The Huron Expositor, 1958-05-16, Page 2-.7 7 1i4 L 1 INS IPPF Of �0, "PAPERS N ' .! 7 kk ANJ 9-bf iheVMS The May, medin he' church Wednes� Was held' at, t the Spring,, who- Might think tli(� day eve -members ' ''d VAt- KMed -the COWW"Wip"y-F-irs ning With 96 it� T Vsent :TU A yearling go t, o*ue bj'Bain mis a ejs a justifiAble'ane. . But V rs,, An erson� Aiider�pji V V OW`i� odQes serve-. w. ustraf6' 'that 5W , I -� , , I , I , , 1 ie. Eo "s� A —ON-TARTO kv stes illed .... by- the in- wherever typi� t th is al- S" zt, WeW a6cident' is se ,. ere 106nadia TJIe'w0rshjpL pOr- q e, arsons. XcLV 1��Q about wa�y.4 the distinct* s�lbility P 11TA , , a half milip'shtlig-a- M P0 i0d Was taken by'.Xrs,� ANDOEWT AN; Mitor x , Of let- ew§PAl?fT 3 a;mpi, r last W6ft P I JdojI Jar. �pda-k -morning, tibig an -error go,by unnoticed It s Asgociitti ith t4e'y4arlin eyvs- ibBsCj;04"n0N 4ATIFS. th E'h *I rott, ani president, Mrs. 4" '"way g� so:eas.y,, to do. 'Just ask, any n pre ide(I r an4L .56 4 Year 'the rna�e proofiroade —4 moeting,� C aW 61t � ha'd - got' with paper r, -Goderich p g. sell COnSitt, 'the Ing struck ginid'killed by a'�6r, in pja aavaic-e)---$3 -Ye 4al Stj U atei 5,0,'a ar i�", . 1 �. I , . Which.were s0mg fishermen from Two Mother' were 9 Day poems, i 5 CEIM MACT Listowel, Th -car was- amag6d� Ejltjol,�� ILM, read, by MTs.,�Rus� Broddfoot 6 Hz. 6 By se'If "h F' NEW— d .0, e M65"d—thiLt ji D-'jartnieitt -0ttaw .�VM, '. -S. . , titled, "Mother?/S��,Vhy"- and,,' *s ail,: P6st PM �kz., 1 -: . 4�1" ..0 e _ . On Mr Wqn� -Aufllo**d 194 ce e AlOrVAII McQauley-iar�- . :::::. -Mrs. Cadpitt: d "w"d C :rpy al. police froxnZod-, Orful -90thei CA '10*6d,:At her,Morris, township home R, --7 e elmow Sent.4.' aft a h6mdrovs, -em3 �'A.-Motisure,Qf found that -,i �ti�dt d�Lu Wt.,': Wednesd -knop h po D6a er. Persona RAFORTU� �ONTAR ay L P� ,S:� ��o 'Affection!, *---The`-,, visiting c 3 M,AY'16 :195 e P ee-reporte seven -calls .,7 PrOlm r. ing in a, 'SUPER'r -Mpfe Tu, 1,1: OLDS 1 IFor Exeter dei . 0 Stewar nit btelln f; Ing am Radio - fir -uck­ she' went into the c 6iiuctioii 1: e , -, - iffie& and,- Mrs: hurried th Wi -Afid; or -V--6tq-'PU oiwere the t and rakes� Whit6"Iil Tire nage y; , :, i— , -,: �ii theinterse appointed for' Mi action' Ierself and Ma I beat'out thi--: amOs . before the ve ays i. '4; re-, yfanitic'� a. dt,deqi *04- to V �'fire Ja,rrott,-Mis,'11AorleY 'Cooper,. and,, w—as lly ry4ow:mjle ti ,e 'shrew g.xo ittle e Cou -mpetm b� at IV, tkuck'arr ved., It is. lieVOd thft� Ifh 'ddn,, 1456 Md. 4rch: 9 -Ontario�-Li Parsons- away,from th A Was d� n P y d && -) a—c"a: --al� 0 s' -were 16-9&rless' There San f -Ko -Coto e . I AA . , �:, rs. Me the church oli"Monday eve In.th -voting eiit o e er"14td., W 7- -apz ge- ning. s 'o e 'but" erl� `nd a ebia was no 1i d, uildirig perinits Ur 1955- Buick-' Sedan t thne-if or -the public 0� reaUt p e. on :b nd�ftom the-& t arL Ppr y did--he.,-blans n�nia L *W41 na a4954"Chev.