The Huron Expositor, 1958-05-02, Page 2_,,006,0„,,,i8-60- Serving the Cpismunity: First hed,at skotota, ONI'ARIO, every- tliiirselay, 'moping McLeanBros, Publishers ' ANDREW tE4N,'Editar St;TRSCRIPTION RATES: - Canada „(in advanCe)'$2,tra Year ' . . . • . . TbAtedState8-(in a,dvanCe)-$3-50--a Year , SINGLE -COPIES '5 CENTS -RAC Alt.horfzed as Second Class Mail, Post Offiee Department, Qttawa . , "FORTH ON1A.RIQ,....1ViAy,-2, 19 by Member of Canzuhau..Weeldy Newspaper Association nicjOtalitieS Recognize ' ee rhereLls an-increASing awareness Meeting later met with him and of--iiitiodueing town cussed further...4* stepsto take in Aging 'into. any- municipality- con- " Order, .t...11 'set- up a--Connnunity„Plari- 'lied with Orderly gro-wth Se& ping Board, h Council last autumn took-, firit inclUding one . or in this direction when it met - more Municipalities, are defined, by h .district munieipalities, and re- the Minister of :Planning..and'Oevel-; r 'sentatives of the department' toOPInent,'Iusuall37- upon aPplication, by R 'ues the matter, TuCkersmith.haS the municipal 'council or councils con - taken further steps; having set in eerned. .They, range in, size- from the Action machinery leading tb-ttie pro- huge Metropolitan Toronto Planning lasion of necessary by-laws . . ' Area,. covering 75Q Square miles and ,„ In St Marys, too, the matter is with a ° eiving consideration, and theSt, tbta,1 populAtion of a million .anct Marys Journal -Argus discusses -the . half, - to small Single independent-:', teps that have been taken.. planning areas onsisting Of a:single "A council of. the , Town of St. ; town, village.or township:- 0 a I...is at last giVing ToWn Plan7 ,.`In the .:case of St Marys and di- mng a studied and seriouS Onsidera- -• trict; the Planning:- Board would tLlrn On Monday evening ,Of this 'PrAjablY- bp.' 4- johrit:group from the _ vreek-- a spokesman : for the Depart- ToWn.-;of-St. Marys and the Township --'.nierit of Planning -and Develo-- pment-:7.--0(.131anShaid7 --i'e�1d—afr "Ouhiuni-c-ipa1--1ead&rs are to be ns At the 'Rotary •Club Meeting CoMiifende&fOr.Onsidering,this-Tor-... tW-Imporranee of cornminnty.plan- ward step which will, if -carried. -out,. nmg Town council - Members who ,.contribute greatly to the--;- progress Assisted with the organization Of this- _ and-fUture deVelopmentof this area!' . - uational Problems aa -We have no great difficulty agree- ing with Dr. W.- J. Dunlop, Ontario Minister. .of Education, -when he con- - tinues to state- that the old methods---: _ of teaching are best But we wish he . Wouldn't, at the same ,tim.e, continue' to proinise that 'there will: be enough teachers in September. He has been: promising the .teacher requirement 'has been met ever since he took of- fice - The fact that it hasn't been met obvious as.a :result of his continued. reference to the ptoblent ° 'As late -as two weeks ago, Dr:. DIM- - op -Was reported as.: having assured , Paris (Ont.) audience that ,there mild be nedifficulty come SePtetn-- Dr: Dunlop assured- A---1-arge. ence, the report said, there would be - enough teachers ready in Septernbat- k- to meet the needs of Ontario school's_ ' The report continued: Referring to the method whereby a teacher can start teaching after' ta.king -a mer course, be said "don't pay any tention to these prophets of gloom: e,Frost Government -Thesejeachers are going to get a1qg well as yet nobody has sogge ed any other way to turn out the teachers' we. require. --"We-Are-- going to -s'ee -that that schools in Ontario are kept open and that they have good teachers!' Despite