The Huron Expositor, 1958-05-02, Page 1-
Ninety:Ninth - Yeir
Mole Number 47,09
News of Sewall
,ene_ded ..eliairman.• of the Itensan"
,Sehnit Fair 'Wait:a::: "At a, meeting
Monday nigntthe_gron.P,nanied Mr.
McNaughton to head the organiza-
tion ton 1958;59: ' •
JameS:A:,,Patersmi, .secketarY for
Seven year§,i;teridered. his resigiia.,,s,
.„ tion •froirnAbat 'post and as yet no
one bag:inienii to ,replace
• ing two ditrict residentsn,_.Jini
_TaylorniogLonne E. Jay, to take-
overAhe:n00.§i. ,• = • -'
The' board decided- , the
annual fair,Septenih Ow;
,testS.,-o# Ctethkern,3:',;" o
-es ' &'re discused anFom made
to the,'; prfie7.-hg,tnyn. ,
balanee •,nf
$359:77n •InnKc Chtjsti ra nann-
ednairditorli.. 'reit
Efeetid:it no asn-„car,,-
, _
:ried:•oht.hy,'D Miles -Huron
no Ynn.'-: '4011.47. enreSenta;.'
ttyen'-nTnenfellOndgg-•*_pre. "lathed
---ndieettoran"HTkelterktffith;: s.s- 1," mr:
and "-Mrg, .Sin
elairf.and .T,:,."1.4-ostell; No. id E..
Whitehouse and Ken .1VIcKayn, fhb=
bent,..No. 7, -,B..,
-HOwei". Hay', M. ,-10,-•EI'''Finikand
,A,..-,,Shinray-; HeriSall, H.
Seanea L. Hay, J. Taylor 5. -Mc=
P. L.
P. L. mofiiti6nioN- Who
Was nained .. President of the
Trougu School fair, Board
rattord Heari
'•Natural gas •caine a 'step closer
to Seaforth Tuesday when the On-
tario: Fuel Board approved- gas
rates as proposed for a,I2-niuMei-
palitY area betweenStrAtford ,and
GoderielnnbY the Vithati, --gas Com-
pany of Canada Liniitedn The ap-
proval was granted during a hear-
-ing in the Path County court,bilild
i .
ng Stratford.- - ,
No objection td.the'rate schedule
was receivedfrom r,epresentatives
of the Jilin :towns and villageg'.. and
seven'townships in; the' area, , vvho
attendealnAlie.'hearing., -
Thent-atesto be charged will be
the same as thosen•charged by the
gas' company in Stratford, , St.
Marys.; ---Waterloo and Guelph.
.In, tbe morning sessions of 'the
hearing, tbc- ue1 Board' granted
certificate of convenience and
necesgrty, to the gag company.
Represented at the meeting, by
niaYdrs and elerks were the follew-
ing-iiiiinicipalitiesn Goderi.cli; Clio-,
ton, Seaforth, Mitehell and the'
lage of Dublin, And the •following
•lownships:- Goderichn Tuckersmitli,
•Ifindett, McKillop, Hibbert, Logan
the.Ontakiii goer Board was pre-
Sided fover by A., R. 'Crozier,' chair-
man, and,the. Union .Gas Company.
Was.' represented hy V-11.• Patin
C.katham, . assistant general:Main
ager,• 'secretary and treasurer;
,Walker Fleming of Waterloo, West-
ern "diStnict -Manager, and L. G.
