The Huron Expositor, 1958-05-16, Page 67— 7- -1 1111NOW, _TM left, IWA 09, ,014T.4 MAY 16, MO, Mor" 'I PS R T ME ff. IN .c SITOU, _F TH RQ. U I fP0 MI V ns: _4011 �i�= F mbivySin y Brus�el�'Fq�� Bqar�d, ivill, na V, p7, a� !4�vo- a,. rea MI, T oupov xro�a, I S��,, T J L.--fROTECTIVE. KIPPM W LIFE,, -,N�`E' V U. fffl-,�Vffx LOYA .4, The Fireside Feljow�Wp iioup *s, e f �v 'k _M x P60yterian? Church, worp X M ee end, gues wi, . rs- B, Walters - 1ok the c First mghf, gr i -home, of Mr. jfof the' business.,�._After,.: the,vlli Ail report'A�r. ente :Rq4d,�ac�pb4fttq, s presente 4 by -dx URANCE "�e Mr. 4AT We' ai �'MM;i1wK I pq 9 efb,$t –able, to"be Out and Mr�,.".'LqrAe -McDonald Tues� call, :which- was aw,;,)N0rpd by', suw,:�, R ephenson, is erintendenj, were. ap .. ..... speak or pay'," the rninute� of � jh*7 the roari'sifp -Re L by. eve, dgain a his recent i"ess. day evening, 'when, there W, as an a coune attendance of'�5, a previous Meeting wbte-.read,o,#4 ��ent a, f vipw w,u�v gre _F S r Sent'. 19, X Bailie P J''.A P k': Doig, Ma�ster Showed -Mrs. � to dy rroU nd X - talk on members of '9 and retutned jxL Saturday with and also, gave, a the' W-* that, a F' r, will 'be" lid, meco, xr, ddisoh -rase p part Field, R�p "en a ve 'Mother _Sister. ave tor and the. geography:,,. o� r6aliz of his salary, on �Motton­ 0 cO, his, all(! who h, � f uneil- iful country. The, qqjlowing,.�iccountj ere or�- beautj sathe -wint *onths in Grand dag fead an am Xn the' baii and - coft- Anei a Rap C' pent pr, Mrs. W. Dii I Mrs A, E McMillan lth�­ Prpsl c e rCanMjAbji S4 nd, �&Ceident Iftikh Q entitled, ids, DIS by ALL The- jjjjTuIte$' Warbfclde,��- $41.50' Pearson Mr% an(L Mrs Grant, I e usiness. P Nrtieipatih g, Life. llisurpince Dorf reajj�ly qjSenSgjOjL f6UOwL ards,, �audltingj­.$275;,� S. an -treasureri 0 ­ �: ' . Mchigan'jL,spent the, N in Xunicipa ooper. d d. The eet-.,. Ofr member'ghip oe- k McLean Th Mrs, Duhdag, reppatp Re§ M 254 With Rd � � d t, by lie,, secret heel- A, 'U I Mi� Mrs. K, - L "the World,* supplies, �tm- Cecil W :'Wiff'take' th diction. eke Mr, and -meetini n !and MrS�. A114p, Varke�, Mr. GW' $3� 'rf h �oj'jUek Supper -at -s were f( $J- fl' fo to beL hel4: Game zi ifl ded, by-- twar e . p dY, I Leud's' "Llamo was ,added' f ti un� o "the, rs. onald, which W and �,wis, Much, -enid AJL' the, a� $57',�' K - Pa nominating commi ee. yed,byaM tfic ire e rrett, owson were Mr, n- ice" e hos,te'9§ ai $4 L ture'le�so Miss LAI' -concusion, junch '' 'A Willihih 'Kin led weire,, �i e4' by, Mrs Y Me 1VM 11 of eid wh&-41so' praye th nk Th d, and Mrs�., Hafty'. a nne, Og R016E PETER,' feffind, Phone 334— Res.. G the eve-� L, Carter'. C�D $2-, �Adffisft,:`FL st!r, lodriefi. - A. SLOX Aa' gr�adu te f tfile part aalary�'$250­ relief, ac ning,tQ a c ose,., . d, Ca�, ia college-, at 0 ano MAW ST� JAMEW CWL M46thc ens, SFAF ql�= I in Service �WOMASI W TT L-0 RL E, HAY Tuesday--.. afternq�n Services Mdfhe?s'. Day at St. on omas 6 the minister