the years of experience which Mr., Dunlopicontribntes to his ' post as education minister (he is 77 —only Hon. GeorgeDunbar, provin- cial secretary, .who is .80, is older) there obviously is something wrong with the manner in 'which the Frost Government has dealt With, and is dealing with education in Ontario And all the time the rniniSter and the government continue their ex- , perinients with educational ,Proce- duns, the costs which the ratepay- erS are required to pay continue to increase. , The educational problems beset- ting'Ontario. are typical °of the prob- lems Which- arise when ' the re- sponsible, government is too- long in power,..,grown complacent with a top-heavy majority. Tim PROY(0,Tp... PliE000. y URS 'ORA. is the best: ler onr•, INE: fLJ'RS. And Other Winter Clothing •LEAVE TBEM WITH US NOW Leave your off-season garments with its• to make sure they get the Pnitection they deserve this summer. They will be stered in BradY'S •Modern Cold Storage ,Vaults -,keep them safe frorri • 'heat, moisture, moths -Uat low cost. - FUR STORAGE CHARGES -2 per cent of 'CUIStoiner valuation^. Minimum, $3.00 per fur cOat. 75c fer elothCoats other, garments. FURS' -NEED REVIVING? Fur Coats Aie Cleaned by the SHIN:ERIZING • We clean, glaze, makelidd flits look like neW IforrptiSingli Fuli-,,Length FUr COat $6.50 Jacketgtft-Var Coat, • - • • • $450' From thelniititi you leave them -with - ow agents, your furs are' , .„ fully coverod by insurance PI DAYS; ednesday Saturday For Comjjlete 'Laundry; 1Dr1 Cleaning and Storage Service Corner Goderich and Main St, .— .Seaforth Agen for Brady Cleaners & LaiittdeteriaLimited Exeter,'On S[EN INTHE COUNTY PAPERS • SUCirers? No Fisher:Men.. 'Three, dragged in suer by the. bagful'. from Lake . Huron Wednesday mernin-g. After a. short 'mOrning's work,orge Beeri..-.Ed.,:Frink and 'Stewart Bell came .hoine..-Witli 416 of the fiSlt-Exeter Cate, ! --,seelleetion_Helpi-,Oestitnte _ The 'Canvass has-been celn-Pleteit for the liareld Wallace family, Of FordWich, -whe Were:'biirned,, but and 'lost • everything in borne and bait, ApproXimately' •$4;500 •haa aethanded- over -to- thn..Tiis- •ire1udedd,'HoVidek, Part of ':WallaCe and..Minto To.Wnslaip and, Clifford.. 7.-,-Wirighant Advance -Times. - Inspector Promot,ed' • „ and Mrs. :Merle'.• H. 'IViode and, the latter's mother,,, Smitli,.;_after 12 year?: residene.e in. Exeter; , are Moving to Toronto. next '.'Week. Mr: .1Vlode, -whO' is, 'With the4miltry marketing -service- Of the, Canada; Departnient of Agri - •culture,. has. been, .prbinote&to.,the. prOVinCiaI head office n .Toro,nte: -Exeter ThrieS-AdVeCate.'1, War' 'Declared., , CePted the position cif manager of which is 12. relies north v -of London, Mr.'llodgins came her -e, along vvith his wife and , daughters, Joanne and Jeanne, on April 1, 1945, from Donegal, near.:Atwood, to manage the then newly organiZed BlYth FarmerS Co,operatiVe. Their son, Ross, was born since they ,carne, to Suffers Burns - Charles W. Brown suffered_ser-_ ions burns ' on Monday, wheu gas fumes,' escaPing' from a, gasoline lantern 'he was preparing for a ,fiShing trip, 'ignited, setting fire to his .--attemptedto beat. mit- the flames himSelf, and then .was assisted. l3y hig-wife and dauglater Elaine, Burns about his Chest, hiS. lefearm.- and Jaand, .and the back. of his righ.t hand' -we're treated by Dr. J. A. Addison. HiS eyebroWs and hair were, Singed. It wilI' be 'some time before -he.'ean resume.' work.,, -Clinton NewS-Re- e'er& - , TO Hear Police' Brief . I - A :brief -presented to . Ooderich Police 'Commission at.its meeting last --week 'Will. be discussed at ',a,- special- meeting :f -the commission . The war .on • starlings -has been .64' Wednesday, May 7' ' it was -felt resumed by the.