HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-16, Page 3GAS S'l OVE P'iONACE dh .. ole BRI TR -ALL �NAIaAN i'TRO 'INA LT,C1; Dealer and Di$trilyu r of laRtlMPT PETROLEUM `PLOUCT FAQ E Phi"and A>da 3 Host E. T S a f orth rich' TI`RN PECIAL " `NE plus YOUR RECAPr ABLE TRADE-IN.:: oodrich DELUXE" NYLON— • 6:70-15 (TUBE -TYPE) P.IUS-.YOUR' _ RECAPPABLE TRADE-IN;; 111i�lea , RTS HERE- lMiller's Cities Service Goderioh "St. Setif di t.h Phone 149 '',EE LTIRE. SAFETY CHECK NOW! RUBBER STAN!'P HURON- EXPOSITOR WINCHELSEA Mr-. Bill Walters IS "building '.a new pig and 110 barn and, is really progressing ; well With tie build= ,• ' Mr. Richard Quance, from Luck - now, and Mr, Maurice Quance_and. Mr. Heber Snell." from Exeter, Were $unday"yisitors with 'Mrs: •Clarke and -Mr. and Mrs. Dill." Walter$ and• Mrs.. Bill l Walters was ."at St. Joseph's Hospital,' London; on Wed- nesday and had lier'.cast 'changed and now has a walking Calibre on;; so; ->we liope soon .to -,see her-. out around again.. Mr." Harold Clarken 'bas sold Torche, his beautiful . palomino, saddle horse,: to Mr. Johnnie: Brept=' Wingham.' •Mr: and ?Ylrs. Bev Morgan and sons, of RR 1, ileus. all, were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. 'Morgan's parents Mr. and- -Mrs. Newton Clarke. - /ETERAN'S CAB MAY" CHAMBERS, _Prop. Passengers Insured NA PP <,HN F+ I', O E NUMBER . -HONE SEAFORTH ntrttlnnrlmtiuutMiniumiiurituuiti; fFLANNERY., EA NT R"5: .E 411‘ CL,Ve.ANIN • hT•G— For'.pick-up anctdelive - �r I it- — n n ri main Street Sera£oirth:_ P"HONE 87 lilttilriiititill• iuuitiHiuiititittlltttlt -FRESH: AKE „ SEAFORTH.: 1") EW?i S Off' :U HAROI D KNIGHT ELECTED'PRESIDENTar ' KINS EN` RAISE . CANCER �E �A E FUR� Harold (Might was .erectedPresi•. dent of _Ilensail• Kiinsnwn CIO. at their, dinner ntin held, at the lfosy Korner "restaurant Thursday. Other officers. are • Past • president,. Jack Drysdale; first vice-president, Ross ',links; second vice-president, :John Heal; secretary, Frank .:F11 Wind;_ -treasurer,• 'William Clem rect- ent; orsregis ,Gtraeorrg, e Tony -Bee• Char, John rette; di-, r:Dietz and .Allan Crerar, • • : ' i Frank Ellwood, 'chairman wof' the service; committee, reported that $3&7;65 ; had .been " raised- for . the. r"•. CanceFund' in ',yin_ recent. `earn_ �rraign,.•in whfeb proieet the neni- hers of :the. club took, a.very. active_ part. ;Earl Soldan won the raffle.. Futter 'M h l` al M rs. A. C aAPe Public funeral service for` 'th late• Mrs. -.David (Chappel,; of". Tiib bent township; .was ` held• -at 'the Bontbron , Funeral liapel- Sdtulc dajr, conducted by ReV Charles D Damel:with-liiirial iff ta€fa ,eeme tery. Mrs Chapped,- ;who -.was " her,.• 72nd ye"a"r`,;'" was" _•the°'•former Mary' Ellen• "."Johns, . and passe. .away pn Thursday, May 6. Sui.viving are three'' sons: " Wit bent, TJsborne; John and" l+adward Cromarty; two daughters, (Eben) 'Mrs.,Cameron Vivi an;;`(Janet)'Mrs Edward; Dearing', both ;of Staffa"; 20 grandchildren . and - two great- gr'andchiidrei. Mr, "Chappel Crass ed away;in 1943, Send .Out Invitations Amber Rebekah. Lodge bald their regular meeting'on Wednesday with Mrs.-:Wirliam Caldwell, No -le Grand-- in;• the chair. Invitattoits will be sent Gn Morning Star Lodge; Brussels; • and Monkton Lodge, -tp be. 'guests of this lodge: at their next -meeting, May 21. : Mrs, Mary .`.Stutter, "Past Noble Grand, 'of Union a 'Lodge,- Chilton, has invited all Past lobl'e Grand's of District 23 to be guests at"bier ,home .on 'Wednesday, • May 28.; Presbyterian Baptismal Service„ e ; Infants receiving the rite,,of�bap-" - ti n at Fa-mily=Cbristian,Bay_;Ser. vice at Carmel .F! Church Sunday ,morning were. . GaryGleia son of r .and Mrs: Glen "K'oehler; "Anne EllazabethTtoughte% trf 'Mr. ui and Mrs."