Rey'." rs. x h Tbe'regu ar';mol, meefing,of,St Thi- the --ws­ t, ow nco -,r Ahdrew's Uhi E t e ealer,for k� Ithy 'of 11 lar,�M , 0 rith , ly. Son �.O': Ic avm,.', e. presi entre Street, Seaforth.' on uG MeG d0ht,.,.,Open-' k M.tLtjVfilIajj, Who §yo e day eening with!46, Pxes- ;ent: Tfio,. pfe�iden -Mrs:, At', the�! the bnie; an U fl, , " H d as assjsted'. by.'Mat� _With," th"e'' chapter of St�, inghim Ont. U''r'_,,," G DEKALD Mee ing r ar )§P�el, the -Turner aber, S6cfetar' ' ' ",AL." ' . . edu and.,J)iannii e a g4e Tra'yk.,. s; for-, sq L enSIOLn L Day. Seafoith District Iligh School' J.,L., H6 ho;Tead:the �s6ripture lesson he, for your ."'Ist report Was read by Mk!��.L tharfi-jod b th "Litany, �e., Miss L ' e :' - ­ ­' -- d AnCj sp 6iw� UPC 'd S Arm� cubic id Monday At t e,oregu ecial Pfaye h 1�4 stel rs -J_ the, ay. anda,' M , oney, .'tep( A± 96,4, " � �_' HE AS; XG very OD ST CA�n, p 'OCK th my on, comp etibn di�cided,to"4ai§e ceived ..by Robert McGregor rrienibbr es ga e than it, 'OF h OML' vell. T 'e-MiS Lrea&:by:,'�Mrs­,�e4ing,. repo �on,,. e si es s own 6 U. ----CORN ONVHAND aot-hig sittidie$. t''t, 7 cen s. e: i .. I....". L:L Lebtihardt"and treasurejr?s 're­�. _ricp,� BuSiregS Of meetib �Aed h' es Margaret JE he lib- book A short' disqqssion period. .an..:Broadf6qt' an& ininj;4he study g me McBride hssisba part'- by �Mrsi� .A,.. Stiles., tj�d passing� Of bk-laW bd 'took, place b&f t- th6­ serr,�. larid, teporte ate, of' pay oi, certain ��Toad iem- --the our e topi (f 1 9 w scrIP-gre took �th 3.3��. 0 tWo�. M c new rs.,]qex Chegne vice f e C Oir, tile 'ar -Mi ��Post-W , ar en es o, "t, f or e. th "'Bolt6n,. ing e prc rams' out fthL 'chaptef' of' the­,,book,� pilby.des, aby-la wl pro' v" din 'f L'O Always Vitsh at n, fthe, le6ngregation- sang' J.�M&ag heade',,,," after �,�Vhjeh Mrs__QordbnL, Me 011,- urc L ih h a ea� e, qbse , nee o 't e, easurer, one, �D,"' C- A 'so 0 f in :,Dra by-laws,'fbr� the 'Ira othrs 0 her I the -.,CWL a 'I the-Canddian Cli h tritheri . i wi :a ttent �igle led e' H d#, ver njidn - in L d and:th Bravch W �n, T nlanatLL the ��e� txeas.-f GO ETT LE hom- onve took 20 k th son Iss Jean vison Fiance oUS On 00 �J e:,�L:___,7_,',,,A Red z �'wl s ep, t _(),n'�',be a 6.1 e home-bA fig;,.sa e'on ay urierl _or cha h d,:.MLrs. J,. D�ev- secretary, p- ii1or'tb6VMS arid.opene 'Wit an **Ie 'M 6NT., :Xrs 'C llal6ne'. an" i's �Case­, th aTid:' OrAM 77 So I C M_ ervic I eL, re- a s6er'et'ItV L ereaux c d crit; gave'.the e eS, tj)�L be' S 4,�:Deveiea,ux recited- a port -The aitict packed' S u6t6d tb"pr6pa V_M� --- her- P-01 ___k d, a pl�� Mrs, McLachlan Was'L'ap aOL 'revision for a h -.1 d" R y W.ird' by the:_ socl s tiles�. The, mys ery i ple_spo e'aL Te,,,,7 wor s,, p.m., re Hat wa -,A�oore, as Mrs j6y aiid� Fr 7P i.!,,b.y and'.T4rs�, A. sist- �'Qkj . I ' ' - AN] F t 'e s -a , -solo accomi Id It-een put for, rogra- held M k ize -s-.woi th, d PL CLE W. call- ;T NG I'Ve e resbytetial g; -LunehL�.wa ant ja,�d. i_ rv.6d:b cd Ah t -fof 97, was arran,e A bake sale- d", Dj .......... menerng'. 