HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-09, Page 2?Mee' 1.866. $era00 ci'pn'tlio/tratv First hed at AFORTR ONTAiUA eireriv :Thursday InOrning •McLean Br9s., Publishere ANEW tNicLEAN, Eitqr,. .StIBSCRIPTION :RATES: Canada advanceY Untt4 advance) $3.5Q'a: Year SINE COPIES CENTS EACH , 'Authorized as SeCoad Class Mail, Post Office.,120.ePartinent, OttaWa , _ SEA,PQRTH,..' C11,/rA140, 2V,14Y 9,19§8 Membor of •- • Canadian Weekly NeWaPaPer •AsiociatiOn Goverrintent_ 1)ifficulties resi nation of the 1V1Inister of M • sve—NIalorities Create• lenoll-Ig.witb his Cabinet Point -4) odeneies' tion that arise when a 'Govern - 121 enjoys an excessive majority. _Seniethint to which voters in ;r0h 'must give serious thoUght:..... en they cast their ballots on - on- • • , This . is the relative strength of the ovirnment in the Ontario libilge a. e. moment: rost Conservatives. 80 members 1t;171berals .11 IneinberS Vacant ....... 4 members' . r. FrOst'S difficulties had their nning some months ago with the e ed by the resignation Of the Nlinister Qf Plibli4-:Works;:,Nr..'Griesiriger_.It - as -been 'indicated. the !resignation's arose from transactions the ministers :41.Adliatwith stock .of-NortheriOn4' NatViral Gas :Co, 1 a be - se' of its nature, 13oUnd• to- be..af-- c ‘• Ithe ..Ontatio Goirerninent. - • rTliis,Week'S'resigiiatiOn Of: a • min- ister Frost ': .Government is the Sorne', time J',1.");te 11 regularities ni the hgh- ways 'i•••...••: • ' Dairy Farmers Fin It 'Pays- To. elp, Themselves iaSWering the charge that faim., --to make up Dairy Farmers of Can- . . ovays askingitar-bella;-Da-47:—__2ada..:ffe adverbsing-Pr°grarti • Huron , (BY A. S. Eoltou; -Assistant' r Agricultural RepYesentatiVe) , CORI Weather 'an4 frost in sOme areas. his altridst stopped &Mirth. as .-fat as .pasturps are -concerned,, If the.'frest 'continues the ,crops of. legume. haY Will be, 'some -What re- duced,. All ot;the spring seeded ceyols have :gerthinated very,well and although t4e.:grcrwth is -slOW, MOSt,of these crops vvere well root- ed before -the _Weather turned cold., lilin last weekefid7-di-d- a---great- deal. to...prornOte Ygrowth in ,all plants, and was acelainied the :Mil:, lion dollar' rain by farmers in this district:: • 'A .reasonable 21rjr: 'spring has ,n 4f -possible. for- •f inners With* -early. pasttutes :to ,seene Okay Now The foghorn' connection at the harbor was finally fixed after frog- men' Allan .,and Bruce 1VlacDonald braved the„chillY watetS again on 'VVednesday of last- week. This time they- arranged the cable So that it is protected from the danger of boing--Severed. by heavy ice Mea , 'Vietoria.HoSpital at. London, where she underWent an. operatioutd re, ichatiiroUthoet intre .bedYee°renaena.ilFotiayalete°11'' prediered, but the specialist and the child's parents are citiite hope- ful that the sight will.be saved-- Wingham AdVatiee-Times.- To, DeVelop Park p t ent-o ranspott - ralTirinthe edivision, Parry Soundisw2,„.r,,e e'vnetirpmaeintisottc,thheemswpenctominmuthn. here vvhile the repairs Were roade,-Gederteh Signal -Star. ity park, to the east of the Ax.eta, • Pae. Roads it was decided bY the Public Meet, , ing in the 'Town Hall- last of their lweetock out rot. the.P-o-um" viFth°11t°W Bg6jace7ce°'ttiiri'ntgY vli-urSday night. ` After colisidek- :flier.. If . warm ...weather . returns. CommitteeI, • ReeVe • George JoYns... uwtya able . discussion on various perhojects, announced that the cettnptyWoul:;1. showed only :d.ve:t:):1"asi:ent:kio_ and inglite-,-n-r/rt-'-vireck;--- - -- - --- - ' .' - ' ' t i ' the h rci te 'urfa Most of the corn -will -be sown dun., Showed 'only three persons .,oppos- -7— .., • . • . ,.., participa e . n e a - ' , • -- 1 3 ....,_ _ ,,, • • -i'r oriiiiiiients felt the moneY Should be rr-f-- fo---the C -t rangThe7cotin-- ...._. . .,.. t f. ,. • the ' g program -to be carried out :Toney, on tros project. me thr S ILE:LORI-TWO the V -I1 ge of Lucknow this year d. yepairmg, he roof „ on ygtuiedestrians act is if, you .own- Willi and •soluth, arSli.atel•P P°P-1. 