HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-05-02, Page 6E iTtii#t�+i POSIT)ft; +' E.A1 R't.'H,ON'i"r �eafort h 1Cansenratiye Ci n.Ars' .. . 111 ..+at .a � 11� . • �. iln the, i it+erest of I ailes" ac Tru hton. are situated rl. e ::the Toronto -Dominion k �Ba i".f1 9 ' -,- Seal „Phone '�� ortl ` Laily' wlers; GyieSts At ;Bridge ''1V1rs, E. -A, McMaster ;'was hos- tess to the members of the. Sea - forth. Lawn Bowling Club on: Mon- day evening.' Twenty-six ladies en- joyed • bridge and euchre:.., Prizes 'were won by Miss •Dorothy Parke and- Mrs A W. $illery Mesdames E.'' • Munroe, Frank dills; '•Sr: H. Traviss : and E: E. Close assisted -the bostes$' in serv- ing. lunch,. Mrs. Siler • expl'essed seri- thanks tha to 'Mrs: '' M s e :and the M a r G MAO c - 'tt m i ee 'Thee' `d ei;'wfll o.� _ rig he concluded the latter part „;of; - May. with a ... t=luck su Po PPer and •• : , _::c. - - bridge at -the home of_::Mss .Dorn to cl bhe Adve t §lnerits ' , — : t s u , .to.,. able �i'asEime. _ th -• Parke.; : Follnwin 'that b w - ..:!' D : , • T •.�. ,Xlt'f} pT�l>' W:i9,. A ,�.$� G`� ESUL ,Fh a 41, in aunt- -.• � . ,.� .. +� QI1 will be the Interest for .the s Seems - 'a'' sow's ear 'don't 'make Much " of a purse_ _buta good _calf pan• do• a lot for .a silk stocking, 011171 11111BI 1111111111111111111111111111111 CHARIE acNAUGHTI and others uss12 By -Election in �� May. .. $y -Elea ton n Huxorl NX TV . larrnel. &' FT IDAY MAY : -- 7.Q0. P CKNX Racla.o : ial X20 ,,, FRIDAY, MAY 2 6:40 p.m. MONDAY, MAY 5 6;40. p. . TUESDA ,MAY 6 i FRIDAY, MAY,.6 12 00 Noon . 2: SUPPO'RT THEA:H'ttOST; LIMNED llliton Ontario Featuring the Largest Wide Screen •in•`Huron County;'; Two "Show,s Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office (Dien at 8 p.m, ----First-Show-at -Dusk' Children- Under 12 in 'Cars Free Thursday and Friday—May 1 & 2 "THE BLACK TENT" (Colour) (Vistavision) Antheny _Steele -- Donald- Sinden-, (Two Cartoons) ° Saturday and.Y4ondav-1Vday 3 &." 5 "KENTUCIUAN" (Colour) (Ciuemascope) Burt Lancaster. -`Dianne Foster (One Cartoon),.. Tuesday -and.'W esday—ll) ay. 6 = 7. `�$PANI.SH GrIYItIDENEW? (Technicolourj Dirk Bogarde ';- John Whiteley 111liIlt.1I11I#IitIIIJH.1IIkf hlfluIH11111IIIi;;I sh�u Most of' us have asked this question only to discover there is no .ready-made ,answer.beca'use'•needs and circumstances vary; from family to fanuly. " lie father of three children has greater ;needs and responsibilities than the young man who has just recently; Married. Some people have More substantial :financial: reserves than others. How much' Life insurance' should you own to meet 'Irma needs? Would'•it be $15,-000? • `$25;0`00? $50,0Ot •or more? The'Man.from Manufacturers is in;business:to help you ,arrive at the right answer Through his -Security, • Graph Serviceyou yourself` can determine if you have $$N enough' lifeinsurance to 'do; the • job you want done: Ask him about th:ir'apecial service- today.' J A. Garc�no Representative S AFORTI3-.._ Tel:;765 " d Eqmoteviuf W.M.S. ENTERTAIN$. LADIES .IN : DISTRICT - GROUPS The Easter tbankoffering f the.; WMS of •,.E niondville" - g -United Church -'was, held; With Varna, Kip-, pen,.- Brucefield• and "Goshen.• as guests, ,The meeting opened with the: mimic of Alas and "Did My. Saviour Bleed," with Mrs.; Elmer Cameron at the organ..The theme of the. meetine Was, f°wbat• does.: DUBLIN' LIN --Mr'r- and Mrs;-. Bill.l a ans.and. daughter of Chippawa .with ';Mr. a ,'_ , and. rs.. Evans. M_ Frank Fv ns. d_, M'x-ten M,rs= Nprmaii.`Kramer-s- and Mr. and' Mrs:' Billie Fe. ne ' Feeney ill., Toronto with Mr, Nicholas Kraus - Mr and 'Mrs. " Hugh • Pugh and; Glenn, of Claremont,'. with friends. A 'very -suFcessful -horse-;baking sare: was held: at .nthe: _home 4of Mrs.: ,Gharles-'Friend .on'_:Sati}rday� •. •, Mrs; E.,; Tordison has returned hoine•`from,• Ancaster. Mrs'.'Fergus 'Horan, in George tpwn with Mr arndt Mrs.