HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-09, Page 8fij III.TRON EXPOSITOR , SE ,F ►IiTl3, `QN'J:, MAY 9, 195$ • Aiwa +s Fresh, at. . Red OE�T.Tt�ER S Maketrrsu DUBLIN, • ONT: • lllll.•II1,„ IIIH•• II. AI �f.fllltt11I11.F1Ft IBi�, N IUII # tnyi TED - Clinton- - Ontario o. the Lar Wide -Screen Featuring gest W e in' Huron County. • Two Shows. Nightly,, Rain or Clear Boa Office Open; -at --8 1►.m�.: First --Show at Dusk • Children Under 7,.,in Car Free 'Thursday and Friday—Ma '8 and 9.- "THE FUZZY 'PINK NIGHTGOWN" Jane.,RiiaselT.-:_Keenan Wynn (Two Cartoons) • Saturday & Monda" , May ],4 & 12 — Double Feature .. - "THE HALLIDAY BRAND" Joseph Cotton - Resty Blair "STAR OF INDIA" (Colour3 __ Cor' Wilde Jean -Wallace - . (One Cartoon) --` ,• Tuesda Wesda �IYIa 13.14 9 Y Y -- Double . Feature Horror Show "THE. 'BEACH.' SHEEP" Basil Rathbone 'in Tamiroff: "THE CREEPING OWN",, . -- Brian Donl�y--Jo• ar nen.;.. ,".".'(OffeTartoon.) IIIIIIIIl1iIIIHIl111lllllfill111U1111111II1111 Are you ready to$rent .your spare room? A classifiedadvertisement phoned to The lliiron Expositor; •41 will bring a tenant: COUNTY.' FEDERATION , NEWS (By CARL HEMr GWAY). On April 28 :the Agricultural stand 'that- property owned$ must Board Rooms,• Clinton„ were filled be paid compensation te,cover this tg capacity by farmers affected b)n direct. or indirect loss.. As a r`e' e_pproposed pipelrne- from Strat= " •1t�-of their'efforts„. the fallowing ford" to ;Goderie1r;• •This meeting regulations: have been added "to the 'was .called at the request of Don Pipelines :Act for your protection; Middleton; secretary-fietdman of The company- re r ,. . _ qui ung the line Middlesex .County -.F of mustobtain. pei'mission" to "con enation Agriculture and.: kilember of the strn;ct from the Ontario Fuel Qutarib 'Federation o€ --,A grieultnre Board, . Pipelines and. Lang'.acquisition 2. The property owner h asCn ittee, - o ;SuPIAYe farmers days after notice ofa utbliche: a1r4, ,withuformatronnobtauungtheiring to givewritten obleetion.' -ri tsfor this ineonveuence 3.:. Ifo colon < is 'laid x'60 This' committee: has' been . meet bJ , days are: allowed for 'investigating by , rtg manly wi lei -cabinet minis- De 'artmenti.44__Gouernmentr a .. � , _ , , f Tnf1-. ter•concerned .aid in .the ease.• f . i'�'°' lines _3irith the . Ontario, =F: e1 o ndil zanons munreipalities and 2 1?e - ., _, u.... land owners;- _ • Board for -the -'benefit of all farm- " 4, The Fuel Board has the right ers, • . - to_ impose on._ the....Cninpauy terms. The first thing' we need to keep and• conditions of construction n - .•. ;...:. . ,, ,, o and; rnmd is: the fa•ct�that public, the--userof -a=-'standard''-''easement. vices suet], .as .highways, :railways, contract hydro, telephone and •pi .eiines can 5.' The -la d owner has.the right cross your property iii spite Off any to appeal the offer: of of.. ,;. compenssa - inconvenience o{::.oection You . ion tothe,Gnyern.nent, appolntefi may have.view of. ,thisthe boardof arbitrationo;witlout; cot.;,Federation ,has aken a determined•6: Inspeet-ors wilL'; be:.appointed oke A vanitage- . o. rcE ihwa DUBLJI MRS. -• R. VVEST ._ .. HEADS IIIIRONDAII• The following tlfticers,: Were.eleet- e-d--to-"•office for, 1858:59 .for"Huron- dale :Women's , Institute at their meeting- for •Which' ' M. Barry, Strang was: hostess at, her .home Wedxiesday:•' honorary • president;' Mrs. Iiarry'Strang; president;: Mrs :Reyfance' Westcott 'vice presi- dents, resr dents,:�.M•rs, _Mac' .Hodgert; 4Vlrs' Richard . EtheriugtonSecretary- treasurer, • Mrs, Lloyd , Ballantyne..; as$istant; Nlrs'. Rev . Morgan dis strict director; :Mr's. Lee Weber; al ternate Mrs- Wilfred liunkin ,pian ists, Mrs. Harry Strang,,- Mrs R. Jeffery; press; Mrs, Mervyn Dunn; auditors,' rs..:William Elford and ,Mrs • Robert Jeffery; directors, •11E' rs- Harry; DONE;`;"Mi-§;- Oryilie Beaver,• Mrs.:, ,Ed. Sillery Mrs. William Lamport. • , $egresentatves--.to::.