..Harold Knight': &iinber ' ly -Joy, daughteriof Mr. and (ibis. • I3"i1l Fink,•. Perry. Wayne, son of Mr and `Mrs. Mattson, with Rev. Donald MacDonald, conducting the s, ceremony 14liss: "Jean ` Henderson _ sang a lovely. solo; each Me To -Tray- A; very -inspiring . message,-• "The• Meaning. of.the Dedication of Young:Children," was gilren -'by the minister Rev MacDonald. Mrs Malcolm Dougall. was atthe organ console- Appredate, Auxiliary Ai iese The--following-Tetter-was read ;,ab -the-'-May—m'eetnie-ef.:-thhe_Heiisall ed to eight 'babies 'at special Chris - -Legion--"Ladies'- Auxiliary ' :held Eight Baptized At Uiaited`• Church Baptismal rite war administer_ Tuesday evening: • --Ladies' Atlxihary of the Cana dian ""Legion ;Mrs-' William Brown President Dear- (firs.. ..,Brown.: Please-:attae}ied_find =our -receipt for $36323, the amount of money forwarded to us; m .connection" -with en recent catiinaigtitfor funds in Hensall. Qur''-sincere thanks to you .the ladxes of the Auxiliary, and. citizens of HensaLl "for ..the wonderful support given us; which made " possibly ;,the success of this; campaign. 'We -realize a great deal Of- work and planning - Was neces- sary to achieve ,this "success, and we are :frost grateful -to all and ask. that . our thanks be passed along.' ..The work, of the Canadian Red Cross is ,very worthy of your snpport-and if at any- ime wea'ean be of servicefo youu,-do "not "hesi tate to' call, on us. Looking •:for- tian Fahl iy Day. serviee_ at : the United Church.. Sunda mornin b', With . Rev. Charles Y :'.Daniel'in charge of the,„eremony.-Babies;haptized- :vere: Margaret Sarann daughter • ''of Mr. and Mrs. :Bill Shupe, Sel= fridge, Mich.; Carrie Ann, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John MacDon- ald, Toronto Leslie Ann, daughter of=- Mr: and ilxrs. "Ening '"Lund Cleveland,- Ohio;" ; Robert Wayne; son' of Mr. and Mrs.:.Leonard Noakes, , Fatricia,?d 'aughter -of Mr, and Mrs Bob Rowcliffe Robert Pleasant, :relations-; truly":, John,- -Andersen-7' London 'Ai- e,a Mrs:, Luella. Hall; of Blyth, 'Zone and ;spoke. to the fgroUP;,-"-clicrosing preSepted.....with..:n.gift on behalf of. to be: held,' in Olytli COmmimityi .The. mystery prie was won by ironer for' a delicious Salad Juneli,. TAxi Earl son'of. Mr: and Mrs. Earl. Soldan::: Robert Wayne, son of Mr.. and Mrs. William' ment. en Rosa, son of Mr ,and Mt;rsStepl' Ross orbett. Cle e theme, -'Our' Home, a House- out hold: the ForGad' was used through - service µ:criptnre passag= es`wete read by Miss Peggy 'god, dare Steele Kyle: read ,the first stery and- Miss, --Jean Noakes,' the second story: The juniior, choir sang two selections, ` Godis Near" and `God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall."' S 'G Rannie is choir direc'- tor,and Miss Greta Lammie Or, Hensaii 1►erf ds DST Decision; Agree With Ar Hensall 'will rebut to Standard Time On' , 27 at. t. a -m* Uensall: illage ouncil,"meet Monday night, - rescinded.. the - Original motion placing -.Daylight Saving Time: until Oetober::26, ,aitd, changed to the September change - back: They" will now joie. Exeter in moving ;the clocks in." Septem leer; ' while ,the rest of Huron has set the return to standard; time in October., .• E. R..; Davis,reported on work on: the . streets '..and the grading and btillilozuig at the dump Courted` instructed "Mr Davis to "opeii tliie; dump grdiunds on the second Wed nesday night ,of each ninth,• be- tween 6 and: & o.nn: A,drain-near.the,prope�rty,of w„ Shepherd Will be, opened to livid- discover; the source • of' an odor whiel>; ,,is- disturbing residents in that, area; Tai arrears'reporteyd-ley J. A. .1'"aterson__fer 1957,. amounted $67;6:02. .Ife, also ,; reported ` recei�� t P of $2,805 "-iii :tax "prepayments, -'The" 1957 tax roll' was hand „M.' 