- Sedan IT C mote ;,with., teistaurajit,faeilitps,�pnl�.6f.�, the -colony u P w e, - s u Was faxen-o�, 13, jyy ne, ft-, fire�� e. fft ase dal I Mrs.: Edgar �edafi eih g e,ih, radita ve� maa was, avai y' aAtr4h new -v T east� gholds% In RPlgrave' dan bifildhfg on, No, h ovanep Urs.'Johil jownAip., a A d. St 0 e e, Advoca, e Oanlks- was,� inoi Radtop'! rR d e - With the�:,Pr k'a ship rid oRoss,, hoveijothe"h�ot�.' b4d t VOW a 144BA6 I TO IJ elPed AIR n yesore S'L Sid, Sinith ormer, pro, ockey .ai d reducing the.'ov all. Con' - I r a com er Lucan count ee ee s perio , 1 6 1 'iiid': a t player, d initteo Mon dy nidEi to iw�estigate rs arpirt .4., k 'Se'dah n� am e e ec ion. 1 n 19-51'"Buic som6*haf. These. Afarg' t -L' rse, ectio t A' o ::bf the -W1Aitbk,.�,Dun1opS, Mr5­1 aref oga!l,r 74, Purchase of Jand� the Site k po �un' Y, erly,. A14rg4ret.,K o- W- e- 'v e ­r r* 6 i t6d nPw unip or e,7i age,,. ,w p oefuse VbW!ganiCr�.t, as in,:. Clinton h u f o 4e ith hi' Rpatrick, 0 �P C,aris hbp&s-:'to -close 'its present r 16f 'of.. r. Peter. Ki acquaffit U u S p onal, popularity - of -Dr., Aison t"' alonk the -second. coii�es Tuesday afernoon. At--theTe4uest pen, died Wednesday; 'Ar r"-,30) -Offer. Be -it- I- ­ --- i us --­ h" 0- . abilities. pspi a ' ! , '' lof-ithe­Hui6iri Fish and Gami� M' in'' the teas�.. aT, �N bh�b 4 oose aw, ]Ubei�l candidatej e �q4f fUj�. Vobys were excuse om, S! re, The dump on oga,n was �borxi at e e vo ing�re W 6i I' �. I I Iii -re he. liractli d:' re he was, oh*the the: tiver has.b 'M h bank of frdyn',3 im �Credito; Ont alid moved w6st, b d The late. Mr L se and wh school and h rac i b li id d H`-� a� ,highway eye§ore.,.foT,1, se�.eka o ccrr6di'41i ess: fromXr. Smith:o�- ly k 4-9 heard an, �addr an"ayo n. strong Conservative suppertj, -EA-F T ff"O T h t _Q s6 :.The ers. -w re:i s e,,,:resi e until her hus- B, 933 ean: A, up-as, nton e- etek;�Inmes,i. antamir-and P6e�Wee. ban&s death 'in Sh v PHONK:5 tep" efi- reflect-:' il,prov,4 ecL b '; Jsborrie jad,8 h,' Atal bUw procured.�LE O.i.1i ed 1�0"'o W6e with: he" r`� Ar ur in C& M - Advo�af .0 e-gettl r ndinz of -M aeNaukht �r team.,,:: s rese, am­,play� as' d ey " �ere'oiged- to listen 1953,'dnd, Was b y in a ever- *6 Late TO Lea -e area. ''th ru., an e� s N a, �r� majoriVv t town w as. 900- �K'6j��e k6n W ly I t e,pu as rm�rl to. managers - and coaches "who y a:,gr( __g e, survi fwo -o,- Y bli�- h hore han . . . . . . . t o0erated �"7 StPrP aid: .Sh p,4yPr qes not vei. "Thc''Individu 1 d :i J10,40ught, Oi d ean an, �d- conCeriied a a. -result o ine t was �a c as completed Ye A d bto;..' r, the� hreO-ye . dehebessary Pqp Vlf le make Me 1 P -e Or --Kil' th -rtesignatibjisma ca h N th ''^on In's'ti- Uhild mpaign, i ein 0 -P ay Technology 'at R til t YOU, OaKmg strongiy., -a, I tUte _'.of Technol -1 s b aer.,, ft,6 deals nor was it w6rried by dvw� n cat.6a 'heir capacitt t- d mer time- p th6ni e sery