-, Patrick' Woods _ Mr, ;; and `Mrs. Leo •Ryan, }n. To= ronta--with NM end.'Mrs. `Jim Jor dan.. Mr_. and ,Mrs Sylvester ; Ryan •and :daughter; of, Sebringville and, Mr. and. Mies: Maurice Dillgn and daughter Sebringville, w•itl, Mrs." Louis.•- Dt1on. Mr., Kenneth Feeney Kitchener,- with Mrs. Catherine Feeney.; and_Mrs _Albert. Kramer. in Detroit for,'the,f,weekend. `. • EAST .McKILLQP' Easter mean to yoi e . Mrs. 'Semple' took the ' tlevouen- al, starting with. a short poen, An- other poem was read 1)y Mrs: Sein= ple, Mrs. Stan. Jackson read -the, scripture lesson, and Miss Mae Smith' took -the, devotional pari as 'first "reader, reading' "Meditation; Q,n the Cress,f' • .,.:Mrs.G, ,McGOnigle, as second reader, took the part, "Meditation of the Resurrection, ter, which of h prayer was 'repeated in --unison.. MrsE-. S to ensan, , as third react: . er, took the Part,- "Easter is the Festival- of . Victo -ions- '.Livia " Mrs, . Semple ° closed ttie devotional part of •the' "meeting, reading, "What : Does 'Easter .Meati- To You'. Miss , Frances' Houston then too - k the--citair Miss Beast= •:s oke =a - few wards - of;,;, :welco'ine to °the, guests. The -offering- was- receiy- ed; after which; Mrs. Koehler fav ored with a solo accompanied by' V1rs. -. ly1cGregor. Mrs..Leonard Strong<'iritroduced the speaker, 'Miss. Janet: liegg; who took as her subject, ' "Steward ship." , , She„'read - a • -passage ”-of scripture in Braille.' She . spoke -of the great -wonders ofnature, Dttr- ng 'the winter .everything seems: dead' :•then_ rn `spring' iIimgs come - to 7ife.::In•closing; she 'stressed the, fact• that God. made time and. we, are stewards- of God s kime Mrs Ed 'Boyce gave' a reading. Mrs L`Jobnston and -Mrs Gordon Elliott favored -with. a=' couple of• piano duets .during lunch, Winchelsea Pupils Take ' Part In tis borne n or a C Qntest int t/we faU tbe: spring Winchelsea School took, -part the Usborne School Area musiear Concert,' at Thames Road. Gongrat utation"s "are :due the ,XiUisie• teach- er; school' teachers and pupils, -` Mrs; Stephens' aria' sons and. Mrs, Dabbs, - • of Langton, ' were weekend visitors With r. and, Mrs: Ivan Brock- and family, ' - Weekencl visitors :with Mr, and' rid .Mrs,,'Fred Walters were; Mr.' gild Mrs:; Bil Brock' and -Lynda;.: Miss :Wilma`= Walters and Mrs'. E. ' Wal- ters pf, Lettelen he ,occ. sion be- ing Mr. wind Mrs: P. Walters' :Wed' ding anniversary and Judy 'Wal- ters' "birthday • - °Sunday : visitors • with ,Mr. and Mrs. Bill ;'Walters were;Mr..11Saur= ice' Qnhice, Mr : ;.Rb r''ell, Mts.. Beer. and. Miss' Skinner;' of ,Sunday "'evening vsitorS'witlt Mr: Tend Mrs.: Bill, Walters were Mr. and Mrs„Harold Rowe, of .Thames Roads .and Mr. "and Mrs. Glen Fisher -of Exeter. : - `Mr. and Mrs: Bill Church, Win- throp;, Mr. -and "Mrs Roy McDon- ald, • of Staffs; Mr...'and` Mrs. Bill Gilbillan `'and} 'family .,and ' .hTss; Donna' Gilfillan,” .of Exeter, and Mr. Harvey 'Smith of near-Credi ton, visited Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs C Hi1f1?tan , and. family,_ _ There --is: no charm-.-so...-great as, the charm of a cheerful`•lemper- meat - - _ PMant'Big Kemel-Small'CAI* U.li. • -tdshiel-o0s. tse•vU. asen, rt&iiete-me.' tsdioe,."fa,oH,-B Ixrro.wiaht:fn_ehiaurtyyictci; so$h U uotn.hrunHel,Eo�Cc's,83 UA2NnT.Ut0E en.ai, • Piraeo.A odCui a, sbap ebleneSat s eoBt lednaadb®l• 4, a mbr ,30A A taw! 04..!/141 !'"le • thecTsoasecafTcmhmd.a.oyrnneea :- e. e test aY GET IN".TOHCU WITH 'YOUR .UN1UD HYliitlDs;'FARM AOLt11T Ile's ' of a ee lad s tau& 1 "' or- 'aur wz e RMAN J'ACH O ICOLTR -" ' OIt'!