-district- an- nual, Mrs,, _. hoYlance Westeett, 1IE Lee Weber; Mrs. -Andrew bon - gall, Mrs. Bev. Morgan; Mrs::Bruce, :Tuckey; emergency( Mrs. William Sillery, Mrs: Bev • Morgan, . Mi Flarold; Jeffery, ? rs, William 1tow- Cliffe,-. Mrs. William Elford; Percy Passmore, Mrs,' ..Mervyn, •Standing conrmittees- Home.eco- nomids ,,and .-health,Mrs P Jose h. :Ferguson, historical',research` and' cueneventa�Mrs ::Wth `crtrrizlensiut; M education Mrs. James ;Krkland; - agriculture , and Canadian industries, Mrs. J.' Los- tell with air'assistant to --be' rip liomted` at the +executive `meeting;" Tweedsmuir. •history; Mrs. Arthur - Bundle , Mrs.. r William` Kernick;': resolutions, Mrs., Harry Strang." Mi -s: Joseph„F'erggson-was appoint- ed a delegate, to district directors' conference in Guelph'in ,May:.. 2Miss i, Nettie . ' Keddy ; ' a former ;member of 15i= years. ,ago; spoke 'briefly '.officers were.:installed by Mrs - Wi1ii i- ernick: and -Mrs,- William rSims - -; The May meeting will be held in to see that.draizis, fences, etc., are Pro ' l r e Paired properly- y - A. Crthe o i r, chairman ofthe Fuel. Board ,-;=a s s u red th e --m e etin g= --th a t - farmers; who are 'not satisfied: with the location M -.the line; should ie fuse to -sign the:easenient and, they will n ath'opportunity' of statingthetheirhcveaseAbeefore the board If the .complaint is reasonable it Will be upheld ;and .the`line, Moved. flurohdale School , With ” Mrs: k'rayne Parsons- and Mrs. Mervyn Dunn as 'hostesses, on,' May. 28, at 0:30 P.M, • q ,' A supperpreceeded the meeting. Assisting the -'hostess were •I rs:, Arthur l uudle,t',Mrs." Harry 13oou- gall, Mrs. Edward Sillery, Mrs. W�llram'"::Kernfek, and Mrs:. Alvin Moir.:: KIPPEN • Mrs: l erb_Wl iteman ;and il°augh -ter, Margaret, of •• Tpronto, , spent a few days ,with Mrs. Dinsdale Nand Miss Mabelle Whitemanz and :;:on 1Ftonda� ;last'w,eekMr_: and'Mrs. OliverWhiteman, • of Toronto, .and. Inverhuron, Were also: guests. ~ • • -Mrs.-Rena--Caldwelf,.vher -'son,-in- law and :daughter, Mr., and Mrs: Verne Alderdice, motored Sunday,, to Toronto,to ^meet Jack Caldwell, who flew fr"ojn,"•England; 'having been ativav; hree • weeks J Mr I aiiil ,M'rs, `Arthur Tooth" n son; "•Gleed, of Winnipeg; • visited a few days; with, an aunt and uncle, -Mr and .I S. Wilfred Mellis ' Mr: and Mrs, -Ross Chapman London, have returned'' to their farm Mrs, -'Robert 'M grcGre "o ' and IVI" rs. N; -Rickert,; - spent '_ Wednesday_ an , .London. - _ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren and Laurie, • of spent •the week end with the' foritler's parents, Mr. .andf Mrs, •Gordon •, Wren. Wren 'retur•,ned . to her :home with them after visiting the, past ..two Weeks •in Hanover Mr and Mrs.