'Proporly Graded' Wools , Secure. the Utmost by "Patronizing Your ' Own Organization JACKSON HOMES LTD. O . Seaforth:`:. is collecting wool for grading and. sales,^ onl b the ';co•o erative plan Shippers` may -obtain sacks..-` and, twine : free- of •- charge from..;,the above or, their Licensed .Operators. CANADjAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED. 217 '13a • treet -Toronto �N , N'1'AR: Ci' fCheck your ;:knowledge by, 'ill entig tli i' s map However " well you *mow' Ontario,,you'll enjoy; getting to *snow it..better.:':- ake' a point this year pf .exploring: its 'highways' and . `byways, .visiting its lovely lakes and, vacationing ' at one : of its modern resort areas , .. like •' ,the, Rideau 'Lakes distiiot "Shown above. Take the first • step, now, f iy filling out and ', mailing the coupon below..: KNOW NTAltUO. ,BETTER •�� bxrwteto w t,. , I `IrOROPITOJto 1Teilitto - 0 I Se t kit X rAtaeraaaei-ito�dl[ap. d,.. t . "t.'41;1;•.. ......., . , y Poll Otfice 4°14 Ilersit14-Cooheug*,,A4/Wor CALL TQM FOX Phone . 51 r 41 , Seaforth EPAIRS TO ALL MASES tr•40 10!i••••••••••!•M•04, • • • .` 0 A. • • • . To orc{er, call your - - • -telephone business office, ,00•000••••••••••••••••••s6110 77-77- 7t"a [#,tS.` wt han'.,"; telephone ko our bedroom. 410,410 FOR` Exeter.:: MONUME OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & San ALL_TYPES 11E CEMETERY MEMORIALS' Inquiries are invited. Telephone 'Numbers: 1 it.1620. r R Seaforth, 573 BLISINM AND PROF ESSMONA!, DIRECTO Ir MEDICA DR. M. W. STAPLETON. Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 : = Seaforth If no answer, cali 59. ..'JOHN A •rGOBWIhL, LA:, M.D.;'; Physician and Surgeon, ' Phones ,%,Office" S='V7 'Res. 5-J Seaforth - JOHN 'G' - ODDARD," M.D.` , :Physician 'and, Surgeon -Phone.114 •... Hensa EAF• T`: I' O HCL Telephone 26 E A. MCMASTEH,JI.,A. Internest : Telephone 27 . P.'L.. B ADY,1'LD.' Surgeon " 'Telephone 55• DR. E..'MALKUS` 1elepho a •15". ; • EVENINGS •Tuesday,. Thursday,- •and -Saturday only;- Appointments maybe, made, ' U?TOMETRISP JOHN: E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist • ghgne 791 : ' Seaforth • Eyes- examined• 7 < Glasses' Fitted 3VMA1'N,, OFFICE; SEAFORTF1 Office Hours:. Seaferth-daily, except Monday, 9 A.M. Wednesday, '9 "'a.m. 12:30 p.m.; Thursday: eveniifgs by appointment Clinton: Monday; '9. , Lm 5;50. p:m.4,(Above Hawkins' Hardware.) GAL A. W,• SILLER'Y Baia lster,..'Soliciior,';.;Etc ',Phone's: Office "I73c R-exidence' 781: SEAFoRTFt QNTARIO- ,McCONNELL,: al. STEWART BarMuters; Solicitors, Eto. 14'1)14. ; McCONNELL D. L STEWART SEAFORTH, ONT. 'Telephone -174 "AUCTIONEERS PON• -S. •DENNtgi'» Auctioneer Graduate of 'Beiseh American School. of Quctioneering, Licensed in Huron, and: Perth; Capable of handling tall: types;of•sales and ad- vertising. ' DON DENNIS; • Walton Phone Seaforth 843 r 11 TER!NA TI ItNBULL & BRX' VETER.INAItY..,GLINI( J. 0. Turnbull, D.V M : VS.'. ans W. R. -$r . ,D_'.M.. -`: 3',QT S.; W.• G. Drennan, D.V.M., -V.S Phone,` 105 Seafarl A..IV1. HARPER Chartered Accountant . 55 'South .St. ' Telephone Coderich 343 Lie ens ed . Ivluuicipal . Auditor, CHIROPRATIC D H: `MdNNES Chiropractic Foot Correction.. COMMERCIAL HOTEI.;, Monday, ThnsdaY- 1 io 8; pn. poctor of Chiropractic.. 4384Main(Street .. Exei�r iL-1-aaY;, and' ,Laboratory •Facilities* . 1.cpe.a, Eaeh ;Weekda Except " Wedne§day ° T 'Dues, and Tliurs, 'Rvenings' 7;2' For Appointment ,. - :' Phdne 686 INSURANCE The McKILLOJ MUTUAL' FIRE - INSURANCE ::CO. FADEAF -5`OFFICE - S R.TH; Gln#.--'- OFFICERS: resrd • Watton ' Vice -Pres. , - • Robert Archibald .Sealerth • Manager and' See,-Treas M 'A. Reid,-Seaforth • DIRECTORS.. . E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;. T L. . Malone, Seaforth; •Chris. '' ;Leon- hardt, Bornholm:f Robert Archi. bald, Seaforth' J011nC7I. McEwing, Elyth; "William S. Alexander, Wal ton; :Harvey ;Falter,='Goderieb; L E: Pepper,: Erucefield;. Allister troadfoot, Seaforth.,.m AGENTS:' WilliamT:eiper, Jr.; Londes- boro; d'. F. Prueter, Brodbageri; Selwyn „ Baker, Brussels; Erie; Munroe, Seaforth. .11 1 - t>OO 000'oo.o o Wi.CLEARY-'` Seafortlt, Ont. o, LICENSED EMBALII1ETt 0,, Mid FUNERAL DIRECTO R 0 m Nightt--fir Day Calls „— 38.5 b• O-,Q.o 0'00 0* :O00 --0":O `Ovo4:�C? utierai1"yS,,/�ervice 0, R. e AO o O Uce1t8e 1tfliba1nrer- =� O Prompt and carefulattention el. •. Ho`spi4al Bed. • `- 0 OGCAS1O *: Res. 595=W. , Store 43 iy0 c)• 0 0.00 0 <> 0 ,0 so 00. 00000000 OQ A.-BURIZE O Funeral Director . 0 0 • and' Ambulance Serviee" 'P 0 '.•Dtalna ' ' (sm. 0 o : • Night or Day Calls:, '0 O Phone 43-1r 1.1)• - 00000.O©';00 b.'; .'•oOa?'000Cs. •.6 . A. NirliON' eA 0 Ilulier '`onie • • 4o4014 :St. W, Seaton*, - O iii llxBIZATV'C>'SERVICE ' -O o • .Adjustable• hospital beds - 0 0 for rent 0- FLOWERS 10O4. V fiY 0' . OdwittiOl!1 . - Telephone:. liar arrright 139