es'!WeriE� held:kik� E rovernm( -1ir -To'-Mr Mad -Ni"', wee er-whelmin mt majori Onaukhton P�q aduat6d);ja ik­-Wi ML is o es Son: ffii sports lielpe to"keopithem out a at & A e, v :gfiii uA on. r: e -Az V' -W e- cong-reg: ti t' h - the sa-ra-e tim 6ertainly the. ke- 'Cokd-r­�C a 61' of, trbubleii Steal in Scil Rehiiii s d Louise his- -0toid his brother','. S oil h 'sta ' Adardt all child -�'Charlortte "ut�,S ee,, an 'Th& 01 -Vl�ost Goveniment ""bu`t'7`:ra:ther,;' f -the' h1g' Howard Ariothi 'from Z1661i Hen- .......... d $50: James' W�ag6n� -P perhatis, an endoksembnti 61''ihe re�., 66"liate: Ton. Pi Anne 'IS at'present, vfsiting­,�ritfi a, t' M and- at the, ogan.):, Burial 6 grand parpii s, r. �Mrs. F eac over tnethe& 0 Gocrich' � in magis y D haver. Brantford.. uriclijazim" Pallbearers Rosedale '�cemetek "W . . . . . . . . Signaj-St-A±'1:1' court ere�, d d Ayrd Glen en- e­nes,ay, m.an -known 'Zfirich owesi owes m rl ViDes y1> jqing,.� G A ­­ J,: R, '11 C, �H'0110WS a hlete;,.��D pe, Gignae, Well )To ey% and'Uny Tilodi'. onald ko6i 'k is progressing Ance yi 01'' 1 1 of 116n'Sall �,and now -of: Are we. losing sight of'. the P't',11'ne Pu r�oyi �.Vbr�,q' Ues-, othe�,,rebujlding' of the, Goshen Line; and Williain Lee; mi qn,�,were a �i . ............. -.in i ng of de ocra�y Bruce-. tiolt reg r es ''Of"the1oh t" 46"d 'guilty, -of -talking,'fhe­�pqrker e d1 9 of., Zurich,- of thL HENSALL -n 4it di�' 'd A in Ivan b,,._ w ourn4l ern C p L D A Orr, �i6f­ RC -AF sta-. son,widely kno, f rie th liav6�,b e cut ow- fro th&'fArni !of Kalbfiefse Hutchi ere, GjgjjaU,S OtS illin. EarlY,plans- w ,re. SP. prup oyer, toned at Trier 'Germapy, �recently - an' nt' bolit [gg-estg4e A 4 - a�tth of,,' > Denouncing::;." urr6 ic as,_, il' A il'I won a n: honorary 41 t,-;p4ve the road only to 1�4 in es pri 3. Gignac'Pleaded gtlilty'to, lWitfng in Ma�lah'8 �Ugazine' he goverhment�b?yl e north I road � a for -of the -DasbWoo And Lee And ha� hL arge., but Koe *tes as'the pr er'r-SYS �Of 'two an( o.were notr e -view, of many of-� - 'b' b half miles; Wb'' ivat I a the,jIonor, of being, c ampion bo'7�rl- ari y, y, pu ic po,, -A, tom' "S' but the rep6iti, ig 'that,,, iy�. sel, p gadqd:� t er,�of'th, m6nLth He, is;. the on -V�- 4eadifig Statesmen th 6- h'' a rernine a, sy&�- job will: be, comp.e e. Jqseph �Keiidaj sAid"he"Orovi of r� nd-­MrS7­A� R. Orr, of Hem— the, W s e. s ys;,�­­ma 11191 90N, ......... . Kong , rou th, fi,f ih' road,, to UL -L11 aLl tjdW tar f. k 6U I the Ziih ark6d ief that-deMocr-'acy is dootied by its tem� d, the, Dashwood roa This, inews, is.'by the prqe men r e �en, w. as? wawelconie'-;io r6sidents of- been, �a patient for­isevOral,.­46k� 'own- -inte Al - failure if ft'.coiiti :like, 6 wh'aL s. Cathexin 'IT'dd h to funct h I " r as it, A 11. 