•; Penliale; of ,fay field, -wer'e Sunday guests',With' Mrs. Penhale's parents, Mr. • ,and Mr's, Bert --Faber':. Hentail- Sale Pisces ' Prices. at Hensall Community Sale Thursday were: Weanling, pigs, $13, to $16.30; chunk s .172 5 t s.1$ o„._.',10;$23.75- 10 ' fe' ' 23.75- to 261- s $5 5, eders Holstein-” con s; $160 to $190; Dur- ham," $175 to $240;; Holstein calves, $15 to $26; Durham I calves $35 to Good Good steers sold "up .to $2410.,-a•'cwt Five hundred and ten pigs -and 250 head `of cattle, and calves, were sold. HOSPITAL MiJ, .Y' -TO MEET dtegulais -meeting of the Wornen's 11ospita1 AuwnliarY. will ibe held Tuesday, May1$--at 5:15 .p m., 'at the nurses'' residence. .. . WINTHROP The Mission .Band Will hold their 'lay meeting in. Cavan :Sunday School: on Saturday afternoon, May 10; at "2 o'clock,. Mothers„ are vited to "join with -the Mission Band: at this' meeting. Mrs.. Wm. Church; will be the guest speaker A fami1 et-toether , .both y,. g g ; sapir-. itual• and':; social,;, is -.planned for -Cavan congregation on Friday' eve-: a itlgg; May 16, under the: leadership Of the Christian ..Education Com ,mittee •'F'or•:lunch; • Circles 2 and 3 . are bringing tarts and -Circles 1 and:' 4, sairdwiches; MEEiRY minDENS .' The' sixth meetr{g •of .,;the forth,. Merry Maidens. -was' 'opened at at. Mrs. •W: L •.Whyte's home ,:Sat= urday by ;singing "0 Canada" and. repeating. the, -_4-H 'Pledge.;The roll call' was answered .by' one accident hazard m.iie'clul?girl's.lionie-and: hew she }vas going' to. rectify rt: Business",related%".chiefly.' to'Pro: - leets tobe,' finished for•`Achieve-. inept Day; :July 3 Discussions un- derWhyte and Mrs. Broad- foot'.s leadership, dealt with the, elirnination`of accident hazards 'in the; different :•rooms of homes. Eie alih wtill benefit by 'wearing. suitable, " tve11 fitfiing - clothes and , shoes at all times: The Government Deficiency Pay- ment apGpliesradeedtily orols Properly Woo Secu the anost I'atroniziing' Your :OUtwnOrgabynization , JSOtN IIOML Seaford% is collecting wool -for grading an P alesAC on ' s he eo-o era�S iv t e TD lan'� P ' eperl's .may obtain "sacks ani _twine_...free Sh-from.•--the- above or their Licensed "Operators:' CANADIAN CO-oERATIE , Wood RoWEItS :LIMITED 21'7 Bay ° Street • Toronto Charlie Mac`sTaughtoi ;will ' be- valuable e valuable addition to the Frost team. lie will be heard at Queen's: Park:.. uror Thefr To Hurn :�ntrihuii�n Roads Eclucation Hospitals Welfare n $5:16,173.00 876,822,00 300,000.00 201,4OO.OQ 100,A00.00 .-0V0110100: SEAPORT Exeter 41 NUMENTP' WORKS: orEN ;DAILii Pr'ydle & Son. AL% TYoP CISMETERY MPEiS °I;: Enquiries' are 'invite " - Teleph' ers one N'u�b ... li nt0 , 1626 ed. ,! Seaforth`57'' i ' 'D 1 . ea er9 s' Pers n 195_ LD , • �AltnTOP �aP�It� SSi7, - Radio, Power Brakes,' Whitewall Tires, Hyrarnai ue, very low .,mileage 195' Pontiac Laurentian -Sedan 1956 Monarch Hardtop- 1955 arrdto ~1955 Buick Sedan 1954 ChevSedan 954 Ford � Sedan 1953 ,Chex., Sedan 1953 Ford Hardtop. 1951- Buck Sedan Many LowePriced Cars — Name Your Price N O -- Reasoriableoff-er--Ref' -- -- - - used :x• epresen tativ€ iiiio-fl Heretofore Huron has had no provincial institutions ofl atly kind. ' As a result of the untiring efforts :of the late* Toni Pry , de a 1300 -bed hosp>!tal for retarded ohilciren is torybe built on :theshores of Lake„Huron, , .. near COderich. The election of Charlie MacNaughton as a member of'the Frost team wl1T'insure:that full benefits front this huge project will be derived by the entire riding.. Here are a few Of the impor- . tant benefits it can bring to Huron p ymeefrom 600 to SOd n and Women --Payroll . --- Over One ;Million Dollars Per Year - Food Supplies '.!$350,000.. to . $400,000' Per Year: -- Maintenance "ExpendituresOver • $200,000 Annually air ie MacNaughion ill; Work for: Uro ►GRESSIVE C®NSERVATM t'. )NDAY, MAY