8°Inr4' Ifi CW11,1 resurface •the county roads .use Community. Centre; ,with •only the Werk,"_on the south .road--..vvhere .and 'do repair balance to, be , uSed deVelop- ed• the streets-.-- inept of the., park.7-Zurich Citizens ."And Somma you drivers act As b d bunip exists in the concrete if,,you owned your -cars." aio„-ve the culvert in the big ditch iroin_the Caledonian Park to the When I cone in from work river.-Ludknow, Sentinel. m wife yesterday evening, . h!.;nnght.my liouse .and •.,11opeSight .Not ;Lost' told me to sit in „the big chair,' '. The many: fri4tds' -Of and - and then. -without , even any wait-', Mrs', - Merrill `' Diagonal, big,' _She „brought' me a fine big din- Road; have 'been anxiottsly avvait- ner on a tray.',. theii•-she gave' me Mg word.Of.:the .condition • of their hOmeinide Ice •,creairt -.and ....after five -Year-old -dauglater„, Patricia. thaftshe brought me a- .itiagazine:.The, child suffered -a _very, serous - and told -Me' to-,just..read and„, e eyen ur,y last' „..aY noon the t‘uv,,,,, 4, you, like her new hat bs ors0u. • thesheyti otao:e;t' Office t..battehf, , 6e1 nn !lso:o.kil_1:. 'sts°,a'the comfortable. . , ' 'when', the Point - a- 'Pair ,Of to agreementi "-leo; and,, in order The iattle giri was ed wtli tnr day Morning,' as' has,been-the cus- tem it the „past., workitig •at the, 'pumping , stati.on at ' nights or on .the 'weekends ' rec.elve .per daytstandlay pay. The- new wage .agreenient came, into, effect on .171-dy - Shorter Week -Same Pay A 40-houi work` week was okayed on Tuesday night for the entire staff -of the Clinton Public Utili- ties. Commission. Actually, al- though al Small raise was included to bring take -borne pay up th the present status, the new arrange- ment will mean little more,, ex- pedse 'to the Commission, for sal- COLUMBAN NEWS OF tHE WEEK Miss Marie O'Connor .and 1Vliss I IVIiss Noreen Dalton, , Brantford, Anne Marie 1ViclVfillan, St. ,Joseph's visited with agc,. an_d-M,Ks-.1vfaurice Hospital School of Nursing, Lon- Dalten. • dont, visited at their_hona.es, Toni IVIurPhy, Eindra, with Mr: and Mts. J. Murphy: „Florence Sloarl, London; Pat Sloan, Windsor; Tom- Sloan. and Gerald Sloan Hamilton visited with --Mr. and Mrs: James Sloan., .-.mr,-.-aid-MrS. Frank 1Vialoney, Kitchener, ‘visited Mr,,, and Mrs. Peter Maloney-, Mifs spent the Weekend with -Miss Anne Morris, ,„ • ' ' liliss Marie' Dalton, London, and. Jack 1Vioy an. „TAMES_SCOTT are m , e other night when I was corn- ers of Canada, the national pro- was a 6-ontirining, -tangible project _ mg along through oliaton 1,, drove --- • ', ---a-- 1-- -.- ' . , - up behind a car at the stop light cels ...organizatiOn, - pol.rits- t-6---tne , which was paving_ off tor -the dairy on the main corner thereich' was signalling that, it was going tree- Milli011_ dollars of 'their own: fariner and the industry Tat-larg. • _ . __.., . eto make, a left, titrn. Without think.' . ni -g,--I-eased-over-into the right=• money that farmers have • pat ' t ' —0- 3. W S-1-iugg who ad- - in o ,-• . • • , hand lane and passed him and car - :wive. rtising during. - the--.- pg#7---c-ight---. . . in -inistraor tof the advertising pro- lied o,ii. across .the intersection. , . . . , t. years. • Officials Of the, prn oducer 'or- . gram for_Dairy Farmers since itsi' - - ' W:ST°Wrghlit'°/11dV. et4metritt-'21-tilerette:tfoe'lliciiL:n.