O'Connor, solicitor for :the
cornpanYn '"Cemirriissiorien "- J.,
foinnerin of 'Stratford;
was the .other manlier of the.Fnel
Seafeith.;„-wagn--represerited ,by,
CdttheillerS W.bln--"Balinand Clerk
H. Wilson. Attending. Arern
sjith and Clerke'E. P. -Chesney
while IneeVeL.Dan ,ilteuefinann- and
Clerk ; Eckert n Were :preSent
frmn .McKillop. -Reeve Earl Dick
Hibbert. • Holland,
-nnn •
Itn was indicated that -WorknOl_
atony to --laning •aneignninch main
s,U-T'VeYing the::'.niglitintWayninaian-
wonln.- get under ..waY••, iminediate-
. -
Jn the js
arranging 'pas ern erits': for rights-of-
way betw,een Stratford. and Gode-.
rich, white tjnion Gas:. is, ,eonl-
nionciug a series of 'adnertiSe-
Malts in district papers AO ae•-:
quaint- the public! with the -1)011e..
fitsof gas- .; '
nn -Discuss "iinplinationg
MondaY ::eyening' farmers
along the".required •right-of-way :an
tended. A 'meeting in Clinton and
discussed •with officials the prob-
lems involved in pipeline,',Constrtien
The :meeting Was arranged by the
Federation of Agriculture:, Chair."
fnan was Carl Hemingway;,'
Mr:” Crozier; an official.: of , the
Ontario. Eitel Board, chaitniarn "ex=
1Plaftied'illie -reeentlY. an,lended,PiPe
=One :Ant-•antinnla:naPPlicatinnn
' aCnnStruitiOn'Of.-athe pipeline is
designed to bring natural .ges,. in
the resiclential and industrial areas
,between. Stratford and
Purpose ofthe". Meeting Was n.
,infeinn the 'farmers ,Of. theprovi-•
si�ns of the_ act, and, give thana
chance -to 'O,Sk '.;questions. :.-„Objec-
tions , Must. , registered -.within
.five,. days' With the 'Ontario': ;,Filen
:Donald -1Vfid.d1eteli•;-'ffelantan-,•fOr.
the Federation of-Agitootinte _for-
MidelleseXn -intradneedn Min, Cron'.
In the event' of, objections 'with-
in' the stipulated five-AAVPeried
the project would be delayed pendn
• The "old" reereaticin grminds' in
Seaforth • will see action once more.
F011oWing an organization nimeting
last Wednesday night -"Of baseball
enthusiaats,-a -decision wasnineanli---
ed. to make Use of the, recreation
grounds at the south end of the
t,oiivn. The scene of athletic eon -
'tests in., yearS, past that attracted.
province -wide attention, the Ilea
in recent years has reverted to
pasture. Last year the lann,;own-
ed by the ,town, produced a profit-
able crop nil hay. - • _
Clare: Reith was nained presi
dent of the group, with" J. A. Pat-
terson, secretary -,-treasurer: Other
members are Donald •,Morton, Art
Stacey, Ken Powell and Erie Mc -
The -group plan sponsoring three
teams. Teams ,will be Pee Wee,
Jehin Baldwin, chairman of the
property;',-eorainittee of the town
ceiinclln, has agreed to have the
'field ',nut- in. readiness for the 'com-
ing baseball season, according . to
secretary -treasurer Patterson. The
,groundWill be Ievelled,and a baek-
stcp,put in. - " •
. -The, exe'cutive 'meet with.
clubs 'fro -in Western Ontario at an
organization meeting of the. WOAA
in Wingham ,- Wednesday', night,
when fitial-pl.ans will, be laid for
the coming season.
nstitute Inst
.Mrs: Margaret 4Ilfranliftea,.pre-
sided at ineeting of the
Winnen's thstitute held in Walton
Public School on ,Thursday •, even -
The ninntlilY 'reportWAs giv-
by .Mrs. Wilbur Turnhull,. and
the, :financial 'monthly , statement,*
'followed bY the 'yearly report. Mrs.