'd 6wer, -a !this dsrcwhd iiji� that:�6, �blayt6n,'Ortweiui Who �, S ioA Oes.' ee "-to' X OF, on q at outh- Hurm Hospital r' E: rection.., The roacrAs owne' - by d 'Rur-: at, 6n,'-Sundak and IS w rl-county:� Urich, cltizeiis-: e s-,; jr, Oft the yr me,,of.. et-daughti�t, came Democratic,' politics have '4 1 66.1 � #E -Rev. .'Norman oeebrfflig -ta, the - wr, i be6w.se­ -th ':in',the agie. 6 e evision-,,- ext da 11w -s Churck 'Emeter',, ypograp, ica,Eertors �are alway t d�'�; 1. , M OriOU oe- d' MeEwZS, mr Ankili'dan jensa ha misu W $Mgi 1 . Hens sed the ord dem' an ass n e',, good " for . amu- i. rea ing., , S t r t ainni e nt th* far" 6 and 'St. Pa ills,: Pioneel e one , in::, e :fe-fpse'd, to, buy pApmp e, thereis one.,in:: racy tending more n fi-p-,7 !s ­of th t6le' tol&' e,� c6ud'be' A th d .rS 9:from Fe —men ffiF-firs p ry-j u s t stributed in; ThiF 0one'directo on,,:teld -it' did n61t'y'n:e4 Godrich,',� last we'6'k.; -rea.ds;':: time- tfi6y, a him' but' 66FS of both, co' �i&r'stood the word n y sa esmeh ut. a6 presenta I't'-wh th ,erhment bj juaj6d­ ga ions present6 Mr. Knox: i jADV the people', it M-eant td�s-�:w, Acter,:..w en mein a, I is back "P , , , I y er,�,aii Mrs- r pite� the'f M tion 66t the. Prji &M nist skilled nbt�by: �dly th6, hine: The' - id ' - . r' '' ". , I I � , - I .. of,20,181 -government by Platforin,,rock" � �! . , 1, 1 � �:L , r - . 61 1 L _6 1 .1 6 . 0 ' L. 't tr �.�t ezie� turned -later -andi. - bodghi ba&, . )f luggagp, OX 4nimg, , :Ngr - P6 L Pie n ­ � I -, With a, - set ek&Wd. by the 0 h o y, o6t pp ormers, A A pu on a good., are',those- p le o. j rTimes h -so, a�ny ,Y as.:: accepted, a� call to Lafiib Utho W6, thifik 0 S way. Wh pver lii� witure h al. alid outstitn�ing sibng­ S OW.. r, and Nrs .'Art.'`r6oth A -n jo if4 the,:b6st,we, baa., b 6" s6n hav� e orbiAe, him, w ret6rred bi6k to the"-pubfic,'. Henry- -aud.*;.o eri.f Thatta. os y.',' They,: are. moW ',on theik� .in edii w re ge during. t 0'"' e .'hi gtiliirly�'-and' that7s wh �veire� 6i)ened:. an., the' 'AGONE 'th aunt And throughoutithe edthe-sh YWARS West have lost, the 6ura to, act: back W� their, home y And. At'THE.-CAN A� bron,Expo d_ R6bett Cook; account %6,"peogle's -best" interest- r dent,federal. s ears ou peg­LMaqjtO A, thi� f ii 14utch"; 1 �6ntentio gitoj r rs mink, slavi - ly i follow- shi ,y sh .15 14 K OF R -6d wift COMiME 7�,B IJCHES'* EADY TO S RVE Yb 7 RA. ACWS�S CANAP Hild-4hiapd, heatley d 121o'clockrbuti asis a vantag Prom e Huron Expositor CH A Wait Ma� 9 : ' 0, -11 r , g es. �-r e � lignts': gomg, Ott , Wa Pak: One to Pbliceman.:i t s�. the 4 1 '19 3 h ay 9, :,1,140h, 6nly--thing DIMILIN Dean, a r BRANCH M t., cou d.. drive thd icer,.,,my car has -gone. will I I g.4er mem ers o - -601incj1,116n�e M "Stolen; �h? Ov�i5,young men were.prac rthE in V rs 'un, er disc ssion: OR T ADS -BRINGIRES M.,; Vhei On:day night. y i4ciotball dtou�dS r, r r . ; eighty niatt� d theft on Mond en- 'And *A e" 4y.eV UIL! -became so sted that day- light might..�fiave foundr 6 them:#ffir Mg'an Int6kes't in sitting ko"d U6 table d �not hait . ..... *..