7 p.m. in. heL,'1ParjSbL otoU ing he Bo ors.,7.� HIBB ruc q rs,- �.,ty -6ken,by Mrs--ML-'-Ildh�ey _�U SB0-,RN­:E, ERT� C1 The e:journey E was appointe ham- ies. A sp66al'off6ring waqL,fak6jj ith e United a, or: M coni'mittee a� of t Ohe missi6nar hel heir monthly ��Mrs Ken,X 16a e & eet-' th& X ne 0 MjS' C bers,':5frs­J' Oldfield te,, th ' h mg:4t t. e . or Xe r n -given 'to,, E '"th Invi a onL was 'CoVerr den. wi 21 -an iree James and Mrs. Bnce McLean; the' FiC, Se' lizing pu,,s on a.,.protective, t -rust, redu Wa d no e The L lenL;, Th 4n6mbers all 'been 6, Girls t6jbin Pie4i ag bers ce5, A 28, M, visi oq` present. haza�i eir meemg. on ay E Clayton meieases�mot#r. _J- d th tended -An invi ation-'from 6, W opene e A 6 JIM is,,maclune can qid. IE7 'tjUg 'y S William Ball Auxiliary -Seatt- e140Xj�; h Th* be operated.,at anyjdrm,�provi d are A,. ymn, --after- 'hydro he, en7 eted -busiheSs,. itcheli _h � cbridiii ial Hospita W -a -SL sp' t H �.,Cl Day' Tea. social, half-hour en which 4, Alex ose. was ap djL point C -as E r , Ches- DIRE TO)RS. be uiidh� ser. ed byr'Mrs. If caller i�r MontbjL A Dedriery a �iv E E LD, rje L A 'specia CL 1 In""Uor ay'L 26., Dblit! Itbb6ft'G., rdi0e`r,. ided, , of; the General F1 EID W - p a1, romar iltojj�Me U� b th each C _d =QUhg, and Also' of', the. hospital qqest,ha8,� een..mad '611 repre'sented;, he p WWWW's, An= 40011PY E _MS 11.R 1, Kirkton-'-, Timothy �7B -a _?� , ." - -te-a—The *� W tire 'paOdng' ale T on'Ma,y 2 At,thd: WINTHROP "SERVICE� Family Codtes' ;R d the, iadies�, were asked to �.:;toi:, :heldr.in, pron �,C61­ -b­I'I et an 'FT-iday,L Clayto-n�,: Harris.'L, D4 May '301� to' un ayL.,,morp renfiridda' the gr ay ar ssible. Cep �,MOTOX ALUS­ AN Sj�nl6y �fJ66kj'ag Mjt�h'Q:'- �' - , : �Qh4e ttalia )NSjN. une _03i M Ba'11 Chell; cockshutt:,�Farjn', qWpMen u e M.rs I . ' 1. h�. for-�Lall, E a-gs in j,'n. ni6 e. zi� SOL,, ICITOR a the 'Blue. B t e- evotion7k :'MenibL�rs 4g�pebpl ne' of �Du6i6 th6 You n ;... the- d on N SALIE, Wood, had charge�, �hnc -anniversary S' d Suday INTO tere�ted church WQr#gn. o can, un -ph CL­ Pe�.jo& MjsL V.` Robertf)n rea ARY-TREA n a School, Will �mi SECRET , ER—Ar� en :f e the'Scriptu±ej ta rom, e 46thL. for 'attend; and, there 'isA -resi e t th e e t, At- 9:45:,� aF C6116'g th Chureli'_ Scrviee� Williams' led mi� t The theme of the Wol prayer.' Mrs,!, C'OLSP, eq a, poemj_ �1�� ppo A Ities -..t L: �,N Parad' 0 W en JL LOW 'Mrs willia,ms ind,:, �grs. 'Jijhn-; 7 . 4. : m, the h _E .7 jovely-duet—LIn: ­ther ` EGXONPVffLE_.,LWrX A" WIVI Gaid th:. thc� ktteir,"playing adcompamment. Ball.,closed, �,�Th� f r meeting Murchll:` :WA -.-,-and 5 (6.70-15" wp Mizp:ffi� benem iII6 fifted- eL �YOIJ R V WMS held iii the Sun ay s h d OOn -Mrs-' istributed eting 'opened.'. ith' .1adies" to' be the WA--piresident� �M es j!jo" t e Oy B; AECAPPABL '-show dm th&�_ -Wn �a sewn. 17' 'Mrs'. I , ­,d­­Hd " ". I 91H -beautiful d on , appiness.