Wrn.,'Humphrieg ,gave,, the naudi-
tors' . report. ThepreSn'dpat thank-
ed the various officers for their
'and Cd -operation „daring the
year. 1: • • ':`,r
The :course, '116W, Ti)" Cenditet
Meetings:" nvaan'etiosett by
..bersi,. With ,"111eals and Money" as
A seconcinchoine, 'Inds- course is
to,titeld'preferabiy in October or
November. it Was decided fohaVe
the Sunshine. Sisters for the tern-
ing yeen.,And' names were drawn...,
, Cards are to be sent: during the
year' And a. gift at theond
of the Year. Sunhbie Sisters for
the ,Past 'Year Will; be reyealedat
the nett. Meeting during': the roll
Mrs. • Earl Watson.'Nfre:, Bis-
bY, Mra, R. Bennett, MI6. Nelson
'Marks, Mrs. Wm. Turnbiill, Mrs:
F. Walters (president) and IVInsnR.
nnnBarroWS (district -':direetor)- were
,.,appointed to.attend ;the ..district May,'.. • .* •
•Annual report's Were given by
conveners ofstanding--enmmitteea
as falleWs: •Agfieitittire and, Cana.,
Mrs, Ken
. McDon-
ald; :. Citizenship • -and.) education.
Mrs: Harold' Bolger; CoMmuilitY
activities and publin relation -.,Mrs.
Stewart historical' re-
seareh current eventnn-
a iis.,
Named To, Lead
Egmon4ville Choir
.., Mr,. Lyle Hammond will assume
,;dtities as organist And choir leader.
of. Egniondnille ;United Church
Sunday, Mr. HaMmond; recently
. from London, is“,also bandmaster.,
of Seaforth Highlanders. Band:
In Egaiondville , he takes over
from Mrs. Hansen, who recently
retired as Organist and he aSsinnes
ehoir leader duties Of the tate ;Ern-
est Wetton Mr. em-
ployed by •Seaforth Lumber Ltd
RoSs 'McColl:- home .economici and
ilea th Mrs. Earl 'Mills- resoin-
tions, Mrs. Harvey _ Craig; nSun-,
shine committee, Mrs. Nelson
Installation ,of officers was eon -
ducted' by the ,district preaident,
Mrs, "Glen Sohnston, dernie, 'after
whicinthe addressed the Member's,
choosing as her subject,' .."How
'Wisdom is Like. la Savings . Act
Count." She ,Said we receive knew=
ledge from reading' books, news-
papers- and even, novels' give us
new ideas. -There are inanyr:typeg
(Continued on .Page 10) :
. Election campaigning in.. the
Buren by-election -Will be' steppedup .viith•-the arrival in. the riding
during the next few days of lead-
ers of and Consenv.` a.-:
tive parties:
Official. nomination day, was
1VIonday, - when returning officer
Russell T. Bolton attended at Hen -
salt_ nntil 3 - o'clock and received
the nominations of the candidates,
Liberal -Dr. Alex Addison, of Clin-
ton, and Conservafive-- Charles
lVfaenlaught,on, of Exeter.. Dr. Ad
dison's !official agent is Beecher
ivl:nzleasti,ghteon:l: ,sCIingt-oenn;t is
shllGe 0-rMdorn.n:
Block, of Zurich,
•' -
First to visit Huron willethe
recently elected Liberal , reader,
john-Winterineyer. The Kitehener
l_aWyer will speak in Zuxien on
F_r_iclaynnight,1_,MaY_2, and liL GQde'
riclijn the foliowing night _Sattir-
d IVI -- -3 _II will appearon'b
half of Liberal canclidateDr Alex'
I A few nightflate--r-Preinier"Les-
Ile Frost will visit the riding to
assist Charle.s-MnoNaughton,__Pro
grersite-, ,
, , ,
- The distn t nser ativeAsso
ciation is arnanging a reception in
Goderich on Thursday n May 8.