�­ incieas� the, , i§�. reminded: fli6m, C IS Was "-'d'tb' 11' god jng, iii�. years, an time a e"n: g, new, bleachers are'rbein' erected re,; home,' 03r j , 4 JU ash,Br.os--) iii,backstop'ds being built 4',the third�'concds'! 4M ro gi­u , iAd SIOn of M6'ydUop,;rec6 I ntlk, puichis . 0 �be: un 6ft Bw§ oCthe! 1h&.grSUnft:'arO. at, last,ke ainfim COACes �quj �roa, s d 't6r,'.,bfb6d- 4 terest oftl 3,per ceh o-2Y��,pek, 4" May,' h, ifig" thO­ front: of.�theifr, W�dwari -S ON esney,"&' Vc 'bald �ar& bav, Thi recent r6dti6tj6n.jn:ibar1k` hi ainted, SOM as; Or ay y n y annpp!A�e cra M 'd d ks ver'' Id dl the same tfino that interest on F th6 ban The Moni rot r, uBrings ire &er Uron fireg,rr Cho ren ...... ijftg t th'i iar um r o 4nd,1 d to 4� lqa, loans Would.'algo drop on6-h' rOm, e Ho" ce 1 t pn as a I t 6 setifthg" t of: fijee, rukers to Orial Aospiti ary *hds becomie- fiWit-" h a adults, and five turk6y which or as arpro(Ucer nqrs( unno, Year �Whj�lj 54 fi �ry., D' wi recrA a e capacity 'of Scott -AleinA7 rieve', 'of Mi'� Wil Am., A b d ar e e one day MONDAY, 11" ended Septejiib&r201 1932, k6i at. s, Mr. Grleie. ha a. Mi & and 43 -infants as IoWn;the oth A- ients Were, ad, ftib bou e 'm es one i5f wbiC11, 66 the;� hospital. wore 7Y2 nc6sr� bAAe h 'way nd 10''M' -C es fla tioned' R, Mr - Upbort WatSon �. o - G asgoW,, Arid tfi6 sec6n& 6g �O-RDE e6n: sta thii�&her Air fOL-1 sco nd, 6 has b' inCIA ENT -the Brit Measured 71h by Otl/ in; India:wiffi Campbell of the 7th visiting his mothei k§'-WatSon, ongession o c as,�p P'l j M�S ea e ­-erve. he West half; of, lot fd e� SUM Deem attb�fide&f the4fighean Church,held: a and asoit' a let 'di he an6�1 meeting 5Q. Vhe,lar the qffiri Wne6S ';R� Paike, Mks 81on" kn6wn.�. t 0' in ey, S. B Off. -ter. and Mrs,� W am. Clbyton farm -for': which he ank 5 r I es o. Or 'th build-, go 4 "W6 bemd k; 'S. 441t t aii it"is ecesgary n in a Should firoke and, tur h -,:At a, ffi6etin of thl all 1W commi tee of the Mei6hanical, Insti- 100 and'ad Vrom� lu -HukOji EXPOsitiOr tdii- held-' 6ix Frida�,:eivtonifig, a tTiejr infton 196A It has b!6eil. h6ted:fiat' childre"v7". t of iher4Mre,H0d1 xes.olutxoii� whg. oun occur, CrAc , b.'Br& have 'the PA Art d un. V, had,A fine n6w, t -up ibis weOki�� Mj jr.0 't ja to qr awning pig 6ssn,. J�hj'.-McRe aii awhas,purchaSed d the :yopt-eiii to! .:elea 601%. M Car jetuk,3 theatre f engOffi' Paying hisIRE 1)E: or moving p own: A r. and are'ftowi In'''' s FORTH' SEA PQS to frg� Bonson for $1 I&an� Water, Committ6e fhs'Mrh1W Doh6rty t I to prepare. p ans Vlei* rftete( 40 Xr'.P�, Wff;" el and he'lias Md. farm, oP c invO in lot fok'afi additional- basin at'rtho Wa a(T�L through A A,. Waft�*; the - OkOaVafion before 'the heXt 'ART 0"�" 05P ENT' de TiIekersinith to, Vr' k�z BH�J-, 10i#oiks 'and receive - fenders Or. oif )61d. The, Sa SEAF POLICE the , lambet ated#r 'At jjr III pert thousan: IDOW i plae der, of W1 I turned off'; at front $140 ;tas of n Ctt