-studentS. of SS; bate'ril,s'af 'iv't4eeeki,t'hsr' eilie.,.emertailingt :colimatm-inis:Jr; in No, .3,. West WaWanosh, (Township should have more time to study ' the: Hall School)tinder the, direction of brief .before the matter iseuSS-. 'their- teacher,- Mr. Ross, Erringtori. ed. , COnstable/-Martin 'Horan ' sub- tPhr,etau Prizes j,arilegcot ',..v,4rOtlt1;hie,hguns awarded j.1.1the ''''‘lCilt mittedthe brief:, "ItS CententS will - , . be, disclosed .at the Mayj''f:,xneeting of May Proof of Until the end. the 'kill is ,the 'right leg of the: dead, 'a. h like."ther commission meet ings, Will-beT.open tothe'presS,and bird -which is -worth tvito „points,. public.. Constable ' Horan -Annear, nAonW'egSgerittsineVr..'ths, ,-.(..)11..'1,'..,7i.:7.t7. '4,_,7":::...gdue'st, tlhaastt wheeb'es- :.ellilaesestiiinicgd.t.soa§ile; - - - ia''.'.",--....*'-....co'.,.._-011.-' t'°. -.;.-'...-,it, n-‘,.',4',::''''',.-• -' first ticoluasss pcoblite.fabeltplieerielnlicee.''.6fThhies- johnfik.',Hanna...N4-._r_r4,:r.,0.t.Hur,- promotion- he has requested would ..onee-Bruce,--L-received-ward=on',140n. carry a „salary_ inc:reVse. 7. -:With ---its. dayr,-.0.vening;dromAWIVIinister.'of,4,1,,yotErtii6,___c__v4Alir_4-,, c-hairi.,, Thl-f-KWaYs; ---lhat=r-Ah--67---TfreacT---i-:'Irem Myth 17-te.- Hoderich-' Will';-'"ijj' ..:--ifikeni,'.'''•-e,in-676-it:iitil';76gr:--tfinii.re..;,..„.,01.,telicpfrj,,,i,•,tialle-enistitaeb,tlislflerde, 6ilei:-• by tbe--0-rovi".6 'a•--a'--4-0A1PRtlYta-istrate.A'"1-1.11101115:6§„andJtid e, , improve -the Frank Fingland.L-.Goderich Sign' ment road. .. Work xi. condition of the road will be start Star . - . .tee,riodme,i;,d.,,,vbtl,ibeg.,:tn,,siteea,cint.rtho',prfi,iirttou,sar.,ediii..1., • etNahveiswii:4,-ios:___. ,E,:now,•, water ,..seiioly system this new ,development -Will be wel-.. , - . water Supply Needed' . . . the:: , shortest route- 1,9u,te,,.....betw,een ,, this i3Oliletr •worild "serVe both, the •tOwn. .hain_Reeo,Atdgyani.,anczeoi;:noseise,,,: 14. _..ai.,._,.rs,:th., ' •,,..'‘.36.3nd,i. th,e. 1300 bed .ProVincii..a.,:l-fhos0Pnii, area and the, coinaty,:toWnWing7. ' ' • - " ii" -- -- .• - -town. •cOuncil Friday.. : 'Dr. A., E. tal Might save Goderich cOnsider, able .'-hiotiey it was ; suggested . ,in. • - • ::. , ,,,,----.-._ ....... -Don Ea st00, and Bob:.RtiSsell -15,--fiii-,Twdtei.„_rtesotires_„.Lcsoi,,iii.„ Exeter council there as a desire sicui who attended the meetmg to reorgamze the old band and re said there might be inerit m the quested the , rethri. Of ;tile,insttu suggestiop He also Urged: that inentc,mTi1c aiid stands -which .GOdegie.h.'-ernhark :,immediatelY7on- have been .toTned.. over AO the.:3Ufl c6nstructsoii of',both a new 4ater, dor. band. ;: They-alsO,,,,,reqnested,•,a' and,:a sewage treat :grant. Mayor poOleY,Y.,stated• that?, 1•Iterit plant He was not m favor the :junior band , was arranging7,„ . 67,, s e ymg.oe.e projec tuntil. later - new and ' 4tAtidS;..,an. -members.,..0 council' , doubted that the old instruments would be availthe town :Can affor.4- lo finance :hOth_ able. ,''A resolution Was PaSSed that: PrOjeetS at oflce AWater.plant the council Woirld•.CO-oPerate: if the could eaSt- UP to 4502.10 ;,and.:. a band is reoiganized - Eseter sewage plant would cost about Times -Advocate. • . 1410 000.: BerrY: then'Suggest= • - • . 1V1oVes..TO.New Position :t of 'both plans •-•.'116 said that Mr., ;Carman, pidgins>, who has about ••$300;000 .could be,,,,Pared.