Voters throUghout the. riding will
be invited to meet Prernier Frost.
and Mrs. Frost., Mrs. J. A. West
ectt„..Sentantla,nis A„Airembpr of tho
ladies' committee that, is assisting
-Comniittee Rooms Open
Liberal committee rooms are e -
'fig • established in, the fort:net
Queen's Hotel; at the -.corner of
Main. and" C-oderich Streets: Con-
servatives have opened rooms up-
stairs in the Dominion Bank build
e--will be no excuse for those
who fail to vote in the, by-election:
Polls open at 9 o'clock -,And
inain_open until. 8 o'clock in the
evening. In` addition, an advance'
Wed 0 Veurs,
Mrs. A. Buker
poll is provided iar any _Viten who - :W1iile returning officer Russell
' mop to be. absent on polling Bolton. and electinn clerk W. E.
day. Advance polls are establish- Southgate conipletearrangements,
cd- at Clarlie'S Garage, Seaforth, for taldng the vote and prepare Ao
and in Exeter and Godericia, .and distribute ,ballot boxes todeputywilt be open on. the Thnrsday, Fri- returning t officers across the rid -
day and Saturday preceeding the ing, the two candidates are carry -
election; frony 9 ann., to 6 .p.m. ing on intensive personal eam-
and from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m. paigns. • „
The nehtire Jost of ....installation
,W,ould-be borne by. the: '
Mr. Crozier said, adconstruction
would be:,•coninleten "as
as :„ possible." -Lands 'disturbed
would. be "restored With- the least
possible delay and inconvenience."
Aikird Tender
For Laundry
The tender of ,Frank ..Kling, to
carry out %alterations- And install
newnlaundry equipment in -,Scott
Meitiotial Hospital was accepted
at a Meeting of the executive corn-
iiiittee of the board Monday 'after -
neon. In an ainouat of -.S7;321.,. the
tender nvaS" the lowest„ of , three'
submitted. . •
In attendance atthe meeting
was the -beard's' architect, Carl
Rider, ef thefirm of Barnett and
Reider, of Kitchener. -,
Are Honored
, ,
dinner and (Men ,labliSe.
.iriarked..the,, 40th wedding hndi
.versarn of Mr.. and Mrs, Albeit'
Baker, Seafprth,..nlaat Weekend.
Thursday, April .24, fieighlaorg..snr-:
ptiaed ' the honoredpair„ with -a-
partY,at the home of Mr'. •and Mrs.
NorinannSeoirisn , They.. Were, -ipreS--"'
en -td with,- a table lamp.; •
. ,S,aturclay . the Baker family of
.six-thilcIren'yetinned to their bane
for a rfa inlly •dinner,..and.; pre sented
,thein parents With two upholstered
chairs. -
Mr. and 4 MTS. Baker were•
red 24, 1918, at Brussels, by
Mania, of 'tile Brussels,
Presbyterian Chinch: St -an -ding up
with -,the bride Was her . sister,
nowElsie,TMrs: Mike .1<elly,' Car--
I:ollewing. , the . ceremony
the home
*Ilene ,Ltlien, • Stilt resid e.
:Mrs: Baker i8'. the former Janet
Coniaan, daughter of the, late •Mr.
and Mrs.. Alexander Corniann, of
Brnsseli..:=, Mr. Baker's parents
Ble.,ttleipie Mr. and `Mrs: Thos:
a er, ,"Seafoath.,. '
. celebnants, have six 'end-
dren:.: Janet, lnirs. Albert' Kinnear.,
St. -Catharines; Alex, Mitchell;
Aubrey, , Camp Bornen ; Williani,'
at home;, : Garfield, .Exeter, ! and
John'. at :home.
. Year in varEcti
gle Copies, Cents
Estimathd cost of operating and
maintaining Seaforth Lions Club
Park and Pool will exceed $5,000
during the current year, menabers
of the club were told Monday eve-
ning -as the club approved estimat-
ed receipts and expenditures as
presented by the pank eommittee.
