HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-04-11, Page 6THER.DI vegwattifigigriimar „ AI'k£II. as BEAT OIIR, SAKES PRQYEi rr !: w .SED I AILS IN !HAM'COi)N` 1S.tiefiGEST ;TOCK OF HARDTOP;-Auto'inatic, radio 57 BU1GL�. CEN`TLTR,1'' 4-DO'Ot HAR A1� - ,Ei ht- tinder, � radio, ,padded dash; �7 METEOR SEA g �' '57 PLYMOUTH. COACH -Deluxe model whitewalls, wheel discs; • T `. 1104 ,0O0O0O' miles. s '. - i '57 : UIGK :SPECfAL'SEpANDynaflow> whitewalls ewal.les ,S6 PLYMOUTH DEL7XE..SEDAN Radio twotone , wbitevt. als,- :.xs�.5566 C HEV,• 150 •S E A N -eall .owned, .16,0.00 56 METEOR j..COACI-Autamatiectrl vm ei,l'r sa dio • . 2 - tone C1V.BEL IREIIARpTOP tom.ati drive,radio --S6.MPT 4R. NIAGARA A•.R`•Ao;;. S' EitDe sA N -v-8. ':sh arp, 22 , 000n •s55.SUCSPEClA'" "OOS:HAR-D-T9 '.D-ynaFlo r o} P • :'55B1lCK.CErTURY • SE A1Dtuaflowz sP....ecial•'trim , like n ew SPECIAL SEDAN-Dynaflaw, radio, special trim; 25,00 0 m ile s , . Pf' O.i1TAYFAIR:5ED A N --',.--ToA sh a e :54 METEOR CQAC -ikene ., 6,000. miles 54 .FORD 'SEDAN -This car good as,ncurt witl r adio .. . -"S4 PONTIAC -SEDANood -shape - A A1RSED N-Radio'i: wheel discs ,•53 sTuni M Yk erdri e -'35 M:T.G. .=.Like new, og.: v , 'S3: STUDk?BA1�R'.SEDAN',. FORD 'SE�DA,N-'Twa-tone' blue `locally owned' O ARCH' SEDAN -,•Custom- radio, overdrive, like new ' ILL' AC-CQNVERTIBI�E' 52 CAD .. '52 C1iEv riFi;UX �SEAAAN :Custom. radio„ 41 000 • miles •'52 DODGE' CORONE ufom-ate : drive;—like—new ;in--and=gut- -.,: ADM TER' SEDAN Loaded with aecesscrieS, S1:BUTCFt.�,RQ AS new moor;,., 'S1 METEOR, COACH -Never: paint, inn visor; slipcovers , '50 MEEC7JME SEDAN--=Rad10, :ee*. motor; new paint `:r-adi A ustlike_new„_._ ,000 -miles _ '49'-F"OiLD CQt�C-'H-Curtaino, ]; - - '49 PONTIAC COACIH-orlgin'a1 owner, • 41,000 miles EXTRA SPECIAL -1932 -MODEL• "B" FORD $65:95 25 OTHER MASES"ANI) MOI}El TO,CHOOSE FROM' TRU C:K S Veep Fit ouple Have Dinne ears Mr. and Mrs. Stanley' :Dow',' off' Cromarty, were honored at a din- ner at the home, of Mr, ' and. 'Mrs, Jack Butson, Staffa, on their 40th wedding ' anniversary; , The -couple were married at the Presbyterian -,,manse, Cromarty, April, 8, 1918, by the late Rev. Dav, id Ritchie; of that church. Mrs. Dow is the former ,Annie 'Christie, is e '.. Since their a e , hr ti < 'Marg, r t �, marriage. ,they, have resided east' ra y. _ 0 : ' the: anniversary table at' Thea dinner, was centred with a wedding cake and :sweet peas -and chrysan- themums were,used:: forte-�?ecoxa.-. thoirtu s the recipients of- a They were: P. their children, m - gift of money from. Elmer, and Mervin, of , Cromarty.; Lorneeima) ..-Doupe, Sci 1Vfrs. ( ) ence Hill; Mrs., , Eldon •.(Gladys): Allen, "-Cromarty; Mrs. 'Jack (Wil- ma) Wil ma)';Butson,;,Staffa; •Mrs. Russel (.Margaret) ,•' Miller, :, Staffa,_ and Roger at, home•, -' Mrs:'. Dow was daughter- of the ,late David and a p th ' ld • .` AN CE. ' D J�.QDERN Presented with -a red rose ctfrsage and Mr. Dow with a 'boutonniere, besides .individual gifts from their 16 grandchildren. • Also present for the occasion was the bride's sister, Mrs. Clif- ford Dow, Staffa. Fseturns. u s.Lust . 