HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-09, Page 2?Mee' 1.866. $era00 ci'pn'tlio/tratv First
hed at AFORTR ONTAiUA eireriv :Thursday InOrning
•McLean Br9s., Publishere
ANEW tNicLEAN, Eitqr,.
Canada advanceY
Untt4 advance) $3.5Q'a: Year
'Authorized as SeCoad Class Mail, Post Office.,120.ePartinent, OttaWa
, _
SEA,PQRTH,..' C11,/rA140, 2V,14Y 9,19§8
Membor of •-
• Canadian Weekly
Goverrintent_ 1)ifficulties
resi nation of the 1V1Inister of
sve—NIalorities Create•
lenoll-Ig.witb his Cabinet Point -4)
tion that arise when a 'Govern -
121 enjoys an excessive majority.
_Seniethint to which voters in
;r0h 'must give serious thoUght:.....
en they cast their ballots on - on- •
• ,
This . is the relative strength of the
ovirnment in the Ontario libilge a.
e. moment:
rost Conservatives. 80 members
1t;171berals .11 IneinberS
Vacant ....... 4 members' .
r. FrOst'S difficulties had their
nning some months ago with the
ed by the resignation Of the Nlinister
Qf Plibli4-:Works;:,Nr..'Griesiriger_.It
as -been 'indicated. the !resignation's
arose from transactions the ministers
:41.Adliatwith stock .of-NortheriOn4'
NatViral Gas :Co, 1 a be -
se' of its nature, 13oUnd• to- be..af--
‘• Ithe ..Ontatio
Goirerninent. - •
rTliis,Week'S'resigiiatiOn Of: a
• min-
ister Frost ': .Government is the
Sorne', time
11 regularities ni the hgh-
ways 'i•••...••: • '
Dairy Farmers Fin It 'Pays- To. elp, Themselves
iaSWering the charge that faim., --to make up Dairy Farmers of Can-
. .
ovays askingitar-bella;-Da-47:—__2ada..:ffe adverbsing-Pr°grarti •
Huron ,
(BY A. S. Eoltou; -Assistant' r
Agricultural RepYesentatiVe)
, CORI Weather 'an4 frost in sOme
areas. his altridst stopped &Mirth.
as .-fat as .pasturps are -concerned,,
If the.'frest 'continues the ,crops of.
legume. haY Will be, 'some -What re-
duced,. All ot;the spring seeded
ceyols have :gerthinated very,well
and although t4e.:grcrwth is -slOW,
MOSt,of these crops vvere well root-
ed before -the _Weather turned cold.,
lilin last weekefid7-di-d- a---great-
deal. to...prornOte Ygrowth in ,all
plants, and was acelainied the :Mil:,
lion dollar' rain by farmers in this
district:: • 'A .reasonable 21rjr: 'spring
,n 4f -possible. for- •f inners
With* -early. pasttutes :to ,seene
Okay Now
The foghorn' connection at the
harbor was finally fixed after frog-
men' Allan .,and Bruce 1VlacDonald
braved the„chillY watetS again on
'VVednesday of last- week. This time
they- arranged the cable So that it
is protected from the danger of
boing--Severed. by heavy ice Mea
'Vietoria.HoSpital at. London, where
she underWent an. operatioutd re,
ichatiiroUthoet intre .bedYee°renaena.ilFotiayalete°11''
prediered, but the specialist and
the child's parents are citiite hope-
ful that the sight will.be saved--
Wingham AdVatiee-Times.-
To, DeVelop Park
p t ent-o ranspott -
ralTirinthe edivision, Parry Soundisw2,„.r,,e e'vnetirpmaeintisottc,thheemswpenctominmuthn.