Estimated ' „expenditures 'total
$5,145.00 and provide onl f ord-
inary maintenance and operation
of the park facilities. An addiL
tional exPenditure, estimated _at
et? provide a new public
entrance mth the park, the club
Is cci etit Victim
One giri is dead and a 'bey .iS: in
Mb pital resultSnof two a'eeidentS
�ver en,Wee -endn-
- • •
- Dead .fiyne=year-Old :Sharon
= hurt,being"nnthe
Stone at Ahe. ". '"• ' '
• sels: were; e I repair the qk
. Wires. from
Lthe-,'Grocletieh; 'detachmeritninYeati-IraeideQt'
n • • -
pfrioatent_ogflathe in
e wsIOrdeo, jUbSyI
missiig the
It is thought that a steering rod
'dame loose_en the translicirt.Lit-
tienclarnage was-done_te=the.-build-
ing. - Neither ' of the drivers was
-Rose- Bi'ai Eagenc--who died- in Tic
.toria Hoapitai,•'• Lcindorin. 'Sunday
nionning-4,nnanr. .esUltnofniteattnnJurn
nesnre_c_pn g en -she was. hi col.
lisninnvith, a. car. near her 'home
Friday afternoon. In - - Stratford
spit -OTT. "'isP.,,,four-year-olann,Dary
1),estman; Mitchell .suffering.tinde-
t. rmined head injuries from. a sun-
ar acci., en .•--- .
Sharon Rose ;' daughter of Mr.,
and Mrs. Carl Hnse,:Was..CroSSing
the-- road on her. Way borne -from
school when she walked into the
,path•of a wesibMindearndrike_nn.Ty
'EdgarnElligaern ',RA 2; .wan
on. .
-Dr: Ed. ,Malliiis; • Seaforth,treat-
ed: the injured child atthescene
and -.T1.15 ed her to .Scott Memorial
iminediatelY following' the
accident. She was transferred- to
London. •forThrain surgery, •where
she -pasaed away Sim
- Sharon Aged live yearsand'loin
manths,:haa,',started.' te.schoot after
the .,Easter holidays .this :springi
She Was on ler : way! from school
to .hernlieme,atnlot 29, concession
9,.. Logair',-....tannisnipi". When. the ' acci-
dent ocenrredn ••
She .ig.'survived by her. parents,.
Her. motherIS the .feriner Dorothy
rodhagen.: Also surviving are two
Naney Ann, tv110' and 'a
•Itesnn'' 'yah..Ctikrl
bagel], •PalinerstoiL: ,
The .body '-re§ted: at the Heath-
Leslie,toneral: Home; Mitchell, us -
til noon, Wednesday. Funeral Serf
vice was -held franliFirat Lutheran
Chlincln,,Tangan township...Rev. Day-
ton Fritz, minister.,,of_the 'church,
Was in eharge, and, buriainwas in
thecemetery sadjoining 'fife cluirch.-
---The four-year-old Wrestman lad,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Daryl West -
man, Mitchell, was taken to Strat-
ford Hospital after- being in. colli-
sion:with a car._ . •
P. -once said the child who -has
undetermined head injuries, was
in collision with a ear driven by
RonaldEverettMcDowell, of Sea -
No Injuries, Extetsiv,e Damage
•Two trucks., were damaged coif-
Siderahly"ahd telephone -wires torn'
Mese 7when 4:76111;siOni;Obd,iirted,in
trent of Doug Ennis' 'general store
in .Walton Friday niorning.
A Seaforth CreainetY..trttek, driv-
en by Ernest.Stevens, Naito,: had
stopped, in 'front of the, store to
make a delivPrYi when a transport,
Oampbell Transport of
Blyth, on its way 'north from Sea -
forth,.. and leaded: with :steel, re-
portedly. went 6ut--,of centrol on
making the' turn and veered into
the CrearnerY truck. The Seafeirth
vehicle- was ,sent' hp -against' the
AMONG THE 64 (nista seco. ar ki,c4901, at from_
Western Ontario honored a, London newspaper
Clopix .woreq"-.(ave-Love, Walton, r,Otesentit4 SeafOrth. District High-
'Scheel; and Beatrice IVIaioney, Dublin High Sehooln* The group met.