1 n9 Tax Re 23 Ways- To educe -Ya r Tax ,u 404k, Ca a., . Iist of'23':tips, on n "dians'in:a 'reduce their :income -tax : n mle i John' .is:`,Offered oh by, DalrY la ,, , er . M'a azine. ' the current' I.ib ty g 'o a 100 :new• tin 1 There's a $ Tb, a , . P e 's ear, ,`fo ever' on tlii deduction. ,_..r Y. Y . . You: can claim Standard,: .de- th stand ra , ductioncof $100,Lfor all medical ex= ue+nses ' : charitable donations,: ;and nion 'dues,' without submitting re- ceipts, ors youcan claim;: more, if you . are entitled, and, submit- re cel ts' in e o +,way. You aniSTnbw inc]ude in your Medical expenses,-' "payment-`- for` full-tiiiie care in ' a nursing home of „a 'mentally -retarded dependent; 3. This ,year, you may deduct :y6ur- ;contributions, up'; o $1,500 =a • _year : as an -employee, . to a regi. teed' gensiontund, I1--YOU-are=not- Part" 'of a pension fund, You ...may deduct ,premiums', •' up. eta cent .of'your.,.iiicome, ;that you pay, into a ';registered retirement.say= Ings plan, to a maximum of $2;5fl0�; 4' • Oritinailil'y, if.. -'yon " are, not "in business,, you'need• not -report bond interest; if YOU ; do not ,clip the -pens:, pons Qn bearer bonds. that year. The rouge, s,a1e income only the. =year y'ou ' clip and .. ':cash them.: .Many' eatre•coupons;unclipperi dur 'ink years'-thdY°'-haver highineeine anc 'high tax ate).: They:save: them.E'to cash in year-s,'their income:: (and��tax) is =lower. Sank 'inter,' :est,' or.' other „invesim'ent'• income, :must -be reported 5. If_ you became ;65 years- of. age.IastTxear-, yet e ':entitled, to! an ,extra $500 exemption from. now on 6. Get married on. the last day; i. Of the; year,;.,:you will still rate the,: full years $1_000 exemption: for your ,wife She is taxed for"that year as a single person 7 Make sure your babies,` are born. in•Deceiiiber, you still :rate the full $150 .exemption And if your child, say at 16, ' gets a', job, l,: he •won't bave+`time to earn, enough =. that year to rah you of your full' exemption then 8 Invest in taxable Canadian: eorpbratianS; As they pay- _taxes; before':they °divide up profits. you' Are. entitled to a deduction: of;20 per -.cent -of the dividends you coT. lett . 9 £ .you .live or .;;work; in the; Pro*rihce of ;.Qirebee 'you get a 10: per -cent _;dedifetionr _ becaiise..:_ ef_ Quebec's provincial` income tax. 10: :Make: sure ..your, kids 'don't earn. riiore than $950' a. year:'°You'll lose them as''exeixtptions. • 11, If, you s•upport-your • aged Parents,..• ox ,, infirTh ; brothers and sisters; Youire entitled • io •some• exemption.. • You, can claim 'them;' as'dependents, provided! they'aion't earn ,more tthah' $950; a.year'' 12. •If, you;. are • separated, , get together with your °exrpouse,, to decide which children each; of you wilt claim,as: dependents '_Tf you both. claim the sanie'child, the.Tax; Department may. denit both of you the , exemption yoft,are divorced, or leg- nlly -separated your ;alimony pay-, mems= are deductible., ' •Tk''A girT''who attends school and., gets :married the -same ;• year; can'be claimed• as a deb-en:dent1by: both, her parents'and her liusbAnd.