here vvhile the repairs Were
roade,-Gederteh Signal -Star. ity park, to the east of the Ax.eta,
Pae. Roads it was decided bY the Public Meet,
, ing in the 'Town Hall- last
of their lweetock out rot. the.P-o-um" viFth°11t°W Bg6jace7ce°'ttiiri'ntgY vli-urSday night. ` After colisidek-
:flier.. If . warm ...weather . returns. CommitteeI, • ReeVe • George JoYns... uwtya able . discussion on various perhojects,
announced that the cettnptyWoul:;1. showed only :d.ve:t:):1"asi:ent:kio_ and
inglite-,-n-r/rt-'-vireck;--- - -- - --- - ' .' - ' ' t i ' the h rci te 'urfa
Most of the corn -will -be sown dun.,
Showed 'only three persons .,oppos-
-7— .., • . • . ,.., participa e . n e a -
' , • -- 1 3 ....,_ _ ,,, • • -i'r oriiiiiiients felt the moneY Should be
rr-f-- fo---the C -t rangThe7cotin-- ...._. . .,.. t f. ,. • the
' g program -to be carried out
:Toney, on tros project. me thr
S ILE:LORI-TWO the V -I1 ge of Lucknow this year
d. yepairmg, he roof „ on
ygtuiedestrians act is if, you .own- Willi and •soluth,
arSli.atel•P P°P-1. 8°Inr4' Ifi CW11,1 resurface •the county roads .use
Community. Centre; ,with •only the
Werk,"_on the south .road--..vvhere
.and 'do repair
balance to, be , uSed deVelop-
ed• the streets-.-- inept of the., park.7-Zurich Citizens
."And Somma you drivers act As b d bunip exists in the concrete
if,,you owned your -cars." aio„-ve the culvert in the big ditch
iroin_the Caledonian Park to the
When I cone in from work river.-Ludknow, Sentinel.
m wife
yesterday evening, .
h!.;nnght.my liouse .and •.,11opeSight .Not ;Lost'
told me to sit in „the big chair,' '. The many: fri4tds' -Of and -
and then. -without , even any wait-', Mrs', - Merrill `' Diagonal,
big,' _She „brought' me a fine big din- Road; have 'been anxiottsly avvait-
ner on a tray.',. theii•-she gave' me Mg word.Of.:the .condition • of their
hOmeinide Ice •,creairt -.and ....after five -Year-old -dauglater„, Patricia.
thaftshe brought me a- .itiagazine:.The, child suffered -a _very, serous -
and told -Me' to-,just..read and„, e eyen ur,y last' „..aY noon the
t‘uv,,,,, 4, you, like her new hat bs ors0u. • thesheyti otao:e;t' Office
t..battehf, , 6e1 nn !lso:o.kil_1:. 'sts°,a'the
comfortable. . , ' 'when', the Point - a- 'Pair ,Of to
agreementi "-leo; and,, in order
The iattle giri was
day Morning,' as' has,been-the cus-
tem it the „past., workitig •at
the, 'pumping , stati.on at ' nights or
on .the 'weekends ' rec.elve
.per daytstandlay pay. The- new
wage .agreenient came, into, effect
on .171-dy
- Shorter Week -Same Pay
A 40-houi work` week was okayed
on Tuesday night for the entire
staff -of the Clinton Public Utili-
ties. Commission. Actually, al-
though al Small raise was included
to bring take -borne pay up th the
present status, the new arrange-
ment will mean little more,, ex-
pedse 'to the Commission, for sal-
Miss Marie O'Connor .and 1Vliss I IVIiss Noreen Dalton, , Brantford,
Anne Marie 1ViclVfillan, St. ,Joseph's visited with agc,. an_d-M,Ks-.1vfaurice
Hospital School of Nursing, Lon- Dalten. •
dont, visited at their_hona.es,
Toni IVIurPhy, Eindra, with Mr:
and Mts. J. Murphy:
„Florence Sloarl, London; Pat
Sloan, Windsor; Tom- Sloan. and
Gerald Sloan Hamilton visited
with --Mr. and Mrs: James Sloan.,
.-.mr,-.-aid-MrS. Frank 1Vialoney,
Kitchener, ‘visited Mr,,, and
Mrs. Peter Maloney-,
spent the Weekend with -Miss Anne
Morris, ,„ • ' '
liliss Marie' Dalton, London, and. Jack 1Vioy an.
are m ,
e other night when I was corn-
ers of Canada, the national pro- was a 6-ontirining, -tangible project _ mg along through oliaton 1,, drove
--- • ', ---a-- 1-- -.- ' . , - up behind a car at the stop light
cels ...organizatiOn, - pol.rits- t-6---tne , which was paving_ off tor -the dairy on the main corner thereich'
was signalling that, it was going
tree- Milli011_ dollars of 'their own: fariner and the industry Tat-larg. •
_ . __.., . eto make, a left, titrn. Without think.'
. ni -g,--I-eased-over-into the right=•
money that farmers have • pat ' t ' —0- 3. W S-1-iugg who ad- -
in o ,-• . • • , hand lane and passed him and car -
:wive. rtising during. - the--.- pg#7---c-ight---. . . in -inistraor tof the advertising pro- lied o,ii. across .the intersection.