'The' tax collector -was "instructed to re turn ;the; nine different tax arrears' on properties :as -uncolleetedd, these;:will be_ forwarded• to, Cotuuty: Trea"s"urer; A:: -H. - s1d ne :for col-> lection n Clerk Paterson-was_lnst cted 'to contact county -engineer J. nen abet* applying ealciuni.,chlor,- ide ou the gravel streets m the vg lige.' After briSidering the .expen- diture on the streets, council de- tided, they: should --ask for,::more' money _ for the - upkeep of these=' streets. A by-law is to be drawn "up pro= Whiting, angle parking on the south' side of 'Street -in the_village. The_:Hensall PUC -were granted permission to remoue a 'tree on the Armstrong property. Accounts passed for payment in - 'eluded; Edgar Munn, labour, streets $95; •--dump '-$4 50, _Wilbur DilIing labor; X9150;; 5 A.' Pater- 'son-,-...',..salary-411.6.66.:. ater- son; salary;,x$'116.66,",Receiver• Gen= eral,-incoine tax; $1.75;yE. R. "Day - IS;. • salary, $231:5&;- A.Spencer Son •material --Tall,., $12.57;' Hen-• san PUC hydro,'and water,•Hall', 413e11,: Telephone, services, Hall"" .$11.40; . 1r'_D;, ';$6.55; Queens-. way Nursing: Home;,, care C. • Mit-. chel1, $6;'Scarfe 86_ "CO: Ltd., Paint: for streets, $14.`60; Huron :County. Mjin cipal Officers' Association, membership,; $20 " Clark -Fuss;•, stip=: plies and labor," Hall, $26.46;- Exe- ter TInes-Advocate, printing; $140; E Fink, repairs, Hall, $11:15, C Reid; trucking " cold mix, ' etc •$17 40; Riverside Construction, cold• ma- 'etc.', . $56-91' Mercury Blue printing Ce.,' maps, $3.65: 'Total,. $748.1.8. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and. Ian of Toronto, were weekend -visitors" with Mrs. E. Sararas and • Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bonthron and family. Dr. Norma Hopkinson, ''Joan and Bruce, -of Lions Headvisited over the, weekend` with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook 14Ir and Mrs John MacDonakh . d infant;` daughter Carrie,. o£' T_oronto,.. spent .the;: -weekend -with- the`latter's.-parents Mr. and Mus,, E. T. Rowe and Pat, -Mrs. Hugh Norris," of Cromarty, was admitted .to Victoria Hospital, London," -'with" :an infection ;in -h Pr 'neer. Messrs. Vernon,`L1oyd-and- R sell Redden of St.- Catharines,and, Harold Redden, of Dresden, visit- ed over-- the weekend at their home. here: - Mrs N.: ECock, " Mrs. W. B. Cross, Mrs William, ITenry and .Miss A,' " Consitt ;spent' Friday. of`. last week gtiests of Mr- and Mrs, Edniund :Geiger; London','.: "b!i -Munn _ placed .second t in: piano, Grade` 6," and "first, in, violin, IZ and udder, 'at Mitchell -' Music. Festival on; Friday: last 713ob, who is •"'a studentof S:,S ' 7, Hilbert, his a ptipil of (Miss :Greta Lammie, Passengers `;Insured Prompt- Service Social- Evening For TIM TM UTI GICAL: Never: before have -you seen a ear :*cashed' ;itt, this: MAGIC manner_.-,fron top" to hottonx and bottom to.topi" Our` CHOLDUN "AUTO -MAGIC" Carw:asher -uses a new. and: rootlet* method which not only thoroughly cleans; your', car; but together.with> PURPLE' MAGIC "WAX -WASHING" gives -your- car that -SHED: look, "dirt, a a _. No.:more .piling.dirt ans" a ch particle ;is loosened, it floats magically away in a river of spray',, • positively protecting, your car's lustrous finish, ave your car 'Wax- Wasile CITIES SER EgmondviUNe" Pair . Mr. and, MR rs, aymond.^Chani- hers :;of . Egrnondville. newlyweds were, entertained in .Winthrop Half Fizi day night A large number of fri_enda •,°gathered oto. enjoy :a social• ". evening. - 1?uring the evening: Step -dancing• was • enjoyed with dancers Frank Johnston.. Murray Dalton:. Hairy Johnston, Irwin `Johnston, .Oliver Pryce and'Leis" Godkin pafticipat- ` Oliver Pryce read=au "addres and Harry Johnston, made the pres- entation - of a purse of money to the couple. ;.Dancing was enjoyed , .to Bruce's orchestra. ' ay: TOp Prices At Falconer Sale WHIRLWIN I Tare is a mower that gives you bargains iii ttu4l tj , features and performance, It's built TOgive yearsl. - of 'dependable;: "trouble-free <service. ,Maws grass, weeds, pulverizes leaves and trims close : ;to" give you cdnpleteaa`wn care LOOK AT THESE TORO FEATURES kieighttof--cut-c"h ange-Ira seconds , without" tools. . Throttle, step and start controls at your finger-tips. Top :animal. at the Falconer Bros. sale Iast week Was a roan bull sire, by AberfeIdy$250- beyi n Tpg:e.