"P 'hO et enjoyed r
rennet .krost attended a nfiuu s, a received
piii"s and certificates off,-FridaY of lest :week., The above ,pietnre, f•
t •
includes Queens frOM Huron, Artiee.. and Qrey dainties. S'eate
left to right:TSheila Anderson,41C.intandine";-.Faye-iLove,..;;Seafortlx;-;-•
Vera "Sharne,:Winghainn.„SbirleY. Courtney, Ripley; Helen taWsonn
•Meafordi" standing; left to teatriee-Maioney,."Publii*-71or-
.-,ence. Cullen, 'Chesiey4, -Paige Phillips, Clinton;•Rosalee, Bedard,
'G-oderichn 'Eileen Chesney Walkerton' Louise Andre* Lucknw
Patriela Watson, :Durharn,
• -
To •,-SDEIS •Staff,
One additional.'teaehei, will be,
added to the:Staff 'of Seaforth Dis-
trict High Schaol' in 'September.
To date. three new teachers- have'
been hired to reprice four of last
Year's Staff, who have resigned."
Miss GladysMlller,,, •Stratfold;
will tea -ch French and Latin- to
Lowen- School- A married Man
frail' London, Kenneth Keith,. will
teTeh-Ezighsh,„ • While William' Mur -
die,. also from London, -will teah
mathematics.. 'Twe more ,teachers
will be named, at a later' date.
, . •
Resigning from the staff, this
year ; were James_ Schmelefske,
,Rinaldi, Arnold Manz
and Mrs. Shirley ,Skelton. '
In keeping with the trend this:
year,: the hoard has approved ,a
$200 increase to all teachers. This,
will bring. the minimum. :for non-
specialists to $4,000 and maximum'.
$7',00Q; • for specialists, •$4,200 .miei-
tifitin and $7,200 itaximuni. • -
Resigns From
orthside Church
Minister of Northside United
Church here since 1956. Rev.
Bruce W. Hall "has resigned. 'He
has accepted the pastorate of CM&
niers' United , church, :Windnor,
change to, take. place effective ' It may frighten you. at st, but
July '1. it's werth trying; praise.your wife.
was to14 The caisge in the en-
tranee arrangement became nec-
essary as a result of Ontario De-.
pertinent of Highway construction
opposite the park when the high-
way grade was altered.
—Receipts from all sources are
estiinated at $3;315, leaving an,
amount cif $2,330 to be raised by
Abo_elnli,_AY__NleLean,_who,, pre -
gentecLilie_ estimates_ onnbehall--of
the park _committee said. Other_
inexithers- of the comintthe are-
esident—Tohn -1VIodelantinn-Vicen
President W. M. Hart F. 'Blinn
and Dy. J. 0 ull
Work is under way at thepark
preparingn_the nearly 10" acres of
with the arrival of warm weather.,
Increasing, interest is being indi-
cated in the Lions Parkas, a picnic
spot, and to permit a mnre even
distribution of picnic facilities it is
$...:ii,,were initiated into
Sleafortlr..:KinSMew Club at their,
'Meeting ..Mondayinight: New mem-
hers Are "Ed.' Ehnli.ardt,'!nRnbeitt.
Laverne .11oirautt, ReSS
ander, ;• George .Mellwaiii"..and Mel
Connoin,•:Initiatidn.•waS carried out
by, the • initiation team :fneM thc
Clinton elob;n: • • ,
nnyteepreSident Alvin Riley Chain-
ed the meeting in the ,:abSerine, of
President Jack Webb. Guests at
the:' .Meeting " -included Governor
Hart .Wattsnninternal'
- expansion
eliainnian; Ken Walsh,. both of
coe; deputy governor Les Parker
Exeter; :- Don Kari; Clinton.Presi-
•,,'-Governor_Watts gave ansPeeela
on "Coxnradeship Among Kin."