, . . . ,
t. years. • Officials Of the, prn oducer 'or- . gram for_Dairy Farmers since itsi'
- - ' W:ST°Wrghlit'°/11dV.
. .
ganiiation explain that it . has , Cost .... ception,. felt that the real worth of
which would never have occurred'
Well new, that i' something
armers, who -have participated, .an: - tile program has been that it had act- . to me, I learned to drive on, the
average of about .30 -cents. per. cow * d '
e. as. a gadfly''1,11 the field of ,dairy bcS
• l'7‘fligcleersTni°1vttshil
per year to play an important part promotion; ,i':.'Beeause- of the -..,dethr.i- the "city,;(3Athere I find myself quite
.in .keeping their thilk and Milk' pro.. ties"..,of the-.pregrain, .thore, people ,osofftei•l'a :e°11sider' my -
• driver, , a chap who
.40.4s before the --COnSumer. If (an:ada, fob(ile- consious
never in imilion ears
7ditirY farmers 1)ad participated-iktiv• ' • than
s 'olding More a.
r&Mg' some-�f-some-�fthe things
more. dairy
i. ever rii
Srogram, which is financed by a Set ; Wire :doing niore•••prornoply
-aside deduction of a centa Ponna . ,produco - groupWere h
• n,. more •
I 'couldn't hem Mit feertn t
sdry ex S;. S were .ailrieWeVer it Was a'beatitifid:.'4it-
of June, about five inillion dollars •
Mr. and Mrs. Toni -Feeney, , of
..CIMton, and .Mr. and Mrs:-.J.arnes-
re_eney, Kitchener, visited. with
Mi. and 1VIrs. 4oseph, Feeney'.
;Miss- Mary Margaret Coyne, of
"London, with Mr; and Mrs. John ,
fqseph Feeney 1.1.as returned'
home from Scott Memorial llospi--
- - • -
1Vliss: Catharine .Moylan,. Brant
ford, visited with ,Mr.- and Mrs.
Phorter'410Yitlaan a!lt-,1_ Surgeon
if no answer, call 59
- 'Escape, Beath, _ _
Pelice describ.ed it '"rniracle
„ -
when he is a.Way from home too that-tWO drivers escaped death in
.much? Does he ,get- to,, drive his. -a- : which crumpled .their
car like :those, mad fools in the hig--,Vehieles into tWO.“ of the 'WerSt
Cities? 'Does he get se far away 'inirecks • ever seen this 'area'. The-
-frorn fainiliar• Scenes that he. rea-Wt: Victims had to be .ptlt otheir
'recegnize,Ilie..moOn coming. UP tWiSted. and smashed cars-by''La
When he .sees it? .• torch. Both drivers-1VIrS.'r'Barbara,
. If ,this. is so; then -it's time-. te-Beith, '26, "ClandebeYet-and'Adrien,
call a balt. Right now as rand, 21 RR, 2, Bayfield -are in
resolve th4t condition . in. Londoo.,...he,S.0
come . What :fitaY, sevetq'..
stay ',right Colinty
butterfat marlset-ed during the month du. - h•b•-t.- • - - r-nPanic'n was:beilittle.
and- no tine to be Worryin ' ili'ciut
1-4ould have been available .-I or. adverm .. ' *:riting in f(rii: ClairYI r'ecipes';: '3-249te . g
silc lvt ,, ties. as 4.ligt, We con-,
. i during the, last eight •..yeari. , nOmfsPaPers'; radio stationS aria tood'
, , , tinned down Alm highway And „a.
Producers in various pkitt. Of ..Can-----.--..--storesAtere_running-more ,dairy .ivar-
couple of Miles out aCithtori thy-
:adir who have been supporters of the -'mOtions ; and finally.,, because-of:,,,a11-. 2":10'raa:t Istigtin:f7sCgel .r.feot
program :have recomMended • in re, . this activity, *Consumers were maim: got about it for a minute and then
at- years that -the basi5 Ofeet-aSide.':. -,toinificail4.-W.filaily [eases ,ixicreaS-n.Ze-tiatrelfil;ogruthl lr4rh.the•ei.
P.1.4 be increased so that promotion iiiight-- ing, th:eirAtiterestlinz ' . foods-- in a-, hit i-etute.:r r wou - i'dhave '' ' thought.e'
f be stepped up. . .