-off been manager of .the•-Blyth:.Fariii.+, by: leaving: out "."as' filtration -,Plant -ern--CO-bperativeHfOr-441ne,..-Past 13 and omitting thei;,, Second .istage ' of Years, has, 'resigned and. has ac- theSeWage treatment , the ' • Cheese actor;y atBianston, . ,prteh , . • • • . • ' rq1111 The- Huron Expesitor May 5,...1933.. • • . •Miss'Winnie Sava:age, was award- ed first:place itt the ,Seaforth legiate Alumni essay competition, it ',Wag; annouriced 't,hiS week by the judges,' Miss , Turiabull- and Charles' Stewart.' Missyelon Brit- ten. caine-,..seco,nd ,and Miss Alice Oevereanx„ . , . . and RosS__Scott. anti. family, of Stanley, moved into.tlie RattenbUry home . in 13rucefield laSt - • - - ". W. -Archibarcr,l''son Of-ReiVe.: Arehibald: and Mrs-. ;Archi- balk of 'Ttickersmith, has . been awarded the SchelarShip for the, beat all-round Man in -the, third year -at .OAC, has also been anabolic* -Abet.. lie to the' WerIrPs.• rairisShOW'at 'Regina - this' ,summ r,„as Member. 6.f. the °AC. itidging,teant: • --Seaforth. : 'football ' enthusiasts gathered in the 'Dick -House 'Tues- day eVeiting and decided to, organ-` 'a Seaforth Football Club:, *Of- fieers eketed are as follows: presi- dent; C. P.. Sills; Secretary -trees: urer, "Sam .Tacksori; coa.ch and. .inanager, Frank Sills; ''eornmittee, A. W., Dick, 'Allen Reid, John Plc- Xenzie, Fred Barlow and Alex til-. lico: • Mr, Hugh Angus, who has .been acting as _operator at the CNft • sta- tion here' for sonip months, left on W.edneSdaY• for Cochrane: , There -was quite 'a heavy frost on Wednesday night of" this week. Front. The,Milron ExPoSitOr May 1 • 1908 mr..wiLliam., H. Henderson'. Met with a painful accidentat the fun); ittire factory on Saturday. It seems that Mr, ,Henderson was carrying i'lkiard When the end of it caught in a belt and he- was thrown with greai force into .4 pile a Amber, alighting on his head. Ite receiv- ed a bad gash on the tOp bis beed whin required a couple at, stitches, and a , cut On the left side of the face. • ,•• Mast, 'Bros: hive dispoSed.f. their' grocery and Meat business in Egmotulyille to Mr. M. -Sunday; of Dunnville, who has already talc. en possession.- • - On the. evening of Friday, April 24th, Mr: 'Williain Ferguson, Bay- field„ and Miss Lenora- Govenlock quietly -married , the- •Seaforth. JeloctiiStorlovateitagli,o,teek,r, of Mr is,Merrse, PresbYLa1thiterian Manse by Rev, r..n4 EAR Interesting items gleaned from The Huron Expositor of 25,50 and 75 years -ago. . • 1VICLennart . and .Broadfoot;•• the ,tieW ,.landlords of •the ..Commercial llotel,-.take. PossesSion' today.. Mr. Iienderson,' :one of the late Sproprieters;' move' t�- home on John Street;., and .Mr., -Byrnes,. who 'has - been in moVe, tO 'the: house...at present oc-; Cupied by ,Mr; .near the Collegiate Institute: mbve to, the...,h recently ereeted -on, • East,Wllliam Street, '• • • ' ' , From The Huron Expositor-: May 4, 1 Mr. Samuel 'Stark has complet- ed the work of asseSsing the town a.nd has returned his roll to the ;clerk. The population is given..at 2,378, and .the ,i6at• property is $464,8,40.!' • ' • ' ' • Jolinsan Bros. have the,COntract of 'suPplying the patrons of the Seaforth creamery with the new- irdik cans, '4.cd Mr. - Noble- Cluff furnishes the wooden troughs. , Mr. John:Williamson has started a' Store in the village of Oarlock.. This is the second store in .this .arnbitious ' . • Mr. William' Chapman, of the 3rd concession, -L.R.S„ TuckerSmith, this last .winter stall* fed 10, head of cattle/ One of these, a. four- year-old steer, weighed, 2,000 pounds, and