-:The animdbyal; sold #or: , , purchase .Mervin„ Hayter Varna. The, White' bull, Falcon-" . Spring Ransom Lad, was solei •to Dan biv ingstone, Glencoe. :Top' three le, m 1e5 went,:to;iCrediton with Her-• er%"O'il[itehell"buying•them 'at'an. average price of $237.50 Fat steers Were "sold to Clififord- ya;...Varna;4t-$228;54 or�ahout- 24" cents a • pound,.': These. animals will be shipped, to - Swift .,Packing Company. " ':Other buyers,:were 'Ernest_;White-' house,' Xippen; Verne "Cunningham," Goderieh; Stewart D.ale, , Clinton;, Gordon Hill, ;;Varna Luther San ders, ,Seaforth; . Erlin Whi more, Seaforth; Horner -Hunt, :Seaforth; William. Oestrieher; Crediton; Bert. Lobb, 'Clinton. • Auctioneer, ,was "Bert Pepper, handling' his,. first " sale, T'urner's, Church.. W.A._ ,sold hot dogs and coffee: at the With �tozla�i's "rising costs, noire of ' us seri -aford - to overlgok a ?`clouhle-value.": `'A•iid_y u, really •get "two for the,- money" when you Use gas! You, .see, gas itself -is The. perfect fuel dean, . dependable, quick, economical. Now modern scielice and production know-how step into the ture"and ":add automation to gas appliances . ;'t+a giveyon ' the ultimate in carefree, automatic cbnvetit;ence: That'- adds up to two for the money for yout But that's still not the ea4t' of the 'bargain ... for, to- day's colorful gas appIionces'fit beautifully into every home decorating -scheme ...and cost so' little to install so little to usea'• Any way y'owlook &t ...with gas; the ideal fuel, and ."jet -age" gas applianoe*, you hold the :Wain lieyeto bei zi easier living S SERVES YOU AND THC. cotitminVI ry,. TOOT Staggered wheel design prevents t - scalping, 'Leaf Melcherattachfl ant included fry.,;, ow . Down Payment EASY TERMS Power `in'1.'i.75' 4 -cycle ei gIne ° aaitl recdl .starter.. and special Toro Auditone Niu#Her, Larger. and power pr openamodets;also atiiiilable! S A ORT 1" Zi .3'AltZ a oes "` 01,1T,St` `: with trade-inprices blackwali,tube•typa 'siva:Rik ever- fits most p fS,19$7 cart BIG;BARGAINS; EN OTHER SIZES I erttla S' 9 traders, tilde in, ■ bttckwatt; • WarkWalt. lxD�%lti�ixi� ". _. .:: -7.10 sizer • _ _ ..far atfaldernutdal 6tsmostpra-1057;02a • -- FRE I11•STALLATIdllt®no,extras tn''r units OFR R IS.cooio Toa It; DAYS ofti YI• OF CANADA, L MITER , SA 1Doittlie St. Stratford GooD f'EAn TIRES SEAFORTH MOTORS W. T. TEALL—PROPRIETOR PHONE: 541 CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE not ion ago hien Arid Woman with `coronary artery disease; ltubcrciilosis or diabetes were unable to obtain,life itis trance. 'Today it is possible,for•many of these people to be. accepted • In;a'tlpecial premium classification. Technically speaking they;; ate said °to be "rated" policyholders. -For many years idatiufaeturers Life has.contribiited leadership in this special ;held:;•Today we are well knowai,for our progressive;outlook "d16r the fav611tAb1e Pi'eniipm raters being offered:. .Actually 90% of the people applying"ter Manufacturers Life politica today are acceptedat regular rates: Anotlier are offered insurance 'at the lowest possible'ost considering • their -,particular physical conclit.ion,, while only ii/%a ane declined: Whatever your needs,`you Can be sure of:-'- progressiv.e life: insurance service when you call the Man from Manufacturers. MANUFACrHE TURERS FE J. A, 'Cenci o £ ep)-ereivafiye LAPOItTIf ,, t, Tel: '7&5 INSJRAN'CE COMPANY