• The parents • claim the .dependent's' $40-kexetaptiOn. The husband gets the wife's $1,000 -exemption. • ; 1S If' you :rented rooms' in your home;' you Can deduct a portion of the •taxes, insurance' and irlainjen aneee costs from your incoine Ex•-, ample ]f; you rent 'two ' of Your'' eight' rooms,. yov ean. dedruct one-• quarter of the maintenance: Costs, i6. Dan"t :'countT uxiei ployment insurance,• ;7-f a m i I y allowances, workmen's eonilensation; diva-• . denda from a • 1ife.•insurance'policy `• or war disability pensions.:'as talc- able income.,1' 17. If you inherit money • from the, capital' of • an estate,"' is not, :? taxable. , But, if' you• inherit m- come:frorii an estate, you must' pay 18. If' ' you receive ` payments fronri a mortgage, ' only the - pore tion e of thein ' that ,represents the;, interest you -:are• charging -for:,the loan is taitabie. " 19,', :Provided yen, are nota;"pro-s fessio'na1" gambler; :your •.winning: at race :tracks or .:..bingo games, aren't taicable •:, • 20. If , you get' `.advice • from -• a, professional investment counsellor, before you buy stocks and bonds,,. yon,ean deduct half the fees'you pay hint::: But_ you cannot' deduct the, commission• you pay the.brok- er to buy `tk>em.,• '56 G46%1/24014 PICXUP :210th} miles, we- sold it new '54 MEIICUBRY=3/a=Ton, good shape.' 52';GMC 4's -TON STARE '52.GMC •'/z-TON=Custom Gab;: -we 'sold .Yt• new '50- MERCURY • 11/2 T.ON -sT,E '49 :MERCURY,- ?-TON-Motor , and::bod rThke'-new. • POPULAR ORCHi✓STR4 Constance' C.O.P. 'Hall �rtdayr.• .. �;. Admission Gents 75c -:'Couples $1.00 Extra` -Ladies 50e LUNCH BOOTH IN HALL Special :Invitation to Teen=agers la ' ICH �8' 'Collect) HONE ZIIR . And--We'-lt-• orme-ilg-and- Showa. the (`AR of_'> Dui .CILOJCE OPEN EVEN . 'INGS' 'TILL• 10 O'CLOCK. 'APO5170R WANT AZ1S 8RIL1tG RESI LI' Read the. Advertisements :It s a ��r��1►6.7� o si Many people never i¢em to get'a good. night's't`'eit, They turn and toss -blame it, on `herpes',=wh`en it may be. their kidneys. 4f•Jealthy' kidneys.filter poisons. died excess :.arida from the blood,•.::If fail and h purities;stay in ft ie system=disturbed. lest often follows.-1f'you don't rest well get anal use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help" the kidneys so that you can rest; better and feel better. 136 Phone y .: • ds KidneyPills Is. rofrtable��Pastime LIONS .UB PE KIN FINAL$ HEL# . SDHMS - . FINALISTS TO 'TRENTON Eleanor Reed', ;Lueknow District Highs School, and pavid. Rowed, St, Ma'rys'.District Higtl: Sehool, were chosen whiners in. the boyis'. and girls' public- speaking competitions held in- 'Seaforth District ` High School 7`hursday, and -sponsored by Disttiet• Ai.of Lions Internar tional. The contestants were soon sored byy their. focal Lions Clubs., :Contestants' from Arthur,' Luck now, St.:Marys and Stratford„.-4, sponsored by their Lions Clubs and re in -their lora - and in 1 'ccessful s� .took part; alcompetitions,rt io P n .g._ to Tfie tvsto winners . will come and• at Trenton on May 3 in> -the gfi c Ss o � istri ctA which om 'n l .i1_ .final. �;f _.._,. es ntario' and: uebec ' Taking part from Stratford •,lucre• Faye ' Weanis and . Be ngcl `von o d ollo o "•5tratf r ve :both f C rae g G fate, histitute. ' e ..:FIa rin- `Stant ll es- dud werey P g ;cloak of - Whigtian. District: High School, George -Dickinson,-,, Strat- ford. Teachers.