Recalling ' the . solid aCcemplish-
. 'tents offtheir national advertising --
and promotion program, secretary -
manager Erie Kitchen said that the
. .
ite''nftreniendons cOnipetitive-pres- .
' *ire fer,.the1r,food':..dellar.S..
The . testimonials ,.cOricerning -.the. -
role adVertising. h.4., played in ' the
. dairy- field are2 hirtf,inclicatiOns of ',,the-..
'program; has had a.zsubsidiary effect ,iriereasing.'extent to ,which the pub-
ur. helping - to Wa'tOgetliOr. ',the, *36 -, li-C- is becoming '..e,*are :-Of -the, effec,..,-
. . .
-thetiber produe - 1 i 'Jess-, of adVerUsmgrger..ierally,..
. • • 11
that-sobody's barn, was on fire.
It wasn't --imite 'that; - and filially -I -
said to my, friend, "whaps that
funny light over therert' •
thiweek. - "As
,,xonN• GORWHX; B.A., M.D.
Physielan-and Surgeon
Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J
Physician and Surgeon
Phone • Hensall
cerned;" our. Way.,ef•--lae. here:::'and, an Eketer- restaurant to ,.lier• -name_
all the geed, things which. gowithnear.:','Claxiclebbye;- 'has ,,•concus,'
it are. far too precious -to be•SqUan-r, broken,..left.-ankle'arid:'hatilt-;
dereCI. by getting city ipie •fraettire..ef.,,:the„.„right:knee
it s not that . there is anything so 'Brand, liak broken left
terribly.,WrOng with' the eity. 'There, broken , above Jhe-,,ellio*
are lots and -108.'6f .1hings, which, eta- Si.fafti6d elbow He- under
I like, abont -111.1'eally. big . cities,- went surgery', . Tuesday morning
,and certainly not frightened Of .After the.: i.intigice; trand'S.,. broken",
,thera.". : ankle was ':Caught 'beneath a bent
But there- ii)iotliinglii---the4orld.
,v,Vbieli•can make' up .for -a close re-, was : twisted ' to. 'the, extent that it
latiOnSliip' with; Mother Nature. .1' resembled a bear -trap. The front
Maybave to, gi.) f ar. away froth seat,,'. doer" posfsost.L.Re.d41§-
401np.,,sernetiiiies,. but I, hope' rir. had to be cut rippedout be
never;forget 'What a, sPring 'Jima' fore he, could -be -free,d. Itescuors
m Huron'COMAS>: smells like with. „Pried open. a': jail -lined. front door
the richness of the exiidlirg. 'with_ .erOwbar to free Mrs,,,.Reo..-,
promise for ntinther:buniPer cro.P; t-LExeter-TiniesT-Aldvoca,te.
I hOPe.111never 'forget What a' :sky ...„, , • : _
So clear 'that -it. seem.s.chOlied With Be, Not .TO. .
has ..thiccee p ttin41
A. :111nate.A.91,:1M116P'ne:t 3,
EAF0.100,CLINIC -:
P."71.4T.e131°B4O291*Q11Ye,' •
Surgeon .
, Telephone:15,
St-Vrokrlike; and.; :,yes; I 'hope , jiidgreent,"..was. ,reserved 'heye
111 ,not forget ,ag,ain- what a full; 'Monday . aftet:lhe,Ontarie Muni
fifoOn. rising in. the East. looks dike' application
either. . , '
These things are .;• net Werth -to ear down the old ]3ayfiitici
dohlar As far', as '1, know AU, One bridge,';',Whieb was : built in, 1.9a7.
d u Th Ceti was opposed by a
price lag on any of them, but that .gratip',ef, ay,field-": residents -who
That, friend;" he. said with doesn't mean. that .they haiie retained, Frank,Donneily,-..of Code
a. chuckle, "is. the inoenVi , They have the greatest. tia,,:as, their legal- cOunsel....After
Well that :did, it.. Sure ,enotigh, worth , the world., They bring the .heating which; lasted . about
it was. the- raellow-old.moorr,...rising ctititentrivent • Irian's- three hentS, it was ,annbiinced that
about half way over ,tbe 7horizon, heart paind7 ' , written -Would-be Sent
from Where . we Were 'looking at. SO this Week,"Piti staiing home, out in. the rriail,by Friday;
:theking just. the seine I have ...atictAf anY,. skeptic Points out that bers of ,the board who heard the
seen -its,•scoreS,And- scores:of ' it: just happens , that we .are having .apPlication tvere:D. Jamieson and
before. • - :Ta by-:electiort in -110.ron ,this ,Week, 'V., S.. Milburn; -Of -Tbronter.-Th.&
. this ,a-fe"nOW why.' he's too -stisideiolis:altogetherl County was represented ,b3r. lawyer'
- R- C:Bays,of Goderieh. The coun-
ty ...songht:relief:OAM •PaYing eests.