§wett . . ganiiation explain that it . has , Cost .... ception,. felt that the real worth of which would never have occurred' Well new, that i' something armers, who -have participated, .an: - tile program has been that it had act- . to me, I learned to drive on, the average of about .30 -cents. per. cow * d ' e. as. a gadfly''1,11 the field of ,dairy bcS • l'7‘fligcleersTni°1vttshil per year to play an important part promotion; ,i':.'Beeause- of the -..,dethr.i- the "city,;(3Athere I find myself quite .in .keeping their thilk and Milk' pro.. ties"..,of the-.pregrain, .thore, people ,osofftei•l'a :e°11sider' my - • driver, , a chap who .40.4s before the --COnSumer. If (an:ada, fob(ile- consious never in imilion ears 7ditirY farmers 1)ad participated-iktiv• ' • than s 'olding More a. r&Mg' some-�f-some-�fthe things more. dairy i. ever rii Srogram, which is financed by a Set ; Wire :doing niore•••prornoply -aside deduction of a centa Ponna . ,produco - groupWere h • n,. more • I 'couldn't hem Mit feertn t sdry ex S;. S were .ailrieWeVer it Was a'beatitifid:.'4it- of June, about five inillion dollars • Mr. and Mrs. Toni -Feeney, , of • ..CIMton, and .Mr. and Mrs:-.J.arnes- re_eney, Kitchener, visited. with Mi. and 1VIrs. 4oseph, Feeney'. ;Miss- Mary Margaret Coyne, of "London, with Mr; and Mrs. John , fqseph Feeney 1.1.as returned' home from Scott Memorial llospi-- - - • - 1Vliss: Catharine .Moylan,. Brant -- ford, visited with ,Mr.- and Mrs. , BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL • DIRECTORY mtro[cAL - DR, M..W. STAPLETON Phorter'410Yitlaan a!lt-,1_ Surgeon if no answer, call 59 - 'Escape, Beath, _ _ Pelice describ.ed it '"rniracle „ - when he is a.Way from home too that-tWO drivers escaped death in .much? Does he ,get- to,, drive his. -a- : which crumpled .their car like :those, mad fools in the hig--,Vehieles into tWO.“ of the 'WerSt Cities? 'Does he get se far away 'inirecks • ever seen this 'area'. The- -frorn fainiliar• Scenes that he. rea-Wt: Victims had to be .ptlt otheir 'recegnize,Ilie..moOn coming. UP tWiSted. and smashed cars-by''La When he .sees it? .• torch. Both drivers-1VIrS.'r'Barbara, . If ,this. is so; then -it's time-. te-Beith, '26, "ClandebeYet-and'Adrien, call a balt. Right now as rand, 21 RR, 2, Bayfield -are in resolve th4t condition . in. Londoo.,...he,S.0 come . What :fitaY, sevetq'.. stay ',right Colinty butterfat marlset-ed during the month du. - h•b•-t.- • - - r-nPanic'n was:beilittle. and- no tine to be Worryin ' ili'ciut 1-4ould have been available .-I or. adverm .. ' *:riting in f(rii: ClairYI r'ecipes';: '3-249te . g silc lvt ,, ties. as 4.ligt, We con-, . i during the, last eight •..yeari. , nOmfsPaPers'; radio stationS aria tood' , , , tinned down Alm highway And „a. '. Producers in various pkitt. Of ..Can-----.--..--storesAtere_running-more ,dairy .ivar- couple of Miles out aCithtori thy- :adir who have been supporters of the -'mOtions ; and finally.,, because-of:,,,a11-. 2":10'raa:t Istigtin:f7sCgel .r.feot program :have recomMended • in re, . this activity, *Consumers were maim: got about it for a minute and then at- years that -the basi5 Ofeet-aSide.':. -,toinificail4.-W.filaily [eases ,ixicreaS-n.Ze-tiatrelfil;ogruthl lr4rh.the•ei. P.1.4 be increased so that promotion iiiight-- ing, th:eirAtiterestlinz ' . foods-- in a-, hit i-etute.:r r wou - i'dhave '' ' thought.e' ,..„ f be stepped up. . . Recalling ' the . solid aCcemplish- . 