most of the other's were proportionally -goad, He 'sold. -them all ,at, an average' price . of $6.60-, per hundred, • Mr. -J. S. Roberts, Seaforth, and Mr. W. E. Caldwell, of gallett Township, left on 'Thursday for Mnnitoba. , Mr. Abberts goes' to spend the summer onhis. farm. and, • Mr. tahlWelf to look after -some. property he has purchased in the Mr. FeWler;'of the Hur- on Road, DUrchased the turton, farm which Was- sold by public auetion on: Saturday. He paid • 220. for it. , Mr. .Chrittopher Dale. was the net highest bidder. , H.Urofl-Fwm -News ."(tt n. „It, Miles, Agrittilturat .• • -Itepresentative)'' Spring seeding operations are coniplete.. Some early turnips are above ground; Sugar beet Planting is general, and some con) is plant - Grass is making slew progress. A Warm - rain is needed. Some -cattle haVe teen turned out to TO THEDITOR: Grand Forks, IsT,D.i April, 23,158. ,Editor,- TtieHuron .--P,x•PositOrl • • • • bear- Sir: This is ' one little' "most" that demands -'any--atten- tion this morning. Shall 7 tell,you this is .my- "Golden Jubilee' sub- scription -50 .years of sending this little. message to You! • How the Yeara'rell on! And my eXperience -on-Liles 'Highway has 'been:Very pleasant,. , I find- the close. Com- panionshipof people to' be most 4elightfi1-4 love these'few Jines— Vhat to -Tam -flowers; Smiles:are' to humanity'. They are but trifles to be sure ; but scattered along -life's-pathway,' the , good they 'co- is 'joy untold„": • •-, • • ' ' . One -of my-rnanylnibbie,s' look- ing up, ;Old -friends , Of bye -gone years;,' it .is ' most interesting,: ; .. • Kindest greetings... to - .my many,Seafortli.friends, and all.,suc- cess in your Ventures, in.life. ,Very sincerely, • 1Vlargaret McQuaid Mulligan Editor, The Huron .Expositor: • Dear Sir: 'While- liStening to the ;CBL news .broadcast some ,I,veeks ag,o,--I always ..enjoy the ''"Neigh- borly News"; espeCially the, over -9 years birthday' -greetings-. Onthis Sunday the speaker .inelitioned the name of a Mr,. Jon Kenny as be, ing over. 99 ..years °Id. I 'knew a Mr. John, -"Jack", 'Kenny who'liv- e& one-half, mile from- Dublin.. As a Sitiall boy ,we rknew each' other CMite well: was:born a half mile further on' and we 'Seed, each other often_ I wrote to the CBL for his addresS;'biit they ,referred •nie your :paper as to his addres or whereabouts- so • • I sure would be much obliged to You it yOu or some:orie near there -would-let e,-haVehis-acldress,- 4 bear from .one who ; remembered hiih since' about 1885. With kind .regardS; and -best :WiShes." , JOHN DORSCHFL ' . , 35 King- I"- - Kitchener, Ont. (Editor's Note. -Mr Dorschel has been forwarded Mr. Kenny's addreSS,•, as well as a copy of The Expositor containing the reference tdMr. Kenny.) ZION Mr: and Mrs. Ross Murdie vis- ited with Mrs, James Malcolm on Sunday. - Mr-. and Mrs. Alb. Roney and Mr, ;and Mrs. Charles- Roney "vis- ited:Mr. J. W. Britton in Scott 1VIernotiaI Hospital' Seaforth on Sunday. IVIrs. Dalton IVIaItolm, -1VIrs. Glen Pepper and Wris: Smith 'were in Listowel, on -Friday ,at,tending a church-meeiing. -.-- Mr. and Mrs_ Hunter, 'Of London; visited lier father, .Mr. W, -Britton; in Seafortb, on Sunday'. Mr. W.• Britten was taken to Scott 1VIemoriar:Ifosplfal, 'Seaforth, Mrs. Arnold ,DecIute. • and Mrs. of Trironte; Miss Mary- E. Graham,-bresden, oand aircr1VIrS. Ross Gordon, Donna' and. Barry spent Stinday with Mrs. Mani Malcolm ancl 'Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Malcolni. , . Miss. Joatr-tritton underwent an operation in Scott IVremorial „Hos- pital, Seaforth, _en' Saturday morn- ing -for appendicitis'. We •wish Joaspeedy- reCovery. MrsAtevens and Richard visit- ed Monday afternoon ,,with Mrs. John Dawson, Mitchell.„ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm were, in, London ,recently, visiting , his mother, Mrs. Alexia Ma,lcolm, PLANTING "POTATO.EYES" foun .paAeticAL; .,Far the gardener Wishing to groW a:,few rows -of, potatoes for lionie „Use, ; Or' the , adinmercial grOwer „1 es'ixes o , se core a statat- moderate cost in new var- ieties stich as the recently licensed scab or blightrreSistant•.tYpes, the use Uf "pbtatueyes' iS' :a .practical method,' rePorts the Field ', Crops Branch of the Ontarid Department of Agriculture. - A change of' seed may..also he *introduced .1)Y saving the-? resultant -harvest; Mid. the grower ',also, has the advantage of economically --comparing Yield 'and quality Of • several,: varieties side bynide, if desired. , "• -lo-.-Western.,_.Cartada distribtitien of seed.. potatoes . by the- it -Se Of "Potatoeyes': has 'been ,used for - many, Years, and --is very popidar, especially or mailirigand for ship- inerit- to Northern areas where transportation chargeare often to be considered when securing new seed. Although this System -,--has oniy recently been introduced:to Eastern Canada, . mairtly through Meg- order, it is being :.accepted "with -aPProval marlY -.Satisfied users"! .. 'Potato eyeS?''' are Usually packaged in cardboard boXeS ',:eciii- taining Sufficient tO plant 30 to 80 individual- hills of each .variety. dal ttitput nowamounts to 'era -Thilliond "potato eyes?' Which are used each season'for seed: , "Potato:' eYeS" ' aiO by approved, seed-,-firtis whose .chief -bu,shiess is Selling seed, either ,Whoresare. or 'retail, oi firmWhich Maintains a separate seed division and is in: a position prOVide 'entirely .SoParate stop,. age, hatitlling 'and, salesa seed' potatoes, rtt each, case the/shin- per certifies 'that the average weight of the "potathreyes".;,(when freshly cut) in the 'container, to which."the.official label -Of the De- partment of .Agriculture is attaeli-, ed., was -hOt les,) than ounce, and that not more than fiVe. Per cetit were less than three-quar- ters of an bleb hi depth. Further, that the: "potato eyes'. wero. cut from foundation or certified, seed potatoes:, _ Planting usttallY varies' CiVer two-month period -front early Anil tmtil late May, depending upon the Seasinr and 'Citation, , 7 AAay ith a Gift from LARON ingerie osier oases , Handkerchiefs Lace -Ta.blecloths Outstanding Cards 'of:Distinction RUS • RDs Ladies' Summer OTTON- DRESSES' .* eafort 5 Store, STATIONERY and GIFTS 1995565 ,P131(rdingeouFtliourF-opulo'-oproor 1955 De Soto Four-Door—Radio, with Power_ b_raice_s and steering 1955 Studebaker Four -Door '- 1955 Chev. Sedan 1953 Dodge Sedan __19,52_0k1s188',_ FourA)oor_ 1949 Plymouth SPECIAL CTOR VALUE 00' Case l)iesels --- 350 Case Gas Tractor wcil e otor DODGE DE SOT O CARS DODGg TRUCKS CASE FARM MACHINERY hone 267 - ' Seaforth.. • '1 • cAtIAMAN • MX or commRce. - is anne aVin Puy all bills by cheque on. 'Personal" Chequing,:, AccoUht: A quarterly statement will.h,elp'you leep your records straight.-, The low service charges are prepaid. Vout.eancelled cheques are on fit6 if yrni treed them. , Keep your Savings.Account•forsaVing. Add to it . front every pay. As your balance grows, you'll gaift. new peace of mind. , siad Planned Saving at our nearest brabeh nov.+. THE CANADIA ANK OF COMME /7"6 naANCI:l0 iCa9sS ce7,,,NADA READY To SERVE YOU Wm' SEAFORTH BRANCO — C. Brightralt, Manag0 DIAILIN BRANCH —1E, £Deau, IVIanager