of the bridge7s; uPkeep,;:;(friginallf.
built, by the county, the 'bridge *UP,
er, bechine nal-T.0f the Xiiie,s
Way. When a new bridge wa's,built
around. '3454 .the 014 strneturgwa's,
turned Over to the coinity:
Since ".that time it- haS been ' 11501
0111Y7,,by pedestrians.' Contending,
• ' that the' floor has rotted .and, Ls'
J. 0. Turnbull, DVM VS
Bryans, D.V.M., V$.
W. G, Drennan, V.S.
Phone 105 : " Seaforth,
• OPtethetrist
Phone -791 Seaforth:
EyeS GlOSSes. Fitted-
Office , •SeafOrth
ThursdaS",eYellings,,hy 'alIPOintment
- :-.Clititen:..:MontlaY, .9 a.m. --5:30,
pa',(AboVe-IiaWkins', hardware.-)
The Mooth of May, Siing's ,Firecracker, Day
flOWEVER — Ant; to the .large runnber. of fires andr.ehildren
being burnt while playing with firecrackers without superrision,
it has become necessary to limit the setting off. of firecrackers to
one day — MONDAY TIM 19th OF MAY.
rt,it: Ihe
A :
Front Irhiealrail•tr1-93E3xImsita- r
_ Seaforth's tax" rate for 10,3, will
be 41 -mills, -a reduction over 1932
of one mill. -------
e -annual meeting' of the o-
men,! -s --Institute was held At the
horde of Mrs. E. Goudie, 'Hur-
on ' Road East. Miss Dorothy
Broatifoot presided in the absence
of Miss lean Fothering,harn. Ger-
Webster was -elected presi-
+lent. "
o Week attending the drug.
diste convention. •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert „Smith, Of
Seaforth, .spent hoar -was--Pass..:.
and .Idrs. Win.iatbrP13- ;Miss
VI:re caused by a defectiv:a Chit*: oe'Lree$da3i..1 T'hfr.teen Of her litto14.
!ley destroyed, the "benle of 'Xt.. go.ye •as o surinise lo their teacher
and Mrs.- Wiliner McClinelfey last. an, :eotettaininent ' called . "Alay
Week,- Mrs. lActlinchey-was alone PetidergaSt was cellos-
the.tinie!and-befOre ;hap ar#v- (liken and' het, attendants were
ed. the.,tre;had tnade head- E., DeVidsok.4k,
w07 itas'impoSSilile to -save the lbot,,,'L..•!•$-Parling'L,It. 1411.4%.'
btii1dlThere waS 4--Sinall vait.i..nickson„ =Gran, At:
surtinee.• ' MeIntYrieYtt, BoWdetr and M. and
L.13ontiVen,Who entertained with
_ Mr.' A'. G: Van Egtatilid, of Sea-,
faith, has purchased the old wool-
len Eketeraiid---/..c--huSR„Nt.
engaged in Putting in neces:
sari/ inichinery, for the running ,of
the business. • •
- D StePhenson, Wagonmaker
RS A -0
'Interesting items gleaned froth°
The Huron Expositor of 25, 50
and 75 years ago,
On .WednesdaY of last Week Mr.
rt Ada , so .of Mr. Rob
ert 'Adairis; Menhir), and. Alias
Mabel J.: MeChire,' daughter of
Mt. MITI VeCillre; tW:0-4);_Mekil;
'PO-ulair, young peole, Were
united in marriage at the
lep nianSe. •
The -rural „telephOne system,:from,_
Seater:tit to. VirintlirOp, with: .sur
lines, has DOW taken definite shap...
Already. IS Phones have beengtiar-,
anteed.onithe 12 miles of IMO. •
Froth The Huron Etposibir
?daY 1183 -
unSafe. Presenting..a." special:hazard
for phildren.who plight 'fall through
one of the holes, the.s.eiyanty7ashed.