'tents offtheir national advertising -- and promotion program, secretary - manager Erie Kitchen said that the . . ite''nftreniendons cOnipetitive-pres- . ' *ire fer,.the1r,food':..dellar.S.. The . testimonials ,.cOricerning -.the. - role adVertising. h.4., played in ' the . dairy- field are2 hirtf,inclicatiOns of ',,the-.. 'program; has had a.zsubsidiary effect ,iriereasing.'extent to ,which the pub- ur. helping - to Wa'tOgetliOr. ',the, *36 -, li-C- is becoming '..e,*are :-Of -the, effec,..,- . . . -thetiber produe - 1 i 'Jess-, of adVerUsmgrger..ierally,.. . . • • 11 that-sobody's barn, was on fire. _ It wasn't --imite 'that; - and filially -I - said to my, friend, "whaps that funny light over therert' • thiweek. - "As ,,xonN• GORWHX; B.A., M.D. Physielan-and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J , JOHN C. GODDARD,' IVI.1). Physician and Surgeon Phone • Hensall cerned;" our. Way.,ef•--lae. here:::'and, an Eketer- restaurant to ,.lier• -name_ all the geed, things which. gowithnear.:','Claxiclebbye;- 'has ,,•concus,' it are. far too precious -to be•SqUan-r, broken,..left.-ankle'arid:'hatilt-; dereCI. by getting city ipie •fraettire..ef.,,:the„.„right:knee it s not that . there is anything so 'Brand, liak broken left terribly.,WrOng with' the eity. 'There, broken , above Jhe-,,ellio* are lots and -108.'6f .1hings, which, eta- Si.fafti6d elbow He- under I like, abont -111.1'eally. big . cities,- went surgery', . Tuesday morning ,and certainly not frightened Of .After the.: i.intigice; trand'S.,. broken", ,thera.". : ankle was ':Caught 'beneath a bent But there- ii)iotliinglii---the4orld. ,v,Vbieli•can make' up .for -a close re-, was : twisted ' to. 'the, extent that it latiOnSliip' with; Mother Nature. .1' resembled a bear -trap. The front Maybave to, gi.) f ar. away froth seat,,'. doer" posfsost.L.Re.d41§- 401np.,,sernetiiiies,. but I, hope' rir. had to be cut rippedout be never;forget 'What a, sPring 'Jima' fore he, could -be -free,d. Itescuors m Huron'COMAS>: smells like with. „Pried open. a': jail -lined. front door the richness of the exiidlirg. 'with_ .erOwbar to free Mrs,,,.Reo..-, promise for ntinther:buniPer cro.P; t-LExeter-TiniesT-Aldvoca,te. I hOPe.111never 'forget What a' :sky ...„, , • : _ So clear 'that -it. seem.s.chOlied With Be, Not .TO. . has ..thiccee p ttin41 26 A. :111nate.A.91,:1M116P'ne:t 3, EAF0.100,CLINIC -: P."71.4T.e131°B4O291*Q11Ye,' • Surgeon . itoaT.et.phAtezie4us , Telephone:15, Eciy,sET.tulNGayS::.oniTtlye,S7c.1493ri;p',,Tmh7day :6111. St-Vrokrlike; and.; :,yes; I 'hope , jiidgreent,"..was. ,reserved 'heye 111 ,not forget ,ag,ain- what a full; 'Monday . aftet:lhe,Ontarie Muni fifoOn. rising in. the East. looks dike' application either. . , ' These things are .;• net Werth -to ear down the old ]3ayfiitici dohlar As far', as '1, know AU, One bridge,';',Whieb was : built in, 1.9a7. d u Th Ceti was opposed by a price lag on any of them, but that .gratip',ef, ay,field-": residents -who That, friend;" he. said with doesn't mean. that .they haiie retained, Frank,Donneily,-..of Code a. chuckle, "is. the inoenVi , They have the greatest. tia,,:as, their legal- cOunsel....After Well that :did, it.. Sure ,enotigh, worth , the world., They bring the .heating which; lasted . about it was. the- raellow-old.moorr,...rising ctititentrivent • Irian's- three hentS, it was ,annbiinced that about half way over ,tbe 7horizon, heart paind7 ' , written -Would-be Sent from Where . we Were 'looking at. SO this Week,"Piti staiing home, out in. the rriail,by Friday; :theking just. the seine I have ...atictAf anY,. skeptic Points out that bers of ,the board who heard the seen -its,•scoreS,And- scores:of ' it: just happens , that we .are having .apPlication tvere:D. Jamieson and before. • - :Ta by-:electiort in -110.ron ,this ,Week, 'V., S.. Milburn; -Of -Tbronter.