Being' nomination night, 'ncunina-,
.tien§ were received for next year's
eicectitive: The 'group also. decid-
ed to bold another dance
nt May with. lan
New. 'rector'.
• „
In :the'
It's new; it's a'brown, its valti-
able,and ing'OnitS way to every
telephone user in .the 'district-. The;
1958 edition: of the telenhone,
tory now being . delii!ered, in Sean,
fOrth -.and district cattaina,. Many
new and. changed': listings. ,
-,:"The old .airectory- shouldbe dis-
Car(ted as soonas the .new r, one
arrives," • W.W. Hayseni,,: Bell
Telephone manager, for this region„
said this Week. "Contiatied use of,
last 'year's, hoc* Will only lead to
confusion. „per 'numbers and ''un-
necesSary':, calls .to .Information."
The cover ',of this 'year's: diree-.
fory features a sketch of the:
Shakespearean Gardens inn'Strat-
ford, "replading the drawing of the
iturOh CO./Ay': 'Court llouse . in
Goderieft- *lila, appeared, on the
front, cover of. the 1957- directory.
This year, 1.425 copies of the direc-
tory will be distributed here, 'Oorn-,
pa,reti with .1400 a year ,ago. '
Mrs. Robert W Campbell en-.
tertained at a trousseau tea Sat-
urday afternoon and evening for
her • daughter, '1Vffss "'Catherine
Campbell,'bride-elect of this week.
The tea table, covered with
white_ linen table dentin was centr-
ed with Pink roses: The Wedding
cake was. displayed on an side
Scott: .....
Mrs. R. W. CamPbell, ,Mrs. J.
Heys and Catherine' received the
many guests. MissEleanor Keys,
sisteinof the groom, and Joan and
Christine Pryce, nieces of the
bride, were in charge of the reg-
table. ,- '
Pouring tea afternoon and even Distribute-.
rang were Mrs,. John Hillebrecht, • '
Mrs. Rita Or and Miss Annie Gor.,
Safety Book e s. .
don, mints of the bride; Mtg. 8lit-
abefir Keys, grandmother of the
;groom,. and Mrs: Clare LOng, aunt
of the growth Serving the. guests
in the . Afternoon Were Mrs. A.
Jantzi, Mrs. EldinKerr, Mrs. Geo.
WifeatleY and Mrs. John Herr. In
the evening Mrs. Gordan Papple,
Mrs. Wilson Campbell, . Mrs- Ross
Gordon_ and Mrs. ' Bob Allen sonl.n
Miss Dorothy Keys, sister' of the
groom; was in, charge of display-
ing the wedding gifts, and MrK"
Ken Campbell; -sister-m-law of th
bride, displayed the shower
Showing the bride'S trousseau were
MrS. -Le-Pryce,-Sister of the bride;
Mrs. Robert Norris of Toronto,,
and Misses Julie Smith and haft
Safety •brOchiires were distribut-
ed f -o. Seaforth :schools
this week by members of -Seaforth
Town,Polite Force. Chief Fd.'Ehr-
hardt and Constable George .Mar --
tin took the -books to Sertfortli Pub.
he and Separate Schools on TtieS-
,day and Wednesday of this week.
, ,,DistribBtiOn of the brochures,
'dealing With safetyrules, was
made possible by the ft -operation
of the folk) I _merchants: Cana-
an Tire- Frank kling,-Savattges
'Jewellery, koweligfe Motors, Tent
notch Feeds, Cleary's IGA, George
I. 'Seaforth -Shoes,:, Sills'
ItardWare, Seaforth CreaMery .and
SeafOrtb, Motors, -
• '.