:that it be 'given permission to -tear
' '
Barriker, Solicitor, Etc,
Phenes: Office 173, aesidena6-781:
Chartered Accolmtant
55 South St., ” Telephone
Goderieli- - 843
Licensed Municipal -Auditor:
: -Barristers', Sniicitors,- Etc.
SE:APO:MUT-. ONT-:.---Nefephone -174'
,P9M. ,
Monday •',,Thursday:'-' tO 8 .p.mi.
.G A VirE1313, .C.
---yrroctor-of-Cluroprac. r
438 iViain.,Street.:, _Eitete
x:Ray and Laboratory -Facilities
Open Each Weekday Except
Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9
-FOrr-Appointment -Phone 606
. '
President -, Wm., F. Alexander. -
Vice -Pres. - Ito ert. c I a
Se or. •
, E. .J. Trewartha, Clinten; ,.j.' L.
Malone, Seagull; ;Chris. Leon..!.
bardt,., l3o
ATJCTION$Pholm; Robert Arehi-.
bald, Seaforth; John Mewing,,
eythHt...alifrvilliani S. Alexander,
Wal -
Fidler, ''Goderich•
_ Auctioneer E. ,Pepper, Brucefield; Allister
Graduate .of Reisch_ American Broadfoot,-Seaforth.
S'e.hool of Auctioneering. -Licensed •
in, Hilton, and Perth Capable ;of ,
handling all,types,of sales and ad- 'William Leiper, Jr., .LonclisL•
-both; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen;...
„*DON 'DENNIS, -Walton . Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Erie •
• ` ;Phone Se,afortb ,.243 r• 11. '-- Munroe; Seaforth.--'
0 0 0
J. A' BU1tKE
Funeral Director „
.0• " - and Ambulance,Service ,
0, DUBLIN : ,ONT. 0'
e Night or Day Calls; 0
Phone .43 r
00' 0 '0 0<> 0' C-0 '0,,
0000 000000
, Seaforth, Ont. 0
0 Night or Day Calls 335
40* .0-07
1 I -
0 1301C
Funeicil Service
B. 8, Box •
Licensed Embalmer.
0 Prompt mid careful attention 0
0 Hospital Bed 0
` Res, 595-W- Store 43 0
0.0 0 0-40 0
Funeral Borne • .
Goderich St. W.,' Seaforth
-Adjustable hospital beds
• ' . for rent ,
o ocusiow
TelephOne: Day or Night 119 0'
O 0 .0 0 0 0 0
re 'r t at any e, d it is neeessar to tarn in an
ONZ 100 and location Mid -details of the fire.
noted that children rather front of the Fire Hall ,
when an rale icfandede in order flat no aecid nay'occur,
:please warn your children to stay clear of fire tr doors.
scotrr, Chief
From The lintori• EtOokitor
May 3, 1908
MISS Jermie. Ariostreti.V.has been.
engaged as Assistant.. teadher
the .rialibrook sehOol 'et a salary
Mrs. Allan S`.' Methan' aatt lieit Mr: -Wille'rin tgniendtrille+ met
sohS Thursday afternoon' with a painful idet4ast weet,
on a visit to frieridS in:England. He sva. hewing post"- when the
They, Sail frOth MOntreal On.Satur-, axe slipped, strlinng :him. On. the
day Mating: • ., leg below the. lonee,
Graves, of Blyth, has 'deep
°vett his famillt to Seaforth, Wilson lias already-,(Esposed
bite he has One- into -the paint -Of quite a number, 'of buil-dingiots
ing and paperhanging IntsineSt. 'on the Adams' icotopeity. Mr. Dar,
1dr, Andrew:Stewart, of the Sea- id lobliso4' has pnrellatth bloe.k
forth Mgring i having nf four,aitioinim where WU*
house on James St, -Which he re, on is wafting Ids on residenpe.,
ourehaatt from 'Mt Pan-. Mr. v.'14.eLeah has purehliaed
remodetleft -Ife 'has had it a :uit'Gt(detith'SIXe0
oved :back and batted, around, And tr 1I IrrAlis has bout
vsn 114Ve.. a tOUI11144100, pit un '• the i1 1i bis own rest -
it and have aliother Storeji put
, a he will now have
frontage a
• Chrome with the new wood -tone.-
• Stunning choice of .eolors,;
• Mar-Pthof
*-13111triPTY uPhol8tered chairs,
efiNtE See the.se money--
saving selections at