-Th.& . this ,a-fe"nOW why.' he's too -stisideiolis:altogetherl County was represented ,b3r. lawyer' - R- C:Bays,of Goderieh. The coun- ty ...songht:relief:OAM •PaYing eests. of the bridge7s; uPkeep,;:;(friginallf. built, by the county, the 'bridge *UP, er, bechine nal-T.0f the Xiiie,s Way. When a new bridge wa's,built around. '3454 .the 014 strneturgwa's, turned Over to the coinity: Since ".that time it- haS been ' 11501 0111Y7,,by pedestrians.' Contending, • ' that the' floor has rotted .and, Ls' , PTOM TRIST, VETERINARY TUR1SIIIIJIAL BitYANS VETERINARY CLI1i1C J. 0. Turnbull, DVM VS Bryans, D.V.M., V$. W. G, Drennan, V.S. Phone 105 : " Seaforth, ''JOHN.E...LON,GSTAFF • OPtethetrist Phone -791 Seaforth: EyeS GlOSSes. Fitted- . ' MAIN.."OFFICE;' SE AFORTIL, Office , •SeafOrth except:Monclaya.tit.,7-5-;30 Wednesday,. ThursdaS",eYellings,,hy 'alIPOintment - :-.Clititen:..:MontlaY, .9 a.m. --5:30, pa',(AboVe-IiaWkins', hardware.-) LEGAL. - The Mooth of May, Siing's ,Firecracker, Day flOWEVER — Ant; to the .large runnber. of fires andr.ehildren being burnt while playing with firecrackers without superrision, it has become necessary to limit the setting off. of firecrackers to one day — MONDAY TIM 19th OF MAY. FIRE ORDER Please Firiaadiers se rt,it: Ihe A : Front Irhiealrail•tr1-93E3xImsita- r • _ Seaforth's tax" rate for 10,3, will be 41 -mills, -a reduction over 1932 of one mill. ------- - e -annual meeting' of the o- men,! -s --Institute was held At the horde of Mrs. E. Goudie, 'Hur- on ' Road East. Miss Dorothy Broatifoot presided in the absence of Miss lean Fothering,harn. Ger- Webster was -elected presi- +lent. " E. o Week attending the drug. diste convention. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert „Smith, Of Seaforth, .spent hoar -was--Pass..:. and .Idrs. Win.iatbrP13- ;Miss VI:re caused by a defectiv:a Chit*: oe'Lree$da3i..1 T'hfr.teen Of her litto14. !ley destroyed, the "benle of 'Xt.. go.ye •as o surinise lo their teacher and Mrs.- Wiliner McClinelfey last. an, :eotettaininent ' called . "Alay Week,- Mrs. lActlinchey-was alone PetidergaSt was cellos- the.tinie!and-befOre ;hap ar#v- (liken and' het, attendants were ed. the.,tre;had tnade head- E., DeVidsok.4k, w07 itas'impoSSilile to -save the lbot,,,'L..•!•$-Parling'L,It. 1411.4%.' btii1dlThere waS 4--Sinall vait.i..nickson„ =Gran, At: surtinee.• ' MeIntYrieYtt, BoWdetr and M. and L.13ontiVen,Who entertained with .readings _ Mr.' A'. G: Van Egtatilid, of Sea-, faith, has purchased the old wool- len Eketeraiid---/..c--huSR„Nt. engaged in Putting in neces: sari/ inichinery, for the running ,of the business. • • - D StePhenson, Wagonmaker RS A -0 'Interesting items gleaned froth° The Huron Expositor of 25, 50 and 75 years ago, On .WednesdaY of last Week Mr. rt Ada , so .of Mr. Rob ert 'Adairis; Menhir), and. Alias Mabel J.: MeChire,' daughter of Mt. MITI VeCillre; tW:0-4);_Mekil; 'PO-ulair, young peole, Were united in marriage at the lep nianSe. • The -rural „telephOne system,:from,_ Seater:tit to. VirintlirOp, with: .sur lines, has DOW taken definite shap... Already. IS Phones have beengtiar-, anteed.onithe 12 miles of IMO. • Froth The Huron Etposibir • ?daY 1183 - unSafe. Presenting..a." special:hazard for phildren.who plight 'fall through one of the holes, the.s.eiyanty7ashed. :that it be 'given permission to -tear pnitn,:the,strueture.-Goderich ' ' gIELE. R Barriker, Solicitor, Etc, Phenes: Office 173, aesidena6-781: "SEAFORTE, ONTARIO: . ACCOUNTING A.- M. HARPER Chartered Accolmtant 55 South St., ” Telephone Goderieli- - 843 Licensed Municipal -Auditor: cCONNEtaLE.,wAR ST : -Barristers', Sniicitors,- Etc. D. MeCONNELL D1. STEWART SE:APO:MUT-. ONT-:.