�ILLE BELIE . , qtr° - .No. ltublin,'Qntario " + $eaforth, Ontariq. ro Tlie Women's' Association of tire, Ey angelical; ;TJ n i t e d Brethren: Church7.held.::their ,:kpri1,` meeting. at the -home of Mrs Lavern Boegy)' Mrs,. Elmer Koehler and 1VIrs Ir vin Rock`were in.. charge of the. devotional 'period. Hymns :were. sung - and scripture reading was. read, followed:'by prayer by_,Rev'; A Amacher the president took -charge of ;they business faceting at�v�hrch it was' decided toEpurchase .';srdall- :trays- for serving 1} rich f€ir the group„ The:next meeting is -.to -be. held -.at'. the churchon: May 8, with % Mrs. -A Amacheitaguest- .peal er,. Mr. ',and' Mrs.. Win.', Koehler and .Mr: ' and Mrs. Jerry Deerr• and. Kathleen, attended ordination- r vices at, Stratford• i-Evengelical. Church;; They: alsa visited -at the home of .Mr. and -.Mrs. Dan'' Wil- hemi at Stratford on `Sunda Gary `Kolelof Mr and Mrs ehEer;- lmer ' Koedesthlerson, is a patient -in Victoria • I3ospital, Lon - den: RTe wish_ him a'• .speedy re covert'. - Mr ` and . Mrs ' Irvin Rock 'arid :family" attended ordination servic es at Stratford and •visited Mr "anti`. Mrs. Andrew.''Aitcheson , on:"',Sun_ • day. Mrs. Charles Eggert; spent Sun- day with Mr ::and Mrs 'John -A.ik en" at Sebringville Rev. HowardBrox o£ Pembr' oke, had --the -pleasure of'; -viewing the results ` of the ;recent :renovation of the chur,,cb•end elso called on Mrs. Char les:F,ggert;'on' Monday. Mr '. end Mrs. Hemry 11,ioore,i;of Sebringville,..'called at the ;-home' of Mr acid Mrs Norman Eggert aid HE Johns -'i INTER ea• ntario erLot-. Liberals.: M,UNITY HALL -HI-1111 Here is a mower..that gives' -you bargains_in quality, features and: performance. It's built t6 give years- of earsof dependable, trouble-free " service: Mows grass, weeds,' pulverizes 'leaves and trims close-i-to'.give you "complete, lawn: care., LOOK AT THESE TORO,,,,FEATURES -at 8'30:. pan. Mr. Winterme e Y. will speak onbehalf of lex liberal Candidal �. 1NStJ[tANGE COMPANY Height -of -cut' change in seconds .without tools. 'Throttle, stop, and start controls at your finger-tips Staggered wheel design prerierits scalping:; Leaf MI (cher attachment included frees; in the Provincial A HEARTY:INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO: THE PEOP] Or HURON RIDING TO MEET Charlie' MacNAUGHTC and Mrs. MaeNanghton" Premier 'Leslie FROST and .1VIrs. 'Frost Always. Fresh at OETT'LER'S ed &: white., Market; DUBLIN, . ONT. I�owvt i- • ' coo y,1{now' oIVI ARIO Check , your .ktiowtedge by identifying .fhia bay • yf-election' in Huron �n ".May 12 w Down Payment ErASY TERMS'>. Powerful 1.75 4 -cycle en, gine w th recoil rand special -Toro" AuditoneMuffler. Larger aind.powerpropelled models also avatlale!'; st t PLUMBING HEATING kS g:E'A F O R •T :1stTABI He had family medical bills to demi up a PUDIC' RECE?'TION,'T'O BE`.14F,L-D AT erich Collegiute Institute: THU''RSDA'Y AAX. f 8°30 pan, verybody Welcome DOME, AND =LNG YOUR FEtNDS. sprees -The Huron Progressive C°ons Association >�' ex��tl�e lon However ' well • you know(' Ontario, you'll enjoygetting to know it `Better:: 1llake nM pointthis year of exploring- ita highways and byways;; •, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing ' at one of modernresort areas:'.:,;like the " Bay. of Quinte shown above: Take the. ,first troth by filling out and"mai mg the coupon below: KNOW,. TTARiO ;BETTER.. 00.14.ARto TRwvl1.: 1 1 Filo TORONTPAR JAMENT AL.D8s., • ' O. oN1 ARlo ' I �'"se,Kit�xaInE z r5atisi ad noadMtan. I :1 Aelarhei i I po4'orw... now toop. L calix tt h5Skter cash to modernize; his: kitchen . # so bot are bo rowin zoo. Faced witlitittforeseen household expenses? - Want to hake sonespecial major -=put chase? Needmoney for taxes- -or to meet a . fancily emergency? Personaf loans to' help, people; meet just such .Situation --are l eing , gnade by the :'chartered banks e'veryday... "You're not asling-a favour when you visit: a thar4red bank to. arrange' a" personal •, 7.14 E' `. C a' A R T E U. t RANK!: > loan. `Tjie-rxianager welcoix►eg opportunities to make'loans, repayable, out, of earnings in conv'enient,instalments. Axid ata chartered bank, you:=can -always , count on privacy and cotirt ous considera. 'tion, whether you are arranging' a,,ioari on using. other valuable services the : back provides. , E-R-VI,NG YOUR COMMUNITY