• College; -and ,Fred Cosford; Seaforth • District High: School Mr.' 'Dickinson ;gave some con structive°;suggestions to the Candi dates and complimented, eaeht 'one an 'the treatment` and ,subject' of the speeches, Bissannette, of the, Strat .ford Lions Club "announced the Win- ners, in- per's;:-as determined` b3tthe judges-. J. J. McLaughiut; -'district • goyer=, ma ofthe nor, . who:. Was, chairman Meeting, presented the troph1es, to are 'n "erre a trophies, e': -two wt n �,'h thetwo e* cha ionshi - lema c of •^th emb to tnP P 'in the .district The winning Candi= ca h - rizes' •of 1 � received' s , date a so ec P.. e were given110 e oth rs x n 20 •anrL tli each. • , ` e ent tve f - W...-.T.•'Boath;-. r'epr S a i....,.9.,. District; Al, on the, ,central; public- ttee ee dueteil-'the aloin comma n spe: g.. competition; assisted- 'by Eric.. and atrick, ars P Douglas, St M Y , E. Brown, principal of the Arthur isrict Hih, School and a fo er District g Lions' Club. Arthur l 'president o£,'sthe OATS S Ditil E�Y Ai�RY SATS ... IAC •9�q •1. `fed 1tlo. . „ Certified I t re 1�T . 1 R se Q e d g' 'rcial-NO. nine R E ANT p BR .TA' �'. rV HER -- ,,. fled �T IDT Certified a �. "AV o.1 C Registered ......:.:. • • -, . , Commercial No. -1 � Retail 1 Wholesa`le 'and v. - Clo e . Line of Grass and. r Full . - Q n1'ra�c its � r 4 - � LEY EED MALTING BARLE EED DA IIv-;FARMERS OF=CANAOA° 409 Huron:street, Toronto FIFO?'Marie Freser' ;Ilew Milk recipes. Write'teday' WCLIFF MOTOI Good Supply CORN - . OAT! y' Ton or Truck Loa ee 1:956. Plymouth• Four -Door. "1.95-S-Dodg"e Four�D.aor' 1955 De Soto- Four -Door -Radio, with power brakes and. steering 1955 they.. Station Wagon S= -Studebaker. otlr=Door 1952 Olds '88' Four -Door., 1949 Plymouth • Four -poor re- o. BODGE - ::w`DE SOTO CARS DODGE --TRUCKS CASE :FARM MACHIhTERY .,Phone 2�i`7 Seaforth EAFORTH Chamber af' Commerce •',flee' AiRl1. ith : to .9th .. V AREAS, this community can benefit from friendly relation; ships among business competitors, between' our r town: and --the •:surrounding area and other•'communities; across Can a,da, between employer and employee EREAS this 'community can benefit, from..,new `industries, ss Con• itiOns` ' more : tourists, , civic improve good bulne ;;„ d p: health d "hat a for education h.. -. ,,.. mems,: more jobs,, Metier,;facilities� recreation; W IEREAS, :the Seaforth Chamber' of " Commerce is a .voluntary or �;nizatian of citizens enabling us' all.to work together 'to r Ve usine s, aehi.eve tlle•,abave' bats and generally' to':izr,p o b l ;� , to.build, a better'eomrrlunity;_and to'.develop•_better citizen- ship. in,our community; our province andf our country; lie W0 G� THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited ' • Phone 32 ;aa i EXPOSITOR;WANT, ADS BRING RESULTS -- Phone 41 by virtue of the. powers vested .in ane, do hereby. proclaim -civic R' OFe 'COIVCMERCE WEEK"` bein ,support for C MBEg nationall: rfl 13 19, <and call on all cltizerls' to. nbsery _ lend their interest,• support : eand co-operatlon..