- France, "a o ore S L esr on, nd',�Ustric "Tlf4 Conifor er: �qun ng e6fing wati t: d rri� �oi d rdst,-- re;i Mi 021dit whkh,ever-yone -t;njoye :YOAIR RECAPPAILE willia �.F M Cuthill thanked Mrs. Clarke 'A, U, 'an or e use. -Of WORTH MOBUNOW1 d" 'Mrs WEildefi�­f th AIMED HERi mrsi 'Connell. and Mis4.' -Oeti0r�'Than ver t i- assisted, the hostess in- a GROUP11, WA 'Seafdr imco, vie of, wits' th Ser auc una ors b. M regt Godekich WilliAM no ORES T S�ot4 djkd, Stains' Reino:v eL of Mrs� G.�Mcbi5nif&- Se9fafth- 'G rmentSL Stayf"61 a "n r X hone A00 Vill. With 19. Mdm an SERVICE rs one visi -arI aft .61 1�resent. . Thii &votion4 p b th tin d b !ead- Phone, .669 r, FREE TIRE SAFETY CHECK NOW! ink. 0 fioni. the ANDY'R t. Clarke. The sing - Bible I W 41rig bymn a a ana PS 5 "O'lowe by',,Mrs.L It S. ShaimV I pr Registered- an, ClnMej.'Cla CLI.P A.0 USIT MICHEL 14ow in Stock— "Cidgm Ver 'Off X�, 1 C I Dod e. SAN ad 'Oat -ways 0 go, I Re&nf2lftor, udtopkitk, -4, , pa S burban' Mayfair Cdnvertible.� ing now trim rt r is new. C Chippewa,: e Fla F itilizer Ino--: oF OU It-' SMOO 0' e a, OL ry' ............. of :ity trdffic th 11 Obi power ud th t the rumes., N le"! 96 smiy, y c-viar "w easy it it, to harid16 and oh a n:d t cwne! in soon� f6i o,de m6ustratiou be sWer,to"l-I -T eh,40 -rod dij." tj an pbrk. n V .fob e tbo ke to, to Y: h �biiia '"' i(A-d mote T g,,n6w arMY, 0 co, - Axe bii -A VV t- and see why mote C Mi b 1 1�. Ex un .' 6WO for. .11;h ltk,* 10111 low4 9 e Ride, has. �a 114ut of f gp 10�j Y ure Ice, c oction'bu4i roughest,. roA&;' Alld iftotio 11 Th6 _b,_% CHOSLER.. 0ORP09AYION bf �ANAOA, LIMITEO,L u e b'f, — - L, . 1 11 1 n , guis even e qre you, "re''all set or -the fi ig ou, g of the suinnier - ; You tin, into ioxiod:' Aiat6r;Air in the tire luxilky 'interior. Becaus e Gas in the in the ra MO UAL-wy� 16 YOURS IN ANY - RE SUINT -M, Q r04 jLeAUy n ybur: yoli ext0hieftV staX, lei '06[,43�IL' yo At NO'EXTIR U A,Ct see, oul '(4Uajjty �1�. *At4 *or W] 0 3�a 6dger'delfio ar or416 eq�it4n , tA tan,causo allpt of to in sa good-, ch Sje6LkL,� niodd r',D opoll trip or -even lead, to A M41 -1 1 04 SUIL sele&,ed bmd pafts are, fitted for Yoxir')�dw I "fo! '09 9vor ct A and #9 ee0,Ad,st6er the, f6 y �to thf, lilp itat standards 9 YOU got in .,:touch e is C&efa'n 7 chb&tid fur 1UP6Abk,*or -ttvik cr . Aftan4nshlp leek the i�ethanical ttou�leafree aluto;.. jordoMoli Ut aflgUtin esiind,ilapia-g�., a button, On D6dg your I y -front and -bii&'. Chee ship - and lghi k_tjj"�h. T�(t ILet' aufa` _s pq, niatia, drive �gelector bonugiih i9e no matter *Ukh 01 y0ou for dangerous eah, And do it, now. ]��Uae yqo�` wholeummei o� lhotorMt pleastm� dep6rids �n kf6ty­ LW'AY4_Sj�`A �$'TEP AHr=Ao U,R LtWAItp LOO�> YO ihl� OAR OF THt,izO f 'You: beyeally 0 yout falbt 'fly SjUV, 'of , jreaL of your Mr. 'T urges.Ou to 4 M�o —"d -ROW, C E, ir h L FF 7 _ I I I - ifto '"0WA"q�"W WKT64 !W MAi-4HOW9111 0 ton rri;kiA D CmAk)OU lot