---Nefephone -174' IR()PRATIC Chiropractic ,P9M. , Monday •',,Thursday:'-' tO 8 .p.mi. .G A VirE1313, .C. ---yrroctor-of-Cluroprac. r 438 iViain.,Street.:, _Eitete x:Ray and Laboratory -Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 -FOrr-Appointment -Phone 606 . ' INSURANCE.: The McKILLOP- MIJTUAL FIltE HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTII, OFFICERS: , President -, Wm., F. Alexander. - Vice -Pres. - Ito ert. c I a Se or. • 14:anRaier;;',L-Jasii6da.iQ' DIRECTORS: , E. .J. Trewartha, Clinten; ,.j.' L. Malone, Seagull; ;Chris. Leon..!. ' bardt,., l3o ATJCTION$Pholm; Robert Arehi-. bald, Seaforth; John Mewing,, ton; eythHt...alifrvilliani S. Alexander, Wal - Fidler, ''Goderich• _ Auctioneer E. ,Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Graduate .of Reisch_ American Broadfoot,-Seaforth. S'e.hool of Auctioneering. -Licensed • in, Hilton, and Perth Capable ;of , handling all,types,of sales and ad- 'William Leiper, Jr., .LonclisL• -both; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen;... „*DON 'DENNIS, -Walton . Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Erie • • ` ;Phone Se,afortb ,.243 r• 11. '-- Munroe; Seaforth.--' 0 0 0 J. A' BU1tKE Funeral Director „ .0• " - and Ambulance,Service , 0, DUBLIN : ,ONT. 0' e Night or Day Calls; 0 Phone .43 r 00' 0 '0 0<> 0' C-0 '0,, 0000 000000 W. J. CCEARY , Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 'LICENSED EMEATIER andFurziERAL DIRECTOR • 0 , 0 Night or Day Calls 335 40* .0-07 1 I - 0 1301C Funeicil Service B. 8, Box • Licensed Embalmer. 0 Prompt mid careful attention 0 0 Hospital Bed 0 FL0WERS. FOR ALL .0 ' ,OCCASIONS 0 Phones: ` Res, 595-W- Store 43 0 0.0 0 0-40 0 • VilMTNEY Funeral Borne • . Goderich St. W.,' Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE sErtvicE -Adjustable hospital beds • ' . for rent , FLOWERS FOR EVERY p - o ocusiow TelephOne: Day or Night 119 0' O 0 .0 0 0 0 0 re 'r t at any e, d it is neeessar to tarn in an ONZ 100 and location Mid -details of the fire. noted that children rather front of the Fire Hall , when an rale icfandede in order flat no aecid nay'occur, :please warn your children to stay clear of fire tr doors. A RTH FIRE BRIGADE scotrr, Chief 0 EAFORTH POLICE DEPART ief From The lintori• EtOokitor May 3, 1908 MISS Jermie. Ariostreti.V.has been. engaged as Assistant.. teadher the .rialibrook sehOol 'et a salary Mrs. Allan S`.' Methan' aatt lieit Mr: -Wille'rin tgniendtrille+ met sohS Thursday afternoon' with a painful idet4ast weet, on a visit to frieridS in:England. He sva. hewing post"- when the They, Sail frOth MOntreal On.Satur-, axe slipped, strlinng :him. On. the day Mating: • ., leg below the. lonee, Graves, of Blyth, has 'deep °vett his famillt to Seaforth, Wilson lias already-,(Esposed bite he has One- into -the paint -Of quite a number, 'of buil-dingiots ing and paperhanging IntsineSt. 'on the Adams' icotopeity. Mr. Dar, 1dr, Andrew:Stewart, of the Sea- id lobliso4' has pnrellatth bloe.k forth Mgring i having nf four,aitioinim where WU* house on James St, -Which he re, on is wafting Ids on residenpe., ourehaatt from 'Mt Pan-. Mr. v.'14.eLeah has purehliaed remodetleft -Ife 'has had it a :uit'Gt(detith'SIXe0 oved :back and batted, around, And tr 1I IrrAlis has bout vsn 114Ve.. a tOUI11144100, pit un '• the i1 1i bis own rest - it and have aliother Storeji put • , a he will now have frontage a SUITES • Chrome with the new wood -tone.- effeet4 • Stunning choice of .eolors,; • Mar-Pthof *-13111triPTY uPhol8tered chairs, efiNtE See the.se money-- saving selections at