�in ]Making observance $I'tecessfu1 in every way, this, ..<;., CHAMBER F COMMERCE WEEK• • ieverle ' F. Christie May4k It (yil.,S E. TH7�: QUEEN" 21.. _ If you became became totally blind any time last .year, or were con: firied. to,bedor wheel chair for: an entire year, .thirough illness or jury, you are: entitled • to deduction,'' 22, If you have a working ,wife, who earns more than $1,000, while' you have a consider'a'bly larger. in- eeitie, you may save Morley' by let- ting her pay 'all the medical bills, and':claim them ,.on, .hex;tax', • As the ,a per cent of incorinethat must l e substracted from, medical en-' p0;nsest will be smaller on her re- tttrn, the deduction she Can claim Will be ,greater, 23, zf•yea hire air accountant to advise•+ you what tact. deductions. you ate entitled to, claim, you cal deduct his fees from your income, too. Niw bodge; Swepside 100'exiiri style -setter of the truck wart Nevi Dbdge tl 00eicpresi; 614 -foot body108".! wheelbase° ae7. -foot body116" wheelbase: '' G.V,W.'S' FROM: 4,250 LBS, TO 46,000 LBS„ G.G.W-'s T0' 65,000 ,LBS.'" .asiergoing a weer to han There's•;one way to make' Sure the next , pick-up -you- buy packs -real "get-up, and -90". That's io see your'Rodge truck•, dealer. He'll g ve.you`4he'IaWdown else: the quick and easy• - ay:these peppy new D9dge pick-ups breeze you through any lobi. * New' friskier 184-hep1/41---or, acW- ly. irtnpreved- 125 h.ps 'Big:',5ix• put Dodge pick ups in a class by' ttiemseMves for fte`et-footed power • and performances .:*',Compact short wheelbase design till Dodge pick ups reSulfs in shorten turning diameters :`. lets you turn«,:'; park; wheel in and:'out of tight'spots' Without strain otfatiguel ,+ *You can enjoy the extep Convenience • of pude-Mitten driving, too::`.: with 1 "LpadFlite '3 -speed ctutomadik,_ trans. mission! Availablo'on a!! Dodges, pickups. If your fobcalls. for; a • truck with plenty of,apiii k and spirit -.one that does its work sweet and' easy -then ' you'll find it' pays to call for a %T)ODGE PICEt P! Inside'and out, Dodgg-pick ups have;; . rev rytthin it`taies-and help you deliver .thegoods --faste trQ,. more ethciently, and at lower cost. For instance , On 17100 (half to9h) t odels,';there's the;new easy-ahift 3 -speed transmis alien- that brings, yoi trie, An oothest: hand -shifting ever, New self' -adjusting' .' rear springs tailor your ride -td your•' oads'and,ioadsr . • S()Come in how and look over a, perky -new .Dodge pick-up: St'& `a truck, you'llbe proud to drive r°.: prouder' still 'to ovm! . CHRYSLER Of CANADA, ER CD'Rho TION RqLIAt1T$D" .wws.,w. a .dlhVka�.^aF il.. %r'r P ` .. ...SFJ a -^•',y Yi�9'i':,..�,..•. fee � f•k;.. 0700 fradtor.-u $o0 011401) Clr'OF >7,jfl.Y,rari,?r . 0500 with dump body- 0400 with van heap- 0300 wltb stake body 01ao pddef- ' 19,500 @a: niece GV.W, 1s,d00 Ins. max. ;G.V,W, ' 9,000lbs. ,max. G.V.Y. 5,11l01bs mex(.t;.V.Wa. 4 411 ARS' PtiR* NC f IN.•13U11,f$140•13 .T1'ER Tii1J011CS' t Watch Climax -Shower of Stars, every Thursday night on TV check your facet programme listing for tune and channel.