proposed tbis Year • to .StIggest to
'groups' using,the%facilities dmiation
'-fa9mtourtr:eS braus'e'k,e‘ of
g,4 *ifb paat
o's9tInneet'‘Ps.:0114:7161'''T44t4P1" °
coMni**0.0"rir desired. in the
Ward*:'the cost ofainini
Work 'n.O'vv; 'n0der
.vay is
the directi1;n of parjtipex
will again be mmeins
and pool. supervisor.
in picnic area...The rntrancenq
is located- 'east: of the. park CQ
tagen and a 'driveway winds soidl
westerly to. -the ,, •lnt:nn
:Details of the estimate- are
Pool admissions -- -
lEstimnated -Expenniture, 19
Wages. -pool , nn -nn -
,Wages, park -and-boo .
Hydro , ,
.Insurance; liability and fire 185
Workmen's Compensation ... - 30 '
.Chemical supplies ' 200 -
Equipment maintenance 300
Painting -
Miscellanno.u.s :repairs,- Main-
:ConstruCtion; roadWaYrg.rad-S..,5;145..n.'
., • •
. inn fencing 500
Amount required to 17. rais
ed by Lions , . , , $2,330
Chairman of , the inc ting was
Scott Chill' and he 'was assisted by '
A. W. sillery....Club President jno..•
W, Mcideland reminded' inemberS .
that th& LaTinual naper.,;.Collentingi
Was itaking place on May 141
Possibllity of the club 'enterMg
ftro an insurance arrangement
wannraised WYTMr. •SillerYn.andhen•
.and Fi. P. C-liesneyinv.erenanied•10,nn
present the Matter at a. zone•-•ineet-
ing being held in --
'..:Gtiests present ineltaieclIge 1111nr- '
phy, .IIugh. 'Hawkins" and
lulaeaully, of the ;Clinton Lions •
Represent 00(allociii
At Grand Chapter -•
Representing Malloch.c. Chapter
60 here, six members' were in TU4'
:root° over the weekend attending .`
Grand Chapter, Which this Year ' •
Marked its centennial,
' Representing . Seaforth were W.
Jn-Belli Frank -Case, M: E. Clarke,
John Bach, 3, :B. Higgins and dts-
triet,Superintendent 3. W. Crieli...,
'Nameddistrict superintendent to
Aucceed. Mr. Crich; who .has. held
the offiee during the Past. year,
was Rev. Aioc camPbeil, of St.:„
-Mrs. Keit criffim Ayhner, presi-
dent of the area Rome awl -S.611°91
Association, .presided over -Ari . -
en,discussior--,1t -Seaforth,',Honie. -
and. Scnool Meeting Thursday. Then,
discussion,' 'with delegates frdiii
Goderich, Exeter, Hugh
Caniphell.,. Clinton, - and, Seafortlx.
Horne and School; dealt with itteet7
ing§ and attracting parents. )
Each -H. aud S. told,of their best -L: , •
Meeting in terns , f ',:*hat •!. thei
ineinhers'learned, Whether or not
there was a boaattendance, how
it Was planned4and by libx.nianY„.
They also discusSed the; 'different
Ways they had -:of- Jetting parentsy "
know ofqlie, coliiing meetings, and
themeans of getting a larget. at4
-.:-John W. Talbot expressedihe
predintion of' the lupdiug' to Mrs. -
'Griffin arid also to:- Mrs. CUshing.
'and*the president of' the, London
counell,, Mrs; J. E.,-.Gerntacy,.. for
cdnaMg andgiving, :t1.1.0 ,thenthers
much.helpful- information. -
Mrs. Robert Charters read the •
Minutes ..of the previous Meeting,
and lirs J. Moore gave,the treas-
urer's report. The "guest, Mrs,
Griffin, was the Paretif
month, knowing the name of the-*,
play that Princess' 'Margaret well
when-she-open*;ther StratfOrtt
"Miss Ma .8klees grade wbrt thp„
award for- hating "the most par-. '
exits the -meeting:- Atthe eon-, .
elusion coffee was $orved bY: th
social eorrinlittee. .